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Well. I like stories. Yum yum stories. They're so much fun, yes? Well, however fun they are, I'm just no good at them. And I'm lazy. Can someone help me? I have come up with a very short introduction to the story, and I have also made the ending paragraph. The only thing I need now is the actual story that connects the two.


You can’t all be heroes. You hear the stories. The stories of those who try, and win against all odds. But then there are the others. The ‘figures’, and the ‘cowards’. Oh, who cares about the figures? Those who try, and fail. The martyrs. Why are they never acknowledged? They’re just as important too. And then there are the ‘cowards’. Oh, it’s all good and well if someone wrestles off a shark, but what about those who don’t. Well, lucky them, they tried bravely, and as an award was permitted to be severely injured, or even killed. Not much of a prize. The ‘cowards’ just don’t want to experience the latter ‘prize’. You don’t have to be a coward to see the logic in that.


I fall into the latter. I ran. I could’ve been a hero, and I ran. Why did I run? I ran, because I was only one. And they had more then just one, with a gun each. I was easy prey. I was lucky to get out alive. I guess my adrenaline-fuelled running was a touch too fast for their sights. Whatever the case, I believe being a coward is better then being a figure. The upside being, I’m alive today.



[Put the middle you create here]



“It’s 6 pm. So run,†Someone says. I don’t care who anymore, “If you want freedom, run.â€

So what do I do? I run. Away from everything in this hateful building. I run towards the door, speeding up as a guard begins to follow me. I WILL get my freedom! I dive out the door and keep on running, until I work up the courage to look behind me. Nobody is there, so I slow to a walk. I am free. The city stands before me. I walk towards it. If not for the city, a cliché ending scene would be achieved, of me walking off into the sunset. I guess this’ll have to do. You can’t all be heroes.



The winner recieves a shiny award, that shall be known as the Story Samurai Award, awarded to storywriters I deem worthy. I'll put all awarding of this *new* award on hold until the end of this contest. I would like all entries in before the end of this month.


Some notes about what I like:


1) I like it full of action and sub/plot development. 'Boring' parts I don't mind at all. But I really like the mystery deepening, and the plot thickening, and the action, well, occuring :D

2) If it's not short, make it LOOONG. Really, I like most all stories, but short ones are good for a bit of casual reading, and long ones are good because it allows for a lot of subplots, mysteries, and events.

3) Secrecy, mystery, horror and (VERY MILD) violence.


Otherwise, anything goes! Of course, make sure it's horatio-friendly :P


Glood luck!

(And 'Glood' was intentional. I like glood.)

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Well. I like stories. Yum yum stories. They're so much fun, yes? Well, however fun they are, I'm just no good at them. And I'm lazy. Can someone help me? I have come up with a very short introduction to the story, and I have also made the ending paragraph. The only thing I need now is the actual story that connects the two.


You can’t all be heroes. You hear the stories. The stories of those who try, and win against all odds. But then there are the others. The ‘figures’, and the ‘cowards’. Oh, who cares about the figures? Those who try, and fail. The martyrs. Why are they never acknowledged? They’re just as important too. And then there are the ‘cowards’. Oh, it’s all good and well if someone wrestles off a shark, but what about those who don’t. Well, lucky them, they tried bravely, and as an award was permitted to be severely injured, or even killed. Not much of a prize. The ‘cowards’ just don’t want to experience the latter ‘prize’. You don’t have to be a coward to see the logic in that.


I fall into the latter. I ran. I could’ve been a hero, and I ran. Why did I run? I ran, because I was only one. And they had more then just one, with a gun each. I was easy prey. I was lucky to get out alive. I guess my adrenaline-fuelled running was a touch too fast for their sights. Whatever the case, I believe being a coward is better then being a figure. The upside being, I’m alive today.



[Put the middle you create here]



“It’s 6 pm. So run,” Someone says. I don’t care who anymore, “If you want freedom, run.”

So what do I do? I run. Away from everything in this hateful building. I run towards the door, speeding up as a guard begins to follow me. I WILL get my freedom! I dive out the door and keep on running, until I work up the courage to look behind me. Nobody is there, so I slow to a walk. I am free. The city stands before me. I walk towards it. If not for the city, a cliché ending scene would be achieved, of me walking off into the sunset. I guess this’ll have to do. You can’t all be heroes.



The winner recieves a shiny award, that shall be known as the Story Samurai Award, awarded to storywriters I deem worthy. I'll put all awarding of this *new* award on hold until the end of this contest. I would like all entries in before the end of this month.


Some notes about what I like:


1) I like it full of action and sub/plot development. 'Boring' parts I don't mind at all. But I really like the mystery deepening, and the plot thickening, and the action, well, occuring :D

2) If it's not short, make it LOOONG. Really, I like most all stories, but short ones are good for a bit of casual reading, and long ones are good because it allows for a lot of subplots, mysteries, and events.

3) Secrecy, mystery, horror and (VERY MILD) violence.


Otherwise, anything goes! Of course, make sure it's horatio-friendly :P


Glood luck!

(And 'Glood' was intentional. I like glood.)

This sounds interesting! :D

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Well. I like stories. Yum yum stories. They're so much fun, yes? Well, however fun they are, I'm just no good at them. And I'm lazy. Can someone help me? I have come up with a very short introduction to the story, and I have also made the ending paragraph. The only thing I need now is the actual story that connects the two.


You can’t all be heroes. You hear the stories. The stories of those who try, and win against all odds. But then there are the others. The ‘figures’, and the ‘cowards’. Oh, who cares about the figures? Those who try, and fail. The martyrs. Why are they never acknowledged? They’re just as important too. And then there are the ‘cowards’. Oh, it’s all good and well if someone wrestles off a shark, but what about those who don’t. Well, lucky them, they tried bravely, and as an award was permitted to be severely injured, or even killed. Not much of a prize. The ‘cowards’ just don’t want to experience the latter ‘prize’. You don’t have to be a coward to see the logic in that.


I fall into the latter. I ran. I could’ve been a hero, and I ran. Why did I run? I ran, because I was only one. And they had more then just one, with a gun each. I was easy prey. I was lucky to get out alive. I guess my adrenaline-fuelled running was a touch too fast for their sights. Whatever the case, I believe being a coward is better then being a figure. The upside being, I’m alive today.



[Put the middle you create here]Let's all make the story. We can take turns, and Glowurm can choose which segment he likes best, and then we all build off of that.



“It’s 6 pm. So run,†Someone says. I don’t care who anymore, “If you want freedom, run.â€

So what do I do? I run. Away from everything in this hateful building. I run towards the door, speeding up as a guard begins to follow me. I WILL get my freedom! I dive out the door and keep on running, until I work up the courage to look behind me. Nobody is there, so I slow to a walk. I am free. The city stands before me. I walk towards it. If not for the city, a cliché ending scene would be achieved, of me walking off into the sunset. I guess this’ll have to do. You can’t all be heroes.



The winner recieves a shiny award, that shall be known as the Story Samurai Award, awarded to storywriters I deem worthy. I'll put all awarding of this *new* award on hold until the end of this contest. I would like all entries in before the end of this month.


Some notes about what I like:


1) I like it full of action and sub/plot development. 'Boring' parts I don't mind at all. But I really like the mystery deepening, and the plot thickening, and the action, well, occuring :D

2) If it's not short, make it LOOONG. Really, I like most all stories, but short ones are good for a bit of casual reading, and long ones are good because it allows for a lot of subplots, mysteries, and events.

3) Secrecy, mystery, horror and (VERY MILD) violence.


Otherwise, anything goes! Of course, make sure it's horatio-friendly :P


Glood luck!

(And 'Glood' was intentional. I like glood.)

see above in green, my luminescent friend.

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You can’t all be heroes. You hear the stories. The stories of those who try, and win against all odds. But then there are the others. The ‘figures’, and the ‘cowards’. Oh, who cares about the figures? Those who try, and fail. The martyrs. Why are they never acknowledged? They’re just as important too. And then there are the ‘cowards’. Oh, it’s all good and well if someone wrestles off a shark, but what about those who don’t. Well, lucky them, they tried bravely, and as an award was permitted to be severely injured, or even killed. Not much of a prize. The ‘cowards’ just don’t want to experience the latter ‘prize’. You don’t have to be a coward to see the logic in that.


I fall into the latter. I ran. I could’ve been a hero, and I ran. Why did I run? I ran, because I was only one. And they had more then just one, with a gun each. I was easy prey. I was lucky to get out alive. I guess my adrenaline-fuelled running was a touch too fast for their sights. Whatever the case, I believe being a coward is better then being a figure. The upside being, I’m alive today.



[Last night I ate a banana.]



“It’s 6 pm. So run,†Someone says. I don’t care who anymore, “If you want freedom, run.â€

So what do I do? I run. Away from everything in this hateful building. I run towards the door, speeding up as a guard begins to follow me. I WILL get my freedom! I dive out the door and keep on running, until I work up the courage to look behind me. Nobody is there, so I slow to a walk. I am free. The city stands before me. I walk towards it. If not for the city, a cliché ending scene would be achieved, of me walking off into the sunset. I guess this’ll have to do. You can’t all be heroes.















Ha. I stink at writing.

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Well. I like stories. Yum yum stories. They're so much fun, yes? Well, however fun they are, I'm just no good at them. And I'm lazy. Can someone help me? I have come up with a very short introduction to the story, and I have also made the ending paragraph. The only thing I need now is the actual story that connects the two.


You can’t all be heroes. You hear the stories. The stories of those who try, and win against all odds. But then there are the others. The ‘figures’, and the ‘cowards’. Oh, who cares about the figures? Those who try, and fail. The martyrs. Why are they never acknowledged? They’re just as important too. And then there are the ‘cowards’. Oh, it’s all good and well if someone wrestles off a shark, but what about those who don’t. Well, lucky them, they tried bravely, and as an award was permitted to be severely injured, or even killed. Not much of a prize. The ‘cowards’ just don’t want to experience the latter ‘prize’. You don’t have to be a coward to see the logic in that.


I fall into the latter. I ran. I could’ve been a hero, and I ran. Why did I run? I ran, because I was only one. And they had more then just one, with a gun each. I was easy prey. I was lucky to get out alive. I guess my adrenaline-fuelled running was a touch too fast for their sights. Whatever the case, I believe being a coward is better then being a figure. The upside being, I’m alive today.



[Put the middle you create here]Let's all make the story. We can take turns, and Glowurm can choose which segment he likes best, and then we all build off of that.



“It’s 6 pm. So run,†Someone says. I don’t care who anymore, “If you want freedom, run.â€

So what do I do? I run. Away from everything in this hateful building. I run towards the door, speeding up as a guard begins to follow me. I WILL get my freedom! I dive out the door and keep on running, until I work up the courage to look behind me. Nobody is there, so I slow to a walk. I am free. The city stands before me. I walk towards it. If not for the city, a cliché ending scene would be achieved, of me walking off into the sunset. I guess this’ll have to do. You can’t all be heroes.



The winner recieves a shiny award, that shall be known as the Story Samurai Award, awarded to storywriters I deem worthy. I'll put all awarding of this *new* award on hold until the end of this contest. I would like all entries in before the end of this month.


Some notes about what I like:


1) I like it full of action and sub/plot development. 'Boring' parts I don't mind at all. But I really like the mystery deepening, and the plot thickening, and the action, well, occuring :D

2) If it's not short, make it LOOONG. Really, I like most all stories, but short ones are good for a bit of casual reading, and long ones are good because it allows for a lot of subplots, mysteries, and events.

3) Secrecy, mystery, horror and (VERY MILD) violence. And comedy :D


Otherwise, anything goes! Of course, make sure it's horatio-friendly :P


Glood luck!

(And 'Glood' was intentional. I like glood.)

see above in green, my luminescent friend.

That's a great idea :D Okay, that's what you can do. Whoo!

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