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Finally Healed

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teh following is an eery dream I had a while ago. I hope you like it as much as my mom, her friends, and my friends did.


Susan walked down the road in soft silence, a blank stare piercing the darkness before her. She told nobody to smile, because it would keep them healthy and strong. Nobody answered back, why thank you, I will, and Susan felt the emptiness of the world around her begin to thicken, cutting off her last hope for happiness.


Susan felt her body pause, testing the darkness for light. There was none. Susan continued to walk down the street in the thin, pale green gown with which she was coerced to grace her body. The gown reached only to her knees, which was torture to the false princess’s modest consciousness.


Susan watched her feet step over hard, rocky asphalt as she crossed the intersection to the other corner. She watched her soles bruise and callous from the unyielding stress put upon them. Susan felt her link to reality slip away and knew that nothing could ever retrieve it. Susan’s will to live vanished, so she knelt. Her legs were very cold, but Susan no longer cared about physical discomfort. Her body was not worth saving.


Susan looked down at her pale hands as they melted. She almost screamed, but it did not hurt. That is, it hurt quite much, but she liked it. Susan knew in her heart, what was left of it, that she was dying. Susan felt a small pain, but it failed to make an idea in her mind to stop letting go.


Susan looked up in a last burst of curiosity just before she completely relaxed in death, and she blinked. That was not supposed to be there. Above her, Susan was met with the image of a young man with sad, gentle eyes. She stared at him for a long time. The man was so sad, but he seemed to be urging her to keep fighting. Susan thought to herself that the man asked something impossible. She knew she was too far gone.


Nevertheless, the man’s glow of liberation was alluring. Susan looked at him again for a time, knowing she could never be a part of the splendor he represented so gloriously. The man’s face turned to anguish, and blood flowed from his scalp. His wrists exploded, as well as his ankles, spraying warm blood over Susan’s face. A growing red stain marred the man’s robes at his chest, and a dark red puddle grew steadily at the man’s feet. Susan felt the man’s torment and wept with him, but still refused to get up.


The man’s agony continued, and his breathing became labored as he progressed toward death. Susan watched as the shadow of a soldier pointed and laughed, proudly displaying the weapons that produced the man’s injuries. It looked like a spear and a hammer. As the soldier grew more visible, Susan saw that it was female, and she thought she recognized her. As Susan stared, her heart leapt into her throat: the soldier was Susan, and she was jeering and taunting the man who, without her realizing it, had outstretched his arms, and was shirtless. At last, Susan realized what was going on.


Susan awoke in the hospital an instant later, knowing she had just met the only one who could possibly save her life. She cried loudly, desperately begging the air for forgiveness. The dream had put a bright fire deep inside Susan’s broken heart, and she knew, deep within, that she was finally healed.


All are invited; None are rejected

All you have to do is believe





I like this story.

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so no reply?

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so no reply?


was it really that awe inspiring?

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so no reply?


was it really that awe inspiring?


I'm sensing a theme.

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so how about some other reactions?

did Lauren read this yet?

how about the Pheonix?

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  • 2 weeks later...

so how about some other reactions?

did Lauren read this yet?

how about the Pheonix?

If it were possible to give a worded reaction, I would.

So give a facial reaction. use the yellow spheres of emotion.

*laughs at smilie crack*

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