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The HD House

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

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[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

[i dunno. Eat one and find out.]

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Whoo! This is fun! :D


And taping my compy desk to a diving board sounds like something I would do. ._.;;

[Yeah, thats.... why i wrote that you did that.

I dunno if MK likes pickles or not. I just decided she'd throw them at people instead.]

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Whoo! This is fun! :D


And taping my compy desk to a diving board sounds like something I would do. ._.;;

[Yeah, thats.... why i wrote that you did that.

I dunno if MK likes pickles or not. I just decided she'd throw them at people instead.]

[Except you didn't anticipate me eating all the pickles you threw.]

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Whoo! This is fun! :D


And taping my compy desk to a diving board sounds like something I would do. ._.;;

[Yeah, thats.... why i wrote that you did that.

I dunno if MK likes pickles or not. I just decided she'd throw them at people instead.]

[Except you didn't anticipate me eating all the pickles you threw.]

[i only threw three of them. MK has vanished with many of the pickles in that thar story up thar. (yeah, thar is another way or saying there. Spoken like a pirate or something.)]

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Whoo! This is fun! :D


And taping my compy desk to a diving board sounds like something I would do. ._.;;

[Yeah, thats.... why i wrote that you did that.

I dunno if MK likes pickles or not. I just decided she'd throw them at people instead.]

I was just commenting that you did a good job. XD

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

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Whoo! This is fun! :D


And taping my compy desk to a diving board sounds like something I would do. ._.;;

[Yeah, thats.... why i wrote that you did that.

I dunno if MK likes pickles or not. I just decided she'd throw them at people instead.]

[Except you didn't anticipate me eating all the pickles you threw.]

[i only threw three of them. MK has vanished with many of the pickles in that thar story up thar. (yeah, thar is another way or saying there. Spoken like a pirate or something.)]

Yarr. Piratey talk be good.


And I like pickles. *nibbles on a pickle*

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

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[ooh, this should prove to be quite interesting]

[Yes. Now... to think of what to write next. -bangs head on monitor several times- Its coming, its coming...]

[mk cooks dinner?]

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[ooh, this should prove to be quite interesting]

[Yes. Now... to think of what to write next. -bangs head on monitor several times- Its coming, its coming...]

[A visit to Planet Horatio. B) ]

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[ooh, this should prove to be quite interesting]

[Yes. Now... to think of what to write next. -bangs head on monitor several times- Its coming, its coming...]

[A visit to Planet Horatio. B) ]

[that is kinda what i was thinking, just having you cook the foodstuffs on your menu. But your idea is better.]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

[*nods* *throws horses pickles* *runs away from demanding pickle hungry horses*]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

[*chants for the story* *adds a please to be polite*]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

I'll make this easy for you.




Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing.


We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!!


BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! :lol:

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

I'll make this easy for you.




Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing.


We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!!


BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! :lol:

[He was stalking me. ;_;


Arkcher- Just go to Hampsterdance.com, click on talk and tell, and click Message board. Then you can access us.]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

I'll make this easy for you.




Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing.


We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!!


BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! :lol:

[i know of someone even closer. ;D]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

[i'll make this easy for you.




Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing.


We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!!


BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! :lol: ]

[i know of someone even closer. ;D]

[Okay... tell me who. :huh: ]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

[i'll make this easy for you.




Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing.


We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!!


BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! :lol: ]

[i know of someone even closer. ;D]

[Okay... tell me who. :huh: ]

[someone Lives in missouri. somewhere. You's guys are pretty vague on details. xD]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

I'll make this easy for you.




Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing.


We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!!


BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! :lol:

[i didn't see any Arkchers...as far as I know. >_>]

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

I'll make this easy for you.




Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing.


We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!!


BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! :lol:

[i didn't see any Arkchers...as far as I know. >_>]

Were you looking? LOL

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[Okay. I've made, what, four topics trying to write this story? This is another try at that one story with the big mansion house and everybody on the board, caffeine and ninjas and electircal tape and whatnot. MK reminded me about doing this without really trying, but whatever. Imma write some of this, including some of the more recent events that happened.]


[This is pretty much me makin' it up as I go, but it'll give us something to do.]


"Kat, 'You spose this desk could be in any more of an inconvenient place?"


"I could put it on your bed, if you want me to..."


"No, just... Putting your computer desk here on the diving board doesnt sound too bright to me."


Arkcher gestured to Kat's computer desk that she had 'installed' by duct-taping it to the diving board of a swimming pool that had recently been added on to the Mansion.


"And why not?"


"Well, think about it... 115-volt electrical equipment two feet away from a large body of water with metal stuff inside of it..."


"... Yeah?"


"is kind of an electrical hazard."


"Well where do you want me to put the compy? It needs to be some place with a cool view. You know, its like you've never been on your compy and not looked around it, wishing it was in some Dragons lair or... on an airplane or something...?"


"I cant say I have. Kat, Just move the compy desk over there, or something. You can always look behind yourself and see the pool."


"...... You're right!"


Arkcher nodded wisely.


"And with your computer over there, the line of the diving board has gotten a bit long."


Arkcher motioned to the some odd 25 members in lament against Kat's computer.


"... Where'd they come from!?"


"Well, they kind of live here... Look, you move your compy desk, i'll be back later."


Arkcher turned around and walked inside the rather large building, and enjoyed air conditioning. He was about to sit down, when he heard his name being called again.


"Arkcheeeerrrr, Come over here."


Somewhat annoyed, Arkcher stood up, and followed the sound of what appeared to be Mushroom_King's Voice. He found her in the kitchen, holding a Jar of Pickles.


"I cant get this blasted thing open! and it wont fit in the meat grinder, neither."


"You like pickles?"


"Just open it, already. I got bored so I wanna go throw these at Honey or someone."


"You do that."


Arkcher commented as he took the jar that MK handed him. He glanced at it, noting that the lid did not appear very tight. Nontheless, he grabbed the lid, and twisted it... twisted it... kept trying... tried harder...


"... How much do you really want these pickles, MK?"


"I wouldnt have called you over here if I didnt need them, now would I?"


"I never know with you."


Arkcher stopped trying to open it, put the jar down, and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them about five seconds later, But instead of the boring brown color that everyone was used to, his eyes were Yellow. Somewhat energetically, Arkcher reached down, picked up the jar again, and used his right arm which was not about twice its original size, quite furry, clawed, and greatly resembled that of a werewolf, and twisted the lid again. After a short amount of time, the lid finally came off, but so did the upper half of the glass jar, while the bottom half shattered, as pickles and portions of pickles, pickle juice and broken glass flew everywhere.


Arkcher shook his head, his arm changed back to normal and his eyes did likewise. He glanced down at himself...


"Oh, Snap. uh, MK... Heres your... pickles..."


He handed the upper half of the jar to MK, and gestured to his body,


"I'm gonna... go take care of these glass shards and various cuts and pickle juices."


Indeed, there were multiple shards of glass here and there in his body, which was dripping with pickle juice. Arkcher stepped away, hesitated, and turned around, and looked at the still somewhat shaken MK.


"Are you okay?"


MK nodded, and watched Arkcher trail pickle juice and blood up the staircase.


'... Kinda makes the pickles not really worth it...'

MK Thought to herself, looking at the broken glass and pickles everywhere.




Arkcher stepped out of his room with a change of clothes on, with multiple bandages underneath. He figured it'd be best not to show what had happened, if Horatio or Hampsterking had found out, then... well, they'd at least worry a lot, but Arkcher found it best to not let them know. Arkcher cringed as he stepped through the hallway, down the staircase and back to the Kitchen he was in not too long ago. MK was nowhere to be seen, but glass shards and pickle juice was still everywhere.


'I'll just..... go over here, then...'

Arkcher thought aloud as he hurriedly strode into another room, and watched outside at the swimming pool, with Kat still arranging duct-tape, her computer desk and a portion of her claymore collection. Fortunately, it was further away from the water.


"So, uh, Arkcher..."


He jumped, turned around to see MW behind him.


"Do you know anything about that pickly mess in the kitchen?"


Arkcher glanced from side to side, opened his mouth to respond, but MW spoke again.


"Or do those bloody glass shards in there have anything to do with the bloodstains in your shirt there?"


Arkcher looked down, and indeed there were small splotches of blood seeping through his bandages on his clothes.


"That? is... Ketchup. That mess in the Kitched happened when some guy I call Sue came rampaging through. He doesnt like pickles. He's a... yeah, Sue is a roll of Duct-tape. I think Kat is getting revenge by using him to stick her computer desk to the wall."


"Ooh, I wanna help!"


MW grinned and ran outside to put duct-tape on various objects and/or people.


'Regardless, that mess still is there. Hmm...'


Arkcher stepped outside, and called for Kat.


"Amid your duct-tape rampage, can you cover the Kitchen in Duct-tape? It'd look rather dashing."


"Yay! More stuff to put Sue on!"


Kat and MW cheered, and continued duct-taping everything in sight.


Arkcher sighed, looked around, and decided it best to go back to his room and write some more.

[yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... :D ]

[-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D]

[Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*]

*dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs*

*calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*

Yum! *chomps on a pickle*

[gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*]

Good, aren't they?

*hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*

*gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more!

[ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! :D ]

[Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]

[*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! :D ]

[Good idea... back to the story!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


[Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me.

Do you want me to write the next part for him?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

[Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.]


[so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.]


[and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.]

I'll make this easy for you.




Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing.


We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!!


BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! :lol:

[i didn't see any Arkchers...as far as I know. >_>]

Were you looking? LOL

[Well...no...but that's beside the point.]

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  • 4 weeks later...

[seriously, Pom-pom. Im gonna finish this. Im like, so gonna finish it, you dont even know im gonna finish it.]


[Yeah. ...... yeah.]


[... yeah.]


[im gonna like, try makin some of it up right now. to get me on my way. ... yeah.]


Arkcher sighed, leaned back in his chair, trying to think of what to write next. His concentration was soon interrupted by Mega Wolf, running into his room.


"Arkcher! You're still a computer nerd, right? Yeah, you are now if you werent. Something wierd happened to Kat's compy!"


Arkcher turned and stared at MW blankly for a moment. He then pointed at her and laughed.


"Ahem. ... Yeah, i'll... go take a look."


Arkcher stood up, stretched, shook his head, and walked out of his room to follow MW down the staircase.


They came to one of the living rooms, and saw another computer desk, covered in DuctTape, with a PC (also covered in tape) and Kat standing nearby, looking rather worried. The monitor displayed Kat's desktop, nothing looked out of the ordinary.


"Arkcher! My compy is all wierd now!"


"... Define 'wierd'."


"Well, watch it! It might do it again!"


Mega Wolf and Kat stared at the computer silently, expecting it to do something. Arkcher did likewise, but lost patience.


"Whats it going to do?"


"Shuddup and watch!"


Another short moment passed, before the monitor bounced up in the air, and a sound of rushing air came from the PC.


"Seeeee?! It did it again!"


"... W'l Thats interesting."


"It looks like it has the hiccups!"


Arkcher looked over at Hamster Luver, who as on the other side of the room, watching them.


"Kat's computer... has the hiccups."


"Well what else could it be?"


Arkcher looked at the computer again, the same desktop was still there, with the various claymores in the wallpaper. He intently watched it closely again, waiting for it to 'hiccup'. When it did, Arkcher noticed a small rectangular grey window appear on the monitor.


"It's... doing something...!"


Arkcher stepped closer, put his hand on the keyboard, and waited for it to 'hiccup' again. It did, while the monitor was still in the air, Arkcher hit the Screenshot key, opened MS Paint, and looked at what happened.

A small error message was in the display, it read '*hic* Aaaugh.' with an OK button just below it. The message seemed to go away shortly after it appeared.


"... It definitely has the hiccups. ... How could a complex circuit get the hiccups?"


"Maybe its a virus!"


MW suggested. Arkcher thought about it for a moment, and agreed. That was the only explanation they had so far.


"Kat, Gimmie that ducttape."


"What? Oh, you mean Sue? Yeah, theres still a little bit left of him."


Kat grabbed the roll of tape and tossed it to Arkcher, who taped the monitor down to the desk to keep it from jumping in the air.


"Imma take a look at it..."


Arkcher tossed the now tapeless roll of cardboard off to the side. Kat and MW ran over to it, and set it on fire.




They chanted while jumping around the small flame while it lasted.


"There is something wrong with you guys."


"Hey, its not our fault, You're writing this mess."


"... Pffuh. Whatever."


Arkcher looked at various things on Kat's computer, sparing the details of what. THe monitors desplay wiggled around periodically, in accordance to when it would hiccup. Arkcher couldnt shake the thought of why would a computer get the hiccups?


"Nothing looks wrong... Kat, How do you fix hiccups on a person?"


"Uh, Something like... drinking a lot of water, or eating a lot od peanut butter, or... I dunno, beat it to death with a claymore."


"Or stick the hiccups in the meat grinder!"


MK suggested from the other room.


"On the contrary, MK, That solution does not solve everything. A lot of them, yes, but Hiccups dont fit in Meat Grinders."


"And why not?"


MK asked as she stepped into the room.


"You remember your supposedly sanity-proof Meat Grinder?"


MK Nodded.


"Same basic thing, I guess Hiccups are like Sanities, so you cant put those in your meat grinder. Maybe a different one..."


"Wait a minute... If Hiccups are like Sanities, then TGHL should be able to take care of them...?"


Kat commented. The group thought about it for a moment, and agreed to find TGHL.


[A bit trippy, but its better than nothing. ._.]

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[seriously, Pom-pom. Im gonna finish this. Im like, so gonna finish it, you dont even know im gonna finish it.]


[Yeah. ...... yeah.]


[... yeah.]


[im gonna like, try makin some of it up right now. to get me on my way. ... yeah.]


Arkcher sighed, leaned back in his chair, trying to think of what to write next. His concentration was soon interrupted by Mega Wolf, running into his room.


"Arkcher! You're still a computer nerd, right? Yeah, you are now if you werent. Something wierd happened to Kat's compy!"


Arkcher turned and stared at MW blankly for a moment. He then pointed at her and laughed.


"Ahem. ... Yeah, i'll... go take a look."


Arkcher stood up, stretched, shook his head, and walked out of his room to follow MW down the staircase.


They came to one of the living rooms, and saw another computer desk, covered in DuctTape, with a PC (also covered in tape) and Kat standing nearby, looking rather worried. The monitor displayed Kat's desktop, nothing looked out of the ordinary.


"Arkcher! My compy is all wierd now!"


"... Define 'wierd'."


"Well, watch it! It might do it again!"


Mega Wolf and Kat stared at the computer silently, expecting it to do something. Arkcher did likewise, but lost patience.


"Whats it going to do?"


"Shuddup and watch!"


Another short moment passed, before the monitor bounced up in the air, and a sound of rushing air came from the PC.


"Seeeee?! It did it again!"


"... W'l Thats interesting."


"It looks like it has the hiccups!"


Arkcher looked over at Hamster Luver, who as on the other side of the room, watching them.


"Kat's computer... has the hiccups."


"Well what else could it be?"


Arkcher looked at the computer again, the same desktop was still there, with the various claymores in the wallpaper. He intently watched it closely again, waiting for it to 'hiccup'. When it did, Arkcher noticed a small rectangular grey window appear on the monitor.


"It's... doing something...!"


Arkcher stepped closer, put his hand on the keyboard, and waited for it to 'hiccup' again. It did, while the monitor was still in the air, Arkcher hit the Screenshot key, opened MS Paint, and looked at what happened.

A small error message was in the display, it read '*hic* Aaaugh.' with an OK button just below it. The message seemed to go away shortly after it appeared.


"... It definitely has the hiccups. ... How could a complex circuit get the hiccups?"


"Maybe its a virus!"


MW suggested. Arkcher thought about it for a moment, and agreed. That was the only explanation they had so far.


"Kat, Gimmie that ducttape."


"What? Oh, you mean Sue? Yeah, theres still a little bit left of him."


Kat grabbed the roll of tape and tossed it to Arkcher, who taped the monitor down to the desk to keep it from jumping in the air.


"Imma take a look at it..."


Arkcher tossed the now tapeless roll of cardboard off to the side. Kat and MW ran over to it, and set it on fire.




They chanted while jumping around the small flame while it lasted.


"There is something wrong with you guys."


"Hey, its not our fault, You're writing this mess."


"... Pffuh. Whatever."


Arkcher looked at various things on Kat's computer, sparing the details of what. THe monitors desplay wiggled around periodically, in accordance to when it would hiccup. Arkcher couldnt shake the thought of why would a computer get the hiccups?


"Nothing looks wrong... Kat, How do you fix hiccups on a person?"


"Uh, Something like... drinking a lot of water, or eating a lot od peanut butter, or... I dunno, beat it to death with a claymore."


"Or stick the hiccups in the meat grinder!"


MK suggested from the other room.


"On the contrary, MK, That solution does not solve everything. A lot of them, yes, but Hiccups dont fit in Meat Grinders."


"And why not?"


MK asked as she stepped into the room.


"You remember your supposedly sanity-proof Meat Grinder?"


MK Nodded.


"Same basic thing, I guess Hiccups are like Sanities, so you cant put those in your meat grinder. Maybe a different one..."


"Wait a minute... If Hiccups are like Sanities, then TGHL should be able to take care of them...?"


Kat commented. The group thought about it for a moment, and agreed to find TGHL.


[A bit trippy, but its better than nothing. ._.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


[Actually, I can mae it so I can put sanities in the Meat Grinder.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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[seriously, Pom-pom. Im gonna finish this. Im like, so gonna finish it, you dont even know im gonna finish it.]


[Yeah. ...... yeah.]


[... yeah.]


[im gonna like, try makin some of it up right now. to get me on my way. ... yeah.]


Arkcher sighed, leaned back in his chair, trying to think of what to write next. His concentration was soon interrupted by Mega Wolf, running into his room.


"Arkcher! You're still a computer nerd, right? Yeah, you are now if you werent. Something wierd happened to Kat's compy!"


Arkcher turned and stared at MW blankly for a moment. He then pointed at her and laughed.


"Ahem. ... Yeah, i'll... go take a look."


Arkcher stood up, stretched, shook his head, and walked out of his room to follow MW down the staircase.


They came to one of the living rooms, and saw another computer desk, covered in DuctTape, with a PC (also covered in tape) and Kat standing nearby, looking rather worried. The monitor displayed Kat's desktop, nothing looked out of the ordinary.


"Arkcher! My compy is all wierd now!"


"... Define 'wierd'."


"Well, watch it! It might do it again!"


Mega Wolf and Kat stared at the computer silently, expecting it to do something. Arkcher did likewise, but lost patience.


"Whats it going to do?"


"Shuddup and watch!"


Another short moment passed, before the monitor bounced up in the air, and a sound of rushing air came from the PC.


"Seeeee?! It did it again!"


"... W'l Thats interesting."


"It looks like it has the hiccups!"


Arkcher looked over at Hamster Luver, who as on the other side of the room, watching them.


"Kat's computer... has the hiccups."


"Well what else could it be?"


Arkcher looked at the computer again, the same desktop was still there, with the various claymores in the wallpaper. He intently watched it closely again, waiting for it to 'hiccup'. When it did, Arkcher noticed a small rectangular grey window appear on the monitor.


"It's... doing something...!"


Arkcher stepped closer, put his hand on the keyboard, and waited for it to 'hiccup' again. It did, while the monitor was still in the air, Arkcher hit the Screenshot key, opened MS Paint, and looked at what happened.

A small error message was in the display, it read '*hic* Aaaugh.' with an OK button just below it. The message seemed to go away shortly after it appeared.


"... It definitely has the hiccups. ... How could a complex circuit get the hiccups?"


"Maybe its a virus!"


MW suggested. Arkcher thought about it for a moment, and agreed. That was the only explanation they had so far.


"Kat, Gimmie that ducttape."


"What? Oh, you mean Sue? Yeah, theres still a little bit left of him."


Kat grabbed the roll of tape and tossed it to Arkcher, who taped the monitor down to the desk to keep it from jumping in the air.


"Imma take a look at it..."


Arkcher tossed the now tapeless roll of cardboard off to the side. Kat and MW ran over to it, and set it on fire.




They chanted while jumping around the small flame while it lasted.


"There is something wrong with you guys."


"Hey, its not our fault, You're writing this mess."


"... Pffuh. Whatever."


Arkcher looked at various things on Kat's computer, sparing the details of what. THe monitors desplay wiggled around periodically, in accordance to when it would hiccup. Arkcher couldnt shake the thought of why would a computer get the hiccups?


"Nothing looks wrong... Kat, How do you fix hiccups on a person?"


"Uh, Something like... drinking a lot of water, or eating a lot od peanut butter, or... I dunno, beat it to death with a claymore."


"Or stick the hiccups in the meat grinder!"


MK suggested from the other room.


"On the contrary, MK, That solution does not solve everything. A lot of them, yes, but Hiccups dont fit in Meat Grinders."


"And why not?"


MK asked as she stepped into the room.


"You remember your supposedly sanity-proof Meat Grinder?"


MK Nodded.


"Same basic thing, I guess Hiccups are like Sanities, so you cant put those in your meat grinder. Maybe a different one..."


"Wait a minute... If Hiccups are like Sanities, then TGHL should be able to take care of them...?"


Kat commented. The group thought about it for a moment, and agreed to find TGHL.


[A bit trippy, but its better than nothing. ._.]

[death to sue....wow that is pretty darn funny right there!!! lol :D ]

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[ROFOCL... I like this! :lol: ]

[Yeah... I forgot to mention that I came up with a title for this part of the story a while back. out of boredom, i came up with 'the Dawning of a new Hiccup'. partly due to hilarity.]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

[Let's just see what he can do. Perhaps it is not too much effort at all.]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

[i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for suck a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

[i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.]

[its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take live fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD


Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more.


And point out your typoes. ;D]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

[i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.]

[its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take live fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD


Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more.


And point out your typoes. ;D]

[Et toi, Arkcher.]


(And you, Arkcher.)

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

[i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.]

[its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take like fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD


Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more.


And point out your typoes. ;D]

[Et toi, Arkcher.]


(And you, Arkcher.)

[What? I see no typoes.

You must be off your rocker. or something.]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

[i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.]

[its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take like fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD


Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more.


And point out your typoes. ;D]

[Et toi, Arkcher.]


(And you, Arkcher.)

[What? I see no typoes.

You must be off your rocker. or something.]

[Oh, was that his? >_> I totally didn't know that. It's not like I shoved him out of his rocker and stole it or anything. Because I'm not a rocker-kleptomaniac. *puts rocking chair back down and stealthily sneaks away*]

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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

[i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.]

[its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take like fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD


Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more.


And point out your typoes. ;D]

[Et toi, Arkcher.]


(And you, Arkcher.)

[What? I see no typoes.

You must be off your rocker. or something.]

[if you see no typoes you must be the one off your rocker...

*pokes his own typo*]



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[Make sure he's available. He might have a bit of trouble with us looking for nameless at the same time.]


[Heh, that's a good idea, like, having two different stories meet each other XD]

[Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well.


So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet.

A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.)


Whatev. Im still rambling. XD]

[Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.]

[Ooh. Looks like something might be done :D Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.]


[Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...]


[Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.]


[because... Like... Who wants group madness?]

I am thinking on how this could work.]

[i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...]


[You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.]


[Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...]


[And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.]


[There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.]


[i hope I made enough sense XD]


[And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD]

[You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.]

[its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.]

[i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.]

[its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take like fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD


Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more.


And point out your typoes. ;D]

[Et toi, Arkcher.]


(And you, Arkcher.)

[What? I see no typoes.

You must be off your rocker. or something.]

[Oh, was that his? >_> I totally didn't know that. It's not like I shoved him out of his rocker and stole it or anything. Because I'm not a rocker-kleptomaniac. *puts rocking chair back down and stealthily sneaks away*]

*grabs rocker and places it in my cage* :P

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The trio walked through the HD House calling for TGHL, occasionally stopping a member or unregistered user along the way, asking of TGHL's whereabouts.


"Wait a minute, if TGHL steals Kat's compy's hiccups, wont he have this hiccup virus dealie?"


MW commented.


"Maybe. If he does, then, well... He's evil, so we wont much mind. If not, then oh well."


Kat replied, and stared off into space, in deep concentration on matters that may or may not be this Hiccup incident.


Arkcher continued walking, and started to sigh, but half-way through, he involentarily took in another breath, cringed, and let out a rather long, loud grunt.


"... What was that?"


"I have no idea. 'T felt like the biggest hiccup I ever had."


"... Oh, snap. You got the hiccups from Kat's compy?"


"Hiccups arent contagous from one bioform to another, let alone a mechanism to a bioform. I couldnt have gotten hiccups from a blasted computer-"


Arkcher was cut off by another loud hiccup. Kat held back laughter ineffectively, within seconds, she and MW burst out laughing.


"Yeah, I feel -hic- the love, guys. I really -hic- do."


Kat continued cackling with MW for a moment, before she, too, was interruped by a large hiccup. A short silence followed, before Arkcher and MW laughed at Kat.


Within a moment, the three of them were on the floor, laughing and hiccuping at random times, causing them to laugh harder.


"WHAT are you guys doing?!"


A loud voice interrupted their laughing hiccup fit. The three of them sat up, and saw MK, wielding a Meat Grinder, standing a few feet away.


"We were laughing at -hic- Arkcher, because he has the -hic- ... He has the hic-hic-... Arkcher has the hiccups! -hic-!"


"But I was laughing at -hic- Kat, becuase she has the -hic- Hiccups, too! -hic-"


MK watched them all erupt in hiccups and laughter again.


"Y'all are whack."


"Wiggidy whack? -hic-"


"No, just regular kind."


"Its the compy's -hic- fault, MK!"


"Whatever, You guys have your little lung contraction, there, I'm gonna go and listen to Pink Floyd and put Trent in this here handy Meat Grinder."


A few minutes passed, before MW, Kat and Arkcher finally calmed down, continuing to hiccup every few seconds. They sat on the floor, rather tired from laughing so much.


"What's going on in here, guys?"


Horatio asked as he walked into the room.


"Horatio! We have the -hic- ... Arkcher has the hic-hic-cups!"


"We have -hic- I have the -hic- We all got the hic-hic- from Kat's comp-hic-y!"


"Kat's computer has a hickey?"


"NO! We got the -hic- hiccups from Kat's -hic- computer!"


"How did you manage that, getting the hiccups from a computer?"


"I dont -hic- know! I dont even know -hic- how KAt's computer got the hic-hic-ups in the first place!"


"You run Windows, dont you?"




"Mac's dont get hiccups..."


Horatio commented, and then hiccupped himself.


"AAH! Horatio has -hic- the hiccups, too!"


"Oh no! -hic- The hiccups are -hic- contagous!"


The four of them ended up laughing at each other just as hard as they were a few moments ago, but now with a small chainsaw-wielding hamster in their presence.


"-hic- Are we gonna go and -hic- find THGH... TG... -hic- TGH... TLHG... -hic- Grimmy-boy? the hamster ruler person -hic- who is grim?"


MW asked after another few minutes had passed.


"Oh -hic- year, I forgot about that. -hic- We really need him now, -hic- though, This is getting rid-hic-ulous."


"-hic- Wait, wait, there was a -hic- last minute... or previously un-hic-known thing, that we just -hic- figured out, Something like MK-hic-'s Meat Grinder could probably get -hic- rid of these hic-hic-ups."


"How do -hic- you know that?"


"MK -hic- said so a while back! S'like... -hic- yeah... that."


"that. -hic-"


"Well, now we -hic- need to find MK! Whe-hic-re did she say she was going? -hic-"


"Something about -hic- sticking Trent's Pink Floyd C-hic-D's in the meat grinder... I dunno, -hic- but she went off that -hic- way."


KAt pointed off down one of the hallways of the HD house.


"WEll great, -hic- That's the one hallway in the hou-hic-se that has about fifteen exits in which-hic- MK could have gone."


The four of them walked on down the hallway...


"Well, we best -hic- start looking for her... M-hic-K!!!"


[the dawning of a new hiccup... -hic-]

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[XD That took me like an hour to -hic write, I was laughing the whole -hictime, i had to stop more than -hic just once...]


[-hic I'll probably put another update in here some-hictime. and yay for an award -hic from Horatio. =D]

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The trio walked through the HD House calling for TGHL, occasionally stopping a member or unregistered user along the way, asking of TGHL's whereabouts.


"Wait a minute, if TGHL steals Kat's compy's hiccups, wont he have this hiccup virus dealie?"


MW commented.


"Maybe. If he does, then, well... He's evil, so we wont much mind. If not, then oh well."


Kat replied, and stared off into space, in deep concentration on matters that may or may not be this Hiccup incident.


Arkcher continued walking, and started to sigh, but half-way through, he involentarily took in another breath, cringed, and let out a rather long, loud grunt.


"... What was that?"


"I have no idea. 'T felt like the biggest hiccup I ever had."


"... Oh, snap. You got the hiccups from Kat's compy?"


"Hiccups arent contagous from one bioform to another, let alone a mechanism to a bioform. I couldnt have gotten hiccups from a blasted computer-"


Arkcher was cut off by another loud hiccup. Kat held back laughter ineffectively, within seconds, she and MW burst out laughing.


"Yeah, I feel -hic- the love, guys. I really -hic- do."


Kat continued cackling with MW for a moment, before she, too, was interruped by a large hiccup. A short silence followed, before Arkcher and MW laughed at Kat.


Within a moment, the three of them were on the floor, laughing and hiccuping at random times, causing them to laugh harder.


"WHAT are you guys doing?!"


A loud voice interrupted their laughing hiccup fit. The three of them sat up, and saw MK, wielding a Meat Grinder, standing a few feet away.


"We were laughing at -hic- Arkcher, because he has the -hic- ... He has the hic-hic-... Arkcher has the hiccups! -hic-!"


"But I was laughing at -hic- Kat, becuase she has the -hic- Hiccups, too! -hic-"


MK watched them all erupt in hiccups and laughter again.


"Y'all are whack."


"Wiggidy whack? -hic-"


"No, just regular kind."


"Its the compy's -hic- fault, MK!"


"Whatever, You guys have your little lung contraction, there, I'm gonna go and listen to Pink Floyd and put Trent in this here handy Meat Grinder."


A few minutes passed, before MW, Kat and Arkcher finally calmed down, continuing to hiccup every few seconds. They sat on the floor, rather tired from laughing so much.


"What's going on in here, guys?"


Horatio asked as he walked into the room.


"Horatio! We have the -hic- ... Arkcher has the hic-hic-cups!"


"We have -hic- I have the -hic- We all got the hic-hic- from Kat's comp-hic-y!"


"Kat's computer has a hickey?"


"NO! We got the -hic- hiccups from Kat's -hic- computer!"


"How did you manage that, getting the hiccups from a computer?"


"I dont -hic- know! I dont even know -hic- how KAt's computer got the hic-hic-ups in the first place!"


"You run Windows, dont you?"




"Mac's dont get hiccups..."


Horatio commented, and then hiccupped himself.


"AAH! Horatio has -hic- the hiccups, too!"


"Oh no! -hic- The hiccups are -hic- contagous!"


The four of them ended up laughing at each other just as hard as they were a few moments ago, but now with a small chainsaw-wielding hamster in their presence.


"-hic- Are we gonna go and -hic- find THGH... TG... -hic- TGH... TLHG... -hic- Grimmy-boy? the hamster ruler person -hic- who is grim?"


MW asked after another few minutes had passed.


"Oh -hic- year, I forgot about that. -hic- We really need him now, -hic- though, This is getting rid-hic-ulous."


"-hic- Wait, wait, there was a -hic- last minute... or previously un-hic-known thing, that we just -hic- figured out, Something like MK-hic-'s Meat Grinder could probably get -hic- rid of these hic-hic-ups."


"How do -hic- you know that?"


"MK -hic- said so a while back! S'like... -hic- yeah... that."


"that. -hic-"


"Well, now we -hic- need to find MK! Whe-hic-re did she say she was going? -hic-"


"Something about -hic- sticking Trent's Pink Floyd C-hic-D's in the meat grinder... I dunno, -hic- but she went off that -hic- way."


KAt pointed off down one of the hallways of the HD house.


"WEll great, -hic- That's the one hallway in the hou-hic-se that has about fifteen exits in which-hic- MK could have gone."


The four of them walked on down the hallway...


"Well, we best -hic- start looking for her... M-hic-K!!!"


[the dawning of a new hiccup... -hic-]

[XD! I was -hic- thinking the same -hic- thing as Hor-hic-atio with the -hic- hickey thing!]

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The trio walked through the HD House calling for TGHL, occasionally stopping a member or unregistered user along the way, asking of TGHL's whereabouts.


"Wait a minute, if TGHL steals Kat's compy's hiccups, wont he have this hiccup virus dealie?"


MW commented.


"Maybe. If he does, then, well... He's evil, so we wont much mind. If not, then oh well."


Kat replied, and stared off into space, in deep concentration on matters that may or may not be this Hiccup incident.


Arkcher continued walking, and started to sigh, but half-way through, he involentarily took in another breath, cringed, and let out a rather long, loud grunt.


"... What was that?"


"I have no idea. 'T felt like the biggest hiccup I ever had."


"... Oh, snap. You got the hiccups from Kat's compy?"


"Hiccups arent contagous from one bioform to another, let alone a mechanism to a bioform. I couldnt have gotten hiccups from a blasted computer-"


Arkcher was cut off by another loud hiccup. Kat held back laughter ineffectively, within seconds, she and MW burst out laughing.


"Yeah, I feel -hic- the love, guys. I really -hic- do."


Kat continued cackling with MW for a moment, before she, too, was interruped by a large hiccup. A short silence followed, before Arkcher and MW laughed at Kat.


Within a moment, the three of them were on the floor, laughing and hiccuping at random times, causing them to laugh harder.


"WHAT are you guys doing?!"


A loud voice interrupted their laughing hiccup fit. The three of them sat up, and saw MK, wielding a Meat Grinder, standing a few feet away.


"We were laughing at -hic- Arkcher, because he has the -hic- ... He has the hic-hic-... Arkcher has the hiccups! -hic-!"


"But I was laughing at -hic- Kat, becuase she has the -hic- Hiccups, too! -hic-"


MK watched them all erupt in hiccups and laughter again.


"Y'all are whack."


"Wiggidy whack? -hic-"


"No, just regular kind."


"Its the compy's -hic- fault, MK!"


"Whatever, You guys have your little lung contraction, there, I'm gonna go and listen to Pink Floyd and put Trent in this here handy Meat Grinder."


A few minutes passed, before MW, Kat and Arkcher finally calmed down, continuing to hiccup every few seconds. They sat on the floor, rather tired from laughing so much.


"What's going on in here, guys?"


Horatio asked as he walked into the room.


"Horatio! We have the -hic- ... Arkcher has the hic-hic-cups!"


"We have -hic- I have the -hic- We all got the hic-hic- from Kat's comp-hic-y!"


"Kat's computer has a hickey?"


"NO! We got the -hic- hiccups from Kat's -hic- computer!"


"How did you manage that, getting the hiccups from a computer?"


"I dont -hic- know! I dont even know -hic- how KAt's computer got the hic-hic-ups in the first place!"


"You run Windows, dont you?"




"Mac's dont get hiccups..."


Horatio commented, and then hiccupped himself.


"AAH! Horatio has -hic- the hiccups, too!"


"Oh no! -hic- The hiccups are -hic- contagous!"


The four of them ended up laughing at each other just as hard as they were a few moments ago, but now with a small chainsaw-wielding hamster in their presence.


"-hic- Are we gonna go and -hic- find THGH... TG... -hic- TGH... TLHG... -hic- Grimmy-boy? the hamster ruler person -hic- who is grim?"


MW asked after another few minutes had passed.


"Oh -hic- year, I forgot about that. -hic- We really need him now, -hic- though, This is getting rid-hic-ulous."


"-hic- Wait, wait, there was a -hic- last minute... or previously un-hic-known thing, that we just -hic- figured out, Something like MK-hic-'s Meat Grinder could probably get -hic- rid of these hic-hic-ups."


"How do -hic- you know that?"


"MK -hic- said so a while back! S'like... -hic- yeah... that."


"that. -hic-"


"Well, now we -hic- need to find MK! Whe-hic-re did she say she was going? -hic-"


"Something about -hic- sticking Trent's Pink Floyd C-hic-D's in the meat grinder... I dunno, -hic- but she went off that -hic- way."


KAt pointed off down one of the hallways of the HD house.


"WEll great, -hic- That's the one hallway in the hou-hic-se that has about fifteen exits in which-hic- MK could have gone."


The four of them walked on down the hallway...


"Well, we best -hic- start looking for her... M-hic-K!!!"


[the dawning of a new hiccup... -hic-]

[XD! I was -hic- thinking the same -hic- thing as Hor-hic-atio with the -hic- hickey thing!]

My -hic- -hic- -hic- -ups- were stuttering.

And as I have told you before... great minds think alike! :lol:

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[death to sue....wow that is pretty darn funny right there!!! lol :D ]

['j00 read that topic where we nicknamed that idiot Sue? It was pretty great. and depressing at the same time.]

[oh yeaha I read that....lol....death to sue!!!! :D ]

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*(~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*\


[LOL! I love the part where I say I'm going to listen to Pink Floyd. i think i'll qoute it in my siggy,.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun.


so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun.


so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[show me a picture. It is probably not the kind of Meat Grinder I use.]


[i use Dark Side Of The Wall ® Meat Grinders. Go see the Fake Advertisments topic, theres an ad there, but it says Mushroom Meat Grider. But Mushroom changed to Dark Side Of The Wall.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun.


so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[show me a picture. It is probably not the kind of Meat Grinder I use.]


[i use Dark Side Of The Wall ® Meat Grinders. Go see the Fake Advertisments topic, theres an ad there, but it says Mushroom Meat Grider. But Mushroom changed to Dark Side Of The Wall.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[s'like a more awesome-looking thing than this:




... yeah. one'a dose. Only like, less stoopid looking and more portable.]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun.


so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[show me a picture. It is probably not the kind of Meat Grinder I use.]


[i use Dark Side Of The Wall ® Meat Grinders. Go see the Fake Advertisments topic, theres an ad there, but it says Mushroom Meat Grider. But Mushroom changed to Dark Side Of The Wall.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[s'like a more awesome-looking thing than this:




... yeah. one'a dose. Only like, less stoopid looking and more portable.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[LOL, that kinda looks like The Meat Grinder I use, except it doesn't have the Looks-like-a-factory look.


"But Boy, He could play Guita-aar...."


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun.


so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[show me a picture. It is probably not the kind of Meat Grinder I use.]


[i use Dark Side Of The Wall ® Meat Grinders. Go see the Fake Advertisments topic, theres an ad there, but it says Mushroom Meat Grider. But Mushroom changed to Dark Side Of The Wall.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[s'like a more awesome-looking thing than this:




... yeah. one'a dose. Only like, less stoopid looking and more portable.]

[it looks like it's throwing up...]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun.


so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[show me a picture. It is probably not the kind of Meat Grinder I use.]


[i use Dark Side Of The Wall ® Meat Grinders. Go see the Fake Advertisments topic, theres an ad there, but it says Mushroom Meat Grider. But Mushroom changed to Dark Side Of The Wall.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[s'like a more awesome-looking thing than this:




... yeah. one'a dose. Only like, less stoopid looking and more portable.]

[it looks like it's throwing up...]


I will never look at hamburgers the same way again. LOL


Seriously, can you imagine what a commercial sized meat grinder must look like? :o

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun.


so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[show me a picture. It is probably not the kind of Meat Grinder I use.]


[i use Dark Side Of The Wall ® Meat Grinders. Go see the Fake Advertisments topic, theres an ad there, but it says Mushroom Meat Grider. But Mushroom changed to Dark Side Of The Wall.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[s'like a more awesome-looking thing than this:




... yeah. one'a dose. Only like, less stoopid looking and more portable.]

[it looks like it's throwing up...]


I will never look at hamburgers the same way again. LOL


Seriously, can you imagine what a commercial sized meat grinder must look like? :o


like a big grinder OF DOOM!

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[ :mellow: Arkcher, why did you say I was weilding a Meat Grinder? Do you relise that a Normal Meat Grinder is as big as a Factory?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun.


so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[show me a picture. It is probably not the kind of Meat Grinder I use.]


[i use Dark Side Of The Wall ® Meat Grinders. Go see the Fake Advertisments topic, theres an ad there, but it says Mushroom Meat Grider. But Mushroom changed to Dark Side Of The Wall.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[s'like a more awesome-looking thing than this:




... yeah. one'a dose. Only like, less stoopid looking and more portable.]

[it looks like it's throwing up...]


I will never look at hamburgers the same way again. LOL


Seriously, can you imagine what a commercial sized meat grinder must look like? :o


like a big grinder OF DOOM!

Now there is a great idea for your next robotics competition... The Robot Of Doom... he grinds his opponents into bits. :lol:

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Kat, Horatio, MW and Arkcher walked down the hallways of the HD House, calling for MK, and opening doors at random and taking a look inside, searching for any sign of MK or... some magical stash of Meat Grinders. You never know with MK, She probably has one around here somewhere.


"... What are you guys so approving of?"


Cheesemaster asked from behind the small group.




"Yeah, you're wandering around all the halls sayin' how everything is okay...?"


"No no -hic- no, We're calling for -hic- MK."


"Who's okay?"


"... Mushroom_-hic-King. like, an M and -hic- then a K? -hic- MK?"


"Oh, fine. ... Whaddyou need MK for?"


"MK can -hic- get rid of these blasted hic-hic- hiccups!"


"... And how does she plan on doing that?"


"I got no -hic- idea, I dont question it, -hic- but I think it'll work. -hic-"


"MK -hic- can probably put our -hic- the hiccups -hic- in her Meat Grind-hic-er, so they'll like, get Sbloun-hic-kched."


"... They'll... get what?"




"Try saying that with out a hiccup."


"Its -hic- impossible! Thats why we ne-hic-ed MK!"


"I could -hic- try... Sbloun-hic-... Sblou-hic-... Sb-hic-... Sblounskch-hic-..."


Cheesemaster promptly cackled at their attempts to speak clearly through their hiccups.


[Oh noes. i needs a go, imma stop here and pick it up later. >.>]

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Kat, Horatio, MW and Arkcher walked down the hallways of the HD House, calling for MK, and opening doors at random and taking a look inside, searching for any sign of MK or... some magical stash of Meat Grinders. You never know with MK, She probably has one around here somewhere.


"... What are you guys so approving of?"


Cheesemaster asked from behind the small group.




"Yeah, you're wandering around all the halls sayin' how everything is okay...?"


"No no -hic- no, We're calling for -hic- MK."


"Who's okay?"


"... Mushroom_-hic-King. like, an M and -hic- then a K? -hic- MK?"


"Oh, fine. ... Whaddyou need MK for?"


"MK can -hic- get rid of these blasted hic-hic- hiccups!"


"... And how does she plan on doing that?"


"I got no -hic- idea, I dont question it, -hic- but I think it'll work. -hic-"


"MK -hic- can probably put our -hic- the hiccups -hic- in her Meat Grind-hic-er, so they'll like, get Sbloun-hic-kched."


"... They'll... get what?"




"Try saying that with out a hiccup."


"Its -hic- impossible! Thats why we ne-hic-ed MK!"


"I could -hic- try... Sbloun-hic-... Sblou-hic-... Sb-hic-... Sblounskch-hic-..."


Cheesemaster promptly cackled at their attempts to speak clearly through their hiccups.


[Oh noes. i needs a go, imma stop here and pick it up later. >.>]

[*sees Mushroom_king's Meat Grinder with the hiccups ... :o ]

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Kat, Horatio, MW and Arkcher walked down the hallways of the HD House, calling for MK, and opening doors at random and taking a look inside, searching for any sign of MK or... some magical stash of Meat Grinders. You never know with MK, She probably has one around here somewhere.


"... What are you guys so approving of?"


Cheesemaster asked from behind the small group.




"Yeah, you're wandering around all the halls sayin' how everything is okay...?"


"No no -hic- no, We're calling for -hic- MK."


"Who's okay?"


"... Mushroom_-hic-King. like, an M and -hic- then a K? -hic- MK?"


"Oh, fine. ... Whaddyou need MK for?"


"MK can -hic- get rid of these blasted hic-hic- hiccups!"


"... And how does she plan on doing that?"


"I got no -hic- idea, I dont question it, -hic- but I think it'll work. -hic-"


"MK -hic- can probably put our -hic- the hiccups -hic- in her Meat Grind-hic-er, so they'll like, get Sbloun-hic-kched."


"... They'll... get what?"




"Try saying that with out a hiccup."


"Its -hic- impossible! Thats why we ne-hic-ed MK!"


"I could -hic- try... Sbloun-hic-... Sblou-hic-... Sb-hic-... Sblounskch-hic-..."


Cheesemaster promptly cackled at their attempts to speak clearly through their hiccups.


[Oh noes. i needs a go, imma stop here and pick it up later. >.>]

[*sees Mushroom_king's Meat Grinder with the hiccups ... :o ]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[That reminds me, I need to try and learn to draw The Teacher. I've always wanted to draw him in action, like...interacting with Invisionests.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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