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Now might be a good time to update every one on my love life.


First off, anyone who's been reading my posts in this tawpeek may remember my friend Ghost, well, I actually dated her for about a few weeks and then we broke up. We're still best friends though, which is good.


I'm now dating one of my (male) friends (nickname-street fighter). I've known him for over a year now because he's the best friend of one of my school friends, and we ended up getting together at an anime convention the three of us went to last month.


So yeah, that's basically what's happening with me right now.

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Welp. My romantic life is continuously awkward. I probably didn't mention that I was dating the guy that ended up being distant again. I'd broken up with him once again for not communicating basically the day I left for the summer because for the entire week before that it had been pretty much impossible for me to get a hold of him and the day I broke up with him, it was kind of triggered by the fact that he was leaving that day (he also marched, but in a different organization) and hadn't told me nor spent any time with me as mentioned before. It was pretty awkward, we occasionally saw each other at shows. Also, we're both doing Fall marching band again. More awkward. Then a month and a half ago, I had a night that I stayed at my parents' house because I had home shows, and my ex from my junior year/best friend drove me home. We had an awkward moment where we didn't kiss, but then he texted me later asking if he'd missed his chance. I told him he hadn't. A week ago, he kissed me, and the next day said he felt weird about it because "we have a history". He said he understood if I hated him, and basically dropped our friendship there, as well. So that was awkward. Pretty much I'd been planning on not being romantically involved with anyone for a while and then I let that happen because I trusted him to have thought about it a little better after a month and a half.


That's the update. I mean, I'm pretty much over all of that already, it was all fairly awkward, but I probably won't have much need for any romantic life updates anytime soon. haha

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This is true, my romantic life never takes a pause even when I want it to and do absolutely nothing to further it. :wacko:

That being said, there is a guy that I was hanging out with at last night's Taco Tuesday with the band, and it was just the two of us at the table by the end of the night and clearly there were several people giving us looks. Because band is all over gossip.

It's also nice and awkward to be standing right next to my ex-boyfriend in the horn arc.

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So, of course there is another update already. I went to my hometown to help with their last day of band camp. The ex that "felt weird about it because we have a history" has a sister in band, and so when the band had a barbecue and pool party, his sister and parents were there, and as usual treated me like family, and asked if he knew I was there. They must have informed him, because my response was no, and he texted me soon after, which led to him later hanging out with me at my house and apologizing/helping me clean my rabbit's cage. The apology was because he had overthought the situation, but we ultimately came to the conclusion that we have too much to focus on as far as school and work to actually date again for now.

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Terrific for new interests, and I am glad to hear that your ex has become more wishy-washy than before. He is like the tide... in and out, in and out. :lol:


At least you both came to the best conclusion... focus on school and work. You are very smart when it comes to knowing what is in your best interest. Keep listening to yourself!

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  • 1 month later...

Aside from the occasional casual romantic interests that have fallen apart really awkwardly before anything ever became anything, these past two months have been really nothing in terms of relationships because I really just don't have time for that. :lol: There is a random guitar player from Arizona that I randomly met one day waiting for a practice room and we didn't even really have conversations and just started saying hi to each other one day and didn't know each others names. Then I asked for his name after saying hi to him for a couple of weeks. Wednesday before wind ensemble I actually talked to him. Friends have been pressing me to ask him out for coffee or something, but I realized I literally have 4 time slots where dates are possible, that's assuming I don't have a lot of homework.

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You are so disciplined to stick to your schedule. I am jealous.


Ask this guy for coffee when you feel like you should. What you don't want it to ask him and then have to break the coffee date. Take action when it is right for you and you will be pleased with the results.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It really sucks to be infatuated with a guy who's just bad news and drama. thankfully at least smart enough to tell myself I don't need that back in my life. Hometown ex seems to have changed his mind about distance and lack of time. But I know I'd need more time to reconsider. Prison friend is out in less than a week, hoping he doesn't even mention romance. And I still haven't asked that guy on a coffee date.

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WOW... one week. I cannot imagine how he feels to be out. Of course, he is now facing another struggle when it comes to getting a job, so I can only hope that he can find something. It makes me think how one mistake can change your life in ways you will never imagine.


My thoughts are for you to still go with the coffee date guy and hope he says yes. Forget the "ex"... that is a thing of the past. You broke up for a reason and it was not the distance and lack of time, because people can make a relationship work with those blocks, there is something else that helped you make the decision. Forget the bad news and drama... you have enough good things in your life to have to make room for any negatives.


Ask the guy to go for coffee. :D After all, it is only a cup of coffee.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, Arizona guy, well, he just seems... dense and uninteresting. I'm going to close that chapter. haha


Hometown ex, well. It's an interesting situation, really. We're actually quite perfect for each other, just the right amount of common interests, not the exact same career path/major, really comfortable telling each other anything, love and hang out with each others families. I'm actually the terrible one, I broke up with him when I was 15 because I "got bored" and at that time we didn't know each other quite as well, and then at 17 when I was being unforgiving about him wanting to talk to me basically at all when I was going through a really childish phase where I was absorbed in being something that I wasn't. He actually wants to work it out regardless of distance, regardless of what his friends think of it, and basically regardless of the fact that I'm clearly a difficult person(something I declared). And while I'm not rushing into this, I think this is something that is a serious consideration. By no means do I believe there is only one person you could possibly be happy with in your life, nor do I think I will be miserable without him. But I do believe that this is someone I could be seriously happy about spending the rest of my life with. I actually even reviewed journal entries from times I "wasn't happy" to be sure there wasn't anything really unsatisfactory besides me deliberately pushing his buttons to find excuses to explore the world and myself a little more.

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Very interesting. Sounds like you have truly, for lack of a better set of words, grown up. Perhaps this is something that would be good for you if you honestly give it some effort. As you know, all reltaionships take work. He sounds very promising. Keep us posted. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hometown ex decision was reached a while ago, just sort of forgot about it.

We decided (feels more like my decision) that he needs a chance to branch out and date other people, since he's just barely now moving out of our hometown. I figure now that he's finally getting a chance to leave and go to a college where people have common interests with him he really ought to explore that. Ultimately, "if it's meant to be, it will be", but we're still very young and a decision needn't be reached right now.


In other news, I scored a legitimate date at a huge party my friend and I threw for our friend's 21st birthday. If my parents could find love at a trashy disco, I'm sure I can give this a chance. :lol:

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Very mature decision regarding your hometown ex. You are exactly correct knowing that you do not need to make a decision now. Regarding your legitimate date, this sounds like a chance should be given. Obviously he has some interest to ask you out, so why not give him a chance.

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When I reaffirmed with my hometown ex that I wasn't interested in dating, he started pouting and sounded like he was whining on the phone. While some girls might be okay with that reassurance that someone cares, that's not the kind of relationship I'd like anyway. I then remembered that what I really didn't like about him was how he handled the few negative things that ever happen between us. He just pouts and it mostly annoys me, which is worse than making me angry. So there's that decision.


I do need to straighten out things pretty fast with my most recent ex before I date this other guy. While I may or may not have portrayed him as a total jerk, I probably didn't do him justice, and we are friends because of our interactions in music. To shorten this story, he probably has a bit of a social disorder (as in, doctors mentioned Asperger's when he was younger), he mostly has difficulty expressing feelings, and upon seeing me interacting with another guy, he decided to send me messages saying he needs to talk to me and started opening up about his feelings. There is literally no one who knows much at all about how he feels.

Basically, I need to let him know I'm giving someone else a chance because it's been many months since we broke up and I left with hurt feelings.


Also, I'm creeped out by the 10 guests on here.

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There are little things that can drive you crazy, and those are the little things that can break apart two people. At least you remembered what it was that annoyed you, so this is good. Good decision.


Your most recent ex was never described as a total jerk. In fact, I do not believe you have ever said that about anyone. You have made yet another great decision regarding this last guy and I do believe it is time to move on.


As to the guests... it must be you. I am on here solo.

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No guests at the moment.


It's strange, my recent ex is putting up quite the effort.

Here's a little note from him.

"I want to let you know that I want nothing more than to be here for you. I want to sing you to sleep. I want to take care of you when you're sick. I want to fall asleep talking. To you on the phone. I wanna be home when you get off work and have dinner ready for you. I wanna surprise you with flowers every chance I get. But most of all I want you to forgive me. All I want is you, because I love you."

I'm not foolish enough to take this note, or the other little note he left on my car earlier today as some real sudden change in his efforts with any potential to last. It's hard to separate myself from the fact that this is kind of cute, especially because of little things like how he actually hates being on the phone. BUT. I will make a conscious effort not to take this as legitimate sentiments just yet.

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Awkward to think there are people reading this! :lol:

Things have turned around a little. I'm not investing too much of my own emotions into this, but that recent ex that has finally opened up is kind of difficult to not give a chance and ignore. I'll be honest, my main struggle with him was always to get him to talk about anything and now that it's happening, it's sort of turned back into something. It's a bit different from what most people call "change", because the things he is accomplishing in terms of sharing feelings and things about himself aren't just little things.

It's not just in notes or phone calls, it's been face to face conversation.

I'm still not completely trusting this to be a permanent sort of thing, as it's been perhaps two weeks, but I'm still focusing mostly on school and work anyway, so it's not like this is taking up a lot of my time. Plus he's been rather encouraging about my studies and job.

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Good news that you are having a positive effect on him. At least whatever happen with you both, he will have grown somewhat and should be able to carry this forward. Is it permanent, I cannot say, but let us at least be hopeful.


It is very good that he encourages you to focus on your studies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alas, The board is dead. REVIVE!!!!

> :[)

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Well, this is unexpected. He still hasn't suddenly gotten bored and left, and I don't expect him to. We're being really open with each other now, there's quite a bit of contrast between what was last year, a relationship solely consisting of pizza and movies without many words,and now talking about everything and helping each other with music all the time. Things are looking pretty good.

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*chases the tubleweed*


On topic... um...

I'm happy with Sean. He's a sweety.


More on topic... um...

That is a good thing, that it's different, but I would still recommend caution.

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Well, this is unexpected. He still hasn't suddenly gotten bored and left, and I don't expect him to. We're being really open with each other now, there's quite a bit of contrast between what was last year, a relationship solely consisting of pizza and movies without many words,and now talking about everything and helping each other with music all the time. Things are looking pretty good.


This is great news!!!


*crosses paws*

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lol :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My romantic life was pretty amusing for a moment there. But I'm pretty sure I'm okay with it being settled down for the moment, I think I'm good without people being confusing, figuring out distance, or my favorite "entertaining" (for everyone else) moment, having a man write me from prison continuously declaring his love. :lol:

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The thought of your prison friend has popped into my head on occasion and it has made me aware of how close everyone of us are from having our lives radically changed forever. Electronic records are permanent. When someone tells you that they are gone, do not believe them. Electronic records can be pulled up and may reappear. So, never, ever write anything that you do not want put on the front page of every newspaper, social media site and other media such as television and radio. Just something to think about. What you think you are saying might be totally misconstrued by someone else. We are all just one mistake away from losing our freedom. WOW... that is something to really consider.

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Seriously interesting how things are like that now. It used to be that written evidence was gone as quickly as burning a letter, but really, unless one were to destroy the internet (which would be a huge crime in itself :lol: ), it's impossible to really get rid of electronic evidence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing new to say! Except maybe that I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with my boyfriend's early birthday gift of a Disneyland premium pass, considering how expensive it was, but then I was more comfortable when I thought of it as he benefits from it as well because that means I can go with him whenever.

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You deserve to be treated well and your boyfriend believes the birthday gift he has given you is something you would like. Please do not think about the money, but think about the fact that he tried to do something nice for you on your special day.

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Heh, that's very true. In other news, because of this, my mother started interrogating me on whether or not this was a "serious" relationship, and then she started rambling about how it was clearly serious to him. It took me a moment to answer/I allowed her to ramble for the moment because in my mind, I momentarily assumed that by calling him my "boyfriend", it implied that it was, in fact, serious. I guess I forget sometimes that to some people it doesn't mean as much :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh hey, an active topic! I guess this place now applies to me too. As I said in my den (was it a log? I think that's what I called it way back when) I started a relationship three months ago and it's going slow and steady. I only see him once a week usually and that's the hardest part, although starting a relationship that way at least ensures I won't rush into things - that's good because I've been longing for a relationship for so long now.


Some of his colloquial expressions which I doubt I can even repeat here, are kind of offensive to me (not as in they personally insulted me, but just seemed mean), and one night I got a bit overdramatic about it. I feel bad because I know he doesn't really mean what he says, that it's just how people talk around him where he lives. Either way he has stopped using the more offensive ones and hopefully I won't react so strongly again.


I guess that's pretty much it. Like I said it's slow going so...*licks a micicle*

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Oh hey, an active topic! I guess this place now applies to me too. As I said in my den (was it a log? I think that's what I called it way back when) I started a relationship three months ago and it's going slow and steady. I only see him once a week usually and that's the hardest part, although starting a relationship that way at least ensures I won't rush into things - that's good because I've been longing for a relationship for so long now.


Some of his colloquial expressions which I doubt I can even repeat here, are kind of offensive to me (not as in they personally insulted me, but just seemed mean), and one night I got a bit overdramatic about it. I feel bad because I know he doesn't really mean what he says, that it's just how people talk around him where he lives. Either way he has stopped using the more offensive ones and hopefully I won't react so strongly again.


I guess that's pretty much it. Like I said it's slow going so...*licks a micicle*




*tackles with the biggest cyber hug*


How terrific to hear that life is treating you well with a wonderful guy in your life!!! I am so thrilled to hear the news!


And for other news... how is everything else? Do we start calling you doctor? How soon will you have this qualification complete? We are rooting for you!!!

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