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more FATTYYY.sorry.

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you laugh

you joke

what you dont know is how it makes me die inside

im so dizzy cuz i cant remember the last thing i ate

but i know if i stay positive i can make my dreams come true

anything is possible if you want it bad enough


when im all alone

i fight myself

when your around

i fight you

all the time i fight temptation

so i can be little

and you wont call me FATTIE






its not very long cuz i needed to get to my workout

but just a few thoughts.

i know you hate it

cuz im going hungry

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you laugh

you joke

what you dont know is how it makes me die inside

im so dizzy cuz i cant remember the last thing i ate

but i know if i stay positive i can make my dreams come true

anything is possible if you want it bad enough


when im all alone

i fight myself

when your around

i fight you

all the time i fight temptation

so i can be little

and you wont call me FATTIE






its not very long cuz i needed to get to my workout

but just a few thoughts.

i know you hate it

cuz im going hungry

:mellow: I wish I could help you understand that starving yourself will not help you remain thin. :mellow:

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you laugh

you joke

what you dont know is how it makes me die inside

im so dizzy cuz i cant remember the last thing i ate

but i know if i stay positive i can make my dreams come true

anything is possible if you want it bad enough


when im all alone

i fight myself

when your around

i fight you

all the time i fight temptation

so i can be little

and you wont call me FATTIE






its not very long cuz i needed to get to my workout

but just a few thoughts.

i know you hate it

cuz im going hungry

:mellow: I wish I could help you understand that starving yourself will not help you remain thin. :mellow:


my metabolism isnt going to slow down.

theres so many ways to avvoid that.

plus i think im gonna try the 2468 diet.

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you laugh

you joke

what you dont know is how it makes me die inside

im so dizzy cuz i cant remember the last thing i ate

but i know if i stay positive i can make my dreams come true

anything is possible if you want it bad enough


when im all alone

i fight myself

when your around

i fight you

all the time i fight temptation

so i can be little

and you wont call me FATTIE






its not very long cuz i needed to get to my workout

but just a few thoughts.

i know you hate it

cuz im going hungry

:mellow: I wish I could help you understand that starving yourself will not help you remain thin. :mellow:


my metabolism isnt going to slow down.

theres so many ways to avvoid that.

plus i think im gonna try the 2468 diet.


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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

Yeah, Im a lot lighter. Only 250 pounds. S'not much.

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

Please tell me one thing you do like about yourself. :D

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

Please tell me one thing you do like about yourself. :D


um. my eyes are pretty?


im short and small chested, low confidence

and scarred up.

and i live inside my head.

theres not many good things around..

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

Please tell me one thing you do like about yourself. :D


um. my eyes are pretty?


im short and small chested, low confidence

and scarred up.

and i live inside my head.

theres not many good things around..

Noooooooo, you answered the question with the first line, so I edited out the negative part.

You have pretty eyes.

I also think you have a beautiful face and gorgeous hair!!!!

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

NOTE I say labeled for lack of a better word.


Those 'fat rolls' are probably muscle.


How much do you weigh now? A few years ago, I was many an inch shorter (in fact, more then a foot. Now I am more then 5 foot 7) and I weighed around 100. And I was pretty thin.

The other thing is that most sources I have looked at claim that people's BMI is incorrect. According to them, it labels people who are perfect as 'Overweight'. Apparantly, people who are underweight have a 'perfect' BMI. Although, I can see why it does that, as age and muscle mass could change what their true 'perfect' weight is. I myself am in the eighty-somethingth percentile, yet I know that in the weightiest part of me, my leg, most of the weight in it is muscle. There is very little fat down there. Also, being 12, still having puppy fat is common. So, I am probably unfairly being labeled as 'In danger of being overweight'.


Okay. Had to say that. Either way, I'm done for now. Boy, I never realised how harsh a word 'labeled' is. :mellow:

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

Yeah, Im a lot lighter. Only 250 pounds. S'not much.

well.. are you trying to loose?

Half-heartedly. I'd go for more of losing body fat than losing weight, since muscle mass is heavier than fat, you gain weight by working out but lose a lot of body fat.

So, once I find a place to do so, imm'a go working out all the time.


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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

NOTE I say labeled for lack of a better word.


Those 'fat rolls' are probably muscle.


How much do you weigh now? A few years ago

The other thing is that most sources I have looked at claim that people's BMI is incorrect. r, I was many an inch shorter (in fact, more then a foot. Now I am more then 5 foot 7) and I weighed around 100. And I was pretty thin.According to them, it labels people who ae perfect as 'Overweight'. Apparantly, people who are underweight have a 'perfect' BMI. Although, I can see why it does that, as age and muscle mass could change what their true 'perfect' weight is. I myself am in the eighty-somethingth percentile, yet I know that in the weightiest part of me, my leg, most of the weight in it is muscle. There is very little fat down there. Also, being 12, still having puppy fat is common. So, I am probably unfairly being labeled as 'In danger of being overweight'.


Okay. Had to say that. Either way, I'm done for now. Boy, I never realised how harsh a word 'labeled' is. :mellow:


fat rolls on your STOMACH are not muscles.


i might at well come out with it..

im 135.5 at the current moment... with clothes on.

my BMI is 22.5 and thats in the normal range.

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

Please tell me one thing you do like about yourself. :D


um. my eyes are pretty?


im short and small chested, low confidence

and scarred up.

and i live inside my head.

theres not many good things around..



I'm short and small chested, low confidence

and scarred up.

and I live inside my head.

And yet I find things worth living for outside a "perfect" body..


You're taller than me. You're probably bigger-chested than me.

You aren't nearly as screwed up as I am.

I am trapped in the past, reliving in my dreams the horrors that went on, yet never remembering them enough to feel more than fear. You are an atheistic control freak.


Lauren, you have so many good qualities it's not even funny!




Good at writing









There is so much more to you than you're willing to admit.

You don't realize how many people here care about you and are worried.

Open your eyes, Lauren. You're worth so much more than hunger pains and endless exercise.

You're worth so much more, and I wish I could make you see that, but I don't know how.

You deserve to be so much more than you're trying to be, and you don't even have to hurt yourself to get there!

You could be an amazing professional in whatever field you love best, be it writing, or cosmetics, or styling for I dunno, hot topic. You have so much potential, and I wish you could see it. We see it, and it hurts to see you destroying your life like this.


If you don't like what I'm telling you, tough. You need to hear it from somebody who cares about you. I just wish someone up there would tell you, and that you would LISTEN to them!


Okay, I'm done now.

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

Please tell me one thing you do like about yourself. :D


um. my eyes are pretty?


im short and small chested, low confidence

and scarred up.

and i live inside my head.

theres not many good things around..



I'm short and small chested, low confidence

and scarred up.

and I live inside my head.

And yet I find things worth living for outside a "perfect" body..


You're taller than me. You're probably bigger-chested than me.

You aren't nearly as screwed up as I am.

I am trapped in the past, reliving in my dreams the horrors that went on, yet never remembering them enough to feel more than fear. You are an atheistic control freak.


Lauren, you have so many good qualities it's not even funny!




Good at writing









There is so much more to you than you're willing to admit.

You don't realize how many people here care about you and are worried.

Open your eyes, Lauren. You're worth so much more than hunger pains and endless exercise.

You're worth so much more, and I wish I could make you see that, but I don't know how.

You deserve to be so much more than you're trying to be, and you don't even have to hurt yourself to get there!

You could be an amazing professional in whatever field you love best, be it writing, or cosmetics, or styling for I dunno, hot topic. You have so much potential, and I wish you could see it. We see it, and it hurts to see you destroying your life like this.


If you don't like what I'm telling you, tough. You need to hear it from somebody who cares about you. I just wish someone up there would tell you, and that you would LISTEN to them!


Okay, I'm done now.


um no, honestly, thats one thing im not exagerating EVER. my boobs are tiny. but i dont mind much.

im not an atheist or a control freak..



but laziness conquers all.

i want to be a pro-bum.

life is pointless

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

NOTE I say labeled for lack of a better word.


Those 'fat rolls' are probably muscle.


How much do you weigh now? A few years ago, I was many an inch shorter (in fact, more then a foot. Now I am more then 5 foot 7) and I weighed around 100. And I was pretty thin.

The other thing is that most sources I have looked at claim that people's BMI is incorrect. According to them, it labels people who ae perfect as 'Overweight'. Apparantly, people who are underweight have a 'perfect' BMI. Although, I can see why it does that, as age and muscle mass could change what their true 'perfect' weight is. I myself am in the eighty-somethingth percentile, yet I know that in the weightiest part of me, my leg, most of the weight in it is muscle. There is very little fat down there. Also, being 12, still having puppy fat is common. So, I am probably unfairly being labeled as 'In danger of being overweight'.


Okay. Had to say that. Either way, I'm done for now. Boy, I never realised how harsh a word 'labeled' is. :mellow:


fat rolls on your STOMACH are not muscles. Good point. I was thinking of, say, your legs. People usually think that it's fat on their legs... But usually it's muscle, because your body has to cope walking around on those legs. Think you can lift, say, 40 kgs very easily? A human's legs have to, depending on the human in question's weight of course.


i might at well come out with it..

im 135.5 at the current moment... with clothes on. I have to agree and disagree with paz here. If you are anywhere neer my height, you're pretty thin. In that sense I agree with paz. Here's where I disagree though... You said 5 foot 5 in another post... So I'll assume you haven't grown... But it doesn't sound to me like you're way too thin. In fact, 135.5 is 61.5 kgs, and that's 1.7 kilos lighter then me (with my clothes off). So, it really depends on how much your clothes weighed when you took that measurement.

my BMI is 22.5 and thats in the normal range. Whoops. My BMI is 21.4. And I know that that is correct. I'm talking about the percentiles that are messed up. Sorry, I get confused between those two. ^.^;; Your percentile is actually a comparison. And as more and more people aspire to be thinner and thinner, your percentile actually rises, and as a result people are labeled (there it is again >.< someone get me a thesaurus) as fatter then they really are. For example, I know someone who is perfect for his age and gender according to human anatomy... Who is in the sixty-somethingth percentile. That means sixty-something percent of people his exact age and gender are thinner then him.

*points up*

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

Please tell me one thing you do like about yourself. :D


um. my eyes are pretty?


im short and small chested, low confidence

and scarred up.

and i live inside my head.

theres not many good things around..



I'm short and small chested, low confidence

and scarred up.

and I live inside my head.

And yet I find things worth living for outside a "perfect" body..


You're taller than me. You're probably bigger-chested than me.

You aren't nearly as screwed up as I am.

I am trapped in the past, reliving in my dreams the horrors that went on, yet never remembering them enough to feel more than fear. You are an atheistic control freak.


Lauren, you have so many good qualities it's not even funny!




Good at writing









There is so much more to you than you're willing to admit.

You don't realize how many people here care about you and are worried.

Open your eyes, Lauren. You're worth so much more than hunger pains and endless exercise.

You're worth so much more, and I wish I could make you see that, but I don't know how.

You deserve to be so much more than you're trying to be, and you don't even have to hurt yourself to get there!

You could be an amazing professional in whatever field you love best, be it writing, or cosmetics, or styling for I dunno, hot topic. You have so much potential, and I wish you could see it. We see it, and it hurts to see you destroying your life like this.


If you don't like what I'm telling you, tough. You need to hear it from somebody who cares about you. I just wish someone up there would tell you, and that you would LISTEN to them!


Okay, I'm done now.


um no, honestly, thats one thing im not exagerating EVER. my boobs are tiny. but i dont mind much.

im not an atheist or a control freak..



but laziness conquers all.

i want to be a pro-bum.

life is pointless

you don't have any religion and you deny God's existence. That's by definition atheistic. And you are a control freak. Look at yourself.


I'm serious. I'm that flat. You are most likely bigger.


You totally missed the point.

That, or you're ignoring the meat of the reply because you don't want to admit it.


Is Rob pointless?

Are your friends pointless?

Is HD pointless?


Weight is pointless.

Size is pointless.

Age is somewhat pointless.


Life is not pointless.

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Tsh. :lol: Dont call yourself fat 'till youve seen me.


ha. im a whale.

your probably lighter then i.


oh and to explain the 2468 diet..

its how many calories you eat that day

200.. 400..and so on.

You are hardly a whale!

ok well i feel a little good about myself

cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223.

i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind

like im slightly a witch and i feel good.

im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average

but thats not nearly good enough

as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow.

NOTE I say labeled for lack of a better word.


Those 'fat rolls' are probably muscle.


How much do you weigh now? A few years ago, I was many an inch shorter (in fact, more then a foot. Now I am more then 5 foot 7) and I weighed around 100. And I was pretty thin.

The other thing is that most sources I have looked at claim that people's BMI is incorrect. According to them, it labels people who ae perfect as 'Overweight'. Apparantly, people who are underweight have a 'perfect' BMI. Although, I can see why it does that, as age and muscle mass could change what their true 'perfect' weight is. I myself am in the eighty-somethingth percentile, yet I know that in the weightiest part of me, my leg, most of the weight in it is muscle. There is very little fat down there. Also, being 12, still having puppy fat is common. So, I am probably unfairly being labeled as 'In danger of being overweight'.


Okay. Had to say that. Either way, I'm done for now. Boy, I never realised how harsh a word 'labeled' is. :mellow:


fat rolls on your STOMACH are not muscles. Good point. I was thinking of, say, your legs. People usually think that it's fat on their legs... But usually it's muscle, because your body has to cope walking around on those legs. Think you can lift, say, 40 kgs very easily? A human's legs have to, depending on the human in question's weight of course.

i know the difference between muscle and fat. i dont know how much 40 kgs is..


i might at well come out with it..

im 135.5 at the current moment... with clothes on. I have to agree and disagree with paz here. If you are anywhere neer my height, you're pretty thin. In that sense I agree with paz. Here's where I disagree though... You said 5 foot 5 in another post... So I'll assume you haven't grown... But it doesn't sound to me like you're way too thin. In fact, 135.5 is 61.5 kgs, and that's 1.7 kilos lighter then me (with my clothes off). So, it really depends on how much your clothes weighed when you took that measurement.

my BMI is 22.5 and thats in the normal range. Whoops. My BMI is 21.4. And I know that that is correct. I'm talking about the percentiles that are messed up. Sorry, I get confused between those two. ^.^;; Your percentile is actually a comparison. And as more and more people aspire to be thinner and thinner, your percentile actually rises, and as a result people are labeled (there it is again >.< someone get me a thesaurus) as fatter then they really are. For example, I know someone who is perfect for his age and gender according to human anatomy... Who is in the sixty-somethingth percentile. That means sixty-something percent of people his exact age and gender are thinner then him.

ok. i dont care so much about my bmi, my percentile or anything. i just want to be skinny.

*points up*


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you laugh

you joke

what you dont know is how it makes me die inside

im so dizzy cuz i cant remember the last thing i ate

but i know if i stay positive i can make my dreams come true

anything is possible if you want it bad enough


when im all alone

i fight myself

when your around

i fight you

all the time i fight temptation

so i can be little

and you wont call me FATTIE






its not very long cuz i needed to get to my workout

but just a few thoughts.

i know you hate it

cuz im going hungry

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Don't think your fat. Fat is my freind Jackrabbit. Starving won't do you any good. :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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you laugh

you joke

what you dont know is how it makes me die inside

im so dizzy cuz i cant remember the last thing i ate

but i know if i stay positive i can make my dreams come true

anything is possible if you want it bad enough


when im all alone

i fight myself

when your around

i fight you

all the time i fight temptation

so i can be little

and you wont call me FATTIE






its not very long cuz i needed to get to my workout

but just a few thoughts.

i know you hate it

cuz im going hungry

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Don't think your fat. Fat is my freind Jackrabbit. Starving won't do you any good. :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


HAHAHA "Starving won't do you any good" YOUR FUNNY

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