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Well, this is one of the least crowded areas. XD

Least crowded until we get a good post.


Have you visited my topic lately?

There are a couple pictures you might like to see.

About four or more posts from the end of the topic.

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So, at Relay for Life the other day, there were mucho fun times. Friend who is my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend and I were talking for long periods of times. XD She dumped him twice in the period of two weeks, mostly because she still liked her ex-boyfriend. :rolleyes: And now she likes the guy that we both dated again. Hahah. So I thought that was pretty funny. She was trying to resist calling him, so I took her phone and hit the call button for her. XD When I handed her the phone, she freaked out and hung up, only to be called back by his mom. She was like, "Uh, sorry, dialed the wrong number." *freaks out and hangs up again* I thought that was pretty funny. So yeah.


Other friend conversation...

Me: So... how's your new relationship?

Person: Um... it's good? He's kinda been in Alaska for the past two weeks and he asked me out like a week before.

Me: Why?

Person: He has relatives there, apparently.

Me: Someday, you'll have eskimo-in-laws!

Person: Yes, Jeanette, because that is of course a real title.

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So, at Relay for Life the other day, there were mucho fun times. Friend who is my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend and I were talking for long periods of times. XD She dumped him twice in the period of two weeks, mostly because she still liked her ex-boyfriend. :rolleyes: And now she likes the guy that we both dated again. Hahah. So I thought that was pretty funny. She was trying to resist calling him, so I took her phone and hit the call button for her. XD When I handed her the phone, she freaked out and hung up, only to be called back by his mom. She was like, "Uh, sorry, dialed the wrong number." *freaks out and hangs up again* I thought that was pretty funny. So yeah.


Other friend conversation...

Me: So... how's your new relationship?

Person: Um... it's good? He's kinda been in Alaska for the past two weeks and he asked me out like a week before.

Me: Why?

Person: He has relatives there, apparently.

Me: Someday, you'll have eskimo-in-laws!

Person: Yes, Jeanette, because that is of course a real title.

W-H-A-T ? ! ? ! ? ! ?

You never sent me the email to contribute ???????



*falls over with all four paws in the air, completely devastated*

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Well, let's see. Yesterday I went to the mall with boyfriend, ex-boyfriend's-ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, other friend, and other friend 2. Ex-boyfriend's-ex-girlfriend(let's refer to as "A") and ex-boyfriend(referred as "B") like each other. He called her the night before from plots from random friend of A. But then A tells B that she likes him, but just wants to be friends? That was a little bit confusing. So last night, A was pretty quiet and didn't talk must at all and would have small conversations with B, but for the most part just talk to me. I was the only one instigating fun and "Let's move on to the next store!". So it was fun, but it seemed that they wouldn't have known what to do if I hadn't been there. XD We all wanted to pitch in to buy a shared copy of Mein Kampf because of its historical value, but then realized how cultish that sounded to have a shared copy of that particular book and decided that if we were going to be cheap about it we should just check it out from the library. Oh, and we went to KB Toys. :D


Funny thing, we were supposed to meet at 6, but B, Boyfriend, and I were late by about twenty minutes and didn't see them anywhere. So we ate in the vicinity of where we were supposed to meet and they came around 6:45 because their movie had lasted longer than expected. XD So I was laughing because they had thought that we'd been waiting for the entire 45 minutes, when really we thought they'd wandered off because we were late. XD

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I cant tell you how much I hate it when people are overly self-critical.



Or when people are way too defensive when you talk to them, completely denying that what they said could be misinterpreted and they go off on a huge tangent trying to save themselves from a small bit of shame, which their peers would have long since forgotten the next time they met.



okay, I just dont like talking to RPVF at all.

cause she does all that mess. o_<

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So, this may sound like a silly idea, but my boyfriend and I have agreed that if by September 1st we have had a major argument, we're like, not together. 'Cuz that would mean that we fight too much. Basically, we're keeping track of how much we argue without really keeping track. Doesn't make much sense, but really, it's more of a, "Hey, wait a sec, I think we might fight a lot. We should check that." XD Okay, so maybe the idea is completely nutso, but whatever.

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So, this may sound like a silly idea, but my boyfriend and I have agreed that if by September 1st we have had a major argument, we're like, not together. 'Cuz that would mean that we fight too much. Basically, we're keeping track of how much we argue without really keeping track. Doesn't make much sense, but really, it's more of a, "Hey, wait a sec, I think we might fight a lot. We should check that." XD Okay, so maybe the idea is completely nutso, but whatever.

Interesting idea. Certainly gives you a lot of motivation to deal with your disagreements in a more civil manner.

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So, this may sound like a silly idea, but my boyfriend and I have agreed that if by September 1st we have had a major argument, we're like, not together. 'Cuz that would mean that we fight too much. Basically, we're keeping track of how much we argue without really keeping track. Doesn't make much sense, but really, it's more of a, "Hey, wait a sec, I think we might fight a lot. We should check that." XD Okay, so maybe the idea is completely nutso, but whatever.

Hmmmmm. Sounds like a plan...

you could have an argument over. :lol:

Let me know how it works out.

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Well, the problem with drum corps is the amount of time involved. I'm doing it regardless of what he thinks of it, though. He'll just have to deal with it. :rolleyes: Basically, it would mean that I'd be gone a lot when I'm not otherwise busy halfway through the school year and I'd be gone most of next summer. But hey, he usually gets over things once they happen and realizes that he was being an idiot at a given time. So it's all good. XD Besides, I'm not letting anyone get in the way of what I want, and I mean that in the least selfish way possible and there are of course exceptions in the case that there are actually people getting hurt. XD

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Well, the problem with drum corps is the amount of time involved. I'm doing it regardless of what he thinks of it, though. He'll just have to deal with it. :rolleyes: Basically, it would mean that I'd be gone a lot when I'm not otherwise busy halfway through the school year and I'd be gone most of next summer. But hey, he usually gets over things once they happen and realizes that he was being an idiot at a given time. So it's all good. XD Besides, I'm not letting anyone get in the way of what I want, and I mean that in the least selfish way possible and there are of course exceptions in the case that there are actually people getting hurt. XD

While you are young, you need to do what interests you and put the relationship last. If he doesn't want to be there after you follow your dream, then you are much better off knowing early in life. If you put him first and do not follow your dream, you will always be thinking 'what if'. You are not being selfish to pursue the drum corps and anything else you find you might want to do. This will open doors for you, expose you to new and exciting opportunities and give you options you would not have had otherwise. So, while you are young, not married, with no children, you need to follow your dreams. You will be tied down soon enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of John Lennon (what, you mean we weren't?? :blink: ) lol but anyway


Just got this book called "the private john lennon" from barnes & noble the other day and finished it today.....AMAZING book. written by his (half)sister. lots of insight & stuff, and I just felt a deep connection with it. so yeah. i forget if i posted about it anywhere else, and if so, where. :unsure:





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Hey, the relationships topic. Ohright, I have one of those! :lol: Three and a half months later, it's still a novelty to me. :rolleyes: Things with Phil are going wonderfully. I know awhile back in my topic I said something about things seeming a bit off, but I've since noticed that it seems to be a roughly monthly occurrence, so I'm gonna ignore it when it happens. :rolleyes: I can't believe we're only a month away from going back to college. :closedeyes:

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I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have a cat. Those are better. They don't get mad when you pet them.

I don't have a boyfriend or a cat.





You have music!

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I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have a cat. Those are better. They don't get mad when you pet them.

I have a boyfriend but no cat. But the boyfriend doesn't get mad when I pet him.


...and no, that wasn't innuendo.

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I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have a cat. Those are better. They don't get mad when you pet them.

I have a boyfriend but no cat. But the boyfriend doesn't get mad when I pet him.


...and no, that wasn't innuendo.

Teehee, that's always good. ^_^

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Haha, yeah. Julian likes to be patted on the head. XD



Still not innuendo.

Hahaha. :lol: I tend to run my fingers through Phil's hair sometimes, but now his hair is getting just long enough to get tangles in it, so sometimes my fingers get stuck. He used to always keep his hair really short. I think he might be letting it grow out longer just because I like to play with it. :lol: His hair always smells really good too. ^_^ My hair....still smells like hair dye. :lol: We both need haircuts. We were joking that we should make appointments at the same time and place and get our hair cut together. :lol:

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Heh, I need a haircut, I have too many split ends and dye from the highlights of two years ago.

I have split ends on my split ends. :lol: The ends of my hair look kinda raggedy, although I kinda like the way it looks. My last haircut was over a year ago. :rolleyes:

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Haha, I have some split ends with split ends, too! It was worse a couple months ago, though. I got mine slightly trimmed, so it's not as bad as it was. But I'd gone over a year without even trimming my hair and it was time. XD Though, I should go for something more dramatic next time.

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Haha, I have some split ends with split ends, too! It was worse a couple months ago, though. I got mine slightly trimmed, so it's not as bad as it was. But I'd gone over a year without even trimming my hair and it was time. XD Though, I should go for something more dramatic next time.

When I get a haircut, I'll probably have to trim at least four inches off of it. :rolleyes:

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My fur is trimmed 1/8th of an inch every three weeks.

I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. ^_^


And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD

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My fur is trimmed 1/8th of an inch every three weeks.

I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. ^_^


And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD

Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it.....post-1041-1217616003_thumb.jpg I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. :rolleyes: My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes :lol:). :unsure:

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My fur is trimmed 1/8th of an inch every three weeks.

I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. ^_^


And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD

Actually trimming the split ends makes my fur grow and grow and grow. To keep it the same length, I have to cut an inch or more off every four months or so.

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My fur is trimmed 1/8th of an inch every three weeks.

I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. ^_^


And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD

Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it.....IMG_9446.jpg I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. :rolleyes: My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes :lol:). :unsure:

I'm so jealous of really thick hair. My fur is really, really, REALLY thin and one ponytail looks like I have a rat tail.

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My fur is trimmed 1/8th of an inch every three weeks.

I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. ^_^


And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD

Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it.....post-1041-1217616003_thumb.jpg I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. :rolleyes: My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes :lol:). :unsure:

Heh, yeah, my idea of short is shoulder-length. My hair isn't that quite thick and frizzy, though it is pretty thick and sometimes gets frizzy. XD Most girls with really short hair look a bit boyish. Like, my friend Stacey was called sir! (and she has a pretty feminine figure)

"Yeah, and apparently these MUST be fake!"-Stacey (as she blantantly points it out)

"And of course you're talking about that fur on the jacket, right?"-Band director


And wow, Horatio, your hair grows fast.

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My fur is trimmed 1/8th of an inch every three weeks.

I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. ^_^


And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD

Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it.....IMG_9446.jpg I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. :rolleyes: My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes :lol:). :unsure:

Heh, yeah, my idea of short is shoulder-length. My hair isn't that quite thick and frizzy, though it is pretty thick and sometimes gets frizzy. XD Most girls with really short hair look a bit boyish. Like, my friend Stacey was called sir! (and she has a pretty feminine figure)

"Yeah, and apparently these MUST be fake!"-Stacey (as she blantantly points it out)

"And of course you're talking about that fur on the jacket, right?"-Band director


And wow, Horatio, your hair grows fast.

Yeah... pretty fast. Only if I get the split ends trimmed. If I don't, it splits faster than it grows.

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My fur is trimmed 1/8th of an inch every three weeks.

I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. ^_^


And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD

Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it.....post-1041-1217616003_thumb.jpg I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. :rolleyes: My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes :lol:). :unsure:

I'm so jealous of really thick hair. My fur is really, really, REALLY thin and one ponytail looks like I have a rat tail.

If you live in Florida, you don't want hair like mine. It's nice in the winter, but it gets *really* hot in the summer.

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My fur is trimmed 1/8th of an inch every three weeks.

I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. ^_^


And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD

Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it.....IMG_9446.jpg I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. :rolleyes: My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes :lol:). :unsure:

I'm so jealous of really thick hair. My fur is really, really, REALLY thin and one ponytail looks like I have a rat tail.

If you live in Florida, you don't want hair like mine. It's nice in the winter, but it gets *really* hot in the summer.

Oh yes I would. I would have the thickest, most fabulous braid in the world! Just think how cool that would look with a braid like yours hanging out the back of my helmet!


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I should go for a dramatic haircut before band camp. :D



Well, let's see, my hair is mid-back, so cutting to the shoulders would be dramatic enough... maybe a color too... XD

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I am so sick of teenage love. :rolleyes:


We all know it's just hormones. And by having relationships, we are merely feeding them. And what do I do? I keep feeding it.



HAHA. Wow, I love this post so much.


Anyways, right now I'm a bit on edge with Julian. We've fought, as expected. But to let go of him... well, he's become an excellent friend. As I review the relationship, it looks more and more like the times I'm happy it's been "thrill of the hunt" or momentary high hopes.

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I should go for a dramatic haircut before band camp. :D



Well, let's see, my hair is mid-back, so cutting to the shoulders would be dramatic enough... maybe a color too... XD

I agree. But that would get your hair in shape with no split ends.

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I am so sick of teenage love. :rolleyes:


We all know it's just hormones. And by having relationships, we are merely feeding them. And what do I do? I keep feeding it.



HAHA. Wow, I love this post so much.


Anyways, right now I'm a bit on edge with Julian. We've fought, as expected. But to let go of him... well, he's become an excellent friend. As I review the relationship, it looks more and more like the times I'm happy it's been "thrill of the hunt" or momentary high hopes.

Hormones... hmmmmm.


Julian will be a thing of the past when you get to college.

There the hunting ground expands. :lol:

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I've always said that provided you're planning on going to college, dating is pretty much pointless until, say, your second year there. High school dating is pointless because you're probably going to go to schools far apart, and most people can't handle that. Freshmen in college dating is pointless because most people change at least a little bit when they get to college, for better or for worse. Without parental supervision, freshman year is when kids really get to go out and be themselves, and who they were in high school is often not exactly the same person they are by the end of freshman year. As such, relationships tend to end about there, and relationships started early-ish in freshman year tend to end quickly because of the changes as well. (I can think of at least 7 freshman year relationships involving people I know that failed by the end of freshman year, most of which were started freshman year, and the four that started after then are doing quite well).

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  • 1 month later...

Dr. Cornbread came by and asked why I havent been doing things with RPVF like I used to be, "you two used to be really good friends".

"No, I really dont like her. like, in any way, shape or form. ever."

"Why, is it because she likes you or something?"

"... partly. I figured she would have told you and your dog and your grandma about this whole drama by now."

"no. She's been telling everyone about some other guy she's been liking for a while now."

"... Great, so why doesnt she back up off?"

"I dunno."




It is winding down, fortunately. A few exchanges between us which I havent the patience to abridge for you guys may have convinced her that we wont be in a relationship.

took her long enough to figure that out.

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Dr. Cornbread came by and asked why I havent been doing things with RPVF like I used to be, "you two used to be really good friends".

"No, I really dont like her. like, in any way, shape or form. ever."

"Why, is it because she likes you or something?"

"... partly. I figured she would have told you and your dog and your grandma about this whole drama by now."

"no. She's been telling everyone about some other guy she's been liking for a while now."

"... Great, so why doesnt she back up off?"

"I dunno."




It is winding down, fortunately. A few exchanges between us which I havent the patience to abridge for you guys may have convinced her that we wont be in a relationship.

took her long enough to figure that out.

You are right... totally ridiculous.

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Done with Julian. I'm better.

For how long? :blink:

Last night was when I broke up with him, and I'm not going back. ;)


Yes, yay. It was an awful relationship and I was completely in denial about that fact. (seriously, it was that bad and it took a thousand and one fights for me to fully realize it.) I didn't really see the problem, I was forgiving him and staying through all of it, despite how unhappy I was.

What did one of my friends have to say about this? "You have the patience of a saint." "Thanks?"


Still, a bit odd, having had a year and a half gone by and now I don't have the same goodnight call. Creature of habit.


And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P


Yep, I'm going to end up laughing at myself later. Again. That's half the fun of the internet. :P

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Done with Julian. I'm better.

For how long? :blink:

Last night was when I broke up with him, and I'm not going back. ;)


Yes, yay. It was an awful relationship and I was completely in denial about that fact. (seriously, it was that bad and it took a thousand and one fights for me to fully realize it.) I didn't really see the problem, I was forgiving him and staying through all of it, despite how unhappy I was.

What did one of my friends have to say about this? "You have the patience of a saint." "Thanks?"


Still, a bit odd, having had a year and a half gone by and now I don't have the same goodnight call. Creature of habit.


And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P


Yep, I'm going to end up laughing at myself later. Again. That's half the fun of the internet. :P

Aha, yeah, when you're in love with someone (or even merely infatuated with them) you tend to ignore all of their faults, no matter how bad they are. :rolleyes: I still stand by my advice of not dating until you're in your second year of college.

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And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P



Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life.


Pretty good advice.

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And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P



Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life.


Pretty good advice.


Now, that sounds like good advice...

But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward...

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And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P



Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life.


Pretty good advice.


Now, that sounds like good advice...

But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward...

Not really, you are just projecting if you like all aspects of this person. Too many women meet a guy and think, 'I can improve him by changing ____ and ____, and then he will be perfect.' Well, one should never, ever enter into a relationship thinking they are going to change the other person. It just doesn't happen. You only make yourself miserable when the person does not change into the person you want them to be and you were wrong to try and do this in the first place.


So, that is the reason you just think long term, but it really does not have any impact on the relationship. You are not thinking... I am dating this guy because I want to marry him. What you have done is eliminate the ones who you find flaws with. Not to say everyone is perfect, but you are just getting an initial overview. It takes time to really know someone and then you will find out more of whether or not you really care for this person. What you are avoiding is the 'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people' aspect. This is not fair to anyone.

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And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P



Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life.


Pretty good advice.


Now, that sounds like good advice...

But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward...

Not really, you are just projecting if you like all aspects of this person. Too many women meet a guy and think, 'I can improve him by changing ____ and ____, and then he will be perfect.' Well, one should never, ever enter into a relationship thinking they are going to change the other person. It just doesn't happen. You only make yourself miserable when the person does not change into the person you want them to be and you were wrong to try and do this in the first place.


So, that is the reason you just think long term, but it really does not have any impact on the relationship. You are not thinking... I am dating this guy because I want to marry him. What you have done is eliminate the ones who you find flaws with. Not to say everyone is perfect, but you are just getting an initial overview. It takes time to really know someone and then you will find out more of whether or not you really care for this person. What you are avoiding is the 'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people' aspect. This is not fair to anyone.



I dunno.

I mean, you can even try this method and still not see the flaws in them. also, you aren't necessarily need to have the "'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people" mentality to go out on dates with someone who might be flawed.

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And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P



Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life.


Pretty good advice.


Now, that sounds like good advice...

But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward...

Not really, you are just projecting if you like all aspects of this person. Too many women meet a guy and think, 'I can improve him by changing ____ and ____, and then he will be perfect.' Well, one should never, ever enter into a relationship thinking they are going to change the other person. It just doesn't happen. You only make yourself miserable when the person does not change into the person you want them to be and you were wrong to try and do this in the first place.


So, that is the reason you just think long term, but it really does not have any impact on the relationship. You are not thinking... I am dating this guy because I want to marry him. What you have done is eliminate the ones who you find flaws with. Not to say everyone is perfect, but you are just getting an initial overview. It takes time to really know someone and then you will find out more of whether or not you really care for this person. What you are avoiding is the 'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people' aspect. This is not fair to anyone.


I dunno.

I mean, you can even try this method and still not see the flaws in them. also, you aren't necessarily need to have the "'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people" mentality to go out on dates with someone who might be flawed.


True, you don't know a person for some time, but it eliminates going out with someone who you don't really like, just to go out and be seen. That is more the point of it. For example, it bothers me when people chew their food with their mouths open. I absolutely can't stand this. So, if I had never seen someone eat, then I wouldn't know until after we had done something together that involved eating. But, if I knew this person did this prior to going out with them, then it would be wrong for me to go.


Does that make it a little clearer?

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And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P



Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life.


Pretty good advice.


Now, that sounds like good advice...

But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward...

Not really, you are just projecting if you like all aspects of this person. Too many women meet a guy and think, 'I can improve him by changing ____ and ____, and then he will be perfect.' Well, one should never, ever enter into a relationship thinking they are going to change the other person. It just doesn't happen. You only make yourself miserable when the person does not change into the person you want them to be and you were wrong to try and do this in the first place.


So, that is the reason you just think long term, but it really does not have any impact on the relationship. You are not thinking... I am dating this guy because I want to marry him. What you have done is eliminate the ones who you find flaws with. Not to say everyone is perfect, but you are just getting an initial overview. It takes time to really know someone and then you will find out more of whether or not you really care for this person. What you are avoiding is the 'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people' aspect. This is not fair to anyone.


I dunno.

I mean, you can even try this method and still not see the flaws in them. also, you aren't necessarily need to have the "'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people" mentality to go out on dates with someone who might be flawed.


True, you don't know a person for some time, but it eliminates going out with someone who you don't really like, just to go out and be seen. That is more the point of it. For example, it bothers me when people chew their food with their mouths open. I absolutely can't stand this. So, if I had never seen someone eat, then I wouldn't know until after we had done something together that involved eating. But, if I knew this person did this prior to going out with them, then it would be wrong for me to go.


Does that make it a little clearer?



I suppose. But I know I would never go out with someone just to be seen. So theoretically I don't need to worry about the whole looking for flaws thing. xD But yeah, it is good to try to keep away from people that do things that bother you. Like I know I could never date someone who flirted with everyone, cause I am kind of insecure about that. >.>;

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And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P



Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life.


Pretty good advice.


Now, that sounds like good advice...

But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward...

Not really, you are just projecting if you like all aspects of this person. Too many women meet a guy and think, 'I can improve him by changing ____ and ____, and then he will be perfect.' Well, one should never, ever enter into a relationship thinking they are going to change the other person. It just doesn't happen. You only make yourself miserable when the person does not change into the person you want them to be and you were wrong to try and do this in the first place.


So, that is the reason you just think long term, but it really does not have any impact on the relationship. You are not thinking... I am dating this guy because I want to marry him. What you have done is eliminate the ones who you find flaws with. Not to say everyone is perfect, but you are just getting an initial overview. It takes time to really know someone and then you will find out more of whether or not you really care for this person. What you are avoiding is the 'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people' aspect. This is not fair to anyone.


I dunno.

I mean, you can even try this method and still not see the flaws in them. also, you aren't necessarily need to have the "'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people" mentality to go out on dates with someone who might be flawed.


True, you don't know a person for some time, but it eliminates going out with someone who you don't really like, just to go out and be seen. That is more the point of it. For example, it bothers me when people chew their food with their mouths open. I absolutely can't stand this. So, if I had never seen someone eat, then I wouldn't know until after we had done something together that involved eating. But, if I knew this person did this prior to going out with them, then it would be wrong for me to go.


Does that make it a little clearer?



I suppose. But I know I would never go out with someone just to be seen. So theoretically I don't need to worry about the whole looking for flaws thing. xD But yeah, it is good to try to keep away from people that do things that bother you. Like I know I could never date someone who flirted with everyone, cause I am kind of insecure about that. >.>;

:lol: LOL :lol:

So, I guess Mega Wolf is out of the picture.

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And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. :P



Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life.


Pretty good advice.


Now, that sounds like good advice...

But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward...

Not really, you are just projecting if you like all aspects of this person. Too many women meet a guy and think, 'I can improve him by changing ____ and ____, and then he will be perfect.' Well, one should never, ever enter into a relationship thinking they are going to change the other person. It just doesn't happen. You only make yourself miserable when the person does not change into the person you want them to be and you were wrong to try and do this in the first place.


So, that is the reason you just think long term, but it really does not have any impact on the relationship. You are not thinking... I am dating this guy because I want to marry him. What you have done is eliminate the ones who you find flaws with. Not to say everyone is perfect, but you are just getting an initial overview. It takes time to really know someone and then you will find out more of whether or not you really care for this person. What you are avoiding is the 'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people' aspect. This is not fair to anyone.


I dunno.

I mean, you can even try this method and still not see the flaws in them. also, you aren't necessarily need to have the "'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people" mentality to go out on dates with someone who might be flawed.


True, you don't know a person for some time, but it eliminates going out with someone who you don't really like, just to go out and be seen. That is more the point of it. For example, it bothers me when people chew their food with their mouths open. I absolutely can't stand this. So, if I had never seen someone eat, then I wouldn't know until after we had done something together that involved eating. But, if I knew this person did this prior to going out with them, then it would be wrong for me to go.


Does that make it a little clearer?



I suppose. But I know I would never go out with someone just to be seen. So theoretically I don't need to worry about the whole looking for flaws thing. xD But yeah, it is good to try to keep away from people that do things that bother you. Like I know I could never date someone who flirted with everyone, cause I am kind of insecure about that. >.>;

:lol: LOL :lol:

So, I guess Mega Wolf is out of the picture.


I guess. x3


Don't kill me, MW!

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Sounds like an extension of my standard of "don't date someone if you know for certain you'll never marry them." Not that you have to know for certain you would marry them, just that there's no point in dating someone you know you're going to break up with eventually. It's a waste of time, money, and emotions.

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Don't worry, Cheese-dude, I'm not going to kill you over that. XD


And I guess never say never, so for all of those guarentees I listed above, add "probably" to it. lol.


Well, it's not so much that Julian is so flawed. Our personalities just ended up conflicting and now we're just friends. It would be foolish of me to tell all of you that there's no chance with us. :rolleyes: I think the whole dating after being friends for such a short amount of times led us to not knowing really how to deal with each other at our worst moments. So, for now, we are friends, and that is likely how its going to be. I say that it's not such a bad thing to date in high school, I just think that the rules of caution are often looked over in the mind of a teenager.


JF, you looked over the fact that not everyone goes to college. :P

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Don't worry, Cheese-dude, I'm not going to kill you over that. XD


And I guess never say never, so for all of those guarentees I listed above, add "probably" to it. lol.


Well, it's not so much that Julian is so flawed. Our personalities just ended up conflicting and now we're just friends. It would be foolish of me to tell all of you that there's no chance with us. :rolleyes: I think the whole dating after being friends for such a short amount of times led us to not knowing really how to deal with each other at our worst moments. So, for now, we are friends, and that is likely how its going to be. I say that it's not such a bad thing to date in high school, I just think that the rules of caution are often looked over in the mind of a teenager.


JF, you looked over the fact that not everyone goes to college. :P

True. Second year after graduating then, or second year of living on your own. You get the idea.

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Don't worry, Cheese-dude, I'm not going to kill you over that. XD


And I guess never say never, so for all of those guarentees I listed above, add "probably" to it. lol.

Probably... hopefully not.


Well, it's not so much that Julian is so flawed. Our personalities just ended up conflicting and now we're just friends. It would be foolish of me to tell all of you that there's no chance with us. :rolleyes: I think the whole dating after being friends for such a short amount of times led us to not knowing really how to deal with each other at our worst moments. So, for now, we are friends, and that is likely how its going to be. I say that it's not such a bad thing to date in high school, I just think that the rules of caution are often looked over in the mind of a teenager.

It is not flaws, but things that you personally are not comfortable or happy with. People see someone then think they can fix or change someone to 'be better' or more like they want them to be and this NEVER works. So, if Julian had a habit of picking his nose and this made you crazy... then I would NEVER date him. Not a flaw, just something you don't like and couldn't live with.


JF, you looked over the fact that not everyone goes to college. :P

LOL... you get The Double Gold Star for that response!

Definitely made me laugh!

See blue comments above.

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I agree with what Liz said a few pages back. Love doesnt die, it just tends to go into hibernation... 1461 days left.

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Don't worry, Cheese-dude, I'm not going to kill you over that. XD


And I guess never say never, so for all of those guarentees I listed above, add "probably" to it. lol.

Probably... hopefully not.


Well, it's not so much that Julian is so flawed. Our personalities just ended up conflicting and now we're just friends. It would be foolish of me to tell all of you that there's no chance with us. :rolleyes: I think the whole dating after being friends for such a short amount of times led us to not knowing really how to deal with each other at our worst moments. So, for now, we are friends, and that is likely how its going to be. I say that it's not such a bad thing to date in high school, I just think that the rules of caution are often looked over in the mind of a teenager.

It is not flaws, but things that you personally are not comfortable or happy with. People see someone then think they can fix or change someone to 'be better' or more like they want them to be and this NEVER works. So, if Julian had a habit of picking his nose and this made you crazy... then I would NEVER date him. Not a flaw, just something you don't like and couldn't live with.


JF, you looked over the fact that not everyone goes to college. :P

LOL... you get The Double Gold Star for that response!

Definitely made me laugh!

See blue comments above.

Well, it is in fact highly unlikely that we won't get together again because we just bicker incessantly and it gets a bit ridiculous sometimes. XD

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Don't worry, Cheese-dude, I'm not going to kill you over that. XD


And I guess never say never, so for all of those guarentees I listed above, add "probably" to it. lol.

Probably... hopefully not.


Well, it's not so much that Julian is so flawed. Our personalities just ended up conflicting and now we're just friends. It would be foolish of me to tell all of you that there's no chance with us. :rolleyes: I think the whole dating after being friends for such a short amount of times led us to not knowing really how to deal with each other at our worst moments. So, for now, we are friends, and that is likely how its going to be. I say that it's not such a bad thing to date in high school, I just think that the rules of caution are often looked over in the mind of a teenager.

It is not flaws, but things that you personally are not comfortable or happy with. People see someone then think they can fix or change someone to 'be better' or more like they want them to be and this NEVER works. So, if Julian had a habit of picking his nose and this made you crazy... then I would NEVER date him. Not a flaw, just something you don't like and couldn't live with.


JF, you looked over the fact that not everyone goes to college. :P

LOL... you get The Double Gold Star for that response!

Definitely made me laugh!

See blue comments above.

Well, it is in fact highly unlikely that we won't get together again because we just bicker incessantly and it gets a bit ridiculous sometimes. XD


A double negative? :blink:

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-Hands Horatio an airplane award- Even I didnt catch that! I thought you were blond! :P Good job Horatio -Thumbs up-

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Don't worry, Cheese-dude, I'm not going to kill you over that. XD


And I guess never say never, so for all of those guarentees I listed above, add "probably" to it. lol.

Probably... hopefully not.


Well, it's not so much that Julian is so flawed. Our personalities just ended up conflicting and now we're just friends. It would be foolish of me to tell all of you that there's no chance with us. :rolleyes: I think the whole dating after being friends for such a short amount of times led us to not knowing really how to deal with each other at our worst moments. So, for now, we are friends, and that is likely how its going to be. I say that it's not such a bad thing to date in high school, I just think that the rules of caution are often looked over in the mind of a teenager.

It is not flaws, but things that you personally are not comfortable or happy with. People see someone then think they can fix or change someone to 'be better' or more like they want them to be and this NEVER works. So, if Julian had a habit of picking his nose and this made you crazy... then I would NEVER date him. Not a flaw, just something you don't like and couldn't live with.


JF, you looked over the fact that not everyone goes to college. :P

LOL... you get The Double Gold Star for that response!

Definitely made me laugh!

See blue comments above.

Well, it is in fact highly unlikely that we won't get together again because we just bicker incessantly and it gets a bit ridiculous sometimes. XD


A double negative? :blink:

I meant will. XD

Gimme a break, it was three in the morning. :P

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-Hands Horatio an airplane award- Even I didnt catch that! I thought you were blond! :P Good job Horatio -Thumbs up-

Thank you for that award!!!

An airplane award... how exciting! :D


And I am a blonde... it just took me a few times reading that to figure out that I couldn't make sense of it. :lol:

Then the light came on. :lol:

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It's getting frustrating, really. He's been way too emotional about this. <_<


I feel bad for him because last week he had strept throat, I dumped him, and now he's been feeling like for the past two days that he's been kicked in a particularly painful spot so now he's possibly having surgery tonight because of that.


BUT just because I feel bad, I know I can't crack under the pressure. The way he's acted since then has been rediculous and has lowered his chances of ever being with me again to minimal, as in I'm thinking it's basically not possible.

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Why is it that every guy I befriend ends up getting a crush on me?


well the usual reason is because your gorgeous :D

maybe you aren't gorgeous, i'm not sure but maybe its your gorgeous personality!





so, every dance at my school is sadie hawkins... because yeah its an all girls school... i mean theres a boys school but we only ride the bus with them and it only goes up to 6th grade and ive lost my point...


oh right!


so i accidentally invited my exboyfriend (he sorta invited himself) to senior slam which is a dance the seniors put on and then he invited me to homecoming at his school and its all a big mess

he's been trying to get back together with me sense the day i broke up with him and i just want to be friends

well, the good part of this lil problem is i have an adorable dress AND it was on sale for $75!


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Why is it that every guy I befriend ends up getting a crush on me?


well the usual reason is because your gorgeous :D

maybe you aren't gorgeous, i'm not sure but maybe its your gorgeous personality!





so, every dance at my school is sadie hawkins... because yeah its an all girls school... i mean theres a boys school but we only ride the bus with them and it only goes up to 6th grade and ive lost my point...


oh right!


so i accidentally invited my exboyfriend (he sorta invited himself) to senior slam which is a dance the seniors put on and then he invited me to homecoming at his school and its all a big mess

he's been trying to get back together with me sense the day i broke up with him and i just want to be friends

well, the good part of this lil problem is i have an adorable dress AND it was on sale for $75!


Pretty dress, on sale... looks like you are a winner!!! :D

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Why is it that every guy I befriend ends up getting a crush on me?


well the usual reason is because your gorgeous :D

maybe you aren't gorgeous, i'm not sure but maybe its your gorgeous personality!





so, every dance at my school is sadie hawkins... because yeah its an all girls school... i mean theres a boys school but we only ride the bus with them and it only goes up to 6th grade and ive lost my point...


oh right!


so i accidentally invited my exboyfriend (he sorta invited himself) to senior slam which is a dance the seniors put on and then he invited me to homecoming at his school and its all a big mess

he's been trying to get back together with me sense the day i broke up with him and i just want to be friends

well, the good part of this lil problem is i have an adorable dress AND it was on sale for $75!


Pretty dress, on sale... looks like you are a winner!!! :D


that is true haha, and i'm going to make ty invite this girl i think he likes to homecoming, instead of me

he's kindof a player and probably likes about 10 girls right now so im sure he can take any one of them besides me! lol

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Why is it that every guy I befriend ends up getting a crush on me?


well the usual reason is because your gorgeous :D

maybe you aren't gorgeous, i'm not sure but maybe its your gorgeous personality!





so, every dance at my school is sadie hawkins... because yeah its an all girls school... i mean theres a boys school but we only ride the bus with them and it only goes up to 6th grade and ive lost my point...


oh right!


so i accidentally invited my exboyfriend (he sorta invited himself) to senior slam which is a dance the seniors put on and then he invited me to homecoming at his school and its all a big mess

he's been trying to get back together with me sense the day i broke up with him and i just want to be friends

well, the good part of this lil problem is i have an adorable dress AND it was on sale for $75!


Pretty dress, on sale... looks like you are a winner!!! :D


that is true haha, and i'm going to make ty invite this girl i think he likes to homecoming, instead of me

he's kindof a player and probably likes about 10 girls right now so im sure he can take any one of them besides me! lol

That sounds like a great plan.

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Why is it that every guy I befriend ends up getting a crush on me?

It is because that is the "trouble" with having friendships with someone of the opposite gender. You get along, they assume they have a chance because you can stand being around them for a few hours. :P Most of my friends are guys, which sometimes can get a bit awkward in terms of that. lol.

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I never had the problem of guy friends having a crush on me, and most of my closest friends are and have been guys. Either that or I'm *totally* oblivious...


I'd say it is oblivious. No offense. xD

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Why does Turtle keep dating insane homicidal emo girls?





Seriously, WHY????!!!!!

Because he has a thing for the dominatrix type. :D

...Wait, can I say that? :blink:


Anyways, emo ex-boyfriend was finally told off today after bugging me about how he's changed for the PAST TWO FREAKING WEEKS. He swears he's changed, he swears that he'll not be a trouble for me anymore... gets a bit redundant.


And ex-boyfriend prior to emo-ex-boyfriend that is basically my best friend seemingly likes me, and it's not that I don't like him like that, it's just that I don't trust my emotions immediately after a break up.

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I never had the problem of guy friends having a crush on me, and most of my closest friends are and have been guys. Either that or I'm *totally* oblivious...


I'd say it is oblivious. No offense. xD

Eh, I take that more as a compliment, since it implies that my guy friends have had crushes on me. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, go figure, I already am sorta in this weird complicated relationship thing a month later.

Ex-boyfriend keeps reminding me that I'm a terrible person and I broke his heart, he's telling everyone this and ruining my name, etc.

And I'm even more terrible of a person for this somewhat of a relationship thing.

You see, I trust my emotions a little bit more now that a month has past and my missing of the guy previous to the person whose "heart I broke" or whatever you want to call it. And so the "heartbroken" is like, "you move on fast, you already dated him" blah blah blah I'm an awful person is what it boils down to.

However, currently I'm in this bizarre situation where I don't really know what's going on, all that's for sure is I'm going with not-emo ex-boyfriend to homecoming and I'm not sure of my relationship status really.


So I ought to clear that one up.

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So, go figure, I already am sorta in this weird complicated relationship thing a month later.

Ex-boyfriend keeps reminding me that I'm a terrible person and I broke his heart, he's telling everyone this and ruining my name, etc.

And I'm even more terrible of a person for this somewhat of a relationship thing.

You see, I trust my emotions a little bit more now that a month has past and my missing of the guy previous to the person whose "heart I broke" or whatever you want to call it. And so the "heartbroken" is like, "you move on fast, you already dated him" blah blah blah I'm an awful person is what it boils down to.

However, currently I'm in this bizarre situation where I don't really know what's going on, all that's for sure is I'm going with not-emo ex-boyfriend to homecoming and I'm not sure of my relationship status really.


So I ought to clear that one up.

Thirty days... that's a long time for you. :lol:


As for the ex, if at all possible, try not to think he is ruining your name. After a while, people will get tired of the gossip and his continuous negative outlook on you. They might listen, but they won't believe anything he says. After a while, people will start avoiding him because they don't want to hear him complain.


You will find someone better to go to homecoming with.

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I'm going to homecoming with the best person ever.



































Myself. :3

So am I!

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So, go figure, I already am sorta in this weird complicated relationship thing a month later.

Ex-boyfriend keeps reminding me that I'm a terrible person and I broke his heart, he's telling everyone this and ruining my name, etc.

And I'm even more terrible of a person for this somewhat of a relationship thing.

You see, I trust my emotions a little bit more now that a month has past and my missing of the guy previous to the person whose "heart I broke" or whatever you want to call it. And so the "heartbroken" is like, "you move on fast, you already dated him" blah blah blah I'm an awful person is what it boils down to.

However, currently I'm in this bizarre situation where I don't really know what's going on, all that's for sure is I'm going with not-emo ex-boyfriend to homecoming and I'm not sure of my relationship status really.


So I ought to clear that one up.

Thirty days... that's a long time for you. :lol:


As for the ex, if at all possible, try not to think he is ruining your name. After a while, people will get tired of the gossip and his continuous negative outlook on you. They might listen, but they won't believe anything he says. After a while, people will start avoiding him because they don't want to hear him complain.


You will find someone better to go to homecoming with.

As for the thirty days... lol, well, it has a lot to do with the timing of homecoming. XD

Oh, they believe him, they speaketh against my name, whatever. Can't please 'em all, yes? It's funny, though, because the majority of people that I actually talk to on a regular basis are actually happy for me as opposed to supporting his side because they actually know how he really is. It's actually the other group of people I know that don't know him very well that are "siding" with him.

So, I think I be dating not-emo ex-boyfriend and now boyfriend(?). The one that happened to date that other friend at that other time that I liked but couldn't really do anything about it because I was too busy being in denial and pretending the other relationship was good. lol. Problems with this relationship only include jealous exes. :rolleyes: My jealous ex doesn't want to be friends unless I dump(?) new boyfriend(?). The ex of boyfriend(?) sees us together and goes all emoface melancholy which kinda puts a strain on a friendship.


I'm actually not worried about any of this at all because I realize that high school is not the time to stress this stuff. lol.

I mean, not to say that he isn't potential marriage material, just saying that I'm not stressed about these problems because they're not worth being stressed about and stress is the only potential problem I see in high school dating, which I totally avoid with my nonchalant attitude.(which doesn't show well here because the events I list look more stressful than they really are)

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So, go figure, I already am sorta in this weird complicated relationship thing a month later.

Ex-boyfriend keeps reminding me that I'm a terrible person and I broke his heart, he's telling everyone this and ruining my name, etc.

And I'm even more terrible of a person for this somewhat of a relationship thing.

You see, I trust my emotions a little bit more now that a month has past and my missing of the guy previous to the person whose "heart I broke" or whatever you want to call it. And so the "heartbroken" is like, "you move on fast, you already dated him" blah blah blah I'm an awful person is what it boils down to.

However, currently I'm in this bizarre situation where I don't really know what's going on, all that's for sure is I'm going with not-emo ex-boyfriend to homecoming and I'm not sure of my relationship status really.


So I ought to clear that one up.

Thirty days... that's a long time for you. :lol:


As for the ex, if at all possible, try not to think he is ruining your name. After a while, people will get tired of the gossip and his continuous negative outlook on you. They might listen, but they won't believe anything he says. After a while, people will start avoiding him because they don't want to hear him complain.


You will find someone better to go to homecoming with.

As for the thirty days... lol, well, it has a lot to do with the timing of homecoming. XD

Oh, they believe him, they speaketh against my name, whatever. Can't please 'em all, yes? It's funny, though, because the majority of people that I actually talk to on a regular basis are actually happy for me as opposed to supporting his side because they actually know how he really is. It's actually the other group of people I know that don't know him very well that are "siding" with him.

So, I think I be dating not-emo ex-boyfriend and now boyfriend(?). The one that happened to date that other friend at that other time that I liked but couldn't really do anything about it because I was too busy being in denial and pretending the other relationship was good. lol. Problems with this relationship only include jealous exes. :rolleyes: My jealous ex doesn't want to be friends unless I dump(?) new boyfriend(?). The ex of boyfriend(?) sees us together and goes all emoface melancholy which kinda puts a strain on a friendship.


I'm actually not worried about any of this at all because I realize that high school is not the time to stress this stuff. lol.

I mean, not to say that he isn't potential marriage material, just saying that I'm not stressed about these problems because they're not worth being stressed about and stress is the only potential problem I see in high school dating, which I totally avoid with my nonchalant attitude.(which doesn't show well here because the events I list look more stressful than they really are)

You sound like you have a very good understanding of all this. Smart! :D The only thing I would add is that none of these guys will end up as your husband. My feeling is that you will meet the man of your dreams once you have put high school behind you.


As for jealousy... what a stupid emotion. People have mental images that are conjured up by jealousy, and these images are way out the realm of normal thinking. The imagination goes wild and then the person who is suffering from jealousy does stupid things. People with problems handling jealousy need to be avoided. That can only mean a bad relationship.

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Actually, I don't think I feel like going to Homecoming. I have more important things to do. Like Procrastinate.


Plus, that person who takes care of me says I can only go if my friends are, and only, what, two of them are going. XD

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So, go figure, I already am sorta in this weird complicated relationship thing a month later.

Ex-boyfriend keeps reminding me that I'm a terrible person and I broke his heart, he's telling everyone this and ruining my name, etc.

And I'm even more terrible of a person for this somewhat of a relationship thing.

You see, I trust my emotions a little bit more now that a month has past and my missing of the guy previous to the person whose "heart I broke" or whatever you want to call it. And so the "heartbroken" is like, "you move on fast, you already dated him" blah blah blah I'm an awful person is what it boils down to.

However, currently I'm in this bizarre situation where I don't really know what's going on, all that's for sure is I'm going with not-emo ex-boyfriend to homecoming and I'm not sure of my relationship status really.


So I ought to clear that one up.

Thirty days... that's a long time for you. :lol:


As for the ex, if at all possible, try not to think he is ruining your name. After a while, people will get tired of the gossip and his continuous negative outlook on you. They might listen, but they won't believe anything he says. After a while, people will start avoiding him because they don't want to hear him complain.


You will find someone better to go to homecoming with.

As for the thirty days... lol, well, it has a lot to do with the timing of homecoming. XD

Oh, they believe him, they speaketh against my name, whatever. Can't please 'em all, yes? It's funny, though, because the majority of people that I actually talk to on a regular basis are actually happy for me as opposed to supporting his side because they actually know how he really is. It's actually the other group of people I know that don't know him very well that are "siding" with him.

So, I think I be dating not-emo ex-boyfriend and now boyfriend(?). The one that happened to date that other friend at that other time that I liked but couldn't really do anything about it because I was too busy being in denial and pretending the other relationship was good. lol. Problems with this relationship only include jealous exes. :rolleyes: My jealous ex doesn't want to be friends unless I dump(?) new boyfriend(?). The ex of boyfriend(?) sees us together and goes all emoface melancholy which kinda puts a strain on a friendship.


I'm actually not worried about any of this at all because I realize that high school is not the time to stress this stuff. lol.

I mean, not to say that he isn't potential marriage material, just saying that I'm not stressed about these problems because they're not worth being stressed about and stress is the only potential problem I see in high school dating, which I totally avoid with my nonchalant attitude.(which doesn't show well here because the events I list look more stressful than they really are)

You sound like you have a very good understanding of all this. Smart! :D The only thing I would add is that none of these guys will end up as your husband. My feeling is that you will meet the man of your dreams once you have put high school behind you.


As for jealousy... what a stupid emotion. People have mental images that are conjured up by jealousy, and these images are way out the realm of normal thinking. The imagination goes wild and then the person who is suffering from jealousy does stupid things. People with problems handling jealousy need to be avoided. That can only mean a bad relationship.

Yeah, I know they're unlikely marriage material, seeing as currently I'm sixteen and don't really consider marriage a top priority for at least another five years, thought I'm thinking it'll be ten before I actually do want to be married. No need to rush. :P


Yeah, Julian is having a hard time, but I think he's come to terms with what's going on and realized that not everything is my fault.

As for new boyfriend's ex, she's been waving herself around in front of him and hanging out near him when I'm busy, along with being emo when I am there. :rolleyes: The funny part is he realizes it's happening and he's just rolling his eyes about it because he asked her back out in the middle of summer and she said no(and she told me at around that time that she liked him). :lol:

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So, go figure, I already am sorta in this weird complicated relationship thing a month later.

Ex-boyfriend keeps reminding me that I'm a terrible person and I broke his heart, he's telling everyone this and ruining my name, etc.

And I'm even more terrible of a person for this somewhat of a relationship thing.

You see, I trust my emotions a little bit more now that a month has past and my missing of the guy previous to the person whose "heart I broke" or whatever you want to call it. And so the "heartbroken" is like, "you move on fast, you already dated him" blah blah blah I'm an awful person is what it boils down to.

However, currently I'm in this bizarre situation where I don't really know what's going on, all that's for sure is I'm going with not-emo ex-boyfriend to homecoming and I'm not sure of my relationship status really.


So I ought to clear that one up.

Thirty days... that's a long time for you. :lol:


As for the ex, if at all possible, try not to think he is ruining your name. After a while, people will get tired of the gossip and his continuous negative outlook on you. They might listen, but they won't believe anything he says. After a while, people will start avoiding him because they don't want to hear him complain.


You will find someone better to go to homecoming with.

As for the thirty days... lol, well, it has a lot to do with the timing of homecoming. XD

Oh, they believe him, they speaketh against my name, whatever. Can't please 'em all, yes? It's funny, though, because the majority of people that I actually talk to on a regular basis are actually happy for me as opposed to supporting his side because they actually know how he really is. It's actually the other group of people I know that don't know him very well that are "siding" with him.

So, I think I be dating not-emo ex-boyfriend and now boyfriend(?). The one that happened to date that other friend at that other time that I liked but couldn't really do anything about it because I was too busy being in denial and pretending the other relationship was good. lol. Problems with this relationship only include jealous exes. :rolleyes: My jealous ex doesn't want to be friends unless I dump(?) new boyfriend(?). The ex of boyfriend(?) sees us together and goes all emoface melancholy which kinda puts a strain on a friendship.


I'm actually not worried about any of this at all because I realize that high school is not the time to stress this stuff. lol.

I mean, not to say that he isn't potential marriage material, just saying that I'm not stressed about these problems because they're not worth being stressed about and stress is the only potential problem I see in high school dating, which I totally avoid with my nonchalant attitude.(which doesn't show well here because the events I list look more stressful than they really are)

You sound like you have a very good understanding of all this. Smart! :D The only thing I would add is that none of these guys will end up as your husband. My feeling is that you will meet the man of your dreams once you have put high school behind you.


As for jealousy... what a stupid emotion. People have mental images that are conjured up by jealousy, and these images are way out the realm of normal thinking. The imagination goes wild and then the person who is suffering from jealousy does stupid things. People with problems handling jealousy need to be avoided. That can only mean a bad relationship.

Yeah, I know they're unlikely marriage material, seeing as currently I'm sixteen and don't really consider marriage a top priority for at least another five years, thought I'm thinking it'll be ten before I actually do want to be married. No need to rush. :P


Yeah, Julian is having a hard time, but I think he's come to terms with what's going on and realized that not everything is my fault.

As for new boyfriend's ex, she's been waving herself around in front of him and hanging out near him when I'm busy, along with being emo when I am there. :rolleyes: The funny part is he realizes it's happening and he's just rolling his eyes about it because he asked her back out in the middle of summer and she said no(and she told me at around that time that she liked him). :lol:

People always want what they can't have. :lol:

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Homecoming was basically amazing. lol.

So, the other day, ex-boyfriend turns around and says that everything is his fault.

Then now he spins around and says that I moved on too fast and it's my fault we're not friends.

When I'm the one who has actually kept trying to be friends, despite some awful things he's called me.

He decided to "defriend" me on a certain website. I offered up that I really didn't agree with a lot he was saying, and that's why he decided that now I'm an awful person he doesn't even want to be interwebz friends with. :rolleyes:

So now I'm attempting the nonchalant attitude that I generally have, though it's a bit more difficult when someone basically accuses you of something that they're the one doing it.

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Homecoming was basically amazing. lol.

So, the other day, ex-boyfriend turns around and says that everything is his fault.

Then now he spins around and says that I moved on too fast and it's my fault we're not friends.

When I'm the one who has actually kept trying to be friends, despite some awful things he's called me.

He decided to "defriend" me on a certain website. I offered up that I really didn't agree with a lot he was saying, and that's why he decided that now I'm an awful person he doesn't even want to be interwebz friends with. :rolleyes:

So now I'm attempting the nonchalant attitude that I generally have, though it's a bit more difficult when someone basically accuses you of something that they're the one doing it.

GRRRRRRRR... he needs a frontal lobotomy.

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Homecoming was basically amazing. lol.

So, the other day, ex-boyfriend turns around and says that everything is his fault.

Then now he spins around and says that I moved on too fast and it's my fault we're not friends.

When I'm the one who has actually kept trying to be friends, despite some awful things he's called me.

He decided to "defriend" me on a certain website. I offered up that I really didn't agree with a lot he was saying, and that's why he decided that now I'm an awful person he doesn't even want to be interwebz friends with. :rolleyes:

So now I'm attempting the nonchalant attitude that I generally have, though it's a bit more difficult when someone basically accuses you of something that they're the one doing it.

GRRRRRRRR... he needs a frontal lobotomy.

Did some say Frontal Lobotomy?! I do those! -grabs knife-

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Homecoming was basically amazing. lol.

So, the other day, ex-boyfriend turns around and says that everything is his fault.

Then now he spins around and says that I moved on too fast and it's my fault we're not friends.

When I'm the one who has actually kept trying to be friends, despite some awful things he's called me.

He decided to "defriend" me on a certain website. I offered up that I really didn't agree with a lot he was saying, and that's why he decided that now I'm an awful person he doesn't even want to be interwebz friends with. :rolleyes:

So now I'm attempting the nonchalant attitude that I generally have, though it's a bit more difficult when someone basically accuses you of something that they're the one doing it.

GRRRRRRRR... he needs a frontal lobotomy.

Did some say Frontal Lobotomy?! I do those! -grabs knife-

:lol: Go for it MK!!!!! :lol:

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Indeed, I did move on quickly and I should have known ex-boyfriend better than to do anything extreme fast. Doesn't change the way he treated me, though. It doesn't erase the things he's said to me, either, and he continues to send me messages of what a horrible person I am.

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Indeed, I did move on quickly and I should have known ex-boyfriend better than to do anything extreme fast. Doesn't change the way he treated me, though. It doesn't erase the things he's said to me, either, and he continues to send me messages of what a horrible person I am.

smile at the fact that he is a thing of the past.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The good news is more people have been saying that. They just sorta... have.

The awkward thing is the fact that Julian must have made my happiness just die while I was with him, seeing as it really shouldn't take more than a year for people to actually see me really happy.

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The good news is more people have been saying that. They just sorta... have.

The awkward thing is the fact that Julian must have made my happiness just die while I was with him, seeing as it really shouldn't take more than a year for people to actually see me really happy.

You deserve to be happy.

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Why do girls at my school (and everywhere else) seem to only date jerks?


My friends Beardo, Ninja, and Corbin are some of the nicest guys I know, but never have girlfriends. No. The girls are all over the hot, but rude and incredibly disrespectful guy. (I always think said hot guy is hideous, but that's just me.)


Sometimes I really hate the other members of my gender.

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Why do girls at my school (and everywhere else) seem to only date jerks?


My friends Beardo, Ninja, and Corbin are some of the nicest guys I know, but never have girlfriends. No. The girls are all over the hot, but rude and incredibly disrespectful guy. (I always think said hot guy is hideous, but that's just me.)


Sometimes I really hate the other members of my gender.

Because they're superficial high school girls? :rolleyes: As a general rule, I've noticed that nicer guys tend to have fewer girlfriends, but the girlfriends they do get tend to be much better than the ones the jerks get. It's a matter of quality vs. quantity.

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Why do girls at my school (and everywhere else) seem to only date jerks?


My friends Beardo, Ninja, and Corbin are some of the nicest guys I know, but never have girlfriends. No. The girls are all over the hot, but rude and incredibly disrespectful guy. (I always think said hot guy is hideous, but that's just me.)


Sometimes I really hate the other members of my gender.

Because they're superficial high school girls? :rolleyes: As a general rule, I've noticed that nicer guys tend to have fewer girlfriends, but the girlfriends they do get tend to be much better than the ones the jerks get. It's a matter of quality vs. quantity.

Most of the nice guys I know only get pity dates, with the exception of Corbin. I haven't known him long enough to know his relationship status.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in love with a boy.

And he loves me.

And I want to date him.

And I don't know about him, but in his own words... he's never loved someone as much as me.

But we both agree it's better not to.

I wonder why.

But I don't mind.

And I agree,

Even if I don't know why.



That's my only addition to this topic right now.

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I'm in love with a boy.

And he loves me.

And I want to date him.

And I don't know about him, but in his own words... he's never loved someone as much as me.

But we both agree it's better not to.

I wonder why.

But I don't mind.

And I agree,

Even if I don't know why.



That's my only addition to this topic right now.

I hope it works out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hummm de hummm....


Well, I'm happy with my guy. Pretty much the only thing awkward about this relationship is his ex-girlfriend pretty much glaring at me and not talking to me much anymore. Even though she's been clinging over this other guy that likes her. She makes many sad attempts to make him jealous and overall just wave herself in his face when she thinks I'm not looking. It doesn't anger me, just annoys me especially in the fact that she was totally buddy with me when she knew I was just good friend with him. And since I'm with him, she now suddenly has a distaste for me.


Well, another pain in the form of memories comes along in certain decisions I made in the previous relationship. It's not the relationship I miss, I just want to make certain memories not pop up so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ex-boyfriend mood on certain networking website=day we broke up [insert about to cry sadface thing]

Three months ago. I was hoping he was over it by now.


I mean, really, last word was he was crushing all over this girl that's kinda his friend (well at least after I broke up with him) leading him on (she has a boyfriend), who at the same time hates me because he's told her everything and plus she has this thing against me and wants to hate me because I beat her at showing pigs. She even knows stuff that really only my closest(as in, really, really close) friends know that honestly shouldn't be shared.

And then this other "friend" that was always telling me what a horrible person he was and that I shouldn't be with him is chasing after him. It's really frustrating because I thought she'd been telling me that because she honestly thought he wasn't a good guy. Somehow her impending rejection (he always talked about how horrible she was, he's also quite shallow and she really isn't attractive to him at all) is comforting. Or, rather, if they date, they'll share in their dissatisfaction as their personalities conflict worse than mine does with either of theirs.

I am sadly a somewhat vengeful person. Not sure if that's the right way to put it. I don't hold grudges, I simply delight in the sufferings of those who pain me. Once they have had their share of pain through their own choices and not through anything I do, I'm satisfied.


And so the darkest side of MW is revealed. I wouldn't call it hypocrisy. It's not that I'm not over him, it's more of his efforts to create hatred towards me that causes me to look at this in such a disgusted light.


...meh. Perhaps I have gone on too angry of a tangent.

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Because certain networking sites are beacons of truth about emotion and really express feeling and the truth about the universe.



I can't criticize you on being vengeful or sadistic (in retaliation), though, for two reasons:

1. I'm a bit excessively vengeful, myself. A bit.

2. I'm surprisingly sadistic, myself. Surprisingly.

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Perhaps my sadistic manner and laziness are the two great flaws of mine. Suppose we can't be perfect. Ben Franklin tried and I've come up with about the same conclusion as he did, keep trying while knowing that there will not be complete perfection. lol.


Mr. Ex-boyfriend texted me and wanted to call me. Saying that it's been a while since we've spoken. Huge hesitation on my part as to whether or not this would be a good or bad thing for me. The reason I figured it could be good is because he left a huge emotional scar afterwards and I never attempted to care for it, figured it wouldn't resurface and just went along with life. So recently I've been having breakdowns, somewhat of flashbacks of the one time just over a year ago he counted backwards from 10 saying he was going to shoot himself and then the five minutes plus of silence as I cried and helplessly hoped that he hadn't just put the phone on mute as he'd done the deed, which after he actually started talking. It was partial relief, partial anger at the fact that he would do that. That's one event in particular that's left its heaviest mark. Hence, when he wanted to call, I first asked permission from Boyfriend who knows that I'm having these recently somewhat frequent breakdowns. He said it was okay. I wasn't sure for a bit, but then I told Ex-boyfriend to go ahead and call.

Anyway, that helped actually considerably. He's decided not to hate and avoid me, hence the call. He still moaned about how horrible the break-up was, how he was actually in love with me and he was sorry that he was so stupid during the relationship and had been such a horrible person to me. It wasn't in a way to try to win me back, it sounded like an indirect apology, so I left it at that. He was also being weird by saying that he's gone on dates but later admitted that he just went on a couple of extremely awkward dates with some girl he knew from middle school that moved to Texas and recently came back. lol. But currently he's after the girl that one of my best friends is practically the boyfriend of but she can't date, but ex-boyfriend's goal is to talk to her dad to try to let him date her. I was thinking to myself, dude that's practically trying to steal away a girl from one of my best friends, not chill.

Not sure if I was being sadistic or merely getting it off of my chest, but I did bring up the whole suicide countdown thing that he made me go through, and he actually apologized for that one. That gives some relief to my mind. The whole conversation was not pointless, due to the fact that my mind has some relief. In terms of any comments I made that could have been sadistic, perhaps bringing up my drum corps audition and how I'm going to do that was me being slightly cruel by guilt tripping him over the times he held me back from the things that I would have loved to do.


Wow, a couple of traits developed from that relationship. Patience and somewhat a strange form of sadism. I don't know how it works that I'm quick to forgive, yet sadistic. Perhaps it is the fact that I cannot hate people but also think that those who pain me shouldn't get away with it, yet I don't enjoy the idea of plotting to make someone's life worse(hence enjoying karma returning their way).

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Perhaps my sadistic manner and laziness are the two great flaws of mine. Suppose we can't be perfect. Ben Franklin tried and I've come up with about the same conclusion as he did, keep trying while knowing that there will not be complete perfection. lol.


Mr. Ex-boyfriend texted me and wanted to call me. Saying that it's been a while since we've spoken. Huge hesitation on my part as to whether or not this would be a good or bad thing for me. The reason I figured it could be good is because he left a huge emotional scar afterwards and I never attempted to care for it, figured it wouldn't resurface and just went along with life. So recently I've been having breakdowns, somewhat of flashbacks of the one time just over a year ago he counted backwards from 10 saying he was going to shoot himself and then the five minutes plus of silence as I cried and helplessly hoped that he hadn't just put the phone on mute as he'd done the deed, which after he actually started talking. It was partial relief, partial anger at the fact that he would do that. That's one event in particular that's left its heaviest mark. Hence, when he wanted to call, I first asked permission from Boyfriend who knows that I'm having these recently somewhat frequent breakdowns. He said it was okay. I wasn't sure for a bit, but then I told Ex-boyfriend to go ahead and call.

Anyway, that helped actually considerably. He's decided not to hate and avoid me, hence the call. He still moaned about how horrible the break-up was, how he was actually in love with me and he was sorry that he was so stupid during the relationship and had been such a horrible person to me. It wasn't in a way to try to win me back, it sounded like an indirect apology, so I left it at that. He was also being weird by saying that he's gone on dates but later admitted that he just went on a couple of extremely awkward dates with some girl he knew from middle school that moved to Texas and recently came back. lol. But currently he's after the girl that one of my best friends is practically the boyfriend of but she can't date, but ex-boyfriend's goal is to talk to her dad to try to let him date her. I was thinking to myself, dude that's practically trying to steal away a girl from one of my best friends, not chill.

Not sure if I was being sadistic or merely getting it off of my chest, but I did bring up the whole suicide countdown thing that he made me go through, and he actually apologized for that one. That gives some relief to my mind. The whole conversation was not pointless, due to the fact that my mind has some relief. In terms of any comments I made that could have been sadistic, perhaps bringing up my drum corps audition and how I'm going to do that was me being slightly cruel by guilt tripping him over the times he held me back from the things that I would have loved to do.


Wow, a couple of traits developed from that relationship. Patience and somewhat a strange form of sadism. I don't know how it works that I'm quick to forgive, yet sadistic. Perhaps it is the fact that I cannot hate people but also think that those who pain me shouldn't get away with it, yet I don't enjoy the idea of plotting to make someone's life worse(hence enjoying karma returning their way).

You are definitely not sadistic. You were carrying around an enormous burden, handed to you by your ex-boyfriend. You had every right to bring up the questions you did and ask him to respond. The one lesson I hope you take away from this experience is that you need to take time to do the things you love and not sacrifice your goals for a love interest. There will more than enough time for you to give-up things in the future. Now, please take care of yourself.


I will write more later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm definitely doing great. lol.


My best friend, not so much. It makes me angry, because she has such a hard time trusting people but she finally trusted this one guy who basically ended up just messing around making her think that he liked her. He didn't realize that what he was doing could hurt her. I mean, she's already forgiven him because her friend-type love was far stronger than other feelings, but I just don't understand how he could have been so oblivious. At the very same time at like 3 in the morning when he was texting her, he was also texting the girl that he actually did like. So, the girl he liked that was also a friend of my best friend, and that's whose house my best friend happened to be staying at. Um, he didn't realize until that day that he had played them both and he was like OH SHEZ. So that was bad, because my best friend was like what stuff he said to her was stuff you'd only say to someone you actually like and then her friend was hurt because she didn't feel like she was good enough because he had to have side entertainment.

However, all has been solved to now.


They're all good, but I'm still irritated that anyone could hurt my friend and I can't be there.

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Why is it that when I'm in love, none of my friends are, but then when I'm not in love anymore, ALL MY FRIENDS ARE?!


I'm not kidding. When I liked Trent, none of my friends were dating. Ever since I got over him, all my friends have been dating! Insanity!

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Unfortunately some people think they can get away with anything and not get caught. This time he really got caught worse than he could ever imagine.

I am so sorry your friend had her feelings hurt.

I think all is well now, because he was apparently quite obviously sorry. Apparently when he bore his testimony at church he made indirect references about how he learned something recently, etc. So, I would say that's pretty good and meaningful.

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Unfortunately some people think they can get away with anything and not get caught. This time he really got caught worse than he could ever imagine.

I am so sorry your friend had her feelings hurt.

I think all is well now, because he was apparently quite obviously sorry. Apparently when he bore his testimony at church he made indirect references about how he learned something recently, etc. So, I would say that's pretty good and meaningful.

You are right. Very good and meaningful. Let's hope he keeps on the same track.

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I don't understand my emotions yet, and that I've known for a while. Which is why I know I'm probably too immature for a serious relationship, which is part of why I'm far more satisfied in my current situation. And also, I've had more positive emotions about my current relationship, so I know I'm doing better for myself. lol. I mean, we've learned from past mistakes, when we first fools being silly 14-year-olds in a "relationship", and through the time that we were away from each other and just becoming better friends. XD I must say, a big part of our happiness is quite possibly because of the connection we made as friends. Yaay.

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