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hey! What websites are u a member of? I'm a member of many different websites, and of course...this website! u?


HampsterKing has asked not to mention what other websites you belong to. He wants to make sure no one can contact you. Thank you. Horatio


rules rules rules.



shouldnt this be moved?

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hey! What websites are u a member of? I'm a member of many different websites, and of course...this website! u?


HampsterKing has asked not to mention what other websites you belong to. He wants to make sure no one can contact you. Thank you. Horatio


rules rules rules.



shouldnt this be moved?


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well, theres {deleted}

and {deleted.}

I've also been known to lurk {deleted} and {deleted}

If you're on Furc you might find me in

{deleted},{deleted}, {deleted} or just wandering around {deleted}


Wonderful! If had any say, you would be hired immediately.

*hands Lexxy the Mod CP*

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well, theres {deleted}

and {deleted.}

I've also been known to lurk {deleted} and {deleted}

If you're on Furc you might find me in

{deleted},{deleted}, {deleted} or just wandering around {deleted}


Wonderful! If had any say, you would be hired immediately.

*hands Lexxy the Mod CP*

Hooray for Lexxy-man.


Yeah, im all over the place in {deleted}, too. But not {deleted} 'round in Furc, considering I still dont have a stable enough internet connection to be on furc otherwise i'd get kicked off every fifteen minutes and perhaps glitch up dreams and servers.


-is reminded of Sbemails- =D DELETED!!!

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.


Aww. Dang. I start school on Monday. I hate when they do that, since I have a full week of school to look forward to. I'm going to get lost, and just sit in the middle of the hallway and start crying. Haha.

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.


Aww. Dang. I start school on Monday. I hate when they do that, since I have a full week of school to look forward to. I'm going to get lost, and just sit in the middle of the hallway and start crying. Haha.

XD I was about to do that at the open house when I went to find my classes. They're all so far away from each other. I told my dad I want a helicopter to take me to my classes. u_u

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.


Aww. Dang. I start school on Monday. I hate when they do that, since I have a full week of school to look forward to. I'm going to get lost, and just sit in the middle of the hallway and start crying. Haha.

XD I was about to do that at the open house when I went to find my classes. They're all so far away from each other. I told my dad I want a helicopter to take me to my classes. u_u

Love the helicopter idea. Can I be your pilot? What did your father say... that he will have your new helicopter delivered by this weekend? :lol:

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

*waits for Mega Wolf to appear*

*wonders how much Japenese Glowurm knows*

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

*waits for Mega Wolf to appear*

*wonders how much Japenese Glowurm knows*

A bit. I don't remember much. At all. I remember the basics... Ohayou (gozaimasu), Konnichi wa, Sayounara, Jamaka (I never could spell that :blink:), Watashi wa _____ desu, Tomodachi no _____san desu (after which the person named would say something along the lines of, 'Watashi wa ______ desu. Douzo yoroshiku.'), Douzo, Arigatou (gozaimasu)... I don't remember how to ask how someone is (and how to reply) and I can only count to 5 confidently. I used to be able to go to ten, but now I can remember most (NOT all) of the numbers between 5 and 10, and always get confused on the order.


*gives horatio something to help him comprehend all this* Douzo.


I could always stick to something I know more of. French. Moi, ça va trés bien. Et toi, horatio?


Hehe. English is not exotic enough! :lol: It is a bit romantic (which actually means they're based on the roman language, latin) but not entirely. English is a mixture of a heap of languages, romantic and not. Try to guess what sand in dutch is. It's zand. Ocean in dutch? Oceaan. Toilet in japanese? Ben. But that's not important.

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

It was funny, because he had to write down on this sheet thingy what first drew us to Japanese, and pretty much everybody said "anime/manga" XD

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


School starts for me on the 28th. I want to go back and See The Astronomy Domine. (The Astronomy Domine being my Clique of Nine Complete Idiots. :lol: )


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I went to get my scheule today and three of my teachers are really mean.....and they are sooooo far apart! I love school!(sarcasim) I know the school but my classes are so far apart I'll get mixed up...my locker combination is easy though I already have it memorized. I saw this one girl open my old locker....I wish her the best of luck with that THING! lol...summer shouldn't end. School starts on monday for me soooo goodbye everyone on Monday! -_-

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

How terrific you are! I thought you were older. You do a great job on the computer.

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I went to get my scheule today and three of my teachers are really mean.....and they are sooooo far apart! I love school!(sarcasim) I know the school but my classes are so far apart I'll get mixed up...my locker combination is easy though I already have it memorized. I saw this one girl open my old locker....I wish her the best of luck with that THING! lol...summer shouldn't end. School starts on monday for me soooo goodbye everyone on Monday! -_-

Couldn't you stop in for five minutes on the weekend to say hello and fill us in on your life? We would really appreciate it. :D

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

(1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu.


It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese.


*hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt!

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

So, after you convinced your friends that you were 21, you now wanted them to believe you are 12?


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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

So, after you convinced your friends that you were 21, you now wanted them to believe you are 12?


I never even wanted them to think I was 21 :blink: they just do.

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

(1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu.


It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese.


*hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt!

Odd, with my (miniscule)amount of Japanese knowledge, I've never heard nana, I've always been told hachi is 8. I guess I thought wrong. :blink:

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

(1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu.


It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese.


*hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt!

Odd, with my (miniscule)amount of Japanese knowledge, I've never heard nana, I've always been told hachi is 8. I guess I thought wrong. :blink:

I even asked my japanese teacher to make sure I was right. :)


And Zero is zero. Yeah. It's just that they pronounce it differently. They have another word for zero too, I just can't think of it right now.

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

XD On this other board I was on, I guess a lot of people thought I was younger than I really was, 'cause somebody asked and I said 15, and everybody was like "WHAT x_X *falls over*"


*runs around like a 10 year old* :D

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

XD On this other board I was on, I guess a lot of people thought I was younger than I really was, 'cause somebody asked and I said 15, and everybody was like "WHAT x_X *falls over*"


*runs around like a 10 year old* :D



You do realise I need details now.

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

XD On this other board I was on, I guess a lot of people thought I was younger than I really was, 'cause somebody asked and I said 15, and everybody was like "WHAT x_X *falls over*"


*runs around like a 10 year old* :D



You do realise I need details now.

Details of what?

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

XD On this other board I was on, I guess a lot of people thought I was younger than I really was, 'cause somebody asked and I said 15, and everybody was like "WHAT x_X *falls over*"


*runs around like a 10 year old* :D



You do realise I need details now.

Details of what?

What they said and stuffz. Detailed rections.


I want to laugh myself sillier then I am XD It sounds hilarious.

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

XD On this other board I was on, I guess a lot of people thought I was younger than I really was, 'cause somebody asked and I said 15, and everybody was like "WHAT x_X *falls over*"


*runs around like a 10 year old* :D



You do realise I need details now.

Details of what?

What they said and stuffz. Detailed rections.


I want to laugh myself sillier then I am XD It sounds hilarious.

XD I don't remember exactly what they did. They were just suprised. I do remember that somebody said "*falls over*", though. And there were lots of x_X's and yelling of WHAT, WHUT, and other various things like that.

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i have no idea when my school starts! But i think it at the end of the month. And i haven't gotten my class yet. My brother did though. so i should probably be getting it today. and if u r wondering i go to elementry school.

Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: :blink: :blink:


I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes."

XD On this other board I was on, I guess a lot of people thought I was younger than I really was, 'cause somebody asked and I said 15, and everybody was like "WHAT x_X *falls over*"


*runs around like a 10 year old* :D



You do realise I need details now.

Details of what?

What they said and stuffz. Detailed rections.


I want to laugh myself sillier then I am XD It sounds hilarious.

XD I don't remember exactly what they did. They were just suprised. I do remember that somebody said "*falls over*", though. And there were lots of x_X's and yelling of WHAT, WHUT, and other various things like that.

Bwahaha. *glows with evil satisfaction*


You see? Curiosity didn't kill me.


But then again, I'm no cat.

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I'm back! my schools starts next wednesday and i have not got my class list yet so my mom called the school and they said they sent them TODAY so i'll be getting them tomorrow.....but tomorrow i will be at my grandparents and be sleeping over till saturday night....sorry!

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I'm back! my schools starts next wednesday and i have not got my class list yet so my mom called the school and they said they sent them TODAY so i'll be getting them tomorrow.....but tomorrow i will be at my grandparents and be sleeping over till saturday night....sorry!

We will miss you until you return on Sunday. Hope you have a great time at your grandparents. If you can, post us from there. :D

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I'm back! my schools starts next wednesday and i have not got my class list yet so my mom called the school and they said they sent them TODAY so i'll be getting them tomorrow.....but tomorrow i will be at my grandparents and be sleeping over till saturday night....sorry!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hav fun.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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i'm sorry!...they don't have a computer there!...i'm always so sad when i have to leave my computer! but...i went to a water park...IT WAS SOP MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................................but i got my class list and i like it!..but my class has 3 new kids....and this girl claire..(she sorta creeps me out)...and sammy....hes WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but there is this boy Ethan and we have been in the sam class since kindergarten!!!!!!!!!!!!!......I'm telling you...we are making a record! :D

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

*waits for Mega Wolf to appear*

*wonders how much Japenese Glowurm knows*

A bit. I don't remember much. At all. I remember the basics... Ohayou (gozaimasu), Konnichi wa, Sayounara, Jamaka (I never could spell that :blink:), Watashi wa _____ desu, Tomodachi no _____san desu (after which the person named would say something along the lines of, 'Watashi wa ______ desu. Douzo yoroshiku.'), Douzo, Arigatou (gozaimasu)... I don't remember how to ask how someone is (and how to reply) and I can only count to 5 confidently. I used to be able to go to ten, but now I can remember most (NOT all) of the numbers between 5 and 10, and always get confused on the order.


*gives horatio something to help him comprehend all this* Douzo.


I could always stick to something I know more of. French. Moi, ça va trés bien. Et toi, horatio?


Hehe. English is not exotic enough! :lol: It is a bit romantic (which actually means they're based on the roman language, latin) but not entirely. English is a mixture of a heap of languages, romantic and not. Try to guess what sand in dutch is. It's zand. Ocean in dutch? Oceaan. Toilet in japanese? Ben. But that's not important.

...Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, nana, hachi, ku, ju . (sp?)

Oh, et:

Ne parle pas le francais. Je parle trop.

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

(1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu.


It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese.


*hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt!

Tu sais comment faire les accents?! Dis-moi, s'il te plait. Est-ce quatre "yon" , ou quelque choses comme ca?

(I need to stop speaking French. Vraiment. You are bad influence! Vraiment que tu are bad influence! And Horatio aussi!)

(Do we need translation?)

Oh, and:

Il n y a pas de accent sur le "u" de "Au revoir". Mais il y a un accent sur l' "a" de a bientot. C'est un accent grave. Tu as raison: il y a un circonflexe sur l' "o" de bientot.

Tu es incroyable!

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

(1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu.


It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese.


*hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt!

Odd, with my (miniscule)amount of Japanese knowledge, I've never heard nana, I've always been told hachi is 8. I guess I thought wrong. :blink:

Hachi is eight.

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

(1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu.


It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese.


*hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt!

Tu sais comment faire les accents?! Dis-moi, s'il te plait. Est-ce quatre "yon" , ou quelque choses comme ca?

(I need to stop speaking French. Vraiment. You are bad influence! Vraiment que tu are bad influence! And Horatio aussi!)

(Do we need translation?)

Oh, and:

Il n y a pas de accent sur le "u" de "Au revoir". Mais il y a un accent sur l' "a" de a bientot. C'est un accent grave. Tu as raison: il y a un circonflexe sur l' "o" de bientot.

Tu es incroyable!

HampsterKing still wants translations in the same post.


Translation: It n there has not any accent on the "u" of "good-bye". But there is an accent on l' "has" of has bientot. This is a serious accent. You have reason: there is a circumflex one on l' "o" of bientot. You are unbelievable!

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

(1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)Yon/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu.


It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese.


*hopes he gets the accents right* Au revoir! A bientot!

Tu sais comment faire les accents?! Dis-moi, s'il te plait. Est-ce quatre "yon" , ou quelque choses comme ca?

(I need to stop speaking French. Vraiment. You are bad influence! Vraiment que tu are bad influence! And Horatio aussi!)

(Do we need translation?)

Oh, and:

Il n y a pas de accent sur le "u" de "Au revoir". Mais il y a un accent sur l' "a" de a bientot. C'est un accent grave. Tu as raison: il y a un circonflexe sur l' "o" de bientot.

Tu es incroyable!

Yon/Shi = quatre. Oui.


Je suis incertain comment faire les accents circonflexes. Je jouerai avec la clef d'option, pas l'inquiétude.


*utilise un mac*


...Moi. 'Moi' n'a pas d'accent.


(I'm so evil, that Imma not give a translation until asked. Yeah.)





Translation: Yon/shi = four. Yes.


I am uncertain how to do the circumflex accents. I will play with the option key, not l' inquiétude.


*uses a mac*


...Moi. 'Me' has not any accent.

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

*waits for Mega Wolf to appear*

*wonders how much Japenese Glowurm knows*

A bit. I don't remember much. At all. I remember the basics... Ohayou (gozaimasu), Konnichi wa, Sayounara, Jamaka (I never could spell that :blink:), Watashi wa _____ desu, Tomodachi no _____san desu (after which the person named would say something along the lines of, 'Watashi wa ______ desu. Douzo yoroshiku.'), Douzo, Arigatou (gozaimasu)... I don't remember how to ask how someone is (and how to reply) and I can only count to 5 confidently. I used to be able to go to ten, but now I can remember most (NOT all) of the numbers between 5 and 10, and always get confused on the order.


*gives horatio something to help him comprehend all this* Douzo.


I could always stick to something I know more of. French. Moi, ça va trés bien. Et toi, horatio?


Hehe. English is not exotic enough! :lol: It is a bit romantic (which actually means they're based on the roman language, latin) but not entirely. English is a mixture of a heap of languages, romantic and not. Try to guess what sand in dutch is. It's zand. Ocean in dutch? Oceaan. Toilet in japanese? Ben. But that's not important.

...Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, nana, hachi, ku, juu. (sp? Ku can also be spelled with a y after the k and a second u.)

Oh, et:

Ne parle pas le francais. Je parle trop.

Hehehe. Je ne parle pas le français. Pas couramment, au moins.


J'utilise un traducteur pour les mots que je ne sais pas. Hehehe.


J'adore mon traducteur!



Hehehe. I don't speak french. Not fluently, at least.


I use a translator for the words I don't know. Hehehe.


I love my translator!]


P.S. I corrected your spelling of japanese numbers, and also added a bit of random knowlege... Romaji is actually pretty hard, when it comes to words pronounced not how they're spelled... Like with any language, mind you. It's in red.

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju!

(ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)

(1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu.


It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese.


*hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt!

Tu sais comment faire les accents?! Dis-moi, s'il te plait. Est-ce quatre "yon" , ou quelque choses comme ca?

(I need to stop speaking French. Vraiment. You are bad influence! Vraiment que tu are bad influence! And Horatio aussi!)

(Do we need translation?)

Oh, and:

Il n y a pas de accent sur le "u" de "Au revoir". Mais il y a un accent sur l' "a" de a bientot. C'est un accent grave. Tu as raison: il y a un circonflexe sur l' "o" de bientot.

Tu es incroyable!

HampsterKing still wants translations in the same post.


Translation: It n there has not any accent on the "u" of "good-bye". But there is an accent on l' "has" of has bientot. This is a serious accent. You have reason: there is a circumflex one on l' "o" of bientot. You are unbelievable!

Ah, merci! Je n'etais pas certaine.

(Ah,) thanks! I wasn't sure.

My previous post said:

Do you know how to make accents? Tell me, please! Is four "yon" , or something like that?...(...Really. (You are bad influence!) You (are) truly (bad influence)! (And Horatio) too!)...Oh, and: There isn't any accent on the "u" of "Au revoir". But there is an accent on the "a" of "a bientot". It's an "accent grave". You are right: there is a circumflex on the "o" of "bientot".

You are incredible!

Merci, Horatio. Encore, je n'etais pas certaine. :)

Thanks, Horatio. Again, I wasn't sure. :)

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I have to go back tomorrow. ;_; I dun wanna goooooooooooo.

:( Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. :(

Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah.


I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig*

Go japanese!


Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to.


Aww, heck.


Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

*points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up :D*

Onamae wa?


Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language :lol::D. I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much.

*counts to 5 before running off*

Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off*

*waits for Mega Wolf to appear*

*wonders how much Japenese Glowurm knows*

A bit. I don't remember much. At all. I remember the basics... Ohayou (gozaimasu), Konnichi wa, Sayounara, Jamaka (I never could spell that :blink:), Watashi wa _____ desu, Tomodachi no _____san desu (after which the person named would say something along the lines of, 'Watashi wa ______ desu. Douzo yoroshiku.'), Douzo, Arigatou (gozaimasu)... I don't remember how to ask how someone is (and how to reply) and I can only count to 5 confidently. I used to be able to go to ten, but now I can remember most (NOT all) of the numbers between 5 and 10, and always get confused on the order.


*gives horatio something to help him comprehend all this* Douzo.


I could always stick to something I know more of. French. Moi, ça va trés bien. Et toi, horatio?


Hehe. English is not exotic enough! :lol: It is a bit romantic (which actually means they're based on the roman language, latin) but not entirely. English is a mixture of a heap of languages, romantic and not. Try to guess what sand in dutch is. It's zand. Ocean in dutch? Oceaan. Toilet in japanese? Ben. But that's not important.

...Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, nana, hachi, ku, juu. (sp? Ku can also be spelled with a y after the k and a second u.)

Oh, et:

Ne parle pas le francais. Je parle trop.

Hehehe. Je ne parle pas le français. Pas couramment, au moins.


J'utilise un traducteur pour les mots que je ne sais pas. Hehehe.


J'adore mon traducteur!



Hehehe. I don't speak french. Not fluently, at least.


I use a translator for the words I don't know. Hehehe.


I love my translator!]


P.S. I corrected your spelling of japanese numbers, and also added a bit of random knowlege... Romaji is actually pretty hard, when it comes to words pronounced not how they're spelled... Like with any language, mind you. It's in red.

Ah, merci! Tu es tres gentil!

(Ah,) thanks! You are very nice!

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