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I Need to Vent.


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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-

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You are so right to vent. This not only sounds like trouble, I would bet all my sunflower seeds that she is the worst possible influence on your brother. I sure hope when she gets caught, doing whatever it is she is doing under-age, your brother is not with her. As for posting your life on-line, well, once you post it for the world to read, then it is not snooping. If she wanted to keep her private life private, she would not have the website as her publicist.

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


My Brother's had a handful of girlfreinds just like that. :wacko:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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Ugh, that is a bad choice of girlfriend. If you need to, you should get your mom involved and show/tell her about the box, and show her the "private" profile and stuff.

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-

That sounds so unbearably annoying. x_x *hug*

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Ugh, that is a bad choice of girlfriend. If you need to, you should get your mom involved and show/tell her about the box, and show her the "private" profile and stuff.


Yeah, I already have. He told them the same thing he told me. That the box was two years old, even though he moved out for awhile about a year ago. He thinks we're so stupid. xD


Right now I'm just going to let him live his life. Until I find a suitable 17-year-old to pose as my boyfriend. [: Fun times, fun times. Maybe if I get to talk to one of his friends who doesn't like her as well, we could come up with a better plan. :/


Anywho, thanks everyone for your agreeing about how much you don't like his girlfriend. We should have an anti-Lyndsie party. -eye twitch-

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.

*~*The Grannd Illusion*~*


That's why I try not to date someone more than two years older than me.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.


Because Statutory #### is the coolest way to get laid.



... Had to quote Adam and Andrew on that one ...


But, Horatio is seriously right.

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.

Isn't it 18, the "legal" age?
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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.

Isn't it 18, the "legal" age?

Good question. I checked for the USA and here is the data per state. On the states where there are two numbers, the age for the lower number is used when the age between the two people is very close, meaning less than two years. Having your 'parent's consent' does not permit you to violate the state law. And no, if you live in Kansas, where the age is 16 and you both are 15, this does not mean you can go to Iowa or Missouri, because now you are considered 'traveling citizens' and the age raises to 18.


Alabama 16

Alaska 16

Arizona 18

Arkansas 16

California 18

Colorado 15/17

Connecticut 16

D.C. 16

Delaware 16/18

Florida 16/18

Georgia 16

Hawaii 16

Idaho 16/18

Illinois 17

Indiana 16

Iowa 14/16

Kansas 16

Kentucky 16

Louisiana 17

Maine 16

Maryland 16

Massachusetts 16

Michigan 16

Minnesota 16

Mississippi 16

Missouri 14/17

Montana 16/18

Nebraska 17

Nevada 16

New Hampshire 16

New Jersey 16

New Mexico 17

New York 17

North Carolina 16

North Dakota 18

Ohio 16

Oklahoma 16

Oregon 18

Pennsylvania 16

Rhode Island 16

South Carolina 14/16

South Dakota 16

Tennessee 18

Texas 17

Utah 16/18

Vermont 16

Virginia 18

Washington 16/18

West Virginia 16

Wisconsin 18

Wyoming 16/18

USA - Traveling Citizens 18


Australia has about six or seven different areas and it ranges from 16 to 18. Madagascar for example, the age is 21. In some Middle Eastern countries, sex is illegal unless you are married.


I know, this was way more information that you really wanted to know. :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.

Isn't it 18, the "legal" age?

Good question. I checked for the USA and here is the data per state. On the states where there are two numbers, the age for the lower number is used when the age between the two people is very close, meaning less than two years. Having your 'parent's consent' does not permit you to violate the state law. And no, if you live in Kansas, where the age is 16 and you both are 15, this does not mean you can go to Iowa or Missouri, because now you are considered 'traveling citizens' and the age raises to 18.


Alabama 16

Alaska 16

Arizona 18

Arkansas 16

California 18

Colorado 15/17

Connecticut 16

D.C. 16

Delaware 16/18

Florida 16/18

Georgia 16

Hawaii 16

Idaho 16/18

Illinois 17

Indiana 16

Iowa 14/16

Kansas 16

Kentucky 16

Louisiana 17

Maine 16

Maryland 16

Massachusetts 16

Michigan 16

Minnesota 16

Mississippi 16

Missouri 14/17

Montana 16/18

Nebraska 17

Nevada 16

New Hampshire 16

New Jersey 16

New Mexico 17

New York 17

North Carolina 16

North Dakota 18

Ohio 16

Oklahoma 16

Oregon 18

Pennsylvania 16

Rhode Island 16

South Carolina 14/16

South Dakota 16

Tennessee 18

Texas 17

Utah 16/18

Vermont 16

Virginia 18

Washington 16/18

West Virginia 16

Wisconsin 18

Wyoming 16/18

USA - Traveling Citizens 18


Australia has about six or seven different areas and it ranges from 16 to 18. Madagascar for example, the age is 21. In some Middle Eastern countries, sex is illegal unless you are married.


I know, this was way more information that you really wanted to know. :rolleyes:

I have more to add to that information (the more then you want to know part)


In one of the contries beginning with N (i'm not sure which) the legal age is 13 :blink:


Probably waay more then you wanted to know.

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.



ha. but were not having sex yet. so sit back, relax, and stop worrying and stds,babies and laws.

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Wow. o.O some Iowa and missouri let you have it at 14? That is pretty young.

Yes, but here is the catch, they both have to be about the same age.


Well, I mean, kids are still going to do "it", whether the law permits it or not.

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Wow. o.O some Iowa and missouri let you have it at 14? That is pretty young.

Yes, but here is the catch, they both have to be about the same age.

yeah, but still...

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.

Isn't it 18, the "legal" age?

Good question. I checked for the USA and here is the data per state. On the states where there are two numbers, the age for the lower number is used when the age between the two people is very close, meaning less than two years. Having your 'parent's consent' does not permit you to violate the state law. And no, if you live in Kansas, where the age is 16 and you both are 15, this does not mean you can go to Iowa or Missouri, because now you are considered 'traveling citizens' and the age raises to 18.


Alabama 16

Alaska 16

Arizona 18

Arkansas 16

California 18

Colorado 15/17

Connecticut 16

D.C. 16

Delaware 16/18

Florida 16/18

Georgia 16

Hawaii 16

Idaho 16/18

Illinois 17

Indiana 16

Iowa 14/16

Kansas 16

Kentucky 16

Louisiana 17

Maine 16

Maryland 16

Massachusetts 16

Michigan 16

Minnesota 16

Mississippi 16

Missouri 14/17

Montana 16/18

Nebraska 17

Nevada 16

New Hampshire 16

New Jersey 16

New Mexico 17

New York 17

North Carolina 16

North Dakota 18

Ohio 16

Oklahoma 16

Oregon 18

Pennsylvania 16

Rhode Island 16

South Carolina 14/16

South Dakota 16

Tennessee 18

Texas 17

Utah 16/18

Vermont 16

Virginia 18

Washington 16/18

West Virginia 16

Wisconsin 18

Wyoming 16/18

USA - Traveling Citizens 18


Australia has about six or seven different areas and it ranges from 16 to 18. Madagascar for example, the age is 21. In some Middle Eastern countries, sex is illegal unless you are married.


I know, this was way more information that you really wanted to know. :rolleyes:


14 is legal!?!? I think that is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too young.
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Good question. I checked for the USA and here is the data per state. On the states where there are two numbers, the age for the lower number is used when the age between the two people is very close, meaning less than two years. Having your 'parent's consent' does not permit you to violate the state law. And no, if you live in Kansas, where the age is 16 and you both are 15, this does not mean you can go to Iowa or Missouri, because now you are considered 'traveling citizens' and the age raises to 18.


Alabama 16

Alaska 16

Arizona 18

Arkansas 16

California 18

Colorado 15/17

Connecticut 16

D.C. 16

Delaware 16/18

Florida 16/18

Georgia 16

Hawaii 16

Idaho 16/18

Illinois 17

Indiana 16

Iowa 14/16

Kansas 16

Kentucky 16

Louisiana 17

Maine 16

Maryland 16

Massachusetts 16

Michigan 16

Minnesota 16

Mississippi 16

Missouri 14/17

Montana 16/18

Nebraska 17

Nevada 16

New Hampshire 16

New Jersey 16

New Mexico 17

New York 17

North Carolina 16

North Dakota 18

Ohio 16

Oklahoma 16

Oregon 18

Pennsylvania 16

Rhode Island 16

South Carolina 14/16

South Dakota 16

Tennessee 18

Texas 17

Utah 16/18

Vermont 16

Virginia 18

Washington 16/18

West Virginia 16

Wisconsin 18

Wyoming 16/18

USA - Traveling Citizens 18


Australia has about six or seven different areas and it ranges from 16 to 18. Madagascar for example, the age is 21. In some Middle Eastern countries, sex is illegal unless you are married.


I know, this was way more information that you really wanted to know. :rolleyes:



theres laws for when you can have sex!

i get like age differences.

like if me and rob do, thats illgeal cuz im not 16 but ages to do it in the first place.

thats so stupid.

theyre all 16-18.

15 year olds have needs to ya know.

im not bad but wow.


there shouldnt be an age law on somthing like that.

its perfectly natural.

if you want it, go do it.

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theres laws for when you can have sex!

i get like age differences.

like if me and rob do, thats illgeal cuz im not 16 but ages to do it in the first place.

thats so stupid.

theyre all 16-18.

15 year olds have needs to ya know.

im not bad but wow.


there shouldnt be an age law on somthing like that.

its perfectly natural.

if you want it, go do it.

Were you ready to be a mother at 14? How about now?

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theres laws for when you can have sex!

i get like age differences.

like if me and rob do, thats illgeal cuz im not 16 but ages to do it in the first place.

thats so stupid.

theyre all 16-18.

15 year olds have needs to ya know.

im not bad but wow.


there shouldnt be an age law on somthing like that.

its perfectly natural.

if you want it, go do it.

Were you ready to be a mother at 14? How about now?


theres a few magic words for this siuation


and FETUS KICKING PARTY (which is a pact im part of... none of my friends are having babies anytime soon)

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theres laws for when you can have sex!

i get like age differences.

like if me and rob do, thats illgeal cuz im not 16 but ages to do it in the first place.

thats so stupid.

theyre all 16-18.

15 year olds have needs to ya know.

im not bad but wow.


there shouldnt be an age law on somthing like that.

its perfectly natural.

if you want it, go do it.

Were you ready to be a mother at 14? How about now?


theres a few magic words for this siuation


and FETUS KICKING PARTY (which is a pact im part of... none of my friends are having babies anytime soon)


I hope by 'fetus kicking' you don't mean abortions.




... Was pro-life ... (:

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theres laws for when you can have sex!

i get like age differences.

like if me and rob do, thats illgeal cuz im not 16 but ages to do it in the first place.

thats so stupid.

theyre all 16-18.

15 year olds have needs to ya know.

im not bad but wow.


there shouldnt be an age law on somthing like that.

its perfectly natural.

if you want it, go do it.

Were you ready to be a mother at 14? How about now?


theres a few magic words for this siuation


and FETUS KICKING PARTY (which is a pact im part of... none of my friends are having babies anytime soon)


I hope by 'fetus kicking' you don't mean abortions.




... Was pro-life ... (:



by 'fetus kicking' i mean everyone takes shots at your uterus.

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I'm not sure if I'm just being a baby or what, but I honestly abhor my brother's girlfriend. (Abhor might be a little strong. Maybe strongly dislike.) They've been dating for about 6 months now, and I have yet to find one good quality that I like about her.


Here's the deal, my brother is four and a half years older than me, so he's 19. When he started to date this girl, he told everyone that she was 17, but she failed a grade, so she was a sophomore. I figured before I judged her as a person, I would read her online diary. I entered her name in the search engine, and up came her profile. I found out that she was a sophomore, but she was only 16. She also drinks and does other things that I don't feel that it would be necessary to mention. I mean, she's only sixteen. That's only two years older than me. So, let's just say she wouldn't be the best influence on my brother. My brother has screwed up enough with his life, let alone he wouldn't need this monstrosity of a girlfriend in his life as well.


Of course, I confronted my brother about this lie he has stated. Also, about a box of something I found in his room that he shouldn't have while dating a 16-year-old. And, just like some cliche movie, my mother barged in on the conversation, questioning my brother about the age difference thing. And, of course, he made up a lie for everything.


So, the next day, what do I read on his girlfriend's Myspace? How "some people" are snooping on her personal account, and how we should stop snooping and get out of her life. PLEASE! Snooping would be if I was stalking her, but if she posts her personal information on the world-wide web, it's free for anyone to look at.


I know, I know. I should really just leave my little brother alone, and leave it be. I just don't want him to get some 16-year-old pregnant. It's his choice. All I can do is sit back and watch. But now, all this skank does is glare at me with those eyes that have way too much black and green eyeliner on them. She's picking his clothes out, and just ... ugh. She annoys me. I could probably make a list of things I don't like about her, but I won't. It's hilarious how she's only 5'2", and eight inches shorter than I am though. I've resisted the urge to ask her how the weather was down there several times now ...


Last week they broke up, and I was just ecstatic. Come to find out today, they got back together. I don't know who I'm going to kill first. My brother for having horrible taste in girls, or the girl for being a skank.


But I do have a plan ... I'm going to have to find a junior or a senior, and have them to pretend they're my boyfriend. Hee. That should make my brother mad. -dances to the thought of my awesome idea-



age aint nothing but a number.

im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19.


she kinda sounds like me.

actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly.

cept rob's an old child.


Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.

Isn't it 18, the "legal" age?

Good question. I checked for the USA and here is the data per state. On the states where there are two numbers, the age for the lower number is used when the age between the two people is very close, meaning less than two years. Having your 'parent's consent' does not permit you to violate the state law. And no, if you live in Kansas, where the age is 16 and you both are 15, this does not mean you can go to Iowa or Missouri, because now you are considered 'traveling citizens' and the age raises to 18.


Alabama 16

Alaska 16

Arizona 18

Arkansas 16

California 18

Colorado 15/17

Connecticut 16

D.C. 16

Delaware 16/18

Florida 16/18

Georgia 16

Hawaii 16

Idaho 16/18

Illinois 17

Indiana 16

Iowa 14/16

Kansas 16

Kentucky 16

Louisiana 17

Maine 16

Maryland 16

Massachusetts 16

Michigan 16

Minnesota 16

Mississippi 16

Missouri 14/17

Montana 16/18

Nebraska 17

Nevada 16

New Hampshire 16

New Jersey 16

New Mexico 17

New York 17

North Carolina 16

North Dakota 18

Ohio 16

Oklahoma 16

Oregon 18

Pennsylvania 16

Rhode Island 16

South Carolina 14/16

South Dakota 16

Tennessee 18

Texas 17

Utah 16/18

Vermont 16

Virginia 18

Washington 16/18

West Virginia 16

Wisconsin 18

Wyoming 16/18

USA - Traveling Citizens 18


Australia has about six or seven different areas and it ranges from 16 to 18. Madagascar for example, the age is 21. In some Middle Eastern countries, sex is illegal unless you are married.


I know, this was way more information that you really wanted to know. :rolleyes:

I think unless you are married is the best....to be honest!

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


My brother was old enough to have legal sex 5 years ago. Heck, I'm even legal to have sex now. -rolls eyes-

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.

While reading your post, this thought popped into my head...


Toto and her family are sitting at the dinner table.

Horatio is in his cage within hearing distance and can see everyone at the table.


Toto to her brother: "So (fill in brother's name), have you had sex recently?"


Toto's mother and father: Stunned, with looks of disbelief, unable to utter a word.


Brother, choking on food: "What? :o "


Toto: "Well, I was just wondering if you have had sex, with whom and if you have anyone in your sight for sex in the near future."


Brother: (for Toto to fill in)

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


....Why does everyone think my brother has had sex....


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Haven't you heard the saying "Men have sex on the brain"? :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


....Why does everyone think my brother has had sex....


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


We're not saying (or thinking) that your brother has had sex, since we don't know him. The only way your brother wouldn't have wanted or thought about having sex with a female was if he liked males. (And, I'm not saying he does, so don't take that the wrong way.)


Your brother can't be perfect to the point where he doesn't lust after something or someone. It's just male-nature.




'Nuff said.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.

While reading your post, this thought popped into my head...


Toto and her family are sitting at the dinner table.

Horatio is in his cage within hearing distance and can see everyone at the table.


Toto to her brother: "So (fill in brother's name), have you had sex recently?"


Toto's mother and father: Stunned, with looks of disbelief, unable to utter a word.


Brother, choking on food: "What? :o "


Toto: "Well, I was just wondering if you have had sex, with whom and if you have anyone in your sight for sex in the near future."


Brother: (for Toto to fill in)


Well, I have had a conversation with my brother like that to some extent. It ended with me telling him not to go knocking-up some sixteen-year-old.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.

While reading your post, this thought popped into my head...


Toto and her family are sitting at the dinner table.

Horatio is in his cage within hearing distance and can see everyone at the table.


Toto to her brother: "So (fill in brother's name), have you had sex recently?"


Toto's mother and father: Stunned, with looks of disbelief, unable to utter a word.


Brother, choking on food: "What? :o "


Toto: "Well, I was just wondering if you have had sex, with whom and if you have anyone in your sight for sex in the near future."


Brother: (for Toto to fill in)


Well, I have had a conversation with my brother like that to some extent. It ended with me telling him not to go knocking-up some sixteen-year-old.

Hopefully you didn't have this conversation at the dinner table. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.

While reading your post, this thought popped into my head...


Toto and her family are sitting at the dinner table.

Horatio is in his cage within hearing distance and can see everyone at the table.


Toto to her brother: "So (fill in brother's name), have you had sex recently?"


Toto's mother and father: Stunned, with looks of disbelief, unable to utter a word.


Brother, choking on food: "What? :o "


Toto: "Well, I was just wondering if you have had sex, with whom and if you have anyone in your sight for sex in the near future."


Brother: (for Toto to fill in)


Well, I have had a conversation with my brother like that to some extent. It ended with me telling him not to go knocking-up some sixteen-year-old.

Hopefully you didn't have this conversation at the dinner table. :lol:


We normally don't eat dinner together, so that wouldn't be a problem. =D

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


....Why does everyone think my brother has had sex....


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


We're not saying (or thinking) that your brother has had sex, since we don't know him. The only way your brother wouldn't have wanted or thought about having sex with a female was if he liked males. (And, I'm not saying he does, so don't take that the wrong way.)


Your brother can't be perfect to the point where he doesn't lust after something or someone. It's just male-nature.




'Nuff said.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


My brother doesn't think about having sex. Well, he did once, but he's alway thinking about being married and having sex. He isn't going to have sex before he's married, because he knows that he could end up hating them. And if he did, he wouldn't be able to hide it from my mom. And you have no idea what she would do to him.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


....Why does everyone think my brother has had sex....


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


We're not saying (or thinking) that your brother has had sex, since we don't know him. The only way your brother wouldn't have wanted or thought about having sex with a female was if he liked males. (And, I'm not saying he does, so don't take that the wrong way.)


Your brother can't be perfect to the point where he doesn't lust after something or someone. It's just male-nature.




'Nuff said.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


My brother doesn't think about having sex. Well, he did once, but he's alway thinking about being married and having sex. He isn't going to have sex before he's married, because he knows that he could end up hating them. And if he did, he wouldn't be able to hide it from my mom. And you have no idea what she would do to him.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

*this is not meant offensively here*

Yeah, but I'm sure your brother doesn't tell you EVERYTHING on his mind.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.

*looks over at Huette's cage*

I guess I am a 'butt' guy, myself. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


he said that right in front of you?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.


he said that right in front of you?

I don't believe she was there. The comment was said to two of her guy friends.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."


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Wow, so everyone here thinks that I alsways have sex on the brain? cause i am a guy afterall... But that was a really stereotypical thing, back there. :angry2: Just cause most guys a lot of guys all crave it, doesn't mean that we all do. And I am straight, so that puts me in a whole new catagory, according to toto.

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Wow, so everyone here thinks that I alsways have sex on the brain? cause i am a guy afterall... But that was a really stereotypical thing, back there. :angry2: Just cause most guys a lot of guys all crave it, doesn't mean that we all do. And I am straight, so that puts me in a whole new catagory, according to toto.

:blink::huh: And exactly what category would that be??? :huh::blink:

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Wow, so everyone here thinks that I alsways have sex on the brain? cause i am a guy afterall... But that was a really stereotypical thing, back there. :angry2: Just cause most guys a lot of guys all crave it, doesn't mean that we all do. And I am straight, so that puts me in a whole new catagory, according to toto.

:blink::huh: And exactly what category would that be??? :huh::blink:

straight guys that don't always have sex on the brain.

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Wow, so everyone here thinks that I alsways have sex on the brain? cause i am a guy afterall... But that was a really stereotypical thing, back there. :angry2: Just cause most guys a lot of guys all crave it, doesn't mean that we all do. And I am straight, so that puts me in a whole new catagory, according to toto.


We never said you guys always have sex on the brain. Just saying that you've thought about wanting it once-in-awhile.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.


Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.


Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side.



too bad the rest of me is FAT and i cant fit into small anything.

im like exploding out of my jeans right now.

it makes me sick

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wow. I didn't know boobs was allowed on HD.


Well, speaking of the age limit (I'm going from the top), I know someone who had it at 10, and kept at it until they were like... 16. They are so lucky there was no pregnancy. Protection... Good times. They haven't had it in like... a year and a half though. I think they got scared because (ok, it's a guy) she cheated on him and got pregnatn, so she got a DNA test and it was the cheats' not his. He was so scared... He hasn't had it since. Of course, that's probably coz his latest gf is just liek me, a prude who's totally waiting till marriage.


Also, Toto, you are right to worry. This guy's parents still think he's a total chastity case. (He definitely isn't)


Okay, now that I'm back on pace:

Some guys are like me: don't want it till marriage

Some guys are like my bf: want it, but willing to wait for the girl's sayso. (I liek this one. It's more fun to tease him. I'm good at that.)

Some guys are like my guy: were roped into it by a seventh grader in fifth grade, decided he liked it, kept at it until he got scared

Some guys are like another guy I know: didn't wait, wishes he did

Some guys are the stereotype: I WANT IT NOW I WANT IT TMW I WANT IT ALL THE TIME I CAN JUST USE PRETTY COLORS SO SHE DON"T GET PREGGERS hehe blue and purple are pretty...


and yes, I just said that.


And I'm small on the top half of my body. Ich likes it that way. I do too. Works out great, doesn't it?

What stinks... he's bigger on the top haf than me. Of course, he's also 260 6'4'', and I'm 5'2'' 104 if I'm lucky, so... :) People say we look good together. I'm prone to agree.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.


Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side.



too bad the rest of me is FAT and i cant fit into small anything.

im like exploding out of my jeans right now.

it makes me sick


-rolls eyes- You. Are. Not. Fat. Star. Jones. Is. Fat. Michael. Moore. Is. Obese. You. Are. Neither.

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Also, Toto, you are right to worry. This guy's parents still think he's a total chastity case. (He definitely isn't)


Are we talking about my brother here, or are we refering to my brother's girlfriend as a male?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.


Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side.

Yeah, seriously. I'd rather not have too much attention go to my boobs. I'm the same size as you. I was using *chest* instead of boobs since I wasn't sure if it was going to be censored or not. XD

People with bigger boobs look fatter since their shirt generally pokes forward because of the size.


I'm wearing Axe right now becuase my friend(a girl) got free Axe from this DVD store for absolutely no reason and so we were goofing off with our other friends in an Axe war. I smell like guy.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.


Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side.

Yeah, seriously. I'd rather not have too much attention go to my boobs. I'm the same size as you. I was using *chest* instead of boobs since I wasn't sure if it was going to be censored or not. XD

People with bigger boobs look fatter since their shirt generally pokes forward because of the size.


I'm wearing Axe right now becuase my friend(a girl) got free Axe from this DVD store for absolutely no reason and so we were goofing off with our other friends in an Axe war. I smell like guy.


Exactly! I think people should get breast-reductions rather than implants, since they just make women look fatter than they really are. We need a ... boob boycott. Or something.

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Also, Toto, you are right to worry. This guy's parents still think he's a total chastity case. (He definitely isn't)


Are we talking about my brother here, or are we refering to my brother's girlfriend as a male?

I'm talking about the guy I was talking about. The 10-yr-old?


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.


Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side.

Yeah, seriously. I'd rather not have too much attention go to my boobs. I'm the same size as you. I was using *chest* instead of boobs since I wasn't sure if it was going to be censored or not. XD

People with bigger boobs look fatter since their shirt generally pokes forward because of the size.


I'm wearing Axe right now becuase my friend(a girl) got free Axe from this DVD store for absolutely no reason and so we were goofing off with our other friends in an Axe war. I smell like guy.


Exactly! I think people should get breast-reductions rather than implants, since they just make women look fatter than they really are. We need a ... boob boycott. Or something.

nice... I liek that. Too bad Dolly can't participate. She's had two reductions, and she's still big!





horatio, why did you change my post from tmw to now? it's just tomorrow.

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nice... I liek that. Too bad Dolly can't participate. She's had two reductions, and she's still big!





horatio, why did you change my post from tmw to now? it's just tomorrow.

Actually Dolly has not had reductions, she has had enlargements. :blink:


I will fix it. I didn't know what it meant and Lauren has me conditioned. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My brother's already old enough to have sex. (Not like he wants to.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

thats wut YOU think

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex.


Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?)


But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat.




ive talked about sex with my brother.

but thats just cuz he's different..

and we dont have normal bro/sis convos.


yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though.

but most guys want it like 24/7...

This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room).

"I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s."

Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with.

Stupid perverted ex. >.<


Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.


Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side.

Yeah, seriously. I'd rather not have too much attention go to my boobs. I'm the same size as you. I was using *chest* instead of boobs since I wasn't sure if it was going to be censored or not. XD

People with bigger boobs look fatter since their shirt generally pokes forward because of the size.


I'm wearing Axe right now becuase my friend(a girl) got free Axe from this DVD store for absolutely no reason and so we were goofing off with our other friends in an Axe war. I smell like guy.


ha.we all have little boobs :P

the good thing about having them is

-people arnt paying attention to JUST them

-you know people arnt dating you for JUST them

-they dont pop out of shirts and make you look fatter

-you dont have to worry about looking like a ...... in just a tanktop

and other stuff lol

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nice... I liek that. Too bad Dolly can't participate. She's had two reductions, and she's still big!





horatio, why did you change my post from tmw to now? it's just tomorrow.

Actually Dolly has not had reductions, she has had enlargements. :blink:


I will fix it. I didn't know what it meant and Lauren has me conditioned. :lol:


nope. She had to have two reductions because they were giving her back problems. I know it looks like she had ridiculously extreme implants put in, but no, she's actually smaller than she was.

Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..."




i feel your pain man.

i have baby sized boobs too!

: P

all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!"

pshh. sometimes i do.


Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side.

Yeah, seriously. I'd rather not have too much attention go to my boobs. I'm the same size as you. I was using *chest* instead of boobs since I wasn't sure if it was going to be censored or not. XD

People with bigger boobs look fatter since their shirt generally pokes forward because of the size.


I'm wearing Axe right now becuase my friend(a girl) got free Axe from this DVD store for absolutely no reason and so we were goofing off with our other friends in an Axe war. I smell like guy.


ha.we all have little boobs :P

the good thing about having them is

-people arnt paying attention to JUST them

-you know people arnt dating you for JUST them

-they dont pop out of shirts and make you look fatter

-you dont have to worry about looking like a ...... in just a tanktop

and other stuff lol


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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


LOL. I have Baby-sized Boobs to. All my freinds, except Ice Climber, Oompa loompa, and my Guy freinds, are always saying, "I Love your small Boobs! I wish mine were that small." And a lot of Guys say they like me because i'm not obsessed with my chest. When I found out JackRabbit liked me, I asked him why he liked me, and he said all this stuff, and at the end of his speech he said, "...and she doesn't care that her boobs are small." And I asked him exactly why he was staring at my chest. =)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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  • 2 weeks later...
*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


LOL. I have Baby-sized Boobs to. All my freinds, except Ice Climber, Oompa loompa, and my Guy freinds, are always saying, "I Love your small Boobs! I wish mine were that small." And a lot of Guys say they like me because i'm not obsessed with my chest. When I found out JackRabbit liked me, I asked him why he liked me, and he said all this stuff, and at the end of his speech he said, "...and she doesn't care that her boobs are small." And I asked him exactly why he was staring at my chest. =)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


small boobs are so much better.


its probably one of the best tests to see who's attracted to your personality and/ or FACE and not just your body.


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