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What do I do?!


Brianrietta got me possibly the worst christmas present ever. XD (This might even top those Emu Eggs I got for christmas a few years back.)

I said she went on a shopping rampage in Target or something a few posts ago.

It was more like Dollar Store than Target.

'cause I got one of those plastic helicoptor things that you put on a little stand and pull a string and it flies up in the air (Like magic! No batteries required!) but, uh... I've gotten three of those in the past two years somehow. this being the third.


I'm really glad I didnt open this in front of her. I've no clue how to react to this. XD

I kind of want to just throw it away but thats... not how you properly... do away with a gift. Especially not from someone you like.



In other news, Today, Christmas, is The Denzel's Birthday. so shes 15 now.

now that you all've been enlightened by that information you'll never use, My dad invited their family over for Stupid Movie Night (rent a really terrible movie, new or old, and just make fun of it) . and since The Denzel and Brianrietta are rarely seen apart, being good friends, Theres a slight chance that she'll come as well. Especially if we were to invite her. XD so thats... an oppurtunity for progress or a disaster.

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What do I do?!


Brianrietta got me possibly the worst christmas present ever. XD (This might even top those Emu Eggs I got for christmas a few years back.)

I said she went on a shopping rampage in Target or something a few posts ago.

It was more like Dollar Store than Target.

'cause I got one of those plastic helicoptor things that you put on a little stand and pull a string and it flies up in the air (Like magic! No batteries required!) but, uh... I've gotten three of those in the past two years somehow. this being the third.


I'm really glad I didnt open this in front of her. I've no clue how to react to this. XD

I kind of want to just throw it away but thats... not how you properly... do away with a gift. Especially not from someone you like.



In other news, Today, Christmas, is The Denzel's Birthday. so shes 15 now.

now that you all've been enlightened by that information you'll never use, My dad invited their family over for Stupid Movie Night (rent a really terrible movie, new or old, and just make fun of it) . and since The Denzel and Brianrietta are rarely seen apart, being good friends, Theres a slight chance that she'll come as well. Especially if we were to invite her. XD so thats... an oppurtunity for progress or a disaster.

Stupid Movie Night sounds awesome! Some of my friends did that shortly before vacation. They watched some movie along the lines of Santa Clause vs. The Martians. XD I had to study for my history exam though. As for your helecopter, I had one of those too. It was really cool until it crashed into the house and broke. :rolleyes: So if you've got three of them, maybe you and the Denzel and Brianrietta can all go outside and play with them. :P

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What do I do?!


Brianrietta got me possibly the worst christmas present ever. XD (This might even top those Emu Eggs I got for christmas a few years back.)

I said she went on a shopping rampage in Target or something a few posts ago.

It was more like Dollar Store than Target.

'cause I got one of those plastic helicoptor things that you put on a little stand and pull a string and it flies up in the air (Like magic! No batteries required!) but, uh... I've gotten three of those in the past two years somehow. this being the third.


I'm really glad I didnt open this in front of her. I've no clue how to react to this. XD

I kind of want to just throw it away but thats... not how you properly... do away with a gift. Especially not from someone you like.



In other news, Today, Christmas, is The Denzel's Birthday. so shes 15 now.

now that you all've been enlightened by that information you'll never use, My dad invited their family over for Stupid Movie Night (rent a really terrible movie, new or old, and just make fun of it) . and since The Denzel and Brianrietta are rarely seen apart, being good friends, Theres a slight chance that she'll come as well. Especially if we were to invite her. XD so thats... an oppurtunity for progress or a disaster.

Stupid Movie Night sounds awesome! Some of my friends did that shortly before vacation. They watched some movie along the lines of Santa Clause vs. The Martians. XD I had to study for my history exam though. As for your helecopter, I had one of those too. It was really cool until it crashed into the house and broke. :rolleyes: So if you've got three of them, maybe you and the Denzel and Brianrietta can all go outside and play with them. :P


I only know where one of them is. and its the one that Brianrietta gimmie.

The other ones are either 'sploded or still in a box, 'cause we never officially moved in to this house from half a year ago. XD


The Helecoptor dealie is still in its box, sittin' there in my room. I figure The Denzel is going to ask about it tonight, and I dont know what to do. XD

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I finally relised hwat Trent's Fat Man (what he does when he's near someone he likes) is.

So, I can find out if he really likes me. and if he likes someone else, I'll pwn them.




I havn't posted in this TAWPEEK in a long time.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*&*The Astronomy Fomine*(~*

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The Denzel left and all is well.

I rejoiced.



But, it was very convenient of all the rest of my family to invite them BACK over for our New Years par-tay.




I has found Brianrietta on some other mysterious website. as I said before.

But this time, I like... did something about it.

and sent a friend request so we can talk to each other.



and I was nervous as all get out just sitting there in front of her profile. XD

I'm so obsessive and stupid.


So. Once she gets on, I get to invite her over to the new years par-tay.

and hope she hasnt already made plans, considering we're having said party Tomorrow. XD

... for the sake of avoiding par-taying on Sunday.


Eeeeee. -jumps up and down-

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The Denzel left and all is well.

I rejoiced.



But, it was very convenient of all the rest of my family to invite them BACK over for our New Years par-tay.




I has found Brianrietta on some other mysterious website. as I said before.

But this time, I like... did something about it.

and sent a friend request so we can talk to each other.



and I was nervous as all get out just sitting there in front of her profile. XD

I'm so obsessive and stupid.


So. Once she gets on, I get to invite her over to the new years par-tay.

and hope she hasnt already made plans, considering we're having said party Tomorrow. XD

... for the sake of avoiding par-taying on Sunday.


Eeeeee. -jumps up and down-

*~*Th egRnad Illusion*~*(The Final Cut*~*


Hooray For Philosiphy!


*~*The Psychedeliic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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The Denzel left and all is well.

I rejoiced.



But, it was very convenient of all the rest of my family to invite them BACK over for our New Years par-tay.




I has found Brianrietta on some other mysterious website. as I said before.

But this time, I like... did something about it.

and sent a friend request so we can talk to each other.



and I was nervous as all get out just sitting there in front of her profile. XD

I'm so obsessive and stupid.


So. Once she gets on, I get to invite her over to the new years par-tay.

and hope she hasnt already made plans, considering we're having said party Tomorrow. XD

... for the sake of avoiding par-taying on Sunday.


Eeeeee. -jumps up and down-

Hey man, good luck. I hope all goes well!

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What do I do?!


Brianrietta got me possibly the worst christmas present ever. XD (This might even top those Emu Eggs I got for christmas a few years back.)

I said she went on a shopping rampage in Target or something a few posts ago.

It was more like Dollar Store than Target.

'cause I got one of those plastic helicoptor things that you put on a little stand and pull a string and it flies up in the air (Like magic! No batteries required!) but, uh... I've gotten three of those in the past two years somehow. this being the third.


I'm really glad I didnt open this in front of her. I've no clue how to react to this. XD

I kind of want to just throw it away but thats... not how you properly... do away with a gift. Especially not from someone you like.



In other news, Today, Christmas, is The Denzel's Birthday. so shes 15 now.

now that you all've been enlightened by that information you'll never use, My dad invited their family over for Stupid Movie Night (rent a really terrible movie, new or old, and just make fun of it) . and since The Denzel and Brianrietta are rarely seen apart, being good friends, Theres a slight chance that she'll come as well. Especially if we were to invite her. XD so thats... an oppurtunity for progress or a disaster.

Stupid Movie Night sounds awesome! Some of my friends did that shortly before vacation. They watched some movie along the lines of Santa Clause vs. The Martians. XD I had to study for my history exam though. As for your helecopter, I had one of those too. It was really cool until it crashed into the house and broke. :rolleyes: So if you've got three of them, maybe you and the Denzel and Brianrietta can all go outside and play with them. :P


I only know where one of them is. and its the one that Brianrietta gimmie.

The other ones are either 'sploded or still in a box, 'cause we never officially moved in to this house from half a year ago. XD


The Helecoptor dealie is still in its box, sittin' there in my room. I figure The Denzel is going to ask about it tonight, and I dont know what to do. XD

You should say it got lost in a tree when you were playing with it. xD

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So, Okay. Doods.

Brianrietta accepted that friend invitation dealie and I rejoiced.

She also commented.

and talks like a n00b and it makes me sad.


Quoth Brianrietta, 'HEY!!! Thanks so much 4 the presents!!! They were great & i kept crackin up!!'


... I dont know what was funny about a package of Hershey Kisses and a roll of tape, but whatever.


I later emailed her (after she disappeared o: ) about a party tomorrow. She hasnt responded and I'm growing increasingly uneasy that she might not be able to come. ;_;

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You should say it got lost in a tree when you were playing with it. xD

In that aforementioned email, I told her that I've been taking down christmas decorations and everything, and havent had the time to open it yet.


'cause its still sittin' there.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm tired of stoopid peaple's thinking I like some guy friend of mine when I really dun. >_<


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm tired of stoopid peaple's thinking I like some guy friend of mine when I really dun. >_<


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Haha. I know how that goes. The trick is to just give a simple and calm, "No, we're just friends." :) And get your friend to do the same. 'Cause chances are, you're closer to your guy friend than most girlfriends are to their boyfriends. :P

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm tired of stoopid peaple's thinking I like some guy friend of mine when I really dun. >_<


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Yeah, I had that problem. Until I got a boyfriend and later he got a girlfriend. Yeah, that usually seems to work. XD Or, you can just go. Nope. I'd tell you who I really like, but I don't know if I can trust someone who assumes that like someone else.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm tired of stoopid peaple's thinking I like some guy friend of mine when I really dun. >_<


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Haha. I know how that goes. The trick is to just give a simple and calm, "No, we're just friends." :) And get your friend to do the same. 'Cause chances are, you're closer to your guy friend than most girlfriends are to their boyfriends. :P

*~*The Grand Illusion*~8the Final Cut*~*


They never believe me. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm tired of stoopid peaple's thinking I like some guy friend of mine when I really dun. >_<


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Haha. I know how that goes. The trick is to just give a simple and calm, "No, we're just friends." :) And get your friend to do the same. 'Cause chances are, you're closer to your guy friend than most girlfriends are to their boyfriends. :P

*~*The Grand Illusion*~8the Final Cut*~*


They never believe me. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Then let them think what they want. As long as you and your friend know that you're just friends, that's all that really matters.

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I am distraught.

Brianrietta didnt write back (after saying she has few plans for tonight) and we're having a party without her right now.

Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight?

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I am distraught.

Brianrietta didnt write back (after saying she has few plans for tonight) and we're having a party without her right now.

Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight?

But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? :blink:

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I am distraught.

Brianrietta didnt write back (after saying she has few plans for tonight) and we're having a party without her right now.

Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight?

But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? :blink:

Well, maybe she was busy and therefore couldn't. I'm sure she isn't trying to avoid arkcher.

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I am distraught.

Brianrietta didnt write back (after saying she has few plans for tonight) and we're having a party without her right now.

Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight?

But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? :blink:

Well, maybe she was busy and therefore couldn't. I'm sure she isn't trying to avoid arkcher.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh really.

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I am distraught.

Brianrietta didnt write back (after saying she has few plans for tonight) and we're having a party without her right now.

Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight?

But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? :blink:

Well, maybe she was busy and therefore couldn't. I'm sure she isn't trying to avoid arkcher.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh really.

You don't seem convinced. xD

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I am distraught.

Brianrietta didnt write back (after saying she has few plans for tonight) and we're having a party without her right now.

Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight?

But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? :blink:

Well, maybe she was busy and therefore couldn't. I'm sure she isn't trying to avoid arkcher.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh really.

You don't seem convinced. xD

Was I that obvious? LOL

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I am distraught.

Brianrietta didnt write back (after saying she has few plans for tonight) and we're having a party without her right now.

Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight?

But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? :blink:

Well, maybe she was busy and therefore couldn't. I'm sure she isn't trying to avoid arkcher.

No typo, the had few plans.

I talked to her today, she said that she was feeling rather noxious and didnt want to make everyone sick, and had some other excuse for not writing back, like her brother was on the compy or something.


So its still good. >_> I guess.

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I haff failed. D=


I swear, it was like... Everybody looked ridiculously nice today, Brianrietta had a like... bright blue dress all over and I didnt even talk to her.

and that unnicknamed Britney person like, actually put on makeup for once (or at least noticeably so) and looked good and I didnt say anything.


Gaaw, I hate being shy. XD

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Okay, doods.

Kind of hilarious update on my wannabe-soap-opera.


Last night, Brittany-lady (Who Kat and I decided to nickname Roderick Ponce Von Fondlebottom. She says thats a good nickname for her. XD) was just throwing a basketball around to pass the time, doing so with Brianrietta and also The Denzel and one or two guys. RPVF kept missing, so I says "Hah. I laugh at your misfortune." (like I usually do.) And she walks over to me, grinning and says "What did you say?" "... I said you look very nice today." and stealthily sidestepped off.


So after Kat told me to commission RPVF to join our crusade in breaking into The Denzel's house, raiding it of all the socks inside and burning the said socks, so that Brianrietta wouldnt get sick anymore (Because she gets sick every time The Denzel changes her socks. XD) she then sent me an email that says:


Dont freak...I dont know why I am asking this question...but I am! Do you like me? I was just wondering...that compliment you gave me tonight...kinda made me wonder!!



Yeeeeaaaah. XD


so I sez that if I was 16, I'd so go on a date with her (since mormon people like her and myself arent to really date until they're at least 16) and that until Im older, im trying to stay out of any serious relationship, but would love to be friends with her.


So then she asks for my IM name, and we transfer the conversation to Yahoo.


Dude, Shes more of a transparent flirt than half the people back in Dallas when I lived there, and more than Brianrietta.



Half of the conversation consisted of things like "I dont know you very well aside from you're amazing, what things do you like to do?" "so this is a strange question and all, but what do you look for in a girl?" "Yeah, that sounds like me." "and Another question, dont mind my asking, but I like knowing... What do you like about me?"

Seriously, Thats the stuff she asked me. >_>


so she was trying to think of other things to ask me and I suggested she answer those questions she just asked me. so she did.


Quoth RPVF:

uhh...what I look for in a guy...great personality(which you have), dont care what people say or think, look past size and figure and look at whats on the inside, smart, funny, honest! What I like about you.....hmm...you are sweet, your handsome, you are your own person, you dont care what people think, and you look past size (which most people dont...so thats a big turn on)!


... I think its really hilarious. XD

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Wtfbbq. XD


RPVF went to Brianrietta's page and sez: OMG...Girl Brandon is soo sweet!!! =] Call me and I will give you details! love ya! <3


... 'interested to see how this goes. >_>;

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Wtfbbq. XD


RPVF went to Brianrietta's page and sez: OMG...Girl Brandon is soo sweet!!! =] Call me and I will give you details! love ya! <3


... 'interested to see how this goes. >_>;

Aw, that's so cute! ^_^:rolleyes: A word of warning though, if you're not interested in being in a relationship with this girl, you need to let her know ASAP. Because it sounds like she has a crush on you, and thinks that you feel the same.

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Wtfbbq. XD


RPVF went to Brianrietta's page and sez: OMG...Girl Brandon is soo sweet!!! =] Call me and I will give you details! love ya! <3


... 'interested to see how this goes. >_>;

Aw, that's so cute! ^_^:rolleyes: A word of warning though, if you're not interested in being in a relationship with this girl, you need to let her know ASAP. Because it sounds like she has a crush on you, and thinks that you feel the same.

I didnt think to do that (wow, Guys really are stupid. XD) but dont really... eh, I dont want to say I dont want to, but she's already all excited, and had mentioned that nobody else had said anything like what I did, and they wanted to stay as just friends.


I dont think theres a way to say that without really hurting her though, is there?

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Oh yes.

I forgot to mention this as well...


She sez:

My winter formal is on Jan.20 and I was wondering if your parents would let you go with me? If not thats fine I will ask someone else!



I dont knooooww. XD

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Well, you really gotta let her know that you don't really want to date her. Otherwise, things WILL go badly with her. Let her know that she is a good friend, but that you don't like her like that. But don't tell her and run, make sure that you stay around and talk to her a while after you let her know.


And then there are issues concerned with brianrietta. :P

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Well, you really gotta let her know that you don't really want to date her. Otherwise, things WILL go badly with her. Let her know that she is a good friend, but that you don't like her like that. But don't tell her and run, make sure that you stay around and talk to her a while after you let her know.


And then there are issues concerned with brianrietta. :P

Im so confused. D=


Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative.

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Well, you really gotta let her know that you don't really want to date her. Otherwise, things WILL go badly with her. Let her know that she is a good friend, but that you don't like her like that. But don't tell her and run, make sure that you stay around and talk to her a while after you let her know.


And then there are issues concerned with brianrietta. :P

Im so confused. D=


Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative.

One question for you to ponder... are you interested in Brianrietta because she is elusive? If you had her would you still want her?

Sometimes people want what they can't have. :rolleyes:

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Well, you really gotta let her know that you don't really want to date her. Otherwise, things WILL go badly with her. Let her know that she is a good friend, but that you don't like her like that. But don't tell her and run, make sure that you stay around and talk to her a while after you let her know.


And then there are issues concerned with brianrietta. :P

Im so confused. D=


Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative.

One question for you to ponder... are you interested in Brianrietta because she is elusive? If you had her would you still want her?

Sometimes people want what they can't have. :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~@*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Well, you really gotta let her know that you don't really want to date her. Otherwise, things WILL go badly with her. Let her know that she is a good friend, but that you don't like her like that. But don't tell her and run, make sure that you stay around and talk to her a while after you let her know.


And then there are issues concerned with brianrietta. :P

Im so confused. D=


Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative.

One question for you to ponder... are you interested in Brianrietta because she is elusive? If you had her would you still want her?

Sometimes people want what they can't have. :rolleyes:

No, She isnt elusive.

Shes really adorable. XD

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Well, you really gotta let her know that you don't really want to date her. Otherwise, things WILL go badly with her. Let her know that she is a good friend, but that you don't like her like that. But don't tell her and run, make sure that you stay around and talk to her a while after you let her know.


And then there are issues concerned with brianrietta. :P

Im so confused. D=


Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative.

No, there's really no good way to do it. You're kinda stuck. But the sooner she knows, the better.

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Well, you really gotta let her know that you don't really want to date her. Otherwise, things WILL go badly with her. Let her know that she is a good friend, but that you don't like her like that. But don't tell her and run, make sure that you stay around and talk to her a while after you let her know.


And then there are issues concerned with brianrietta. :P

Im so confused. D=


Am I stuck with just telling her this and completely breaking her heart? I dont really want to do that, but dont see any alternative.

No, there's really no good way to do it. You're kinda stuck. But the sooner she knows, the better.



Alright, I'll... strategize when to tell her this and how.

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On a different note.


I just told The Denzel that... her nickname is The Denzel. ('cause I didnt tell her before now. XD) and she finds it highly amusing and now shes using it for screen names and such.


I dont think Brianrietta is as flattering a name, I dont know if I want to tell her that its her given alias. XD

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On a different note.


I just told The Denzel that... her nickname is The Denzel. ('cause I didnt tell her before now. XD) and she finds it highly amusing and now shes using it for screen names and such.


I dont think Brianrietta is as flattering a name, I dont know if I want to tell her that its her given alias. XD

Hm...it's a strange name, but it grows on you after awhile. I think it's actually kinda neat.

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On a different note.


I just told The Denzel that... her nickname is The Denzel. ('cause I didnt tell her before now. XD) and she finds it highly amusing and now shes using it for screen names and such.


I dont think Brianrietta is as flattering a name, I dont know if I want to tell her that its her given alias. XD

Hm...it's a strange name, but it grows on you after awhile. I think it's actually kinda neat.

I like the name brainrietta.

But how to tell that one girl you don't like her... hmm...

I dunno. Difficult situation you put yourself in.

If she starts to cry, give her a big hug.


That is all I can think of right now.

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On a different note.


I just told The Denzel that... her nickname is The Denzel. ('cause I didnt tell her before now. XD) and she finds it highly amusing and now shes using it for screen names and such.


I dont think Brianrietta is as flattering a name, I dont know if I want to tell her that its her given alias. XD

Hm...it's a strange name, but it grows on you after awhile. I think it's actually kinda neat.

I like the name brainrietta.

But how to tell that one girl you don't like her... hmm...

I dunno. Difficult situation you put yourself in.

If she starts to cry, give her a big hug.


That is all I can think of right now.

Note taken.


I'm thinking this should happen after this winter formal which I now dont really have an option to go or not, I'll spare you the details of how this came to be, but I get to go.

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I'll spare you the details...

No you won't. We want every single detail. :)

Start typing.

... oh.



I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go."


... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not.

And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress.


I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go...

And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th.

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I'll spare you the details...

No you won't. We want every single detail. :)

Start typing.

... oh.



I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go."


... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not.

And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress.


I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go...

And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th.

Whether in hammie or human life, it is amazing how parents can always somehow get involved in the relationship side of your life. LOL

And on top of this, they really know what your personal feelings are. :blink: Oh really!?!?!?! :blink:

*wonders how parents know* :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I'll spare you the details...

No you won't. We want every single detail. :)

Start typing.

... oh.



I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go."


... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not.

And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress.


I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go...

And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th.

Whether in hammie or human life, it is amazing how parents can always somehow get involved in the relationship side of your life. LOL

And on top of this, they really know what your personal feelings are. :blink: Oh really!?!?!?! :blink:

*wonders how parents know* :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Or how they think they know. When half of the time they are wrong, but can't be convinced that they are wrong.

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I'll spare you the details...

No you won't. We want every single detail. :)

Start typing.

... oh.



I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go."


... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not.

And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress.


I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go...

And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th.

Whether in hammie or human life, it is amazing how parents can always somehow get involved in the relationship side of your life. LOL

And on top of this, they really know what your personal feelings are. :blink: Oh really!?!?!?! :blink:

*wonders how parents know* :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Or how they think they know. When half of the time they are wrong, but can't be convinced that they are wrong.

That's what I was trying to say... how one person thinks they know what is inside you.

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So we finally broke up. He adored me. But he was asking me if I felt the same way and I basically said that I felt more like a friend to him and I didn't like him like that anymore. I felt really bad for a moment(because he was obviously crushed) but then I felt good about myself, knowing I'd told the truth and that it was better that way. Now what's likely gonna happen is I'm going to be in another relationship. XD But at least I'll get to know this person first. lol


Haha, stinks that I got in a relationship in 8th grade. Addicted to love, man. Addicted to love.

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I'll spare you the details...

No you won't. We want every single detail. :)

Start typing.

... oh.



I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go."


... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not.

And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress.


I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go...

And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th.

"Of course you do." Hahaha Ohh, parents. Now that you're going with her to formal, you can tell her gently by just saying in casual conversation, "You do know that we're going as just friends, right?" And then be ready to apologize for any mis-communication.

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So we finally broke up. He adored me. But he was asking me if I felt the same way and I basically said that I felt more like a friend to him and I didn't like him like that anymore. I felt really bad for a moment(because he was obviously crushed) but then I felt good about myself, knowing I'd told the truth and that it was better that way. Now what's likely gonna happen is I'm going to be in another relationship. XD But at least I'll get to know this person first. lol


Haha, stinks that I got in a relationship in 8th grade. Addicted to love, man. Addicted to love.

Gotta love love.

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I'll spare you the details...

No you won't. We want every single detail. :)

Start typing.

... oh.



I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go."


... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not.

And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress.


I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go...

And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th.

"Of course you do." Hahaha Ohh, parents. Now that you're going with her to formal, you can tell her gently by just saying in casual conversation, "You do know that we're going as just friends, right?" And then be ready to apologize for any mis-communication.

wow. XD Its sad because I never think of half the stuff people suggest to me.

I'll... see about doing that today then.

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I'll spare you the details...

No you won't. We want every single detail. :)

Start typing.

... oh.



I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go."


... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not.

And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress.


I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go...

And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th.

"Of course you do." Hahaha Ohh, parents. Now that you're going with her to formal, you can tell her gently by just saying in casual conversation, "You do know that we're going as just friends, right?" And then be ready to apologize for any mis-communication.

wow. XD Its sad because I never think of half the stuff people suggest to me.

I'll... see about doing that today then.

Hey, that's what we're here for! :P:rolleyes:

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Im so confused.



RPVF wont shut up about going to the winter formal with me.

At church today she was telling about everyone she saw.


and I discovered that Brianrietta is also going to the dance because, ahem, 'some of her other friends' will be there, too.


Brianrietta was unusually quiet and shy today as well, and kept giving me looks. (Not unlike the intoxicated little grin she gave me a few months ago when we met. XD)


Whilst talking to The Denzel online, She made the comment more than just once that 'you make me giggle'. She told me this upon seeing stupid pictures I send her and the like. ('cause I do that on occasion on IM.) She also wants to have a party at my house again sometime (after my mention of buying a hilarious party game on eBay that we both likes)



I decided to tell everybody their new nicknames...

so The Denzel knows shes The Denzel, Brianrietta knows shes Brianrietta now (Her response was more of a hide-your-very-red-face-in-your-hands cackle. It was really funny to watch. XD) and I came up with a few other names like Dr. Cornbread, Dumbface and Wheelchair.

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Im so confused.



RPVF wont shut up about going to the winter formal with me.

At church today she was telling about everyone she saw.


and I discovered that Brianrietta is also going to the dance because, ahem, 'some of her other friends' will be there, too.


Brianrietta was unusually quiet and shy today as well, and kept giving me looks. (Not unlike the intoxicated little grin she gave me a few months ago when we met. XD)


Whilst talking to The Denzel online, She made the comment more than just once that 'you make me giggle'. She told me this upon seeing stupid pictures I send her and the like. ('cause I do that on occasion on IM.) She also wants to have a party at my house again sometime (after my mention of buying a hilarious party game on eBay that we both likes)



I decided to tell everybody their new nicknames...

so The Denzel knows shes The Denzel, Brianrietta knows shes Brianrietta now (Her response was more of a hide-your-very-red-face-in-your-hands cackle. It was really funny to watch. XD) and I came up with a few other names like Dr. Cornbread, Dumbface and Wheelchair.

*thinks, I am glad this is not me*

Good Luck!!!

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Oh, for...


I told her this wasnt a date.



Quoth RPVF's blog dealie:

So yah, I finally have a dress for formal in two weeks! And I finally have a date! He is amazing, really sweet, and kind to me! I am glad he said yes! Well Its getting late, and like I said I have school tomorrow!


Wow, She REALLY doesnt shut up about this.

Maybe Im just not taking this seriously as I should, 'cause Ive never done anything like this before...

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Oh, for...


I told her this wasnt a date.



Quoth RPVF's blog dealie:

So yah, I finally have a dress for formal in two weeks! And I finally have a date! He is amazing, really sweet, and kind to me! I am glad he said yes! Well Its getting late, and like I said I have school tomorrow!


Wow, She REALLY doesnt shut up about this.

Maybe Im just not taking this seriously as I should, 'cause Ive never done anything like this before...

It has nothing to do with taking this seriously, it has everything to do with not having the same feelings for her that she has for you.

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Eh... Time for Glowurm to make a serious post in here...


To give you a nutshell view of what this post will be about before you go ahead and look at it:

While this is an excuse to come up with nicknames for my friends so when I talk about them they can stay anonymous, there is a serious factor. One of my friends has decided, quite firmly, that she has NO IDEA (ooh, an oxymoron) whether she is straight, gay, bi, or what. And naturally, being her friend, I feel the urge to do something about it. More elaboration in the postings below.




Okay. Now. All the people mentioned in this topic are internet friends, I have not met them in real life. They all know each other in real life though and are a close group of friends. All of them are girls, which plays a role later in the post. However, I have seen pictures, not to mention I have had a chat with one of them on her webcam, so I am very positive none of them are over 40. Anyway. I am more of a new intruder into their group xD I only met all of them through the one I shall call Sporky. She's my only bi friend :'D Or at least, the only one of my friends that I know is bi xD


So from Sporky, I met Mary Sue, Yixyg, The Suit, and Kika. I heard mention of other people in their group too x3 but I haven't met them yet. We were all happy having fun and being so hyperactive for a while that if you stumbled upon one of our many discussions, you might think you were high on a hallucinogen, or maybe you would think that WE were. Either way, when talking to them, it's hilarity in it's pure, unrefined form. Our more boring chats racked up close to 30 amused-grins-per-minute and about 12 giggles-per-minute. Sporky and Yixyg are most definitely the most hyper two of the whole group, while Mary Sue comes a close third. Making LSD probably involves them somewhere.


And everything was good and well until Yixyg leaks to Sporky and I that she's unsure about her sexuality. Sporky and I are fine with it, naturally, but it creates tension when talking with the rest of her friends about her. It becomes sort of awkward and then the magic hyperness disappears.


To save some time, I'll skip ahead by simply saying: Sporky's not that good at keeping secrets.


Now, I've witnessed no hyperness at all! Besides with Yixyg or Sporky. If Yixyg tries to start a conversation with Mary Sue, The Suit, or Kika, then there's no hyperness fun times because the other person is trying not to say anything wrong and insulting, not to mention that it also looks like it's beginning to cause a bit of confusion in them too. What's really bad though, is that when I try to speak with them, they've suddenly become really reserved and not hyper anymore. I can only assume this is because I got to know about the issue before they did, and they've all known her longer then me. Apparently they're not like this with Sporky though, but Yixyg and Sporky have known each other the longest so that makes sense.


...I just want the hyperness back.

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Eh... Time for Glowurm to make a serious post in here...


To give you a nutshell view of what this post will be about before you go ahead and look at it:

While this is an excuse to come up with nicknames for my friends so when I talk about them they can stay anonymous, there is a serious factor. One of my friends has decided, quite firmly, that she has NO IDEA (ooh, an oxymoron) whether she is straight, gay, bi, or what. And naturally, being her friend, I feel the urge to do something about it. More elaboration in the postings below.




Okay. Now. All the people mentioned in this topic are internet friends, I have not met them in real life. They all know each other in real life though and are a close group of friends. All of them are girls, which plays a role later in the post. However, I have seen pictures, not to mention I have had a chat with one of them on her webcam, so I am very positive none of them are over 40. Anyway. I am more of a new intruder into their group xD I only met all of them through the one I shall call Sporky. She's my only bi friend :'D Or at least, the only one of my friends that I know is bi xD


So from Sporky, I met Mary Sue, Yixyg, The Suit, and Kika. I heard mention of other people in their group too x3 but I haven't met them yet. We were all happy having fun and being so hyperactive for a while that if you stumbled upon one of our many discussions, you might think you were high on a hallucinogen, or maybe you would think that WE were. Either way, when talking to them, it's hilarity in it's pure, unrefined form. Our more boring chats racked up close to 30 amused-grins-per-minute and about 12 giggles-per-minute. Sporky and Yixyg are most definitely the most hyper two of the whole group, while Mary Sue comes a close third. Making LSD probably involves them somewhere.


And everything was good and well until Yixyg leaks to Sporky and I that she's unsure about her sexuality. Sporky and I are fine with it, naturally, but it creates tension when talking with the rest of her friends about her. It becomes sort of awkward and then the magic hyperness disappears.


To save some time, I'll skip ahead by simply saying: Sporky's not that good at keeping secrets.


Now, I've witnessed no hyperness at all! Besides with Yixyg or Sporky. If Yixyg tries to start a conversation with Mary Sue, The Suit, or Kika, then there's no hyperness fun times because the other person is trying not to say anything wrong and insulting, not to mention that it also looks like it's beginning to cause a bit of confusion in them too. What's really bad though, is that when I try to speak with them, they've suddenly become really reserved and not hyper anymore. I can only assume this is because I got to know about the issue before they did, and they've all known her longer then me. Apparently they're not like this with Sporky though, but Yixyg and Sporky have known each other the longest so that makes sense.


...I just want the hyperness back.

Wow. This is complicated, and hard to fix. You need to bring it out in the open, discuss it, because otherwise this akward tension will continue.

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So relationship-having after 7 months of that has proved to be a hard habit to break. It's almost like a drug, I feel somewhat down simply because I'm not in a relationship. XD And is it wrong of me to feel some irritation towards a certain person who's somewhat of a friend that's all of a sudden hitting on my ex? I mean, I feel kind of possessive. Like for some reason I feel like it's like, right after so it makes it weird. Anyways, there was a whole scene during Spanish class where basically everyone was staring at me and going, "What?!" when they heard we broke up. From many people basically screaming "What? You broke up with him?". Aside from that, guys have been hitting on me throughout the day and I find it hilarious because I'm like. Right. XD

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-runs in screaming waving arms around all over-



Its disastrous.


Im going to that prom dealie with RPVF.

RPVF's little brother, Dr. Cornbread, is also going.

My obsession/crush/flirty lady is also going.

but I didnt know that Brianrietta was going with Dr. Cornbread.


-fruits out-



RPVF said that when we go to the said formal prom dealie, we're going out for dinner beforehand. and chances are, her family is coming along, which means Dr. Cornbread is coming, which means Brianrietta is coming and the tension just keeps getting worse and it makes my head 'splode.

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-runs in screaming waving arms around all over-



Its disastrous.


Im going to that prom dealie with RPVF.

RPVF's little brother, Dr. Cornbread, is also going.

My obsession/crush/flirty lady is also going.

but I didnt know that Brianrietta was going with Dr. Cornbread.


-fruits out-



RPVF said that when we go to the said formal prom dealie, we're going out for dinner beforehand. and chances are, her family is coming along, which means Dr. Cornbread is coming, which means Brianrietta is coming and the tension just keeps getting worse and it makes my head 'splode.

Wooooow....It sounds to me like you've got yourself a bunch of friends going to prom together, which is cool, and probably actually better than just you and RPVF going on your own. *word of advice: in the future, unless you actually have a girlfriend, don't take a "date" to prom, just go with a group of friends as singles. It's more fun and less stressful that way (although if buying a ticket for two is cheaper, by all means do that, but still go as friends, if that makes sense)*

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-runs in screaming waving arms around all over-



Its disastrous.


Im going to that prom dealie with RPVF.

RPVF's little brother, Dr. Cornbread, is also going.

My obsession/crush/flirty lady is also going.

but I didnt know that Brianrietta was going with Dr. Cornbread.


-fruits out-



RPVF said that when we go to the said formal prom dealie, we're going out for dinner beforehand. and chances are, her family is coming along, which means Dr. Cornbread is coming, which means Brianrietta is coming and the tension just keeps getting worse and it makes my head 'splode.

You have to let RPVF know that you don't really have those feelings for her. As soon as possible, because that will make it easiest on both of you.

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-runs in screaming waving arms around all over-



Its disastrous.


Im going to that prom dealie with RPVF.

RPVF's little brother, Dr. Cornbread, is also going.

My obsession/crush/flirty lady is also going.

but I didnt know that Brianrietta was going with Dr. Cornbread.


-fruits out-



RPVF said that when we go to the said formal prom dealie, we're going out for dinner beforehand. and chances are, her family is coming along, which means Dr. Cornbread is coming, which means Brianrietta is coming and the tension just keeps getting worse and it makes my head 'splode.

Oh dear. O_o

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Im so confused.


The Denzel just sent me three pictures of me.


yeah, me.


I dont know why she has some photos of me, or on her computer, or why shes posting them online. XD

I suggested she has a spy camera in her 'hair' and she says that she's kept one in there "ever since the japs ran off with my beefsteak".


And whats worse is that I look like im drunk in one of those pictures. XD Its really kind of funny.

And the other is Dr. Cornbread and I (holding my pocketknives) spoofing the american gothic, or whatever that painting with the old coots is called.


And his older brother running around in the background but thats not important.


so yeah im done for today.

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Im so confused.


The Denzel just sent me three pictures of me.


yeah, me.


I dont know why she has some photos of me, or on her computer, or why shes posting them online. XD

I suggested she has a spy camera in her 'hair' and she says that she's kept one in there "ever since the japs ran off with my beefsteak".


And whats worse is that I look like im drunk in one of those pictures. XD Its really kind of funny.

And the other is Dr. Cornbread and I (holding my pocketknives) spoofing the american gothic, or whatever that painting with the old coots is called.


And his older brother running around in the background but thats not important.


so yeah im done for today.

It's kind of an indirect way that girls say "look! I notice you!" or something like that. :rolleyes: And yes, I think we all have pictures where we look like we're on something. In fact, I have one where all four people in the picture look like they're on something, and it wasn't on purpose (and no, we weren't actually on something). The american gothic one sounds funny though. :lol:

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Im so confused.


The Denzel just sent me three pictures of me.


yeah, me.


I dont know why she has some photos of me, or on her computer, or why shes posting them online. XD

I suggested she has a spy camera in her 'hair' and she says that she's kept one in there "ever since the japs ran off with my beefsteak".


And whats worse is that I look like im drunk in one of those pictures. XD Its really kind of funny.

And the other is Dr. Cornbread and I (holding my pocketknives) spoofing the american gothic, or whatever that painting with the old coots is called.


And his older brother running around in the background but thats not important.


so yeah im done for today.

It's kind of an indirect way that girls say "look! I notice you!" or something like that. :rolleyes: And yes, I think we all have pictures where we look like we're on something. In fact, I have one where all four people in the picture look like they're on something, and it wasn't on purpose (and no, we weren't actually on something). The american gothic one sounds funny though. :lol:

i KNEW it. >_>;

The Denzel is occasionally a flirt, but doesnt do that often enough to be categorized as one.


I would so post that picture here but I dont think it'd go so well with Horatio or HK. so I'll keep it around.


Generic discussion among ourselves (I think a clique is forming, 'cause Brianrietta, RPVF and The Denzel all feel obligated to hang around me. XD i guess.) has made a... running gag, not necessarily an inside joke, in which we all obtain arsenic and petrolium and raid each others houses (in a civilized fashion) of all the socks in there, and with the aforementioned explosives, burn the socks.

It keeps us from getting sick.



And because The Denzel is unhygienic enough (despite she showers like four times every day) to have enough sweat and gross in her socks, they're all crusty and gross, so we need extra petrol for her socks. Her socks are the ones that make The Denzel sick.



yeah. We're off our collective rockers.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*THe Final Cut*~*


*pokes Voodoo doll of Trent*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So, MK. What leads you to poking a voodoo doll of Trent?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


He's ignoring me and it makes me wanna kick him in the...the...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


(Correction to the post I just made.)


Well, he glances at me. And then turns away when I look at him weird.




I have a new list of songs for my CD.


1. Pigs On The Wing, Pt 1-Pink Floyd

2. Love Me Do-The Beatles

3. Woman-Wolfmother

4. Can You Feel The Love Tonite?-Elton John

5. Layla-Derek & The Dominos

6. Spin The Wheel-Hampton And The Hampsters

7. Change Your Mind-The Killers

8. Somebody To Love-Queen

9. Language Lesson (In Five Words Or Less)-Hawthorne Heights

10. The Ring Of Fire-Johnny Cash

11. Only Wanna Be With You-Hootie & The Blowfish

12. (Don't Fear) The Reaper-Blue Oyster Cult

13. Tell Me-Boston

14. Sweet Child O' Mine-Guns N' Roses

15. Call Me The Breeze-Lynryd Skynryd

16. More Than A Feeling-Boston

17. N.I.B-Black Sabbath

18. You'll Accomp'ny Me-Bob Seger

19. No Feelings-The Sex Pistols

20. Fix You-Coldplay

21. Don't Stop-Fleetwood Mac

(I know what your thinking, and that is NOT what those last two songs are about.)

22. Ask The Lonely-Journey

23. You Wear It Well-Rod Stewart

24. You Really Got Me-Van Halen

25. Pigs On The Wing, Pt.2-Pink Floyd


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*oncoming strange coincidence alert*

Okay, well, you all know about me and my previous crush. :rolleyes:

However, I have a new one now.

And her name is kaitlin. sound familiar?

She is kinda nerdy, in a really cute way. Even more familiar?


Yeah, coincidences are among us. xD

But she is the adorable kinda nerd. really cute and fun to be around. And I hope this all goes well for me. xD

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*oncoming strange coincidence alert*

Okay, well, you all know about me and my previous crush. :rolleyes:

However, I have a new one now.

And her name is kaitlin. sound familiar?

She is kinda nerdy, in a really cute way. Even more familiar?


Yeah, coincidences are among us. xD

But she is the adorable kinda nerd. really cute and fun to be around. And I hope this all goes well for me. xD

Wtf. >_>; Now all there needs to be is she's a red-hairded nerd and has a very french ancestry and its like two Brianriettas!


... THE CHAOS! -blows up-

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


(Correction to the post I just made.)


Well, he glances at me. And then turns away when I look at him weird.




I have a new list of songs for my CD.


1. Pigs On The Wing, Pt 1-Pink Floyd

2. Love Me Do-The Beatles

3. Woman-Wolfmother

4. Can You Feel The Love Tonite?-Elton John

5. Layla-Derek & The Dominos

6. Spin The Wheel-Hampton And The Hampsters

7. Change Your Mind-The Killers

8. Somebody To Love-Queen

9. Language Lesson (In Five Words Or Less)-Hawthorne Heights

10. The Ring Of Fire-Johnny Cash

11. Only Wanna Be With You-Hootie & The Blowfish

12. (Don't Fear) The Reaper-Blue Oyster Cult

13. Tell Me-Boston

14. Sweet Child O' Mine-Guns N' Roses

15. Call Me The Breeze-Lynryd Skynryd

16. More Than A Feeling-Boston

17. N.I.B-Black Sabbath

18. You'll Accomp'ny Me-Bob Seger

19. No Feelings-The Sex Pistols

20. Fix You-Coldplay

21. Don't Stop-Fleetwood Mac

(I know what your thinking, and that is NOT what those last two songs are about.)

22. Ask The Lonely-Journey

23. You Wear It Well-Rod Stewart

24. You Really Got Me-Van Halen

25. Pigs On The Wing, Pt.2-Pink Floyd


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

o: Wow. I've heard.... about two of those songs. each being a short clip.


but I figure you've made good decisions with it, being like, the musical master of... maaaalllerity. If thats a word. I just made it up, so probably not.

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my school is too obssesed with relationships and it's stuupid....buut that includes me unfortunatly.



it gets too confusing and stuupid.




we're just silly little kids falling in love and breaking eachother's hearts.




yes i like someone alot and being the only person in my really close group of friends [[there is three of us at my school that are like the best of friends]] i am the last one to have not gone out with somone this year....well yahh...one of my friends broke up with her bf the other is still going out with hers and then theres me.....lucky lucky me.

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*oncoming strange coincidence alert*

Okay, well, you all know about me and my previous crush. :rolleyes:

However, I have a new one now.

And her name is kaitlin. sound familiar?

She is kinda nerdy, in a really cute way. Even more familiar?


Yeah, coincidences are among us. xD

But she is the adorable kinda nerd. really cute and fun to be around. And I hope this all goes well for me. xD

Wtf. >_>; Now all there needs to be is she's a red-hairded nerd and has a very french ancestry and its like two Brianriettas!


... THE CHAOS! -blows up-

Nah, she is blonde. But not dumb blonde. And I'm not sure of her ancestry, but I know that she is part cherokee.

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If you put Brianrietta in a Google search, This topic shows up in there.

which means she'll probably come in here sometime and see our plottings. o:

That could work towards your benefit, though. Brianrietta would find out about how you truly feel, which would be good, and RPFV would find out that you don't like her the way she thinks you do. If you haven't told her yet. In which case you should. :P

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*oncoming strange coincidence alert*

Okay, well, you all know about me and my previous crush. :rolleyes:

However, I have a new one now.

And her name is kaitlin. sound familiar?

She is kinda nerdy, in a really cute way. Even more familiar?


Yeah, coincidences are among us. xD

But she is the adorable kinda nerd. really cute and fun to be around. And I hope this all goes well for me. xD

Wtf. >_>; Now all there needs to be is she's a red-hairded nerd and has a very french ancestry and its like two Brianriettas!


... THE CHAOS! -blows up-

Nah, she is blonde. But not dumb blonde. And I'm not sure of her ancestry, but I know that she is part cherokee.

Okay. >_> There arent two Brianrietta's then.


I dont know if thats good or not. XD

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If you put Brianrietta in a Google search, This topic shows up in there.

which means she'll probably come in here sometime and see our plottings. o:

That could work towards your benefit, though. Brianrietta would find out about how you truly feel, which would be good, and RPFV would find out that you don't like her the way she thinks you do. If you haven't told her yet. In which case you should. :P

No, I havent.

Im terrible. D=

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MK, not sure if this will help but these are some songs about love that I love. And that I listen to often.


Here in your arms - Hellogoodbye

Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer

Promise - Matchbook Romance

Cherry Blossom Epitaph - Behind Crimson eyes

So Contagious - Acceptance

Tiger lily - Matchbook Romance

Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional

First Date - Blink 182

Stay Tonight - Matchbook Romance

Everywhere - Yellowcard cover of Michelle Branch song

I caught Fire - The Used

Redundant - Green Day


I have all these songs and a few more on a CD of my own called ♥

I want to give a copy to the boy I like since he caught a drumstick from on of my favourite bands and got them all to sign it for me. He's too sweet. If only he wanted me the same way I want him.



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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head.

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... uh, quoth RPVF:

well I am gonna go! I guess I will see you wednesday! Oh and by the way...we are going to [restaurant name omitted. Really good italian place.] Saturday for dinner! ttyl hot stuff! I <3 you



Im not hot.


Ask MK. Im not hot.

Or Cheesey!

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head.

Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD


And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend.

It might.

but I dont know. XD

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head.

Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD


And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend.

It might.

but I dont know. XD

Haha. Might end up in it, though.

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head.

Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD


And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend.

It might.

but I dont know. XD

No, it doesn't. You just need to make sure your friend is aware of that (like sometime in the near immediate future). And I like your original post. That is Arkcher using his brains. :rolleyes:

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I wish the boy I love loved me back. But this is life and you can't always have what you want.

If only these intense feelings could be felt for someone who felt the same.

I lie here with the hope that some day he'll realise and we'll be happy together. But I'm a wishful thinker.

I do whatever he wants cause I want him to be happy. I can't let go because I'm too devoted.



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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head.

Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD


And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend.

It might.

but I dont know. XD

Haha. Might end up in it, though.

yeah. I dont even know whats going on, 'cause half the time I like The Denzel, most of the time its Brianrietta, and other times I like RPVF back.


but liking too many people could... be problematic, i think, so for now Im just sitting here and getting my mind on other things. (World of warcraft! -cheer-) and also going to that prom dealie. Im so gonna do something terribly wrong there, I just know it. XD

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head.

Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD


And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend.

It might.

but I dont know. XD

Haha. Might end up in it, though.

yeah. I dont even know whats going on, 'cause half the time I like The Denzel, most of the time its Brianrietta, and other times I like RPVF back.


but liking too many people could... be problematic, i think, so for now Im just sitting here and getting my mind on other things. (World of warcraft! -cheer-) and also going to that prom dealie. Im so gonna do something terribly wrong there, I just know it. XD

okay, how does the denzel get 50%, brianrietta get most of it, and RPVF get some too? That adds up to more than 100%.

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man.


And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts.

I was happy. ^.^


And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.;

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man.


And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts.

I was happy. ^.^


And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.;

Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. :o!


..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast.

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

These girls are confusing. XD Anyways, your situation stinks. And is at the same time, quite humorous. This'll end up in tragedy for someone, but who?

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

These girls are confusing. XD Anyways, your situation stinks. And is at the same time, quite humorous. This'll end up in tragedy for someone, but who?

Im leaning toward RPVF being sad.


Im really hesitant of how to tell her, 'cause shes good friends with Brianrietta.

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man.


And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts.

I was happy. ^.^


And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.;

Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. :o!


..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast.

Eight week holiday? Huzabahwuh?

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

These girls are confusing. XD Anyways, your situation stinks. And is at the same time, quite humorous. This'll end up in tragedy for someone, but who?

Im leaning toward RPVF being sad.


Im really hesitant of how to tell her, 'cause shes good friends with Brianrietta.

Eh, for now you should just see what happens. I think that after a year has passed she might not feel the same way. The love hormone expires after 6 months. Of course, that was just what one of my crazy friends told me. :blink:

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man.


And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts.

I was happy. ^.^


And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.;

Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. :o!


..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast.

Eight week holiday? Huzabahwuh?

Australialanders are speshal. So we get eight week summer holidays.

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man.


And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts.

I was happy. ^.^


And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.;

Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. :o!


..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast.

Eight week holiday? Huzabahwuh?

Australialanders are speshal. So we get eight week summer holidays.

Oh! I feel smart now. I just remembered that while we are in summer, you are in winter. Or I am going crazy.

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man.


And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts.

I was happy. ^.^


And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.;

Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. :o!


..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast.

Eight week holiday? Huzabahwuh?

Australialanders are speshal. So we get eight week summer holidays.

Oh! I feel smart now. I just remembered that while we are in summer, you are in winter. Or I am going crazy.

I got the thousandth post! =D And reply!

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Im not sure what to think of this...


but RPVF came to my page and sez Happy Birthday. ... yesterday. and I replied with my not-very-amusing statement of Im old now.


and she says that Yeah, but still not old enough, and we have to wait another whole year. (until my set 'dating' age.) And oh well, it wont be that bad.


... so yeah.

thats.... that.

and Im gonna go run around outside now 'cause it finally got cold around here. n_n

She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man.


And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts.

I was happy. ^.^


And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.;

Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. :o!


..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast.

Eight week holiday? Huzabahwuh?

Australialanders are speshal. So we get eight week summer holidays.

Oh! I feel smart now. I just remembered that while we are in summer, you are in winter. Or I am going crazy.

I got the thousandth post! =D And reply!



Yes. And since it's summer here, it must be winter there. Although you wouldn't know it :P

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oh wow.

and I thought I was the one being confusing to RPVF and all...


on various webpages, people have this annoying habit of filling out surveys of what they think of friends in their list of contacts.

usually the first four or eight people.


RPVF just posted one, Brianrietta was #2 and Im #4 on that list.


one of the questions in the said survey is:

If you found out that 2 and 4 were going out what would you do?


RPVF's answer:

ummm...I dont think that would happen...she doesn like him like that...and I like him so she wouldnt date him! (srry brandon)


I dont know how to take this, really...

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I didn't figure this topic would last so long, or be so popular. Hopefully it stays this way. XD

well You were WRONG.

its awesome.

Haha, yeah. I was wrong in figuring it would last like a month or two and die. ^.^ Yaay wrong!

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oh wow.

and I thought I was the one being confusing to RPVF and all...


on various webpages, people have this annoying habit of filling out surveys of what they think of friends in their list of contacts.

usually the first four or eight people.


RPVF just posted one, Brianrietta was #2 and Im #4 on that list.


one of the questions in the said survey is:

If you found out that 2 and 4 were going out what would you do?


RPVF's answer:

ummm...I dont think that would happen...she doesn like him like that...and I like him so she wouldnt date him! (srry brandon)


I dont know how to take this, really...


Now, perhaps RPVF has come here and found out how you really feel. This could be an attempt to "eliminate the competition." The "srry brandon" makes me think that she has specifically designed this to make you give up on Brianrietta. RPVF seems kinda desperate.

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oh wow.

and I thought I was the one being confusing to RPVF and all...


on various webpages, people have this annoying habit of filling out surveys of what they think of friends in their list of contacts.

usually the first four or eight people.


RPVF just posted one, Brianrietta was #2 and Im #4 on that list.


one of the questions in the said survey is:

If you found out that 2 and 4 were going out what would you do?


RPVF's answer:

ummm...I dont think that would happen...she doesn like him like that...and I like him so she wouldnt date him! (srry brandon)


I dont know how to take this, really...


Now, perhaps RPVF has come here and found out how you really feel. This could be an attempt to "eliminate the competition." The "srry brandon" makes me think that she has specifically designed this to make you give up on Brianrietta. RPVF seems kinda desperate.

I didn't think of it that way, but not that you mention it, that sounds pretty logical. :o

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oh wow.

and I thought I was the one being confusing to RPVF and all...


on various webpages, people have this annoying habit of filling out surveys of what they think of friends in their list of contacts.

usually the first four or eight people.


RPVF just posted one, Brianrietta was #2 and Im #4 on that list.


one of the questions in the said survey is:

If you found out that 2 and 4 were going out what would you do?


RPVF's answer:

ummm...I dont think that would happen...she doesn like him like that...and I like him so she wouldnt date him! (srry brandon)


I dont know how to take this, really...


Now, perhaps RPVF has come here and found out how you really feel. This could be an attempt to "eliminate the competition." The "srry brandon" makes me think that she has specifically designed this to make you give up on Brianrietta. RPVF seems kinda desperate.

... ._.

I would say I hate it when people keep secrets, but I still havent told either of them how I feel, so...


and I think that Srry dealie was just the kidding-around-just-as-friends-lawl kind of thing. you really cant tell with just text though.


This will more than likely affect this formal dance dealie that happens tonight.

Yeah, its tonight. RPVF sent me an offline IM saying she's really excited. I havent responded yet.

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oh wow.

and I thought I was the one being confusing to RPVF and all...


on various webpages, people have this annoying habit of filling out surveys of what they think of friends in their list of contacts.

usually the first four or eight people.


RPVF just posted one, Brianrietta was #2 and Im #4 on that list.


one of the questions in the said survey is:

If you found out that 2 and 4 were going out what would you do?


RPVF's answer:

ummm...I dont think that would happen...she doesn like him like that...and I like him so she wouldnt date him! (srry brandon)


I dont know how to take this, really...


Now, perhaps RPVF has come here and found out how you really feel. This could be an attempt to "eliminate the competition." The "srry brandon" makes me think that she has specifically designed this to make you give up on Brianrietta. RPVF seems kinda desperate.

... ._.

I would say I hate it when people keep secrets, but I still havent told either of them how I feel, so...


and I think that Srry dealie was just the kidding-around-just-as-friends-lawl kind of thing. you really cant tell with just text though.


This will more than likely affect this formal dance dealie that happens tonight.

Yeah, its tonight. RPVF sent me an offline IM saying she's really excited. I havent responded yet.


Yeah. They are having a dance at my school tonight as well. But. I hate the music they play and I can't dance.


So that just won't work. :P

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Oh, jeez. Everyone is talking about how they have dates for "winter formal" and I'm just like. Yeah. Guys are probably scared of me cuz I just got out of a relationship a couple weeks ago. I know I shouldn't whine just because I never get dates specifically to dances, but you know. I just feel kinda meh about that. Not like, depressed. Just semi-unhappy(in other words, temporarily like half hour of irritation), cuz I was hoping maybe I would have an actual date to the dance instead of going to a formal without a date. Anywho. Now that I've said that, none of it matters because already I'm almost over that. XD

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okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so.


I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything.

so just stuck around RPVF the whole time.


it made me sad. ._.


and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly)


Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though.


i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D=


yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her.


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, come on over here..."

"might I ask what this game is?"

"We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line."

(ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD)


so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up.

so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too.

and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF.


It was highly amusing.


yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me.


whatever, I had fun.

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okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so.


I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything.

so just stuck around RPVF the whole time.


it made me sad. ._.


and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly)


Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though.


i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D=


yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her.


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, come on over here..."

"might I ask what this game is?"

"We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line."

(ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD)


so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up.

so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too.

and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF.


It was highly amusing.


yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me.


whatever, I had fun.

This shows additional support of my theory mentioned in my previous post.


Brianrietta saw that thing saying that she didn't want to go out with you, but she was too nervous to tell you that she did in fact want to. However, she was trying to show you that she did want to go out with you. If you see what I mean.

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okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so.


I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything.

so just stuck around RPVF the whole time.


it made me sad. ._.


and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly)


Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though.


i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D=


yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her.


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, come on over here..."

"might I ask what this game is?"

"We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line."

(ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD)


so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up.

so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too.

and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF.


It was highly amusing.


yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me.


whatever, I had fun.

Yay! I'm glad you had fun. ^_^ It *could* be that Brianrietta does like you, but either hasn't told RPVF about it, or lied to her about it, possibly because she knows that RPVF likes you, and doesn't want to upse her (girls can be funny like that). And you still need to tell RPVF you don't like her like that.

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okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so.


I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything.

so just stuck around RPVF the whole time.


it made me sad. ._.


and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly)


Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though.


i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D=


yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her.


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, come on over here..."

"might I ask what this game is?"

"We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line."

(ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD)


so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up.

so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too.

and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF.


It was highly amusing.


yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me.


whatever, I had fun.

That game... it sounds awesome. I need to play it sometime.

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okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so.


I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything.

so just stuck around RPVF the whole time.


it made me sad. ._.


and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly)


Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though.


i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D=


yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her.


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, come on over here..."

"might I ask what this game is?"

"We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line."

(ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD)


so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up.

so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too.

and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF.


It was highly amusing.


yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me.


whatever, I had fun.

This shows additional support of my theory mentioned in my previous post.


Brianrietta saw that thing saying that she didn't want to go out with you, but she was too nervous to tell you that she did in fact want to. However, she was trying to show you that she did want to go out with you. If you see what I mean.

Yeah, I gets it. and kind of hope that such is the case.

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okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so.


I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything.

so just stuck around RPVF the whole time.


it made me sad. ._.


and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly)


Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though.


i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D=


yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her.


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, come on over here..."

"might I ask what this game is?"

"We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line."

(ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD)


so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up.

so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too.

and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF.


It was highly amusing.


yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me.


whatever, I had fun.

Yay! I'm glad you had fun. ^_^ It *could* be that Brianrietta does like you, but either hasn't told RPVF about it, or lied to her about it, possibly because she knows that RPVF likes you, and doesn't want to upse her (girls can be funny like that). And you still need to tell RPVF you don't like her like that.

Well, After I tell RPVF that, what will I do? She and Brianrietta are good friends, and I'm willing to bet that they wont be so fond of me being that selective.

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okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so.


I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything.

so just stuck around RPVF the whole time.


it made me sad. ._.


and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly)


Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though.


i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D=


yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her.


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, come on over here..."

"might I ask what this game is?"

"We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line."

(ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD)


so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up.

so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too.

and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF.


It was highly amusing.


yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me.


whatever, I had fun.

That game... it sounds awesome. I need to play it sometime.

It does sound incredibly fun, actually.

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okay. Supposing what RPVF said was true, Brianrietta just acts that way naturally. but I dont think so.


I just got back from that winter formal prom thing thing thinger. (and of course after taking off a spiffy tuxedo we rented, which was not very comfortable) and Brianrietta was like. ... awesome. I dont know what else to say, but since she wasnt my 'date' to the dance, I couldnt really do anything.

so just stuck around RPVF the whole time.


it made me sad. ._.


and more often than not, RPVF and Dr. Cornbread would talk amongst themselves 'cause they were related and all, so I'd talk to Brianrietta. and she's still the transparent flirt she was when we first met. (needless to say, I was reminded of that ceaselessly)


Now that I think about it, I think the whole time I was standing off by the wall just watching everyone dance ('cause they played songs I either didnt want to support the immorality of, or just didnt know how to dance to that kind of thing) and watched Brianrietta. and didnt pay enough attention to RPVF. Im not sure if she noticed this though.


i SO want to post some pictures, but really cant. D=


yeah. Brianrietta walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play 'the drunk game' with her.


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, come on over here..."

"might I ask what this game is?"

"We both spin around a lot and a lot until we feel like we're going to pass out, then stop, and try to walk in a straight line."

(ah, mormons and their intoxication methods. XD)


so We... spun around for a while as RPVF took pictures of us doing so, and Brianrietta stopped before I did (and when you're dizzy, you cant really tell what someone else was doing) and she resembled a blue blur off to the side while I stopped and tried to stand up.

so I was all, Hey lookit me, Im still standing! and look, i'll walk, too.

and I started walking, took about four steps before losing balance and falling over. almost on top of RPVF.


It was highly amusing.


yeah. Im not sure RPVF was right, 'cause when Brianrietta wasnt doing something with Dr. Cornbread, she was doing her traditional cute-flirt thing at me.


whatever, I had fun.

Yay! I'm glad you had fun. ^_^ It *could* be that Brianrietta does like you, but either hasn't told RPVF about it, or lied to her about it, possibly because she knows that RPVF likes you, and doesn't want to upse her (girls can be funny like that). And you still need to tell RPVF you don't like her like that.

Well, After I tell RPVF that, what will I do? She and Brianrietta are good friends, and I'm willing to bet that they wont be so fond of me being that selective.

Well, I suppose at that point it's their problem. You can't help who you like or don't like. And when it comes to the opposite gender, you should be selective. Even if you don't tell Brianrietta how you feel, you still need to tell RPVF how you don't feel.

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Oh oh.




I dont even know anymore. XD


Okay. on the 19th. RPVF posted some kind of survey dealie that said Brianrietta allegedly didnt care for me that much.

on the 19th I fruited out and posted it here.

but since dates and time zones and things like that are always screwed up on websites, maybe things are a day off over there 'cause lookit this.


on the 18th (questionable) RPVF posts on Brianriettas page:

I just realized I worded that wrong! I would never tell on you! (forget that if you dont want me to thing)


Im hoping theres a connection but will probably be wrong.

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I think I'm getting closer and closer to getting this one guy I like to actually ask me to the dance. Or something. XD Maybe I'm wrong, but hey, it doesn't hurt to get my hopes up as long as I don't completely expect it. XD Anyways. That's my hopeful thought of the day. XD

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Sarah is going to push herself in for awhile, interupting all you important relationship types.


So. All these girls (friends?) that I talk to think I just have to go on this big double date with like ... five couples. This one girl thought that I just haddd to go with the guy that I liked in the third grade. I went along with it, thinking that they weren't going to ask him for me. Until ... she said that she was going to ask him today. I told her not to, and she didn't. But, she did want to ask him to go with the group, then somehow he would get 'paired' with me. Bllaaahhh. So much c---. I was actually kind of acting all giddy before, but now I really don't want to go. He'll probably just think I'm scary. And I'm really hoping that he said that he couldn't go. But ... then again ... that would make me sad. Stupid hormones!


And, I fell on an icy hill today. My tailbone hurts. ]:

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Sarah is going to push herself in for awhile, interupting all you important relationship types.


So. All these girls (friends?) that I talk to think I just have to go on this big double date with like ... five couples. This one girl thought that I just haddd to go with the guy that I liked in the third grade. I went along with it, thinking that they weren't going to ask him for me. Until ... she said that she was going to ask him today. I told her not to, and she didn't. But, she did want to ask him to go with the group, then somehow he would get 'paired' with me. Bllaaahhh. So much c---. I was actually kind of acting all giddy before, but now I really don't want to go. He'll probably just think I'm scary. And I'm really hoping that he said that he couldn't go. But ... then again ... that would make me sad. Stupid hormones!


And, I fell on an icy hill today. My tailbone hurts. ]:


No problem, as there isn't going to be a big group date anymore.


Yay. :] Maybe ...

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Sarah is going to push herself in for awhile, interupting all you important relationship types.


So. All these girls (friends?) that I talk to think I just have to go on this big double date with like ... five couples. This one girl thought that I just haddd to go with the guy that I liked in the third grade. I went along with it, thinking that they weren't going to ask him for me. Until ... she said that she was going to ask him today. I told her not to, and she didn't. But, she did want to ask him to go with the group, then somehow he would get 'paired' with me. Bllaaahhh. So much c---. I was actually kind of acting all giddy before, but now I really don't want to go. He'll probably just think I'm scary. And I'm really hoping that he said that he couldn't go. But ... then again ... that would make me sad. Stupid hormones!


And, I fell on an icy hill today. My tailbone hurts. ]:


No problem, as there isn't going to be a big group date anymore.


Yay. :] Maybe ...

What brought about the sudden change? XD


In other news. The guy that Jeanette likes is quite huggable. XD

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To everyone's posts (instead of quoting them all, they all get smushed into one post)


Never assume, it makes a *cough* of "u" and "me"... :rolleyes:


Hope for the best, but expect the worst.


Yeah, hormones can be annoying. They interfere with rational and logical thought waaay too often...


Ah, icy hills. Been there. Not fun.

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I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not.


Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF.


i dunno.

I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.

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Sarah is going to push herself in for awhile, interupting all you important relationship types.


So. All these girls (friends?) that I talk to think I just have to go on this big double date with like ... five couples. This one girl thought that I just haddd to go with the guy that I liked in the third grade. I went along with it, thinking that they weren't going to ask him for me. Until ... she said that she was going to ask him today. I told her not to, and she didn't. But, she did want to ask him to go with the group, then somehow he would get 'paired' with me. Bllaaahhh. So much c---. I was actually kind of acting all giddy before, but now I really don't want to go. He'll probably just think I'm scary. And I'm really hoping that he said that he couldn't go. But ... then again ... that would make me sad. Stupid hormones!


And, I fell on an icy hill today. My tailbone hurts. ]:


No problem, as there isn't going to be a big group date anymore.


Yay. :] Maybe ...

What brought about the sudden change? XD


In other news. The guy that Jeanette likes is quite huggable. XD

Huggable is good!!! :D

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I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not.


Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF.


i dunno.

I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.

Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you.

I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up.

Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU.

And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them.

If you get what I am saying.

Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them.

Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*koffkoffMKishereshutup.* <.<


I'm thinking of asking Trent to one of the various concerts I;m going to in the next three months and/or to see Epic Movie when it comes out.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*koffkoffMKishereshutup.* <.<


I'm thinking of asking Trent to one of the various concerts I;m going to in the next three months and/or to see Epic Movie when it comes out.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That sounds like a good idea. I hope all goes well. ^.^

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*koffkoffMKishereshutup.* <.<


I'm thinking of asking Trent to one of the various concerts I;m going to in the next three months and/or to see Epic Movie when it comes out.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That sounds like a good idea. I hope all goes well. ^.^

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm not sure which concert. It's a tie betweem Eric Clapton or Reverend Horton Heat.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not.


Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF.


i dunno.

I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.

Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you.

I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up.

Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU.

And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them.

If you get what I am saying.

Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them.

Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think.

Hahaha that is brilliant! :lol: But all amusement aside, Cheesey has a really good point. Give it a couple of weeks for things to settle down before you make any big decisions/changes/moves etc.

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I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not.


Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF.


i dunno.

I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.

Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you.

I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up.

Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU.

And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them.

If you get what I am saying.

Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them.

Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think.

Hahaha that is brilliant! :lol: But all amusement aside, Cheesey has a really good point. Give it a couple of weeks for things to settle down before you make any big decisions/changes/moves etc.

Haha. Well. He can't make moves anyways. He can't date until he's 16. XD Another year.

MK: Good ideas.


As for me, what should I do? XD I basically have no clue if I have a chance with this guy or not. Maybe I should use MK's inconspicuous method! Like, let's chill sometime method! And if they get all suspicious and act stupid, I can be like, "No. I didn't mean a date." MUHAHAHA!

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I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not.


Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF.


i dunno.

I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.

Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you.

I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up.

Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU.

And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them.

If you get what I am saying.

Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them.

Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think.

No, its all good. i like, got it and everything.

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I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not.


Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF.


i dunno.

I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.

Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you.

I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up.

Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU.

And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them.

If you get what I am saying.

Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them.

Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think.

No, its all good. i like, got it and everything.

Good. Cause I don't feel like trying to explain it better.

And MW, I would give you advice on your issues, but I kinda need background. Y'know, previously knowing him, and, just, everything. Fill me in and I will administer my awsome skillz so that I may give advice.

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Today we had to make Car For Sale flyers in Computers.

And I made one.

...For a Volkswagon Bus. XD


And I told Trent:


"Trent! You are buying my bus and that is FINAL! Now fork over $19,000."

And he just looked at me weird and said, "Whaat?"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Today we had to make Car For Sale flyers in Computers.

And I made one.

...For a Volkswagon Bus. XD


And I told Trent:


"Trent! You are buying my bus and that is FINAL! Now fork over $19,000."

And he just looked at me weird and said, "Whaat?"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

And where is our copy? :blink: :blink: :blink:

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Today we had to make Car For Sale flyers in Computers.

And I made one.

...For a Volkswagon Bus. XD


And I told Trent:


"Trent! You are buying my bus and that is FINAL! Now fork over $19,000."

And he just looked at me weird and said, "Whaat?"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

And where is our copy? :blink: :blink: :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I cdon't have any way of uploading pictures.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Today we had to make Car For Sale flyers in Computers.

And I made one.

...For a Volkswagon Bus. XD


And I told Trent:


"Trent! You are buying my bus and that is FINAL! Now fork over $19,000."

And he just looked at me weird and said, "Whaat?"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

And where is our copy? :blink: :blink: :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I cdon't have any way of uploading pictures.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


Ohhhhhhhhh. Perhaps you could reproduce it for us. :rolleyes: Please.

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Today we had to make Car For Sale flyers in Computers.

And I made one.

...For a Volkswagon Bus. XD


And I told Trent:


"Trent! You are buying my bus and that is FINAL! Now fork over $19,000."

And he just looked at me weird and said, "Whaat?"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

And where is our copy? :blink: :blink: :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I cdon't have any way of uploading pictures.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


Ohhhhhhhhh. Perhaps you could reproduce it for us. :rolleyes: Please.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I made it in MS word, so i guess I could.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Today we had to make Car For Sale flyers in Computers.

And I made one.

...For a Volkswagon Bus. XD


And I told Trent:


"Trent! You are buying my bus and that is FINAL! Now fork over $19,000."

And he just looked at me weird and said, "Whaat?"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

And where is our copy? :blink: :blink: :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I cdon't have any way of uploading pictures.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


Ohhhhhhhhh. Perhaps you could reproduce it for us. :rolleyes: Please.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I made it in MS word, so i guess I could.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please do! :)

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Today we had to make Car For Sale flyers in Computers.

And I made one.

...For a Volkswagon Bus. XD


And I told Trent:


"Trent! You are buying my bus and that is FINAL! Now fork over $19,000."

And he just looked at me weird and said, "Whaat?"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

And where is our copy? :blink: :blink: :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I cdon't have any way of uploading pictures.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


Ohhhhhhhhh. Perhaps you could reproduce it for us. :rolleyes: Please.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I made it in MS word, so i guess I could.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please do! :)

*~*The Grand Illusion*(~*The Final Cut*~*


Is it possible to put a text file here like I do a piccy?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine(*~*

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Today we had to make Car For Sale flyers in Computers.

And I made one.

...For a Volkswagon Bus. XD


And I told Trent:


"Trent! You are buying my bus and that is FINAL! Now fork over $19,000."

And he just looked at me weird and said, "Whaat?"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

And where is our copy? :blink: :blink: :blink:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I cdon't have any way of uploading pictures.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


Ohhhhhhhhh. Perhaps you could reproduce it for us. :rolleyes: Please.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I made it in MS word, so i guess I could.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please do! :)

*~*The Grand Illusion*(~*The Final Cut*~*


Is it possible to put a text file here like I do a piccy?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine(*~*

I think you have to copy and paste it, but I am not sure.

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I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not.


Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF.


i dunno.

I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.

Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you.

I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up.

Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU.

And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them.

If you get what I am saying.

Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them.

Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think.

No, its all good. i like, got it and everything.

Good. Cause I don't feel like trying to explain it better.

And MW, I would give you advice on your issues, but I kinda need background. Y'know, previously knowing him, and, just, everything. Fill me in and I will administer my awsome skillz so that I may give advice.

Eh, I know him, but not like, super well. The fact that he hugs me doesn't mean much, 'cause, well, he hugs a lot of girls in band, so it's not a new thing. I've known him since band camp. XD Um. He's flirted with me a lot, but he could be like this other guy Max and just flirts with everyone. He's nerdish, but he's one of those guys where he would be able to attract girls off of his body build. We talk every day. Yeah. So this is one of those iffy ones where I wouldn't even know my chances off of another persons position.


Um, as for the dance. There's this one other guy in the trumpet section(haha, most of the guys I'm attracted to are in band) who likes me, apparently. I know this because one of my best friends(a freshman) is the boyfriend of said trumpet player's sister(a senior XD) and he told me that said trumpet player wants to ask me to the dance. Well, I kind of like said trumpet player, but he's not like, top of the metaphorical list of guys in mind. So I'm not sure what I'll say.

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I really cant decide if I should just give up on Brianrietta or not.


Partly due to the whole stupid teenager likings of people, I'm growing more fond of RPVF.


i dunno.

I'll continue sittin over there musing things of that nature.

Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you.

I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up.

Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU.

And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them.

If you get what I am saying.

Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them.

Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think.

No, its all good. i like, got it and everything.

Good. Cause I don't feel like trying to explain it better.

And MW, I would give you advice on your issues, but I kinda need background. Y'know, previously knowing him, and, just, everything. Fill me in and I will administer my awsome skillz so that I may give advice.

Eh, I know him, but not like, super well. The fact that he hugs me doesn't mean much, 'cause, well, he hugs a lot of girls in band, so it's not a new thing. I've known him since band camp. XD Um. He's flirted with me a lot, but he could be like this other guy Max and just flirts with everyone. He's nerdish, but he's one of those guys where he would be able to attract girls off of his body build. We talk every day. Yeah. So this is one of those iffy ones where I wouldn't even know my chances off of another persons position.


Um, as for the dance. There's this one other guy in the trumpet section(haha, most of the guys I'm attracted to are in band) who likes me, apparently. I know this because one of my best friends(a freshman) is the boyfriend of said trumpet player's sister(a senior XD) and he told me that said trumpet player wants to ask me to the dance. Well, I kind of like said trumpet player, but he's not like, top of the metaphorical list of guys in mind. So I'm not sure what I'll say.

Okay, guy # 1 sounds like he might be someone predisposed to cheating. If he is always hugging and flirting with the girls and he could easily get them, he might be tempted to stray from discipline. If you know what I mean. Of course, he may be a great guy. For him, I would pay attention to how he acts around the other girls. See if he is flirting with them as much as he is doing with you. Get to know him better and such in the mean time.


If guy # 2 asks you to the dance and you don't already have a plan, go with him AS FRIENDS. Kinda, see what he is like at the dance. If you end up doing that, inform me as to the details and I will go on from there.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Car For Sale!


1966 Volkswagon Bus






Wonderful conditon!

Only 2,000 Miles.

You can have all your buddies ride in it with you and not have to shove anyone in the trunk!

(Goth kids may not like it but no one cares about them.)

Has a preinstalled-CD player with a Grateful Dead album inside it and a shag carpet, which is awsome and you know it.

Call me at [NUMBER] and ask for Cailtin if you wanna buy this bus!

Buuus! Magic Bus!


*~*The Psychedelic Lusu*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Car For Sale!


1966 Volkswagon Bus






Wonderful conditon!

Only 2,000 Miles.

You can have all your buddies ride in it with you and not have to shove anyone in the trunk!

(Goth kids may not like it but no one cares about them.)

Has a preinstalled-CD player with a Grateful Dead album inside it and a shag carpet, which is awsome and you know it.

Call me at [NUMBER] and ask for Cailtin if you wanna buy this bus!

Buuus! Magic Bus!


*~*The Psychedelic Lusu*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


I love your ad!!!

*hands Mushroom_king The Platinum Moon Award*


Thanks for posting your advert. I really love it.

If I was your teacher, I would give you an A+++++++++!!!!!!!

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