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well, Things only seem to happen on impulse around here.


Brianrietta showed up out of nowhere today and invited me to come along to go see a movie.


Skipping a long process of deciding what we're going to do, We ended up meeting over at RPVF's place of residence. [i might add, that I have successfully warded her off. I'm pretty sure this move has worn off on Brianrietta as well though. Less drama for me now.]

The next movie would be starting in ten minutes time, and the closest theatre was some 20 minutes away. Not a big problem though, we'd only miss the previews.


We got there in time to see the movie Bedtime Stories, which was quite awesome. I had strategically placed myself along the seat rows that Dr. Cornbread and Brianrietta would be on either side of me, but this failed. The others were some seats away, and the closest person was RPVF.


After the movie, we migrated back to RPVF's place of residence. Rice Krispy treats were eaten. It was enjoyable.

We had little time for discussion before our respective parents had us divided, I was called back home cause it was late and RPVF was told to get to sleepin' cause it was like 12:30 and they had school the next morning.


But in this little time, I was quite unhappy to find Brianrietta with more repelling qualities.

She didnt maintain that sacrosanct aura that always made me skip a heartbeat. None of that bright, cheery look on her countenance. No more modest dressing or respectable demeanor.


Undeniably, there have been changes, and not good ones, and I'm at a complete loss as to what to do.

Any ghost of relationship aside, its really unpleasant to see someone go through that kind of a change. Especially when you thought so highly of them.

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I don't understand my emotions yet, and that I've known for a while. Which is why I know I'm probably too immature for a serious relationship, which is part of why I'm far more satisfied in my current situation. And also, I've had more positive emotions about my current relationship, so I know I'm doing better for myself. lol. I mean, we've learned from past mistakes, when we first fools being silly 14-year-olds in a "relationship", and through the time that we were away from each other and just becoming better friends. XD I must say, a big part of our happiness is quite possibly because of the connection we made as friends. Yaay.

Relationships that begin as friendships always have a much better chance of working out. I'm glad that you both are discovering your friendship together.

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well, Things only seem to happen on impulse around here.


Brianrietta showed up out of nowhere today and invited me to come along to go see a movie.


Skipping a long process of deciding what we're going to do, We ended up meeting over at RPVF's place of residence. [i might add, that I have successfully warded her off. I'm pretty sure this move has worn off on Brianrietta as well though. Less drama for me now.]

The next movie would be starting in ten minutes time, and the closest theatre was some 20 minutes away. Not a big problem though, we'd only miss the previews.


We got there in time to see the movie Bedtime Stories, which was quite awesome. I had strategically placed myself along the seat rows that Dr. Cornbread and Brianrietta would be on either side of me, but this failed. The others were some seats away, and the closest person was RPVF.


After the movie, we migrated back to RPVF's place of residence. Rice Krispy treats were eaten. It was enjoyable.

We had little time for discussion before our respective parents had us divided, I was called back home cause it was late and RPVF was told to get to sleepin' cause it was like 12:30 and they had school the next morning.


But in this little time, I was quite unhappy to find Brianrietta with more repelling qualities.

She didnt maintain that sacrosanct aura that always made me skip a heartbeat. None of that bright, cheery look on her countenance. No more modest dressing or respectable demeanor.


Undeniably, there have been changes, and not good ones, and I'm at a complete loss as to what to do.

Any ghost of relationship aside, its really unpleasant to see someone go through that kind of a change. Especially when you thought so highly of them.

When you see a big change in someone, usually a change that is for the worse, I would try and understand what is going on in that person's life. There must be something happening. I'm sorry to hear that she is changing for the worse. Hope she snaps out of it.

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well, Things only seem to happen on impulse around here.


Brianrietta showed up out of nowhere today and invited me to come along to go see a movie.


Skipping a long process of deciding what we're going to do, We ended up meeting over at RPVF's place of residence. [i might add, that I have successfully warded her off. I'm pretty sure this move has worn off on Brianrietta as well though. Less drama for me now.]

The next movie would be starting in ten minutes time, and the closest theatre was some 20 minutes away. Not a big problem though, we'd only miss the previews.


We got there in time to see the movie Bedtime Stories, which was quite awesome. I had strategically placed myself along the seat rows that Dr. Cornbread and Brianrietta would be on either side of me, but this failed. The others were some seats away, and the closest person was RPVF.


After the movie, we migrated back to RPVF's place of residence. Rice Krispy treats were eaten. It was enjoyable.

We had little time for discussion before our respective parents had us divided, I was called back home cause it was late and RPVF was told to get to sleepin' cause it was like 12:30 and they had school the next morning.


But in this little time, I was quite unhappy to find Brianrietta with more repelling qualities.

She didnt maintain that sacrosanct aura that always made me skip a heartbeat. None of that bright, cheery look on her countenance. No more modest dressing or respectable demeanor.


Undeniably, there have been changes, and not good ones, and I'm at a complete loss as to what to do.

Any ghost of relationship aside, its really unpleasant to see someone go through that kind of a change. Especially when you thought so highly of them.

You took my movie recommendation? Sweeeeet.



Sorry that she's gotten those repelling qualities. Bet you anything that if I saw Trent again I'd find stuff about him I hate, too. XD I think he goes to a different school though because I haven't seen him, though I could care less.

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Bleh. I'm a fool.

Apparently I've been looking towards the ex-boyfriend when I'm kissing the boyfriend, because I'm horrible and want the ex to feel his pain in my happiness. Eff. The boyfriend noticed, but he's considerate enough to not be suspicious but just kindly tell me to stop doing that. Which, you know, when thought about, in a twisted way that's kinda funny. But yeah, apparently the ex doesn't wish to be friends(again), hence my bitterness. I'm irritated with his back and forth wants to suddenly be friends and suddenly hate me, so finally his last chance in that aspect is pretty much whenever next time is.

I dunno, I'm confused and don't want to hate him or make him feel pain, yet at the same time, for all that's happened I wish to pain him. But that interrupts my relationship as well as my actual happiness so I'll stop that stupidity.

And I do understand if you guys are looking at this and thinking of what an idiot I'm being. >.<

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Bleh. I'm a fool.

Apparently I've been looking towards the ex-boyfriend when I'm kissing the boyfriend, because I'm horrible and want the ex to feel his pain in my happiness. Eff. The boyfriend noticed, but he's considerate enough to not be suspicious but just kindly tell me to stop doing that. Which, you know, when thought about, in a twisted way that's kinda funny. But yeah, apparently the ex doesn't wish to be friends(again), hence my bitterness. I'm irritated with his back and forth wants to suddenly be friends and suddenly hate me, so finally his last chance in that aspect is pretty much whenever next time is.

I dunno, I'm confused and don't want to hate him or make him feel pain, yet at the same time, for all that's happened I wish to pain him. But that interrupts my relationship as well as my actual happiness so I'll stop that stupidity.

And I do understand if you guys are looking at this and thinking of what an idiot I'm being. >.

Actually you are not an idiot. Feelings are not something you can turn on and turn off. When you have feelings for someone, and the relationship changes, then it takes a while for these feelings to go away. Unfortunately, it seems as though both of you still have some feelings for each other, hence the love-hate relationship. Unfortunately, it will just take time.


So no... you are not an idiot.

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Okay, that's good.


I'm leaning more on the hate side than the love side, seeing as the love wasn't even really that strong and the entire relationship consisted of love-hate.

It's a very irritating situation.

What's most irritating is the creepy stalker songs he puts up on a certain networking website. As in, he's writing songs about me. He's said, "All songs will be about her." It's kinda weird and creeping me out. And I know because the lyrics he puts into them. Why did I hear it? My brother's girlfriend was like, "Haha, I want to hear this."

...I will admit that although it's a bit creepy, it's also hilarious.

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Okay, that's good.


I'm leaning more on the hate side than the love side, seeing as the love wasn't even really that strong and the entire relationship consisted of love-hate.

It's a very irritating situation.

What's most irritating is the creepy stalker songs he puts up on a certain networking website. As in, he's writing songs about me. He's said, "All songs will be about her." It's kinda weird and creeping me out. And I know because the lyrics he puts into them. Why did I hear it? My brother's girlfriend was like, "Haha, I want to hear this."

...I will admit that although it's a bit creepy, it's also hilarious.

Creepy is right. He will probably turn out to be one of those 57 year old guys in his underwear stalking young girls on the internet. :lol:

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lol it's kinda funny, 'cause it's not dangerously creepy. It's more like, him attempting to reflect on stuff and thinking way too far into things. Basically, he's trying to get attention, and succeeding because of the hilarity of it. XD


Though, it's annoying to my boyfriend. I see why, I wouldn't want his ex to be writing creepy songs about him, either.

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  • 1 month later...
my boyfriend and i don't sew together...but we do make music! he's amazing at guitar.


oh yes, my mom doesn't know about this boy, either. because i'm not allowed to date him because he's 19 and out of high school. ): so shhh! haha...please don't tell my madre. (:

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my boyfriend and i don't sew together...but we do make music! he's amazing at guitar.


oh yes, my mom doesn't know about this boy, either. because i'm not allowed to date him because he's 19 and out of high school. ): so shhh! haha...please don't tell my madre. (:

That would never happen.

Our lips are sealed!!!

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lol I suppose so. But that would approximately mean that he was a senior when she was a freshman. :blink:

If you are looking at it this way, he was a first grader when you were a toddler. :o

Think about those adults who have a ten or fifteen year difference. :lol:

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For age differences, I always heard the half plus seven rule. Take the older person's age, divide it by two, and add seven. That's the youngest the younger person should be. So when you're younger, a three year age difference is huge, but when you're older, it doesn't matter.

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For age differences, I always heard the half plus seven rule. Take the older person's age, divide it by two, and add seven. That's the youngest the younger person should be. So when you're younger, a three year age difference is huge, but when you're older, it doesn't matter.

....... D: wait, what?

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Arkcher: A real life example of said equation for age difference is as such.


Say a guy is 20. Divided by two is 10. Add 7. This would mean a 17-year-old is the youngest he should date without it being creepy. Technically, the parents of the 17-year-old can forbid this, but it's just a good estimate of what's socially awkward and what isn't. So a 30-year old, would be able to at youngest date a 22-year-old without it being too weird. Personally, I think as we get to the older ages it just gets a little weird. Like, 80-year-old could date a 47-year-old. It's more applicable to 30 and younger.

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Arkcher: A real life example of said equation for age difference is as such.


Say a guy is 20. Divided by two is 10. Add 7. This would mean a 17-year-old is the youngest he should date without it being creepy. Technically, the parents of the 17-year-old can forbid this, but it's just a good estimate of what's socially awkward and what isn't. So a 30-year old, would be able to at youngest date a 22-year-old without it being too weird. Personally, I think as we get to the older ages it just gets a little weird. Like, 80-year-old could date a 47-year-old. It's more applicable to 30 and younger.

Ah, i see.


First thing that had come to mind was Zelda OOT, with that 7-year gap in time and everything. ;/ Couldnt figure out how that could be associated with relationships.

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oh my god




i have to admit there is a lot of perspective that comes with this

for example i realise: salem's a friend, not matter how much i love him, i'm not in love with him. that was silly of me.

and i realise: every other occurence of love in my life have been comparable to each other, but not to this. it would be like comparing the energy given off by the fission of one plutonium atom, with that of protons before they're all smashed together crazily in the LHC.

Actually come to think of it, that's an absolutely horrible metaphor but surprisingly accurate. xD

Either way it's just... It's really given me a sense of what people are on about when they talk about love.



It's funny, in the sense that most of me feels so in love that it says, "oh no, as if anyone else can feel this, this is so incredible it must be you alone," no matter how much i -know- otherwise. U:


this isn't even a new thing

i'm not even glossing anymore.

he's not even that special of a person, i'll have to be honest. or at least, i tell myself that (even if I don't really believe it. he has to be special. I love him)

but there's something unexplained. something I just can't put my finger on, no matter how many reasons I could come up with for loving him, they're all just things I'd have come up with. There are reasons now. He's given me reasons. But in the strictest sense... when there was that first spark of love, that simple idea, there was no reason for it. And so I have to say, there's no reason for me to love him. It's just something I gotta do, ahaha. <3

Oh god, now I'm getting embarrassed because I'm reading this and realising how stupid and cheesy and sappy and oh god it's like i was maple syrup on a cold day.

either way

i love adam.

i love adam.

fff god i look so stupid

i look like i'm still in the glossy oh-he's-perfect stages

I swear, he's not! he completely enrages me sometimes! And it's been more than once that i've collapsed in the corner of the stairs and cried until I passed out, because of something that happened between us. But all that, I dunno, it seems like absolutely nothing in comparison to how much I love him. Which sounds like glossing. I guess I am glossing. But that's weird, because I thought I was done with glossing three or four months ago. Maybe I'm not glossing, maybe it's not me making him seem better than he is, maybe I really do love him this much?

Ah, but, um.


I feel awkward now.

So, I think I'll stop.

Side notes: I met him in a place I would least expect to meet anyone. It's not an internet relationship (i think i should establish that right away because i've had everyone ask me "do you even know him?" and bloody heck YES I KNOW HIM U: for once, but we don't come into direct contact often, which stinks so hard you would not believe. I miss him so much, even if we do talk daily. For about five hours every day. At least. ; n;

God actually now it sounds like nonsense

why don't i live with him yet whywhywhy >3

But seriously, just two days ago I finally received the package he sent me. (why he sent me a package i could not comprehend. Until I actually got it.)


i swear it was like endorphin rush for the rest of the day

  1. A shirt, a Led Zeppelin shirt, that smells like him. It's absolutely ####ing intoxicating. Like I've been drunk and you should have seen my face i was a lobster and troubles with memory and inhibitions gone and all that, but that has nothing on this. Maybe it could be more aptly described as a high. Or a rush. Or a combination of a high and a rush. U:
  2. Three stuffed toys, all of which he has had forever and adores. I even recognised them from him talking about them. This package was not something where he said "what can I get rid of?" and sent it to me.
  3. Three miniature stone frogs. Heehee, he told me how he had them arranged at his house, and I arranged them in the same way. = 3=
  4. Miniature owl figurine/statue/thing. He's had this forever, since he can remember. U:
  5. BOBBIE-HEAD TURTLE OH GOD THE BOBBIE-HEAD TURTLE HOW HAVE I NOT MENTIONED THIS YET. He's also had this FOREVER. He got it in Mexico when he was a tiiiiiiny little kiddo and he seriously loved it, and loves it. U:
  6. Bandana, lul. He thinks it was actually his dads. Bandana is nothing special, except that I don't have a bandana? xD It smelled like him though. n ////n
  7. Ribbon! Pink ribbon. Pink ribbon that he sent me for a reason. A reason that I an not going to mention here. Or anywhere. ; //w//;
  8. A letter... four full pages long, covered in what he called (twice) chicken scratch handwriting. = w= It actually looks a lot like my handwriting. I'm writing a letter back. I already have all the things I want to send him organised, too (I need a box :U).
  9. Two childhood photos, and a baby photo. I have no idea why he sent me the baby photo. U: But my god, he was the cutest little boy, I swear~
  10. A drawing, that I knew he had done, that he didn't really like as much as some of his other drawings, so I convinced him to send it to me. It's AMAZING. (Also things really do look better first person, but I learned that in Scotland with Beth anyway)
  11. U-uh... One other thing... That I really shouldn't but here. n /////n But I am going to say: They do not fit and really there was no chance in ####. But at least they... smell like him... = //////=





my name is ebly

and i'm an idiot

but he loves me anyway

so i guess that doesn't really matter in the end


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oh my god



i have to admit there is a lot of perspective that comes with this

for example i realise: salem's a friend, not matter how much i love him, i'm not in love with him. that was silly of me.

and i realise: every other occurence of love in my life have been comparable to each other, but not to this. it would be like comparing the energy given off by the fission of one plutonium atom, with that of protons before they're all smashed together crazily in the LHC.

Actually come to think of it, that's an absolutely horrible metaphor but surprisingly accurate. xD

Either way it's just... It's really given me a sense of what people are on about when they talk about love.



It's funny, in the sense that most of me feels so in love that it says, "oh no, as if anyone else can feel this, this is so incredible it must be you alone," no matter how much i -know- otherwise. U:


this isn't even a new thing

i'm not even glossing anymore.

he's not even that special of a person, i'll have to be honest. or at least, i tell myself that (even if I don't really believe it. he has to be special. I love him)

but there's something unexplained. something I just can't put my finger on, no matter how many reasons I could come up with for loving him, they're all just things I'd have come up with. There are reasons now. He's given me reasons. But in the strictest sense... when there was that first spark of love, that simple idea, there was no reason for it. And so I have to say, there's no reason for me to love him. It's just something I gotta do, ahaha.

Oh god, now I'm getting embarrassed because I'm reading this and realising how stupid and cheesy and sappy and oh god it's like i was maple syrup on a cold day.

either way

i love adam.

i love adam.

fff god i look so stupid

i look like i'm still in the glossy oh-he's-perfect stages

I swear, he's not! he completely enrages me sometimes! And it's been more than once that i've collapsed in the corner of the stairs and cried until I passed out, because of something that happened between us. But all that, I dunno, it seems like absolutely nothing in comparison to how much I love him. Which sounds like glossing. I guess I am glossing. But that's weird, because I thought I was done with glossing three or four months ago. Maybe I'm not glossing, maybe it's not me making him seem better than he is, maybe I really do love him this much?

Ah, but, um.


I feel awkward now.

So, I think I'll stop.

Side notes: I met him in a place I would least expect to meet anyone. It's not an internet relationship (i think i should establish that right away because i've had everyone ask me "do you even know him?" and bloody heck YES I KNOW HIM U: for once, but we don't come into direct contact often, which stinks so hard you would not believe. I miss him so much, even if we do talk daily. For about five hours every day. At least. ; n;

God actually now it sounds like nonsense

why don't i live with him yet whywhywhy >3

But seriously, just two days ago I finally received the package he sent me. (why he sent me a package i could not comprehend. Until I actually got it.)


i swear it was like endorphin rush for the rest of the day

  1. A shirt, a Led Zeppelin shirt, that smells like him. It's absolutely ####ing intoxicating. Like I've been drunk and you should have seen my face i was a lobster and troubles with memory and inhibitions gone and all that, but that has nothing on this. Maybe it could be more aptly described as a high. Or a rush. Or a combination of a high and a rush. U:
  2. Three stuffed toys, all of which he has had forever and adores. I even recognised them from him talking about them. This package was not something where he said "what can I get rid of?" and sent it to me.
  3. Three miniature stone frogs. Heehee, he told me how he had them arranged at his house, and I arranged them in the same way. = 3=
  4. Miniature owl figurine/statue/thing. He's had this forever, since he can remember. U:
  5. BOBBIE-HEAD TURTLE OH GOD THE BOBBIE-HEAD TURTLE HOW HAVE I NOT MENTIONED THIS YET. He's also had this FOREVER. He got it in Mexico when he was a tiiiiiiny little kiddo and he seriously loved it, and loves it. U:
  6. Bandana, lul. He thinks it was actually his dads. Bandana is nothing special, except that I don't have a bandana? xD It smelled like him though. n ////n
  7. Ribbon! Pink ribbon. Pink ribbon that he sent me for a reason. A reason that I an not going to mention here. Or anywhere. ; //w//;
  8. A letter... four full pages long, covered in what he called (twice) chicken scratch handwriting. = w= It actually looks a lot like my handwriting. I'm writing a letter back. I already have all the things I want to send him organised, too (I need a box :U).
  9. Two childhood photos, and a baby photo. I have no idea why he sent me the baby photo. U: But my god, he was the cutest little boy, I swear~
  10. A drawing, that I knew he had done, that he didn't really like as much as some of his other drawings, so I convinced him to send it to me. It's AMAZING. (Also things really do look better first person, but I learned that in Scotland with Beth anyway)
  11. U-uh... One other thing... That I really shouldn't but here. n /////n But I am going to say: They do not fit and really there was no chance in ####. But at least they... smell like him... = //////=





my name is ebly

and i'm an idiot

but he loves me anyway

so i guess that doesn't really matter in the end

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Isn't love grand??????

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Isn't love grand??????

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Fffffhahaha, yeah. You're making me feel a lot cheesier than I meant to sound.


But cheesy is good, I guess. = 3=

Cheesy is GREAT!!!!!!!!

Grasp the moment, matters of the heart are like a roller coaster.

Breathe in the smells, get high on the rapidly beating heart, feel the energy.

This is such a wonderful post and definitely an upbeat feeling that translated into my day.

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Isn't love grand??????

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Fffffhahaha, yeah. You're making me feel a lot cheesier than I meant to sound. <3


But cheesy is good, I guess. = 3=

Cheesy is GREAT!!!!!!!!

Grasp the moment, matters of the heart are like a roller coaster.

Breathe in the smells, get high on the rapidly beating heart, feel the energy.

This is such a wonderful post and definitely an upbeat feeling that translated into my day.

Oh man

I should tell him that

Just the fact we love each other

Actually improved someone else's mood.

I bet he would be so proud <3


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I hope Glow is alright that I mentioned his sexuality in Invision and even gave him a boyfriend. :unsure:


A rose by any other name.


Woodstock doesn't really act that different to mah Adam. Main difference is that Adam only -rarely- cross-dresses. xD And even within that 'rarely', usually it's only by request.

But besides that they're very alike.

...so far >3

But still. o 3o

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I hope Glow is alright that I mentioned his sexuality in Invision and even gave him a boyfriend. :unsure:


A rose by any other name.


Woodstock doesn't really act that different to mah Adam. Main difference is that Adam only -rarely- cross-dresses. xD And even within that 'rarely', usually it's only by request.

But besides that they're very alike.

...so far >3

But still. o 3o

OK, then. Phew...

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I hope Glow is alright that I mentioned his sexuality in Invision and even gave him a boyfriend. :unsure:


A rose by any other name.


Woodstock doesn't really act that different to mah Adam. Main difference is that Adam only -rarely- cross-dresses. xD And even within that 'rarely', usually it's only by request.

But besides that they're very alike.

...so far >3

But still. o 3o

OK, then. Phew...



I have to admit, you're a friend, so you could pretty much put storyme in any situation you want. Woodstock could have -actually- been a girl and I wouldn't mind. o 3o

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It's just frustrating... I can't really come to terms with the fact, seeing him all the time yet being unable to say a simple hello. I had a dream that he gave me a hug and apologized, and everything was fine. Everyone was friends again, I didn't have to avoid eye contact anymore, and I was happy. Then I woke up. And it was a bit depressing, because it made me think of how he was my best friend for over a year and that was just thrown out the window because I just thought he should just get over me because I wasn't worth the trouble anyhow.

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It's just frustrating... I can't really come to terms with the fact, seeing him all the time yet being unable to say a simple hello. I had a dream that he gave me a hug and apologized, and everything was fine. Everyone was friends again, I didn't have to avoid eye contact anymore, and I was happy. Then I woke up. And it was a bit depressing, because it made me think of how he was my best friend for over a year and that was just thrown out the window because I just thought he should just get over me because I wasn't worth the trouble anyhow.

In this case, I do believe that he feels that you were worth the trouble. So, he can't 'just get over it'. You are selling yourself short.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Heh... it's weird. He started talking to me again. At this point, though, it's... not quite the victory I thought it would be. I mean, he added me as a friend on one website and then we talked on there, so I added him on the other website. We stopped and talked for something like three minutes today. I know it'll take time. It's less painful than not knowing him, yet feeling this distant is just barely better.


But at this point it's easier to come to terms with the fact that we'll likely never be close again.


The convention I was at this weekend included little retiring addresses for the state officers who basically spent a year together right out of high school, and they're all basically exceptional people. The first retiring address was about lifetime friends versus "seasonal" friends. He said the goal is to have lifetime friends, but losing people, even those you're really close to, just happens. And to just not take the friends you have for granted, and try not to lose those you're close to.

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Heh... it's weird. He started talking to me again. At this point, though, it's... not quite the victory I thought it would be. I mean, he added me as a friend on one website and then we talked on there, so I added him on the other website. We stopped and talked for something like three minutes today. I know it'll take time. It's less painful than not knowing him, yet feeling this distant is just barely better.


But at this point it's easier to come to terms with the fact that we'll likely never be close again.


The convention I was at this weekend included little retiring addresses for the state officers who basically spent a year together right out of high school, and they're all basically exceptional people. The first retiring address was about lifetime friends versus "seasonal" friends. He said the goal is to have lifetime friends, but losing people, even those you're really close to, just happens. And to just not take the friends you have for granted, and try not to lose those you're close to.

Interesting that the first address would touch on a topic that was close to you.


Unfortunately, when matters of the heart are involved, the relationship changes from being friends, and sometimes you can never go back.

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I want things to change. I don't really know. I love him as my friend. There's things about him he told me but never told his best friend. And there's things I told him. Perhaps trying to be friends is more pain than it's worth.

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I want things to change. I don't really know. I love him as my friend. There's things about him he told me but never told his best friend. And there's things I told him. Perhaps trying to be friends is more pain than it's worth.

Possibly for now. I think the break-up was much harder on him than it was on you.

Give him time. As long as you show him that your friendship is there, he may come around. If you are able, offer your friendship, but don't let it take a toll on you. You need to take care of yourself first.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well, in regards to the ex situation, I've grown indifferent, for now. xD


As far as my current situation, my boyfriend is really sweet and I'm happy with him. :D

I always like good news! This sounds like it will be a great summer!!!


Sammy the Hamster has returned. :)


And... I have some pictures I want to show you.

Do you ever go down by the water?

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Does anyone have any advice for a poor eagle who's in love with someone who doesn't love her back (anymore...)?

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Does anyone have any advice for a poor eagle who's in love with someone who doesn't love her back (anymore...)?

Oh no! *hugs* Well, you've got two choices. One is to make every attempt to get over the guy. The other is to continue to let yourself be in love with him, and be as patient as possible, and hope he loves you back someday. The first option is more likely to keep your sanity from running away.

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Does anyone have any advice for a poor eagle who's in love with someone who doesn't love her back (anymore...)?

*joins in the hug and makes it a group hug*

I'm so, so sorry to hear this. The only advice I have for you is to move on.

As hard as that will be, I can only think that he is not going to come back around.

Though, sometimes when you back away, this is when they come closer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, in regards to the ex situation, I've grown indifferent, for now. xD


As far as my current situation, my boyfriend is really sweet and I'm happy with him. :D

I always like good news! This sounds like it will be a great summer!!!


Sammy the Hamster has returned. :)


And... I have some pictures I want to show you.

Do you ever go down by the water?

Ah, I have not seen Sammy. Nor much of anyone around here.

And yes, I do go down by the water. xD

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Well, in regards to the ex situation, I've grown indifferent, for now. xD


As far as my current situation, my boyfriend is really sweet and I'm happy with him. :D

I always like good news! This sounds like it will be a great summer!!!


Sammy the Hamster has returned. :)


And... I have some pictures I want to show you.

Do you ever go down by the water?

Ah, I have not seen Sammy. Nor much of anyone around here.

And yes, I do go down by the water. xD

I'll have to post some of my pictures. Give me a week on that.

We stay down in the area called Gaslight Village or something like that.

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  • 3 months later...

Me and Beardo are dating now. =D I asked him out last week over FaceBook. in really choppy German. it was awesome. XD


I'd liked him for a while before asking him, and when we told everyone, I got a bunch of responses like "Oh ha I always knew" and "OH GAWD FINALLY".


This is pretty much my first real boyfriend I've had, and I'm rather happy. =D



Anyway, that's pretty much what's gone down.

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Me and Beardo are dating now. =D I asked him out last week over FaceBook. in really choppy German. it was awesome. XD


I'd liked him for a while before asking him, and when we told everyone, I got a bunch of responses like "Oh ha I always knew" and "OH GAWD FINALLY".


This is pretty much my first real boyfriend I've had, and I'm rather happy. =D



Anyway, that's pretty much what's gone down.

That's great news Mushroom_king!!!!!

So nice to hear that you are happy. :D

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Me and Beardo are going to the Homecoming dance tomorrow night, and on Saturday we're going on a date. Portal, Panda, and their girlfriends might come with us. (I've already been on two 'dates' with Beardo-a group of us saw 9 on opening day, and we saw it again for Portal's birthday.) Not sure what we'll do for the date-probably go to the arcade, go to the mall and play games (whenever me and friends go to the mall, we have to play a different prank/game. last time, the game was that whenever Beardo clapped, we froze), and go out to dinner. Next month we'll be going to my third anime convention (his second) in Kansas City. We'll be dressed as America and Japan from Hetalia. XD





Aaaaanyway, taking a page from when I still liked Trent. wow, that seems like a millenia ago. I'll be making a mix CD (CDs, probably) for Beardo called 'Love and Lulz'. The songs are either love songs, lulz songs, but only one is both. The track list lists only 76 of the songs-four are surprises (Chocolate from Spongebob, 'The Singing Shark' song, 'Give me Back my Sandwich' by Five Iron Frenzy, and Never Gonna Give You Up). Here's the track list. Take it with a grain of salt. most of it is metaphorical.


Pollyanna (I Believe in You)-Cathrine Warwick

Haruhi-The L33tstr33t Boys (our song)

Mune ga Dokidoki-The High Lows

My Sweet Heart-Tokyo Mew Mew

Nerds in Love-Adam & Andrew

Love Me Do-The Beatles

Marukaite Chikyuu (Japan version)-Hiroki Takuhashi

Marukaite Chikyuu (America version)-Konishi Katsuyuki

If I Had a Million Dollars-Barenaked Ladies

You're The Inspiration-Chicago (my all-time favorite love song)

Cthulhu Dawn-Cradle of Filth (everyone loves Cthulhu. it was either this or Metallica's 'Call of Ktulu'. and they misspelled it.)

Moonlight Densetsu-Dali

You Spin Me Right Round (Like a Record)-Dead or Alive

Waves-DJ Satomi

People Are Strange-The Doors

Gilligan's Island theme song

Through The Fire and Flames-Dragonforce

America (**** Yeah)-DVDA

Can You Feel The Love Tonight?-Elton John

We Didn't Start This Website-Feedrosie


Here Comes a Special Boy-Freezepop

Sweet Child O'Mine-Guns N' Roses

Saturday Morning Watchmen-Harry Partdridge

Luna Lovegood is OK-Harry & The Potters

The Power of Love-Huey Lewis & The News

For America-Jackson Browne

The Lumberjack Song-Monty Python

Howl's Moving Castle (Main Theme)-Joe Hisaishi (reference-we plan to cosplay as Howl & Sophie to a future con)

Lucky-Jason Mraz

My Ninja Info Cards-Kajmaster Kajet

My Heart Draws a Dream-L'Arc-En-Ciel (his favorite song)

It's Love, Isn't It?-Joe Hisaishi (Howl's Moving Castle soundtrack)

Love-John Lennon

Still Alive-Jonathon Coulton (you know, the Portal song)

Don't Stop Believin'-Journey

PYLON TRAP BALLS!!!-Kajmaster Kajet

Yuri The Only One-The l33tstr33t Boys

The Dethemberween Thnikkaman-Homestar

There She Goes-The La's

You Are a Pirate-Lazytown

Series of Tubes (Net Neutrality Dance Mix)-Manish

Dr. Octagonapus

Trinity Cross-Nana Mizuki

Caramelldansen (Metal Mix)-Nico Video

Ready Steady Go-L'Arc-en-Ciel

All I Want to Be (Is By your Side)-Peter Frampton

Captain Plant theme song (GOOO PLANET)

Two Less Lonely People-Air Supply

I Wanna Be Your Gamer Girl-Pure Pwnage

It's Like it Was Meant to Be-Strong Bad

Pokemon Theme Song

Banana Phone-Raffi

Brains!-Voltaire (inside joke. we both saw Voltaire at Tokyo in Tulsa in July)

Samurai Pizza Cats theme song (he freaking loves this theme song. I know all the words)

Your Song-Elton John

You Make Me-Weird Al (it was either this or 'Do I Creep You Out'.)

Dr. Wily Stage 1

Down With The Sickness-Richard Cheese

The Time Warp

You Were Always on My Mind-Chicago

Every Class is Different

Friday I'm in Love-The Cure (really wanted a Cure song on here. this was the closest I got.)

The System is Down-Strong Bad

The One-Abney Park

Come Sail Away-Styx

Professor Layton's Theme ('nother inside joke. we also plan on cosplaying Layton & Luke)

She Blinded Me With Science-Thomas Dolby

Friends Theme Song (he loves this one too. I thought the lyrics were fitting as well)

You Really Got Me-Van Halen

I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)

WTF [Dub Mix] -Technikore

Let's Ge Started Doing all Those Awesome Things I suggested-Strong Bad

Can't Fight This Feeling-REO Speedwagon (my other alltime favorite love song)

Because I Love You-Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra (from EarthBound)

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Hope you have a great time Saturday. The anime convention should be terrific. I'm certain you both will enjoy yourselves.


You certainly put a great deal of energy and thought into your CD. That's fantastic.

How about making me a CD for running in my wheel? I just need a constant beat. :D

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I wasn't able to make the CD. -cue rageguy- Because my software fails. Good thing is, I have the playlist on my iPod, so we were able to listen to it together.


Homecoming was fun, I guess, but for none of the intended reasons. The music was bad, but that's nothing new. I asked the DJ to play 'The Time Warp', but he didn't...probably because of the pelvic thrusts. (Even though the rap has way worse stuff)


I got to hang out with all my really awesome friends, including people I don't get to see as much like Heather, Parker, Portal, Portal's girlfriend Alexis, and other people. I learned that my friend 'Greenshirt' Wesley has a twin brother (Blueshirt Nick). I have their names memorized, but I have difficulty telling them apart (tonight they had different colour shirts on, so it was easy to tell who was who, but Canada tells me that at school they wear the same clothes.). eh, they're twins, it's expected. i really wish i had a twin sister.


Anyway, lots of friends showed up, more than I thought. Portal, Alexis, Panda, the two Jasmines, other Logan, Excellence, Shad (who looks good in a suit), Dakota, Libby, Max, Asian Guy, Squirrel Boy, Lily, Red Josh, the twins, Canada, Super Awesome Guy Parker, and I'm probably forgetting some. Lots of pictures, it was awesome. Beardo gave me a bracelet with a heart on it. <3


Anyway, I just got home and had a lot of fun. woo!

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Electronics... how frustrating. At least you both could listen to it on your iPod.


The bracelet sounds really nice. :D


It's always nice to be around people who you don't get to see all the time, it makes the event that much more interesting.


Glad to hear that you had a great time!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Soo, I have this insane "love triangle"(?) thing going.


Guys who are interested in me: my ex, the other guy that's in my band, 25-year-old guy that happens to also be my trumpet instructor from the thing I was doing in the summer.


New best friend from summer has liked said instructor for 5 years, she's one year older than me.


Ex, well clearly I'm on and off about liking him because he randomly gets clingy. Besides, he went for rebound immediately after anyway even if he didn't end up dating her.


Other guy is just other guy.


Instructor dude isn't looking to date me now because clearly I'm very much not even 18.


And in this whole mess, I'm not looking to date anyone.

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Soo, I have this insane "love triangle"(?) thing going.


Guys who are interested in me: my ex, the other guy that's in my band, 25-year-old guy that happens to also be my trumpet instructor from the thing I was doing in the summer.


New best friend from summer has liked said instructor for 5 years, she's one year older than me.


Ex, well clearly I'm on and off about liking him because he randomly gets clingy. Besides, he went for rebound immediately after anyway even if he didn't end up dating her.


Other guy is just other guy.


Instructor dude isn't looking to date me now because clearly I'm very much not even 18.


And in this whole mess, I'm not looking to date anyone.

Always when you are not looking to date anyone...


guys seem to be coming out of the woodwork to date you.


Sounds like you have your hands full.

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Yes, of course.

And it's making my ego explode. haha. kidding. kinda.

Getting compliments left and right is not good for trying to be a modest person. I can't say I think I'm not that attractive because clearly there are plenty of people who would disagree with that statement.

And my personality ego has been increased as well because there's this other guy that's asexual (as in not actually interested people in that way) who wanted to date me. I think that's a pretty big compliment to my personality. xD

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Yes, of course.

And it's making my ego explode. haha. kidding. kinda.

Getting compliments left and right is not good for trying to be a modest person. I can't say I think I'm not that attractive because clearly there are plenty of people who would disagree with that statement.

And my personality ego has been increased as well because there's this other guy that's asexual (as in not actually interested people in that way) who wanted to date me. I think that's a pretty big compliment to my personality. xD

:D I think that's a great compliment as you beat the competition from both sexes!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Now I have even more guys after me. At least the other guy from my band found a girl, though.

My ex claims he's over me, but he's soooo clearly not. And then the instructor and I have this strange semi-relationship that just plain can't happen going on. I'm also bi, and so my best friend(who likes him?) and I have this thing going on that's really weird, but will never amount to a real relationship. So also, with the thing my instructor is from that I'm busy with during the summer, well, I've got like 5 new guys flirting and crushing on me. Really. This whole thing is just getting too hectic.

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Now I have even more guys after me. At least the other guy from my band found a girl, though.

My ex claims he's over me, but he's soooo clearly not. And then the instructor and I have this strange semi-relationship that just plain can't happen going on. I'm also bi, and so my best friend(who likes him?) and I have this thing going on that's really weird, but will never amount to a real relationship. So also, with the thing my instructor is from that I'm busy with during the summer, well, I've got like 5 new guys flirting and crushing on me. Really. This whole thing is just getting too hectic.

How do you keep them all straight? Hectic would be okay... confusing would not. :lol:

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Woo, finally have things to discuss.


So things all of a sudden started happening between me and dis chyckkkk emily. Lyk3, outta no where.

Yeah well, we tried to keep it on the DL, but that didn't happen.


And then I hooked up with a 20 year professional ballet dancer/beauty queen/one of the most gorgeous girls I have ever seen. And that messed everything up.


And that's my story, in a very small nutshell.

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....Oh noes, I need to update this tawpeek baaad.



Ok. Like a month and a half ago Beardo broke up with me, which I wanted, and for several weeks now, I've been dating one of the twins (Nick to be exact). I had a crush on him for...a long time, even before me and Beardo broke up.


So yea, that's stuff in a nutshell.

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....Oh noes, I need to update this tawpeek baaad.



Ok. Like a month and a half ago Beardo broke up with me, which I wanted, and for several weeks now, I've been dating one of the twins (Nick to be exact). I had a crush on him for...a long time, even before me and Beardo broke up.


So yea, that's stuff in a nutshell.

Yes you do need to stop in and keep us updated. :)


Hope it works out with you and Nick.

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Darnit MK your signature made me lose the game. Anyways, I have a relationship too! Woo! :lol: And TBFOF, how old are you now? Gosh I'm gonna be 22 in a week; I've been posting here since I was almost 15 I think. *feels old*

Shane sounds like a really great guy. I'm really happy that you met him!


:lol: If you feel old at 22, imagine how HampsterKing feels at 104! :lol:

I remember when Jesse was waiting until he was 15 and we were doing the countdown. Now that seems so long ago.

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Darnit MK your signature made me lose the game. Anyways, I have a relationship too! Woo! :lol: And TBFOF, how old are you now? Gosh I'm gonna be 22 in a week; I've been posting here since I was almost 15 I think. *feels old*

Shane sounds like a really great guy. I'm really happy that you met him!


:lol: If you feel old at 22, imagine how HampsterKing feels at 104! :lol:

I remember when Jesse was waiting until he was 15 and we were doing the countdown. Now that seems so long ago.

Hehe I do remember that! :lol:

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I've been here since I was what, 12, and still thought boys were icky?

In April I turn 18. lol.

Oh, and my situation hasn't gotten any less complicated, it's still about the same.

and haha, toto. xD

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  • 4 weeks later...

lol I meant to say "irritated" but it looks like I was trying to use "irate" in a very bizarre manner.

This "thing" with the instructor has turned into just this crazy sort of relationship. I'm really bad at avoiding relationships. Again, my own fault. -.- This entire not-relationship-yet-relationship is all based on the fact that I don't want to be in a serious relationship until I have more time(when I'm 21. haha, I know, unrealistic for me), and technically we shouldn't be together based on several factors. So. Yeah. I'm ridiculous and weird.

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lol I meant to say "irritated" but it looks like I was trying to use "irate" in a very bizarre manner.

This "thing" with the instructor has turned into just this crazy sort of relationship. I'm really bad at avoiding relationships. Again, my own fault. -.- This entire not-relationship-yet-relationship is all based on the fact that I don't want to be in a serious relationship until I have more time(when I'm 21. haha, I know, unrealistic for me), and technically we shouldn't be together based on several factors. So. Yeah. I'm ridiculous and weird.

Not your "own fault". Relationships take two. And probably there are several factors that indicate you shouldn't be seeing each other, but in this case, he is the one with everything to lose. So, I would not put the blame on you.


You think you will have more time when you are 21? :lol::lol::lol:

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Haha, yeah, I know how silly that sounds for me to say I'll have "more time". What I meant to say is that I won't be too busy all summer practicing sun up to sun down for a month and touring around the US for a month, haha. xD

Soo, that being said, that idea is long thrown out the window. haha.

Heh, and you are right. He is the only one with anything to lose, and I'm accustomed to putting too much blame on myself, I should probably stop that. xD

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So, it's nice to receive compliments and all, not complaining buuuut... I sure get the same ones a lot. xD

:lol: Enjoy them while you are getting them. One day you will be old, looking back and telling your grandchildren about when you were this age and all the suitors you had. :lol:


And yes... you are permitted to complain. At least the guys could be more creative. :D

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So I haven't really kept track of how long me and Nick have been dating, but I'd say it's been about three months now? Anyway, it's going really good. I do have one problem.



The reason I dated Nick, rather than his brother, was because he seemed so much smarter and more deep-thinking than his brother (who, despite being the older twin, is very immature.). Thing is, he has a problem of pretending to be stupid in order to be 'cute'. Which is usually something dumb teenage girls do. Before we dated we would have long talks about siblings and stuff, and how deep his relationship his relationship with his brother is, and sometimes we talked about math theories, books, or science. But for the past two months he's been acting sort of stupid. He talks like a baby, using improper grammar, which REALLY bothers me. He's trying to stop that habit now, but...plus, he seems really lazy. One of the major parts of our relationship is that since he's in a different grade, I can't see him much, and so we text a lot to keep in touch. Before we dated I was irresponsible about keeping my phone charged or on me, but now I charge it every night so I can text him. However, he's acting like I did before we dated-he rarely charges his phone, or forgets it when he leaves his house, or forgets the phone or charger when he goes to his mom's house. Plus, I HATE it when, while texting, I take the time to type out something thoughtful, and all he does is say 'K'. ugh.

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So I haven't really kept track of how long me and Nick have been dating, but I'd say it's been about three months now? Anyway, it's going really good. I do have one problem.



The reason I dated Nick, rather than his brother, was because he seemed so much smarter and more deep-thinking than his brother (who, despite being the older twin, is very immature.). Thing is, he has a problem of pretending to be stupid in order to be 'cute'. Which is usually something dumb teenage girls do. Before we dated we would have long talks about siblings and stuff, and how deep his relationship his relationship with his brother is, and sometimes we talked about math theories, books, or science. But for the past two months he's been acting sort of stupid. He talks like a baby, using improper grammar, which REALLY bothers me. He's trying to stop that habit now, but...plus, he seems really lazy. One of the major parts of our relationship is that since he's in a different grade, I can't see him much, and so we text a lot to keep in touch. Before we dated I was irresponsible about keeping my phone charged or on me, but now I charge it every night so I can text him. However, he's acting like I did before we dated-he rarely charges his phone, or forgets it when he leaves his house, or forgets the phone or charger when he goes to his mom's house. Plus, I HATE it when, while texting, I take the time to type out something thoughtful, and all he does is say 'K'. ugh.

Enjoy him for however long you want to stay with him, but I do not believe he will be the guy in the future. He is not trying hard enough.

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I love funny coincidences. I know twins with one more mature seeming one named Nick who's dating a girl while the other is single.

anyway. So, this ridiculous infatuation with my instructor needs to be a bit more discreet than it currently is, seeing as we could both have to deal with quite a bit of trouble if we were to be discovered, in all reality.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As always, I just don't know. The thing with the instructor, well, it's sort of a half relationship. But, as always, there's this complication that I can't stay away from my best friend/ex. I don't know, I keep being interested and uninterested, yet more often interested, in my best friend, though at the same time I honestly just question if we've ever had anything in common. Basically, it's turned into all small talk with him. I know that this is all silly, that neither of these guys are likely to be important to me in a few years. But, it's this whole I don't know for sure thing.


ah, whatever. This is all just so ridiculous and silly.

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Jesusfreak is right. You will have a much better time this way.


Of course there are two options, the first being you will have many people asking you to go, or second, no one will ask because of fear of rejection.


The friends idea is a great one.

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Haha, yeah, especially since my days at school consist of me wasting a lot of time, even with 3 AP classes. Funny thing is, our AP class pass rates are far above the national average.

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Yes, it's pretty funny. I must learn through osmosis or something, I don't pay attention much but I somehow know the information for the AP practice tests. Last year I passed both of my AP tests without paying attention in my classes... It's going to be tough actually having to study in college. haha.

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Yes, it's pretty funny. I must learn through osmosis or something, I don't pay attention much but I somehow know the information for the AP practice tests. Last year I passed both of my AP tests without paying attention in my classes... It's going to be tough actually having to study in college. haha.

Maybe the trend will continue. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, having some problems. I'd like some advice on this as soon as possible. See, I still like my current boyfriend, Nick, sorta...but I've recently found myself falling for another friend of mine (let's call him The Colonel). I'm not sure if I should tell him, and I've been making it obvious how I feel, in the best way I can (lots of hugs, basically). But I'm so worried about what to do. I don't want to hurt Nick.

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So, MK, I've had similar problems before, and didn't necessarily react to them in the best way possible. What I did, I didn't regret, but I still realize there were better ways to handle it. I broke up with one and then in a month started dating the other. Basically in order to do that I was never direct, just flirted and hugged lots and charmed into returning the feeling and ultimately asking me out. Now, this doesn't technically show up as wrong. However, a few things you might want to consider. You still "kinda" like your boyfriend. This means that, though at this moment your feelings for The Colonel are stronger, later on you may regret any choice of making a switch, whether within the month like mine, or sooner. It could happen immediately, or the feelings can possibly resurface again later.


I consider the best move to be to stick it out and work on your relationship with Nick. The "love hormone" works at its best a mere 6 months at a time- this means that a truly great relationship must be based on friendship and truly caring. You see, your love hormone has temporarily moved over to The Colonel. Even his character may seem better than Nick's at this moment, but that's got a lot to do with the love hormones. Every person has "flaws", but it's a matter of how you interpret them and a lot of the interpretation can be warped from this. My advice would be to direct your flirtatious energies towards Nick and away from The Colonel, there's going to be a lot less hurt this way. It's not the easy way to do it, but I consider it to be the best way.

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Waiting was what I planned to do. My main issue is that I want a boyfriend who will actually talk to me, and Nick doesn't talk much. When I text him, it's mainly just us saying "I love you, i miss you" and when I try and start a real conversation he doesn't say anything. So for now I'll wait, and see if this lasts.

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Never mind it all.


I already talked to The Colonel about it. He says while he likes me as a friend, he doesn't return my feelings.


So, life goes back to normal now.



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Never mind it all.


I already talked to The Colonel about it. He says while he likes me as a friend, he doesn't return my feelings.


So, life goes back to normal now.



I'm sorry. At least you know where you stand with The Colonel, although it is not what you wanted.


Conversation is very important, so I hope Nick starts communicating more.

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Perhaps it is for the best. Eventually, you and Nick will be able to actually converse. Just keep trying to make conversation. Try different angles at it. The cheesy "I love you" all the time you need to be careful with, it gets to be a habit and then as you're stuck in at the moment that's the only thing you guys end up saying. Maybe just try talking like you did before you dated for a little bit, and in a non-hostile way give it a mention.

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Perhaps it is for the best. Eventually, you and Nick will be able to actually converse. Just keep trying to make conversation. Try different angles at it. The cheesy "I love you" all the time you need to be careful with, it gets to be a habit and then as you're stuck in at the moment that's the only thing you guys end up saying. Maybe just try talking like you did before you dated for a little bit, and in a non-hostile way give it a mention.

Great advice Mega Wolf!

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So you two are basically saying I should stay with someone I'm not happy with.

No, I was not saying to stay with someone you are not happy with. What I was trying to say is that you cannot be with someone and be looking for someone else. If you are unhappy, then I think you should break off the relationship. For you to continue, would be unfair to yourself and to Nick. It is not right to use a guy to try and meet other guys. My thinking was that you were unaware of what could happen with the Colonel, and that ended up not being a possibility. If you are unhappy, don't stay in the relationship you are in. That is not fair to you or Nick. You both deserve to be happy.

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Misinterpretation alert. I did not say to stay with someone you're unhappy with. What I was saying was to try to work things out. However, if you are truly unhappy, by no means should you stay in it. You said that you still liked Nick to some degree. That's a totally different story from if you and Nick are not really happy together at all. I just know that I've made the mistake that I'm regretting constantly of just "getting kinda bored" with a relationship and not wanting to put forth any effort to fix whatever it is that's making things "boring" for me.


However, I have also made the mistake of staying in a bad relationship in which I was fighting every day for far too long. By no means should you stay if this relationship isn't working. I simply must have interpreted what you meant by you still liked Nick a bit incorrectly.

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Also, on a note about me. I figured out my problem. I'm not so much afraid of commitment as stability. I've been acting too immature to realize that I've been putting forth an effort to be immature. I don't want stability because I really just want to be the "party, have fun kid" for now. So, really, I honestly think I love ex-boyfriend/best friend. But, my 26-year-old instructor provides that instability that I seem to be attracted to.


One is a prince who can basically provide for stability, as in a solid friendship and already a basically solid future. The other is that knight that seems pretty cool right now, but probably won't be as interesting after I'm done being "rescued"... Note that this is totally not a perfect metaphor. Haha.

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lol well, the 26-year-old I wouldn't be able to bring. The ever so solid reliable best friend decided to go ask the girl that really dislikes me for being his ex to prom while I was still not sure about going to prom. Thanks, dude, for asking her two months ahead of time after saying that we were totally still gonna go to prom together. So, instead, I'm going with a chill friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prom is a week away!


I've promised myself to not get into a real relationship until summer is over so I can sort out what I really want. Hooray! I'm finally thinking about the actions I've taken in a year, and I've been realizing what I've done horribly wrong. It's okay though, it's for the best, it'll only make me stronger. I know now what it's like for a guy to hurt me mentally in the "he's really over me" aspect[ex-boyfriend that I dumped multiple times, I might add], so that's a new experience that I need to deal with that I'm not used to. But, there's plenty of time to learn.

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Good thinking! Now I just have to take a photograph of that post so if you change your mind over the summer, I can show you the picture. :rolleyes: Just kidding. As you stated, you have plenty of time. Ask Jesusfreak, when you get into college, a whole new crop of guys from all over the world, show up in college. You will meet more people than you ever thought possible. :D

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Yeah, I'm still a big fan of the "don't date until you're a sophomore in college" approach. :rolleyes: By that time, people have gotten over their first year away from home changes, and know themselves better so they can make better choices.

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Oh yay, more problems!


Alright, so Canada's boyfriend, Trekkie, recently confessed to me that he's crushing on me. Which works out, because I like him, too. I plan on breaking up with my boyfriend soon, and he wants to break up with Canada soon.


However, both of us have the same problem-which is that if Trekkie breaks up with Canada, and later dates me (we're planning on having some padding time before we start dating, to avoid more hurt feelings), she will, more than likely, go legit yandere on both of us. What I'm trying to say is that she would slaughter both of us, probably.


So yeah, pretty confused what to do right now...

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Oh yay, more problems!


Alright, so Canada's boyfriend, Trekkie, recently confessed to me that he's crushing on me. Which works out, because I like him, too. I plan on breaking up with my boyfriend soon, and he wants to break up with Canada soon.


However, both of us have the same problem-which is that if Trekkie breaks up with Canada, and later dates me (we're planning on having some padding time before we start dating, to avoid more hurt feelings), she will, more than likely, go legit yandere on both of us. What I'm trying to say is that she would slaughter both of us, probably.


So yeah, pretty confused what to do right now...

I'm guessing no matter how much time passes... Canada will be upset. That is something you can count on. Particularly is Trekkie breaks up with her.


I'm sorry, you already knew what the answer would be.

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-Tourette's guy voice- UPDATE!


Alright, so Trekkie broke up with Canada-she was actually OK with it, wanting to break up with him as well. So we're basically dating now, although nobody knows yet except us.

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-Tourette's guy voice- UPDATE!


Alright, so Trekkie broke up with Canada-she was actually OK with it, wanting to break up with him as well. So we're basically dating now, although nobody knows yet except us.


Are you happy? I hope this works out very well for you. :)

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So, here's the thing. I've gone through so many phases about guys this year it's getting kinda weird. hahaha.


I did the whole, I love him, I miss him, about my ex for about a week, realizing I'm mostly just adoring of my instructor, but then after all that I'm crushed about my ex stuff for about a week, I actually seriously got over it really quickly when I actually saw him interested in someone else, i.e., I didn't care. Then I had an amazing time with my prom date and I'm already falling hard, which is really kinda funny if you look at the time frame this is all happening in.

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So, here's the thing. I've gone through so many phases about guys this year it's getting kinda weird. hahaha.


I did the whole, I love him, I miss him, about my ex for about a week, realizing I'm mostly just adoring of my instructor, but then after all that I'm crushed about my ex stuff for about a week, I actually seriously got over it really quickly when I actually saw him interested in someone else, i.e., I didn't care. Then I had an amazing time with my prom date and I'm already falling hard, which is really kinda funny if you look at the time frame this is all happening in.

Ahhhhh... a day in the romantic life of Mega Wolf!


And... WHAT no prom pictures???????? :o


Seriously, I am happy to hear you had a fantastic time at the prom.

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Sooo, real quick, pic.


Alright, so, here's new problem. Questioning simple adoration of the older guy(perhaps it's because I just don't see him often, since clearly I feel different about him when I see him), prom date was awesome, gonna hang out with older guy at amusement park Friday after I graduate, gonna hang out with prom date that weekend in my town. SO. As usual, I'm in a bit of a pickle. Older guy I thoooouuught we were going with the just best friends route but he's still acting jealous in a non-harmful way. Prom date and I may have serious interest.

To clarify, I have no actual relationship status with either guy. This could all just disappear any moment. lol.


Just another part of my life that'll just have to sort itself out eventually? hah.


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Sooo, real quick, pic.


Alright, so, here's new problem. Questioning simple adoration of the older guy(perhaps it's because I just don't see him often, since clearly I feel different about him when I see him), prom date was awesome, gonna hang out with older guy at amusement park Friday after I graduate, gonna hang out with prom date that weekend in my town. SO. As usual, I'm in a bit of a pickle. Older guy I thoooouuught we were going with the just best friends route but he's still acting jealous in a non-harmful way. Prom date and I may have serious interest.

To clarify, I have no actual relationship status with either guy. This could all just disappear any moment. lol.


Just another part of my life that'll just have to sort itself out eventually? hah.

You look fabulous! You are so pretty!!! The dress is the perfect colour for you!!!!!!

Thank you so very much for the picture!!!!!


As for questioning what will happen... there was an old, old song that comes into mind.

"Que sera sera,

whatever will be, will be,

the future's not ours to see,

Que sera, sera."


Carpe Diem. Seize the day!


You are soon off to college and things are definitely going to change.

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I'm gonna start off in community college. Then I have to figure out from there where to go since I've decided to be a psychiatrist rather than a band director. Hooray for many years of school to come.

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I'm gonna start off in community college. Then I have to figure out from there where to go since I've decided to be a psychiatrist rather than a band director. Hooray for many years of school to come.

Exactly... medical school!

I'm sure you will be a great psychiatrist!

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Oh, wonderful. Ex/best friend's date, who I got the free party bus tickets that would have cost $100 and I made her corsage? She "didn't get along with" me at prom apparently because she was uncomfortable about how I was dancing with my date. GREAT. I went through trouble to help things along for her and what do I get? Yeah, I knew she already disliked me for being his ex, but she has NO room to judge me for how I was dancing.


Oh, and yesterday I told him I was uncomfortable with her being at graduation(um, they're not dating, I already kinda assumed she didn't like me, but the confirmation of it just made me angry). Obviously, based on status updates, he told her and she took it way out of context as me wanting a cat fight and she made it seem like she was just going to avoid it and be the "better person". Frick, I was just irritated because I was uncomfortable with it, I wasn't saying I hated her or wanted to fight.

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Unfortunately, when people are insecure about themselves, they find a way to make their unhappiness because of someone else, such as the way you were dancing. That's a bunch of nonsense. Ultimately, the only person she is going to hurt is herself as she will never realize the root of the problem. She probably doesn't like you because you are smart, pretty and have a great personality.

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I've come to a couple of conclusions.


1. She was probably just mad because he was looking.

2. He's not even worth my time as a friend as of right now.


Honestly, I shouldn't waste any more energy on trying to keep my friendship with him. After we graduated, big hug first thing from him. Then he barely glances my way once she's around. Last night at our mutual friend's graduation party, they were both there. He didn't talk to me and was looking at me as soon as she walked away. She was just trying to rub in my face that they were together, but she was failing at it seeing as she would hint for him to hold her hand(I know the techniques, and I've used them successfully), but he was pretty much way less interested in her than she in him.

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