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'The' Debate Topic


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Well, I happened to be looking about random topics again, and found one based on politics and stuff (what it's about isn't really that important) and someone suggested making a debate forum. Well, people won't wait for HK to make one before debating/argueing some more, so I thought a debate topic would help in the meantime.


Yeah. Umm... Go on and debate :D


Well, people like to debate about what people say. So I'll just say something. I'll give you my religious veiw (which is probably biased. I blame the media, and my relatives/friends >.<;; Well, I hope it's not too biased, I try to keep myself dead-set in the centre, but I may swerve a bit from time to time)


Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


Now, I could pick out the eyes of chritianity/judaism and their rules (I know a bit about those religions, and my mind keeps darting back there), or I could stop here and let people show their veiws on religeon and debate over it. Enjoy debating! :)


P.S. Did I get the spelling right on religion (or however it's spelled)?


Oh, and I'm creating an award for people I think in my opinion have excellent points. And I shall call it the Debating Dinosaur. Please don't debate over my choices of who I award this to, when I award it.

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Well, I happened to be looking about random topics again, and found one based on politics and stuff (what it's about isn't really that important) and someone suggested making a debate forum. Well, people won't wait for HK to make one before debating/argueing some more, so I thought a debate topic would help in the meantime.


Yeah. Umm... Go on and debate :D


Well, people like to debate about what people say. So I'll just say something. I'll give you my religious veiw (which is probably biased. I blame the media, and my relatives/friends >.<;; Well, I hope it's not too biased, I try to keep myself dead-set in the centre, but I may swerve a bit from time to time)


Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


Now, I could pick out the eyes of chritianity/judaism and their rules (I know a bit about those religions, and my mind keeps darting back there), or I could stop here and let people show their veiws on religeon and debate over it. Enjoy debating! :)


P.S. Did I get the spelling right on religion (or however it's spelled)?


Oh, and I'm creating an award for people I think in my opinion have excellent points. And I shall call it the Debating Dinosaur. Please don't debate over my choices of who I award this to, when I award it.

kinda hard ot debate about an in the middle debate. I like your proposal about no religion being right or wrong, however, most of them are wrong. ACtually, I can't really say that, as I don't know enough about religions other than christianity. I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.

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Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


And that would make you a Wiccan, correct? Those are all things my friend October believes in, and she claims to be a Wiccan.

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Well, I happened to be looking about random topics again, and found one based on politics and stuff (what it's about isn't really that important) and someone suggested making a debate forum. Well, people won't wait for HK to make one before debating/argueing some more, so I thought a debate topic would help in the meantime.


Yeah. Umm... Go on and debate :D


Well, people like to debate about what people say. So I'll just say something. I'll give you my religious veiw (which is probably biased. I blame the media, and my relatives/friends >.<;; Well, I hope it's not too biased, I try to keep myself dead-set in the centre, but I may swerve a bit from time to time)


Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


Now, I could pick out the eyes of chritianity/judaism and their rules (I know a bit about those religions, and my mind keeps darting back there), or I could stop here and let people show their veiws on religeon and debate over it. Enjoy debating! :)


P.S. Did I get the spelling right on religion (or however it's spelled)?


Oh, and I'm creating an award for people I think in my opinion have excellent points. And I shall call it the Debating Dinosaur. Please don't debate over my choices of who I award this to, when I award it.

kinda hard ot debate about an in the middle debate. I like your proposal about no religion being right or wrong, however, most of them are wrong. ACtually, I can't really say that, as I don't know enough about religions other than christianity. I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.

think energy and eternity

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Well, I happened to be looking about random topics again, and found one based on politics and stuff (what it's about isn't really that important) and someone suggested making a debate forum. Well, people won't wait for HK to make one before debating/argueing some more, so I thought a debate topic would help in the meantime.


Yeah. Umm... Go on and debate :D


Well, people like to debate about what people say. So I'll just say something. I'll give you my religious veiw (which is probably biased. I blame the media, and my relatives/friends >.<;; Well, I hope it's not too biased, I try to keep myself dead-set in the centre, but I may swerve a bit from time to time)


Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


Now, I could pick out the eyes of chritianity/judaism and their rules (I know a bit about those religions, and my mind keeps darting back there), or I could stop here and let people show their veiws on religeon and debate over it. Enjoy debating! :)


P.S. Did I get the spelling right on religion (or however it's spelled)?


Oh, and I'm creating an award for people I think in my opinion have excellent points. And I shall call it the Debating Dinosaur. Please don't debate over my choices of who I award this to, when I award it.

kinda hard ot debate about an in the middle debate. I like your proposal about no religion being right or wrong, however, most of them are wrong. ACtually, I can't really say that, as I don't know enough about religions other than christianity. I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.

You my friend, have created a nightmare.
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Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


And that would make you a Wiccan, correct? Those are all things my friend October believes in, and she claims to be a Wiccan.

No, that wouldn't be a Wiccan. I'm not sure, but I'm fairly suer that would be agnostic if anything at all. But I'm pretty much sure that's not Wiccan belief, since I know of multiple Wiccans(but they're really just rebelious teenagers who want to be different).

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I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.


Ah, but what if this creator, created the law of matter itself? How about all scientific laws for that matter? When you use the term "creator," you can't box them into a set of doctines, because they might have created the box, too. ;)

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Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


And that would make you a Wiccan, correct? Those are all things my friend October believes in, and she claims to be a Wiccan.

No, that wouldn't be a Wiccan. I'm not sure, but I'm fairly suer that would be agnostic if anything at all. But I'm pretty much sure that's not Wiccan belief, since I know of multiple Wiccans(but they're really just rebelious teenagers who want to be different).


I was aiming for Wiccan and New Age, since New Age-ers believe all the things he believes. Some Wiccans/New Age people are actually followers of both religions.

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Well, I happened to be looking about random topics again, and found one based on politics and stuff (what it's about isn't really that important) and someone suggested making a debate forum. Well, people won't wait for HK to make one before debating/argueing some more, so I thought a debate topic would help in the meantime.


Yeah. Umm... Go on and debate :D


Well, people like to debate about what people say. So I'll just say something. I'll give you my religious veiw (which is probably biased. I blame the media, and my relatives/friends >.<;; Well, I hope it's not too biased, I try to keep myself dead-set in the centre, but I may swerve a bit from time to time)


Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


Now, I could pick out the eyes of chritianity/judaism and their rules (I know a bit about those religions, and my mind keeps darting back there), or I could stop here and let people show their veiws on religeon and debate over it. Enjoy debating! :)


P.S. Did I get the spelling right on religion (or however it's spelled)?


Oh, and I'm creating an award for people I think in my opinion have excellent points. And I shall call it the Debating Dinosaur. Please don't debate over my choices of who I award this to, when I award it.

kinda hard ot debate about an in the middle debate. I like your proposal about no religion being right or wrong, however, most of them are wrong. ACtually, I can't really say that, as I don't know enough about religions other than christianity. I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.

You my friend, have created a nightmare.

I have? is this a good or bad thing? :lol: what exactly is the nightmare?

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I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.


Ah, but what if this creator, created the law of matter itself? How about all scientific laws for that matter? When you use the term "creator," you can't box them into a set of doctines, because they might have created the box, too. ;)

okay, if, hypothetically, someone created the laws(not just discovered them)they are still there, and therefor have to be followed.

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I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.


Ah, but what if this creator, created the law of matter itself? How about all scientific laws for that matter? When you use the term "creator," you can't box them into a set of doctines, because they might have created the box, too. ;)

okay, if, hypothetically, someone created the laws(not just discovered them)they are still there, and therefor have to be followed.

Are they still there, or where they not there yet? Perhaps the creation of the universe and the creation of the laws took place at the same time. Or, did the laws appear afterward? Or perhap the creator had the law not to apply to himself; after all, he has control over it.


Your argument doesn't hold up because you don't know if those laws applied during the creation of the universe, or if the creator "bent" them in his favor.

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Well, I happened to be looking about random topics again, and found one based on politics and stuff (what it's about isn't really that important) and someone suggested making a debate forum. Well, people won't wait for HK to make one before debating/argueing some more, so I thought a debate topic would help in the meantime.


Yeah. Umm... Go on and debate :D


Well, people like to debate about what people say. So I'll just say something. I'll give you my religious veiw (which is probably biased. I blame the media, and my relatives/friends >.<;; Well, I hope it's not too biased, I try to keep myself dead-set in the centre, but I may swerve a bit from time to time)


Religion to me, is the belief in one or more god(s), and that/those god(s) assist them in life, whether by giving them a set of rules/guidelines, or by allowing them to develop themselves, as long as they get some thanks, in any form, for creating them. I personally do not believe any religion is paticularly right or wrong. That is because we know nothing for certain other then what we have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt (physically). So, since we know next to nothing about the universe (compared to what we don't know), I don't think we should be making any assumptions. People asssume, and say, that there is one (or more) god(s)/there is(are) no god(s). But I think that it's impossible to determine.


Now, I could pick out the eyes of chritianity/judaism and their rules (I know a bit about those religions, and my mind keeps darting back there), or I could stop here and let people show their veiws on religeon and debate over it. Enjoy debating! :)


P.S. Did I get the spelling right on religion (or however it's spelled)?


Oh, and I'm creating an award for people I think in my opinion have excellent points. And I shall call it the Debating Dinosaur. Please don't debate over my choices of who I award this to, when I award it.

kinda hard ot debate about an in the middle debate. I like your proposal about no religion being right or wrong, however, most of them are wrong. ACtually, I can't really say that, as I don't know enough about religions other than christianity. I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.

You my friend, have created a nightmare.

I have? is this a good or bad thing? :lol: what exactly is the nightmare?

I was talking about Gloworm.
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I can say that all of those who believe in a creator are wrng, because matter can neither be created or destroyed, so some guy couldn't have just been lik, "okay, I think I will put a planet hee" and poof, there is a planet.


Ah, but what if this creator, created the law of matter itself? How about all scientific laws for that matter? When you use the term "creator," you can't box them into a set of doctines, because they might have created the box, too. ;)

okay, if, hypothetically, someone created the laws(not just discovered them)they are still there, and therefor have to be followed.

Are they still there, or where they not there yet? Perhaps the creation of the universe and the creation of the laws took place at the same time. Or, did the laws appear afterward? Or perhap the creator had the law not to apply to himself; after all, he has control over it.


Your argument doesn't hold up because you don't know if those laws applied during the creation of the universe, or if the creator "bent" them in his favor.

Yours doesn't hold up because it goes against all scientific knowledge. Stuff that has been proven to be true. What is the evidence you find that a creator exists. And also, the laws of matter weren't created, they just are.

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Yours doesn't hold up because it goes against all scientific knowledge. Stuff that has been proven to be true. What is the evidence you find that a creator exists. And also, the laws of matter weren't created, they just are.


You can't prove anything in the past to be scientifically true, because the scientific method is to run several trials, which cannot be done with history. Therefore it is NOT against science reasoning to suggest that at one point the laws of matter did not exist, or were perhaps different than the laws we live by.


And science cannot prove that laws withold the test of such a large span of time, because again that cannot be tested through trials. Although I guess we could find out by using a time capsule and waiting billions of years, and then repeat that several times and check the results. But not many people are willing to do this, and we don't know the specific time frame we're working with, since who knows how long the universe was actually created?


If you want to talk about scientific knowledge, you need to talk about experiments...experimenting is the basis of science. And, until we build a time machine, science cannot be applied to abstract past events. Science is irrelevent to the creation of the universe.

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Yours doesn't hold up because it goes against all scientific knowledge. Stuff that has been proven to be true. What is the evidence you find that a creator exists. And also, the laws of matter weren't created, they just are.


You can't prove anything in the past to be scientifically true, because the scientific method is to run several trials, which cannot be done with history. Therefore it is NOT against science reasoning to suggest that at one point the laws of matter did not exist, or were perhaps different than the laws we live by.


And science cannot prove that laws withold the test of such a large span of time, because again that cannot be tested through trials. Although I guess we could find out by using a time capsule and waiting billions of years, and then repeat that several times and check the results. But not many people are willing to do this, and we don't know the specific time frame we're working with, since who knows how long the universe was actually created?


If you want to talk about scientific knowledge, you need to talk about experiments...experimenting is the basis of science. And, until we build a time machine, science cannot be applied to abstract past events. Science is irrelevent to the creation of the universe.

It has everything to do with the creation of the universe. True, we may not be able to expiriment as to whether or not they were true for the entirety of time, we can speculate and hypothesize based upon what we see now. Also, there would be no reason for them to have been different. We can study things from billions of years ago, that have the light from them reaching us just now, an we see no difference at all. It may be a hypothesis, but it has some scientific backing. It isn't some fantasy of some omniscient guy who stalks everyone and decides if he likes them or not, and can just crate stuff at will. You still haven't given me any proof in favor of a creator. And no, quoting the bible or something won't convince me.

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It has everything to do with the creation of the universe. True, we may not be able to expiriment as to whether or not they were true for the entirety of time, we can speculate and hypothesize based upon what we see now. Also, there would be no reason for them to have been different. We can study things from billions of years ago, that have the light from them reaching us just now, an we see no difference at all. It may be a hypothesis, but it has some scientific backing. It isn't some fantasy of some omniscient guy who stalks everyone and decides if he likes them or not, and can just crate stuff at will. You still haven't given me any proof in favor of a creator. And no, quoting the bible or something won't convince me.


I do not have any proof in favor of a creator, but I see no proof against a creator either. I still don't understand where the contradiction is between science and the concept of a creator. I think the two go hand-in-hand. Actually I might even go as far as to say that the creator expressed itself through science. Well...that's an artistic way of looking at it.


It's all about faith, in the end. If you want to believe in a creator, then do it. If not, then don't think about it. All I can say about it is that the choice hasn't affected my appreciation of the sciences.

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It has everything to do with the creation of the universe. True, we may not be able to expiriment as to whether or not they were true for the entirety of time, we can speculate and hypothesize based upon what we see now. Also, there would be no reason for them to have been different. We can study things from billions of years ago, that have the light from them reaching us just now, an we see no difference at all. It may be a hypothesis, but it has some scientific backing. It isn't some fantasy of some omniscient guy who stalks everyone and decides if he likes them or not, and can just crate stuff at will. You still haven't given me any proof in favor of a creator. And no, quoting the bible or something won't convince me.


I do not have any proof in favor of a creator, but I see no proof against a creator either. I still don't understand where the contradiction is between science and the concept of a creator. I think the two go hand-in-hand. Actually I might even go as far as to say that the creator expressed itself through science. Well...that's an artistic way of looking at it.


It's all about faith, in the end. If you want to believe in a creator, then do it. If not, then don't think about it. All I can say about it is that the choice hasn't affected my appreciation of the sciences.

Yeah, the thing is that when it comes down to it, you believe in it or you don't, and it would take something HUGE to change your mind. Or mine. Tht is the major problem with debating religion. XP

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Yeah, the thing is that when it comes down to it, you believe in it or you don't, and it would take something HUGE to change your mind. Or mine. Tht is the major problem with debating religion. XP

With debating religion, sex and politics. So, why do people feel a need to convince everyone that their way of thinking is the only way to think? :huh:

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Yeah, the thing is that when it comes down to it, you believe in it or you don't, and it would take something HUGE to change your mind. Or mine. Tht is the major problem with debating religion. XP

With debating religion, sex and politics. So, why do people feel a need to convince everyone that their way of thinking is the only way to think? :huh:

not that it is the only way, just the only correct way. :lol:

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Yeah, the thing is that when it comes down to it, you believe in it or you don't, and it would take something HUGE to change your mind. Or mine. Tht is the major problem with debating religion. XP

With debating religion, sex and politics. So, why do people feel a need to convince everyone that their way of thinking is the only way to think? :huh:

not that it is the only way, just the only correct way. :lol:


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This is somewhat an uber-argument isn't it? Perhaps we should choose one topic at a time rather than doing religon, sex and politics all in one package?


well, I proposed Nirvana's Nevermind as a topic. but they seem to have ignored me.

Actually your idea is a terrific idea for a topic.

*runs off to brew a pot of coffee*

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This is somewhat an uber-argument isn't it? Perhaps we should choose one topic at a time rather than doing religon, sex and politics all in one package?


well, I proposed Nirvana's Nevermind as a topic. but they seem to have ignored me.

Actually your idea is a terrific idea for a topic.

*runs off to brew a pot of coffee*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know very much about 90's music, so I might not parcipitate in that debate. I might watch, though. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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This is somewhat an uber-argument isn't it? Perhaps we should choose one topic at a time rather than doing religon, sex and politics all in one package?


well, I proposed Nirvana's Nevermind as a topic. but they seem to have ignored me.

Actually your idea is a terrific idea for a topic.

*runs off to brew a pot of coffee*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know very much about 90's music, so I might not parcipitate in that debate. I might watch, though. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

We could debate on how to solve various problems around the country. But, TGHL might have a little difficulty if we do that. XP

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This is somewhat an uber-argument isn't it? Perhaps we should choose one topic at a time rather than doing religon, sex and politics all in one package?


well, I proposed Nirvana's Nevermind as a topic. but they seem to have ignored me.

Actually your idea is a terrific idea for a topic.

*runs off to brew a pot of coffee*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know very much about 90's music, so I might not parcipitate in that debate. I might watch, though. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

We could debate on how to solve various problems around the country. But, TGHL might have a little difficulty if we do that. XP

Actually I think TGHL might do quite well. He is extremely versed in American politics and current affairs.

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This is somewhat an uber-argument isn't it? Perhaps we should choose one topic at a time rather than doing religon, sex and politics all in one package?


well, I proposed Nirvana's Nevermind as a topic. but they seem to have ignored me.

Actually your idea is a terrific idea for a topic.

*runs off to brew a pot of coffee*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know very much about 90's music, so I might not parcipitate in that debate. I might watch, though. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

We could debate on how to solve various problems around the country. But, TGHL might have a little difficulty if we do that. XP

Actually I think TGHL might do quite well. He is extremely versed in American politics and current affairs.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When me and my freinds debate, we debate over funny things, not serious things. :D


But preoblems with our country...I might parcipitate in that one. My Grandma watches the news all the time, and upon listening to that junk, I know quite a lot about politics.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astrionomy Domine*~*

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This is somewhat an uber-argument isn't it? Perhaps we should choose one topic at a time rather than doing religon, sex and politics all in one package?


well, I proposed Nirvana's Nevermind as a topic. but they seem to have ignored me.

Actually your idea is a terrific idea for a topic.

*runs off to brew a pot of coffee*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know very much about 90's music, so I might not parcipitate in that debate. I might watch, though. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

We could debate on how to solve various problems around the country. But, TGHL might have a little difficulty if we do that. XP

Actually I think TGHL might do quite well. He is extremely versed in American politics and current affairs.

true. but is he well versed in the american psyche?

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This is somewhat an uber-argument isn't it? Perhaps we should choose one topic at a time rather than doing religon, sex and politics all in one package?


well, I proposed Nirvana's Nevermind as a topic. but they seem to have ignored me.

Actually your idea is a terrific idea for a topic.

*runs off to brew a pot of coffee*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know very much about 90's music, so I might not parcipitate in that debate. I might watch, though. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

We could debate on how to solve various problems around the country. But, TGHL might have a little difficulty if we do that. XP

Actually I think TGHL might do quite well. He is extremely versed in American politics and current affairs.

true. but is he well versed in the american psyche?

We can find that out when he enters the debate! :lol:

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This is somewhat an uber-argument isn't it? Perhaps we should choose one topic at a time rather than doing religon, sex and politics all in one package?


well, I proposed Nirvana's Nevermind as a topic. but they seem to have ignored me.

Actually your idea is a terrific idea for a topic.

*runs off to brew a pot of coffee*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I don't know very much about 90's music, so I might not parcipitate in that debate. I might watch, though. =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

We could debate on how to solve various problems around the country. But, TGHL might have a little difficulty if we do that. XP

Actually I think TGHL might do quite well. He is extremely versed in American politics and current affairs.

true. but is he well versed in the american psyche?

We can find that out when he enters the debate! :lol:

indubitably. 0.0

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I suppose that depends on the psyche doesn't it? And there isn't one great American psyche, if you go down the route of a national psyche all you do is have nationalism (very bad) and xenophobia (because obviously your psyche is better than everyone elses'). Same for all countries. Avoid nationalsim. And as Horatio said, I do know the problems. No national Healthcare for example, all you have is private hospitals and exorbitant medical insurance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I appear to have killed this topic.

Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Grim's back! Yay!


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I appear to have killed this topic.

Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back.

Oh I've been back for a long time now Horatio, popping in from time to time, but the forums seem to be so... empty. How strange it is to remember when it was full of members.


As to Amsterdam, it was indeed amazing and I did visit Anne Frank's house. It was strange to be queing up to go into the huge glass and steel limpet that was attached to it. When I was in the house itself, going round (I had to queue behind some delightful person from the USA who was giving a very loud lecture on the war. I bit his head off (metaphorically) when he started insulting Japan.) it was extremely hot and the spice that still lingered was very agitating. Makes you wonder how horrible it must have been for the Frank family and their friends hiding in the small room behind the offices.

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I appear to have killed this topic.

Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back.

Oh I've been back for a long time now Horatio, popping in from time to time, but the forums seem to be so... empty. How strange it is to remember when it was full of members.


As to Amsterdam, it was indeed amazing and I did visit Anne Frank's house. It was strange to be queing up to go into the huge glass and steel limpet that was attached to it. When I was in the house itself, going round (I had to queue behind some delightful person from the USA who was giving a very loud lecture on the war. I bit his head off (metaphorically) when he started insulting Japan.) it was extremely hot and the spice that still lingered was very agitating. Makes you wonder how horrible it must have been for the Frank family and their friends hiding in the small room behind the offices.

How great you were able to get to the Anne Frank house. I would like to go on holiday in Amsterdam again. On each previous visit, the most I stayed was two to three days. My goal would be to spend a week, or if I could, two in Amsterdam.

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I appear to have killed this topic.

Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back.

Oh I've been back for a long time now Horatio, popping in from time to time, but the forums seem to be so... empty. How strange it is to remember when it was full of members.


As to Amsterdam, it was indeed amazing and I did visit Anne Frank's house. It was strange to be queing up to go into the huge glass and steel limpet that was attached to it. When I was in the house itself, going round (I had to queue behind some delightful person from the USA who was giving a very loud lecture on the war. I bit his head off (metaphorically) when he started insulting Japan.) it was extremely hot and the spice that still lingered was very agitating. Makes you wonder how horrible it must have been for the Frank family and their friends hiding in the small room behind the offices.

How great you were able to get to the Anne Frank house. I would like to go on holiday in Amsterdam again. On each previous visit, the most I stayed was two to three days. My goal would be to spend a week, or if I could, two in Amsterdam.

Do try and spend two weeks in Amsterdam, it is a wonderful city. Unlike any other capital in Europe, and everything is so... relaxed. London is paralytic with traffic, Paris is full of Sardinians (or is it Corsica?) having loud verbal arguments over who owns the right to go into which lane while blocking all traffic behind and then there is Amsterdam in which there are barely any traffic queues. So unique...

The trip round the canals is amazing too. Particuarly if you happen to be eating Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream at the same time. :P


And yes Mushroom_King, I am back. Not many other people are it seems. Where art thou LifesEagle?

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I appear to have killed this topic.

Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back.

Oh I've been back for a long time now Horatio, popping in from time to time, but the forums seem to be so... empty. How strange it is to remember when it was full of members.


As to Amsterdam, it was indeed amazing and I did visit Anne Frank's house. It was strange to be queing up to go into the huge glass and steel limpet that was attached to it. When I was in the house itself, going round (I had to queue behind some delightful person from the USA who was giving a very loud lecture on the war. I bit his head off (metaphorically) when he started insulting Japan.) it was extremely hot and the spice that still lingered was very agitating. Makes you wonder how horrible it must have been for the Frank family and their friends hiding in the small room behind the offices.

How great you were able to get to the Anne Frank house. I would like to go on holiday in Amsterdam again. On each previous visit, the most I stayed was two to three days. My goal would be to spend a week, or if I could, two in Amsterdam.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


My mom says we might be able to visit Amsterdam for Thanksgiving vacation.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomy Domine*~*

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I appear to have killed this topic.

Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back.

Oh I've been back for a long time now Horatio, popping in from time to time, but the forums seem to be so... empty. How strange it is to remember when it was full of members.


As to Amsterdam, it was indeed amazing and I did visit Anne Frank's house. It was strange to be queing up to go into the huge glass and steel limpet that was attached to it. When I was in the house itself, going round (I had to queue behind some delightful person from the USA who was giving a very loud lecture on the war. I bit his head off (metaphorically) when he started insulting Japan.) it was extremely hot and the spice that still lingered was very agitating. Makes you wonder how horrible it must have been for the Frank family and their friends hiding in the small room behind the offices.

true, it is emptier now on the boards. We should have recruiting parties to get people on the board.

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[quote name='The Grim Hamster lord' date='Sep 24 2006, 03:48 AM'

Do try and spend two weeks in Amsterdam, it is a wonderful city. Unlike any other capital in Europe, and everything is so... relaxed. London is paralytic with traffic, Paris is full of Sardinians (or is it Corsica?) having loud verbal arguments over who owns the right to go into which lane while blocking all traffic behind and then there is Amsterdam in which there are barely any traffic queues. So unique...

The trip round the canals is amazing too. Particuarly if you happen to be eating Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream at the same time. :P


And yes Mushroom_King, I am back. Not many other people are it seems. Where art thou LifesEagle?

Yes! I have my bike all ready to go. :lol: I was there for two days during the special tulip festival that only happens once every ten years. How magnificent! I will be there for the next one.


As for LifesEagle, she must be studying really hard in school.

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I appear to have killed this topic.

Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back.

Oh I've been back for a long time now Horatio, popping in from time to time, but the forums seem to be so... empty. How strange it is to remember when it was full of members.


As to Amsterdam, it was indeed amazing and I did visit Anne Frank's house. It was strange to be queing up to go into the huge glass and steel limpet that was attached to it. When I was in the house itself, going round (I had to queue behind some delightful person from the USA who was giving a very loud lecture on the war. I bit his head off (metaphorically) when he started insulting Japan.) it was extremely hot and the spice that still lingered was very agitating. Makes you wonder how horrible it must have been for the Frank family and their friends hiding in the small room behind the offices.

true, it is emptier now on the boards. We should have recruiting parties to get people on the board.

Please wait until either Friday or the following Monday before we have a posting spree, hopefully Max will be back home by then.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yea, Man. I knew you went to Amsterdam, but then my internet connection exploded and I didn't have any connection, and I forgot j00 went to Amsterdam.


Yay for TGHL Cause he's back! *Does The Kirby Dance*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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