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let me rant


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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


I must agree on this rant. No, you are not a big whiny baby.

A window in the shower?


Please just be careful giving your father your opinion. In this situation, he and your mother own the house, so you don't have much say. As you pointed out, you only have four to five more years before you will be out on your own. Once you get to college, you will have some freedom. Just focus on getting there.


By the way, you probably will want to keep the bird seed in another room, it might get moldy in the bathroom.

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


I must agree on this rant. No, you are not a big whiny baby.

A window in the shower?


Please just be careful giving your father your opinion. In this situation, he and your mother own the house, so you don't have much say. As you pointed out, you only have four to five more years before you will be out on your own. Once you get to college, you will have some freedom. Just focus on getting there.


By the way, you probably will want to keep the bird seed in another room, it might get moldy in the bathroom.



theyre moving out of NJ (once im gone)

im over it now but i still dont like it.

i love darkness. and my dad is a disrespectful jerk.

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


...I always have to stay home and play Mario Party in the Summer... Grrr...I wish my brother would get off his lazy butt once in a while and take me to the mall or the pool or SOMETHING.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

1, you're not a whiney baby.

2, your dad should have asked your opinion, as well as your sister's.

3, however, it is his house, technically, and you just live in it.

4, you have more of a social life than I do. That ####.

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

1, you're not a whiney baby.

2, your dad should have asked your opinion, as well as your sister's.

3, however, it is his house, technically, and you just live in it.

4, you have more of a social life than I do. That ####.




yea, tru. well i cant wait to get OUT of here.

my house depresses me,


ha. why dont you make some plans then?

i have plans every single day next week. ( and next monday)

including warped tour and im SO excited.

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

1, you're not a whiney baby.

2, your dad should have asked your opinion, as well as your sister's.

3, however, it is his house, technically, and you just live in it.

4, you have more of a social life than I do. That ####.




yea, tru. well i cant wait to get OUT of here.

my house depresses me,


ha. why dont you make some plans then?

i have plans every single day next week. ( and next monday)

including warped tour and im SO excited.


My brother and I were going to go to the Warped Tour. Only because we wanted to mosh, and -accidentally- hurt scenesters and emos in the process. But, knowing me, I would end up hurting myself and breaking some ribs ... again. Not only were the $60 tickets outrageous to seem some bands, but I wouldn't be caught dead with my brother at the Warped Tour. When we thought of the idea, he wasn't in that 'emo' crowd. But, sadly, now he is. :/ I need to find a new brother. xD Any takers?

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

1, you're not a whiney baby.

2, your dad should have asked your opinion, as well as your sister's.

3, however, it is his house, technically, and you just live in it.

4, you have more of a social life than I do. That ####.




yea, tru. well i cant wait to get OUT of here.

my house depresses me,


ha. why dont you make some plans then?

i have plans every single day next week. ( and next monday)

including warped tour and im SO excited.


My brother and I were going to go to the Warped Tour. Only because we wanted to mosh, and -accidentally- hurt scenesters and emos in the process. But, knowing me, I would end up hurting myself and breaking some ribs ... again. Not only were the $60 tickets outrageous to seem some bands, but I wouldn't be caught dead with my brother at the Warped Tour. When we thought of the idea, he wasn't in that 'emo' crowd. But, sadly, now he is. :/ I need to find a new brother. xD Any takers?



60? why so much

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

1, you're not a whiney baby.

2, your dad should have asked your opinion, as well as your sister's.

3, however, it is his house, technically, and you just live in it.

4, you have more of a social life than I do. That ####.




yea, tru. well i cant wait to get OUT of here.

my house depresses me,


ha. why dont you make some plans then?

i have plans every single day next week. ( and next monday)

including warped tour and im SO excited.


My brother and I were going to go to the Warped Tour. Only because we wanted to mosh, and -accidentally- hurt scenesters and emos in the process. But, knowing me, I would end up hurting myself and breaking some ribs ... again. Not only were the $60 tickets outrageous to seem some bands, but I wouldn't be caught dead with my brother at the Warped Tour. When we thought of the idea, he wasn't in that 'emo' crowd. But, sadly, now he is. :/ I need to find a new brother. xD Any takers?



60? why so much


No idea. Too many people in Missouri want to go, I guess. :/

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

1, you're not a whiney baby.

2, your dad should have asked your opinion, as well as your sister's.

3, however, it is his house, technically, and you just live in it.

4, you have more of a social life than I do. That ####.




yea, tru. well i cant wait to get OUT of here.

my house depresses me,


ha. why dont you make some plans then?

i have plans every single day next week. ( and next monday)

including warped tour and im SO excited.


My brother and I were going to go to the Warped Tour. Only because we wanted to mosh, and -accidentally- hurt scenesters and emos in the process. But, knowing me, I would end up hurting myself and breaking some ribs ... again. Not only were the $60 tickets outrageous to seem some bands, but I wouldn't be caught dead with my brother at the Warped Tour. When we thought of the idea, he wasn't in that 'emo' crowd. But, sadly, now he is. :/ I need to find a new brother. xD Any takers?



60? why so much


No idea. Too many people in Missouri want to go, I guess. :/



i JUST ordered mine.


cuz of all the stupidpointless extra charges.

ticketmaster is such a ripoff.

i hate them

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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

1, you're not a whiney baby.

2, your dad should have asked your opinion, as well as your sister's.

3, however, it is his house, technically, and you just live in it.

4, you have more of a social life than I do. That ####.




yea, tru. well i cant wait to get OUT of here.

my house depresses me,


ha. why dont you make some plans then?

i have plans every single day next week. ( and next monday)

including warped tour and im SO excited.


My brother and I were going to go to the Warped Tour. Only because we wanted to mosh, and -accidentally- hurt scenesters and emos in the process. But, knowing me, I would end up hurting myself and breaking some ribs ... again. Not only were the $60 tickets outrageous to seem some bands, but I wouldn't be caught dead with my brother at the Warped Tour. When we thought of the idea, he wasn't in that 'emo' crowd. But, sadly, now he is. :/ I need to find a new brother. xD Any takers?



60? why so much


No idea. Too many people in Missouri want to go, I guess. :/



i JUST ordered mine.


cuz of all the stupidpointless extra charges.

ticketmaster is such a ripoff.

i hate them

I'm going Saturday, when are you going?
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okay, since when is it alright for someone to go do somthing to somthing that they dont even have to use or look at ever.


sure, its kinda of yours but you NEVER have to use it.

its MINE

and im stuck here for 4/5 more years and now i have no choice

you jerk!

its NOT okay to do that. i asked you not to!



alright, the story.


yesterday my dad says "uncle joe is coming over at 9"

and im like "why"

"cuz were putting a window in your shower"

"no seriously.. why"

"..its so dark in there, mom always wanted a window in there."

"please dont."



so i wake up to them doing somthing. just figured it was annemarie's room cuz i didnt think they finished the windows in there.


so i go to walk into my bathroom to pee and weigh myself.


theres construction stuff everywhere and a WINDOW... in the SHOWER.


im like what are you doing?


"wheres my scale"

dad-"its my scale"


"it was in the way.."

"i dont care... where is it"

"in my bathroom, leave it there"




so i weigh myself and im the same as yesterday which is good cuz i worked my butt off last night.

not the point.


i was so mad

i dont want a window in my shower.

thats SO stupid

and the thing i liked about my bathroom is its completely dark in there even durring the day.

it was the only place in the house. i went there when i was bugging out

the darkness calms me down

ive even slept in there a few times

i loved my bathroom

the window is ugly

and my dad is a jerk for thinking its okay to mutilate MY bathroom

its so not fair

he knew i didnt want it

and he knows that were taking out a second morgage cuz were so broke


what a jerk.

i seriously hate him right now

theres no point or purpose of detroying my bathroom

and a WINDOW in the shower?!

wut just in case i wanna feed a bird while i wash my butt!?

like serious!?!?

im so maddsddddddddthgklfhkljsdlkkl;kjkdsf

as soon as my uncle leaves im gonna give him a piece of my mind.





(yes, i know im a big whiny baby and theyre are far worse things happing in the world.) if you have a problem with me or my rant...


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You could always do what I do when Windows make me mad-I pretend I'm Pink and Break them. You might get in trouble for that, though.


I don't think your're a big whniy baby. You should of had a choice about the Window.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


thank you for thinking so.


i wouldnt break it. i dont care that much anymore.

plus were too broke for that and i wouldnt be able to go to the show tomorrow, or shopping monday or swimming tuesday or hang out with my friends on their bdays that are all next week OR warped tour.

so i have alot of being-good to do if i wanna go places..

1, you're not a whiney baby.

2, your dad should have asked your opinion, as well as your sister's.

3, however, it is his house, technically, and you just live in it.

4, you have more of a social life than I do. That ####.




yea, tru. well i cant wait to get OUT of here.

my house depresses me,


ha. why dont you make some plans then?

i have plans every single day next week. ( and next monday)

including warped tour and im SO excited.


My brother and I were going to go to the Warped Tour. Only because we wanted to mosh, and -accidentally- hurt scenesters and emos in the process. But, knowing me, I would end up hurting myself and breaking some ribs ... again. Not only were the $60 tickets outrageous to seem some bands, but I wouldn't be caught dead with my brother at the Warped Tour. When we thought of the idea, he wasn't in that 'emo' crowd. But, sadly, now he is. :/ I need to find a new brother. xD Any takers?



60? why so much


No idea. Too many people in Missouri want to go, I guess. :/



i JUST ordered mine.


cuz of all the stupidpointless extra charges.

ticketmaster is such a ripoff.

i hate them

I'm going Saturday, when are you going?




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well, ghave fun with that. and about the window: at least it isn't a skylight. a window you might conceivably cover with a few towels, a skylight, there's no hope.

a skylight wouldve been kinda pretty.

now i feel akward to take a shower

:unsure: How low does the window go? :unsure:

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well, ghave fun with that. and about the window: at least it isn't a skylight. a window you might conceivably cover with a few towels, a skylight, there's no hope.

a skylight wouldve been kinda pretty.

now i feel akward to take a shower

:unsure: How low does the window go? :unsure:


no too low. and its all fogged.

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well, ghave fun with that. and about the window: at least it isn't a skylight. a window you might conceivably cover with a few towels, a skylight, there's no hope.

a skylight wouldve been kinda pretty.

now i feel akward to take a shower

:unsure: How low does the window go? :unsure:


no too low. and its all fogged.

To the top of your head? To your neck?

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well, ghave fun with that. and about the window: at least it isn't a skylight. a window you might conceivably cover with a few towels, a skylight, there's no hope.

a skylight wouldve been kinda pretty.

now i feel akward to take a shower

:unsure: How low does the window go? :unsure:


no too low. and its all fogged.

To the top of your head? To your neck?

like my eyes

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well, ghave fun with that. and about the window: at least it isn't a skylight. a window you might conceivably cover with a few towels, a skylight, there's no hope.

a skylight wouldve been kinda pretty.

now i feel akward to take a shower

:unsure: How low does the window go? :unsure:


no too low. and its all fogged.

To the top of your head? To your neck?

like my eyes

Then it is not too bad. No one can see in.

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well, ghave fun with that. and about the window: at least it isn't a skylight. a window you might conceivably cover with a few towels, a skylight, there's no hope.

a skylight wouldve been kinda pretty.

now i feel akward to take a shower

:unsure: How low does the window go? :unsure:


no too low. and its all fogged.

To the top of your head? To your neck?

like my eyes

Then it is not too bad. No one can see in.


like i said before, im over it.

i freak out over everything.

i know i should think first but usually things make me mad as soon as i wake up.

and i really dont care about it. cuz everything ends up ok.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't drink caffeine in any form.

I eat chocolate, but that doesn't count since I don't eat enough.

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I don't drink caffeine in any form.

I eat chocolate, but that doesn't count since I don't eat enough.

Actually eating chocolate doesn't count because you said 'drink'! LOL






*realizes Topazia was giving me a reading comprehension test*

Did I pass? LOL

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I don't drink caffeine in any form.

I eat chocolate, but that doesn't count since I don't eat enough.

Actually eating chocolate doesn't count because you said 'drink'! LOL






*realizes Topazia was giving me a reading comprehension test*

Did I pass? LOL

yes, but i wasn't giving you a RCE. Reading Comp Exam


You're right.

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