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Flashy flash artwork! Made in flash


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Okay. Uhm, yeah. I'm getting back into flash artwork. I'll post it here. Because I want to, and I can.


If you wan't to see something, just request it.


But, please, if you request humans don't expect it to be very good. And I can't draw bodies. I'm no good at human anatomy.


I'm taking tutorials, I'm taking tutorials, I'll have the hang of it some day.


post-7648-1155462270_thumb.jpg<--Very good advice *nods*

post-7648-1155462973_thumb.jpg<--That thing in the corner there is meant to be readable.

post-7648-1155463791_thumb.jpg<--Please don't debate over this image in this topic. Try one of the debate topics.

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post-7648-1155463791_thumb.jpg<--Please don't debate over this image in this topic. Try one of the debate topics.

I don't need to debate over who is shown in your image. I know who it is and he is bad!!!

That guy is my next door neighbor (a human) who cut down a very large tree on my property.



that's not avery nice person, cutting down porr defensless trees on other people's property!

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I don't need to debate over who is shown in your image. I know who it is and he is bad!!!

That guy is my next door neighbor (a human) who cut down a very large tree on my property.



that's not avery nice person, cutting down porr defensless trees on other people's property!

Oh... he was such a jerk. He told me to live with it and it I can't live with it, to sue him.


I can do that!

*giggles again*

He has NO idea of what is coming.

*hears all the other hammies giggle as well*

Oh yes! This will be good.

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post-7648-1155463791_thumb.jpg<--Please don't debate over this image in this topic. Try one of the debate topics.

I don't need to debate over who is shown in your image. I know who it is and he is bad!!!

That guy is my next door neighbor (a human) who cut down a very large tree on my property.



that's not avery nice person, cutting down porr defensless trees on other people's property!

Oh... he was such a jerk. He told me to live with it and it I can't live with it, to sue him.


I can do that!

*giggles again*

He has NO idea of what is coming.

*hears all the other hammies giggle as well*

Oh yes! This will be good.

*imagines 5000 hammie giggels*


creepy sound...

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post-7648-1155463791_thumb.jpg<--Please don't debate over this image in this topic. Try one of the debate topics.

I don't need to debate over who is shown in your image. I know who it is and he is bad!!!

That guy is my next door neighbor (a human) who cut down a very large tree on my property.



that's not avery nice person, cutting down poor defenseless trees on other people's property!

Oh... he was such a jerk. He told me to live with it and it I can't live with it, to sue him.


I can do that!

*giggles again*

He has NO idea of what is coming.

*hears all the other hammies giggle as well*

Oh yes! This will be good.

You just gave me an idea. Thanks!

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post-7648-1155479082_thumb.jpg<--Moneh. It's very good, no?

Sued someone is: :( Sued them and won is: :D

Teaching them a lesson not to cut down trees on other people's property is: :D :D :D :D :D

Teaching them not to mess with hammies: Priceless!

Compliments: :)

Truthful compliments: ^_^

Truthful compliments to you: :D

Jokes used as a truthful compliment to you: Priceless.


(For everything else, there's Red Market Buyers Card)

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Sued someone is: :( Sued them and won is: :D

Teaching them a lesson not to cut down trees on other people's property is: :D :D :D :D :D

Teaching them not to mess with hammies: Priceless!

Compliments: :)

Truthful compliments: ^_^

Truthful compliments to you: :D

Jokes used as a truthful compliment to you: Priceless.


(For everything else, there's Red Market Buyers Card)

Good one!

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post-7648-1155554725_thumb.jpg<--This one was different because I did the whole thing using a tool that helped me rotate it (I drew it on an odd angle), and the paint tool.

I like your characters. They have personality. :D

I like personality! *nibbles on some personality*


Its like a sanity, only tastier!

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post-7648-1155554725_thumb.jpg<--This one was different because I did the whole thing using a tool that helped me rotate it (I drew it on an odd angle), and the paint tool.

I like your characters. They have personality. :D

I like personality! *nibbles on some personality*


Its like a sanity, only tastier!

Oh its lucky I have some personality cause I have no sanity :P


♥ Lee

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I made some cards for people going on vacation by editing screencaps of movies (by adding a miniscule bit 'o text) and was wondering if there was some way to make them allowed for this board. AFAIK, because the movies are copyrighted, I can't to post it. I'm wondering if there was some way of making them postable (e.g. adding *movie name* is © *whoever owns the copyright*).

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm in french right now... Sneaky me.


Anyways. I'm just going to put in some recent pics. Mostly pink floyd. In fact, all pink floyd.


Just two, actually. I may have some on mah windows.




Okay, working now.

I just love your artwork!!!


I could see a collaboration between you and Mushroom_king for a great business!!!!!!!!!!!

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On my windows right now... I'm going to search for any drawings I may have.


WEEKEND! Wh00t! Relaxing, writing stories, drawing, talking, computering...


Wow. So much I love to do, so little time...


post-7648-1158972277_thumb.jpg <-- Clock Crew spoof. I'm sure most of you understand.

post-7648-1158972314_thumb.jpg <-- Hand drawn. It was a gift for someone who's drawing me on another website.


Yeah. Neither of them are pink floyd... Ahh, well.


I had another idea for one, I guess I never drew it. *Gets to drawing, after wandering about*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:D Cool!


I'd give you a Faerie Grundo award, but you already have a Quintiple one. XD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:D Cool!


I'd give you a Faerie Grundo award, but you already have a Quintiple one. XD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:lol: You don't need to hold back from giving out awards... :lol:



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Fine, Fine. XD


Faerie Grundo award.


But list it seperate from the Aquintiple award. That one's special.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:unsure: Where is the portrait of me? :unsure:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:D Cool!


I'd give you a Faerie Grundo award, but you already have a Quintiple one. XD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:lol: You don't need to hold back from giving out awards... :lol:



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Fine, Fine. XD


Faerie Grundo award.


But list it seperate from the Aquintiple award. That one's special.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:unsure: Where is the portrait of me? :unsure:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:lol: Thank you!


The portrait of you is on my mac... SO I can upload it tomorrow. I won't draw legs then.

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I like cheese. Anyways, that's beside the point.



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




j00 get a Faerie Aisha Award. (The First One!)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domine*~*

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I've been playing around in flash more recently.


Kudos to my friend Tavis (NOT Travis. He hates being called Travis) who (unknowingly) showed me how to make animations.


Okay. Now... Umm...




Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension.

Yeah. So, do I email it for it to be posted, or something?

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I've been playing around in flash more recently.


Kudos to my friend Tavis (NOT Travis. He hates being called Travis) who (unknowingly) showed me how to make animations.


Okay. Now... Umm...




Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension.

Yeah. So, do I email it for it to be posted, or something?

I think you will have to email it to HampsterKing. Let me check and get back to you.

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I've been playing around in flash more recently.


Kudos to my friend Tavis (NOT Travis. He hates being called Travis) who (unknowingly) showed me how to make animations.


Okay. Now... Umm...




Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension.

Yeah. So, do I email it for it to be posted, or something?

I think you will have to email it to HampsterKing. Let me check and get back to you.



In the meantime I'll fiddle with flash s'more.

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That reminds me of an old bugs bunny cartoon. XDD

"What's up Doc?"


Anybody seen the one where rocko and the other gangster keep bugs hostage, and bugs ends up tormenting them? Where at the end Bugs put "secret hideout" in big neon letters on the outside of the hideout? XD

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That reminds me of an old bugs bunny cartoon. XDD

"What's up Doc?"


Anybody seen the one where rocko and the other gangster keep bugs hostage, and bugs ends up tormenting them? Where at the end Bugs put "secret hideout" in big neon letters on the outside of the hideout? XD

I think I remember that one, but my mind is about the size and capacity of a gnat at the moment. Of course I will remember it when I leave the library. :lol:

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That reminds me of an old bugs bunny cartoon. XDD

"What's up Doc?"


Anybody seen the one where rocko and the other gangster keep bugs hostage, and bugs ends up tormenting them? Where at the end Bugs put "secret hideout" in big neon letters on the outside of the hideout? XD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*\


D= Bugs Bunny Kicks so much butt it's not funny.


Tom & Jerry could own him anyday, though.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domine*~*

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Oh man. Lots has passed since the last update of this.


Hmm. Horatio, I have an idea. I'll work it out later. It's gonna involve you though ^-^


Okay, that avatar I sent isn't my avatar :o probably sizing issues or I need to look for it in the galleries or something.




Update time! In alphabetical order!




Hmm, here is where I encounter a problem. I tried uploading a JPEG document and it says Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file x_X


Oh well, deal with that later. Continuing:




And again! It happened again! Arg!! >_<









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Oh man. Lots has passed since the last update of this.


Hmm. Horatio, I have an idea. I'll work it out later. It's gonna involve you though ^-^


Okay, that avatar I sent isn't my avatar :o probably sizing issues or I need to look for it in the galleries or something.




Update time! In alphabetical order!




Hmm, here is where I encounter a problem. I tried uploading a JPEG document and it says Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file x_X


Oh well, deal with that later. Continuing:




And again! It happened again! Arg!! >_









Email the pics to me and I will attach them.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh man. Lots has passed since the last update of this.


Hmm. Horatio, I have an idea. I'll work it out later. It's gonna involve you though ^-^


Okay, that avatar I sent isn't my avatar :o probably sizing issues or I need to look for it in the galleries or something.




Update time! In alphabetical order!




Hmm, here is where I encounter a problem. I tried uploading a JPEG document and it says Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file x_X


Oh well, deal with that later. Continuing:




And again! It happened again! Arg!! >_<









Email the pics to me and I will attach them.


No, I figured out what was wrong. The images that didn't work had no extentions. So I just added in .jpg and now I'm going to reupload everything because it looks like they didn't work the first time around.

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