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The Relationships Topic

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...Yeah, I'm having my own problems again.


1. I seem to be liking my boyfriend less. <--- then it wasn't meant to be. Don't stick with what you don't want.

2. That seems to happen to me a lot, seeing as it happened with my last "relationship", look how that turned out.(you know, me dumping again?) <--- you just get in bad relationships. try to get to know people before going out with them.

3. I don't want to dump my boyfriend, but keep lookin' at muh problems. <---- it may be hard, but it seems that it has to be done.

4. It bugs the heck out of me that I'm so much smarter than him. <---- then find someone that you can have an intellectual discussion with, and go out with them.

5. It bugs the heck out of me that he keeps asking me what's wrong when I'm just spacing out(okay, so at times I am thinking about what IS in fact wrong here) and he's totally reading my emotions wrong. <--- well, at least he is concerned for you.

6. If I did dump him again, I would end up missing the whole being in a relationship thing and mistake that for liking him. <---- i don't understand what you mean here.

7. I've caught myself way too many times flirting with other guys. <---- then you don't really like your current one. (applies to the next two)

8. I've caught myself way too many times thinking about other guys.

9. I've caught myself way too many times actually liking another guy.

10. My friends are sure to not understand if I told them I didn't like him anymore. <---- why not?

11. I am an idiot when it comes to "love", just like everyone else. Just because I have a more than just decent IQ doesn't mean I understand the secrets of the universe. <--- being smart doesn't make it easy to get a good girlfriend or boyfriend.

12. I feel terrible when I think of all of this because for some reason I feel obligated to keep up an act to keep people from hating me or thinking I make the same mistakes and then I also am trying to just go on and pretending so everyone else is happy. <---- It is good that you want others to be happy, but don't sacrifice your own happiness! Keeping up an act is NOT good!


answers above. But this is a difficult case.

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So, Okay. Doods.

I came up with an idea that I have NO idea if its wise or not. XD


On that while back with some kind of desert making thing I talked about for a second (which was hilarious, by the way. elaboration later.) One of the other guys was talking with The Denzel and Brianrietta. No idea what they were saying.

The guys new name is Keyboard-face. ... yes. yes it is. (Im coming up with ridiculous names for these people. XD)

Anyway, KEyboard-face was talking with The Denzel and Brianrietta about something sneaky. 'cause The Denzel's body language kind of said that she'd rather be doing something else, and Brianrietta looked kind of bored with whatever was being said.



Iiiiiii was stealthily thinking about yelling over to Keyboard-face, and sayin ' 'Ey! Ey yeh KEyboard-face! Yeh, Im talking to you! Quit flirtin with them, Thats my job!'

but I started questioning the wisdom of it despite how hilarious I think it would have been.

I may or may not do that later, should the oppurtunity come again.


so, Is that stupid, or might get something going?

I think you might just be on to something that would work great!!! :lol:

*waits for Cheesie or someone else with a better opinion, after all I am a hamster*

So, apparently I am the relationship expert here, despite never having had a girlfriend myself?


Anyways, that sounds like a good idea. It lets Brianrietta know that you are noticing her. However, this might also work towards the Denzel thinking you are for her. So, if I were you, I would say "Ey! Ey yeh KEyboard-face! Yeh, Im talking to you! Quit flirtin with Brianrietta, Thats my job!'

Yeah, but I... end up flirting with The Denzel without really realizing it until afterward. >_>; So I guess that goes both ways.

but The Denzel is still stoopid. I hate liking stoopid peaple's.

Brianrietta is less stoopid. like, not at all. 'cuz I have yet to find something wrong with her.


Whatever. I'll see about doing that.

well, you could ask the Denzel to stp flirting with you. >.> but if you say "stop flirting with brianrietta" it will show that your attention is focused on brianrietta, and not The Denzel.

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...Yeah, I'm having my own problems again.


1. I seem to be liking my boyfriend less. <--- then it wasn't meant to be. Don't stick with what you don't want.

2. That seems to happen to me a lot, seeing as it happened with my last "relationship", look how that turned out.(you know, me dumping again?) <--- you just get in bad relationships. try to get to know people before going out with them.

3. I don't want to dump my boyfriend, but keep lookin' at muh problems. <---- it may be hard, but it seems that it has to be done.

4. It bugs the heck out of me that I'm so much smarter than him. <---- then find someone that you can have an intellectual discussion with, and go out with them.

5. It bugs the heck out of me that he keeps asking me what's wrong when I'm just spacing out(okay, so at times I am thinking about what IS in fact wrong here) and he's totally reading my emotions wrong. <--- well, at least he is concerned for you.

6. If I did dump him again, I would end up missing the whole being in a relationship thing and mistake that for liking him. <---- i don't understand what you mean here.

7. I've caught myself way too many times flirting with other guys. <---- then you don't really like your current one. (applies to the next two)

8. I've caught myself way too many times thinking about other guys.

9. I've caught myself way too many times actually liking another guy.

10. My friends are sure to not understand if I told them I didn't like him anymore. <---- why not?

11. I am an idiot when it comes to "love", just like everyone else. Just because I have a more than just decent IQ doesn't mean I understand the secrets of the universe. <--- being smart doesn't make it easy to get a good girlfriend or boyfriend.

12. I feel terrible when I think of all of this because for some reason I feel obligated to keep up an act to keep people from hating me or thinking I make the same mistakes and then I also am trying to just go on and pretending so everyone else is happy. <---- It is good that you want others to be happy, but don't sacrifice your own happiness! Keeping up an act is NOT good!


answers above. But this is a difficult case.

I dunno, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be in relationships at all. I mean, I like relationships, but then eventually I end up like this where I'm confused and I like the guy, but then I'm also distracted and liking him less. Nobody ever seems to really understand my actions. I mean, if I were to dump two different guys twice, that wouldn't exactly look good for me. I dunno. Maybe I'm just being a stupid emo.

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Okay, doods.


the dawning of the telling Brianrietta... about, uh, stuff... >_>; has begun. 'cuz I started that yesterday.


I have this odd little signature way of folding up 3x5 index cards some odd way, making some useless peice of oragami, its like.... a little bendy thing. Anyway. I was sitting next to Brianrietta, got out a 3x5 card from my backpack, and folded it up into... a wad of paper. THe next hour or so we were there, I was generally messing with it, unfolding it, folding it up again, all that mess. all in a fashion that Im pretty sure Brianritta could see what i was doing.

When we were leaving, i said something to the effect of 'Here, Have a wad of paper.' and tossed it in her general direction as I walked by, 'cuz my ride got there. and I was leavin'. and Hoping that she actually did something with it, like look at it, she'd know of my little paper foldy-thing.

So. Over the next few times I would see Brianrietta, i'd hand her one of those things, and when unfolded, it would contain some sort of message. which Im still trying to decide how to manage.

I'm thinking of using binary or something, or... something else nerdular nerdence related, (Like writing out an HTML code on the paper, and she can either interpret it there or decode it with her compy, and amid various things, it'd say like... eh, use your imagination. n_n ) due to the whole both of us being nerds.


I figured this would go pretty well. Assuming that by some chance you pointed out a flaw to it, I can stop it seeing how she just has a wad of paper now. but I dont think theres something wrong with it. so I'll keep at this method. perhaps just give her five parts of an HTML/CSS code, and list where in the structure the parts would go, and it'd be some kind of puzzle.

Whatever. I think it'd be fun. n__n

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...Yeah, I'm having my own problems again.


1. I seem to be liking my boyfriend less.

2. That seems to happen to me a lot, seeing as it happened with my last "relationship", look how that turned out.(you know, me dumping again?)

3. I don't want to dump my boyfriend, but keep lookin' at muh problems.

4. It bugs the heck out of me that I'm so much smarter than him.

5. It bugs the heck out of me that he keeps asking me what's wrong when I'm just spacing out(okay, so at times I am thinking about what IS in fact wrong here) and he's totally reading my emotions wrong.

6. If I did dump him again, I would end up missing the whole being in a relationship thing and mistake that for liking him.

7. I've caught myself way too many times flirting with other guys.

8. I've caught myself way too many times thinking about other guys.

9. I've caught myself way too many times actually liking another guy.

10. My friends are sure to not understand if I told them I didn't like him anymore.

11. I am an idiot when it comes to "love", just like everyone else. Just because I have a more than just decent IQ doesn't mean I understand the secrets of the universe.

12. I feel terrible when I think of all of this because for some reason I feel obligated to keep up an act to keep people from hating me or thinking I make the same mistakes and then I also am trying to just go on and pretending so everyone else is happy.


answers above. But this is a difficult case.

I dunno, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be in relationships at all. I mean, I like relationships, but then eventually I end up like this where I'm confused and I like the guy, but then I'm also distracted and liking him less. Nobody ever seems to really understand my actions. I mean, if I were to dump two different guys twice, that wouldn't exactly look good for me. I dunno. Maybe I'm just being a stupid emo.

You are definitely not a stupid emo. This is just part of learning who you are. I think you are terrific for knowing who you are and having the courage to do something about it.


Okay, doods.


the dawning of the telling Brianrietta... about, uh, stuff... >_>; has begun. 'cuz I started that yesterday.


I have this odd little signature way of folding up 3x5 index cards some odd way, making some useless peice of oragami, its like.... a little bendy thing. Anyway. I was sitting next to Brianrietta, got out a 3x5 card from my backpack, and folded it up into... a wad of paper. THe next hour or so we were there, I was generally messing with it, unfolding it, folding it up again, all that mess. all in a fashion that Im pretty sure Brianritta could see what i was doing.

When we were leaving, i said something to the effect of 'Here, Have a wad of paper.' and tossed it in her general direction as I walked by, 'cuz my ride got there. and I was leavin'. and Hoping that she actually did something with it, like look at it, she'd know of my little paper foldy-thing.

So. Over the next few times I would see Brianrietta, i'd hand her one of those things, and when unfolded, it would contain some sort of message. which Im still trying to decide how to manage.

I'm thinking of using binary or something, or... something else nerdular nerdence related, (Like writing out an HTML code on the paper, and she can either interpret it there or decode it with her compy, and amid various things, it'd say like... eh, use your imagination. n_n ) due to the whole both of us being nerds.


I figured this would go pretty well. Assuming that by some chance you pointed out a flaw to it, I can stop it seeing how she just has a wad of paper now. but I dont think theres something wrong with it. so I'll keep at this method. perhaps just give her five parts of an HTML/CSS code, and list where in the structure the parts would go, and it'd be some kind of puzzle.

Whatever. I think it'd be fun. n__n

Now this is a very cool idea!!! :D


I might add, NEVER put into writing something you wouldn't want published to the world.

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Okay, doods.


the dawning of the telling Brianrietta... about, uh, stuff... >_>; has begun. 'cuz I started that yesterday.


I have this odd little signature way of folding up 3x5 index cards some odd way, making some useless peice of oragami, its like.... a little bendy thing. Anyway. I was sitting next to Brianrietta, got out a 3x5 card from my backpack, and folded it up into... a wad of paper. THe next hour or so we were there, I was generally messing with it, unfolding it, folding it up again, all that mess. all in a fashion that Im pretty sure Brianritta could see what i was doing.

When we were leaving, i said something to the effect of 'Here, Have a wad of paper.' and tossed it in her general direction as I walked by, 'cuz my ride got there. and I was leavin'. and Hoping that she actually did something with it, like look at it, she'd know of my little paper foldy-thing.

So. Over the next few times I would see Brianrietta, i'd hand her one of those things, and when unfolded, it would contain some sort of message. which Im still trying to decide how to manage.

I'm thinking of using binary or something, or... something else nerdular nerdence related, (Like writing out an HTML code on the paper, and she can either interpret it there or decode it with her compy, and amid various things, it'd say like... eh, use your imagination. n_n ) due to the whole both of us being nerds.


I figured this would go pretty well. Assuming that by some chance you pointed out a flaw to it, I can stop it seeing how she just has a wad of paper now. but I dont think theres something wrong with it. so I'll keep at this method. perhaps just give her five parts of an HTML/CSS code, and list where in the structure the parts would go, and it'd be some kind of puzzle.

Whatever. I think it'd be fun. n__n

Now that is a good idea! However, i wouldn't do binary, that would take to long to decode, and she might not know binary, either.

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So, Okay. Doods.

I came up with an idea that I have NO idea if its wise or not. XD


On that while back with some kind of desert making thing I talked about for a second (which was hilarious, by the way. elaboration later.) One of the other guys was talking with The Denzel and Brianrietta. No idea what they were saying.

The guys new name is Keyboard-face. ... yes. yes it is. (Im coming up with ridiculous names for these people. XD)

Anyway, KEyboard-face was talking with The Denzel and Brianrietta about something sneaky. 'cause The Denzel's body language kind of said that she'd rather be doing something else, and Brianrietta looked kind of bored with whatever was being said.



Iiiiiii was stealthily thinking about yelling over to Keyboard-face, and sayin ' 'Ey! Ey yeh KEyboard-face! Yeh, Im talking to you! Quit flirtin with them, Thats my job!'

but I started questioning the wisdom of it despite how hilarious I think it would have been.

I may or may not do that later, should the oppurtunity come again.


so, Is that stupid, or might get something going?

I think you might just be on to something that would work great!!! :lol:

*waits for Cheesie or someone else with a better opinion, after all I am a hamster*

So, apparently I am the relationship expert here, despite never having had a girlfriend myself?


Anyways, that sounds like a good idea. It lets Brianrietta know that you are noticing her. However, this might also work towards the Denzel thinking you are for her. So, if I were you, I would say "Ey! Ey yeh KEyboard-face! Yeh, Im talking to you! Quit flirtin with Brianrietta, Thats my job!'

Yeah, but I... end up flirting with The Denzel without really realizing it until afterward. >_>; So I guess that goes both ways.

but The Denzel is still stoopid. I hate liking stoopid peaple's.

Brianrietta is less stoopid. like, not at all. 'cuz I have yet to find something wrong with her.


Whatever. I'll see about doing that.


See ... I don't get the whole 'flirting' term. My paranoid mother thinks everything is flirting. But, honestly, you can be nice to the opposite sex and joke with them, without it being considered flirting. Like ... the other day a guy offered me ten dollars for the coat I got at the Salvation Army. Not flirting. He just wanted my coat. I guess I've just hung around guys too much often to know the different between friends and flirting.


It took me awhile to realize that Brianrietta isn't her real name. :/ That's an 'wesome name, though.

XD wow. Brianrietta is a stupid and terrible name. Im just using psuedo-character names from Homestar to cover the real names of my friends. Partly for hilarity. 'Brian' emailed SB once, and said that he loved him. SB freaked out and said that unless Brian was short for something like Brianrietta, or brian-sue, then its not going to work out.


o:! I remember that one.

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Okay, doods.


the dawning of the telling Brianrietta... about, uh, stuff... >_>; has begun. 'cuz I started that yesterday.


I have this odd little signature way of folding up 3x5 index cards some odd way, making some useless peice of oragami, its like.... a little bendy thing. Anyway. I was sitting next to Brianrietta, got out a 3x5 card from my backpack, and folded it up into... a wad of paper. THe next hour or so we were there, I was generally messing with it, unfolding it, folding it up again, all that mess. all in a fashion that Im pretty sure Brianritta could see what i was doing.

When we were leaving, i said something to the effect of 'Here, Have a wad of paper.' and tossed it in her general direction as I walked by, 'cuz my ride got there. and I was leavin'. and Hoping that she actually did something with it, like look at it, she'd know of my little paper foldy-thing.

So. Over the next few times I would see Brianrietta, i'd hand her one of those things, and when unfolded, it would contain some sort of message. which Im still trying to decide how to manage.

I'm thinking of using binary or something, or... something else nerdular nerdence related, (Like writing out an HTML code on the paper, and she can either interpret it there or decode it with her compy, and amid various things, it'd say like... eh, use your imagination. n_n ) due to the whole both of us being nerds.


I figured this would go pretty well. Assuming that by some chance you pointed out a flaw to it, I can stop it seeing how she just has a wad of paper now. but I dont think theres something wrong with it. so I'll keep at this method. perhaps just give her five parts of an HTML/CSS code, and list where in the structure the parts would go, and it'd be some kind of puzzle.

Whatever. I think it'd be fun. n__n

Now that is a good idea! However, i wouldn't do binary, that would take to long to decode, and she might not know binary, either.

S'why I havent given her any secret super messages of any sort yet. Right now she just has a blank folded-up-peice of paper.

but if she really was a nerd, then she'd know Binary. 'cause thats what nerds do for fun, they send binary IMs to each other and see who can decode them the fastest. yeah, I can testify of this. XD


... x'cept I dont know binary either. D= I use those lame script-coded Binary translators you find online. I am shamed.

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Okay, doods.


the dawning of the telling Brianrietta... about, uh, stuff... >_>; has begun. 'cuz I started that yesterday.


I have this odd little signature way of folding up 3x5 index cards some odd way, making some useless peice of oragami, its like.... a little bendy thing. Anyway. I was sitting next to Brianrietta, got out a 3x5 card from my backpack, and folded it up into... a wad of paper. THe next hour or so we were there, I was generally messing with it, unfolding it, folding it up again, all that mess. all in a fashion that Im pretty sure Brianritta could see what i was doing.

When we were leaving, i said something to the effect of 'Here, Have a wad of paper.' and tossed it in her general direction as I walked by, 'cuz my ride got there. and I was leavin'. and Hoping that she actually did something with it, like look at it, she'd know of my little paper foldy-thing.

So. Over the next few times I would see Brianrietta, i'd hand her one of those things, and when unfolded, it would contain some sort of message. which Im still trying to decide how to manage.

I'm thinking of using binary or something, or... something else nerdular nerdence related, (Like writing out an HTML code on the paper, and she can either interpret it there or decode it with her compy, and amid various things, it'd say like... eh, use your imagination. n_n ) due to the whole both of us being nerds.


I figured this would go pretty well. Assuming that by some chance you pointed out a flaw to it, I can stop it seeing how she just has a wad of paper now. but I dont think theres something wrong with it. so I'll keep at this method. perhaps just give her five parts of an HTML/CSS code, and list where in the structure the parts would go, and it'd be some kind of puzzle.

Whatever. I think it'd be fun. n__n

Now that is a good idea! However, i wouldn't do binary, that would take to long to decode, and she might not know binary, either.

S'why I havent given her any secret super messages of any sort yet. Right now she just has a blank folded-up-peice of paper.

but if she really was a nerd, then she'd know Binary. 'cause thats what nerds do for fun, they send binary IMs to each other and see who can decode them the fastest. yeah, I can testify of this. XD


... x'cept I dont know binary either. D= I use those lame script-coded Binary translators you find online. I am shamed.

Don't give it another thought. You will know binary faster than you can imagine once you start using it more.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I learned today from....my sources that Trent has an account on a game site, so i'm going to make an account there to try and find him. DX


The biggest problem right now is that I think NPM (Napoliean Purple Monkey) might have a crush on Trent. D= She's been talking about him a lot and stuffs.


Oh, and I caought officially 7 Guys staring at me today. XD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I learned today from....my sources that Trent has an account on a game site, so i'm going to make an account there to try and find him. DX


The biggest problem right now is that I think NPM (Napoliean Purple Monkey) might have a crush on Trent. D= She's been talking about him a lot and stuffs.


Oh, and I caought officially 7 Guys staring at me today. XD


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

ooh, two friends having a crush on the same guy/girl can cause major issues between the friends. Try no tto let it affect you two.

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I swear, guys are hilarious when they compete.


Yesterday, I was potting plants at school from like 3-5(project). So yeah, I had about 30 plants left of my 64 from the flat to finish when A-guy says when he's done with his plants, he'll help me out cuz I had band soon(like hour soon, so I wouldn't have finished on my own). Once I'm down to around 18, B-guy(the boyfriend) decides to prance on over to the ag department to chill cuz apparently my best friend suggested it and so they came(but bestest buddy was on the phone so she was like 20 feet away). Anywho, so A-guy finishes his plants and prances over to help when I have like 12 left. He does like 2, then B-guy decides to help, too. 'Twas funny, cuz they were definitely competing. I was taking my time(I really wasn't being that slow, personally XD) making sure I was doin' it right, but then they did the ones left in like. 10 minutes or something.


Sometimes guys compete too much. XD

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D= The Denzel...


is officially some flirt.


'cause in one hour or so, I caught her staring at me at least six times.

Then, that one class thing ended, and since I havent anything better to do, I help take down the foldy-uppy tables n chairs and all that mess.

and The Denzel helped, too.

and she was all like, following me around and tried to carry one of the tables, but did so trying to be too feminine about it. and like, kept dropping stuff with that petit little squeaky/scream kind of noise that lady-types tend to do. I ended up taking care of everything myself while The Denzel just followed me around.


Im pretty sure Brianrietta would have done something like that, but she had to leave early. D=


but The Denzel doesnt usually act like that. but then, I dont usually dress as I am now; This shirt is too small for me. i think that had something to do with it. XD (Its like, size medium, cuz they were out of large ones. so its like, relatively tight and has rather short sleeves. Uncomfortable like nothing else, but I think some other people liked it.)


Brianrietta was busy staring at her little project of using hershey kiss' wrappers to mold them into little block-shaped chucks of foil, I guess shes gonna build something out of them when she gets enough. cuz she made like ten of them. but she was avoiding eye contact with like EVERYone. (I think she was nervous about this stupid-looking hoodie she was wearing. It looked ridiculous. XD I decided not to comment, just act like nothing was out of the ordinary. Perhaps I should have said something though...)


wow. this whole mess is dumb and confusing.

TRSE was being herself, just giggly and prancing all around and glancing at me every ten seconds or so. Shes really annoying. o_o;

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I am the queen of wishful thinking. Why can't I face the fact that he's NOT into me anymore? Why do I still think about him like he never left me? Why do I think he will get fed up of her and come back to me?

I make myself so sad thinking about it. I try not to but I can't help it... no matter what I do the thoughts and memories of him keep coming back.

He was hardcore flirting with me on Friday night. Like, we were laying on my friends bed tickling each other and playfully pillow fighting. He also wanted me to sit on his lap with we were on the swings. One of my friends thinks he still likes me. Another friend thinks he is stringing me along. I don't know what to think.


I am so confused, I feel hurt yet, I still have feelings for him.


♥ Lee

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D= The Denzel...


is officially some flirt.


'cause in one hour or so, I caught her staring at me at least six times.

Then, that one class thing ended, and since I havent anything better to do, I help take down the foldy-uppy tables n chairs and all that mess.

and The Denzel helped, too.

and she was all like, following me around and tried to carry one of the tables, but did so trying to be too feminine about it. and like, kept dropping stuff with that petit little squeaky/scream kind of noise that lady-types tend to do. I ended up taking care of everything myself while The Denzel just followed me around.


Im pretty sure Brianrietta would have done something like that, but she had to leave early. D=


but The Denzel doesnt usually act like that. but then, I dont usually dress as I am now; This shirt is too small for me. i think that had something to do with it. XD (Its like, size medium, cuz they were out of large ones. so its like, relatively tight and has rather short sleeves. Uncomfortable like nothing else, but I think some other people liked it.)


Brianrietta was busy staring at her little project of using hershey kiss' wrappers to mold them into little block-shaped chucks of foil, I guess shes gonna build something out of them when she gets enough. cuz she made like ten of them. but she was avoiding eye contact with like EVERYone. (I think she was nervous about this stupid-looking hoodie she was wearing. It looked ridiculous. XD I decided not to comment, just act like nothing was out of the ordinary. Perhaps I should have said something though...)


wow. this whole mess is dumb and confusing.

TRSE was being herself, just giggly and prancing all around and glancing at me every ten seconds or so. Shes really annoying. o_o;

There are a few lady no-nos...

- Never tell a woman she is fat, looks like she has gained weight or anything closely resembling this. Lie and tell her she looks great and of course she is NOT fat. Ladies will always ask.

- Never comment negatively on a piece of clothing. Even if it is for her own good. Turn the topic a different direction if you need to, but NEVER say something doesn't look quite appropriate. For instance, if a lady says do I look fat in this or what do you think of this (insert piece of clothing here), and you think it looks awful... LIE. Say that it is nice, but you much prefer the (insert a piece of clothing you really like on here here). This may also get you in trouble, but it will be far less than if you are truthful.

- If the lady is wearing a sweatshirt that everyone is laughing at, and she has a shirt underneath, say something like you really like the shirt and why not take off the sweatshirt so everyone can admire her shirt. If she doesn't have a shirt underneath, then keep your mouth shut.


In these situations, lies are totally acceptable by whatever higher power you believe in and totally legal according to the law. :D

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I am the queen of wishful thinking. Why can't I face the fact that he's NOT into me anymore? Why do I still think about him like he never left me? Why do I think he will get fed up of her and come back to me?

I make myself so sad thinking about it. I try not to but I can't help it... no matter what I do the thoughts and memories of him keep coming back.

He was hardcore flirting with me on Friday night. Like, we were laying on my friends bed tickling each other and playfully pillow fighting. He also wanted me to sit on his lap with we were on the swings. One of my friends thinks he still likes me. Another friend thinks he is stringing me along. I don't know what to think.


I am so confused, I feel hurt yet, I still have feelings for him.


♥ Lee

Unfortunately love has a way of lingering. The saying 'time heals all wounds' applies but does not make this any easier. Please take some time to pamper yourself and treat yourself as you would want someone else to treat you. Ask your mother to purchase a small bouquet of flowers from the grocery store (in the US these are about 3 to 5 dollars) and put these in your room or take a luxurious bubble bath with some music playing in the background. Do not think about this guy, but think about yourself and how you are a beautiful, kind, nice, considerate, funny, intelligent, special girl with so much to offer. Make yourself feel like a princess. Love yourself. Do not look for someone else to make you feel special. Make yourself feel special. This should help.

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I am the queen of wishful thinking. Why can't I face the fact that he's NOT into me anymore? Why do I still think about him like he never left me? Why do I think he will get fed up of her and come back to me?

I make myself so sad thinking about it. I try not to but I can't help it... no matter what I do the thoughts and memories of him keep coming back.

He was hardcore flirting with me on Friday night. Like, we were laying on my friends bed tickling each other and playfully pillow fighting. He also wanted me to sit on his lap with we were on the swings. One of my friends thinks he still likes me. Another friend thinks he is stringing me along. I don't know what to think.


I am so confused, I feel hurt yet, I still have feelings for him.


♥ Lee

Unfortunately love has a way of lingering. The saying 'time heals all wounds' applies but does not make this any easier. Please take some time to pamper yourself and treat yourself as you would want someone else to treat you. Ask your mother to purchase a small bouquet of flowers from the grocery store (in the US these are about 3 to 5 dollars) and put these in your room or take a luxurious bubble bath with some music playing in the background. Do not think about this guy, but think about yourself and how you are a beautiful, kind, nice, considerate, funny, intelligent, special girl with so much to offer. Make yourself feel like a princess. Love yourself. Do not look for someone else to make you feel special. Make yourself feel special. This should help.

That, Horatio, is the best advice I have ever got. My friends just say "Oh, forget him" or "He's not worth it" or something like that but then never actually say what I should do to help myself.


You my blonde hamster friend, are a shining star. I love you to bits. *hugs*


♥ Lee

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I am the queen of wishful thinking. Why can't I face the fact that he's NOT into me anymore? Why do I still think about him like he never left me? Why do I think he will get fed up of her and come back to me?

I make myself so sad thinking about it. I try not to but I can't help it... no matter what I do the thoughts and memories of him keep coming back.

He was hardcore flirting with me on Friday night. Like, we were laying on my friends bed tickling each other and playfully pillow fighting. He also wanted me to sit on his lap with we were on the swings. One of my friends thinks he still likes me. Another friend thinks he is stringing me along. I don't know what to think.


I am so confused, I feel hurt yet, I still have feelings for him.


♥ Lee

Unfortunately love has a way of lingering. The saying 'time heals all wounds' applies but does not make this any easier. Please take some time to pamper yourself and treat yourself as you would want someone else to treat you. Ask your mother to purchase a small bouquet of flowers from the grocery store (in the US these are about 3 to 5 dollars) and put these in your room or take a luxurious bubble bath with some music playing in the background. Do not think about this guy, but think about yourself and how you are a beautiful, kind, nice, considerate, funny, intelligent, special girl with so much to offer. Make yourself feel like a princess. Love yourself. Do not look for someone else to make you feel special. Make yourself feel special. This should help.

That, Horatio, is the best advice I have ever got. My friends just say "Oh, forget him" or "He's not worth it" or something like that but then never actually say what I should do to help myself.


You my blonde hamster friend, are a shining star. I love you to bits. *hugs*


♥ Lee

And I hope you know, in your heart, that I love you with all my heart!

*returns the hug with a really super-uber-hyper-mega hammie bear huggle*


Sometimes it is so easy to sit across the world on the other side of a computer screen and say 'you should do this, or you should do that' because it is not happening directly to me. But I always hope that you know deep down in your heart that what I am saying is because I truly care and do not want to see you in any pain.

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'Some kind of conspiracy, i swear.


cuz Once again, I was the only guy there.


and K1, Brianrietta, The Denzel, TRSE, um... the... well, I guess I could use some of them's real names, so Victoria, And my sister, And the useless amoeba member, were ALL there. and Salmon, Not-Jason, and ZachHead (being the nicknames for some of my friends here) were NOT there.

so again, i was the only guy there, and Brianrietta decided to dress up all purdy today, so she had her hair done up all fwooshy, and... i guess some of that makeup mess, cuz she usually doesnt look like that, and a big honkin parka on. when it was 48F outside. (And im in there were just a t-shirt on. ... yeah, with other necessary clothes, but no jackets or anything. XD)


and nobody would shut up about how cold it was. ._.;


Anyway, we did some sort of game thing, and I won. hot time. so, I got a slinky. XD Everyone else got some other cheap dollar-store stuff. but I have a little slinky now.


The Denzel was unusually talkative, and would like always be directing the conversation with whoerver, toward me.

The Denzel is scary, man. she has like three inches of makeup stuff on. and like more eyeliner than you can stick a shake at. One time when she looked over at me and asked something relating to the odd bingo-resembling game, I like did some abhorring action and backed away in my chair before she could say anything. XD It was scary. Then everyone is poking fun at me for being scared of The Denzel. but that only happened once. My attention was more drawn to Brianrietta. n_n

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'Some kind of conspiracy, i swear.


cuz Once again, I was the only guy there.


and K1, Brianrietta, The Denzel, TRSE, um... the... well, I guess I could use some of them's real names, so Victoria, And my sister, And the useless amoeba member, were ALL there. and Salmon, Not-Jason, and ZachHead (being the nicknames for some of my friends here) were NOT there.

so again, i was the only guy there, and Brianrietta decided to dress up all purdy today, so she had her hair done up all fwooshy, and... i guess some of that makeup mess, cuz she usually doesnt look like that, and a big honkin parka on. when it was 48F outside. (And im in there were just a t-shirt on. ... yeah, with other necessary clothes, but no jackets or anything. XD)


and nobody would shut up about how cold it was. ._.;


Anyway, we did some sort of game thing, and I won. hot time. so, I got a slinky. XD Everyone else got some other cheap dollar-store stuff. but I have a little slinky now.


The Denzel was unusually talkative, and would like always be directing the conversation with whoerver, toward me.

The Denzel is scary, man. she has like three inches of makeup stuff on. and like more eyeliner than you can stick a shake at. One time when she looked over at me and asked something relating to the odd bingo-resembling game, I like did some abhorring action and backed away in my chair before she could say anything. XD It was scary. Then everyone is poking fun at me for being scared of The Denzel. but that only happened once. My attention was more drawn to Brianrietta. n_n

Do you think The Denzel's mother lets her out of the house with all that make-up on? :huh:

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'Some kind of conspiracy, i swear.


cuz Once again, I was the only guy there.


and K1, Brianrietta, The Denzel, TRSE, um... the... well, I guess I could use some of them's real names, so Victoria, And my sister, And the useless amoeba member, were ALL there. and Salmon, Not-Jason, and ZachHead (being the nicknames for some of my friends here) were NOT there.

so again, i was the only guy there, and Brianrietta decided to dress up all purdy today, so she had her hair done up all fwooshy, and... i guess some of that makeup mess, cuz she usually doesnt look like that, and a big honkin parka on. when it was 48F outside. (And im in there were just a t-shirt on. ... yeah, with other necessary clothes, but no jackets or anything. XD)


and nobody would shut up about how cold it was. ._.;


Anyway, we did some sort of game thing, and I won. hot time. so, I got a slinky. XD Everyone else got some other cheap dollar-store stuff. but I have a little slinky now.


The Denzel was unusually talkative, and would like always be directing the conversation with whoerver, toward me.

The Denzel is scary, man. she has like three inches of makeup stuff on. and like more eyeliner than you can stick a shake at. One time when she looked over at me and asked something relating to the odd bingo-resembling game, I like did some abhorring action and backed away in my chair before she could say anything. XD It was scary. Then everyone is poking fun at me for being scared of The Denzel. but that only happened once. My attention was more drawn to Brianrietta. n_n

Do you think The Denzel's mother lets her out of the house with all that make-up on? :huh:

Im pretty sure she does. cuz we both get there 'bout the same time. and The Denzel looks like that.

Shes pretty wierd.

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'Some kind of conspiracy, i swear.


cuz Once again, I was the only guy there.


and K1, Brianrietta, The Denzel, TRSE, um... the... well, I guess I could use some of them's real names, so Victoria, And my sister, And the useless amoeba member, were ALL there. and Salmon, Not-Jason, and ZachHead (being the nicknames for some of my friends here) were NOT there.

so again, i was the only guy there, and Brianrietta decided to dress up all purdy today, so she had her hair done up all fwooshy, and... i guess some of that makeup mess, cuz she usually doesnt look like that, and a big honkin parka on. when it was 48F outside. (And im in there were just a t-shirt on. ... yeah, with other necessary clothes, but no jackets or anything. XD)


and nobody would shut up about how cold it was. ._.;


Anyway, we did some sort of game thing, and I won. hot time. so, I got a slinky. XD Everyone else got some other cheap dollar-store stuff. but I have a little slinky now.


The Denzel was unusually talkative, and would like always be directing the conversation with whoerver, toward me.

The Denzel is scary, man. she has like three inches of makeup stuff on. and like more eyeliner than you can stick a shake at. One time when she looked over at me and asked something relating to the odd bingo-resembling game, I like did some abhorring action and backed away in my chair before she could say anything. XD It was scary. Then everyone is poking fun at me for being scared of The Denzel. but that only happened once. My attention was more drawn to Brianrietta. n_n

Do you think The Denzel's mother lets her out of the house with all that make-up on? :huh:

Im pretty sure she does. cuz we both get there 'bout the same time. and The Denzel looks like that.

Shes pretty wierd.


How could any mother let her daughter out of the house like that??????????????????? :o

*runs and hides underneath lots and lots of bedding, shaking in fear*

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'Some kind of conspiracy, i swear.


cuz Once again, I was the only guy there.


and K1, Brianrietta, The Denzel, TRSE, um... the... well, I guess I could use some of them's real names, so Victoria, And my sister, And the useless amoeba member, were ALL there. and Salmon, Not-Jason, and ZachHead (being the nicknames for some of my friends here) were NOT there.

so again, i was the only guy there, and Brianrietta decided to dress up all purdy today, so she had her hair done up all fwooshy, and... i guess some of that makeup mess, cuz she usually doesnt look like that, and a big honkin parka on. when it was 48F outside. (And im in there were just a t-shirt on. ... yeah, with other necessary clothes, but no jackets or anything. XD)


and nobody would shut up about how cold it was. ._.;


Anyway, we did some sort of game thing, and I won. hot time. so, I got a slinky. XD Everyone else got some other cheap dollar-store stuff. but I have a little slinky now.


The Denzel was unusually talkative, and would like always be directing the conversation with whoerver, toward me.

The Denzel is scary, man. she has like three inches of makeup stuff on. and like more eyeliner than you can stick a shake at. One time when she looked over at me and asked something relating to the odd bingo-resembling game, I like did some abhorring action and backed away in my chair before she could say anything. XD It was scary. Then everyone is poking fun at me for being scared of The Denzel. but that only happened once. My attention was more drawn to Brianrietta. n_n

Do you think The Denzel's mother lets her out of the house with all that make-up on? :huh:

Im pretty sure she does. cuz we both get there 'bout the same time. and The Denzel looks like that.

Shes pretty wierd.


How could any mother let her daughter out of the house like that??????????????????? :o

*runs and hides underneath lots and lots of bedding, shaking in fear*

Despite its rather blindingly obvious she uses too much, she doesnt look bad in it. I guess its just something unique to her person, but she doesnt... look horrible with all that mess.


-stealthily sets the lots and lots of bedding on fire-

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Well, I just sent a message to the girl i like, telling her how i feel about her. I could put it here, if you guys want me to. I'm really hoping it turns out well, and i also hope she doesn't end up hating me or whatever. Y~y

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Well, I just sent a message to the girl i like, telling her how i feel about her. I could put it here, if you guys want me to. I'm really hoping it turns out well, and i also hope she doesn't end up hating me or whatever. Y~y


Perhaps you will want to change the names to protect the innocent?


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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*



.........................Nothing interesting about my Trent...........................................................................



*~*The Psychedelci luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Well, I just sent a message to the girl i like, telling her how i feel about her. I could put it here, if you guys want me to. I'm really hoping it turns out well, and i also hope she doesn't end up hating me or whatever. Y~y


Perhaps you will want to change the names to protect the innocent?


well, duh. here it is...


I'm sorry, but (person's name), I have to tell you something. I can't stand living this charade of only wanting to be your friend. I love you, and I don't want to be without you. I understand if you don't return the feeling, but I feel like I need to say this. This is probably the hardest thing i have ever done, and I feel it is time you knew. If you wish for me to leave you alone, I understand. If you don't feel the same way, I just wish that it doesn't destroy our friendship. But if it does, I want to thank you for the time it lasted. =]

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Well, I just sent a message to the girl i like, telling her how i feel about her. I could put it here, if you guys want me to. I'm really hoping it turns out well, and i also hope she doesn't end up hating me or whatever. Y~y


Perhaps you will want to change the names to protect the innocent?


well, duh. here it is...


I'm sorry, but (person's name), I have to tell you something. I can't stand living this charade of only wanting to be your friend. I love you, and I don't want to be without you. I understand if you don't return the feeling, but I feel like I need to say this. This is probably the hardest thing i have ever done, and I feel it is time you knew. If you wish for me to leave you alone, I understand. If you don't feel the same way, I just wish that it doesn't destroy our friendship. But if it does, I want to thank you for the time it lasted. =]


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Well, I just sent a message to the girl i like, telling her how i feel about her. I could put it here, if you guys want me to. I'm really hoping it turns out well, and i also hope she doesn't end up hating me or whatever. Y~y


Perhaps you will want to change the names to protect the innocent?


well, duh. here it is...


I'm sorry, but (person's name), I have to tell you something. I can't stand living this charade of only wanting to be your friend. I love you, and I don't want to be without you. I understand if you don't return the feeling, but I feel like I need to say this. This is probably the hardest thing i have ever done, and I feel it is time you knew. If you wish for me to leave you alone, I understand. If you don't feel the same way, I just wish that it doesn't destroy our friendship. But if it does, I want to thank you for the time it lasted. =]


I guess i did a good job? :lol: But she logged off the networking site before i finished typing it up. T.T

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Well, I just sent a message to the girl i like, telling her how i feel about her. I could put it here, if you guys want me to. I'm really hoping it turns out well, and i also hope she doesn't end up hating me or whatever. Y~y


Perhaps you will want to change the names to protect the innocent?


well, duh. here it is...


I'm sorry, but (person's name), I have to tell you something. I can't stand living this charade of only wanting to be your friend. I love you, and I don't want to be without you. I understand if you don't return the feeling, but I feel like I need to say this. This is probably the hardest thing i have ever done, and I feel it is time you knew. If you wish for me to leave you alone, I understand. If you don't feel the same way, I just wish that it doesn't destroy our friendship. But if it does, I want to thank you for the time it lasted. =]


I guess i did a good job? :lol: But she logged off the networking site before i finished typing it up. T.T

You did great!!! Sorry to hear she logged off. She will return.

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Well, I just sent a message to the girl i like, telling her how i feel about her. I could put it here, if you guys want me to. I'm really hoping it turns out well, and i also hope she doesn't end up hating me or whatever. Y~y


Perhaps you will want to change the names to protect the innocent?


well, duh. here it is...


I'm sorry, but (person's name), I have to tell you something. I can't stand living this charade of only wanting to be your friend. I love you, and I don't want to be without you. I understand if you don't return the feeling, but I feel like I need to say this. This is probably the hardest thing i have ever done, and I feel it is time you knew. If you wish for me to leave you alone, I understand. If you don't feel the same way, I just wish that it doesn't destroy our friendship. But if it does, I want to thank you for the time it lasted. =]


I guess i did a good job? :lol: But she logged off the networking site before i finished typing it up. T.T

You did great!!! Sorry to hear she logged off. She will return.

but not soon enough. >.< now i have to play the waiting game.

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I can't stand this! >.<

It is only just beginning. Welcome to matters of the heart!

I was referring to the wait. xD And trust me, it feels as if I have already explored mine to it's deepest depths. :rolleyes:

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I can't stand this! >.<

Play a different game, then! XD

Well, i don't have very many options, see?

You could always try hamster love. LOL

nah, not into that scene, considering that I am human. :P

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I can't stand this! >.

Play a different game, then! XD

Well, i don't have very many options, see?

You could always try hamster love. LOL

nah, not into that scene, considering that I am human. :P

No, I wasn't suggesting you fall in love with a hamster, but that you try our techniques. LOL

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I can't stand this! >.<

Play a different game, then! XD

Well, i don't have very many options, see?

You could always try hamster love. LOL

nah, not into that scene, considering that I am human. :P

No, I wasn't suggesting you fall in love with a hamster, but that you try our techniques. LOL

Oh. xD those techniques being?

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I can't stand this! >.<

Play a different game, then! XD

Well, i don't have very many options, see?

You could always try hamster love. LOL

nah, not into that scene, considering that I am human. :P

No, I wasn't suggesting you fall in love with a hamster, but that you try our techniques. LOL

Oh. xD those techniques being?

yes, do tell! i am also interested in these hamster techniques.


....is one of those techniqes saying:

"i love you furry much!"? :P

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I can't stand this! >.

Play a different game, then! XD

Well, i don't have very many options, see?

You could always try hamster love. LOL

nah, not into that scene, considering that I am human. :P

No, I wasn't suggesting you fall in love with a hamster, but that you try our techniques. LOL

Oh. xD those techniques being?

yes, do tell! i am also interested in these hamster techniques.


....is one of those techniqes saying:

"i love you furry much!"? :P

The Gold Star Award to you!!!

Exactly one of our techniques!!! :lol:

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Hes gone away with his girl for the weekend. *Sigh* Hes a great friend but it doesn't help that I am completely in love with him still. I know he could never say that he loved me, I know he didn't love me. The day before he met this girl we talked and he actually said to me: "I don't know if I love you yet". It didn't bother me that he didn't love me because I thought that maybe those stronger feelings of love would grow as our relationship progressed.

He fell in love with her straight away the next day.

I can't let my feelings go no matter how hard I try. I know that tonight he's not going to be lying in my arms but hers instead.


I feel kinda stupid.


♥ Lee

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Hes gone away with his girl for the weekend. *Sigh* Hes a great friend but it doesn't help that I am completely in love with him still. I know he could never say that he loved me, I know he didn't love me. The day before he met this girl we talked and he actually said to me: "I don't know if I love you yet". It didn't bother me that he didn't love me because I thought that maybe those stronger feelings of love would grow as our relationship progressed.

He fell in love with her straight away the next day.

I can't let my feelings go no matter how hard I try. I know that tonight he's not going to be lying in my arms but hers instead.


I feel kinda stupid.


♥ Lee

You are definitely not stupid, but suffering from matters of the heart. These are unexplainable but very real emotions. Unfortunately, it takes time. This does not make it any better, just that you know the days will have to pass for you to get over him. This is why I would like you to try and do something nice for yourself. As hard as this will be, please try and do it. If not for yourself, but for your favorite blonde handsome hamster. :lol: The next time you think about him, try to completely switch your mind to another subject.

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Hes gone away with his girl for the weekend. *Sigh* Hes a great friend but it doesn't help that I am completely in love with him still. I know he could never say that he loved me, I know he didn't love me. The day before he met this girl we talked and he actually said to me: "I don't know if I love you yet". It didn't bother me that he didn't love me because I thought that maybe those stronger feelings of love would grow as our relationship progressed.

He fell in love with her straight away the next day.

I can't let my feelings go no matter how hard I try. I know that tonight he's not going to be lying in my arms but hers instead.


I feel kinda stupid.


♥ Lee

You are definitely not stupid, but suffering from matters of the heart. These are unexplainable but very real emotions. Unfortunately, it takes time. This does not make it any better, just that you know the days will have to pass for you to get over him. This is why I would like you to try and do something nice for yourself. As hard as this will be, please try and do it. If not for yourself, but for your favorite blonde handsome hamster. :lol: The next time you think about him, try to completely switch your mind to another subject.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Jumps out of nowhere* And your favourite insane brownie!


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

I hate the waiting part, and I am not the one waiting.


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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

I hate the waiting part, and I am not the one waiting.



another one of my friends seems to be as anxious as I am!

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

I hate the waiting part, and I am not the one waiting.



another one of my friends seems to be as anxious as I am!

I am most definitely as anxious as you are, so the group is growing!!!


*is so happy hamsters don't go through this*

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

I hate the waiting part, and I am not the one waiting.



another one of my friends seems to be as anxious as I am!

I am most definitely as anxious as you are, so the group is growing!!!


*is so happy hamsters don't go through this*

well, they should, just to make it fair.

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

I hate the waiting part, and I am not the one waiting.



another one of my friends seems to be as anxious as I am!

I am most definitely as anxious as you are, so the group is growing!!!


*is so happy hamsters don't go through this*

well, they should, just to make it fair.

Oh no! We just leave all that for the humans to deal with! :lol:

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

I hate the waiting part, and I am not the one waiting.



another one of my friends seems to be as anxious as I am!

I am most definitely as anxious as you are, so the group is growing!!!


*is so happy hamsters don't go through this*

well, they should, just to make it fair.

Oh no! We just leave all that for the humans to deal with! :lol:

pff. that ain't cool. *really needs something to take my mind away from this (for when I don't want to be thinking about it)*

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

I hate the waiting part, and I am not the one waiting.



another one of my friends seems to be as anxious as I am!

I am most definitely as anxious as you are, so the group is growing!!!


*is so happy hamsters don't go through this*

well, they should, just to make it fair.

Oh no! We just leave all that for the humans to deal with! :lol:

pff. that ain't cool. *really needs something to take my mind away from this (for when I don't want to be thinking about it)*

Well, I could send the local compy police up to your town. She would definitely entertain you and get your mind off this. At the moment, she has just slammed the cell phone shut of some man who was yakking at 10 on the Richter scale. YEAH!!!! At least she isn't kicking me off the computer. Of course, she has given everyone the ten minute warning. On Saturday's they want to walk out the door at exactly the minute the library closes, so they start kicking everyone off five minutes early.

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GAH! *is still waiting*

Hurry up and wait. Waiting is really trying. Not to help with matters any, your mind races with all sorts of options as to why she has not responded. You could make yourself crazy by merely thinking.


*gets all the different styles of straight-jackets ready... blue ones, multi-coloured ones, fuzzy pink ones with matching bunny slipper ones, tiger striped ones, even footy-pajama type ones*

well, she hasn't been on since (or, at least, she hasn't read the message), but I am going through various outcomes pretty regularly. D=

I hate the waiting part, and I am not the one waiting.



another one of my friends seems to be as anxious as I am!

I am most definitely as anxious as you are, so the group is growing!!!


*is so happy hamsters don't go through this*

well, they should, just to make it fair.

Oh no! We just leave all that for the humans to deal with! :lol:

pff. that ain't cool. *really needs something to take my mind away from this (for when I don't want to be thinking about it)*

Well, I could send the local compy police up to your town. She would definitely entertain you and get your mind off this. At the moment, she has just slammed the cell phone shut of some man who was yakking at 10 on the Richter scale. YEAH!!!! At least she isn't kicking me off the computer. Of course, she has given everyone the ten minute warning. On Saturday's they want to walk out the door at exactly the minute the library closes, so they start kicking everyone off five minutes early.

Wow, strict much? but the cell phone thing is funny. xD. I can't do anything on the computer to take my mind off, cause i will keep refreshing the page to see if i have any new messages or if she is on. Also, there is NOTHING to do near where i live, really. At least, nothing one can do spontaneously.

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I got a brilliant idea that may or may not help with Brianrietta.


I remembered that mah birthday is coming. and... in like, something-many months and a few days, i'll be FIFTEEN. w00t.


Due to lacking anything better to do, im already planning it.

We're gonna get the Monty Python (and teh holy grail) special edition DVD with the Subtitles. (You ever watch it with the subtitles? They have NOTHINg to do with the movie. its hilarious. There are even subtitles for the opening credits.) and make fun of it.

Lack of friendship is a problem. Im like, 60% friends with only like four people. Not inlcuding The Denzel or Brianrietta.

Im thinking of just having an open invitation to the peaple's who are spiffy, (Including brianrietta. =D) and hope they show up.


Another problem is that I'm terrible at planning ANY event. I brought this idea up to my parents, they figured it'd be good, and they keep telling me that its 'my event' and that whatever I want to will happen.


I dont know what I want to happen. XD I'd just like to be around people who arent immediately related to me for once. I dont care what we do.

I cant plan anything with nothing. that monty python thing is the best I could ever come up with.

Yeah whatever moving on.


I dunno who to invite, which probably isnt something you guys could help with considering you dont know anyone around where I am, so i'll throw out some other ideas for you.

What other things could happen, other than watching the hilarity of monty python?

How can I inconspicuously get Brianrietta to come along? e_e

aaaannnd... whatever else. [insert some other questions here, to which the answers are NOT 42.]

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Well, seeing as this is the relationships topic, I figure I'll put my two cents in. The following is from a note I put up on (insert networking site here). Some of it might be relevant to you, and some of it might not be. But yeah, I think it's worth reading....


Hm...yes...dating. The one thing everyone seems so obsessed over. I've actually never had a boyfriend. Probably because I'm really picky. For me personally, being a Christian, I won't date anyone outside my faith. It's not easy, but it makes sense overall. I also won't date anyone that I know for a fact I'd never marry. This might sound extreme, but think about it. If I wouldn't marry the guy, that means we'd eventually have to break up, and then the relationship is ruined. Wasted emotions, energies, and possibly a ruined friendship. I've never dated before, so I have no regrets.


Beyond that, for all practical purposes, dating should be held as a very special thing. Too many people just "go out" with each other for no reason whatsoever. Like having a boyfriend or girlfriend is a fashon accessory. It's pathetic. So many people mix up love and lust. And there's such a huge difference between the two. Beauty fades. Love is more permanent. Even if you don't believe the Bible is true, these verses make a lot of sense. (yes, I know the language is a bit archaic, but the point still stands. I'll add some notes in parenthesis to clear things up a bit)


1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Love suffers long (is patient) and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself (is not show offy), is not puffed up (full of itself); does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity (bad things or wrongdoing), but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."



For me, faith and love are the most important requirements in finding a boyfriend. Everything else involves having similar interests, getting along well, and all that other normal stuff. It narrows down my choices of potential boyfriends to the point that it can be frustrating, but in the long run, I think it's worth it. :) Feel free to ask questions....

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1. If I wouldn't marry the guy, that means we'd eventually have to break up, and then the relationship is ruined. Wasted emotions, energies, and possibly a ruined friendship. I've never dated before, so I have no regrets.


2. Beyond that, for all practical purposes, dating should be held as a very special thing. Too many people just "go out" with each other for no reason whatsoever. Like having a boyfriend or girlfriend is a fashon accessory. It's pathetic. So many people mix up love and lust. And there's such a huge difference between the two. Beauty fades. Love is more permanent.

1. I totally agree with you. If there is something that bothers you about the person before you are even going out, it will only get worse as time goes on. Don't waste your time, the other person's time just to out and be seen. Never, never, ever think you will change someone. It will NEVER work, so don't even try.


2. Again, very true. The difference I believe is that you 'love' yourself, and do not need to validate who you are by the guy on your arm.


When you find the guy of your dreams, I am certain that you will have a superior relationship!!!


For your insight, I am awarding you The Blue Note Award.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CXut*~*


I'd like to hold a party-thing. Prolly at my dad's house. Bu, my birthday is a far way off...


So, maybe I'll hold a Christmas party at my dad's house this December. Maybe invite Canada Dry (Trent's new nickname).


Th eonly problem has nothing to do with Trent, but with my freind Ice Climber. er mom would never let her go to a party.


*~*The Psyhcedelci Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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Yeah, man.


Theres some little fad thing that Brianrietta started a few days ago.

where yeh get a hershey kiss wrapper thing, and eat the chocolate 'cuz its good, and then get the wrapper, wad it up, and shape it into a little cube.

Brianrietta has like ten of them now. XD and I made one, and threw it at her. and she started cackling. it was wierd. then she started talking to The Denzel about something or another, i think she was explaining the whole wrapper cubes.


Then when we were leaving, Salmon-man was kicking a ball at The Denzel. No idea where this big basketball thing came from. but Salmon was kicking it and it just happened to hit The Denzel in the leg every time.

>_>; Salmon is wierd. ... yeah, Salmon is that one guys new nickname. like, we all call him Salmon now.

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Thanks all. :) but, upon further reflection, I guess at least now I am freed, if you know what I mean. Also, i guess it would be a little weird, if me and her were going out. Too akward, or something. And I know we will be friends for years to come. We treasure our friendship, so it all works out for the better.

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1. If I wouldn't marry the guy, that means we'd eventually have to break up, and then the relationship is ruined. Wasted emotions, energies, and possibly a ruined friendship. I've never dated before, so I have no regrets.


2. Beyond that, for all practical purposes, dating should be held as a very special thing. Too many people just "go out" with each other for no reason whatsoever. Like having a boyfriend or girlfriend is a fashon accessory. It's pathetic. So many people mix up love and lust. And there's such a huge difference between the two. Beauty fades. Love is more permanent.

1. I totally agree with you. If there is something that bothers you about the person before you are even going out, it will only get worse as time goes on. Don't waste your time, the other person's time just to out and be seen. Never, never, ever think you will change someone. It will NEVER work, so don't even try.


2. Again, very true. The difference I believe is that you 'love' yourself, and do not need to validate who you are by the guy on your arm.


When you find the guy of your dreams, I am certain that you will have a superior relationship!!!


For your insight, I am awarding you The Blue Note Award.


Thanks. ^_^ Cheese, I'm sorry she doesn't feel the same way. But at the same time, you lucked out. She could have been like "creep... :glare: " and never talked to you again. There's still hope for the future.

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Thanks all. :) but, upon further reflection, I guess at least now I am freed, if you know what I mean. Also, i guess it would be a little weird, if me and her were going out. Too akward, or something. And I know we will be friends for years to come. We treasure our friendship, so it all works out for the better.

WOW!!! You are such a really terrific guy!!! :D Your positive attitude is absolutely amazing! I really admire you!!!!!

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Brianrietta isnt like 16 n a half like I thought.

shes like, 15. and turned 15 in fitting March.

so... thats like, more awesome than it was a few days ago.


O_o I still think its wierd that shes planning to go to a university in the near future. ... supposing she still is. I havent heard any mention of that recently.

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Brianrietta isnt like 16 n a half like I thought.

shes like, 15. and turned 15 in fitting March.

so... thats like, more awesome than it was a few days ago.


O_o I still think its wierd that shes planning to go to a university in the near future. ... supposing she still is. I havent heard any mention of that recently.

Perhaps she was trying to dazzle you with her brilliance! LOL

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Thanks all. :) but, upon further reflection, I guess at least now I am freed, if you know what I mean. Also, i guess it would be a little weird, if me and her were going out. Too akward, or something. And I know we will be friends for years to come. We treasure our friendship, so it all works out for the better.

WOW!!! You are such a really terrific guy!!! :D Your positive attitude is absolutely amazing! I really admire you!!!!!

xD thanks. But really, there is no point in moping around wondering what could have been and being all emo, now is there? I figure it is best to focus on the positive side. Every cloud has a silver lining.

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I got three of my freinds to ask Trent to come over to where I was so I could ask him to the dance, but he didn't care.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I got three of my freinds to ask Trent to come over to where I was so I could ask him to the dance, but he didn't care.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please elaborate. Did he come over to you? Why didn't you walk over to him? He didn't care that three people asked him to walk over to you? I am a bit lost.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I got three of my freinds to ask Trent to come over to where I was so I could ask him to the dance, but he didn't care.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please elaborate. Did he come over to you? Why didn't you walk over to him? He didn't care that three people asked him to walk over to you? I am a bit lost.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I couldn't work up the nerve to walk over there and talk to him myself. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I got three of my freinds to ask Trent to come over to where I was so I could ask him to the dance, but he didn't care.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please elaborate. Did he come over to you? Why didn't you walk over to him? He didn't care that three people asked him to walk over to you? I am a bit lost.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I couldn't work up the nerve to walk over there and talk to him myself. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So I am guessing that he did not walk over to you either. :huh:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I got three of my freinds to ask Trent to come over to where I was so I could ask him to the dance, but he didn't care.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


Perhaps he thought that they were just joking around. If you wanted him to go to the dance with you, you should ask him yourself.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I got three of my freinds to ask Trent to come over to where I was so I could ask him to the dance, but he didn't care.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please elaborate. Did he come over to you? Why didn't you walk over to him? He didn't care that three people asked him to walk over to you? I am a bit lost.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I couldn't work up the nerve to walk over there and talk to him myself. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

So I am guessing that he did not walk over to you either. :huh:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




Kyle said that if my brother picks me up before Trent's dad pickas him up, he'll bash him.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

The first thing to remember when you talk to a blonde hamster, if we have this glazed-over look in our eyes, always treat us like we have no clue. The second thing to remember is that we have memories like a gnat... short. And yes, :blush: I do remember you telling me about schoolies. :blush:

*makes mental note... slow down and RTP*

*gives Lee The Red Rose Award for patience*

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Brianrietta: Mah booty hurts...

Me: o_____o;...............


... She's telling me this whyyy?



It had been mentioned amid conversation of monetary needs, that Katelin (Which is how you spell her name. I so figured that out. Its not the stupid way, neither. n_n ) was described by The Denzel as 'doesnt need a lot, just going to school, and all she wants is a husband'. Being the only guy there (again) everyone turned to look at ME. gawsh.

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

lol you're welcome. It seems lately that all the guys I have any feelings for I can't have (mostly because I can't date outside of my faith). But within the course of two days, one of said guys became single, and at inter-varsity we talked about how to share our faith with others. God is somehow at work here, and right now all I can do is pray and wait.

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

The first thing to remember when you talk to a blonde hamster, if we have this glazed-over look in our eyes, always treat us like we have no clue. The second thing to remember is that we have memories like a gnat... short. And yes, :blush: I do remember you telling me about schoolies. :blush:

*makes mental note... slow down and RTP*

*gives Lee The Red Rose Award for patience*

Aww, Thanks, but I don't deserve an award :P


Today was my first exam, I'm so glad its over. Only 5 more to go! Horray!


♥ Lee

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

lol you're welcome. It seems lately that all the guys I have any feelings for I can't have (mostly because I can't date outside of my faith). But within the course of two days, one of said guys became single, and at inter-varsity we talked about how to share our faith with others. God is somehow at work here, and right now all I can do is pray and wait.

I feel so strongly for him and I don't know why. He hurt me. He's in love with another. Maybe its cause he's so nice and he always compliments me and he's good to talk to, he can carry on a conversation quite well.

I hope God can help my situation. But, maybe he has other plans for me?


♥ Lee

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The dance is in two hours and I didn't ask Trent to go with me...I'm so mad at myself...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The dance is in two hours and I didn't ask Trent to go with me...I'm so mad at myself...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Don't be mad at yourself. It takes courage to ask someone to go with you. No one likes rejection and when you have no idea what the answer will be, this is hard. Maybe he will be there by himself. At least you could see him then. :D

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

lol you're welcome. It seems lately that all the guys I have any feelings for I can't have (mostly because I can't date outside of my faith). But within the course of two days, one of said guys became single, and at inter-varsity we talked about how to share our faith with others. God is somehow at work here, and right now all I can do is pray and wait.

I feel so strongly for him and I don't know why. He hurt me. He's in love with another. Maybe its cause he's so nice and he always compliments me and he's good to talk to, he can carry on a conversation quite well.

I hope God can help my situation. But, maybe he has other plans for me?


♥ Lee


I believe God always has new plans for everyone. :] If a relationship doesn't work out, obviously He has another plan for you.




Ahh ... I've noticed how one of the guys I like does this hair flip thing whenever he's flirting with a girl. I've learned that it's pretty annoying ... Even though he does flip his hair around me, I dunno. I think we're just too different.


In other un-relationships news, my neighbors gave me a ride home yesterday. o:! Yes, I know. It's amazing. But, if you knew where I lived and what they are like, you'd be shocked too. They're really stuck up. I have about a two mile walk to my house, and I was about half way there, when they pulled up and asked me if I wanted a ride. It was really weird ... I was happy though. :]

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

lol you're welcome. It seems lately that all the guys I have any feelings for I can't have (mostly because I can't date outside of my faith). But within the course of two days, one of said guys became single, and at inter-varsity we talked about how to share our faith with others. God is somehow at work here, and right now all I can do is pray and wait.

I feel so strongly for him and I don't know why. He hurt me. He's in love with another. Maybe its cause he's so nice and he always compliments me and he's good to talk to, he can carry on a conversation quite well.

I hope God can help my situation. But, maybe he has other plans for me?


♥ Lee


I believe God always has new plans for everyone. :] If a relationship doesn't work out, obviously He has another plan for you.




Ahh ... I've noticed how one of the guys I like does this hair flip thing whenever he's flirting with a girl. I've learned that it's pretty annoying ... Even though he does flip his hair around me, I dunno. I think we're just too different.


In other un-relationships news, my neighbors gave me a ride home yesterday. o:! Yes, I know. It's amazing. But, if you knew where I lived and what they are like, you'd be shocked too. They're really stuck up. I have about a two mile walk to my house, and I was about half way there, when they pulled up and asked me if I wanted a ride. It was really weird ... I was happy though. :]


God is so mysterious :o


Guys are confusing, most of the time I don't know what they are thinking.


Hehe, thats cool of your neighbours. My neighbour wants me to be his special friend. I go "You're a jerk, jerkface. *hug* Now, go away :)"


♥ Lee

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The dance is in two hours and I didn't ask Trent to go with me...I'm so mad at myself...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Don't be mad at yourself. It takes courage to ask someone to go with you. No one likes rejection and when you have no idea what the answer will be, this is hard. Maybe he will be there by himself. At least you could see him then. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Things changed for the better after that, and then fate sent a cruel, sick, moment.


Okay, so I bought an extra ticket to put in The Astronomy Domine journal, and while I was hating myself for not asking him, I relised that Sunshine Boy might know where he lives, and we could pick him up, and use my extra ticket! I was SO happy.


But...but then, I learned that he was grounded....I was heartbroken. At least my freinds and plenty of sugar helped me get over it. It still would of been better if I could have taken him, though.


I think Beardo may like me. He kept trying to hug me and stuff at the dance. (Can't say the name of the dance because it has a street name in the title...)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The dance is in two hours and I didn't ask Trent to go with me...I'm so mad at myself...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Don't be mad at yourself. It takes courage to ask someone to go with you. No one likes rejection and when you have no idea what the answer will be, this is hard. Maybe he will be there by himself. At least you could see him then. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Things changed for the better after that, and then fate sent a cruel, sick, moment.


Okay, so I bought an extra ticket to put in The Astronomy Domine journal, and while I was hating myself for not asking him, I relised that Sunshine Boy might know where he lives, and we could pick him up, and use my extra ticket! I was SO happy.


But...but then, I learned that he was grounded....I was heartbroken. At least my freinds and plenty of sugar helped me get over it. It still would of been better if I could have taken him, though.


I think Beardo may like me. He kept trying to hug me and stuff at the dance. (Can't say the name of the dance because it has a street name in the title...)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

The good side of the cruel, sick moment is that he was grounded, not out with another girl! Look at the positive side of the bad event.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The dance is in two hours and I didn't ask Trent to go with me...I'm so mad at myself...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Don't be mad at yourself. It takes courage to ask someone to go with you. No one likes rejection and when you have no idea what the answer will be, this is hard. Maybe he will be there by himself. At least you could see him then. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Things changed for the better after that, and then fate sent a cruel, sick, moment.


Okay, so I bought an extra ticket to put in The Astronomy Domine journal, and while I was hating myself for not asking him, I relised that Sunshine Boy might know where he lives, and we could pick him up, and use my extra ticket! I was SO happy.


But...but then, I learned that he was grounded....I was heartbroken. At least my freinds and plenty of sugar helped me get over it. It still would of been better if I could have taken him, though.


I think Beardo may like me. He kept trying to hug me and stuff at the dance. (Can't say the name of the dance because it has a street name in the title...)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

The good side of the cruel, sick moment is that he was grounded, not out with another girl! Look at the positive side of the bad event.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




All of my freinds would get mad at me when I tried to hang out with them, so I spent most of the time in the cafeteria. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The dance is in two hours and I didn't ask Trent to go with me...I'm so mad at myself...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Don't be mad at yourself. It takes courage to ask someone to go with you. No one likes rejection and when you have no idea what the answer will be, this is hard. Maybe he will be there by himself. At least you could see him then. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Things changed for the better after that, and then fate sent a cruel, sick, moment.


Okay, so I bought an extra ticket to put in The Astronomy Domine journal, and while I was hating myself for not asking him, I relised that Sunshine Boy might know where he lives, and we could pick him up, and use my extra ticket! I was SO happy.


But...but then, I learned that he was grounded....I was heartbroken. At least my freinds and plenty of sugar helped me get over it. It still would of been better if I could have taken him, though.


I think Beardo may like me. He kept trying to hug me and stuff at the dance. (Can't say the name of the dance because it has a street name in the title...)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

The good side of the cruel, sick moment is that he was grounded, not out with another girl! Look at the positive side of the bad event.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




All of my freinds would get mad at me when I tried to hang out with them, so I spent most of the time in the cafeteria. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I am sorry. They will regret not hanging out with you when you are famous.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The dance is in two hours and I didn't ask Trent to go with me...I'm so mad at myself...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Don't be mad at yourself. It takes courage to ask someone to go with you. No one likes rejection and when you have no idea what the answer will be, this is hard. Maybe he will be there by himself. At least you could see him then. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Things changed for the better after that, and then fate sent a cruel, sick, moment.


Okay, so I bought an extra ticket to put in The Astronomy Domine journal, and while I was hating myself for not asking him, I relised that Sunshine Boy might know where he lives, and we could pick him up, and use my extra ticket! I was SO happy.


But...but then, I learned that he was grounded....I was heartbroken. At least my freinds and plenty of sugar helped me get over it. It still would of been better if I could have taken him, though.


I think Beardo may like me. He kept trying to hug me and stuff at the dance. (Can't say the name of the dance because it has a street name in the title...)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

The good side of the cruel, sick moment is that he was grounded, not out with another girl! Look at the positive side of the bad event.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




All of my freinds would get mad at me when I tried to hang out with them, so I spent most of the time in the cafeteria. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I am sorry. They will regret not hanging out with you when you are famous.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Really? X_x I mean, the only reason I was trying to hang out with them was because I needed to take my mind off of Trent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The dance is in two hours and I didn't ask Trent to go with me...I'm so mad at myself...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Don't be mad at yourself. It takes courage to ask someone to go with you. No one likes rejection and when you have no idea what the answer will be, this is hard. Maybe he will be there by himself. At least you could see him then. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Things changed for the better after that, and then fate sent a cruel, sick, moment.


Okay, so I bought an extra ticket to put in The Astronomy Domine journal, and while I was hating myself for not asking him, I relised that Sunshine Boy might know where he lives, and we could pick him up, and use my extra ticket! I was SO happy.


But...but then, I learned that he was grounded....I was heartbroken. At least my freinds and plenty of sugar helped me get over it. It still would of been better if I could have taken him, though.


I think Beardo may like me. He kept trying to hug me and stuff at the dance. (Can't say the name of the dance because it has a street name in the title...)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

The good side of the cruel, sick moment is that he was grounded, not out with another girl! Look at the positive side of the bad event.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




All of my freinds would get mad at me when I tried to hang out with them, so I spent most of the time in the cafeteria. ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I am sorry. They will regret not hanging out with you when you are famous.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Really? X_x I mean, the only reason I was trying to hang out with them was because I needed to take my mind off of Trent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

If they didn't want to hang out with you, it is their loss. I think you would be a fantastic person to have as a friend.

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

I am really happy you realized that this is not the girl you will spend the rest of your life with. It hurts me to see you sad.

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

I am really happy you realized that this is not the girl you will spend the rest of your life with. It hurts me to see you sad.

I just want to find the one, but it seems like i never will. I mean, after two years of a happy misconception, this brutal dose of reality is a bit harsh on me, i guess.

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

I am really happy you realized that this is not the girl you will spend the rest of your life with. It hurts me to see you sad.

I just want to find the one, but it seems like i never will. I mean, after two years of a happy misconception, this brutal dose of reality is a bit harsh on me, i guess.

Why do you feel you need to find the one NOW??? You have lots of life to experience before you settle down.

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

I am really happy you realized that this is not the girl you will spend the rest of your life with. It hurts me to see you sad.

I just want to find the one, but it seems like i never will. I mean, after two years of a happy misconception, this brutal dose of reality is a bit harsh on me, i guess.

Why do you feel you need to find the one NOW??? You have lots of life to experience before you settle down.

Well, i don't really see the point of going out with someone if i don't want to spend my life with.

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

I am really happy you realized that this is not the girl you will spend the rest of your life with. It hurts me to see you sad.

I just want to find the one, but it seems like i never will. I mean, after two years of a happy misconception, this brutal dose of reality is a bit harsh on me, i guess.

Why do you feel you need to find the one NOW??? You have lots of life to experience before you settle down.

Well, i don't really see the point of going out with someone if i don't want to spend my life with.

Friends can go out together and have fun. They pay for themselves and you pay for yourself. This way you get to do things, have a great time but do not feel like you are pressured in a relationship. Going to the prom with a friend can be a stellar experience. You both can really have fun. Also, if you feel generous, you can buy lunch or a movie ticket for your friend, or something similar. This is not such a bad way to go until you find the person of your dreams.

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Omgdoods. >_>; Im like, excited.


Brianrietta (Im getting tired of calling her that. D= Now she's Katelin. cause thats her name. -nod- ) invited my sister and I go to trick'er treatin' with her on halloween.

I accepted, probably a bit too enthusiastically, Not only 'cause I hadnt any freinds to go with before, but cause Kate did it. >_>; so fitting awesome.


She asked if I was going to wear 'that outfit' which was my Val costume, cuz I went to some halloween par-tay dealie tonight, and I siad yeah, so she said that was good 'cause she wanted to borrow my sword and kill The Denzel with it.


Then I pulled it out, and the rapier, and she said it was shiney and cool and that she likes swords. But she doesnt like how pointy mine is. >_>; -hides bandaid-covered hands- Its not that pointy though, really. ... Really. Stop looking at me like that.


Then when we (seperately) went on a small route of candy-gathering, Kate stopped me and asked if I had any play-doh. >_>; Of course not. Why would I have that? I looked at her wierd and said No, and she said to hurry up and get some, 'cause that place over there has some. And to give it to her when I got it. ... Whatevuh. I did so, and couldnt find her anywhere. D=

A good fifteen minutes later, she was over by my car, with my parents and siblings. I got out the playdoh, and she wanted to trade them. so now I have a green one that she had. And she happily took the red one I got.

wow. XD

Then she wouldnt fitting go away. She was like, hanging around my car for the next 20 minutes. Then randomly, she said she had to go, and waved to everyone and left. >_>; like, all in five seconds.


Afterward, my parents commented, 'Wow, Brandon. Kate sure was trying hard to flirt with you.' To which I responded, 'Yeah....' with that intoxicated little grin, and I walked off somewhere else.

>_>; I told my mom a while afterward that I go to the classes that Kate goes to intentionally, because its hilarious when shes always flirting with me. And how she kind of glares the laser-eyes of death at The Denzel when she tries doing so.


After researching the matter (pretty much just... standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror for a long time) I concluded that I really dont look half bad. and dont know why I keep saying I do. >_>;


Anyway. I get to go on halloween with Kate. And that's gonna be so fitting awesome. n_n

I bet this is gonna be some golden oppurtunity for something, so you guys can throw some suggestions out. cause im too excited to think of stuff right now. n____n

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

I am really happy you realized that this is not the girl you will spend the rest of your life with. It hurts me to see you sad.

I just want to find the one, but it seems like i never will. I mean, after two years of a happy misconception, this brutal dose of reality is a bit harsh on me, i guess.

Why do you feel you need to find the one NOW??? You have lots of life to experience before you settle down.

Well, i don't really see the point of going out with someone if i don't want to spend my life with.

Friends can go out together and have fun. They pay for themselves and you pay for yourself. This way you get to do things, have a great time but do not feel like you are pressured in a relationship. Going to the prom with a friend can be a stellar experience. You both can really have fun. Also, if you feel generous, you can buy lunch or a movie ticket for your friend, or something similar. This is not such a bad way to go until you find the person of your dreams.

Oh, of course I will do that kind of going out with friends. I'm going trick or treating with the girl, and last night I went to a movie with my other friend and her friend (who I hadn't met before, but she is cool) at like, 10:00. But I was talking more about dating.

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Omgdoods. >_>; Im like, excited.


Brianrietta (Im getting tired of calling her that. D= Now she's Katelin. cause thats her name. -nod- ) invited my sister and I go to trick'er treatin' with her on halloween.

I accepted, probably a bit too enthusiastically, Not only 'cause I hadnt any freinds to go with before, but cause Kate did it. >_>; so fitting awesome.


She asked if I was going to wear 'that outfit' which was my Val costume, cuz I went to some halloween par-tay dealie tonight, and I siad yeah, so she said that was good 'cause she wanted to borrow my sword and kill The Denzel with it.


Then I pulled it out, and the rapier, and she said it was shiney and cool and that she likes swords. But she doesnt like how pointy mine is. >_>; -hides bandaid-covered hands- Its not that pointy though, really. ... Really. Stop looking at me like that.


Then when we (seperately) went on a small route of candy-gathering, Kate stopped me and asked if I had any play-doh. >_>; Of course not. Why would I have that? I looked at her wierd and said No, and she said to hurry up and get some, 'cause that place over there has some. And to give it to her when I got it. ... Whatevuh. I did so, and couldnt find her anywhere. D=

A good fifteen minutes later, she was over by my car, with my parents and siblings. I got out the playdoh, and she wanted to trade them. so now I have a green one that she had. And she happily took the red one I got.

wow. XD

Then she wouldnt fitting go away. She was like, hanging around my car for the next 20 minutes. Then randomly, she said she had to go, and waved to everyone and left. >_>; like, all in five seconds.


Afterward, my parents commented, 'Wow, Brandon. Kate sure was trying hard to flirt with you.' To which I responded, 'Yeah....' with that intoxicated little grin, and I walked off somewhere else.

>_>; I told my mom a while afterward that I go to the classes that Kate goes to intentionally, because its hilarious when shes always flirting with me. And how she kind of glares the laser-eyes of death at The Denzel when she tries doing so.


After researching the matter (pretty much just... standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror for a long time) I concluded that I really dont look half bad. and dont know why I keep saying I do. >_>;


Anyway. I get to go on halloween with Kate. And that's gonna be so fitting awesome. n_n

I bet this is gonna be some golden oppurtunity for something, so you guys can throw some suggestions out. cause im too excited to think of stuff right now. n____n

Well, you could try holding her hand when walking or something. But it sounds like you two are really cute together. ^.^ *wishes the best*

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

I am really happy you realized that this is not the girl you will spend the rest of your life with. It hurts me to see you sad.

I just want to find the one, but it seems like i never will. I mean, after two years of a happy misconception, this brutal dose of reality is a bit harsh on me, i guess.

Why do you feel you need to find the one NOW??? You have lots of life to experience before you settle down.

Well, i don't really see the point of going out with someone if i don't want to spend my life with.

Friends can go out together and have fun. They pay for themselves and you pay for yourself. This way you get to do things, have a great time but do not feel like you are pressured in a relationship. Going to the prom with a friend can be a stellar experience. You both can really have fun. Also, if you feel generous, you can buy lunch or a movie ticket for your friend, or something similar. This is not such a bad way to go until you find the person of your dreams.

Oh, of course I will do that kind of going out with friends. I'm going trick or treating with the girl, and last night I went to a movie with my other friend and her friend (who I hadn't met before, but she is cool) at like, 10:00. But I was talking more about dating.

I knew that you were talking about dating, but I was talking about finding the 'one' now and how to expose yourself to more people before you believe you have found the 'one'. Hamsters do not get serious until they have experienced high school and then gotten into college. You will find an entirely new world in college and another new world when you begin your working career. The new and exciting people you encounter is like a tide that brings new people and new adventures on each high tide. I am only suggesting that you enjoy yourself now, hang out with as many friends as you can and have less pressure on your life. When the right 'one' comes along, you will definitely know.

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Omgdoods. >_>; Im like, excited.


Brianrietta (Im getting tired of calling her that. D= Now she's Katelin. cause thats her name. -nod- ) invited my sister and I go to trick'er treatin' with her on halloween.

I accepted, probably a bit too enthusiastically, Not only 'cause I hadnt any freinds to go with before, but cause Kate did it. >_>; so fitting awesome.


She asked if I was going to wear 'that outfit' which was my Val costume, cuz I went to some halloween par-tay dealie tonight, and I siad yeah, so she said that was good 'cause she wanted to borrow my sword and kill The Denzel with it.


Then I pulled it out, and the rapier, and she said it was shiney and cool and that she likes swords. But she doesnt like how pointy mine is. >_>; -hides bandaid-covered hands- Its not that pointy though, really. ... Really. Stop looking at me like that.


Then when we (seperately) went on a small route of candy-gathering, Kate stopped me and asked if I had any play-doh. >_>; Of course not. Why would I have that? I looked at her wierd and said No, and she said to hurry up and get some, 'cause that place over there has some. And to give it to her when I got it. ... Whatevuh. I did so, and couldnt find her anywhere. D=

A good fifteen minutes later, she was over by my car, with my parents and siblings. I got out the playdoh, and she wanted to trade them. so now I have a green one that she had. And she happily took the red one I got.

wow. XD

Then she wouldnt fitting go away. She was like, hanging around my car for the next 20 minutes. Then randomly, she said she had to go, and waved to everyone and left. >_>; like, all in five seconds.


Afterward, my parents commented, 'Wow, Brandon. Kate sure was trying hard to flirt with you.' To which I responded, 'Yeah....' with that intoxicated little grin, and I walked off somewhere else.

>_>; I told my mom a while afterward that I go to the classes that Kate goes to intentionally, because its hilarious when shes always flirting with me. And how she kind of glares the laser-eyes of death at The Denzel when she tries doing so.


After researching the matter (pretty much just... standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror for a long time) I concluded that I really dont look half bad. and dont know why I keep saying I do. >_>;


Anyway. I get to go on halloween with Kate. And that's gonna be so fitting awesome. n_n

I bet this is gonna be some golden oppurtunity for something, so you guys can throw some suggestions out. cause im too excited to think of stuff right now. n____n

Well, you could try holding her hand when walking or something. But it sounds like you two are really cute together. ^.^ *wishes the best*

... >_>; I'll keep that in mind at least. I dunno how thats going to work out.


um... yeah. n_n

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Ever since she said no, I have been kinda depressed. Before i thought, "ya know, just maybe." But now, It seems like I have no chance. ;.; I got nobody. my heart has a hole in it, in the shape of someone to love. Then, last night at my friends halloween party, My one friend got asked out, and then they were kissing all night. I feel lonley. :(

Please do not feel lonely. You are too terrific a person to be depressed because someone said no. I will tell you the same thing I tell Lee, do not give the power over your feelings to someone else. Look at this as a step towards the real girl of your dreams. Your heart should not have a hole in it, because she didn't deserve your love. You will find a girl worthy of all your time, attention, friendship and love. No need to rush into things immediately.


*gives Cheesemaster a giant hammie bear huggle*

Just because the hole was never actually filled, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Trust me, i didn't rush into anything. But the person who said "no" truly is a wonderful person. I still love her, but I have realized it isn't the "we should go out" kinda love.

I am really happy you realized that this is not the girl you will spend the rest of your life with. It hurts me to see you sad.

I just want to find the one, but it seems like i never will. I mean, after two years of a happy misconception, this brutal dose of reality is a bit harsh on me, i guess.

Why do you feel you need to find the one NOW??? You have lots of life to experience before you settle down.

Well, i don't really see the point of going out with someone if i don't want to spend my life with.

Friends can go out together and have fun. They pay for themselves and you pay for yourself. This way you get to do things, have a great time but do not feel like you are pressured in a relationship. Going to the prom with a friend can be a stellar experience. You both can really have fun. Also, if you feel generous, you can buy lunch or a movie ticket for your friend, or something similar. This is not such a bad way to go until you find the person of your dreams.

Oh, of course I will do that kind of going out with friends. I'm going trick or treating with the girl, and last night I went to a movie with my other friend and her friend (who I hadn't met before, but she is cool) at like, 10:00. But I was talking more about dating.

I knew that you were talking about dating, but I was talking about finding the 'one' now and how to expose yourself to more people before you believe you have found the 'one'. Hamsters do not get serious until they have experienced high school and then gotten into college. You will find an entirely new world in college and another new world when you begin your working career. The new and exciting people you encounter is like a tide that brings new people and new adventures on each high tide. I am only suggesting that you enjoy yourself now, hang out with as many friends as you can and have less pressure on your life. When the right 'one' comes along, you will definitely know.

I thought I had. But realizing this wasn't true was crushing, I guess. Maybe I don't need to find the 'one' now, but I want somebody to be with, even if it doesn't work out in the end. This just isn't an easy time for me. :(

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Omgdoods. >_>; Im like, excited.


Brianrietta (Im getting tired of calling her that. D= Now she's Katelin. cause thats her name. -nod- ) invited my sister and I go to trick'er treatin' with her on halloween.

I accepted, probably a bit too enthusiastically, Not only 'cause I hadnt any freinds to go with before, but cause Kate did it. >_>; so fitting awesome.


She asked if I was going to wear 'that outfit' which was my Val costume, cuz I went to some halloween par-tay dealie tonight, and I siad yeah, so she said that was good 'cause she wanted to borrow my sword and kill The Denzel with it.


Then I pulled it out, and the rapier, and she said it was shiney and cool and that she likes swords. But she doesnt like how pointy mine is. >_>; -hides bandaid-covered hands- Its not that pointy though, really. ... Really. Stop looking at me like that.


Then when we (seperately) went on a small route of candy-gathering, Kate stopped me and asked if I had any play-doh. >_>; Of course not. Why would I have that? I looked at her wierd and said No, and she said to hurry up and get some, 'cause that place over there has some. And to give it to her when I got it. ... Whatevuh. I did so, and couldnt find her anywhere. D=

A good fifteen minutes later, she was over by my car, with my parents and siblings. I got out the playdoh, and she wanted to trade them. so now I have a green one that she had. And she happily took the red one I got.

wow. XD

Then she wouldnt fitting go away. She was like, hanging around my car for the next 20 minutes. Then randomly, she said she had to go, and waved to everyone and left. >_>; like, all in five seconds.


Afterward, my parents commented, 'Wow, Brandon. Kate sure was trying hard to flirt with you.' To which I responded, 'Yeah....' with that intoxicated little grin, and I walked off somewhere else.

>_>; I told my mom a while afterward that I go to the classes that Kate goes to intentionally, because its hilarious when shes always flirting with me. And how she kind of glares the laser-eyes of death at The Denzel when she tries doing so.


After researching the matter (pretty much just... standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror for a long time) I concluded that I really dont look half bad. and dont know why I keep saying I do. >_>;


Anyway. I get to go on halloween with Kate. And that's gonna be so fitting awesome. n_n

I bet this is gonna be some golden oppurtunity for something, so you guys can throw some suggestions out. cause im too excited to think of stuff right now. n____n

Well, you could try holding her hand when walking or something. But it sounds like you two are really cute together. ^.^ *wishes the best*

... >_>; I'll keep that in mind at least. I dunno how thats going to work out.


um... yeah. n_n

well, is it just you two by yourselves?

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Omgdoods. >_>; Im like, excited.


Brianrietta (Im getting tired of calling her that. D= Now she's Katelin. cause thats her name. -nod- ) invited my sister and I go to trick'er treatin' with her on halloween.

I accepted, probably a bit too enthusiastically, Not only 'cause I hadnt any freinds to go with before, but cause Kate did it. >_>; so fitting awesome.


She asked if I was going to wear 'that outfit' which was my Val costume, cuz I went to some halloween par-tay dealie tonight, and I siad yeah, so she said that was good 'cause she wanted to borrow my sword and kill The Denzel with it.


Then I pulled it out, and the rapier, and she said it was shiney and cool and that she likes swords. But she doesnt like how pointy mine is. >_>; -hides bandaid-covered hands- Its not that pointy though, really. ... Really. Stop looking at me like that.


Then when we (seperately) went on a small route of candy-gathering, Kate stopped me and asked if I had any play-doh. >_>; Of course not. Why would I have that? I looked at her wierd and said No, and she said to hurry up and get some, 'cause that place over there has some. And to give it to her when I got it. ... Whatevuh. I did so, and couldnt find her anywhere. D=

A good fifteen minutes later, she was over by my car, with my parents and siblings. I got out the playdoh, and she wanted to trade them. so now I have a green one that she had. And she happily took the red one I got.

wow. XD

Then she wouldnt fitting go away. She was like, hanging around my car for the next 20 minutes. Then randomly, she said she had to go, and waved to everyone and left. >_>; like, all in five seconds.


Afterward, my parents commented, 'Wow, Brandon. Kate sure was trying hard to flirt with you.' To which I responded, 'Yeah....' with that intoxicated little grin, and I walked off somewhere else.

>_>; I told my mom a while afterward that I go to the classes that Kate goes to intentionally, because its hilarious when shes always flirting with me. And how she kind of glares the laser-eyes of death at The Denzel when she tries doing so.


After researching the matter (pretty much just... standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror for a long time) I concluded that I really dont look half bad. and dont know why I keep saying I do. >_>;


Anyway. I get to go on halloween with Kate. And that's gonna be so fitting awesome. n_n

I bet this is gonna be some golden oppurtunity for something, so you guys can throw some suggestions out. cause im too excited to think of stuff right now. n____n

Well, you could try holding her hand when walking or something. But it sounds like you two are really cute together. ^.^ *wishes the best*

... >_>; I'll keep that in mind at least. I dunno how thats going to work out.


um... yeah. n_n

well, is it just you two by yourselves?

No. XD

My sister is more than likely going, and she might be inviting some of her other friends to come along.


I might be able to convince my sister not to go, 'cuz before she was invited, she didnt want to go. cuz 'shes too old to do that now'. (Shes 17. i dont think thats too old. 19 or so is getting there.)


I have no idea whos gonna be there or not. XD Im kind of hoping my sister wont be there. but whatever. This wont be the last time i'll see her. (Hopefully. D= Im still not clear about her going to some kind of school college dealie.)

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Omgdoods. >_>; Im like, excited.


Brianrietta (Im getting tired of calling her that. D= Now she's Katelin. cause thats her name. -nod- ) invited my sister and I go to trick'er treatin' with her on halloween.

I accepted, probably a bit too enthusiastically, Not only 'cause I hadnt any freinds to go with before, but cause Kate did it. >_>; so fitting awesome.


She asked if I was going to wear 'that outfit' which was my Val costume, cuz I went to some halloween par-tay dealie tonight, and I siad yeah, so she said that was good 'cause she wanted to borrow my sword and kill The Denzel with it.


Then I pulled it out, and the rapier, and she said it was shiney and cool and that she likes swords. But she doesnt like how pointy mine is. >_>; -hides bandaid-covered hands- Its not that pointy though, really. ... Really. Stop looking at me like that.


Then when we (seperately) went on a small route of candy-gathering, Kate stopped me and asked if I had any play-doh. >_>; Of course not. Why would I have that? I looked at her wierd and said No, and she said to hurry up and get some, 'cause that place over there has some. And to give it to her when I got it. ... Whatevuh. I did so, and couldnt find her anywhere. D=

A good fifteen minutes later, she was over by my car, with my parents and siblings. I got out the playdoh, and she wanted to trade them. so now I have a green one that she had. And she happily took the red one I got.

wow. XD

Then she wouldnt fitting go away. She was like, hanging around my car for the next 20 minutes. Then randomly, she said she had to go, and waved to everyone and left. >_>; like, all in five seconds.


Afterward, my parents commented, 'Wow, Brandon. Kate sure was trying hard to flirt with you.' To which I responded, 'Yeah....' with that intoxicated little grin, and I walked off somewhere else.

>_>; I told my mom a while afterward that I go to the classes that Kate goes to intentionally, because its hilarious when shes always flirting with me. And how she kind of glares the laser-eyes of death at The Denzel when she tries doing so.


After researching the matter (pretty much just... standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror for a long time) I concluded that I really dont look half bad. and dont know why I keep saying I do. >_>;


Anyway. I get to go on halloween with Kate. And that's gonna be so fitting awesome. n_n

I bet this is gonna be some golden oppurtunity for something, so you guys can throw some suggestions out. cause im too excited to think of stuff right now. n____n

Well, you could try holding her hand when walking or something. But it sounds like you two are really cute together. ^.^ *wishes the best*

... >_>; I'll keep that in mind at least. I dunno how thats going to work out.


um... yeah. n_n

well, is it just you two by yourselves?

No. XD

My sister is more than likely going, and she might be inviting some of her other friends to come along.


I might be able to convince my sister not to go, 'cuz before she was invited, she didnt want to go. cuz 'shes too old to do that now'. (Shes 17. i dont think thats too old. 19 or so is getting there.)


I have no idea whos gonna be there or not. XD Im kind of hoping my sister wont be there. but whatever. This wont be the last time i'll see her. (Hopefully. D= Im still not clear about her going to some kind of school college dealie.)

well, that could play an important part in how the night goes. Cause if other people are there, It might stop you two from opening up to each other.

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Omgdoods. >_>; Im like, excited.


Brianrietta (Im getting tired of calling her that. D= Now she's Katelin. cause thats her name. -nod- ) invited my sister and I go to trick'er treatin' with her on halloween.

I accepted, probably a bit too enthusiastically, Not only 'cause I hadnt any freinds to go with before, but cause Kate did it. >_>; so fitting awesome.


She asked if I was going to wear 'that outfit' which was my Val costume, cuz I went to some halloween par-tay dealie tonight, and I siad yeah, so she said that was good 'cause she wanted to borrow my sword and kill The Denzel with it.


Then I pulled it out, and the rapier, and she said it was shiney and cool and that she likes swords. But she doesnt like how pointy mine is. >_>; -hides bandaid-covered hands- Its not that pointy though, really. ... Really. Stop looking at me like that.


Then when we (seperately) went on a small route of candy-gathering, Kate stopped me and asked if I had any play-doh. >_>; Of course not. Why would I have that? I looked at her wierd and said No, and she said to hurry up and get some, 'cause that place over there has some. And to give it to her when I got it. ... Whatevuh. I did so, and couldnt find her anywhere. D=

A good fifteen minutes later, she was over by my car, with my parents and siblings. I got out the playdoh, and she wanted to trade them. so now I have a green one that she had. And she happily took the red one I got.

wow. XD

Then she wouldnt fitting go away. She was like, hanging around my car for the next 20 minutes. Then randomly, she said she had to go, and waved to everyone and left. >_>; like, all in five seconds.


Afterward, my parents commented, 'Wow, Brandon. Kate sure was trying hard to flirt with you.' To which I responded, 'Yeah....' with that intoxicated little grin, and I walked off somewhere else.

>_>; I told my mom a while afterward that I go to the classes that Kate goes to intentionally, because its hilarious when shes always flirting with me. And how she kind of glares the laser-eyes of death at The Denzel when she tries doing so.


After researching the matter (pretty much just... standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror for a long time) I concluded that I really dont look half bad. and dont know why I keep saying I do. >_>;


Anyway. I get to go on halloween with Kate. And that's gonna be so fitting awesome. n_n

I bet this is gonna be some golden oppurtunity for something, so you guys can throw some suggestions out. cause im too excited to think of stuff right now. n____n

Well, you could try holding her hand when walking or something. But it sounds like you two are really cute together. ^.^ *wishes the best*

... >_>; I'll keep that in mind at least. I dunno how thats going to work out.


um... yeah. n_n

well, is it just you two by yourselves?

No. XD

My sister is more than likely going, and she might be inviting some of her other friends to come along.


I might be able to convince my sister not to go, 'cuz before she was invited, she didnt want to go. cuz 'shes too old to do that now'. (Shes 17. i dont think thats too old. 19 or so is getting there.)


I have no idea whos gonna be there or not. XD Im kind of hoping my sister wont be there. but whatever. This wont be the last time i'll see her. (Hopefully. D= Im still not clear about her going to some kind of school college dealie.)

well, that could play an important part in how the night goes. Cause if other people are there, It might stop you two from opening up to each other.

... yyyyup.

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

lol you're welcome. It seems lately that all the guys I have any feelings for I can't have (mostly because I can't date outside of my faith). But within the course of two days, one of said guys became single, and at inter-varsity we talked about how to share our faith with others. God is somehow at work here, and right now all I can do is pray and wait.

I feel so strongly for him and I don't know why. He hurt me. He's in love with another. Maybe its cause he's so nice and he always compliments me and he's good to talk to, he can carry on a conversation quite well.

I hope God can help my situation. But, maybe he has other plans for me?


♥ Lee


I believe God always has new plans for everyone. :] If a relationship doesn't work out, obviously He has another plan for you.




Ahh ... I've noticed how one of the guys I like does this hair flip thing whenever he's flirting with a girl. I've learned that it's pretty annoying ... Even though he does flip his hair around me, I dunno. I think we're just too different.


In other un-relationships news, my neighbors gave me a ride home yesterday. o:! Yes, I know. It's amazing. But, if you knew where I lived and what they are like, you'd be shocked too. They're really stuck up. I have about a two mile walk to my house, and I was about half way there, when they pulled up and asked me if I wanted a ride. It was really weird ... I was happy though. :]


God is so mysterious :o


Guys are confusing, most of the time I don't know what they are thinking.


Hehe, thats cool of your neighbours. My neighbour wants me to be his special friend. I go "You're a jerk, jerkface. *hug* Now, go away :)"


♥ Lee


Haha. The guy pops up all the time, mostly just to say hello. One day, while going to band, he popped out and started to say, "I like your hamst-", but I figured he was going to say hi, so I beat him to it. Even though he didn't say hi ... (But, yes. I was wearing my HampsterDance t-shirt I got when I was seven. And he liked it.)


-agrees- I'm alright at guessing what guys are thinking, because I hang out with them too much. I normally sit at a table full of skater guys and their little groupies that I find both utterly annoying. Haha. There's this one emo guy who most people are afraid of, but the other day while I was at the bowling alley with my PE class, he walked up to me and asked me if I got my Friday the 13th shirt from Hot Topic. I told him yes, and then he went into this story about how he wanted to get it, but he's too fat to fit into junior's sizes. Then he tickled my friend, which he doesn't even know her. I cracked up laughing, it was so hilarious.


I pretty much hate all my neighbors. They're all old and mean. I actually wouldn't mind being friends with the ones who gave me a ride home, but that will never happen. The girl is a cheerleader who has never said a word to me since I was in the third grade, and the guy was once this major choir pretty-boy. (Now he plays the bass, and is trying to hard to be scene. He plays with his church band, and the band was playing for this get-together thing. He was attempting to headbang and jump around like the hardxcore guy he is, but that wasn't working out too well. I laughed then too.)


I just want a ride home. ;_;

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm thinking of making a burned CD for Trent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomy Domine*~*

Yeah do that. So totally sure. >_>;


Something else that guys usually like is having some sort of very unexpected surprise. Arrange with his parents or something for the whole astronomy domine to come and wake him up one morning to replace his alarm clock. XD That would be so hilarious.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm thinking of making a burned CD for Trent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomy Domine*~*

Yeah do that. So totally sure. >_>;


Something else that guys usually like is having some sort of very unexpected surprise. Arrange with his parents or something for the whole astronomy domine to come and wake him up one morning to replace his alarm clock. XD That would be so hilarious.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




I should get him some WoW stuff from Hot Topic...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Omgdoods. >_>; Im like, excited.


Brianrietta (Im getting tired of calling her that. D= Now she's Katelin. cause thats her name. -nod- ) invited my sister and I go to trick'er treatin' with her on halloween.

I accepted, probably a bit too enthusiastically, Not only 'cause I hadnt any freinds to go with before, but cause Kate did it. >_>; so fitting awesome.


She asked if I was going to wear 'that outfit' which was my Val costume, cuz I went to some halloween par-tay dealie tonight, and I siad yeah, so she said that was good 'cause she wanted to borrow my sword and kill The Denzel with it.


Then I pulled it out, and the rapier, and she said it was shiney and cool and that she likes swords. But she doesnt like how pointy mine is. >_>; -hides bandaid-covered hands- Its not that pointy though, really. ... Really. Stop looking at me like that.


Then when we (seperately) went on a small route of candy-gathering, Kate stopped me and asked if I had any play-doh. >_>; Of course not. Why would I have that? I looked at her wierd and said No, and she said to hurry up and get some, 'cause that place over there has some. And to give it to her when I got it. ... Whatevuh. I did so, and couldnt find her anywhere. D=

A good fifteen minutes later, she was over by my car, with my parents and siblings. I got out the playdoh, and she wanted to trade them. so now I have a green one that she had. And she happily took the red one I got.

wow. XD

Then she wouldnt fitting go away. She was like, hanging around my car for the next 20 minutes. Then randomly, she said she had to go, and waved to everyone and left. >_>; like, all in five seconds.


Afterward, my parents commented, 'Wow, Brandon. Kate sure was trying hard to flirt with you.' To which I responded, 'Yeah....' with that intoxicated little grin, and I walked off somewhere else.

>_>; I told my mom a while afterward that I go to the classes that Kate goes to intentionally, because its hilarious when shes always flirting with me. And how she kind of glares the laser-eyes of death at The Denzel when she tries doing so.


After researching the matter (pretty much just... standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror for a long time) I concluded that I really dont look half bad. and dont know why I keep saying I do. >_>;


Anyway. I get to go on halloween with Kate. And that's gonna be so fitting awesome. n_n

I bet this is gonna be some golden oppurtunity for something, so you guys can throw some suggestions out. cause im too excited to think of stuff right now. n____n

Awwww, I hope everything goes well! ^_^


♥ Lee

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Okay, I can't get enough of him! I want to push him away but I can't! Grrr. What makes him so attractive to me?

I am trying to do things for myself but I am currently stressed out cause of exams. So stressed I only fell asleep at like 4am last night.


At Schoolies hes known as an 'extra' which means he has to sleep on the floor or in his closest friends bed. Guess where he's sleeping? Top bunk with me. Oh dear.


♥ ♣ ♠ Lee

Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own?


I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut.


Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share.

He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision.

We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened.


♥ Lee

I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox.

Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was.


Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back*


♥ Lee

lol you're welcome. It seems lately that all the guys I have any feelings for I can't have (mostly because I can't date outside of my faith). But within the course of two days, one of said guys became single, and at inter-varsity we talked about how to share our faith with others. God is somehow at work here, and right now all I can do is pray and wait.

I feel so strongly for him and I don't know why. He hurt me. He's in love with another. Maybe its cause he's so nice and he always compliments me and he's good to talk to, he can carry on a conversation quite well.

I hope God can help my situation. But, maybe he has other plans for me?


♥ Lee


I believe God always has new plans for everyone. :] If a relationship doesn't work out, obviously He has another plan for you.




Ahh ... I've noticed how one of the guys I like does this hair flip thing whenever he's flirting with a girl. I've learned that it's pretty annoying ... Even though he does flip his hair around me, I dunno. I think we're just too different.


In other un-relationships news, my neighbors gave me a ride home yesterday. o:! Yes, I know. It's amazing. But, if you knew where I lived and what they are like, you'd be shocked too. They're really stuck up. I have about a two mile walk to my house, and I was about half way there, when they pulled up and asked me if I wanted a ride. It was really weird ... I was happy though. :]


God is so mysterious :o


Guys are confusing, most of the time I don't know what they are thinking.


Hehe, thats cool of your neighbours. My neighbour wants me to be his special friend. I go "You're a jerk, jerkface. *hug* Now, go away :)"


♥ Lee


Haha. The guy pops up all the time, mostly just to say hello. One day, while going to band, he popped out and started to say, "I like your hamst-", but I figured he was going to say hi, so I beat him to it. Even though he didn't say hi ... (But, yes. I was wearing my HampsterDance t-shirt I got when I was seven. And he liked it.)


-agrees- I'm alright at guessing what guys are thinking, because I hang out with them too much. I normally sit at a table full of skater guys and their little groupies that I find both utterly annoying. Haha. There's this one emo guy who most people are afraid of, but the other day while I was at the bowling alley with my PE class, he walked up to me and asked me if I got my Friday the 13th shirt from Hot Topic. I told him yes, and then he went into this story about how he wanted to get it, but he's too fat to fit into junior's sizes. Then he tickled my friend, which he doesn't even know her. I cracked up laughing, it was so hilarious.


I pretty much hate all my neighbors. They're all old and mean. I actually wouldn't mind being friends with the ones who gave me a ride home, but that will never happen. The girl is a cheerleader who has never said a word to me since I was in the third grade, and the guy was once this major choir pretty-boy. (Now he plays the bass, and is trying to hard to be scene. He plays with his church band, and the band was playing for this get-together thing. He was attempting to headbang and jump around like the hardxcore guy he is, but that wasn't working out too well. I laughed then too.)


I just want a ride home. ;_;


Yay for Hampsterdance shirts! We never got them in Australia :(

I have a cookie monster shirt though, yay cookie!

We don't have a Hot Topic here but we get a few things imported from there. I was at my fave store in the city and I bought a top, I didn't even notice there was a Hot Topic tag attached to it until I got home. I kinda wish we had Hot Topic stores here, they seem to have some really cool stuffs.


My most recent ex is an emo kid. Haha. He's gorgeous. I used to understand guys. When I was like, 11. Ever since I started High School I drifted apart from the group of boys I used to hang out with. Gah. I miss them. They were fun. Now they're all stoopid heads.


I went to this battle of the bands thingy and there was all these scene dudes. It was funny. People try so hard to be scene. And one of the singer dude man guys was like "This goes out to everyone wearing black!". Haha, he was RADCORE. I was wearing green. :D


Some of my neighbours are odd. Some are cool. I secretly admire the guy who lives up the street from me, he has a garage band and hes so cute... he looks a little like Kurt Cobain. He doesn't know who I am. Haha.


♥ Lee

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I thought Lady-types were organized. XD


Kate and I were walkin around this morning, and I asked 'what're we doin on tuesday' ... cuz tuesday is halloween. And she had no idea. I asked if she had IM, so we could plan it, and she said no. (What kind of fitting computer nerd DOESNT have IM? Gawsh.) Then she asked for my number... but, uh. I dont have a cellphone. seeing how I never really leave the house. XD and I couldnt possibly remember my house number.


She said she's gonna comment on my sisters Myspace. and make it up from there.


I was gonna go off about how much I dont like Myspace, but... i didnt. i dont think that would have been very strategic. D=


Halloween is tomorrow, and im kind of hoping we'll get something thrown together tomorrow morning. D= I really want to go.


On another note...

I think I'm taking this whole thing too seriously, too fast. As I talked about a while back, I have standards to maintain, and I dont plan on lowering them.


My little plan for the time being is to just develop a good friendship with her for now. This way, we cant really say we're into any relationship yet, and we can get to know each other for when we do. (This kind of avoids unexpected surprises in awkward moments in dating, in regards to finding something about the other person.)


Not only that, and once Kate and I are actually friends instead of just seeing each other in hallways a lot, and supposing she'll really be moving out to go to school, She'll have some more motivation to come back. or in some way have a reunison.


And maybe some other things. but again, I think i'm going too fast right now. Regardless of how nothing's really happened yet. XD

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yea, so I guess Sunshine Boy is trying to help me and Trent start going out or something. 'Cause I went over to show him my impressive collection of Tater Tot Canisters, and to tell him of my Tater Tot collection, when Trent put his hand on my shoulder, smiled at me, and said, "Cooper [sunshine Boy] told me to say Hi to you." and I was really happy for some reason. Then I asked Sunshine Boy if I could whack him with all 23 Tot cans, an dhe said, "No, but you can hot him." and pointed to Trent, so I whacked him, and he just stood there, grinning like a ninny idiot, and helped me pick up the tot cans that had fallen out of my tower-thing.




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yea, so I guess Sunshine Boy is trying to help me and Trent start going out or something. 'Cause I went over to show him my impressive collection of Tater Tot Canisters, and to tell him of my Tater Tot collection, when Trent put his hand on my shoulder, smiled at me, and said, "Cooper [sunshine Boy] told me to say Hi to you." and I was really happy for some reason. Then I asked Sunshine Boy if I could whack him with all 23 Tot cans, an dhe said, "No, but you can hot him." and pointed to Trent, so I whacked him, and he just stood there, grinning like a ninny idiot, and helped me pick up the tot cans that had fallen out of my tower-thing.




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Aww. I hope you and trent have a wonderful relationship eventually.

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Brianrietta mysteriously disappeared today.

so we like, called her house, and she wasnt there, and her mom says she isnt going trickortreating today, Shes at school getting some extra credit.


aaaaaand now I have nothing to do tonight. D= 'cause going out by yourself is real boring.

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Brianrietta mysteriously disappeared today.

so we like, called her house, and she wasnt there, and her mom says she isnt going trickortreating today, Shes at school getting some extra credit.


aaaaaand now I have nothing to do tonight. D= 'cause going out by yourself is real boring.

:( I am sooo sorry. :(

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Brianrietta mysteriously disappeared today.

so we like, called her house, and she wasnt there, and her mom says she isnt going trickortreating today, Shes at school getting some extra credit.


aaaaaand now I have nothing to do tonight. D= 'cause going out by yourself is real boring.

:( I am sooo sorry. :(

Yeah, its pretty depressing.


Being optimistic, This could be an oppurtunity for some brownie points tomorrow morning. =D


Think about it, If she's doing schoolwork right now, and I know she wanted to go trick or treating...

and since Im not doing anything...


What if I were to get an huge-load of candy and then give half of it to her?

I'd bet that shed be really appreciative of that.


S'pecially if I threw in a bunch of dark chocolate in there. 'cause thats what lady-types like. -nod-

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Other idea.


Tomorrow morning, I go and tell Kate that she was very missed, and I spent the night gathering up a bunch of sugary death for her, and then invite her over for a little par-tay in a few days. Im still put off that im not doing anything with her, Especially since this is the first real invitation I've gotten to do anything social in the past four months i've lived here. so Im trying to arrange a little party dealie to have within the next week or so.


What'll we do? No idea. XD I havent thought that far ahead yet.

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S'pecially if I threw in a bunch of dark chocolate in there. 'cause thats what lady-types like. -nod-

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


>:o I dun like Dark Chocolate!


Yea, so I'm planning on bringing some of my candy (which I get a lot of. Trust me) to freinds, but I think I;ll give Trent a Reese's as a sign-they are my favourite candy.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Brianrietta mysteriously disappeared today.

so we like, called her house, and she wasnt there, and her mom says she isnt going trickortreating today, Shes at school getting some extra credit.


aaaaaand now I have nothing to do tonight. D= 'cause going out by yourself is real boring.

:( I am sooo sorry. :(

Yeah, its pretty depressing.


Being optimistic, This could be an oppurtunity for some brownie points tomorrow morning. =D


Think about it, If she's doing schoolwork right now, and I know she wanted to go trick or treating...

and since Im not doing anything...


What if I were to get an huge-load of candy and then give half of it to her?

I'd bet that shed be really appreciative of that.


S'pecially if I threw in a bunch of dark chocolate in there. 'cause thats what lady-types like. -nod-

Thats a good idea.

I don't like dark chocolate though. I find it icky.

But giving her half your candies is a great idea cause like, it shows you care and all that stuff.

I feel like berrylicious sorbet. I want some right now... Mmmm berrylicious...


♥ Lee

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Other idea.


Tomorrow morning, I go and tell Kate that she was very missed, and I spent the night gathering up a bunch of sugary death for her, and then invite her over for a little par-tay in a few days. Im still put off that im not doing anything with her, Especially since this is the first real invitation I've gotten to do anything social in the past four months i've lived here. so Im trying to arrange a little party dealie to have within the next week or so.


What'll we do? No idea. XD I havent thought that far ahead yet.

It sounds like you have a great plan. :D

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Brianrietta mysteriously disappeared today.

so we like, called her house, and she wasnt there, and her mom says she isnt going trickortreating today, Shes at school getting some extra credit.


aaaaaand now I have nothing to do tonight. D= 'cause going out by yourself is real boring.

:( I am sooo sorry. :(

Yeah, its pretty depressing.


Being optimistic, This could be an oppurtunity for some brownie points tomorrow morning. =D


Think about it, If she's doing schoolwork right now, and I know she wanted to go trick or treating...

and since Im not doing anything...


What if I were to get an huge-load of candy and then give half of it to her?

I'd bet that shed be really appreciative of that.


S'pecially if I threw in a bunch of dark chocolate in there. 'cause thats what lady-types like. -nod-

Thats a good idea.

I don't like dark chocolate though. I find it icky.

But giving her half your candies is a great idea cause like, it shows you care and all that stuff.

I feel like berrylicious sorbet. I want some right now... Mmmm berrylicious...


♥ Lee

We have micicle sorbet if you would care for some. It is being used to go on top of the airplane shaped cake that Jesse made.

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Ok, so YOU guys dont like dark chocolate. XD

About all the other girls I know do. ... so there.


I declare '06 to have the most boring haloween EVER. ... for me. I dunno 'bout choo guys, but I sat around in my Val outfit and pwned everyone on Age of Empires. o:< 'cause I was just that desperate for something to do.

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Ok, so YOU guys dont like dark chocolate. XD

About all the other girls I know do. ... so there.


I declare '06 to have the most boring haloween EVER. ... for me. I dunno 'bout choo guys, but I sat around in my Val outfit and pwned everyone on Age of Empires. o:

I should have flown over and picked you up. You would have had a great time in front of my cage!!!

Not too many people are afraid of hamsters, even ones dressed in a costume. :lol:

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Everyone I have talked to said that there was a less-than normal showing for this year. 'S weird. But yes, arkcher, give her your candy. Keep in mind, though, ask kate why she couldn't come. Because, her mom might not have wanted her going around with you or something, and decided to make up some story to prevent you two from being together on halloween. So, is it gonna be a halloween party, or just a whatever party?

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Everyone I have talked to said that there was a less-than normal showing for this year. 'S weird. But yes, arkcher, give her your candy. Keep in mind, though, ask kate why she couldn't come. Because, her mom might not have wanted her going around with you or something, and decided to make up some story to prevent you two from being together on halloween. So, is it gonna be a halloween party, or just a whatever party?

I think it ought to be a Horatio Birthday Party!!!

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Everyone I have talked to said that there was a less-than normal showing for this year. 'S weird. But yes, arkcher, give her your candy. Keep in mind, though, ask kate why she couldn't come. Because, her mom might not have wanted her going around with you or something, and decided to make up some story to prevent you two from being together on halloween. So, is it gonna be a halloween party, or just a whatever party?

Seeing how I only have about four peices left, I dont think it'll work very well. XD I plan to buy a huge... bunch of candy later today, 'cause its like 75% off if you wait till after halloween. Then i'll give that to her.

maybe. D=


A party of 'we-couldnt-do-something-the-other-day-so-lets-do-something-now' kind of party. Since parents are kind of an important part of planning events such as this, i talked it over with my mom, who has suggested having Kate and The Denzel both over for a board game night. ... which doesnt sound as wonderful as I was hoping for, but whatever.

The best suggestion we've come up with so far is making homemade Pizza (since we do that at our place. Its good for taking up a lot of time at parties. and everyone thinks you're wierd cuz you make homemade pizza. XD) and then... watch a movie or something. We'll probably make it up as we go.


... I dunno. D= Im still kind of put off by not doing anything yesterday. Im also mad at myself for not getting some candy to give to Kate later. ... but not a lot can be done about that now, so...


Whatever party. aaaaand i'll probably load up on sugary death today or tomorrow.

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Everyone I have talked to said that there was a less-than normal showing for this year. 'S weird. But yes, arkcher, give her your candy. Keep in mind, though, ask kate why she couldn't come. Because, her mom might not have wanted her going around with you or something, and decided to make up some story to prevent you two from being together on halloween. So, is it gonna be a halloween party, or just a whatever party?

Seeing how I only have about four peices left, I dont think it'll work very well. XD I plan to buy a huge... bunch of candy later today, 'cause its like 75% off if you wait till after halloween. Then i'll give that to her.

maybe. D=


A party of 'we-couldnt-do-something-the-other-day-so-lets-do-something-now' kind of party. Since parents are kind of an important part of planning events such as this, i talked it over with my mom, who has suggested having Kate and The Denzel both over for a board game night. ... which doesnt sound as wonderful as I was hoping for, but whatever.

The best suggestion we've come up with so far is making homemade Pizza (since we do that at our place. Its good for taking up a lot of time at parties. and everyone thinks you're wierd cuz you make homemade pizza. XD) and then... watch a movie or something. We'll probably make it up as we go.


... I dunno. D= Im still kind of put off by not doing anything yesterday. Im also mad at myself for not getting some candy to give to Kate later. ... but not a lot can be done about that now, so...


Whatever party. aaaaand i'll probably load up on sugary death today or tomorrow.

Stellar idea!!! Buy some candy, one of those bags with a good mixture, then give it to her. She will never know the difference, unless of course, you forget to take it out of the plastic bag it came in. :lol:


Does your family put sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and peanuts on your pizzas?

*gets the hammie group into the helicopter for a trip to Arkcher's house for homemade pizza*

I think this is a really phenomenal suggestion and I would love doing something like that. Of course, I am not a young lady, but everyone here thinks it's great.

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Brianrietta mysteriously disappeared today.

so we like, called her house, and she wasnt there, and her mom says she isnt going trickortreating today, Shes at school getting some extra credit.


aaaaaand now I have nothing to do tonight. D= 'cause going out by yourself is real boring.

:( I am sooo sorry. :(

Yeah, its pretty depressing.


Being optimistic, This could be an oppurtunity for some brownie points tomorrow morning. =D


Think about it, If she's doing schoolwork right now, and I know she wanted to go trick or treating...

and since Im not doing anything...


What if I were to get an huge-load of candy and then give half of it to her?

I'd bet that shed be really appreciative of that.


S'pecially if I threw in a bunch of dark chocolate in there. 'cause thats what lady-types like. -nod-

Thats a good idea.

I don't like dark chocolate though. I find it icky.

But giving her half your candies is a great idea cause like, it shows you care and all that stuff.

I feel like berrylicious sorbet. I want some right now... Mmmm berrylicious...


♥ Lee

We have micicle sorbet if you would care for some. It is being used to go on top of the airplane shaped cake that Jesse made.

That sounds good :D

Thank you!


♥ Lee

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