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  • 2 weeks later...

Soooo.... let's see. CURRENTLY Julian and I are pretty much okay. He's still irritatingly paranoid about me talking to guys, but whatever. It's a pretty good relationship. BUT. I like the ex still, which, as always, is no bueno. You know, a year passing by gives you time to admit the mistakes you made previously. Well, let's see. His girlfriend broke up with him after two months. And as seen on a certain networking site unnamed I'm in more favor with him than she is. My paranoid boyfriend thinks that my ex likes me still[c'mon, it's been a year since I was dating him, I dated him 7 months and I've been dating Julian about 10 months, he's probably over me]... ummm. Typical teenagerness. The bickering tells me who knows how long you'll date Julian, but the bizarre extremely weird caring about him for some reason says a long time. XD And then the irritating liking of the ex whose relationship I ended with because I felt like I was too good for him and therefore forced myself to not like him has been there a while. You know, "stupid freshman" defined those particular choices last year. Getting caught up in gossip, not paying attention to him, feeling as though he didn't care enough because he didn't confront me about my issues of being complete moron and allowing it to be so that he talked to my best friend more than me. Yeaaaah. That's called me being an idiot.

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So um I've been gone a really long time......


I'm single agian.

Joey broke up with me [[through a note ftw <_< ]] about oh idk a month ago. we went out for a month.


an what's even more messed up is he told my best friend why he broke up with me but not me.

i was like dude I deserve to know not you he was my boyfriend


but I moved on.

It's over and done with.


my friends jimmy is helping me be a happier/more positive person because I know I can't do it on my own.


um so I currently like 2 guys

Zach (sophmore)


Chaz (freshman)


I got chaz a chain for christmas and he gave me like a 50 million hour hug and everytime I saw him today he gave me hug.


My friend Mark threw snow down the front of my shirt today. :rolleyes:


we had a snowball fight at lunch then got written up :lol:


well um that's all for now I guess.

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So um I've been gone a really long time......


I'm single agian.

Joey broke up with me [[through a note ftw <_ about oh idk a month ago. we went out for month.>


an what's even more messed up is he told my best friend why he broke up with me but not me.

i was like dude I deserve to know not you he was my boyfriend


but I moved on.

It's over and done with.


my friends jimmy is helping me be a happier/more positive person because I know I can't do it on my own.


um so I currently like 2 guys

Zach (sophmore)


Chaz (freshman)


I got chaz a chain for christmas and he gave me like a 50 million hour hug and everytime I saw him today he gave me hug.


My friend Mark threw snow down the front of my shirt today. :rolleyes:


we had a snowball fight at lunch then got written up :lol:


well um that's all for now I guess.

Snow down your shirt... BRRRRRRR!!!!

Getting written up... they only wish they could have joined it. :lol:

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So um I've been gone a really long time......


I'm single agian.

Joey broke up with me [[through a note ftw <_< ]] about oh idk a month ago. we went out for a month.


an what's even more messed up is he told my best friend why he broke up with me but not me.

i was like dude I deserve to know not you he was my boyfriend


but I moved on.

It's over and done with.


my friends jimmy is helping me be a happier/more positive person because I know I can't do it on my own.


um so I currently like 2 guys

Zach (sophmore)


Chaz (freshman)


I got chaz a chain for christmas and he gave me like a 50 million hour hug and everytime I saw him today he gave me hug.


My friend Mark threw snow down the front of my shirt today. :rolleyes:


we had a snowball fight at lunch then got written up :lol:


well um that's all for now I guess.

Snow down your shirt... BRRRRRRR!!!!

Getting written up... they only wish they could have joined it. :lol:


haha dude I love the administration at my school they always try and make it fun


it was just a saftey hazard.


I wen to my friends house yesterday and I kept begging her to let me takle her into the snow and she kept sayin no so I let it go


then when we got to her house I jumped on her back and she fell down into the snow it was hilarious we were screaming and laughinf and mann idk it was fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So like. In a total act of bipolarness, I really really like Julian right now. XD You know, since we've stopped bickering all the time it's pretty much been awesome. Missing my ex, that was pretty much called by Horatio previously, was just missing the positive aspects of the previous relationship that didn't really have with this one. It's another year. Time to just forgive myself for mistakes I've made and move on.

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So like. In a total act of bipolarness, I really really like Julian right now. XD You know, since we've stopped bickering all the time it's pretty much been awesome. Missing my ex, that was pretty much called by Horatio previously, was just missing the positive aspects of the previous relationship that didn't really have with this one. It's another year. Time to just forgive myself for mistakes I've made and move on.

I'm going to hold you accountable for forgiving yourself for all your mistakes.

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So like. In a total act of bipolarness, I really really like Julian right now. XD You know, since we've stopped bickering all the time it's pretty much been awesome. Missing my ex, that was pretty much called by Horatio previously, was just missing the positive aspects of the previous relationship that didn't really have with this one. It's another year. Time to just forgive myself for mistakes I've made and move on.

I'm going to hold you accountable for forgiving yourself for all your mistakes.



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Every other day it becomes even more and more awkward when your best friends' sister has a crush on you.



Dr. Cornbread had me stay the night at his house (while not much sleeping took place) we pretty much had some 200 Halo matches online with random people and then played guitar hero in to the wee hours of the morning.

All the while, RPVF is in the room next to us playing various rock/metal songs somewhat loudly.

Not just any rock or metal songs, though.

Only ones which I have mentioned, liked, or had on playlists online or my MP3 player.


and its no secret that she's not a fan of such media, she's in to country music and slower-paced romantic things like that.


But she didnt play any of her kind of songs while I was there and not paying attention to her.


Come about 4 AM, we decide sleeping might be wise after all, and immediately RPVF jumps up and runs passed us, leaving Dr. Cornbread and I rather confused. A moment later, she informs me that she has everything prepared for me to 'crash in the living room'.

She failed to mention that 'prepared' included a blanket and comforter from her bed (meaning its red satin and/or bright pink) and about eight pillows on one of the couches. (while she did nothing for her brother.)


I ended up stalling as long as I could so that she would leave before I perform said 'crash' and once we could confirm she was in her room, I just layed on top of said bedspreads and just used the excuse I didnt see them since the lights were turned off.





Anyway, I once again bring up the whole issue with RPVF.

Do you guys have any advise as to how I can convince her that having a boyfriend is not an absolute necessity of life?

She's obsessive over it, and doesnt seem to realize that she isnt going to get married or have a meaningful relationship for another five years at least.

and Undoubtably it'll come, but shes just in high school.

A relationship will only complicate the process of finishing high school, and however many years she'd take in college.

By the time she's like, 22, maybe, i could understand her desire for such a thing.



On a fairly-related note, I can point out that her parents have been divorced for almost 14 years, so having little to no contact with her father and having no paternal figure in her family, I think thats why she feels the need to have a guy around.

But the subject of stupid divorces is another subject for another time.

I feel pretty strongly that this is the main cause, and know that its beyond my ability to fix that.


but Is there some way to help her realize that she doesnt have to have a boyfriend immediately?

I'd have thought her past six or seven relationships all failing would kind of wear down on her will somewhat, but no..

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Every other day it becomes even more and more awkward when your best friends' sister has a crush on you.



Dr. Cornbread had me stay the night at his house (while not much sleeping took place) we pretty much had some 200 Halo matches online with random people and then played guitar hero in to the wee hours of the morning.

All the while, RPVF is in the room next to us playing various rock/metal songs somewhat loudly.

Not just any rock or metal songs, though.

Only ones which I have mentioned, liked, or had on playlists online or my MP3 player.


and its no secret that she's not a fan of such media, she's in to country music and slower-paced romantic things like that.


But she didnt play any of her kind of songs while I was there and not paying attention to her.


Come about 4 AM, we decide sleeping might be wise after all, and immediately RPVF jumps up and runs passed us, leaving Dr. Cornbread and I rather confused. A moment later, she informs me that she has everything prepared for me to 'crash in the living room'.

She failed to mention that 'prepared' included a blanket and comforter from her bed (meaning its red satin and/or bright pink) and about eight pillows on one of the couches. (while she did nothing for her brother.)


I ended up stalling as long as I could so that she would leave before I perform said 'crash' and once we could confirm she was in her room, I just layed on top of said bedspreads and just used the excuse I didnt see them since the lights were turned off.





Anyway, I once again bring up the whole issue with RPVF.

Do you guys have any advise as to how I can convince her that having a boyfriend is not an absolute necessity of life?

She's obsessive over it, and doesnt seem to realize that she isnt going to get married or have a meaningful relationship for another five years at least.

and Undoubtably it'll come, but shes just in high school.

A relationship will only complicate the process of finishing high school, and however many years she'd take in college.

By the time she's like, 22, maybe, i could understand her desire for such a thing.



On a fairly-related note, I can point out that her parents have been divorced for almost 14 years, so having little to no contact with her father and having no paternal figure in her family, I think thats why she feels the need to have a guy around.

But the subject of stupid divorces is another subject for another time.

I feel pretty strongly that this is the main cause, and know that its beyond my ability to fix that.


but Is there some way to help her realize that she doesnt have to have a boyfriend immediately?

I'd have thought her past six or seven relationships all failing would kind of wear down on her will somewhat, but no..

I'm sure Cheesemaster, Mega Wolf or other wise poster would have better advice, but as I see it, you have no hope of convincing her. You are trying to convince her against something that her friends, the advertising giants and big companies are saying is good. Of course, the companies and their adverts do not say have a relationship at her age, they just show young people in love. This makes it really tough for you to convince her otherwise.


Did you know that the diamond marketing strategy, with "show her you love her, buy her a diamond" (or something close to that) is the greatest marketing strategy ever developed? I think it was more along the lines of "if you love her, you will buy her a diamond". Now, if the girl doesn't get a diamond from the guy, he obviously does not love her. :blink::o:blink: Nothing could be farther from the truth.


Anyway, if there was some way you could talk to her and show her that 'you' are not getting involved until you are in college, perhaps that would help, but I doubt it. Maybe only to keep her away from you, but as the saying goes... "You always want something you can't have."


Good luck.

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... but as the saying goes... "You always want something you can't have."


Good luck.

Unless its RPVF. D:


As you may recall, this is the same person who got a brand new car for her birthday, dual-core processor PC simply to check myspace and email, a new iPod because she kept complaining to her parents/grandparents about not having one, and while the list goes on, I think that since her rich grandparents always buy her whatever she wants, she thinks she should have a boyfriend simply because she wants one.

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*~*The Grand Illusion&*~*The Final Cut*~8


Why do I have the feeling that Ghost wants to have sex with Turttle?

I'm....not kidding. She's constantly at his house, she lets him touch her special areas, taught him how to unhook her bra, and is always wanting to be alone with him. It's creeping me ouuuuut.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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... but as the saying goes... "You always want something you can't have."


Good luck.

Unless its RPVF. D:


As you may recall, this is the same person who got a brand new car for her birthday, dual-core processor PC simply to check myspace and email, a new iPod because she kept complaining to her parents/grandparents about not having one, and while the list goes on, I think that since her rich grandparents always buy her whatever she wants, she thinks she should have a boyfriend simply because she wants one.

You're probably right. And YOU are the boyfriend she wants. :lol:

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... but as the saying goes... "You always want something you can't have."


Good luck.

Unless its RPVF. D:


As you may recall, this is the same person who got a brand new car for her birthday, dual-core processor PC simply to check myspace and email, a new iPod because she kept complaining to her parents/grandparents about not having one, and while the list goes on, I think that since her rich grandparents always buy her whatever she wants, she thinks she should have a boyfriend simply because she wants one.

You're probably right. And YOU are the boyfriend she wants. :lol:

Oh, I'm aware of that.


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*~*The Grand Illusion&*~*The Final Cut*~8


Why do I have the feeling that Ghost wants to have sex with Turttle?

I'm....not kidding. She's constantly at his house, she lets him touch her special areas, taught him how to unhook her bra, and is always wanting to be alone with him. It's creeping me ouuuuut.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Oh my!

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... but as the saying goes... "You always want something you can't have."


Good luck.

Unless its RPVF. D:


As you may recall, this is the same person who got a brand new car for her birthday, dual-core processor PC simply to check myspace and email, a new iPod because she kept complaining to her parents/grandparents about not having one, and while the list goes on, I think that since her rich grandparents always buy her whatever she wants, she thinks she should have a boyfriend simply because she wants one.

You're probably right. And YOU are the boyfriend she wants. :lol:

Oh, I'm aware of that.


Have you ever considered moving to Canada?

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Every other day it becomes even more and more awkward when your best friends' sister has a crush on you.



Dr. Cornbread had me stay the night at his house (while not much sleeping took place) we pretty much had some 200 Halo matches online with random people and then played guitar hero in to the wee hours of the morning.

All the while, RPVF is in the room next to us playing various rock/metal songs somewhat loudly.

Not just any rock or metal songs, though.

Only ones which I have mentioned, liked, or had on playlists online or my MP3 player.


and its no secret that she's not a fan of such media, she's in to country music and slower-paced romantic things like that.


But she didnt play any of her kind of songs while I was there and not paying attention to her.


Come about 4 AM, we decide sleeping might be wise after all, and immediately RPVF jumps up and runs passed us, leaving Dr. Cornbread and I rather confused. A moment later, she informs me that she has everything prepared for me to 'crash in the living room'.

She failed to mention that 'prepared' included a blanket and comforter from her bed (meaning its red satin and/or bright pink) and about eight pillows on one of the couches. (while she did nothing for her brother.)


I ended up stalling as long as I could so that she would leave before I perform said 'crash' and once we could confirm she was in her room, I just layed on top of said bedspreads and just used the excuse I didnt see them since the lights were turned off.





Anyway, I once again bring up the whole issue with RPVF.

Do you guys have any advise as to how I can convince her that having a boyfriend is not an absolute necessity of life?

She's obsessive over it, and doesnt seem to realize that she isnt going to get married or have a meaningful relationship for another five years at least.

and Undoubtably it'll come, but shes just in high school.

A relationship will only complicate the process of finishing high school, and however many years she'd take in college.

By the time she's like, 22, maybe, i could understand her desire for such a thing.



On a fairly-related note, I can point out that her parents have been divorced for almost 14 years, so having little to no contact with her father and having no paternal figure in her family, I think thats why she feels the need to have a guy around.

But the subject of stupid divorces is another subject for another time.

I feel pretty strongly that this is the main cause, and know that its beyond my ability to fix that.


but Is there some way to help her realize that she doesnt have to have a boyfriend immediately?

I'd have thought her past six or seven relationships all failing would kind of wear down on her will somewhat, but no..

I'm sure Cheesemaster, Mega Wolf or other wise poster would have better advice, but as I see it, you have no hope of convincing her. You are trying to convince her against something that her friends, the advertising giants and big companies are saying is good. Of course, the companies and their adverts do not say have a relationship at her age, they just show young people in love. This makes it really tough for you to convince her otherwise.


Did you know that the diamond marketing strategy, with "show her you love her, buy her a diamond" (or something close to that) is the greatest marketing strategy ever developed? I think it was more along the lines of "if you love her, you will buy her a diamond". Now, if the girl doesn't get a diamond from the guy, he obviously does not love her. :blink::o:blink: Nothing could be farther from the truth.


Anyway, if there was some way you could talk to her and show her that 'you' are not getting involved until you are in college, perhaps that would help, but I doubt it. Maybe only to keep her away from you, but as the saying goes... "You always want something you can't have."


Good luck.

Haha, I don't have much better advice. One doth not need a boyfriend, but convincing a teenage girl otherwise is pretty near impossible, no joke. Media does in fact make it look like every teenage girl needs her very own love story. =D The only ones who don't succumb to it are generally us nerd chicks, who usually don't have a chance with the doods. XD In the mean time, I can tell you how to get a girl to go away, with two separate methods, one being kind, the other being absolutely terrible.


Method One, The Kindness Method:

So like, basically, here's how you ward a girl off. Don't be very friendly. Being friendly to a girl will only make her like a guy. I'm not telling you to be terrible and whatnot, but just avoid talking to her. And, if you know how to get it to relay back to her, you may want to say to someone, "Er, I think she likes me, but I really don't like her like that at all." Then she will undoubtedly deny it to everyone, and try to make you look evil. =D However, if you want to avoid looking evil, you can just do the first thing and also show your negative side to her, such as showing her bad habits and never show her anything cool or cutesy about you. Make yourself look lazy, don't answer texts until like way later, and only answer with like one or two words. If this doesn't work, you are so screwed and have to use method two. =D


Method Two, The Really Mean Method:

Well, you can do a number of really mean things to a girl to get her to go away. Insult her. If she asks you how something looks, say something with a disgusted look on your face like, "I don't care". Or you can just totally ignore her and be rude if she's persistent. This method will probably get people pissed off at you. =D


But pretty much, Arkcher boy, you're screwed. =D

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*~*The Grand Illusion&*~*The Final Cut*~8


Why do I have the feeling that Ghost wants to have sex with Turttle?

I'm....not kidding. She's constantly at his house, she lets him touch her special areas, taught him how to unhook her bra, and is always wanting to be alone with him. It's creeping me ouuuuut.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Okay, and you guys are um, not even in high school, right? o_O They need to like, chill out. Uuuum. And she tells you these things? Okay, so I have a few friends who are similar about this yet different. 'Kay, so in best case scenario, of peoples who touch "special places"[o_O] they have no intention of actually going that that that far. But um. The other one has had a couple of pregnancy scares, and fortunately that hasn't happened yet. I mean, on one hand it's like at least they're not doing drugs, but on the other hand we don't want any life ruining to happen via baby. ._.

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Okay: The latest of relationship opinions.


So here we go. I have extreme respect for Julian and one of my guy friends for a specific reason: they don't date just to date. So what would be their reason? Well, neither of them state that they're going to marry someone they date in high school. But they always date in hopes of it, and will not date just because they can. I believe Horatio may have said something similar to this, yes? The basic idea is that if you're going to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, you should always look at it as, hey, would I marry this person? Though they both know that relationships can end because of differences, they have said something extremely wise that I'd already learned recently. A relationship should not end because you don't like a little thing about somebody. Fairy tale perfect relationships rarely happen. So one should not be worried about small problems. =D Wisdom today. ^-^

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Every other day it becomes even more and more awkward when your best friends' sister has a crush on you.



Dr. Cornbread had me stay the night at his house (while not much sleeping took place) we pretty much had some 200 Halo matches online with random people and then played guitar hero in to the wee hours of the morning.

All the while, RPVF is in the room next to us playing various rock/metal songs somewhat loudly.

Not just any rock or metal songs, though.

Only ones which I have mentioned, liked, or had on playlists online or my MP3 player.


and its no secret that she's not a fan of such media, she's in to country music and slower-paced romantic things like that.


But she didnt play any of her kind of songs while I was there and not paying attention to her.


Come about 4 AM, we decide sleeping might be wise after all, and immediately RPVF jumps up and runs passed us, leaving Dr. Cornbread and I rather confused. A moment later, she informs me that she has everything prepared for me to 'crash in the living room'.

She failed to mention that 'prepared' included a blanket and comforter from her bed (meaning its red satin and/or bright pink) and about eight pillows on one of the couches. (while she did nothing for her brother.)


I ended up stalling as long as I could so that she would leave before I perform said 'crash' and once we could confirm she was in her room, I just layed on top of said bedspreads and just used the excuse I didnt see them since the lights were turned off.





Anyway, I once again bring up the whole issue with RPVF.

Do you guys have any advise as to how I can convince her that having a boyfriend is not an absolute necessity of life?

She's obsessive over it, and doesnt seem to realize that she isnt going to get married or have a meaningful relationship for another five years at least.

and Undoubtably it'll come, but shes just in high school.

A relationship will only complicate the process of finishing high school, and however many years she'd take in college.

By the time she's like, 22, maybe, i could understand her desire for such a thing.



On a fairly-related note, I can point out that her parents have been divorced for almost 14 years, so having little to no contact with her father and having no paternal figure in her family, I think thats why she feels the need to have a guy around.

But the subject of stupid divorces is another subject for another time.

I feel pretty strongly that this is the main cause, and know that its beyond my ability to fix that.


but Is there some way to help her realize that she doesnt have to have a boyfriend immediately?

I'd have thought her past six or seven relationships all failing would kind of wear down on her will somewhat, but no..

I'm sure Cheesemaster, Mega Wolf or other wise poster would have better advice, but as I see it, you have no hope of convincing her. You are trying to convince her against something that her friends, the advertising giants and big companies are saying is good. Of course, the companies and their adverts do not say have a relationship at her age, they just show young people in love. This makes it really tough for you to convince her otherwise.


Did you know that the diamond marketing strategy, with "show her you love her, buy her a diamond" (or something close to that) is the greatest marketing strategy ever developed? I think it was more along the lines of "if you love her, you will buy her a diamond". Now, if the girl doesn't get a diamond from the guy, he obviously does not love her. :blink::o:blink: Nothing could be farther from the truth.


Anyway, if there was some way you could talk to her and show her that 'you' are not getting involved until you are in college, perhaps that would help, but I doubt it. Maybe only to keep her away from you, but as the saying goes... "You always want something you can't have."


Good luck.

Haha, I don't have much better advice. One doth not need a boyfriend, but convincing a teenage girl otherwise is pretty near impossible, no joke. Media does in fact make it look like every teenage girl needs her very own love story. =D The only ones who don't succumb to it are generally us nerd chicks, who usually don't have a chance with the doods. XD In the mean time, I can tell you how to get a girl to go away, with two separate methods, one being kind, the other being absolutely terrible.


Method One, The Kindness Method:

So like, basically, here's how you ward a girl off. Don't be very friendly. Being friendly to a girl will only make her like a guy. I'm not telling you to be terrible and whatnot, but just avoid talking to her. And, if you know how to get it to relay back to her, you may want to say to someone, "Er, I think she likes me, but I really don't like her like that at all." Then she will undoubtedly deny it to everyone, and try to make you look evil. =D However, if you want to avoid looking evil, you can just do the first thing and also show your negative side to her, such as showing her bad habits and never show her anything cool or cutesy about you. Make yourself look lazy, don't answer texts until like way later, and only answer with like one or two words. If this doesn't work, you are so screwed and have to use method two. =D


Method Two, The Really Mean Method:

Well, you can do a number of really mean things to a girl to get her to go away. Insult her. If she asks you how something looks, say something with a disgusted look on your face like, "I don't care". Or you can just totally ignore her and be rude if she's persistent. This method will probably get people pissed off at you. =D


But pretty much, Arkcher boy, you're screwed. =D

I can tell you something that will drive her away fast... pick your nose in front of her.

That is probably the most disgusting thing ever.

It's a good thing this trait is limited to humans and possibly chimps, monkeys and apes.

Hamsters never do something so ucky as that. Besides with our little noses and long claws, it would be painful.

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Okay: The latest of relationship opinions.


So here we go. I have extreme respect for Julian and one of my guy friends for a specific reason: they don't date just to date. So what would be their reason? Well, neither of them state that they're going to marry someone they date in high school. But they always date in hopes of it, and will not date just because they can. I believe Horatio may have said something similar to this, yes? The basic idea is that if you're going to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, you should always look at it as, hey, would I marry this person? Though they both know that relationships can end because of differences, they have said something extremely wise that I'd already learned recently. A relationship should not end because you don't like a little thing about somebody. Fairy tale perfect relationships rarely happen. So one should not be worried about small problems. =D Wisdom today. ^-^

Yes, I did say something quite like that.

You are very wise Dr. Wolf.

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*~*The Grand Illusion&*~*The Final Cut*~8


Why do I have the feeling that Ghost wants to have sex with Turttle?

I'm....not kidding. She's constantly at his house, she lets him touch her special areas, taught him how to unhook her bra, and is always wanting to be alone with him. It's creeping me ouuuuut.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Okay, and you guys are um, not even in high school, right? o_O They need to like, chill out. Uuuum. And she tells you these things? Okay, so I have a few friends who are similar about this yet different. 'Kay, so in best case scenario, of peoples who touch "special places"[o_O] they have no intention of actually going that that that far. But um. The other one has had a couple of pregnancy scares, and fortunately that hasn't happened yet. I mean, on one hand it's like at least they're not doing drugs, but on the other hand we don't want any life ruining to happen via baby. ._.

No, she doesn't, Turtle does and I confront her about it. Her excuse is that she loves him. And neither of them are very mature, at all, or know how to use birth control.

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Every other day it becomes even more and more awkward when your best friends' sister has a crush on you.



Dr. Cornbread had me stay the night at his house (while not much sleeping took place) we pretty much had some 200 Halo matches online with random people and then played guitar hero in to the wee hours of the morning.

All the while, RPVF is in the room next to us playing various rock/metal songs somewhat loudly.

Not just any rock or metal songs, though.

Only ones which I have mentioned, liked, or had on playlists online or my MP3 player.


and its no secret that she's not a fan of such media, she's in to country music and slower-paced romantic things like that.


But she didnt play any of her kind of songs while I was there and not paying attention to her.


Come about 4 AM, we decide sleeping might be wise after all, and immediately RPVF jumps up and runs passed us, leaving Dr. Cornbread and I rather confused. A moment later, she informs me that she has everything prepared for me to 'crash in the living room'.

She failed to mention that 'prepared' included a blanket and comforter from her bed (meaning its red satin and/or bright pink) and about eight pillows on one of the couches. (while she did nothing for her brother.)


I ended up stalling as long as I could so that she would leave before I perform said 'crash' and once we could confirm she was in her room, I just layed on top of said bedspreads and just used the excuse I didnt see them since the lights were turned off.





Anyway, I once again bring up the whole issue with RPVF.

Do you guys have any advise as to how I can convince her that having a boyfriend is not an absolute necessity of life?

She's obsessive over it, and doesnt seem to realize that she isnt going to get married or have a meaningful relationship for another five years at least.

and Undoubtably it'll come, but shes just in high school.

A relationship will only complicate the process of finishing high school, and however many years she'd take in college.

By the time she's like, 22, maybe, i could understand her desire for such a thing.



On a fairly-related note, I can point out that her parents have been divorced for almost 14 years, so having little to no contact with her father and having no paternal figure in her family, I think thats why she feels the need to have a guy around.

But the subject of stupid divorces is another subject for another time.

I feel pretty strongly that this is the main cause, and know that its beyond my ability to fix that.


but Is there some way to help her realize that she doesnt have to have a boyfriend immediately?

I'd have thought her past six or seven relationships all failing would kind of wear down on her will somewhat, but no..

I'm sure Cheesemaster, Mega Wolf or other wise poster would have better advice, but as I see it, you have no hope of convincing her. You are trying to convince her against something that her friends, the advertising giants and big companies are saying is good. Of course, the companies and their adverts do not say have a relationship at her age, they just show young people in love. This makes it really tough for you to convince her otherwise.


Did you know that the diamond marketing strategy, with "show her you love her, buy her a diamond" (or something close to that) is the greatest marketing strategy ever developed? I think it was more along the lines of "if you love her, you will buy her a diamond". Now, if the girl doesn't get a diamond from the guy, he obviously does not love her. :blink::o:blink: Nothing could be farther from the truth.


Anyway, if there was some way you could talk to her and show her that 'you' are not getting involved until you are in college, perhaps that would help, but I doubt it. Maybe only to keep her away from you, but as the saying goes... "You always want something you can't have."


Good luck.

Haha, I don't have much better advice. One doth not need a boyfriend, but convincing a teenage girl otherwise is pretty near impossible, no joke. Media does in fact make it look like every teenage girl needs her very own love story. =D The only ones who don't succumb to it are generally us nerd chicks, who usually don't have a chance with the doods. XD In the mean time, I can tell you how to get a girl to go away, with two separate methods, one being kind, the other being absolutely terrible.


Method One, The Kindness Method:

So like, basically, here's how you ward a girl off. Don't be very friendly. Being friendly to a girl will only make her like a guy. I'm not telling you to be terrible and whatnot, but just avoid talking to her. And, if you know how to get it to relay back to her, you may want to say to someone, "Er, I think she likes me, but I really don't like her like that at all." Then she will undoubtedly deny it to everyone, and try to make you look evil. =D However, if you want to avoid looking evil, you can just do the first thing and also show your negative side to her, such as showing her bad habits and never show her anything cool or cutesy about you. Make yourself look lazy, don't answer texts until like way later, and only answer with like one or two words. If this doesn't work, you are so screwed and have to use method two. =D


Method Two, The Really Mean Method:

Well, you can do a number of really mean things to a girl to get her to go away. Insult her. If she asks you how something looks, say something with a disgusted look on your face like, "I don't care". Or you can just totally ignore her and be rude if she's persistent. This method will probably get people pissed off at you. =D


But pretty much, Arkcher boy, you're screwed. =D

I can tell you something that will drive her away fast... pick your nose in front of her.

That is probably the most disgusting thing ever.

It's a good thing this trait is limited to humans and possibly chimps, monkeys and apes.

Hamsters never do something so ucky as that. Besides with our little noses and long claws, it would be painful.

That one is a perfect example! >=D And yeah, you were the first person who I'd heard that boyfriend being potential marriage interest thing from. ^.^ And you find the most interesting people with the same opinion. Julian and this guy friend rarely agree, and Julian had thought that this guy was really immature and crazy before, but after that they both seem to have more respect for each other.

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*~*The Grand Illusion&*~*The Final Cut*~8


Why do I have the feeling that Ghost wants to have sex with Turttle?

I'm....not kidding. She's constantly at his house, she lets him touch her special areas, taught him how to unhook her bra, and is always wanting to be alone with him. It's creeping me ouuuuut.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Okay, and you guys are um, not even in high school, right? o_O They need to like, chill out. Uuuum. And she tells you these things? Okay, so I have a few friends who are similar about this yet different. 'Kay, so in best case scenario, of peoples who touch "special places"[o_O] they have no intention of actually going that that that far. But um. The other one has had a couple of pregnancy scares, and fortunately that hasn't happened yet. I mean, on one hand it's like at least they're not doing drugs, but on the other hand we don't want any life ruining to happen via baby. ._.

No, she doesn't, Turtle does and I confront her about it. Her excuse is that she loves him. And neither of them are very mature, at all, or know how to use birth control.

Oh, jeez. That's really bad. Well. Have you told her about a little thing called "lust" and that it's quite different than love? o_o I mean, yes, it is a way to show love, but if either of their faces would be burned off, would they still want to be together? That is the question.

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Well, Arkcher, I'm gonna add on to MW's advice. Be curt. Like, if she comes over talks to you, don't ignore her, but just give a short answer or whatever. And then ignore her. If she persists, go away. Not sure what else you can do without making others upset.

(you could always talk to her parents, but, I dunno.)

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*~*The Grand Illusion&*~*The Final Cut*~8


Why do I have the feeling that Ghost wants to have sex with Turttle?

I'm....not kidding. She's constantly at his house, she lets him touch her special areas, taught him how to unhook her bra, and is always wanting to be alone with him. It's creeping me ouuuuut.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Okay, and you guys are um, not even in high school, right? o_O They need to like, chill out. Uuuum. And she tells you these things? Okay, so I have a few friends who are similar about this yet different. 'Kay, so in best case scenario, of peoples who touch "special places"[o_O] they have no intention of actually going that that that far. But um. The other one has had a couple of pregnancy scares, and fortunately that hasn't happened yet. I mean, on one hand it's like at least they're not doing drugs, but on the other hand we don't want any life ruining to happen via baby. ._.

No, she doesn't, Turtle does and I confront her about it. Her excuse is that she loves him. And neither of them are very mature, at all, or know how to use birth control.

Oh, jeez. That's really bad. Well. Have you told her about a little thing called "lust" and that it's quite different than love? o_o I mean, yes, it is a way to show love, but if either of their faces would be burned off, would they still want to be together? That is the question.

Turtle broke up with her today and they stayed broken up for more then ten minutes. Maybe they're done for finally.

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so I've tried MW's dastardly plan of just simple short mumbled responses and answers when RPVF is around. Dr. Cornbread noticed this and thinks its a good idea, too.

Im talking to her online right now, so im just not capitalizing things and using poor grammar in short answers, and its killing me to do it D:

She IMs,

'omg youre turning 16 soon! are3 you excited?'

'yeah, i guess so. my parents probably arent going to do anything awesome this time.'

'thats why you leave all the good stuff to your friends! lol. i should throw you a party'

'do it then.' (only thing that came to mind for a short stupid non-informative response.)

'okay i will. what do you want for your birthday? im getting you a present if you like it or not'


RPVF has rich grandparents (who threw her a $6,500 birthday party when she turned 16) so it'd be awesome if they did something that was at least memorable, but...

if it was anyone BUT RPVF, it would be awesome.



I just get myself in to worse and worse situations every day.

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so I've tried MW's dastardly plan of just simple short mumbled responses and answers when RPVF is around. Dr. Cornbread noticed this and thinks its a good idea, too.

Im talking to her online right now, so im just not capitalizing things and using poor grammar in short answers, and its killing me to do it D:

She IMs,

'omg youre turning 16 soon! are3 you excited?'

'yeah, i guess so. my parents probably arent going to do anything awesome this time.'

'thats why you leave all the good stuff to your friends! lol. i should throw you a party'

'do it then.' (only thing that came to mind for a short stupid non-informative response.)

'okay i will. what do you want for your birthday? im getting you a present if you like it or not'


RPVF has rich grandparents (who threw her a $6,500 birthday party when she turned 16) so it'd be awesome if they did something that was at least memorable, but...

if it was anyone BUT RPVF, it would be awesome.



I just get myself in to worse and worse situations every day.

I'm just curious... why do you IM her?

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I'm just curious... why do you IM her?

I didnt, she IMed me.

and is kind of hard to ignore.

and its happened in the past that she'll call my phone to point out im not responding to her IMs.

Can't you respond and say you are busy and then show yourself offline or invisible? And if she telephones you, answer and say you can't talk, or just don't answer her call at all. I'm really confused.

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I'm just curious... why do you IM her?

I didnt, she IMed me.

and is kind of hard to ignore.

and its happened in the past that she'll call my phone to point out im not responding to her IMs.

Ugh. >.< Ghost did the same thing with Turtle. Calling him and not shutting up.

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*~*The Grand Illusion&*~*The Final Cut*~8


Why do I have the feeling that Ghost wants to have sex with Turttle?

I'm....not kidding. She's constantly at his house, she lets him touch her special areas, taught him how to unhook her bra, and is always wanting to be alone with him. It's creeping me ouuuuut.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Okay, and you guys are um, not even in high school, right? o_O They need to like, chill out. Uuuum. And she tells you these things? Okay, so I have a few friends who are similar about this yet different. 'Kay, so in best case scenario, of peoples who touch "special places"[o_O] they have no intention of actually going that that that far. But um. The other one has had a couple of pregnancy scares, and fortunately that hasn't happened yet. I mean, on one hand it's like at least they're not doing drugs, but on the other hand we don't want any life ruining to happen via baby. ._.

No, she doesn't, Turtle does and I confront her about it. Her excuse is that she loves him. And neither of them are very mature, at all, or know how to use birth control.

Oh, jeez. That's really bad. Well. Have you told her about a little thing called "lust" and that it's quite different than love? o_o I mean, yes, it is a way to show love, but if either of their faces would be burned off, would they still want to be together? That is the question.

Turtle broke up with her today and they stayed broken up for more then ten minutes. Maybe they're done for finally.

Personal experience, but, that doesn't necessarily mean the end. When Mike was still my boyfriend(d00d, that was like, a year ago. Trippy. o_o), I brok up with him for like, two weeks once, remember? Well, then again, we weren't on and off or anything like that. That was a one time thing. XD So yeah, they might end up back together. At some point. Hopefully when they're more mature.

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I'm just curious... why do you IM her?

I didnt, she IMed me.

and is kind of hard to ignore.

and its happened in the past that she'll call my phone to point out im not responding to her IMs.

Can't you respond and say you are busy and then show yourself offline or invisible? And if she telephones you, answer and say you can't talk, or just don't answer her call at all. I'm really confused.

Heh, that would be in the "mean" zone because it's so easy to pick up on. ^.^ The point of short answers is to detach and speak less frequently.


Oh, and Arkcher, try to kill the conversations as soon as possible. Say something that isn't funny or discussable. You probably have been doing that already, though. And your short answers need to be shorter. i.e., instead of "yeah, i guess so. my parents probably arent going to do anything awesome this time." you should say stuff like, "not really" or "yeah" or "yeah sure" or "yeah i guess". These answers are less conversable. =D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Things are really looking up for my friend in Brazil and I. She gets back the ninth, and then I am going over to her house soon after to watch all of the harry potter movies. So I get to spend a lot of time with her alone. After we have been flirting via email for some time now. Things are really looking good!

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so Much to Katman's and my amusement, I met someone on a particular MMORPG who is convinced that we have an online relationship.

Im not sure what gave her this idea, but its more amusing than anything else.


like when we go on a hot date to the Forest of Mist and grind for EXP. thats something she cant possibly miss. XD

or in group quests, she has to shout out to let everyone know that 'this is our first group quest we'll finish together =D'


its pretty hilarious.

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so Much to Katman's and my amusement, I met someone on a particular MMORPG who is convinced that we have an online relationship.

Im not sure what gave her this idea, but its more amusing than anything else.


like when we go on a hot date to the Forest of Mist and grind for EXP. thats something she cant possibly miss. XD

or in group quests, she has to shout out to let everyone know that 'this is our first group quest we'll finish together =D'


its pretty hilarious.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

You seem to be a chick magnet! LOL

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so Much to Katman's and my amusement, I met someone on a particular MMORPG who is convinced that we have an online relationship.

Im not sure what gave her this idea, but its more amusing than anything else.


like when we go on a hot date to the Forest of Mist and grind for EXP. thats something she cant possibly miss. XD

or in group quests, she has to shout out to let everyone know that 'this is our first group quest we'll finish together =D'


its pretty hilarious.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

You seem to be a chick magnet! LOL

I know



I might like it if i were actively seeking a relationship, but im not.

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so Much to Katman's and my amusement, I met someone on a particular MMORPG who is convinced that we have an online relationship.

Im not sure what gave her this idea, but its more amusing than anything else.


like when we go on a hot date to the Forest of Mist and grind for EXP. thats something she cant possibly miss. XD

or in group quests, she has to shout out to let everyone know that 'this is our first group quest we'll finish together =D'


its pretty hilarious.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

You seem to be a chick magnet! LOL

I know



I might like it if i were actively seeking a relationship, but im not.

That's the way it always happens. When you aren't looking, there are a million chasing you. When you are looking, you can't seem to find anyone.

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Haha, so true. When I have a boyfriend, there are usually few creepy guys who like me anyway... wait, no, nevermind, that's true even when I'm not going out with anyone. :rolleyes:


In other news. Top friends on a certain networking website indicates when someone likes you. And that seems to be true in a few recent cases, not all involving me. :blink:

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Haha, so true. When I have a boyfriend, there are usually few creepy guys who like me anyway... wait, no, nevermind, that's true even when I'm not going out with anyone. :rolleyes:


In other news. Top friends on a certain networking website indicates when someone likes you. And that seems to be true in a few recent cases, not all involving me. :blink:


It's more interesting when it involves you. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, let's see. I've been going out with Julian for a year now. Which, I suppose is quite the accomplishment, especially considering how much we've gone through in terms of arguing. I must say that Julian is very important to me. He's a great boyfriend, and I wouldn't mind sticking with him. But my problem is the problem of multiple feelings of attachment. Despite the fact that I obviously was the one to dump my ex boyfriend over a year ago, I still have feelings for him. Which is pretty much rediculous. Why should I feel attached to two guys at once? I'm quite content with Julian at the moment. So I basically don't see any logical reasoning for it. :wacko:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've concluded a few things.

-I'm going to continue to simply have the, "Everything sorts itself out eventually," outlook on life.

-I'm indifferent as to whether or not Julian dumps me. See outlook.

-If Julian does dump me, my rule is no official boyfriend for three months. Haha. (not a particularly difficult goal)

-I'm SO not going to have any boyfriends I don't know that well anymore.


Haha, subtle flirting boosts self esteem, and that's about it. I was on a date with el boyfriend at a buffet and this bus boy was flirting with me and it wasn't even notable enough for Julian to pick up on it. XD And believe me, Julian gets jealous easily. So it was harmless. =D And then my friend's older brother kinda seemed to be flirting with me today(I'd arrived for a filming a movie, but my friend had gone to pick up another firend and everyone else was 20+ minutes late), but he's a spaz so I can't be completely sure. XD


Anyhow, let's move on to a less hilarious note(well, depends on how you look at it). One of my other friends is making out with guys "for fun". :wacko: This is not harmless, she can seriously get hurt. Example, she knew one guy for a total of a week and started making out with him. And then recently he tried to... do something more. He pretty much tried to #### her, but before anything could happen, she called over his friend from the other room and the friend threw him off of her. And then she exchanged numbers with this random guy she met at the grocery story. They either went or are going to the movies and the way she described his personality just totally makes me think that she really is just an idiot and she's just setting herself up.

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I've concluded a few things.

-I'm going to continue to simply have the, "Everything sorts itself out eventually," outlook on life.

-I'm indifferent as to whether or not Julian dumps me. See outlook.

-If Julian does dump me, my rule is no official boyfriend for three months. Haha. (not a particularly difficult goal)

-I'm SO not going to have any boyfriends I don't know that well anymore.


Haha, subtle flirting boosts self esteem, and that's about it. I was on a date with el boyfriend at a buffet and this bus boy was flirting with me and it wasn't even notable enough for Julian to pick up on it. XD And believe me, Julian gets jealous easily. So it was harmless. =D And then my friend's older brother kinda seemed to be flirting with me today(I'd arrived for a filming a movie, but my friend had gone to pick up another firend and everyone else was 20+ minutes late), but he's a spaz so I can't be completely sure. XD


Anyhow, let's move on to a less hilarious note(well, depends on how you look at it). One of my other friends is making out with guys "for fun". :wacko: This is not harmless, she can seriously get hurt. Example, she knew one guy for a total of a week and started making out with him. And then recently he tried to... do something more. He pretty much tried to #### her, but before anything could happen, she called over his friend from the other room and the friend threw him off of her. And then she exchanged numbers with this random guy she met at the grocery story. They either went or are going to the movies and the way she described his personality just totally makes me think that she really is just an idiot and she's just setting herself up.


Your outlook on life will be interesting. If you are a procrastinator like I am, the results will not be what you desire. :lol:

As for relationships, well, this just might be the way to go. :D


Flirting does boost your self esteem, as long as you understand the consequences.


Your friend... she is treading on dangerous ground. Hopefully she will get over this before she is in a situation that no one can rescue her from.


I had hoped to get your attention when you were on, but you posted and departed.

:) for the post, :( for departing so fast.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


No, Turtle's Mom = The Dumb.


You see, T's Mom wants him to keep going out with Ghost. So, she forced him to take her to the dance, and is giving her rides home every day. Stepping away from the fact that Ghost is overweight and NEEDS the exercise she gets from walking home, Ghost seemed like, for a while there, that she was FINALLY getting over Turtle breaking up with her. But now she's being a creepy stalker again, and she's extremely touchy-feelie with Turtle, and even tried to hold his hand during and assembly, and, like she did when she was going out with him, gets P***** if someone makes fun of or hits Turtle, despite the fact that teasing and hitting each other on the shoulder are time-honored A.D. Traditions. And, like she did when they were going out, has memorized his schedule. Even I didn't know Trent's schedule. It's creepy as ****.


Speaking of creepy as ****, there's this scrawny kid, Dusty, (Yes his parents named him that) who thinks he's Super Cool and tough is also stalking Turtle in a creepy way. He's creepier then Ghost.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I'm getting REALLY ****** at how my friends don't care if someone gets all giddy and happy and talks about how Johnny Depp is so hot, but they get mad at me and call me obsessive if I say that I think Marth, Jeff, Keith Moon, or Joey Ramone are hot. (Or they say that it's gross and I should shut up...) Kind of funny coming from people who have 18 posters of Depp in their rooms they regularly, and voluntarily, make out with.

I'm also tired of the way they call me a pedophile if I say Jeff, Ness, Lucas, or any other 13-year old Game character is hot, when they're the ones saying they want to b*** Orlando Bloom, despite the fact that he's thirty years older then them, would get arrested if he was caught, and probably wouldn't be to interested in doing that with teen girls.




P.S. Orlando Bloom is ugly.


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so Today is Brianrietta's 17th birthday.



Sometime last week, an event of epic proportions took place.

Through the standard highschool-drama, Brianrietta and RPVF are no longer friends.

said drama being the usual 'liek omg he said she was going out with that guy but then he wasnt because she went on a date with the other dude three months ago and then i tried talking her out of it and liek it just never worked and now there are rumors about he and she doing something like buying shoes and then now shes talking to another guy online and their powers combined could construct the largest telescope ever built by man and then she said liek im not going on a date with you unless you get a dogsled and take us to alaska and liek so he keeps saying that she likes someone else and' So on, so forth.

Some kind of rumor about Brianrietta, Which people traced back to RPVF.


I didnt follow their logic all too well, but yeah. It must have made sense to them.

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so Today is Brianrietta's 17th birthday.



Sometime last week, an event of epic proportions took place.

Through the standard highschool-drama, Brianrietta and RPVF are no longer friends.

said drama being the usual 'liek omg he said she was going out with that guy but then he wasnt because she went on a date with the other dude three months ago and then i tried talking her out of it and liek it just never worked and now there are rumors about he and she doing something like buying shoes and then now shes talking to another guy online and their powers combined could construct the largest telescope ever built by man and then she said liek im not going on a date with you unless you get a dogsled and take us to alaska and liek so he keeps saying that she likes someone else and' So on, so forth.

Some kind of rumor about Brianrietta, Which people traced back to RPVF.


I didnt follow their logic all too well, but yeah. It must have made sense to them.


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so Today is Brianrietta's 17th birthday.



Sometime last week, an event of epic proportions took place.

Through the standard highschool-drama, Brianrietta and RPVF are no longer friends.

said drama being the usual 'liek omg he said she was going out with that guy but then he wasnt because she went on a date with the other dude three months ago and then i tried talking her out of it and liek it just never worked and now there are rumors about he and she doing something like buying shoes and then now shes talking to another guy online and their powers combined could construct the largest telescope ever built by man and then she said liek im not going on a date with you unless you get a dogsled and take us to alaska and liek so he keeps saying that she likes someone else and' So on, so forth.

Some kind of rumor about Brianrietta, Which people traced back to RPVF.


I didnt follow their logic all too well, but yeah. It must have made sense to them.


Yeah, that was my reaction too.



and still is.

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Limited intarwebz access has kept me from counceling with you guys or providing more timely updates.


Two days ago, RPVF brought up our plans for Friday night.

I wasnt aware we had plans for friday night.

She insisted that she talked to my sister and I that morning, arranging a double date of sorts. Neither of us have any recollection of that ever happening.


but She was very sure that we totally talked to each other and agreed on this matter.


Now is friday night, and my sister talked to RPVF for about half an hour trying to figure out what we were going to do.

She had no idea what her plans were either, so she pretty much said 'i dont know' until Beth, my sister, made up a random activity.

so We're going to make homemade ice cream, maybe watch a movie, and throw marshmallows at each other among other oddities.


i'll let you guys know how this turns out afterward.

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Limited intarwebz access has kept me from counceling with you guys or providing more timely updates.


Two days ago, RPVF brought up our plans for Friday night.

I wasnt aware we had plans for friday night.

She insisted that she talked to my sister and I that morning, arranging a double date of sorts. Neither of us have any recollection of that ever happening.


but She was very sure that we totally talked to each other and agreed on this matter.


Now is friday night, and my sister talked to RPVF for about half an hour trying to figure out what we were going to do.

She had no idea what her plans were either, so she pretty much said 'i dont know' until Beth, my sister, made up a random activity.

so We're going to make homemade ice cream, maybe watch a movie, and throw marshmallows at each other among other oddities.


i'll let you guys know how this turns out afterward.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. :lol:

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Limited intarwebz access has kept me from counceling with you guys or providing more timely updates.


Two days ago, RPVF brought up our plans for Friday night.

I wasnt aware we had plans for friday night.

She insisted that she talked to my sister and I that morning, arranging a double date of sorts. Neither of us have any recollection of that ever happening.


but She was very sure that we totally talked to each other and agreed on this matter.


Now is friday night, and my sister talked to RPVF for about half an hour trying to figure out what we were going to do.

She had no idea what her plans were either, so she pretty much said 'i dont know' until Beth, my sister, made up a random activity.

so We're going to make homemade ice cream, maybe watch a movie, and throw marshmallows at each other among other oddities.


i'll let you guys know how this turns out afterward.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. :lol:

I know that it wasnt the kind of awesome date RPVF was after, but its what she gets. :D

I think she wanted more of a date with just her and I going to some upscale italian place and seeing a chick-flick movie and then gazing off in to a sunset or something like that.

but No, since we're in the process of moving and that was the last day of spring break over here, Our options were limited.

Like I said, my sister threw the date together and was going to take someone of her age (18 or 19 or so) and we'd go do something like bowling.

no, We didnt get to do even that.


Dr. Cornbread, my best friend and RPVF's little brother, had nothing to do that night. He tagged along with us.

Beth's date fell through, so it ended up being I was with RPVF, my sister was with Dr. Cornbread.

We came to one of the two half-empty houses, after my sister and I had been packing all day, and rather unshaven, dusty and dirty with less-than desirable clothing on. RPVF was all decked out with a new-looking. ... clothes... thing. (i dont really wear girls clothes so i dont know what they're called :D ) and fancy makeup everywhere and hair done all cool.

Since my parents were packing things in to the car, RPVF drove my sister and I to the other house, and waited for us to get out of the shower (respectively) and then we went to a grocery store to pick up homemade ice cream fixin's and like four bags of marshmallows.


so At about 8:30 instead of 7:00, we actually got started on making homemade ice cream and playing silly board games, then ate the ice cream, and went outside to play...



I dont know if anyone else has even heard of this, but its awesome.


You have a list of words, and a handful of marshmallows, and you put one marshmallow in your mouth, say the first word, then another mashmallow, the second word, third mashmallow third word, so on so forth.

It gets messy, but its hilarious listening to people try to talk with 7 marshmallows in their mouth.


Even more hilarious watching them try to keep them in their mouth and off of their fancy-pants new clothes and marshmallow dump all over their face. which becomes tinted with various makeup as RPVF can testify.


At about 11, RPVF's mom calls them and reminds them that they were supposed to be back at 10:30.

Meanwhile, Dr. Cornbread had successfully surpressed his gag reflex and ended up storing about 9 marshmallows in his mouth, half of them sliding down his throat, while he was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes puking everywhere.

They didnt get home til about midnight, and I dont think their parents were very pleased with Dr. Cornbread being half-sick and RPVF having marshmallows all over her clothes and hair and face. and being home 2 hours late.




Such was my first date.

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Limited intarwebz access has kept me from counceling with you guys or providing more timely updates.


Two days ago, RPVF brought up our plans for Friday night.

I wasnt aware we had plans for friday night.

She insisted that she talked to my sister and I that morning, arranging a double date of sorts. Neither of us have any recollection of that ever happening.


but She was very sure that we totally talked to each other and agreed on this matter.


Now is friday night, and my sister talked to RPVF for about half an hour trying to figure out what we were going to do.

She had no idea what her plans were either, so she pretty much said 'i dont know' until Beth, my sister, made up a random activity.

so We're going to make homemade ice cream, maybe watch a movie, and throw marshmallows at each other among other oddities.


i'll let you guys know how this turns out afterward.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. :lol:

I know that it wasnt the kind of awesome date RPVF was after, but its what she gets. :D

I think she wanted more of a date with just her and I going to some upscale italian place and seeing a chick-flick movie and then gazing off in to a sunset or something like that.

but No, since we're in the process of moving and that was the last day of spring break over here, Our options were limited.

Like I said, my sister threw the date together and was going to take someone of her age (18 or 19 or so) and we'd go do something like bowling.

no, We didnt get to do even that.


Dr. Cornbread, my best friend and RPVF's little brother, had nothing to do that night. He tagged along with us.

Beth's date fell through, so it ended up being I was with RPVF, my sister was with Dr. Cornbread.

We came to one of the two half-empty houses, after my sister and I had been packing all day, and rather unshaven, dusty and dirty with less-than desirable clothing on. RPVF was all decked out with a new-looking. ... clothes... thing. (i dont really wear girls clothes so i dont know what they're called :D ) and fancy makeup everywhere and hair done all cool.

Since my parents were packing things in to the car, RPVF drove my sister and I to the other house, and waited for us to get out of the shower (respectively) and then we went to a grocery store to pick up homemade ice cream fixin's and like four bags of marshmallows.


so At about 8:30 instead of 7:00, we actually got started on making homemade ice cream and playing silly board games, then ate the ice cream, and went outside to play...



I dont know if anyone else has even heard of this, but its awesome.


You have a list of words, and a handful of marshmallows, and you put one marshmallow in your mouth, say the first word, then another mashmallow, the second word, third mashmallow third word, so on so forth.

It gets messy, but its hilarious listening to people try to talk with 7 marshmallows in their mouth.


Even more hilarious watching them try to keep them in their mouth and off of their fancy-pants new clothes and marshmallow dump all over their face. which becomes tinted with various makeup as RPVF can testify.


At about 11, RPVF's mom calls them and reminds them that they were supposed to be back at 10:30.

Meanwhile, Dr. Cornbread had successfully surpressed his gag reflex and ended up storing about 9 marshmallows in his mouth, half of them sliding down his throat, while he was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes puking everywhere.

They didnt get home til about midnight, and I dont think their parents were very pleased with Dr. Cornbread being half-sick and RPVF having marshmallows all over her clothes and hair and face. and being home 2 hours late.




Such was my first date.

That sounded like a really fun first date. Much better than the Italian restaurant, movie, etc. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Limited intarwebz access has kept me from counceling with you guys or providing more timely updates.


Two days ago, RPVF brought up our plans for Friday night.

I wasnt aware we had plans for friday night.

She insisted that she talked to my sister and I that morning, arranging a double date of sorts. Neither of us have any recollection of that ever happening.


but She was very sure that we totally talked to each other and agreed on this matter.


Now is friday night, and my sister talked to RPVF for about half an hour trying to figure out what we were going to do.

She had no idea what her plans were either, so she pretty much said 'i dont know' until Beth, my sister, made up a random activity.

so We're going to make homemade ice cream, maybe watch a movie, and throw marshmallows at each other among other oddities.


i'll let you guys know how this turns out afterward.


Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. :lol:

I know that it wasnt the kind of awesome date RPVF was after, but its what she gets. :D

I think she wanted more of a date with just her and I going to some upscale italian place and seeing a chick-flick movie and then gazing off in to a sunset or something like that.

but No, since we're in the process of moving and that was the last day of spring break over here, Our options were limited.

Like I said, my sister threw the date together and was going to take someone of her age (18 or 19 or so) and we'd go do something like bowling.

no, We didnt get to do even that.


Dr. Cornbread, my best friend and RPVF's little brother, had nothing to do that night. He tagged along with us.

Beth's date fell through, so it ended up being I was with RPVF, my sister was with Dr. Cornbread.

We came to one of the two half-empty houses, after my sister and I had been packing all day, and rather unshaven, dusty and dirty with less-than desirable clothing on. RPVF was all decked out with a new-looking. ... clothes... thing. (i dont really wear girls clothes so i dont know what they're called :D ) and fancy makeup everywhere and hair done all cool.

Since my parents were packing things in to the car, RPVF drove my sister and I to the other house, and waited for us to get out of the shower (respectively) and then we went to a grocery store to pick up homemade ice cream fixin's and like four bags of marshmallows.


so At about 8:30 instead of 7:00, we actually got started on making homemade ice cream and playing silly board games, then ate the ice cream, and went outside to play...



I dont know if anyone else has even heard of this, but its awesome.


You have a list of words, and a handful of marshmallows, and you put one marshmallow in your mouth, say the first word, then another mashmallow, the second word, third mashmallow third word, so on so forth.

It gets messy, but its hilarious listening to people try to talk with 7 marshmallows in their mouth.


Even more hilarious watching them try to keep them in their mouth and off of their fancy-pants new clothes and marshmallow dump all over their face. which becomes tinted with various makeup as RPVF can testify.


At about 11, RPVF's mom calls them and reminds them that they were supposed to be back at 10:30.

Meanwhile, Dr. Cornbread had successfully surpressed his gag reflex and ended up storing about 9 marshmallows in his mouth, half of them sliding down his throat, while he was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes puking everywhere.

They didnt get home til about midnight, and I dont think their parents were very pleased with Dr. Cornbread being half-sick and RPVF having marshmallows all over her clothes and hair and face. and being home 2 hours late.




Such was my first date.


I wonder if RPVF will ever learn. :rolleyes:

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Limited intarwebz access has kept me from counceling with you guys or providing more timely updates.


Two days ago, RPVF brought up our plans for Friday night.

I wasnt aware we had plans for friday night.

She insisted that she talked to my sister and I that morning, arranging a double date of sorts. Neither of us have any recollection of that ever happening.


but She was very sure that we totally talked to each other and agreed on this matter.


Now is friday night, and my sister talked to RPVF for about half an hour trying to figure out what we were going to do.

She had no idea what her plans were either, so she pretty much said 'i dont know' until Beth, my sister, made up a random activity.

so We're going to make homemade ice cream, maybe watch a movie, and throw marshmallows at each other among other oddities.


i'll let you guys know how this turns out afterward.


Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. :lol:

I know that it wasnt the kind of awesome date RPVF was after, but its what she gets. :D

I think she wanted more of a date with just her and I going to some upscale italian place and seeing a chick-flick movie and then gazing off in to a sunset or something like that.

but No, since we're in the process of moving and that was the last day of spring break over here, Our options were limited.

Like I said, my sister threw the date together and was going to take someone of her age (18 or 19 or so) and we'd go do something like bowling.

no, We didnt get to do even that.


Dr. Cornbread, my best friend and RPVF's little brother, had nothing to do that night. He tagged along with us.

Beth's date fell through, so it ended up being I was with RPVF, my sister was with Dr. Cornbread.

We came to one of the two half-empty houses, after my sister and I had been packing all day, and rather unshaven, dusty and dirty with less-than desirable clothing on. RPVF was all decked out with a new-looking. ... clothes... thing. (i dont really wear girls clothes so i dont know what they're called :D ) and fancy makeup everywhere and hair done all cool.

Since my parents were packing things in to the car, RPVF drove my sister and I to the other house, and waited for us to get out of the shower (respectively) and then we went to a grocery store to pick up homemade ice cream fixin's and like four bags of marshmallows.


so At about 8:30 instead of 7:00, we actually got started on making homemade ice cream and playing silly board games, then ate the ice cream, and went outside to play...



I dont know if anyone else has even heard of this, but its awesome.


You have a list of words, and a handful of marshmallows, and you put one marshmallow in your mouth, say the first word, then another mashmallow, the second word, third mashmallow third word, so on so forth.

It gets messy, but its hilarious listening to people try to talk with 7 marshmallows in their mouth.


Even more hilarious watching them try to keep them in their mouth and off of their fancy-pants new clothes and marshmallow dump all over their face. which becomes tinted with various makeup as RPVF can testify.


At about 11, RPVF's mom calls them and reminds them that they were supposed to be back at 10:30.

Meanwhile, Dr. Cornbread had successfully surpressed his gag reflex and ended up storing about 9 marshmallows in his mouth, half of them sliding down his throat, while he was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes puking everywhere.

They didnt get home til about midnight, and I dont think their parents were very pleased with Dr. Cornbread being half-sick and RPVF having marshmallows all over her clothes and hair and face. and being home 2 hours late.




Such was my first date.


I wonder if RPVF will ever learn. :rolleyes:

IMHO... no.

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My philosophy on love.


Newtons third law.


Every action has an equal or opposite reaction



Love, great action, shows alot of affection and leads to many great things, kids, grand children, someone to spend the rest of your life with. But as in the third law it has an equal or opposite reaction, and for all you nay sayers saying "Oh its love it wont have an opposite reaction Im staying with my honey bunch forever <3333" Yeah right, this is earth not Dreamland. I know, I had a girlfriend, We were just chatting and I cant remember what I said, but when your in love you do crazy things and you end up saying things in a wrong demenor or using it out of context which leads to heartbreak, deppression and in some cases, suicide. As in the whole religion theory, (Going off topic, Sorry Horatio, please dont take this out, this is just my view and whoever wants to bash me, go ahead because If you defend a statement, why make one. And trust me, I can defend.) God, great guy, Told us about sins, about pleasure and what not but think of it this way, Unmarital "Mommy and Daddy hugs" were counted as sin. Adam and Eve, only two humans on the face of the new born earth, many children came after them, yet there was no one to wed them, therefore god himself had basically sinned us all. Anywho, God great guy, but as in the third law, there must be an opposite reaction, Satan. Because with God comes good, but with God comes Satan, with Satan comes evil. But without either, we would have relied on our basic maternal instincts, male and female and most likely would have had a greater chance to have less murder, violence etc in our world. For this reason I'm proud to be Athiest and Single and always will be.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


before Spring Break, I thought Turtle would get a break from Ghost, and she would have some time to get over him without Turtle's parents getting in the way. Oh the hilarity of hindsight, because Turtle's mom forced Ghost to come over to Turtle's house...something they regularly did when they were going out. And also something that helped fuel Ghost's alleged lust for Turtle...


Anyway, Turtle sez they had fun and played video games. I guess that's good? The AD regularly does that.


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*





I've seen Ghost act like an idiot, but NEVER like this.


Today in Science, we had an assignment; we had to guess the age of stars just from pictures and descriptions. Pretty easy, and me as well as others got the assignment done with relative swiftness. EXCEPT...Ghost and Turtle.


You see, Ghost was being flirty in a way I cannot describe to you. Except that it scared the **** out of me. Turtle only got one problem done, Ghost did not do any. same thing happened in Math.




*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*





I've seen Ghost act like an idiot, but NEVER like this.


Today in Science, we had an assignment; we had to guess the age of stars just from pictures and descriptions. Pretty easy, and me as well as others got the assignment done with relative swiftness. EXCEPT...Ghost and Turtle.


You see, Ghost was being flirty in a way I cannot describe to you. Except that it scared the **** out of me. Turtle only got one problem done, Ghost did not do any. same thing happened in Math.




*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Eh, it's their fault if their grades suffer. Just be sure that you are concentrating.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*





I've seen Ghost act like an idiot, but NEVER like this.


Today in Science, we had an assignment; we had to guess the age of stars just from pictures and descriptions. Pretty easy, and me as well as others got the assignment done with relative swiftness. EXCEPT...Ghost and Turtle.


You see, Ghost was being flirty in a way I cannot describe to you. Except that it scared the **** out of me. Turtle only got one problem done, Ghost did not do any. same thing happened in Math.




*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Eh, it's their fault if their grades suffer. Just be sure that you are concentrating.

She's also...incredibly...i don't know. She thinks Turtle is prefect and incapable of doing wrong, and he's using it to his advantage to cause trouble.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*





I've seen Ghost act like an idiot, but NEVER like this.


Today in Science, we had an assignment; we had to guess the age of stars just from pictures and descriptions. Pretty easy, and me as well as others got the assignment done with relative swiftness. EXCEPT...Ghost and Turtle.


You see, Ghost was being flirty in a way I cannot describe to you. Except that it scared the **** out of me. Turtle only got one problem done, Ghost did not do any. same thing happened in Math.




*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Eh, it's their fault if their grades suffer. Just be sure that you are concentrating.

She's also...incredibly...i don't know. She thinks Turtle is prefect and incapable of doing wrong, and he's using it to his advantage to cause trouble.



How so?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*





I've seen Ghost act like an idiot, but NEVER like this.


Today in Science, we had an assignment; we had to guess the age of stars just from pictures and descriptions. Pretty easy, and me as well as others got the assignment done with relative swiftness. EXCEPT...Ghost and Turtle.


You see, Ghost was being flirty in a way I cannot describe to you. Except that it scared the **** out of me. Turtle only got one problem done, Ghost did not do any. same thing happened in Math.




*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Eh, it's their fault if their grades suffer. Just be sure that you are concentrating.

She's also...incredibly...i don't know. She thinks Turtle is prefect and incapable of doing wrong, and he's using it to his advantage to cause trouble.



How so?

Chaining my bag to the pole, making fun of me, making fun of other kids, and pretending he didn't do anything. He realizes what he's doing.


also: Ghost acts Emo when Turtle isn't around. It's pathetic.

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i just love how this topic never dies!

Love never dies...





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i just love how this topic never dies!

Love never dies...







Are they at least going out?

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i just love how this topic never dies!

Love never dies...







Are they at least going out?


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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


News: Mushroom_king hates Ghost.



Ghost has, officially, gotten on my last nerve.


I already told you about how she excuses Turtle for whatever he does and that he could be a serial killer and she would defend him.


Anyway, this being Spring and all, a lot of stupid children at my school are sick and have allergies and decided to come anyway....probably for the MAP test. did I mention the MAP test is made by commies? Yea.

The past weeks when we've had the test, Ghost always offers to take Turtle's materials and test book and go put it up for him...but doesn't offer to take mine. I've mentioned this, but like most people, she thinks I'm kidding and being jokey. I'm not.

So today I, once again, reminded her: "Oh, so you took his book but not mine, I see how it is." Turtle is sick, so she responds: "Well, he's sick! He has an excuse..." never mind the fact he wasn't sick last week but she still took his book (I really should have mentioned that), I wondered aloud, "Hey, what if told you that he's starting to make me sick because he chose to come to school sick?" "Well you have a bad immune system!"

Yea, that's a good explanation! I don' even have allergies but I have a bad immune system because I have people coughing and sneezing all over me! There's definitely not any bias because you're so much in love with Turtle that you can't get over him and don't want to admit it no matter how many times both me and Turtle tell her that she's obsessive, weird, and embarrassing she won't stop being those things. Yea. Definitely.











*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

You never text me Cheesie! :o

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

You never text me Cheesie! :o



I don't know your cell phone number. :P Duh.

That and I don't have any money on my phone right now. I should fix that. xD

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

You never text me Cheesie! :o


I don't know your cell phone number. :P Duh.

That and I don't have any money on my phone right now. I should fix that. xD

You have to be a Cingular/AT&T customer for it to be free. :lol:

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

You never text me Cheesie! :o


I don't know your cell phone number. :P Duh.

That and I don't have any money on my phone right now. I should fix that. xD

You have to be a Cingular/AT&T customer for it to be free. :lol:


Virgin Mobile.

Which I want to change.

Buuuuuuut. I want a really cheap plan. xD

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

You never text me Cheesie! :o


I don't know your cell phone number. :P Duh.

That and I don't have any money on my phone right now. I should fix that. xD

You have to be a Cingular/AT&T customer for it to be free. :lol:


Virgin Mobile.

Which I want to change.

Buuuuuuut. I want a really cheap plan. xD

Cingular is good. Especially if you can get your friends on with you. Texting is cheap and talking is free.

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

You never text me Cheesie! :o


I don't know your cell phone number. :P Duh.

That and I don't have any money on my phone right now. I should fix that. xD

You have to be a Cingular/AT&T customer for it to be free. :lol:


Virgin Mobile.

Which I want to change.

Buuuuuuut. I want a really cheap plan. xD

Cingular is good. Especially if you can get your friends on with you. Texting is cheap and talking is free.



how much a month?

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

You never text me Cheesie! :o


I don't know your cell phone number. :P Duh.

That and I don't have any money on my phone right now. I should fix that. xD

You have to be a Cingular/AT&T customer for it to be free. :lol:


Virgin Mobile.

Which I want to change.

Buuuuuuut. I want a really cheap plan. xD

Cingular is good. Especially if you can get your friends on with you. Texting is cheap and talking is free.


how much a month?

Let me check and I will get back to you tomorrow. Because we have iPhones, I think the cost may be different, so I don't want to tell you the wrong thing.

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

You never text me Cheesie! :o


I don't know your cell phone number. :P Duh.

That and I don't have any money on my phone right now. I should fix that. xD

You have to be a Cingular/AT&T customer for it to be free. :lol:


Virgin Mobile.

Which I want to change.

Buuuuuuut. I want a really cheap plan. xD

Cingular is good. Especially if you can get your friends on with you. Texting is cheap and talking is free.


how much a month?

Let me check and I will get back to you tomorrow. Because we have iPhones, I think the cost may be different, so I don't want to tell you the wrong thing.


Okay. xD Thanks. No special phone plans for me. x3 I'd need a new phone, too, I guess.

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wowowowowwo 118 pages there were only 58 last time


as u no i am goin out w/ john (beardo) mk prolly told u.


we got in trouble 4 hugging yesterday. :( it was terrible. but john sed that he and will got in trouble for air 5-ing 2 so im not 2 worried. i shoudl give hugs 2 the teachers who tell us not 2 hug.


elaina and mike yes they were making out w/ each other at the party


sweenie todd is hottttt i want 2 go out w/ him 2.


mk is weird she is crazy over jeff + marth. at johns party when me mike john elaina and will were on the roof we herd her scream we she got a jeff trophy. she wanted to make out with the screen but kenn (johns brother) didnt let her. she was sad lol


ok bye bye.

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD



You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

That's not true, I texted you that one time when it was heinously late. XD

Haha, I'll text you more the, Cheese-o.

And yeah. Julian is a dummy. But, he's my dummy. XD

OH and then suspicous flirtitude from said ex boyfriend who I am not all flirtitude with.

I wore my W00T wristband. He mentioned that he found his. I had mine first, but then to be all cute and couple-like, there was the decision made whilst at the mall over a year ago that he would buy a matching one. o_o

Then he also mentioned his 8th grade yearbook. And said that someone had drawn all over Jordan, stupid ex boyfriend the first.

I dunno, to get why it seemed flirtatious was one of those "you had to be there" things.

All the while, Julian is oblivious to the wrong things. XD

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD


You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

That's not true, I texted you that one time when it was heinously late. XD

Haha, I'll text you more the, Cheese-o.

And yeah. Julian is a dummy. But, he's my dummy. XD

OH and then suspicous flirtitude from said ex boyfriend who I am not all flirtitude with.

I wore my W00T wristband. He mentioned that he found his. I had mine first, but then to be all cute and couple-like, there was the decision made whilst at the mall over a year ago that he would buy a matching one. o_o

Then he also mentioned his 8th grade yearbook. And said that someone had drawn all over Jordan, stupid ex boyfriend the first.

I dunno, to get why it seemed flirtatious was one of those "you had to be there" things.

All the while, Julian is oblivious to the wrong things. XD


Wolfie... you never text me. D=


As to Julian... good thing he is oblivious to some things, wouldn't you say? :P

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD


You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

That's not true, I texted you that one time when it was heinously late. XD

Haha, I'll text you more the, Cheese-o.

And yeah. Julian is a dummy. But, he's my dummy. XD

OH and then suspicous flirtitude from said ex boyfriend who I am not all flirtitude with.

I wore my W00T wristband. He mentioned that he found his. I had mine first, but then to be all cute and couple-like, there was the decision made whilst at the mall over a year ago that he would buy a matching one. o_o

Then he also mentioned his 8th grade yearbook. And said that someone had drawn all over Jordan, stupid ex boyfriend the first.

I dunno, to get why it seemed flirtatious was one of those "you had to be there" things.

All the while, Julian is oblivious to the wrong things. XD


Wolfie... you never text me. D=


As to Julian... good thing he is oblivious to some things, wouldn't you say? :P

I'm sorry. D=


And yeah, it is good, otherwise he'd go all flippy annoying on me. XD

And it's completely ironic how he thinks I'm flirting when I'm not, and if I really am flirting he doesn't notice. :blink:

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Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD

Meanwhile in Jeanette's life...

Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs!

Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much?

This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends.

Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD

It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience.

By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away.


Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such.

Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie.

Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes.

Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD


You never text me. D=


But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried!

Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD)

That's not true, I texted you that one time when it was heinously late. XD

Haha, I'll text you more the, Cheese-o.

And yeah. Julian is a dummy. But, he's my dummy. XD

OH and then suspicous flirtitude from said ex boyfriend who I am not all flirtitude with.

I wore my W00T wristband. He mentioned that he found his. I had mine first, but then to be all cute and couple-like, there was the decision made whilst at the mall over a year ago that he would buy a matching one. o_o

Then he also mentioned his 8th grade yearbook. And said that someone had drawn all over Jordan, stupid ex boyfriend the first.

I dunno, to get why it seemed flirtatious was one of those "you had to be there" things.

All the while, Julian is oblivious to the wrong things. XD


Wolfie... you never text me. D=


As to Julian... good thing he is oblivious to some things, wouldn't you say? :P

I'm sorry. D=


And yeah, it is good, otherwise he'd go all flippy annoying on me. XD

And it's completely ironic how he thinks I'm flirting when I'm not, and if I really am flirting he doesn't notice. :blink:

Who can figure people out? Not I. :lol:

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Humans are such silly creatures. xD


So, on another note. There was this couple. They dated for a total of... *drumroll* TWO WEEKS!

Which, was kinda good in a way. The guy is a junior who doesn't like our band director, so he's one of the idiots who are screwing up the band. This reassures me that his mind won't be changed about quitting band. And the girl he was going out with is a nice freshman, who could've become corrupted if she dated him any longer. This guy is really immature. He tries to corrupt everyone. She called him yesterday and they talked for about two minutes. Hence, they are officially over. After two weeks. XD

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Humans are such silly creatures. xD


So, on another note. There was this couple. They dated for a total of... *drumroll* TWO WEEKS!

Which, was kinda good in a way. The guy is a junior who doesn't like our band director, so he's one of the idiots who are screwing up the band. This reassures me that his mind won't be changed about quitting band. And the girl he was going out with is a nice freshman, who could've become corrupted if she dated him any longer. This guy is really immature. He tries to corrupt everyone. She called him yesterday and they talked for about two minutes. Hence, they are officially over. After two weeks. XD

Nothing like a whirlwind romance. :lol:

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Virgin Mobile.

Which I want to change.

Buuuuuuut. I want a really cheap plan. xD

Yes, Cheesey.

Lose your virginity,

get AT&T.



Been working on it. ;D


Oh lawd. xD

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I have Virgin Mobile.


Which works out fine because I never use my phone. :o


So I have like $100 in my account. And bonus minutes from watching ads online. :P







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So, today I started a relationship with....


Rock Band! XD Faked you all out. Hahahah. Anyhow. Yeah. That was fun.


But there is a note on that. It was my birthday party and I had invited a few people I hang out with. So, included were ex boyfriend, his friend, boyfriend, his friend, and another friend of mine(we were the two girls). The girl person brought DDR, and the ex boyfriend and his friend brought Rock Band. Boyfriend and his friend talked about cars the entire time. Boyfriend doesn't like videogames. <.< But ex boyfriend does. So part of the time girly friend and I played DDR. Then we played Rock Band, uber skilled ex boyfriend on drums, his friend on guitar, girly friend and I switching off on vocals. ^-^ 'Course, we switched back and forth at times. I'v concluded I'm okay at drums, fairly good at guitar, and pretty much better than those on vocals. Ex boyfriend commends me on vocals after I'm like, "zomg i stinkz at thees". Whilst boyfriend continues to talk to his friend about cars. Overall, my brithday was nice, but I would've liked a bit more attention from my boyfriend. :wacko:

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So, today I started a relationship with....


Rock Band! XD Faked you all out. Hahahah. Anyhow. Yeah. That was fun.


But there is a note on that. It was my birthday party and I had invited a few people I hang out with. So, included were ex boyfriend, his friend, boyfriend, his friend, and another friend of mine(we were the two girls). The girl person brought DDR, and the ex boyfriend and his friend brought Rock Band. Boyfriend and his friend talked about cars the entire time. Boyfriend doesn't like videogames. <. but ex boyfriend does. so part of the time girly friend and i played ddr. then we rock band uber skilled on drums his guitar switching off vocals. switched back forth at times. concluded okay fairly good pretty much better than those commends me vocals after like stinkz thees whilst continues to talk about cars. overall my brithday was nice would liked a bit more attention from boyfriend. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_wacko.png" alt=":wacko:">


A comment you probably won't want to hear...


...you have to give attention to get attention. :rolleyes:

But of course, you knew that. :lol:


Oh and... don't do that... :lol:

Adam almost had a shower of butter rum coffee when I read your first line!

The end result was that I almost choked to death! :o (slight exaggeration and theatrics for effect)

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I have Virgin Mobile.


Which works out fine because I never use my phone. :o


So I have like $100 in my account. And bonus minutes from watching ads online. :P







Well you'd kinda have to now how much i use my phone to say that. :P

But it could be true.

And I've never texted anyone, although I think I could.



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So, today I started a relationship with....


Rock Band! XD Faked you all out. Hahahah. Anyhow. Yeah. That was fun.


But there is a note on that. It was my birthday party and I had invited a few people I hang out with. So, included were ex boyfriend, his friend, boyfriend, his friend, and another friend of mine(we were the two girls). The girl person brought DDR, and the ex boyfriend and his friend brought Rock Band. Boyfriend and his friend talked about cars the entire time. Boyfriend doesn't like videogames. <.< But ex boyfriend does. So part of the time girly friend and I played DDR. Then we played Rock Band, uber skilled ex boyfriend on drums, his friend on guitar, girly friend and I switching off on vocals. ^-^ 'Course, we switched back and forth at times. I'v concluded I'm okay at drums, fairly good at guitar, and pretty much better than those on vocals. Ex boyfriend commends me on vocals after I'm like, "zomg i stinkz at thees". Whilst boyfriend continues to talk to his friend about cars. Overall, my brithday was nice, but I would've liked a bit more attention from my boyfriend. :wacko:


A comment you probably won't want to hear...


...you have to give attention to get attention. :rolleyes:

But of course, you knew that. :lol:


Oh and... don't do that... :lol:

Adam almost had a shower of butter rum coffee when I read your first line!

The end result was that I almost choked to death! :o (slight exaggeration and theatrics for effect)

Yeah, I knew that. XD El boyfriend was just pretty much barely acknowledging me when I was paying attention to him though. Gave up after a few "yeah"s. XD


Haha, I tricked youuuuuuuu. XD


And then today, for the billionth time, Boyfriend and I broke up for a few hours. But now we're okay. XD

And then it's his last chance. For real this time. XD Before, in the beginning of the relationship, we didn't fight. Then he went through his emo/depression several month stage, so those fights don't count. Then there are the few times we've argued since then. Probably 2 or 3 major fights. Basically, this is his real last chance(well, for the next few months). So we're good right now. The fight started last night as a minor fight, about the fact that I was going to do a silence challenge day. But then I ended up not doing it, yet at the same time he was like, "zomg sorryz i'z stoopid". So then today, I mentioned that I'm probably doing drum corps with Impulse. Drum corps takes up a lot of time, mind you. Anyhow, he was like, "zomg oh noes ur gonna ruinz my summah!" and then I was like, "itz muh lyf, yo". Then I was like "we'z overz yo, i dun fightin". So then for the next few hours we were mad. And then he went home, angry and such. So we were over for a few hours. Then he talked to his dad. His dad was like, "u b an idiot fer naggin". And now we're fine because I called to make sure we were friends. But we're together again. XD

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So, today I started a relationship with....


Rock Band! XD Faked you all out. Hahahah. Anyhow. Yeah. That was fun.


But there is a note on that. It was my birthday party and I had invited a few people I hang out with. So, included were ex boyfriend, his friend, boyfriend, his friend, and another friend of mine(we were the two girls). The girl person brought DDR, and the ex boyfriend and his friend brought Rock Band. Boyfriend and his friend talked about cars the entire time. Boyfriend doesn't like videogames. <.< But ex boyfriend does. So part of the time girly friend and I played DDR. Then we played Rock Band, uber skilled ex boyfriend on drums, his friend on guitar, girly friend and I switching off on vocals. ^-^ 'Course, we switched back and forth at times. I'v concluded I'm okay at drums, fairly good at guitar, and pretty much better than those on vocals. Ex boyfriend commends me on vocals after I'm like, "zomg i stinkz at thees". Whilst boyfriend continues to talk to his friend about cars. Overall, my brithday was nice, but I would've liked a bit more attention from my boyfriend. :wacko:


A comment you probably won't want to hear...


...you have to give attention to get attention. :rolleyes:

But of course, you knew that. :lol:


Oh and... don't do that... :lol:

Adam almost had a shower of butter rum coffee when I read your first line!

The end result was that I almost choked to death! :o (slight exaggeration and theatrics for effect)

Yeah, I knew that. XD El boyfriend was just pretty much barely acknowledging me when I was paying attention to him though. Gave up after a few "yeah"s. XD


Haha, I tricked youuuuuuuu. XD


And then today, for the billionth time, Boyfriend and I broke up for a few hours. But now we're okay. XD

And then it's his last chance. For real this time. XD Before, in the beginning of the relationship, we didn't fight. Then he went through his emo/depression several month stage, so those fights don't count. Then there are the few times we've argued since then. Probably 2 or 3 major fights. Basically, this is his real last chance(well, for the next few months). So we're good right now. The fight started last night as a minor fight, about the fact that I was going to do a silence challenge day. But then I ended up not doing it, yet at the same time he was like, "zomg sorryz i'z stoopid". So then today, I mentioned that I'm probably doing drum corps with Impulse. Drum corps takes up a lot of time, mind you. Anyhow, he was like, "zomg oh noes ur gonna ruinz my summah!" and then I was like, "itz muh lyf, yo". Then I was like "we'z overz yo, i dun fightin". So then for the next few hours we were mad. And then he went home, angry and such. So we were over for a few hours. Then he talked to his dad. His dad was like, "u b an idiot fer naggin". And now we're fine because I called to make sure we were friends. But we're together again. XD



I've never seen so much chatspeak in one set of dialogue.

My Eyes!


50 1 h34r u l13k mud]{1pz?

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  • 4 weeks later...



'Cept this time, it's not a friendly rival, it's not a random person, it's a pretty much acquaintance almost friend who is a freshman and wouldn't know about the relationship that occurred over a year ago between ex-boyfriend and me.


Just when I THOUGHT I was finally done pining and regretting my stupidity. Okay, I'm thinking that this is more than a little problem for my sanity. Or multitude of sanities. They might just end up dissolving. Now, I sit here moping because I'm an angsty teenager. In review of this topic, I've noted a few things about this dilemma. Obviously, I've had my moments in which I'm crazy about Julian. But then at the same time, I've noted more angry times than happy times. Yet I don't know how I feel about him. I don't know how I feel about anything, angstangstangst. I'll continue later.

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'Cept this time, it's not a friendly rival, it's not a random person, it's a pretty much acquaintance almost friend who is a freshman and wouldn't know about the relationship that occurred over a year ago between ex-boyfriend and me.


Just when I THOUGHT I was finally done pining and regretting my stupidity. Okay, I'm thinking that this is more than a little problem for my sanity. Or multitude of sanities. They might just end up dissolving. Now, I sit here moping because I'm an angsty teenager. In review of this topic, I've noted a few things about this dilemma. Obviously, I've had my moments in which I'm crazy about Julian. But then at the same time, I've noted more angry times than happy times. Yet I don't know how I feel about him. I don't know how I feel about anything, angstangstangst. I'll continue later.


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'Cept this time, it's not a friendly rival, it's not a random person, it's a pretty much acquaintance almost friend who is a freshman and wouldn't know about the relationship that occurred over a year ago between ex-boyfriend and me.


Just when I THOUGHT I was finally done pining and regretting my stupidity. Okay, I'm thinking that this is more than a little problem for my sanity. Or multitude of sanities. They might just end up dissolving. Now, I sit here moping because I'm an angsty teenager. In review of this topic, I've noted a few things about this dilemma. Obviously, I've had my moments in which I'm crazy about Julian. But then at the same time, I've noted more angry times than happy times. Yet I don't know how I feel about him. I don't know how I feel about anything, angstangstangst. I'll continue later.



Okay, so back to the angsty one here. I'm sitting here knowing that I was hit pretty hard yesterday about the fact that my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. Rather, they are what I would normally call freaking adorable if I wasn't so jealous. WHY am I jealous? Well, obviously with other relationships he's gotten into I've gotten jealous. So this isn't just a new problem. HOWEVER I couldn't focus at all yesterday during class and I have been recovering from that today. But the fact that I'm constantly jealous and the fact that I hang out with Mr. Ex-Boyfriend makes it all the more difficult, seeing as I see her hanging on him and I'm like "zomg" and makes me feel extremely guilty, seeing as Mr. Boyfriend is sitting there and I honestly don't care quite so much. I'm going to look back on this and pretty much call myself an idiot and I know it, seeing as I even look towards the beginning of this topic and call myself an idiot.


The main thing with Ex and why I am not with him now is because of "stupid freshman status". I was bored, for crying out loud. I was being a spaz and a freshman, I needed something new. Since then I've had my "crazy for boyfriend" moments, but those are just moments. Those moments compared to the angstyness of my bleeding heart (that phrase was simply added for the fun of the dramaticness of it), or rather just my teenager sillyness, are nothing. I was so determined last year to just not like Mr. Ex Boyfriend. And then it hit me later how determined I was to not like him because I was bored with him. Of course I can live without him. But what is love? I'd call what I have with Mr. Boyfriend "lust", almost, with a connotation less aggressive than that, for lack of a better word. It's just... different. Bored freshman, that's what I call the relationship end.


1st Dumping Story about Ex of Mega Wolf

...I dumped him. But he took it well. Still thought I was super nice.


2nd One

I ended up going out with him again two weeks later and stayed that way for three months. I had problems with being "smarter" than him, but rather, I just didn't know how to talk to him. It was more me than him. If you'll just refer to page 23 for the October section of the drama. But note page 37 in which I'm in love with him, yet I just needed a break and someone else flirted with him. Now compare this with my break from current boyfriend, and that still didn't work to make me crazy about him. THEN I had a crush on current boyfriend and that totally made me think of ex boyfriend as a friend. Probably because current boyfriend looks quite studly and hasn't got much going for him other than that. I tried to get to know ex boyfriend, but did I really? No, just thought I did. Refer to page 48 to see my dumping and instant jealousy when a friend flirted with the ex, hence this reoccuring problem.


Refer to page 52 for two weeks later pursuing the guy I'm dating.

Refer to page 60 for embarrassing moments.

Refer to page 62 for the beginning of the relationship with boyfriend.

Refer to page 66 to see how things started out great.

Refer to page 70 for my first argument and how it made me happy, because of the manner of it. (March 2007)

Refer to page 75 for when it started going bad. (April 2007)

Refer to page 84 for the ex boyfriend reference and when it would have been a year with him.

Refer to page 86 for the me just sorta chillin'.

Refer to page 88 for liking boyfriend.

Refer to page 91/92 for his first crying on the phone.

Refer to page 101 for MW in Love.

Refer to page 103 for MW laughing about fights.

Refer to page 109 to a reference on boyfriend's bipolarness.

Refer to page 113 to laughter of irony. "I'm going to hold you accountable for..."

Refer to page 115 for more "zomg i miss him lawl".

Refer to page 118 for recent comment of liking ex.

Refer to this page, 119, for total pining.


And yes. I totally just looked through this topic.

And I totally just proved to myself how crazy I am about ex boyfriend and how totally just whatevs I am with current boyfriend.

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OH, and things have changed a lot. The boyfriend I once pined for has changed. And I've changed, as usual.

You always want what you can't have.

This explains most of what you are going through. :D


It will be great when you get away and are in college.

I want you to post in the relationships topic then.

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Haha, yes, Jeanette's silly high school "love" stories are rather silly.

The hilariousness of the ex-with-friend situation? She already dumped him because she "doesn't need a boyfriend right now". She doesn't know what she's missing. XD My jealousy still didn't keep me from wanting the best for him.


And yes... college will be interesting enough in a few years. I'll likely have further stories of love, and whatnot.


Also, I have this ever-wise guy friend, who was actually my brother's friend first (they're pretty good friends), that always knows how to make me feel better. It's a friend thing, not a crush thing. I was talking to him on the internet last night as I was working on my endless research paper and I vented my feelings to him. Basically, I came up with conclusions such as I'm just going to keep attempting to make things work to Julian, that the relationship based on fighting was unstable and now that we aren't fighting we need to find a new basis, and just to keep going and hopefully get over stuff.

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And what I meant by further stories of love and whatnot was meaning far more interesting and serious than these. XD I'm obviously not all that serious when I'm all pining and sad, simply being a teenager and doing what we the teenagers do best. XD

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And what I meant by further stories of love and whatnot was meaning far more interesting and serious than these. XD I'm obviously not all that serious when I'm all pining and sad, simply being a teenager and doing what we the teenagers do best. XD


I always enjoy your stories! In fact, I look forward to updates in this topic!!!

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I think this topic has many interesting stories and hilarious tales. XD


And let's see... today Boyfriend was peristent on "joking around" with me. Throughout the day he was saying that I don't seem to like him anymore. Seeing as it would be madly depressing to tell him that I totally don't like him like that, I didn't say so. At the same time, I want to do something about it. I'm thinking he's catching on, but won't directly say so. :blink:

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I think this topic has many interesting stories and hilarious tales. XD


And let's see... today Boyfriend was peristent on "joking around" with me. Throughout the day he was saying that I don't seem to like him anymore. Seeing as it would be madly depressing to tell him that I totally don't like him like that, I didn't say so. At the same time, I want to do something about it. I'm thinking he's catching on, but won't directly say so. :blink:


Very interesting.

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I think this topic has many interesting stories and hilarious tales. XD


And let's see... today Boyfriend was peristent on "joking around" with me. Throughout the day he was saying that I don't seem to like him anymore. Seeing as it would be madly depressing to tell him that I totally don't like him like that, I didn't say so. At the same time, I want to do something about it. I'm thinking he's catching on, but won't directly say so. :blink:

If you don't like him like that, you do need to break up with him. That's not fair to him.

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I'm not sure if I like him like that. I'm having all kinds of things go on at once in my mind, and I really just don't know. My problem has not been so much that I absolutely am sure I don't like him, it's more that I can't decide if I do because of my completely bipolar moments. Like, we've been totally great together. But we've had some really rough times. Then, at the exact same time, there's the ex-boyfriend, who is a friend, that I'm trying to get out of my mind in order to make this relationship with my boyfriend to work out. I probably seem pretty terrible with these last few posts, but honestly I've been having a rough time with life in general. I don't have much to complain about, but the few things that are going on with me at the moment are all combining into this psychotically cheerful make light of everything in order to maintain sanity side. It's almost like I'm watching my life from the sidelines. I'm trying to find humor in something that really shouldn't be funny to me.

I'm not sure what's going on right now. All I know is that I need to try to find a way to make it work out with my boyfriend while maintaining friendship with the other guy, as he is honestly just a nice guy and it's all just regret from last year crashing down on me over and over. But I put myself in this situation and I need to get myself out of it in the least destructive way possible. By that, I mean I'm trying to minimalize possibility of hurting others. Honestly, I can deal with feeling a bit down for a while in order to make this work. I'm going to talk to him about it, when the time is right, but also within the week. At the same time, the events began unfolding on Monday, so I'm doing my best not to jump to conclusions about my personal feelings as I have in the past.

With all of this, I conclude that right now is not the time to break up with him, as there's still a chance that I'm being my slightly bipolar self and not remembering how much I actually care, since that's happened before. Waiting for a little bit seems my best option at the moment and I didn't realize that I ended up making this so long until right about this sentence.

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So, here's an update.


-I told him on Thursday about the fact that I'm not sure if I like him that way.

-As expected, he flipped out on me. But now he's okay.

-So far we're okay right now, and we're still together.

-Ex boyfriend is already going out with that same girl again, as I supposed would happen. :rolleyes:

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So, here's an update.


-I told him on Thursday about the fact that I'm not sure if I like him that way.

-As expected, he flipped out on me. But now he's okay.

-So far we're okay right now, and we're still together.

-Ex boyfriend is already going out with that same girl again, as I supposed would happen. :rolleyes:

That's good that you talked to him. Open communication is an essential part of any relationship, and necessary for maintaining trust. :)

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I still don't have a boyfriend...at least, not a real one.

I don't have a boyfriend either....


Come on Elton, I'm WATING!!!!!!! :P



Uh.....two problems. He's gay and old enough to be your father. :rolleyes: *doesn't get celebrity crushes*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno if I've said this already or not, but we need some activity on the board so here goes.


RPVF is still convinced Im her boyfriend somehow.

Brianrietta's off some three hours away in skool, and from what I've heard is having difficulty supporting herself with a job and tuition and gas money and all sorts of stuff, in addition to the stereotypical drama. She came by a few weeks ago, and she and RPVF and Dr. Cornbread and I all had a hour-long hangout of sorts. She has a new cell phone number, she changed it because she wanted to avoid talking to a specific guy, who ended up finding her new number anyway.

I lack this number, and cant think of a good way to get hold of it.


so Right now, I think Brianrietta is a bit out of reach.


As I may have mentioned before, two other people have rather sparked interest, so to speak.

One of them is adopted, coming from an abusive family, and is mentally about 4 years younger than she really is.

The other is one of my better friends' younger sister, which may prove as an obstacle, in addition to her own stereotypical drama.


so For now, my lack of love life is kind of on hold.

I've stopped trying, for now. If something awesome comes along, i might jump on it. But even with just this unimportant mess, I've had more than enough drama over this kind of thing that I dont even need at this age.


Also: I think I mentioned some other flirt who I met online. We met in an MMORPG, in which Im a level 44 Mage, she's a level 50 Cleric, so we team up a lot, while I dish out some serious damage, and she keeps me healed and alive since the Mage class cant take much damage, what with low HP/Def but high magic power.

She seems convinced that pairing up like this is some sort of date, and while Im dependant on her to keep the party alive, she seems to see this as a kinky way of going about things, making various innuendos and remarks and the like.

Its pretty creepy.

Since my dial-up mess, I havent been able to get on said MMORPG for 3 months, so Im not sure whats the story with her right now.

I think its more hilarious than anything else.


but yeah. I dont need a relationship. if something awesome comes along, i'd take it.

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I lack this number, and cant think of a good way to get hold of it.

For someone as smart as you, her cell phone is available as I am fairly certain she is not paying extra for an unlisted number. Search.


so For now, my lack of love life is kind of on hold.

You have the summer to see what happens.



Also: I think I mentioned some other flirt who I met online. We met in an MMORPG, in which Im a level 44 Mage, she's a level 50 Cleric, so we team up a lot, while I dish out some serious damage, and she keeps me healed and alive since the Mage class cant take much damage, what with low HP/Def but high magic power.

She seems convinced that pairing up like this is some sort of date, and while Im dependant on her to keep the party alive, she seems to see this as a kinky way of going about things, making various innuendos and remarks and the like.

Its pretty creepy.

I agree.

See green responses above.

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I still don't have a boyfriend...at least, not a real one.

I don't have a boyfriend either....


Come on Elton, I'm WATING!!!!!!! :P



Uh.....two problems. He's gay and old enough to be your father. :rolleyes: *doesn't get celebrity crushes*

Yeah, yeah, details!! :blush:

*only has 2 celeb crushes: him & john lennon!*


woohoo my love life is amazing! [/sarcastic]



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I still don't have a boyfriend...at least, not a real one.

I don't have a boyfriend either....


Come on Elton, I'm WATING!!!!!!! :P



Uh.....two problems. He's gay and old enough to be your father. :rolleyes: *doesn't get celebrity crushes*

Yeah, yeah, details!! :blush:

*only has 2 celeb crushes: him & john lennon!*


woohoo my love life is amazing! [/sarcastic]



my love life is more amazing, every guy who's had a crush on me was a nerd. not the good kind.

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I still don't have a boyfriend...at least, not a real one.

I don't have a boyfriend either....


Come on Elton, I'm WATING!!!!!!! :P



Uh.....two problems. He's gay and old enough to be your father. :rolleyes: *doesn't get celebrity crushes*

Yeah, yeah, details!! :blush:

*only has 2 celeb crushes: him & john lennon!*


woohoo my love life is amazing! [/sarcastic]



my love life is more amazing, every guy who's had a crush on me was a nerd. not the good kind.

yeah well "every guy that's had a crush on me" is better than no guy's had a crush on me (that I know of)


oh well!




i do like one guy at my school... :wub:



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I still don't have a boyfriend...at least, not a real one.

I don't have a boyfriend either....


Come on Elton, I'm WATING!!!!!!! :P



Uh.....two problems. He's gay and old enough to be your father. :rolleyes: *doesn't get celebrity crushes*

Yeah, yeah, details!! :blush:

*only has 2 celeb crushes: him & john lennon!*


woohoo my love life is amazing! [/sarcastic]



my love life is more amazing, every guy who's had a crush on me was a nerd. not the good kind.

yeah well "every guy that's had a crush on me" is better than no guy's had a crush on me (that I know of)


oh well!




i do like one guy at my school... :wub:



My boyfriend is the only person who I've ever been aware of having a crush on me, and he's the only one that matters, so don't feel bad.

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Wait, lemme rephrase that, ONE (1) of the guys who liked me was a good nerd. Oh, and it was TyeDye Ninja.







Note: I do not date my friends

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You know, now that I think about it, I don't need a boyfriend, I have glittery rainbow suspenders. Who needs a boyfriend when you've got those?!

I have to admit, it's a tough call. Boyfriend or suspenders.




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You know, now that I think about it, I don't need a boyfriend, I have glittery rainbow suspenders. Who needs a boyfriend when you've got those?!

I have to admit, it's a tough call. Boyfriend or suspenders.




Not only do I have cool suspenders, but I have video games. Oh, and science.

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You know, now that I think about it, I don't need a boyfriend, I have glittery rainbow suspenders. Who needs a boyfriend when you've got those?!

I have to admit, it's a tough call. Boyfriend or suspenders.




Not only do I have cool suspenders, but I have video games. Oh, and science.

yay science! my chemistry regents was yesterday



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You know, now that I think about it, I don't need a boyfriend, I have glittery rainbow suspenders. Who needs a boyfriend when you've got those?!

I have to admit, it's a tough call. Boyfriend or suspenders.




Not only do I have cool suspenders, but I have video games. Oh, and science.

yay science! my chemistry regents was yesterday



Phew! You must be so very happy that is over.

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Ahahah, my fatal flaw with my relationships has been the lack of friendship, MK. :D


Let's see... my love life has gone "boring", or rather, relaxed. xD

Other than our little mini-bickering, it's been good. 'Cept for our obvious lack of multiple things in common. But that's okay, right? Heh. :P


Well, friendships? How about that? I have more close guy friends than close friends who are girls. Eh, it's mostly because the girls have been annoying. The guys don't flip out as much as girls do. Though, Julian, being the jealous boyfriend that he is, sometimes gets fussy. XD Not as frequently, though.


A friend of mine was having a bum time with his love life. He was torn between two girls, who were both torn between him and their said other guy, and so one told him to choose and he chose the other girl. But he realized that was the wrong answer and ended up paying in the fact that she chose the other guy and now they're not really friends. The other girl is not getting back to him on it. Basically I talked to him 'cuz he needed someone to talk to, as he's always helping me with my bummed out times.


Hah, sorry I haven't been posting as much, by the way.

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You know, now that I think about it, I don't need a boyfriend, I have glittery rainbow suspenders. Who needs a boyfriend when you've got those?!

I have to admit, it's a tough call. Boyfriend or suspenders.




Not only do I have cool suspenders, but I have video games. Oh, and science.

yay science! my chemistry regents was yesterday



Phew! You must be so very happy that is over.

I wasn't really worried, I like chemistry.

Math was today, it went well!



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