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I do impovisation in drama at school, see...

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The impro oath:


If thy faith is low,

Thy spirit weak,

And thy team losing,

Be comforted and smile,

Because it just doesn't matter!

What doesn't matter?

The result.

What does matter?

Daring to fail,

Supporting each other,

And supporting the scene.


Here's a slightly changed version. It has nothing to do with impro, just life in general:


If thy faith is low,

Thy spirit weak,

And thy life failing,

Be comforted and smile,

Because it just doesn't matter!

What doesn't matter?

Your result.

What does matter?

Daring to live,

Supporting those near you,

And supporting yourself.


...Say this to yourself every day. It helps, I've found. I'm sure you could find other ones out there, but the impro oath (and the modified version) is easy to remember.

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