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Who wants to be Mushroom_king's sidekick?

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[...Okay, I got the idea for this from something on another website.


In this story, two tribes of eight Invisionests each will try to become my Sidekick. They will stay on a deserted island for 30 days. Every three days, the tribes will compete in a challenge. whever loses must leave the island. after 18 days, the two tribes will come together to form a new tribe. Every three days after that, I will vote someone off the island.


The Pink Tribe is made up of:


Name: Horatio

Luxury Item: Airplane

Qoute: :o Oh My! :o


Name: Hoops

Luxury Item: Michael Jackson Inflatable doll

Qoute: If i can handle Moosey, Mullaypop, and Funky_Monky every day, I can beat this game. I'll whip 'em good.


Name: Toto

Luxury Item: Knife



Name: Arkcher

Luxury Item: Nintendo DS

Qoute: ...Mah arm! ;_;


Name: CheeseMaster

Luxury item: Shovel

Qoute: With My weekly cheeses, that Floyd tribe will be gone faster than you can say Cheese O' da' week or so.


Name: Mega Wolf

Luxury Item: Grappiling Hook

Qoute: Fetus.


Name: Glowwurm

Luxury Item: Old Milkshake jar

Qoute: We won't need a flashlight with me! HA!


Name: SleepOverFanatic

Luxury Item: TV

Qoute: ...I'll call you back.


The Floyd Tribe is made up of:


Name: Social Outcast

Luxury Item: Awards

Qoute: Little is known about this mysterious Charecter. Not even what she said in this interveiw.


name: Jesse The Timberwolf

Luxury Item: Ice Box

Qoute: I do not have lip fungus.


Name: SkwerlHugger Will

Luxury Item: Brake Fluid

Qoute: Fancy some Root beer? YOU CANT ITS MINE!!!


Name: Kat

Luxury Item: Claymore



Name: Top_Banana

Luxury Item: Paintbrush

Qoute: I hope sand is a good subsitute for sugar.


Name: The Hamster

Luxury Item: Old Ice cream box

Qoute: What did you say?


Name: The Grim Hamster Lord

Luxury Item: Sanity



Name: Mullaypop

Luxury Item: Rope

Qoute: I hope no one votes me off.


....Who will be Mushroom_king's sidekick?]

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[Here goes.]


The Pink Tribe and the Floyd Tribe Were faced with there first challenge upon Arrival: They were dropped out of the plane wothout parachutes, When the Pink tribe immidietly used Hoops's Michael Jackson doll For a Parachute, and the Floyd Tribe All gathered on TGHL's back so he could fly them down.


"AH! You idiots! My Back Hurts Now! Especcilly you, Will. Your a very heavy Griffin!"


As soon as the Pink tribe reached their side of the island, They found that they hit the Jackpot- A ton of Fruit trees and Beutiful Tidal pools full of Fish to eat were on their campground! Although They had worked together to get to land, their was some hostility...


"I should use my knife to gather firewood from trees," said Toto. "Are you insane? WE need to make a campsite first!" said Cheesemaster.



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[Here goes.]


The Pink Tribe and the Floyd Tribe Were faced with there first challenge upon Arrival: They were dropped out of the plane wothout parachutes, When the Pink tribe immidietly used Hoops's Michael Jackson doll For a Parachute, and the Floyd Tribe All gathered on TGHL's back so he could fly them down.


"AH! You idiots! My Back Hurts Now! Especcilly you, Will. Your a very heavy Griffin!"


As soon as the Pink tribe reached their side of the island, They found that they hit the Jackpot- A ton of Fruit trees and Beutiful Tidal pools full of Fish to eat were on their campground! Although They had worked together to get to land, their was some hostility...


"I should use my knife to gather firewood from trees," said Toto. "Are you insane? WE need to make a campsite first!" said Cheesemaster.



[Campsite... Or wood... *sips a milkshake and watches*]

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[Here goes.]


The Pink Tribe and the Floyd Tribe Were faced with there first challenge upon Arrival: They were dropped out of the plane wothout parachutes, When the Pink tribe immidietly used Hoops's Michael Jackson doll For a Parachute, and the Floyd Tribe All gathered on TGHL's back so he could fly them down.


"AH! You idiots! My Back Hurts Now! Especcilly you, Will. Your a very heavy Griffin!"


As soon as the Pink tribe reached their side of the island, They found that they hit the Jackpot- A ton of Fruit trees and Beutiful Tidal pools full of Fish to eat were on their campground! Although They had worked together to get to land, their was some hostility...


"I should use my knife to gather firewood from trees," said Toto. "Are you insane? WE need to make a campsite first!" said Cheesemaster.



Mah DS shall find us a campsite! >D

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In The Floyd Tribe, Arkcher's Nintendo DS became famous. "It'll help us find a Campsite," he said, but after many hours, he relised he was looking at the map from Super Mario 64 DS. "GRRRRRRRR" yelled The others and they started to kill Arkcher.


Back over by the Pink Tribe, Mega Wolf found an old castle In the Forest. "We can use it as a Campsite," she said. Everyone cheered and went inside. SleepOverFanatic's Infa-life TV was plugged in and Mega olf went out to find some fruit and using the rope on her grappeling hook, caught some fish. Toto also cut down a few trees for Firewood and used the super-plush leaves as beds. The Pink tribe ate heartily and went to sleep.


Over in the floyd tribe, everyone gave up trying to kill Arkcher and decided to build a Shelter.


[NOTE: I'm switching Arkcher to the Floyd tribe and I'm gonna put Mullaypop in the Pink Tribe.]


"We should build it out of his bones. He wasted valublle time." said a Very Bloodthirsty Glowwurm, but instead they used Toto's Knives to build a Shelter, and coated the knives in Wax (dunno where they got wax...]



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The next day brings the first Immunity Challenge. The Two tribes pick their smartest member to compete. The Pink Tribe chooses CheeseMaster. The Floyd Tribe chooses Arkcher.


"Your're goin' down."

"Dun Think so!


The Game: TIC-TAC-TOE.

Cheesemaster wins the coin toss and goes first. He chooses X.












Arkcher Wins! Tomarow, The Pink Tribe will vote of a member.


MK to the Pink Tribe:



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The next day brings the first Immunity Challenge. The Two tribes pick their smartest member to compete. The Pink Tribe chooses CheeseMaster. The Floyd Tribe chooses Arkcher.


"Your're goin' down."

"Dun Think so!


The Game: TIC-TAC-TOE.

Cheesemaster wins the coin toss and goes first. He chooses X.












Arkcher Wins! Tomarow, The Pink Tribe will vote of a member.


MK to the Pink Tribe:



wow, I am an amazing tic-tac-toe..er?

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it was a long walk to the tribal council for the Pink Tribe. Despite their differences, they had bonded closley, and voting someone off would not be easy.



"I'm voting for myself so I don't die!"


Hoops: Arkcher

"i'm votiing for Arkcher. Thanks for playing"


Toto: Sleepoverfanatic

"Your cell phone makes me mad."






"Your glow blinds me."


Glowwurm: "Sleepoverfanatic

"Strangers creep me out."





Person Voted off: Sleep overFanatic

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it was a long walk to the tribal council for the Pink Tribe. Despite their differences, they had bonded closley, and voting someone off would not be easy.



"I'm voting for myself so I don't die!"


Hoops: Arkcher

"i'm votiing for Arkcher. Thanks for playing"


Toto: Sleepoverfanatic

"Your cell phone makes me mad."






"Your glow blinds me."


Glowwurm: "Sleepoverfanatic

"Strangers creep me out."





Person Voted off: Sleep overFanatic

[*hands sunflower seeds to everyone*

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it was a long walk to the tribal council for the Pink Tribe. Despite their differences, they had bonded closley, and voting someone off would not be easy.



"I'm voting for myself so I don't die!"


Hoops: Arkcher

"i'm votiing for Arkcher. Thanks for playing"


Toto: Sleepoverfanatic

"Your cell phone makes me mad."






"Your glow blinds me."


Glowwurm: "Sleepoverfanatic

"Strangers creep me out."





Person Voted off: Sleep overFanatic

*sobs because she cannot show everybody the beautiful "You are a Pirate!" song* T_____T

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it was a long walk to the tribal council for the Pink Tribe. Despite their differences, they had bonded closley, and voting someone off would not be easy.



"I'm voting for myself so I don't die!"


Hoops: Arkcher

"i'm votiing for Arkcher. Thanks for playing"


Toto: Sleepoverfanatic

"Your cell phone makes me mad."






"Your glow blinds me."


Glowwurm: "Sleepoverfanatic

"Strangers creep me out."





Person Voted off: Sleep overFanatic

[*hands sunflower seeds to everyone*]

[*dips seeds in chocolate and nibbles happily*]

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it was a long walk to the tribal council for the Pink Tribe. Despite their differences, they had bonded closley, and voting someone off would not be easy.



"I'm voting for myself so I don't die!"


Hoops: Arkcher

"i'm votiing for Arkcher. Thanks for playing"


Toto: Sleepoverfanatic

"Your cell phone makes me mad."






"Your glow blinds me."


Glowwurm: "Sleepoverfanatic

"Strangers creep me out."





Person Voted off: Sleep overFanatic

*sobs because she cannot show everybody the beautiful "You are a Pirate!" song* T_____T

[Aww. Sing it anyways :D *readies Audacity*]

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it was a long walk to the tribal council for the Pink Tribe. Despite their differences, they had bonded closley, and voting someone off would not be easy.



"I'm voting for myself so I don't die!"


Hoops: Arkcher

"i'm votiing for Arkcher. Thanks for playing"


Toto: Sleepoverfanatic

"Your cell phone makes me mad."






"Your glow blinds me."


Glowwurm: "Sleepoverfanatic

"Strangers creep me out."





Person Voted off: Sleep overFanatic

*sobs because she cannot show everybody the beautiful "You are a Pirate!" song* T_____T

[Aww. Sing it anyways :D *readies Audacity*]






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People who aren't here make the show and I don't. Man I am that good! :D

[Hoops is just cooler than you.]

I hope that you get speared accidentally during one of the challenges. :wub:

[i don't even compete in the challenges. Can't you read?]

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-Day Five-


The Pink Tribe, having the Sleepoverfanatic's TV gone, had to find something else to do. "We are very hungry. We gotta find something to eat." Everyone stared at Cheesemaster after he spoke so suddenly. "Don't eat me. I'm very disgusting and will make you sick."


In The Floyd Tribe, Kat waved her Claymore around. "If I Find some food for The Floyd Tribe, My rank will rise very high." She said to herself. She ran into the Forest that seperated the Campsites and quickly found some Chickens (dunno how they got into the Forest O.o) and she threw her Claymores at them. She then saw a pig and speared it in the foot. "OMG!!!" it yelled, and Mushroom_king shape-shifted from the pig to herself. "That was my Big Toe!" "Why were you disguised as a pig?" "I can disguise myself as Pink Floyd Charecters, and I was trying to catch some Chickens." Mushroom_king put a bandage on her toe and walked away. Kat took the chickens to the Floyd tribe where they cooked them and ate them using one of Mullaypop's recipes.


(Happy now? I accidentally got speared.)

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it was a long walk to the tribal council for the Pink Tribe. Despite their differences, they had bonded closley, and voting someone off would not be easy.



"I'm voting for myself so I don't die!"


Hoops: Arkcher

"i'm votiing for Arkcher. Thanks for playing"


Toto: Sleepoverfanatic

"Your cell phone makes me mad."






"Your glow blinds me."


Glowwurm: "Sleepoverfanatic

"Strangers creep me out."





Person Voted off: Sleep overFanatic

Where's my vote? XD

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it was a long walk to the tribal council for the Pink Tribe. Despite their differences, they had bonded closley, and voting someone off would not be easy.



"I'm voting for myself so I don't die!"


Hoops: Arkcher

"i'm votiing for Arkcher. Thanks for playing"


Toto: Sleepoverfanatic

"Your cell phone makes me mad."






"Your glow blinds me."


Glowwurm: "Sleepoverfanatic

"Strangers creep me out."





Person Voted off: Sleep overFanatic

Where's my vote? XD

[Oooh...I think I gave it to The Master Cylinder. XD]

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-Day Five-


The Pink Tribe, having the Sleepoverfanatic's TV gone, had to find something else to do. "We are very hungry. We gotta find something to eat." Everyone stared at Cheesemaster after he spoke so suddenly. "Don't eat me. I'm very disgusting and will make you sick."


In The Floyd Tribe, Kat waved her Claymore around. "If I Find some food for The Floyd Tribe, My rank will rise very high." She said to herself. She ran into the Forest that seperated the Campsites and quickly found some Chickens (dunno how they got into the Forest O.o) and she threw her Claymores at them. She then saw a pig and speared it in the foot. "OMG!!!" it yelled, and Mushroom_king shape-shifted from the pig to herself. "That was my Big Toe!" "Why were you disguised as a pig?" "I can disguise myself as Pink Floyd Charecters, and I was trying to catch some Chickens." Mushroom_king put a bandage on her toe and walked away. Kat took the chickens to the Floyd tribe where they cooked them and ate them using one of Mullaypop's recipes.


(Happy now? I accidentally got speared.)

[Yaaay chicken! :D


And uh...sowwy 'bout that spearing thing. >.> *pats MK*]

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People who aren't here make the show and I don't. Man I am that good! :D

[Hoops is just cooler than you.]

I hope that you get speared accidentally during one of the challenges. :wub:


I'm not in it either. *goes off to make her own campfire* What to come along TBFOF? I have delicious foods stuffs!


♥ Lee

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People who aren't here make the show and I don't. Man I am that good! :D

[Hoops is just cooler than you.]

I hope that you get speared accidentally during one of the challenges. :wub:


I'm not in it either. *goes off to make her own campfire* What to come along TBFOF? I have delicious foods stuffs!


♥ Lee

[see below...]


-Day six-


The Pink Tribe, Happy about their Chicken supply, are Celebrating-but The Floyd Tribe, Being Chicken-less, decides to go steal some Chickens. Jesse The Timber wolf and Social Outcast teamed up to get the Chickens.

"If you guys don't hurry up," warned TGHL, "We are gonna have wolf and human VERY soon."


Heeding TGHL's warning, they set off to the crumbeling castle the Pink Tribe sheltered in. The Chickens were outside, in a very large pen. Social Outcast distracted the Pink Tribe while Jesse stole just enough for his side of the Island.



The second challenge is today. Not only is there Immunity, but there is a prize, to: A Johnny Depp Clone.

"Come on," said Kat when The Pink Tribe reveiwed. "We have to get that Johnny Depp clone."



When Vixen, who was part of the Council, rang the bell, The Grease-covered Emo kid ran out. Toto tried grabbing his hair, but accidentally missed and slapped him. "Now! yelled Horatio, as The Pink Tribe lunged toward the Emo Kid.

The Pink Tribe wins!

MK to the Floyd Tribe:


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People who aren't here make the show and I don't. Man I am that good! :D

[Hoops is just cooler than you.]

I hope that you get speared accidentally during one of the challenges. :wub:


I'm not in it either. *goes off to make her own campfire* What to come along TBFOF? I have delicious foods stuffs!


♥ Lee

[see below...]


-Day six-


The Pink Tribe, Happy about their Chicken supply, are Celebrating-but The Floyd Tribe, Being Chicken-less, decides to go steal some Chickens. Jesse The Timber wolf and Social Outcast teamed up to get the Chickens.

"If you guys don't hurry up," warned TGHL, "We are gonna have wolf and human VERY soon."


Heeding TGHL's warning, they set off to the crumbeling castle the Pink Tribe sheltered in. The Chickens were outside, in a very large pen. Social Outcast distracted the Pink Tribe while Jesse stole just enough for his side of the Island.



The second challenge is today. Not only is there Immunity, but there is a prize, to: A Johnny Depp Clone.

"Come on," said Kat when The Pink Tribe reveiwed. "We have to get that Johnny Depp clone."



When Vixen, who was part of the Council, rang the bell, The Grease-covered Emo kid ran out. Toto tried grabbing his hair, but accidentally missed and slapped him. "Now! yelled Horatio, as The Pink Tribe lunged toward the Emo Kid.

The Pink Tribe wins!

MK to the Floyd Tribe:


[ :lol::lol::lol:

This is really great!!! ]

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-Day Seven-


It was a long walk to The Tribal Council for The Floyd Tribe.


Social Outcast: Top_Banana

"I need to keep myself from eating you."


Jesse The Timberwolf: The Hamster

"You tried to make me think I was a chicken."


SkwerlHugger Will: Mullaypop

"Dont steal my root beer"


Arkcher: Social_Outcast

"No reason..."


Top_Banana: Mullaypop

"No Reason."


The Hamster: The Grim Hamster Lord

"Your evil!"


The Grim Hamster Lord: Mullaypop



Mullaypop: Mullaypop

"I don't wanna die."


Person voted off: Mullaypop

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People who aren't here make the show and I don't. Man I am that good! :D

[Hoops is just cooler than you.]

I hope that you get speared accidentally during one of the challenges. :wub:


I'm not in it either. *goes off to make her own campfire* What to come along TBFOF? I have delicious foods stuffs!


♥ Lee

[see below...]


-Day six-


The Pink Tribe, Happy about their Chicken supply, are Celebrating-but The Floyd Tribe, Being Chicken-less, decides to go steal some Chickens. Jesse The Timber wolf and Social Outcast teamed up to get the Chickens.

"If you guys don't hurry up," warned TGHL, "We are gonna have wolf and human VERY soon."


Heeding TGHL's warning, they set off to the crumbeling castle the Pink Tribe sheltered in. The Chickens were outside, in a very large pen. Social Outcast distracted the Pink Tribe while Jesse stole just enough for his side of the Island.



The second challenge is today. Not only is there Immunity, but there is a prize, to: A Johnny Depp Clone.

"Come on," said Kat when The Pink Tribe reveiwed. "We have to get that Johnny Depp clone."



When Vixen, who was part of the Council, rang the bell, The Grease-covered Emo kid ran out. Toto tried grabbing his hair, but accidentally missed and slapped him. "Now! yelled Horatio, as The Pink Tribe lunged toward the Emo Kid.

The Pink Tribe wins!

MK to the Floyd Tribe:


[i'm confused. ._. Which team am I on? I thought I was on Floyd, but lately I've been on Pink...]

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People who aren't here make the show and I don't. Man I am that good! :D

[Hoops is just cooler than you.]

I hope that you get speared accidentally during one of the challenges. :wub:


I'm not in it either. *goes off to make her own campfire* What to come along TBFOF? I have delicious foods stuffs!


♥ Lee

[see below...]


-Day six-


The Pink Tribe, Happy about their Chicken supply, are Celebrating-but The Floyd Tribe, Being Chicken-less, decides to go steal some Chickens. Jesse The Timber wolf and Social Outcast teamed up to get the Chickens.

"If you guys don't hurry up," warned TGHL, "We are gonna have wolf and human VERY soon."


Heeding TGHL's warning, they set off to the crumbeling castle the Pink Tribe sheltered in. The Chickens were outside, in a very large pen. Social Outcast distracted the Pink Tribe while Jesse stole just enough for his side of the Island.



The second challenge is today. Not only is there Immunity, but there is a prize, to: A Johnny Depp Clone.

"Come on," said Kat when The Pink Tribe reveiwed. "We have to get that Johnny Depp clone."



When Vixen, who was part of the Council, rang the bell, The Grease-covered Emo kid ran out. Toto tried grabbing his hair, but accidentally missed and slapped him. "Now! yelled Horatio, as The Pink Tribe lunged toward the Emo Kid.

The Pink Tribe wins!

MK to the Floyd Tribe:


[i'm confused. ._. Which team am I on? I thought I was on Floyd, but lately I've been on Pink...]

[i switched you and Arkcher because I was bored and there wern't any Poindexters nearby to throw at people. ~.~]

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-Day Seven-


At the Pink tribe, alliances started to form.



"Let's start an Allience of everyone who stands upright." said Kat. "Why?" asked Toto. "Because I'm bored!"

While they were complaining, Hoops distracted Johnny Depp with Her Michael Jackson doll. She then set out to get Campfire and Sundial supplies with Glowwurm, so she could see in case she explored late into the night. She also stole a Claymore for defense. A few hours later, she went back to camp and set up the sundial using the Claymore, sticks, and other things. As they ate some lunch, GlowWurm suggested they needed to toughen up so the other tribe didn't steal any more of their things. "If we arn't Careful, They will steal the rest of our stuff." "What'choo talking about? I'm new, so explain." said Johnny Depp, handing out Chocolate bars. "Your're not playing. You're just a person we won." said Hoops.

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People who aren't here make the show and I don't. Man I am that good! :D

[Hoops is just cooler than you.]

I hope that you get speared accidentally during one of the challenges. :wub:


I'm not in it either. *goes off to make her own campfire* What to come along TBFOF? I have delicious foods stuffs!


♥ Lee

[see below...]


-Day six-


The Pink Tribe, Happy about their Chicken supply, are Celebrating-but The Floyd Tribe, Being Chicken-less, decides to go steal some Chickens. Jesse The Timber wolf and Social Outcast teamed up to get the Chickens.

"If you guys don't hurry up," warned TGHL, "We are gonna have wolf and human VERY soon."


Heeding TGHL's warning, they set off to the crumbeling castle the Pink Tribe sheltered in. The Chickens were outside, in a very large pen. Social Outcast distracted the Pink Tribe while Jesse stole just enough for his side of the Island.



The second challenge is today. Not only is there Immunity, but there is a prize, to: A Johnny Depp Clone.

"Come on," said Kat when The Pink Tribe reveiwed. "We have to get that Johnny Depp clone."



When Vixen, who was part of the Council, rang the bell, The Grease-covered Emo kid ran out. Toto tried grabbing his hair, but accidentally missed and slapped him. "Now! yelled Horatio, as The Pink Tribe lunged toward the Emo Kid.

The Pink Tribe wins!

MK to the Floyd Tribe:


[i'm confused. ._. Which team am I on? I thought I was on Floyd, but lately I've been on Pink...]

[i switched you and Arkcher because I was bored and there wern't any Poindexters nearby to throw at people. ~.~]

[Oh. :D]

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-Day Seven-


At the Pink tribe, alliances started to form.



"Let's start an Allience of everyone who stands upright." said Kat. "Why?" asked Toto. "Because I'm bored!"

While they were complaining, Hoops distracted Johnny Depp with Her Michael Jackson doll. She then set out to get Campfire and Sundial supplies with Glowwurm, so he could see in case he explored late into the night. He also stole a Claymore for defense. A few hours later, he went back to camp and set up the sundial using the Claymore, sticks, and other things. As they ate some lunch, GlowWurm suggested they needed to toughen up so the other tribe didn't steal any more of their things. "If we arn't Careful, They will steal the rest of our stuff." "What'choo talking about? I'm new, so explain." said Johnny Depp, handing out Chocolate bars. "Your're not playing. You're just a person we won." said Hoops.

I have one word, and I think I may have to put it in my siggy:


He! :lol:

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-Day Seven-


At the Pink tribe, alliances started to form.



"Let's start an Allience of everyone who stands upright." said Kat. "Why?" asked Toto. "Because I'm bored!"

While they were complaining, Hoops distracted Johnny Depp with Her Michael Jackson doll. She then set out to get Campfire and Sundial supplies with Glowwurm, so he could see in case he explored late into the night. He also stole a Claymore for defense. A few hours later, he went back to camp and set up the sundial using the Claymore, sticks, and other things. As they ate some lunch, GlowWurm suggested they needed to toughen up so the other tribe didn't steal any more of their things. "If we arn't Careful, They will steal the rest of our stuff." "What'choo talking about? I'm new, so explain." said Johnny Depp, handing out Chocolate bars. "Your're not playing. You're just a person we won." said Hoops.

I have one word, and I think I may have to put it in my siggy:


He! :lol:

[i was talking about Hoops. ._.]

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-Day Seven-


At the Pink tribe, alliances started to form.



"Let's start an Allience of everyone who stands upright." said Kat. "Why?" asked Toto. "Because I'm bored!"

While they were complaining, Hoops distracted Johnny Depp with Her Michael Jackson doll. She then set out to get Campfire and Sundial supplies with Glowwurm, so she could see in case she explored late into the night. She also stole a Claymore for defense. A few hours later, she went back to camp and set up the sundial using the Claymore, sticks, and other things. As they ate some lunch, GlowWurm suggested they needed to toughen up so the other tribe didn't steal any more of their things. "If we arn't Careful, They will steal the rest of our stuff." "What'choo talking about? I'm new, so explain." said Johnny Depp, handing out Chocolate bars. "Your're not playing. You're just a person we won." said Hoops.

[but it's not one of my Claymores, off course, as I messily devour the face of anybody who tries to steal them. :D]

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-Day Seven-


At the Pink tribe, alliances started to form.



"Let's start an Allience of everyone who stands upright." said Kat. "Why?" asked Toto. "Because I'm bored!"

While they were complaining, Hoops distracted Johnny Depp with Her Michael Jackson doll. She then set out to get Campfire and Sundial supplies with Glowwurm, so he could see in case he explored late into the night. He also stole a Claymore for defense. A few hours later, he went back to camp and set up the sundial using the Claymore, sticks, and other things. As they ate some lunch, GlowWurm suggested they needed to toughen up so the other tribe didn't steal any more of their things. "If we arn't Careful, They will steal the rest of our stuff." "What'choo talking about? I'm new, so explain." said Johnny Depp, handing out Chocolate bars. "Your're not playing. You're just a person we won." said Hoops.

I have one word, and I think I may have to put it in my siggy:


He! :lol:

[i was talking about Hoops. ._.]

Bah. *thumps head on keyboard*


Mwehe, sorry.

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-Day Seven-


At the Pink tribe, alliances started to form.



"Let's start an Allience of everyone who stands upright." said Kat. "Why?" asked Toto. "Because I'm bored!"

While they were complaining, Hoops distracted Johnny Depp with Her Michael Jackson doll. She then set out to get Campfire and Sundial supplies with Glowwurm, so he could see in case he explored late into the night. He also stole a Claymore for defense. A few hours later, he went back to camp and set up the sundial using the Claymore, sticks, and other things. As they ate some lunch, GlowWurm suggested they needed to toughen up so the other tribe didn't steal any more of their things. "If we arn't Careful, They will steal the rest of our stuff." "What'choo talking about? I'm new, so explain." said Johnny Depp, handing out Chocolate bars. "Your're not playing. You're just a person we won." said Hoops.

I have one word, and I think I may have to put it in my siggy:


He! :lol:

[i was talking about Hoops. ._.]

Bah. *thumps head on keyboard*


Mwehe, sorry.

[That's Okay. Don't hurt yourself!]

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Woo! I'm on council! *sits around being council-y*


♥ Lee

Quit the council, Lee. Let's go celebrate somewhere else with the other non-loved people. :)

[OMG. You think just because I didn't put you is some story that I hate you guys.]

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Woo! I'm on council! *sits around being council-y*


♥ Lee

Quit the council, Lee. Let's go celebrate somewhere else with the other non-loved people. :)

[OMG. You think just because I didn't put you is some story that I hate you guys.]

No, I don't think you hate me at all. What if TBFOF could be my assistant? Is that okay?


♥ Lee

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Woo! I'm on council! *sits around being council-y*


♥ Lee

Quit the council, Lee. Let's go celebrate somewhere else with the other non-loved people. :)

[OMG. You think just because I didn't put you is some story that I hate you guys.]

No, I don't think you hate me at all. What if TBFOF could be my assistant? Is that okay?


♥ Lee

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I was talking to TBFOF. He thinks that i hate you because I didn't put you in The story. :glare:

yea, I guess so.


I can't think of what to write next. X_X


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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Woo! I'm on council! *sits around being council-y*


♥ Lee

Quit the council, Lee. Let's go celebrate somewhere else with the other non-loved people. :)

[OMG. You think just because I didn't put you is some story that I hate you guys.]

No, I don't think you hate me at all. What if TBFOF could be my assistant? Is that okay?


♥ Lee

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I was talking to TBFOF. He thinks that i hate you because I didn't put you in The story. :glare:

yea, I guess so.


I can't think of what to write next. X_X


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Be sure to mention mushrooms. No peice of writing by you would be complete without a reference to mushrooms.

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"It's so Hot," whined Hoops as everyone in the Pink Tribe got up. The sun was bleating down on them. "We need to seek shade," said Johnny DEpp, Going under a tree. "WE could use the sunscreen MK gave us," said Horatio, drinking out of the water supply. Cheesemaster and Hoops set off alone into the woods with Glowurm.


Hoops, Cheesemaster, and Glowurm had still not come back to the tribe camp at the end of the day. "Where are they?" wondered Toto. "I will go look for them." she said, sneaking away from the campfire. "Toto! Where are you going?" yelled Horatio. "Dang," she said.

Somewhere else...

Hoops, CCheesemaster, and Glowurm had been in the woods for 7 hours, and wanted to get back to the campsite. But it was far to dark, and glowurm was getting tired of glowing. "Nighty-night..." said Glowurm as he fell asleep, causing his glow to disipear, leaving Hoops and cheesemaster engulfed in darkness. The only light came from the campfire, which suddenly and unnatruely went out. Hoops fell on the ground near Glowurm and everyone fell asleep.


Over in the Floyd tribe...


Skwerlhugger will decided to go out looking to steal more Chickens from the Pink Tribe's castle. " I will go," he said to everyone. "Please take care."

While he was away, Social Outcast helped to build a Sundial, as They had decided to keep a scedule. They would wake up at 8, work all day, and sleep at ten. The sundial would help keep the scedule.

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  • 4 weeks later...
[but it's not one of my Claymores, off course, as I messily devour the face of anybody who tries to steal them. :D]

[And yet, I remain here undevoured. and not-messy.


... Perhaps I shouldnt have pointed that out to you. >__>; -flees-]

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[but it's not one of my Claymores, off course, as I messily devour the face of anybody who tries to steal them. :D]

[And yet, I remain here undevoured. and not-messy.


... Perhaps I shouldnt have pointed that out to you. >__>; -flees-]

[Hey yeah. I should prolly get around to doing that sometime. Mostly you've been lucky 'cause I keep stealing then back. If you would BACK UP OFF THE CLAYMORES, though, we wouldn't have this problem...]

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  • 4 months later...
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