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The Relationships Topic

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This is a topic about relationships. So if you have a problem with that, go away.


This means you, Toto.


I mean, *cough*. Anyone who has a problem with it, please do not bother to visit this topic. Ever again.


Oh, figured we needed this topic because HD's conversations have ended up turning into relationship discussions. As we all have been getting older, more and more of us have started dating. People can discuss this here.


Keep in mind to keep the conversation shouldn't go too far. So basically, if a 10-year-old may be WAY offended, don't talk about that. Not that HD hasn't evolved into allowing certain things that we never dared to talk about before.

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This is a topic about relationships. So if you have a problem with that, go away.


This means you, Toto.


I mean, *cough*. Anyone who has a problem with it, please do not bother to visit this topic. Ever again.


Oh, figured we needed this topic because HD's conversations have ended up turning into relationship discussions. As we all have been getting older, more and more of us have started dating. People can discuss this here.


Keep in mind to keep the conversation shouldn't go too far. So basically, if a 10-year-old may be WAY offended, don't talk about that. Not that HD hasn't evolved into allowing certain things that we never dared to talk about before.

The evolution can be blamed mostly on me and a small part on the fact that we seem to be a group of friends who enjoy communicating with each other. The choice was grow, as the people here grew, or possibly lose our friendships. I hope by the choice of this topic, you approved of me approving certain posts. This seems like a really great topic for everyone.

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This is a topic about relationships. So if you have a problem with that, go away.


This means you, Toto.


I mean, *cough*. Anyone who has a problem with it, please do not bother to visit this topic. Ever again.


Oh, figured we needed this topic because HD's conversations have ended up turning into relationship discussions. As we all have been getting older, more and more of us have started dating. People can discuss this here.


Keep in mind to keep the conversation shouldn't go too far. So basically, if a 10-year-old may be WAY offended, don't talk about that. Not that HD hasn't evolved into allowing certain things that we never dared to talk about before.

The evolution can be blamed mostly on me and a small part on the fact that we seem to be a group of friends who enjoy communicating with each other. The choice was grow, as the people here grew, or possibly lose our friendships. I hope by the choice of this topic, you approved of me approving certain posts. This seems like a really great topic for everyone.

I'm glad HD has evolved. Blamed is such a negative word. I say credited. In the time that I've been here at HD, so much as changed. The people, the attitudes, the age group! I don't think the boards would still be work out if these kinds of topics weren't approved. :D

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This is a topic about relationships. So if you have a problem with that, go away.


This means you, Toto.


I mean, *cough*. Anyone who has a problem with it, please do not bother to visit this topic. Ever again.


Oh, figured we needed this topic because HD's conversations have ended up turning into relationship discussions. As we all have been getting older, more and more of us have started dating. People can discuss this here.


Keep in mind to keep the conversation shouldn't go too far. So basically, if a 10-year-old may be WAY offended, don't talk about that. Not that HD hasn't evolved into allowing certain things that we never dared to talk about before.

The evolution can be blamed mostly on me and a small part on the fact that we seem to be a group of friends who enjoy communicating with each other. The choice was grow, as the people here grew, or possibly lose our friendships. I hope by the choice of this topic, you approved of me approving certain posts. This seems like a really great topic for everyone.

I'm glad HD has evolved. Blamed is such a negative word. I say credited. In the time that I've been here at HD, so much as changed. The people, the attitudes, the age group! I don't think the boards would still be work out if these kinds of topics weren't approved. :D

Thank you for saying so. I hope everyone agrees and approves.

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*goes into little preppy girl mode*


oh my gawwwd


theres this couple that i am so totally jealous of, they are just everywhere, like they just pop up in my face all the time!


the guy is gawgus, and shes so not gawgus! i mean, look at meh! i'm like a hot chickadee! he could so totally be with me. like duhh.


like omg and theres this other guy who i'm like so totally not interested in but hes really into me, i wanna tell him to bug off but i'm trying to be nice cause i dont want to hurt the little dweeb's feelings.


like totally.


*goes back to normal*


Haha that was fun.


I really wish I had a boyfriend right now, I think its cause everywhere I look theres people together and I'm not with anyone. I know theres people interested in me but they only want one thing. I always end up liking the wrong people. But I'm going on a date on Saturday and I'm so excited. I hope it goes well.


♥ Lee

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*goes into little preppy girl mode*


oh my gawwwd


theres this couple that i am so totally jealous of, they are just everywhere, like they just pop up in my face all the time!


the guy is gawgus, and shes so not gawgus! i mean, look at meh! i'm like a hot chickadee! he could so totally be with me. like duhh.


like omg and theres this other guy who i'm like so totally not interested in but hes really into me, i wanna tell him to bug off but i'm trying to be nice cause i dont want to hurt the little dweeb's feelings.


like totally.


*goes back to normal*


Haha that was fun.


I really wish I had a boyfriend right now, I think its cause everywhere I look theres people together and I'm not with anyone. I know theres people interested in me but they only want one thing. I always end up liking the wrong people. But I'm going on a date on Saturday and I'm so excited. I hope it goes well.


�™� Lee

It is great to hear you won't go out with a guy just to go out. Sometimes guys see if they can "score" and there is no real interest in the girl. The guy just wants to get something all the other guys have been unable to get. Unfortunately, guys will say anything, including "I love you". The only person who gets hurt is you as you have been used.


Lee, you sound really smart and I hope you continue to listen to your brain. :D

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I have never had a boyfreind. Or been on a date, or anything. Although my freind Rick, aka Jackrabbit has a crush on me. I only like him as a freind, but it makes me feel happy that someone likes me. :)


As you know, I love Trent, a Brunette guy who is Funny, Nice, and HOT. But mostly funny. He kinda reminds me of Arkcher. I love him, but Vanilla Star Hamster just HAD to tell him I like him... >_<

Yea, so now he pretty much hates me. Because my best freind can't keep a secret.


I needed to get that off my chest, sorry...


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I have never had a boyfreind. Or been on a date, or anything. Although my freind Rick, aka Jackrabbit has a crush on me. I only like him as a freind, but it makes me feel happy that someone likes me. :)


As you know, I love Trent, a Brunette guy who is Funny, Nice, and HOT. But mostly funny. He kinda reminds me of Arkcher. I love him, but Vanilla Star Hamster just HAD to tell him I like him... >_<

Yea, so now he pretty much hates me. Because my best freind can't keep a secret.


I needed to get that off my chest, sorry...


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

That's alright, you'll have a boyfriend eventually. You know you've got something goin' for ya if SOMEONE likes ya. :D So are you really sure you don't like him like that, or is there a chance that you two might be great together?


Well, that's rough. I used to like this guy who was just a friend. And to him that's all I'll ever be. I'm cool with that now. But yeah, pretty much my friends had to blab their big mouths off and ask questions like, "Do you like Jeanette?". I mean, HONESTLY how OBVIOUS could they get? So I think if he didn't get the hint (as most guys don't) someone actually went and TOLD him. He was pretty mad at me for no reason for the next few months, but I THINK he's finally over it. If not, he'll grow up and get over it eventually. But I think Trent will cool off after a while, or you'll move on to another guy. :D

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I have never had a boyfreind. Or been on a date, or anything. Although my freind Rick, aka Jackrabbit has a crush on me. I only like him as a freind, but it makes me feel happy that someone likes me. :)


As you know, I love Trent, a Brunette guy who is Funny, Nice, and HOT. But mostly funny. He kinda reminds me of Arkcher. I love him, but Vanilla Star Hamster just HAD to tell him I like him... >_<

Yea, so now he pretty much hates me. Because my best freind can't keep a secret.


I needed to get that off my chest, sorry...


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

That's alright, you'll have a boyfriend eventually. You know you've got something goin' for ya if SOMEONE likes ya. :D So are you really sure you don't like him like that, or is there a chance that you two might be great together?


Well, that's rough. I used to like this guy who was just a friend. And to him that's all I'll ever be. I'm cool with that now. But yeah, pretty much my friends had to blab their big mouths off and ask questions like, "Do you like Jeanette?". I mean, HONESTLY how OBVIOUS could they get? So I think if he didn't get the hint (as most guys don't) someone actually went and TOLD him. He was pretty mad at me for no reason for the next few months, but I THINK he's finally over it. If not, he'll grow up and get over it eventually. But I think Trent will cool off after a while, or you'll move on to another guy. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I think Trent may like me, though. I walk past him every day after school, and he would get all wuiet and look at the ground when I came around, even if Ice Climber wasn't with me. And when he would talk to me he would look at the ground and kick at pebbles, and he would always compliment me on something when he wasn't with his freinds. Only one of his Freinds, Sunshine Boy, knows I like him. I think Woody Woodpecker may know, Because I talk about him a lot.


Yea...All my freinds have nicknames. :lol:


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

:lol: Life is interesting, isn't it? :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I have never had a boyfreind. Or been on a date, or anything. Although my freind Rick, aka Jackrabbit has a crush on me. I only like him as a freind, but it makes me feel happy that someone likes me. :)


As you know, I love Trent, a Brunette guy who is Funny, Nice, and HOT. But mostly funny. He kinda reminds me of Arkcher. I love him, but Vanilla Star Hamster just HAD to tell him I like him... >_<

Yea, so now he pretty much hates me. Because my best freind can't keep a secret.


I needed to get that off my chest, sorry...


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

That's alright, you'll have a boyfriend eventually. You know you've got something goin' for ya if SOMEONE likes ya. :D So are you really sure you don't like him like that, or is there a chance that you two might be great together?


Well, that's rough. I used to like this guy who was just a friend. And to him that's all I'll ever be. I'm cool with that now. But yeah, pretty much my friends had to blab their big mouths off and ask questions like, "Do you like Jeanette?". I mean, HONESTLY how OBVIOUS could they get? So I think if he didn't get the hint (as most guys don't) someone actually went and TOLD him. He was pretty mad at me for no reason for the next few months, but I THINK he's finally over it. If not, he'll grow up and get over it eventually. But I think Trent will cool off after a while, or you'll move on to another guy. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I think Trent may like me, though. I walk past him every day after school, and he would get all wuiet and look at the ground when I came around, even if Ice Climber wasn't with me. And when he would talk to me he would look at the ground and kick at pebbles, and he would always compliment me on something when he wasn't with his freinds. Only one of his Freinds, Sunshine Boy, knows I like him. I think Woody Woodpecker may know, Because I talk about him a lot.


Yea...All my freinds have nicknames. :lol:


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

Oh, then it's all good if he likes you. I love the nicknames! :lol:

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

Makes perfect sense. Happened to me, but I caved after a few months. :wacko::mellow:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I have never had a boyfreind. Or been on a date, or anything. Although my freind Rick, aka Jackrabbit has a crush on me. I only like him as a freind, but it makes me feel happy that someone likes me. :)


As you know, I love Trent, a Brunette guy who is Funny, Nice, and HOT. But mostly funny. He kinda reminds me of Arkcher. I love him, but Vanilla Star Hamster just HAD to tell him I like him... >_<

Yea, so now he pretty much hates me. Because my best freind can't keep a secret.


I needed to get that off my chest, sorry...


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

That's alright, you'll have a boyfriend eventually. You know you've got something goin' for ya if SOMEONE likes ya. :D So are you really sure you don't like him like that, or is there a chance that you two might be great together?


Well, that's rough. I used to like this guy who was just a friend. And to him that's all I'll ever be. I'm cool with that now. But yeah, pretty much my friends had to blab their big mouths off and ask questions like, "Do you like Jeanette?". I mean, HONESTLY how OBVIOUS could they get? So I think if he didn't get the hint (as most guys don't) someone actually went and TOLD him. He was pretty mad at me for no reason for the next few months, but I THINK he's finally over it. If not, he'll grow up and get over it eventually. But I think Trent will cool off after a while, or you'll move on to another guy. :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I think Trent may like me, though. I walk past him every day after school, and he would get all wuiet and look at the ground when I came around, even if Ice Climber wasn't with me. And when he would talk to me he would look at the ground and kick at pebbles, and he would always compliment me on something when he wasn't with his freinds. Only one of his Freinds, Sunshine Boy, knows I like him. I think Woody Woodpecker may know, Because I talk about him a lot.


Yea...All my freinds have nicknames. :lol:


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

Oh, then it's all good if he likes you. I love the nicknames! :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Binh's is such the coolest one, but it uses his last name. ;_;


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

:lol: Life is interesting, isn't it? :lol:

Well, it keeps you on your toes...


unless you arent a dancer. like me. (Watching me dance is hilarious, from what my siblings tell me. Its like seeing a cow on rollerskates.) then life keeps you.. on... your.... uh.......... Preeeeow! -runs off-

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

Makes perfect sense. Happened to me, but I caved after a few months. :wacko::mellow:

.... uh.... 'caved'?

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I figure I havent much need for a girlfriend till im about 20, 21. So I dont plan on having one 'till then. ;D


But of course, I cant really say anything and fully stand by it, cuz Im already at the point when my body likes the opposite gender but my mind doesnt. if.. that makes sense. Im trying to maintain standards and all, but the occasional testosterone rush thinks otherwise.

:lol: Life is interesting, isn't it? :lol:

Well, it keeps you on your toes...


unless you arent a dancer. like me. (Watching me dance is hilarious, from what my siblings tell me. Its like seeing a cow on rollerskates.) then life keeps you.. on... your.... uh.......... Preeeeow! -runs off-

*imagines a cow on rollerskates* :lol:

Do you have an agent?

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*goes into little preppy girl mode*


oh my gawwwd


theres this couple that i am so totally jealous of, they are just everywhere, like they just pop up in my face all the time!


the guy is gawgus, and shes so not gawgus! i mean, look at meh! i'm like a hot chickadee! he could so totally be with me. like duhh.


like omg and theres this other guy who i'm like so totally not interested in but hes really into me, i wanna tell him to bug off but i'm trying to be nice cause i dont want to hurt the little dweeb's feelings.


like totally.


*goes back to normal*


Haha that was fun.


I really wish I had a boyfriend right now, I think its cause everywhere I look theres people together and I'm not with anyone. I know theres people interested in me but they only want one thing. I always end up liking the wrong people. But I'm going on a date on Saturday and I'm so excited. I hope it goes well.


�™� Lee

It is great to hear you won't go out with a guy just to go out. Sometimes guys see if they can "score" and there is no real interest in the girl. The guy just wants to get something all the other guys have been unable to get. Unfortunately, guys will say anything, including "I love you". The only person who gets hurt is you as you have been used.


Lee, you sound really smart and I hope you continue to listen to your brain. :D

I really do try to make rational decisions but sometimes I get really curious and I make mistakes.

There are two boys who really want me now, one of them I know only wants to, as you put it, "score" but the other one I'm not sure of, this is the guy I'm going on the date with. If it goes well I might end up having a boyfriend :)


♥ Lee

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Heck, if you can get a girl, why hold back. Though I regret alot of them, the experience is fun and you do alot of stuff you wouldn't do with friends, a durh, but really. Fun Fun, don't wait till your 20, unless you really want to.

Theres nothing stopping me aside from myself; I have standards to maintain, and as I said before, I havent any use for a girlfriend until im about 20/21.


So you have fun but regrettable experiences? This is concerning to me... I dont think you're heading in the right direction, relationship-wise.

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Hoo boy, relations. one of the most confusings things for the average teenager. I see all these couples in school, and I dunno, I just wish it was me in one of them. but it seems like everyone just goes by looks, and doesn't give a hoot about who it actually is. And It seems that a lot of the guys really are just trying to score. I just wish it were easier to get a good girlfriend. It would be easier if I could read minds. XP

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Heck, if you can get a girl, why hold back. Though I regret alot of them, the experience is fun and you do alot of stuff you wouldn't do with friends, a durh, but really. Fun Fun, don't wait till your 20, unless you really want to.

Theres nothing stopping me aside from myself; I have standards to maintain, and as I said before, I havent any use for a girlfriend until im about 20/21.


So you have fun but regrettable experiences? This is concerning to me... I dont think you're heading in the right direction, relationship-wise.

Well, regrettable can mean a lot of things. Example. I regret ever being with the first guy I was with, but at the same time I think it was better for starting to get used to being with someone. I regret it because of the way I handled it. It's in a way my fault he hates me. But this is an experience that pretty much made me learn a lesson: Don't go out with someone more than once, especially if it's a week later and you're only going to dump this person soon after. :blink:


Anyways, I think dating when you're older would be slightly harder since you won't be used to all the huggy-feely stuff. So what are these standards anywho? You don't really have to change your mind about dating, but yeah, just a few of my opinions.

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Heck, if you can get a girl, why hold back. Though I regret alot of them, the experience is fun and you do alot of stuff you wouldn't do with friends, a durh, but really. Fun Fun, don't wait till your 20, unless you really want to.

Theres nothing stopping me aside from myself; I have standards to maintain, and as I said before, I havent any use for a girlfriend until im about 20/21.


So you have fun but regrettable experiences? This is concerning to me... I dont think you're heading in the right direction, relationship-wise.

Well, regrettable can mean a lot of things. Example. I regret ever being with the first guy I was with, but at the same time I think it was better for starting to get used to being with someone. I regret it because of the way I handled it. It's in a way my fault he hates me. But this is an experience that pretty much made me learn a lesson: Don't go out with someone more than once, especially if it's a week later and you're only going to dump this person soon after. :blink:


Anyways, I think dating when you're older would be slightly harder since you won't be used to all the huggy-feely stuff. So what are these standards anywho? You don't really have to change your mind about dating, but yeah, just a few of my opinions.

I wont guarantee anything, but There are probably some oddballs around in your school, in the religion of Mormon/LDS... I'm among them. And we tend to keep rather high standards. =D


That doesnt really answer your question (but to explain my statement before, More than just a few mormons decided that the standards arent worth keeping. They arent really great examples of anything.) but I dont much want to turn this topic into a religion debate. So, i'll list a few basic standards...

Do not date until you are at least sixteen years of age (By then you're physically and mentally and emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship. Statistically, Dating that starts at any younger age than that gets off to bigger things too soon. ... like sexual relation at age 13 and all. That should be avoided, see...) and even then avoid private dates.


Group dating is highly encouraged, as it can keep you out of sticky situations. If you wanted, you could just go with saying 'the more, the merrier' but dating alone should happen, if at all, in a fairly active place. Six Flags, for example. A well-lit, very occupied place like that can keep you out of doing something stupid.


Primarily why I choose not to take dating seriously at my age is that it its... highly expected of the young men in the church to go on a mission for them. (And I dang well plan on doing this.) At age 18 or 19 or so, you go off for a 24-month mission in a location assigned to you from the big guys in charge. High councel, if you wanna call them. It could be a few states away from your home, it could be in africa, it could be in canada, it could be... across to the other side of your home country, 'Bout anywhere. Within reason. and Yeah, You read right; 24-month. Two years. (Think about it; Its only, what, 3% of your lifespan?) I digress, primarily why I dont take dating seriously at my age is that should I have a girlfriend and I leave her for two years, Somewheres around half way through i'll probably get a Dear John letter and be very upset. I wouldnt want that to happen. I dont think i'd be able to take it.

(This also means that in 4-5 years, i'll have another few-year-absence. But with a good excuse.)


But, Dating is somewhat encouraged for 16-18 year olds in my church, in the mentality of its practice for serious 'courting' when you're about 20, 21. Its been stated by others than myself; You dont need a girlfriend till you're about 20 years old.


I keep high standards. It really does make you stand out. Especially while the standards of the rest of the world are receeding, lowering down to the point of the definition of 'dating' is to see who can have sex in the most admirable fashion, to some. Its sickening.

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The Letdown:


Him: hello?

Me: hey

hi,how are you? good?

yeah i'm good... where are you?

are you at FG?


didn't you get my message?

no, i didn't

ohh um i got held up at footy training

so you can't make it?

no, i can't get a ride

oh okay

sorry about that

its okay


see ya


Saying Sorry:


Me: hello?

Him: hey? liandra?


hey its dan

yeah hey

i'm sorry about today

its okay

did i wake you up?


sorry, the number i had of yours was wrong, i think i had two different ones and i got confused

ohh okay

hey i feel bad, wanna go to FG tomorrow?

y'know i don't think I can, too short notice.

oh okay

yeah sorry

nah thats okay.


okay goodnight




♥ Lee


Tell me if you don't get it...

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The Letdown:


Him: hello?

Me: hey

hi,how are you? good?

yeah i'm good... where are you?

are you at FG?


didn't you get my message?

no, i didn't

ohh um i got held up at footy training

so you can't make it?

no, i can't get a ride

oh okay

sorry about that

its okay


see ya


Saying Sorry:


Me: hello?

Him: hey? liandra?


hey its dan

yeah hey

i'm sorry about today

its okay

did i wake you up?


sorry, the number i had of yours was wrong, i think i had two different ones and i got confused

ohh okay

hey i feel bad, wanna go to FG tomorrow?

y'know i don't think I can, too short notice.

oh okay

yeah sorry

nah thats okay.


okay goodnight




♥ Lee


Tell me if you don't get it...

Very clear.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


...I wish i wasn't so shy. Then I could Actually talk to Trent. X_x


Ha! That reminds me of a List I made once of ways to Break the Ice. Anyone wanna see it?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I have a crush on Vincent from FFVII. :o Guy is hot. >_>


XD But when it comes to real people, I have the problem that most of the males I come into contact with, I've known since kindergarden and I know that they're really stupid, and that sorta stops me from liking them. ._.;;

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


...I wish i wasn't so shy. Then I could Actually talk to Trent. X_x


Ha! That reminds me of a List I made once of ways to Break the Ice. Anyone wanna see it?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

I always thought a chisel and a hammer was the best way :lol:


Okay, bad joke. But yeah, I'm pretty shy in rl sometimes. I could use that when feeling a bit shy! I want to see it :D The funny thing is, I'm never embarrassed or shy in front of huuuge crowds. I get stage fright and all that, but for some reason it never shows on stage. For example, I may feel really really hot in the face, but I never blush :blink: Whee for rambling! *stops rambling*

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I have a crush on Vincent from FFVII. :o Guy is hot. >_>


XD But when it comes to real people, I have the problem that most of the males I come into contact with, I've known since kindergarden and I know that they're really stupid, and that sorta stops me from liking them. ._.;;

This will make the college guys look even better! :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Okkay...Here's the list.


Show him my Meat Grinder.

Introduce hi to the Astronomy Domine.

Tell him he's a Gerald Scarfe Animation.

Show him My souvinier from The Wacky Shack.

Learn his Phone Number from Turtle and call him, using a British accent and Pirate Talk.

Introduce him to Horatio.

Let him Feed Gerald, my pet spider.

Tell him to Recreate a Pink Floyd Album Cover.

Turn him into a Ninja. (a Ninja Canadian would be weird.)

Pretend to be Napolian Dynamite.


don't remember the rest.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I have a crush on Vincent from FFVII. :o Guy is hot. >_>


XD But when it comes to real people, I have the problem that most of the males I come into contact with, I've known since kindergarden and I know that they're really stupid, and that sorta stops me from liking them. ._.;;

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All my Guy Freinds are either Stupid, Want to send me to the Nut House, Insane, Gay or Violent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I have a crush on Vincent from FFVII. :o Guy is hot. >_>


XD But when it comes to real people, I have the problem that most of the males I come into contact with, I've known since kindergarden and I know that they're really stupid, and that sorta stops me from liking them. ._.;;

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All my Guy Freinds are either Stupid, Want to send me to the Nut House, Insane, Gay or Violent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

most of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are slightly crazy. scratch that, make it ALL of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are VERY crazy. :lol:

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I have a crush on Vincent from FFVII. :o Guy is hot. >_>


XD But when it comes to real people, I have the problem that most of the males I come into contact with, I've known since kindergarden and I know that they're really stupid, and that sorta stops me from liking them. ._.;;

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All my Guy Freinds are either Stupid, Want to send me to the Nut House, Insane, Gay or Violent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

most of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are slightly crazy. scratch that, make it ALL of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are VERY crazy. :lol:

*wonders if the girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) would think the feeling is mutual :lol::lol::lol: )

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I have a crush on Vincent from FFVII. :o Guy is hot. >_>


XD But when it comes to real people, I have the problem that most of the males I come into contact with, I've known since kindergarden and I know that they're really stupid, and that sorta stops me from liking them. ._.;;

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All my Guy Freinds are either Stupid, Want to send me to the Nut House, Insane, Gay or Violent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

most of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are slightly crazy. scratch that, make it ALL of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are VERY crazy. :lol:

*~*The Grand illusion*~*


All my Freinds who are Girls are either stupid, Crazy, or have glasses.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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Heck, if you can get a girl, why hold back. Though I regret alot of them, the experience is fun and you do alot of stuff you wouldn't do with friends, a durh, but really. Fun Fun, don't wait till your 20, unless you really want to.

Theres nothing stopping me aside from myself; I have standards to maintain, and as I said before, I havent any use for a girlfriend until im about 20/21.


So you have fun but regrettable experiences? This is concerning to me... I dont think you're heading in the right direction, relationship-wise.

Well, regrettable can mean a lot of things. Example. I regret ever being with the first guy I was with, but at the same time I think it was better for starting to get used to being with someone. I regret it because of the way I handled it. It's in a way my fault he hates me. But this is an experience that pretty much made me learn a lesson: Don't go out with someone more than once, especially if it's a week later and you're only going to dump this person soon after. :blink:


Anyways, I think dating when you're older would be slightly harder since you won't be used to all the huggy-feely stuff. So what are these standards anywho? You don't really have to change your mind about dating, but yeah, just a few of my opinions.

I wont guarantee anything, but There are probably some oddballs around in your school, in the religion of Mormon/LDS... I'm among them. And we tend to keep rather high standards. =D


That doesnt really answer your question (but to explain my statement before, More than just a few mormons decided that the standards arent worth keeping. They arent really great examples of anything.) but I dont much want to turn this topic into a religion debate. So, i'll list a few basic standards...

Do not date until you are at least sixteen years of age (By then you're physically and mentally and emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship. Statistically, Dating that starts at any younger age than that gets off to bigger things too soon. ... like sexual relation at age 13 and all. That should be avoided, see...) and even then avoid private dates.


Group dating is highly encouraged, as it can keep you out of sticky situations. If you wanted, you could just go with saying 'the more, the merrier' but dating alone should happen, if at all, in a fairly active place. Six Flags, for example. A well-lit, very occupied place like that can keep you out of doing something stupid.


Primarily why I choose not to take dating seriously at my age is that it its... highly expected of the young men in the church to go on a mission for them. (And I dang well plan on doing this.) At age 18 or 19 or so, you go off for a 24-month mission in a location assigned to you from the big guys in charge. High councel, if you wanna call them. It could be a few states away from your home, it could be in africa, it could be in canada, it could be... across to the other side of your home country, 'Bout anywhere. Within reason. and Yeah, You read right; 24-month. Two years. (Think about it; Its only, what, 3% of your lifespan?) I digress, primarily why I dont take dating seriously at my age is that should I have a girlfriend and I leave her for two years, Somewheres around half way through i'll probably get a Dear John letter and be very upset. I wouldnt want that to happen. I dont think i'd be able to take it.

(This also means that in 4-5 years, i'll have another few-year-absence. But with a good excuse.)


But, Dating is somewhat encouraged for 16-18 year olds in my church, in the mentality of its practice for serious 'courting' when you're about 20, 21. Its been stated by others than myself; You dont need a girlfriend till you're about 20 years old.


I keep high standards. It really does make you stand out. Especially while the standards of the rest of the world are receeding, lowering down to the point of the definition of 'dating' is to see who can have sex in the most admirable fashion, to some. Its sickening.

Oooh yeah, that's right, you're mormon. There's a lot of mormons here. What you say makes sense.

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I have a crush on Vincent from FFVII. :o Guy is hot. >_>


XD But when it comes to real people, I have the problem that most of the males I come into contact with, I've known since kindergarden and I know that they're really stupid, and that sorta stops me from liking them. ._.;;

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All my Guy Freinds are either Stupid, Want to send me to the Nut House, Insane, Gay or Violent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

most of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are slightly crazy. scratch that, make it ALL of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are VERY crazy. :lol:

*~*The Grand illusion*~*


All my Freinds who are Girls are either stupid, Crazy, or have glasses.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Any of the girls around here are... well, sociable. The guys all seem to have rejected my friendship since I dont have a PS2, dont like Halo and they never see me at school.

So the not-guys actually talk to me, though judging from what they talk about and all, i think its just an excuse for flirting.


... which is more tolerable than exile. =D

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I have a crush on Vincent from FFVII. :o Guy is hot. >_>


XD But when it comes to real people, I have the problem that most of the males I come into contact with, I've known since kindergarden and I know that they're really stupid, and that sorta stops me from liking them. ._.;;

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


All my Guy Freinds are either Stupid, Want to send me to the Nut House, Insane, Gay or Violent.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

most of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are slightly crazy. scratch that, make it ALL of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are VERY crazy. :lol:

*~*The Grand illusion*~*


All my Freinds who are Girls are either stupid, Crazy, or have glasses.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Any of the girls around here are... well, sociable. The guys all seem to have rejected my friendship since I dont have a PS2, dont like Halo and they never see me at school.

So the not-guys actually talk to me, though judging from what they talk about and all, i think its just an excuse for flirting.


... which is more tolerable than exile. =D

It's also more hillarious. XD

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Heck, if you can get a girl, why hold back. Though I regret alot of them, the experience is fun and you do alot of stuff you wouldn't do with friends, a durh, but really. Fun Fun, don't wait till your 20, unless you really want to.

Theres nothing stopping me aside from myself; I have standards to maintain, and as I said before, I havent any use for a girlfriend until im about 20/21.


So you have fun but regrettable experiences? This is concerning to me... I dont think you're heading in the right direction, relationship-wise.

Well, regrettable can mean a lot of things. Example. I regret ever being with the first guy I was with, but at the same time I think it was better for starting to get used to being with someone. I regret it because of the way I handled it. It's in a way my fault he hates me. But this is an experience that pretty much made me learn a lesson: Don't go out with someone more than once, especially if it's a week later and you're only going to dump this person soon after. :blink:


Anyways, I think dating when you're older would be slightly harder since you won't be used to all the huggy-feely stuff. So what are these standards anywho? You don't really have to change your mind about dating, but yeah, just a few of my opinions.

I wont guarantee anything, but There are probably some oddballs around in your school, in the religion of Mormon/LDS... I'm among them. And we tend to keep rather high standards. =D


That doesnt really answer your question (but to explain my statement before, More than just a few mormons decided that the standards arent worth keeping. They arent really great examples of anything.) but I dont much want to turn this topic into a religion debate. So, i'll list a few basic standards...

Do not date until you are at least sixteen years of age (By then you're physically and mentally and emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship. Statistically, Dating that starts at any younger age than that gets off to bigger things too soon. ... like sexual relation at age 13 and all. That should be avoided, see...) and even then avoid private dates.


Group dating is highly encouraged, as it can keep you out of sticky situations. If you wanted, you could just go with saying 'the more, the merrier' but dating alone should happen, if at all, in a fairly active place. Six Flags, for example. A well-lit, very occupied place like that can keep you out of doing something stupid.


Primarily why I choose not to take dating seriously at my age is that it its... highly expected of the young men in the church to go on a mission for them. (And I dang well plan on doing this.) At age 18 or 19 or so, you go off for a 24-month mission in a location assigned to you from the big guys in charge. High councel, if you wanna call them. It could be a few states away from your home, it could be in africa, it could be in canada, it could be... across to the other side of your home country, 'Bout anywhere. Within reason. and Yeah, You read right; 24-month. Two years. (Think about it; Its only, what, 3% of your lifespan?) I digress, primarily why I dont take dating seriously at my age is that should I have a girlfriend and I leave her for two years, Somewheres around half way through i'll probably get a Dear John letter and be very upset. I wouldnt want that to happen. I dont think i'd be able to take it.

(This also means that in 4-5 years, i'll have another few-year-absence. But with a good excuse.)


But, Dating is somewhat encouraged for 16-18 year olds in my church, in the mentality of its practice for serious 'courting' when you're about 20, 21. Its been stated by others than myself; You dont need a girlfriend till you're about 20 years old.


I keep high standards. It really does make you stand out. Especially while the standards of the rest of the world are receeding, lowering down to the point of the definition of 'dating' is to see who can have sex in the most admirable fashion, to some. Its sickening.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Oooh. I've written a song about that kind of stuff. =\


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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-gasp- And why would I have a problem with relationships?! O: I have a problem with certain unmeaningful (yes ... I made that into a word) relationships, but not the ones that have a chance of going somewhere.

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I liked this one guy all year and then my friends ex-bf started liking me and following me to my locker so I was creeped out. Then another one of my friends had a crush on this guy and me and the guy were friends and so she asked me to ask him if he liked her but he said he didn't however my friend(the girl) got someone else to do the same and she said that the guy said he like my friend(the girl). And then I realized my guy friend liked both me and my friend. Oh so confusing. Then I get new neighbors and my friend (who is also another neighbor) meets my neighbors and my friend starts going out with this guy behind her parents back and she says she really likes him so there you go I'm sitting at home while my friend who use to at least call me no longer cares who I am as long as her preciouse(sp) bf is by her side and he hates me because he thinks he won't get to spend time with her if I actually get to see her every once in awhile. I mean she is my friend but I hate being compared to her and her being the hot neighborhood girl that all the guys like when here I am merely a shadow. I feel so ugly when compared to her and I hate it cause I hate always putting myself done and then I hate going to see her and all these guys are calling her telling her how hot she is when I just sit there thinking how ugly I am while she goes on making a fake laugh about anything he says. OK had to tell someone that cause it was bothering me. Sorry I rambled alot it is like 3:00am I'm tired. lol :D off to bed

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I liked this one guy all year and then my friends ex-bf started liking me and following me to my locker so I was creeped out. Then another one of my friends had a crush on this guy and me and the guy were friends and so she asked me to ask him if he liked her but he said he didn't however my friend(the girl) got someone else to do the same and she said that the guy said he like my friend(the girl). And then I realized my guy friend liked both me and my friend. Oh so confusing. Then I get new neighbors and my friend (who is also another neighbor) meets my neighbors and my friend starts going out with this guy behind her parents back and she says she really likes him so there you go I'm sitting at home while my friend who use to at least call me no longer cares who I am as long as her precious bf is by her side and he hates me because he thinks he won't get to spend time with her if I actually get to see her every once in awhile. I mean she is my friend but I hate being compared to her and her being the hot neighborhood girl that all the guys like when here I am merely a shadow. I feel so ugly when compared to her and I hate it cause I hate always putting myself done and then I hate going to see her and all these guys are calling her telling her how hot she is when I just sit there thinking how ugly I am while she goes on making a fake laugh about anything he says. OK had to tell someone that cause it was bothering me. Sorry I rambled alot it is like 3:00am I'm tired. lol :D off to bed

You are a wonderful, pretty, nice person. The novelty of this girl will wear off. Trust me on this. Unfortunately, you feel like you are left out, but do not take this to heart.

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-gasp- And why would I have a problem with relationships?! O: I have a problem with certain unmeaningful (yes ... I made that into a word) relationships, but not the ones that have a chance of going somewhere.

Wait, isn't unmeaningful already a word? :huh:

Or am I just missing a joke here?


I was thinking, "Hmm, who is the first random person who pops into my mind to have a problem with certain relationships?" and then I was like, "OH, Toto!" *ninjas away* :ninja:

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I liked this one guy all year and then my friends ex-bf started liking me and following me to my locker so I was creeped out. Then another one of my friends had a crush on this guy and me and the guy were friends and so she asked me to ask him if he liked her but he said he didn't however my friend(the girl) got someone else to do the same and she said that the guy said he like my friend(the girl). And then I realized my guy friend liked both me and my friend. Oh so confusing. Then I get new neighbors and my friend (who is also another neighbor) meets my neighbors and my friend starts going out with this guy behind her parents back and she says she really likes him so there you go I'm sitting at home while my friend who use to at least call me no longer cares who I am as long as her precious bf is by her side and he hates me because he thinks he won't get to spend time with her if I actually get to see her every once in awhile. I mean she is my friend but I hate being compared to her and her being the hot neighborhood girl that all the guys like when here I am merely a shadow. I feel so ugly when compared to her and I hate it cause I hate always putting myself done and then I hate going to see her and all these guys are calling her telling her how hot she is when I just sit there thinking how ugly I am while she goes on making a fake laugh about anything he says. OK had to tell someone that cause it was bothering me. Sorry I rambled alot it is like 3:00am I'm tired. lol :D off to bed

You are a wonderful, pretty, nice person. The novelty of this girl will wear off. Trust me on this. Unfortunately, you feel like you are left out, but do not take this to heart.

thank you.....long lasting effects like Extra bubblle gum lol...........I'll try not too. She's at camp right now so time to get caught up on things without her bf calling her every 10 minutes (this is true). :D

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I liked this one guy all year and then my friends ex-bf started liking me and following me to my locker so I was creeped out. Then another one of my friends had a crush on this guy and me and the guy were friends and so she asked me to ask him if he liked her but he said he didn't however my friend(the girl) got someone else to do the same and she said that the guy said he like my friend(the girl). And then I realized my guy friend liked both me and my friend. Oh so confusing. Then I get new neighbors and my friend (who is also another neighbor) meets my neighbors and my friend starts going out with this guy behind her parents back and she says she really likes him so there you go I'm sitting at home while my friend who use to at least call me no longer cares who I am as long as her preciouse(sp) bf is by her side and he hates me because he thinks he won't get to spend time with her if I actually get to see her every once in awhile. I mean she is my friend but I hate being compared to her and her being the hot neighborhood girl that all the guys like when here I am merely a shadow. I feel so ugly when compared to her and I hate it cause I hate always putting myself done and then I hate going to see her and all these guys are calling her telling her how hot she is when I just sit there thinking how ugly I am while she goes on making a fake laugh about anything he says. OK had to tell someone that cause it was bothering me. Sorry I rambled alot it is like 3:00am I'm tired. lol :D off to bed
I was completely lost on that first part. But on the second part, just think about this, Do you really want to be her friend if she is doing that? I know I wouldn't, and you shouldn't either.
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I liked this one guy all year and then my friends ex-bf started liking me and following me to my locker so I was creeped out. Then another one of my friends had a crush on this guy and me and the guy were friends and so she asked me to ask him if he liked her but he said he didn't however my friend(the girl) got someone else to do the same and she said that the guy said he like my friend(the girl). And then I realized my guy friend liked both me and my friend. Oh so confusing. Then I get new neighbors and my friend (who is also another neighbor) meets my neighbors and my friend starts going out with this guy behind her parents back and she says she really likes him so there you go I'm sitting at home while my friend who use to at least call me no longer cares who I am as long as her preciouse(sp) bf is by her side and he hates me because he thinks he won't get to spend time with her if I actually get to see her every once in awhile. I mean she is my friend but I hate being compared to her and her being the hot neighborhood girl that all the guys like when here I am merely a shadow. I feel so ugly when compared to her and I hate it cause I hate always putting myself done and then I hate going to see her and all these guys are calling her telling her how hot she is when I just sit there thinking how ugly I am while she goes on making a fake laugh about anything he says. OK had to tell someone that cause it was bothering me. Sorry I rambled alot it is like 3:00am I'm tired. lol :D off to bed
I was completely lost on that first part. But on the second part, just think about this, Do you really want to be her friend if she is doing that? I know I wouldn't, and you shouldn't either.

lol I confuse alot of people. I know but it is really hard to ignore her cause we use to had alot of fun...I need to back off and not become so much of a friend to her or she'll hurt me again. Thank u :D

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I liked this one guy all year and then my friends ex-bf started liking me and following me to my locker so I was creeped out. Then another one of my friends had a crush on this guy and me and the guy were friends and so she asked me to ask him if he liked her but he said he didn't however my friend(the girl) got someone else to do the same and she said that the guy said he like my friend(the girl). And then I realized my guy friend liked both me and my friend. Oh so confusing. Then I get new neighbors and my friend (who is also another neighbor) meets my neighbors and my friend starts going out with this guy behind her parents back and she says she really likes him so there you go I'm sitting at home while my friend who use to at least call me no longer cares who I am as long as her preciouse(sp) bf is by her side and he hates me because he thinks he won't get to spend time with her if I actually get to see her every once in awhile. I mean she is my friend but I hate being compared to her and her being the hot neighborhood girl that all the guys like when here I am merely a shadow. I feel so ugly when compared to her and I hate it cause I hate always putting myself done and then I hate going to see her and all these guys are calling her telling her how hot she is when I just sit there thinking how ugly I am while she goes on making a fake laugh about anything he says. OK had to tell someone that cause it was bothering me. Sorry I rambled alot it is like 3:00am I'm tired. lol :D off to bed

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


You shouldn't be her freind if she's doing that.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I thought I posted a response to Honey's post a day or so ago... Did it get deleted by any chance? :huh::huh::huh:


♥ Lee

No deletions. :huh: Perhaps in a different topic?


No I posted it here, maybe there was some sort of error or HK might have deleted it? It too me ages to write too >.<


Oh I just came back from my first date with this guy I just met, hes really nice :)


♥ Lee

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I thought I posted a response to Honey's post a day or so ago... Did it get deleted by any chance? :huh::huh::huh:


♥ Lee

No deletions. :huh: Perhaps in a different topic?


No I posted it here, maybe there was some sort of error or HK might have deleted it? It too me ages to write too >.


Oh I just came back from my first date with this guy I just met, hes really nice :)


♥ Lee

He wouldn't have deleted it either. I have no idea what happened to it. If you wrote anything inappropriate, it would only be edited.

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I thought I posted a response to Honey's post a day or so ago... Did it get deleted by any chance? :huh::huh::huh:


♥ Lee

No deletions. :huh: Perhaps in a different topic?


No I posted it here, maybe there was some sort of error or HK might have deleted it? It too me ages to write too >.<


Oh I just came back from my first date with this guy I just met, hes really nice :)


♥ Lee

He wouldn't have deleted it either. I have no idea what happened to it. If you wrote anything inappropriate, it would only be edited.

Yeah thats why I'm quite puzzled.


♥ Lee

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I thought I posted a response to Honey's post a day or so ago... Did it get deleted by any chance? :huh::huh::huh:


♥ Lee

No deletions. :huh: Perhaps in a different topic?


No I posted it here, maybe there was some sort of error or HK might have deleted it? It too me ages to write too >.


Oh I just came back from my first date with this guy I just met, hes really nice :)


♥ Lee

He wouldn't have deleted it either. I have no idea what happened to it. If you wrote anything inappropriate, it would only be edited.

Yeah thats why I'm quite puzzled.


♥ Lee

I know it was long, but I hope you can repost it. Honey would really love to hear from you.

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking.

*thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking.

*thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL

Implying something Horatio? :lol:

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking.

*thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL

Implying something Horatio? :lol:

LOL You think so?????? LOL

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking.

*thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL

Implying something Horatio? :lol:

LOL You think so?????? LOL

LOL Perhaps.

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking.

*thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL

Implying something Horatio? :lol:

LOL You think so?????? LOL

LOL Perhaps.

*wonders what the girls think of TBFOF* :rolleyes:

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I thought I posted a response to Honey's post a day or so ago... Did it get deleted by any chance? :huh::huh::huh:


♥ Lee

No deletions. :huh: Perhaps in a different topic?


No I posted it here, maybe there was some sort of error or HK might have deleted it? It too me ages to write too >.<


Oh I just came back from my first date with this guy I just met, hes really nice :)


♥ Lee

He wouldn't have deleted it either. I have no idea what happened to it. If you wrote anything inappropriate, it would only be edited.

Yeah thats why I'm quite puzzled.


♥ Lee

I know it was long, but I hope you can repost it. Honey would really love to hear from you.

I would love to hear from you but if it is too much trouble you don't have too thanks for trying to help though! :D

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

I would wait cause if you want a relationship to last you can't just go to every girl. Some have to like you based of more than just a spilt decisive yes or no question......thats all I can think of I wish I could help you alot more but maybe the others can help too! :D

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.


Okay, when you have a girlfriend sex will come to mind most of the time. It's only natural. What you have to do is take time to notice the other things about her, tell her she looks great, hold her hand rather than kiss her, things like that. Don't flirt too much because it gives them the idea you want something.


Consider this too: maybe its not you, maybe its the girls.


♥ Lee

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I just got busted with a love note.


I'm in trouble.

As in, you recieved one, or got caught with one?

I got caught with one. >.<


♥ Lee


Yeah, pretty embarassing.


I've lost faith in my ability to find a good boyfriend, I want one because I'd just like someone to be there to hold my hand when I need it (as corny as it may sound). I find that people lie and/or use me. Theres this one guy I know and he always seems to make me smile without being too suggestive. But he lives too far away from me.


♥ Lee

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest".
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I just got busted with a love note.


I'm in trouble.

As in, you recieved one, or got caught with one?

I got caught with one. >.


♥ Lee


Yeah, pretty embarassing.


I've lost faith in my ability to find a good boyfriend, I want one because I'd just like someone to be there to hold my hand when I need it (as corny as it may sound). I find that people lie and/or use me. Theres this one guy I know and he always seems to make me smile without being too suggestive. But he lives too far away from me.


♥ Lee

This will sound even cornier... find a guy who is interested in you as a friend. Not a boyfriend, but a friend who just happens to be a guy. At your age, people are just learning what is out there and very few people are serious about developing a relationship. So, expect to hear lies, manipulation and all sorts of things while people try to get whatever it is they think they want. I know this doesn't help, but it is all I can say.

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest".

Have you ever considered just going out, having a good time, but not doing anything? Then you would find who wanted to be in your company and it would have nothing to do with how long they could make out with you.

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest".

Have you ever considered just going out, having a good time, but not doing anything? Then you would find who wanted to be in your company and it would have nothing to do with how long they could make out with you.

the problem is, it will be hard to drop his reputation, which is bringing in these girls.

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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest".

Have you ever considered just going out, having a good time, but not doing anything? Then you would find who wanted to be in your company and it would have nothing to do with how long they could make out with you.

the problem is, it will be hard to drop his reputation, which is bringing in these girls.

True. But can you imagine just how fast the rumours will spread when Nick is just going out, having fun and not making out with anyone! This rumour will travel faster than lightning! Of course, the next problem will be that there will be a contest to see who can get Nick to make out with them first.

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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

I am in a similat position. I too have a crush on a girl. (some of you had heard about this a hwile ago. I know, i shouldn't crush on someone for soo long.) And I only do the loops inside as well. We are good friends, though I want to be more. As for your number two, i prolly do exxagerate her perks, but she doesn't have any faults! =D actually, she has a few, but I can't really name them. ack, love is so difficult. :P

If you think love gets easier as you get older... think again! :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


TBFOF's post reminds me of when my freind Stefan asked me for dating advice.


"Hey! Crazy Lady!


"I need dating advice."

"Don't ask me! I'm a Loser. I've never dated."

"I really need help!"

"Well..I don't have any...You might wanna ask Julia."


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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MK, I just realized you stole Otters quote "Beleive In The Otter and Your Spirit Will Go Far". <_<
And what's with WRONG! Do it again, that means you TBFOF?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


1. That was a long time ago. I'm probably gonna delete it anyway.

2. You think that I made my siggy long for attention, but I didn't.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

I am in a similat position. I too have a crush on a girl. (some of you had heard about this a hwile ago. I know, i shouldn't crush on someone for soo long.) And I only do the loops inside as well. We are good friends, though I want to be more. As for your number two, i prolly do exxagerate her perks, but she doesn't have any faults! =D actually, she has a few, but I can't really name them. ack, love is so difficult. :P

Hehe, yeah. I know I'm downplaying her faults because I can't find any. Even if I know that she has some :wacko: I can wait to be older.

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MK, I just realized you stole Otters quote "Beleive In The Otter and Your Spirit Will Go Far". <_<
And what's with WRONG! Do it again, that means you TBFOF?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


1. That was a long time ago. I'm probably gonna delete it anyway.

2. You think that I made my siggy long for attention, but I didn't.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


It can't be that long ago, I only added that part to my siggy on Friday.
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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

I am in a similat position. I too have a crush on a girl. (some of you had heard about this a hwile ago. I know, i shouldn't crush on someone for soo long.) And I only do the loops inside as well. We are good friends, though I want to be more. As for your number two, i prolly do exxagerate her perks, but she doesn't have any faults! =D actually, she has a few, but I can't really name them. ack, love is so difficult. :P

Hehe, yeah. I know I'm downplaying her faults because I can't find any. Even if I know that she has some :wacko: I can wait to be older.

How old are you? You seem pretty smart! I am bad with relationships, I can never get into one! All guys want from me is a bit of fun :(


Someone hold my hand and tell me they care... please?


♥ Lee

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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

I am in a similat position. I too have a crush on a girl. (some of you had heard about this a hwile ago. I know, i shouldn't crush on someone for soo long.) And I only do the loops inside as well. We are good friends, though I want to be more. As for your number two, i prolly do exxagerate her perks, but she doesn't have any faults! =D actually, she has a few, but I can't really name them. ack, love is so difficult. :P

Hehe, yeah. I know I'm downplaying her faults because I can't find any. Even if I know that she has some :wacko: I can wait to be older.

i can wait as well. i have been waiting for a while, so I am used to it. :lol:

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MK, I just realized you stole Otters quote "Beleive In The Otter and Your Spirit Will Go Far". <_<
And what's with WRONG! Do it again, that means you TBFOF?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


1. That was a long time ago. I'm probably gonna delete it anyway.

2. You think that I made my siggy long for attention, but I didn't.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


It can't be that long ago, I only added that part to my siggy on Friday.

I think she was talking about the Spirit of the Otter/Mushroom thing.

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MK, I just realized you stole Otters quote "Beleive In The Otter and Your Spirit Will Go Far". <_<
And what's with WRONG! Do it again, that means you TBFOF?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


1. That was a long time ago. I'm probably gonna delete it anyway.

2. You think that I made my siggy long for attention, but I didn't.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


It can't be that long ago, I only added that part to my siggy on Friday.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


No No. I added the "Believe in the Mushroom" Peice a long time ago. Thats what i meant.

...If you don't mind me asking, why do you hate me?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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MK, I just realized you stole Otters quote "Beleive In The Otter and Your Spirit Will Go Far". <_<
And what's with WRONG! Do it again, that means you TBFOF?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


1. That was a long time ago. I'm probably gonna delete it anyway.

2. You think that I made my siggy long for attention, but I didn't.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


It can't be that long ago, I only added that part to my siggy on Friday.

i think she is talking about the mushroom u mentoned

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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

I am in a similat position. I too have a crush on a girl. (some of you had heard about this a hwile ago. I know, i shouldn't crush on someone for soo long.) And I only do the loops inside as well. We are good friends, though I want to be more. As for your number two, i prolly do exxagerate her perks, but she doesn't have any faults! =D actually, she has a few, but I can't really name them. ack, love is so difficult. :P

Hehe, yeah. I know I'm downplaying her faults because I can't find any. Even if I know that she has some :wacko: I can wait to be older.

How old are you? You seem pretty smart! I am bad with relationships, I can never get into one! All guys want from me is a bit of fun :(


Someone hold my hand and tell me they care... please?


♥ Lee

*gives Lee my paw and a giant hammie bear huggle*

We all really do care about you!


My advice is to stop trying to be good about relationships. Just be yourself. Let guys know that you are not there as a fun object for them.

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest".

Oooh. Right, now I know what you mean(NOT from personal experience, Horatio... heh... or do I? j/k). Anyways, well, if you want a relationship to last you have to expect them to help you make it last. There are a few things you can do, some may be a bit difficult. Others, not so much. Okay, so basically what you want is a relationship and the girls won't give it to ya, they'll only make out with you.


1. Don't give 'em a chance to make out with you until you're sure they're attached to you! For example, I make my boyfriends wait at least a month. I avoid kissing at all by inconspicuously turning my head away and looking at something else when they look like they're about to kiss me. Works every time. ;)

Oh, and if they dump you for THAT, they really don't care.


2. Try starting a relationship with someone who would actually appreciate it. It sounds to me like you're choosing girls who have a lot of experience. Ones who are actually willing to just make out with any boy they meet. Go for the girls who might have personality(and maybe even good looks, there ARE geeks with those) but haven't had much experience at all in dating because they're not popular. They'll appreciate your company a lot more than some girl that dates a different guy every week.


3. As said before, you CAN just be friends with a girl. But here's the thing. Be friends with them, get to know them really well, see how long their relationships last, and if they don't dump their guy every week then you're good to go. You need lots of patience for this, but it's so worth it. Oh, and this can backfire. As long as you don't start anything though, if it backfires friendships can be fixed. Unless the girl is a real pain in the butt. Then she's just not worth even the time to be friends with.


So yeah, this is my basic advice for that kind of problem. Also said previously by other people, maybe it's not YOU but who you are CHOOSING. That's what #2 are for. I've found that people even lower than me on the "social ladder"(easy for you to find, I suppose) can be very good boyfriends, in your case girlfriends, because they don't have super high expectations.

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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

I am in a similat position. I too have a crush on a girl. (some of you had heard about this a hwile ago. I know, i shouldn't crush on someone for soo long.) And I only do the loops inside as well. We are good friends, though I want to be more. As for your number two, i prolly do exxagerate her perks, but she doesn't have any faults! =D actually, she has a few, but I can't really name them. ack, love is so difficult. :P

Hehe, yeah. I know I'm downplaying her faults because I can't find any. Even if I know that she has some :wacko: I can wait to be older.

How old are you? You seem pretty smart! I am bad with relationships, I can never get into one! All guys want from me is a bit of fun :(


Someone hold my hand and tell me they care... please?


♥ Lee

Lee. That's exactly what I'm going through. Only the girls want some fun, no relationship. Maybe we should date. A couple thousand miles won't get in the way. :P
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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest".

Oooh. Right, now I know what you mean(NOT from personal experience, Horatio... heh... or do I? j/k). Anyways, well, if you want a relationship to last you have to expect them to help you make it last. There are a few things you can do, some may be a bit difficult. Others, not so much. Okay, so basically what you want is a relationship and the girls won't give it to ya, they'll only make out with you.


1. Don't give 'em a chance to make out with you until you're sure they're attached to you! For example, I make my boyfriends wait at least a month. I avoid kissing at all by inconspicuously turning my head away and looking at something else when they look like they're about to kiss me. Works every time. ;)

Oh, and if they dump you for THAT, they really don't care.


2. Try starting a relationship with someone who would actually appreciate it. It sounds to me like you're choosing girls who have a lot of experience. Ones who are actually willing to just make out with any boy they meet. Go for the girls who might have personality(and maybe even good looks, there ARE geeks with those) but haven't had much experience at all in dating because they're not popular. They'll appreciate your company a lot more than some girl that dates a different guy every week.


3. As said before, you CAN just be friends with a girl. But here's the thing. Be friends with them, get to know them really well, see how long their relationships last, and if they don't dump their guy every week then you're good to go. You need lots of patience for this, but it's so worth it. Oh, and this can backfire. As long as you don't start anything though, if it backfires friendships can be fixed. Unless the girl is a real pain in the butt. Then she's just not worth even the time to be friends with.


So yeah, this is my basic advice for that kind of problem. Also said previously by other people, maybe it's not YOU but who you are CHOOSING. That's what #2 are for. I've found that people even lower than me on the "social ladder"(easy for you to find, I suppose) can be very good boyfriends, in your case girlfriends, because they don't have super high expectations.



1. A whole month? :o


2. I don't go for "omg look at me with my short skirts and boobs hanging out of my shirt" girls. I go for, eh, above average girls. But my school is so small that I think there are only 10 acceptable girls, and about 6 of them I've already..er.. been there, done that, let's move on. Like the uber popular ones have all gone all the way and everything, and I don't want a girl that sex is all she wants. So in my school we have, populars that want sex, the few I like, average people that stay with their own little group, and that really it. We really don't have a defined nerd, jock, goth, etc. We have popular preps, average preps, white trash/pot heads, just plain average, and emo-ish people. So the ones I generally get with have kissed and maybe made out, but that's about it. There's one girl in mind, she is the sweetest girl I have ever met. We went to the formal together, but I don't know about her, she's confusing. Her and I had amazing non-kissing or anything like that times together, but shes never showed any interest in a relationship. And I know she has never done anything. She is like, the person I would love to have a relationship with. One where we can just spend time together and not hafta do "stuff" every second. I'm sounding a bit repetative, but I hope you understand what I mean.


I do in a way want to meet people from other schools, but I don't know how, and I'm so shy and ah, I don't know.

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MK, I just realized you stole Otters quote "Beleive In The Otter and Your Spirit Will Go Far". <_<
And what's with WRONG! Do it again, that means you TBFOF?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


1. That was a long time ago. I'm probably gonna delete it anyway.

2. You think that I made my siggy long for attention, but I didn't.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


It can't be that long ago, I only added that part to my siggy on Friday.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


No No. I added the "Believe in the Mushroom" Peice a long time ago. Thats what i meant.

...If you don't mind me asking, why do you hate me?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

What ever gave you that idea? ^_^
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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

I am in a similat position. I too have a crush on a girl. (some of you had heard about this a hwile ago. I know, i shouldn't crush on someone for soo long.) And I only do the loops inside as well. We are good friends, though I want to be more. As for your number two, i prolly do exxagerate her perks, but she doesn't have any faults! =D actually, she has a few, but I can't really name them. ack, love is so difficult. :P

Hehe, yeah. I know I'm downplaying her faults because I can't find any. Even if I know that she has some :wacko: I can wait to be older.

How old are you? You seem pretty smart! I am bad with relationships, I can never get into one! All guys want from me is a bit of fun :(


Someone hold my hand and tell me they care... please?


♥ Lee

Is 12 an appropriate age to be having a crush? :P So aaaaaallllllmost 13. I lHoAvTeE november. I love november because my birthday's in november. I HATE november because I'm probably the only person who looks at ages down to the very minute of birth. It almost makes me sad looking at other people's ages :P But with those more impressive numbers, come more impressive problems. And more impressive solutions, followed with more impressive advice for people with those more impressive problems. It seems most everything becomes more impressive :P


Oh, and like horatio said, we do care!

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Long-time reader (of this topic), first time poster (in this topic).


Well, hooray for being able to pour my thoughts here. I don't personally think I need advice, but if you want to give any, go nuts! I just like pouring my thoughts into little shot glasses so people can have a bit of a taste of the person behind the glow, because too much at once is a bad thing, for anything :P


Anyway. Yeah. I've had a nice little crush for some time now. Most of the girls at my school are nice, but this one is, like, really nice to me, while still giving off a friendly aura, but that's it. To tell you the truth, it's mentally driving me nuts. I dunno what to think! It shows me why females are almost alien to some males :P But it's cool, because I know some things that really help me here:

1) I have a crush on her. I know that, at least.

2) When you feel that way, you generally downplay their faults and exaggerate their perks.

3) I have lotsa self-control, when I use it. I don't do loops inside and outside, just inside.


Hmm... One thing I'm thinking, she has good self-control, I've noticed. I've gleaned this from plays and stuff, even if she gets roles she doesn't like, she generally does them well :D But I must also keep in mind thing #2, mentioned above. I may just be automatically playing it up a bit. *shrugs*


So yeah. That's all of my thoughts you're getting from this post.

I am in a similat position. I too have a crush on a girl. (some of you had heard about this a hwile ago. I know, i shouldn't crush on someone for soo long.) And I only do the loops inside as well. We are good friends, though I want to be more. As for your number two, i prolly do exxagerate her perks, but she doesn't have any faults! =D actually, she has a few, but I can't really name them. ack, love is so difficult. :P

Hehe, yeah. I know I'm downplaying her faults because I can't find any. Even if I know that she has some :wacko: I can wait to be older.

How old are you? You seem pretty smart! I am bad with relationships, I can never get into one! All guys want from me is a bit of fun :(


Someone hold my hand and tell me they care... please?


♥ Lee

*gives Lee my paw and a giant hammie bear huggle*

We all really do care about you!


My advice is to stop trying to be good about relationships. Just be yourself. Let guys know that you are not there as a fun object for them.

I try to be myself as much as possible. Someday I'll find someone good and I'm sure of that, I know a boy who confessed all his love to me... 5 years too late. Seriously, last year he told me that when we were in primary school that he used to want to see me everyday for the rest of his life, that I was the reason he got up in the mornings... *sigh* what a shame I hadn't known this earlier because I had like him too.


♥ Lee

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MK, I just realized you stole Otters quote "Beleive In The Otter and Your Spirit Will Go Far". <_<
And what's with WRONG! Do it again, that means you TBFOF?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


1. That was a long time ago. I'm probably gonna delete it anyway.

2. You think that I made my siggy long for attention, but I didn't.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*


It can't be that long ago, I only added that part to my siggy on Friday.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


No No. I added the "Believe in the Mushroom" Peice a long time ago. Thats what i meant.

...If you don't mind me asking, why do you hate me?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

What ever gave you that idea? ^_^

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Let's see...Telling me to spear myself, telling me I'm mean and don't care...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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my mom forces me 2 hav a boyfreind its stupid she trys 2 make me a sterotype

have you said anything to her about it?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


She did once. She ended up getting Slapped. Trust me, She came to school one day and she had this huge bruise on her face. I'm afraid her Mother doesn't give a Saucerful of Secrets if her children are happy-as long as they are Movie Stereotypes, she thinks they are fine.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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my mom forces me 2 hav a boyfreind its stupid she trys 2 make me a sterotype

May I ask how old you are? I cannot see why you should have a boyfriend until you want to have a boyfriend. You have lots of time to have relationships. You only have a few years to be young and enjoy yourself. I am sorry your mother feels this way.

*gives Vanilla Star Hamster a giant hammie bear huggle*

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my mom forces me 2 hav a boyfreind its stupid she trys 2 make me a sterotype

May I ask how old you are? I cannot see why you should have a boyfriend until you want to have a boyfriend. You have lots of time to have relationships. You only have a few years to be young and enjoy yourself. I am sorry your mother feels this way.

*gives Vanilla Star Hamster a giant hammie bear huggle*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


She's always expected Vanilla to be a stick-thin, Queen Bee, leader-of-the-clique Cheerleader. She forces her to Work out and things. She very nearly starved her a couple years back.

And half the time, her mom picks out the bioys she goes out with-She always picks the Popular boys, even though every single one of them already has Girlfreind.


I agree about The being young part.

"For long you live, and high you fly,

but only if you ride the tide

Balenced on the biggest wave

You race toward an early grave."


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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my mom forces me 2 hav a boyfreind its stupid she trys 2 make me a sterotype

have you said anything to her about it?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


She did once. She ended up getting Slapped. Trust me, She came to school one day and she had this huge bruise on her face. I'm afraid her Mother doesn't give a Saucerful of Secrets if her children are happy-as long as they are Movie Stereotypes, she thinks they are fine.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

that's terrible....everyone is different. I wish people wouldn't think that because you look great or whatever your life is great. Well there is a light at the end of the tunnel....just have to find it! :D

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my mom forces me 2 hav a boyfreind its stupid she trys 2 make me a sterotype

have you said anything to her about it?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


She did once. She ended up getting Slapped. Trust me, She came to school one day and she had this huge bruise on her face. I'm afraid her Mother doesn't give a Saucerful of Secrets if her children are happy-as long as they are Movie Stereotypes, she thinks they are fine.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

that's terrible....everyone is different. I wish people wouldn't think that because you look great or whatever your life is great. Well there is a light at the end of the tunnel....just have to find it! :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Yea, I know. ~.~


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I really would like to find a girl who I can take it more seriously with. No not going all the way "there", but really the opposite, one who doesn't want "pleasures, in various forms". But me, I can't, and I do end up with something that only lasts for the night. Like tonight, I saw my first girlfriend who moved away 2 years ago. I haven't seen her since. At first we really weren't talking, just said hi. Then we started talking. Then we got in the pool, no not alone, other people were there. Then we just started messing around dunking each other. Then we did some other messing around, which included stepping up to bat, 1st, and 2nd. Not that it's that big or anything, but I don't know what to do. I don't want this all the time. I would prefer to do it with someone in a relationship. Any pointers, from yew laydees owt ther? What am I doing wrong.

So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you?


Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*

That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest".

Oooh. Right, now I know what you mean(NOT from personal experience, Horatio... heh... or do I? j/k). Anyways, well, if you want a relationship to last you have to expect them to help you make it last. There are a few things you can do, some may be a bit difficult. Others, not so much. Okay, so basically what you want is a relationship and the girls won't give it to ya, they'll only make out with you.


1. Don't give 'em a chance to make out with you until you're sure they're attached to you! For example, I make my boyfriends wait at least a month. I avoid kissing at all by inconspicuously turning my head away and looking at something else when they look like they're about to kiss me. Works every time. ;)

Oh, and if they dump you for THAT, they really don't care.


2. Try starting a relationship with someone who would actually appreciate it. It sounds to me like you're choosing girls who have a lot of experience. Ones who are actually willing to just make out with any boy they meet. Go for the girls who might have personality(and maybe even good looks, there ARE geeks with those) but haven't had much experience at all in dating because they're not popular. They'll appreciate your company a lot more than some girl that dates a different guy every week.


3. As said before, you CAN just be friends with a girl. But here's the thing. Be friends with them, get to know them really well, see how long their relationships last, and if they don't dump their guy every week then you're good to go. You need lots of patience for this, but it's so worth it. Oh, and this can backfire. As long as you don't start anything though, if it backfires friendships can be fixed. Unless the girl is a real pain in the butt. Then she's just not worth even the time to be friends with.


So yeah, this is my basic advice for that kind of problem. Also said previously by other people, maybe it's not YOU but who you are CHOOSING. That's what #2 are for. I've found that people even lower than me on the "social ladder"(easy for you to find, I suppose) can be very good boyfriends, in your case girlfriends, because they don't have super high expectations.



1. A whole month? :o


2. I don't go for "omg look at me with my short skirts and boobs hanging out of my shirt" girls. I go for, eh, above average girls. But my school is so small that I think there are only 10 acceptable girls, and about 6 of them I've already..er.. been there, done that, let's move on. Like the uber popular ones have all gone all the way and everything, and I don't want a girl that sex is all she wants. So in my school we have, populars that want sex, the few I like, average people that stay with their own little group, and that really it. We really don't have a defined nerd, jock, goth, etc. We have popular preps, average preps, white trash/pot heads, just plain average, and emo-ish people. So the ones I generally get with have kissed and maybe made out, but that's about it. There's one girl in mind, she is the sweetest girl I have ever met. We went to the formal together, but I don't know about her, she's confusing. Her and I had amazing non-kissing or anything like that times together, but shes never showed any interest in a relationship. And I know she has never done anything. She is like, the person I would love to have a relationship with. One where we can just spend time together and not hafta do "stuff" every second. I'm sounding a bit repetative, but I hope you understand what I mean.


I do in a way want to meet people from other schools, but I don't know how, and I'm so shy and ah, I don't know.

1. Yes, a whole month. :lol: It totally works! Trust this.

If they care enough about me as a person they don't dump me. ;)

Oh, and believe me, it's pretty hard to find a guy like you who isn't just trying to make out with ya. Ugh, sorry, bad memories of perverts. >.<


2. Mkay, as long as you don't go with the *eep can't say it*s. Wow, your school is so much different from mine. 1000 kids in my junior high(2 grades) and then my high school will have 3000 people(4 grades, teehee I'll have fun being a cute lil freshman). Heh. Ignore the 2nd part of that last parentheses. Try the averages. Heck, try the emos(they can be nice, just find out if they cut first if that totally creeps you out). Oh, and that girl you're talking about sounds like a good person. Find out if she would like to have a relationship and if she does you're good to go.


People from other schools are always a good idea. It's easier if they're not super far away. Teehee for me the beach is a pretty good place to meet people. Easier to imagine them in their underwear. (Not in a perverted way! In a make-you-less-nervous way. Seriously. >.<)

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Teehee for me the beach is a pretty good place to meet people. Easier to imagine them in their underwear.

*great thing hamsters don't have to imagine one another in their underwear* :lol:

Haha... yeah hamsters always go commando!

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Teehee for me the beach is a pretty good place to meet people. Easier to imagine them in their underwear.

*great thing hamsters don't have to imagine one another in their underwear* :lol:

Haha... yeah hamsters always go commando!

*looks over at Huette's cage hoping to catch a glimpse, then checks out Houdini's and Hamlet's cage* :ninja:

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

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... just grab some random guy and kiss him.

*wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

That reminds me of what one of my friends does to telemarketers. After letting them talk a while he'll say "Hey...you sound kinda hot." It's really funny if they're a guy, too. XD

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I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.

My sisters do that. Its kind of funny to watch. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My Freind Jackrabbit tried to kiss me once! But I didn't let him.

Well, I let him kiss me on the cheek. :blush:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

That reminds me of what one of my friends does to telemarketers. After letting them talk a while he'll say "Hey...you sound kinda hot." It's really funny if they're a guy, too. XD

:lol: LOL :lol:

I like your friend!

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I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.

My sisters do that. Its kind of funny to watch. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o My Freind Jackrabbit tried to kiss me once! But I didn't let him.

Well, I let him kiss me on the cheek. :blush:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

:huh: ... Yay?

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... just grab some random guy and kiss him.

*wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face*

Haha, this would be interesting.

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... just grab some random guy and kiss him.

*wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face*

Haha, this would be interesting.

Even more so if you had a couple of drools hanging from your jowls! :lol:

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... just grab some random guy and kiss him.

*wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face*

Haha, this would be interesting.

Even more so if you had a couple of drools hanging from your jowls! :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:lol: LOL :lol:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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... just grab some random guy and kiss him.

*wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face*

Haha, this would be interesting.

Even more so if you had a couple of drools hanging from your jowls! :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:lol: LOL :lol:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Then in your most seductive wolfie voice... "Pucker up my sweet"

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... just grab some random guy and kiss him.

*wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face*

Haha, this would be interesting.

Even more so if you had a couple of drools hanging from your jowls! :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:lol: LOL :lol:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Then in your most seductive wolfie voice... "Pucker up my sweet"

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:o LOL :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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... just grab some random guy and kiss him.

*wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face*

Haha, this would be interesting.

Even more so if you had a couple of drools hanging from your jowls! :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


:lol: LOL :lol:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Then in your most seductive wolfie voice... "Pucker up my sweet"

Alrighty then. o_o :lol:

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

I know what you mean! Kissing is addictive. *wants to kiss someone right now*

Parties tonight - maybe I'll be able to get rid of my kissing craving!

*goes off to prepare the glowsticks and pretty red shoes she just bought*


♥ Lee

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

I know what you mean! Kissing is addictive. *wants to kiss someone right now*

Parties tonight - maybe I'll be able to get rid of my kissing craving!

*goes off to prepare the glowsticks and pretty red shoes she just bought*


♥ Lee

Haha, wonderful. W00t! Glowsticks and red shoes! *parties*

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

I know what you mean! Kissing is addictive. *wants to kiss someone right now*

Parties tonight - maybe I'll be able to get rid of my kissing craving!

*goes off to prepare the glowsticks and pretty red shoes she just bought*


♥ Lee

Haha, wonderful. W00t! Glowsticks and red shoes! *parties*

With only Glowsticks and red shoes, you sure are going to attract the guys!

Are you going hamster on me? :lol:

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

I know what you mean! Kissing is addictive. *wants to kiss someone right now*

Parties tonight - maybe I'll be able to get rid of my kissing craving!

*goes off to prepare the glowsticks and pretty red shoes she just bought*


♥ Lee

Haha, wonderful. W00t! Glowsticks and red shoes! *parties*

With only Glowsticks and red shoes, you sure are going to attract the guys!

Are you going hamster on me? :lol:

LOL, that was a good one. XD Didn't see that one coming. Yes, I'm definitely going hamster. :lol:

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

I know what you mean! Kissing is addictive. *wants to kiss someone right now*

Parties tonight - maybe I'll be able to get rid of my kissing craving!

*goes off to prepare the glowsticks and pretty red shoes she just bought*


♥ Lee

Haha, wonderful. W00t! Glowsticks and red shoes! *parties*

With only Glowsticks and red shoes, you sure are going to attract the guys!

Are you going hamster on me? :lol:

LOL, that was a good one. XD Didn't see that one coming. Yes, I'm definitely going hamster. :lol:

I gave you another one that I thought you would enjoy and no one noticed.

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Wow. It seems like everyone here has been in some form of a relationship at one point or another. (Whether that be serious or just sexual.) I, on the other hand, see dating a bit differently than other people. Trust me, this isn't my parents idea or rules, it's my own guideline/s.


First off, let me say that I've never had a stereotypical boyfriend. I've never kissed, made out with anyone, or dated anyone. I might serve as a pillow for some of my guy friends once in awhile, but nothing ever serious. I suppose you could say that my relationship status is the fault of my parents, since out of all the places we could move, we had to move to hick-town Missouri. Maybe my standards are just too high or something, but I really don't know. The pickings are pretty slim, and there is honestly no guy right for me in my grade. Maybe high school will show me something different, but I really don't know ...


There's one guy, though. One guy. He's absolutely amazing. I wouldn't call it love, since I really don't think he knows I exist. (How cliché, huh?) Honestly, though. He's perfect. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the details, but everything about him is great, from his eyes to his voice. Even his choice in music and movies. I think we'd be great together, but there's one problem. He's five years older than me. I don't know, but I always like older guys. They just seem more mature than the other guys in my age area. I'll probably end up marrying from 85-year-old man when I'm twenty.

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Wow. It seems like everyone here has been in some form of a relationship at one point or another. (Whether that be serious or just sexual.) I, on the other hand, see dating a bit differently than other people. Trust me, this isn't my parents idea or rules, it's my own guideline/s.


First off, let me say that I've never had a stereotypical boyfriend. I've never kissed, made out with anyone, or dated anyone. I might serve as a pillow for some of my guy friends once in awhile, but nothing ever serious. I suppose you could say that my relationship status is the fault of my parents, since out of all the places we could move, we had to move to hick-town Missouri. Maybe my standards are just too high or something, but I really don't know. The pickings are pretty slim, and there is honestly no guy right for me in my grade. Maybe high school will show me something different, but I really don't know ...


There's one guy, though. One guy. He's absolutely amazing. I wouldn't call it love, since I really don't think he knows I exist. (How cliché, huh?) Honestly, though. He's perfect. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the details, but everything about him is great, from his eyes to his voice. Even his choice in music and movies. I think we'd be great together, but there's one problem. He's five years older than me. I don't know, but I always like older guys. They just seem more mature than the other guys in my age area. I'll probably end up marrying from 85-year-old man when I'm twenty.

Thats a lot like my little opinion on the matter, see that lengthy post I made a while back in here, 'cuz I've never dated anyone or do that whole makey-outey thing. and MAybe i'm just used to the idiots I lived with back in Dallas, but I like the lady-types around here in X, Texas. (Yeah, man. X is where i live. apply mad algebra skillz.)


uh. yeah. ... im out of stuff to talk about already.

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Wow. It seems like everyone here has been in some form of a relationship at one point or another. (Whether that be serious or just sexual.) I, on the other hand, see dating a bit differently than other people. Trust me, this isn't my parents idea or rules, it's my own guideline/s.


First off, let me say that I've never had a stereotypical boyfriend. I've never kissed, made out with anyone, or dated anyone. I might serve as a pillow for some of my guy friends once in awhile, but nothing ever serious. I suppose you could say that my relationship status is the fault of my parents, since out of all the places we could move, we had to move to hick-town Missouri. Maybe my standards are just too high or something, but I really don't know. The pickings are pretty slim, and there is honestly no guy right for me in my grade. Maybe high school will show me something different, but I really don't know ...


There's one guy, though. One guy. He's absolutely amazing. I wouldn't call it love, since I really don't think he knows I exist. (How cliché, huh?) Honestly, though. He's perfect. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the details, but everything about him is great, from his eyes to his voice. Even his choice in music and movies. I think we'd be great together, but there's one problem. He's five years older than me. I don't know, but I always like older guys. They just seem more mature than the other guys in my age area. I'll probably end up marrying from 85-year-old man when I'm twenty.

Being a pillow is pretty cool. Pretty much all of my friends use each other as pillows. I understand what you mean by there being nobody there that appeals to you in particular. Well, in high school I bet somebody WILL appeal to you since there's so many older guys. I do hope you're exaggerating when you say 85. XD

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Wow. It seems like everyone here has been in some form of a relationship at one point or another. (Whether that be serious or just sexual.) I, on the other hand, see dating a bit differently than other people. Trust me, this isn't my parents idea or rules, it's my own guideline/s.


First off, let me say that I've never had a stereotypical boyfriend. I've never kissed, made out with anyone, or dated anyone. I might serve as a pillow for some of my guy friends once in awhile, but nothing ever serious. I suppose you could say that my relationship status is the fault of my parents, since out of all the places we could move, we had to move to hick-town Missouri. Maybe my standards are just too high or something, but I really don't know. The pickings are pretty slim, and there is honestly no guy right for me in my grade. Maybe high school will show me something different, but I really don't know ...


There's one guy, though. One guy. He's absolutely amazing. I wouldn't call it love, since I really don't think he knows I exist. (How cliché, huh?) Honestly, though. He's perfect. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the details, but everything about him is great, from his eyes to his voice. Even his choice in music and movies. I think we'd be great together, but there's one problem. He's five years older than me. I don't know, but I always like older guys. They just seem more mature than the other guys in my age area. I'll probably end up marrying from 85-year-old man when I'm twenty.

Thats a lot like my little opinion on the matter, see that lengthy post I made a while back in here, 'cuz I've never dated anyone or do that whole makey-outey thing. and MAybe i'm just used to the idiots I lived with back in Dallas, but I like the lady-types around here in X, Texas. (Yeah, man. X is where i live. apply mad algebra skillz.)


uh. yeah. ... im out of stuff to talk about already.


Yeah, I did read your post, I was just too lazy to reply.


You know, a lot of Mormans here were dating before they were 13. I live pretty close to that place where you guys think the Garden of Eden is, so there are quite a few Mormans here.

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I have a friend whos been going out with her boyfriend for 5 months and they havent had their first kiss yet. He respects her ALOT. Hes only ever kissed her on the cheek. It's quite cute.


I'd like a guy to respect me but I have to admit I'm pretty affectionate, I adore hugs and kisses.


♥ Lee

Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him.


I didn't just say that. 'Course not.

I know what you mean! Kissing is addictive. *wants to kiss someone right now*

Parties tonight - maybe I'll be able to get rid of my kissing craving!

*goes off to prepare the glowsticks and pretty red shoes she just bought*


♥ Lee

Haha, wonderful. W00t! Glowsticks and red shoes! *parties*

With only Glowsticks and red shoes, you sure are going to attract the guys!

Are you going hamster on me? :lol:

LOL, that was a good one. XD Didn't see that one coming. Yes, I'm definitely going hamster. :lol:

Thats hilarious!

I had a pretty black and white dress to go with my shoes and glowsticks but you're sure to get far more attention going hamster!

Actually at the party there was quite a bit of talk about me, a lot of people came up to me and said I looked "hot" and also made some comment about my chest. In the words of my friend Louise: "For someone your size you've got pretty big...". I know they were all just being nice but I felt a little uncomfortable. I also got asked "that" question... "are you a virgin?" when I said yes the person said "Oh I wouldn't have thought so, you're so kinky". I was like "Um... okay then...". I walked away feeling very uneasy.

Other than that the evening was quite good. Managed to get in 4 parties for the night and got home about 2am. I could have stayed out later but I was too tired.


Boy, I wish people would appreciate me more.


♥ Lee

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Wow. It seems like everyone here has been in some form of a relationship at one point or another. (Whether that be serious or just sexual.) I, on the other hand, see dating a bit differently than other people. Trust me, this isn't my parents idea or rules, it's my own guideline/s.


First off, let me say that I've never had a stereotypical boyfriend. I've never kissed, made out with anyone, or dated anyone. I might serve as a pillow for some of my guy friends once in awhile, but nothing ever serious. I suppose you could say that my relationship status is the fault of my parents, since out of all the places we could move, we had to move to hick-town Missouri. Maybe my standards are just too high or something, but I really don't know. The pickings are pretty slim, and there is honestly no guy right for me in my grade. Maybe high school will show me something different, but I really don't know ...


There's one guy, though. One guy. He's absolutely amazing. I wouldn't call it love, since I really don't think he knows I exist. (How cliché, huh?) Honestly, though. He's perfect. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the details, but everything about him is great, from his eyes to his voice. Even his choice in music and movies. I think we'd be great together, but there's one problem. He's five years older than me. I don't know, but I always like older guys. They just seem more mature than the other guys in my age area. I'll probably end up marrying from 85-year-old man when I'm twenty.

I know EXACTLY how you feel Toto. I didn't have my first kiss till last year. I know that one of my friends is perfect for me, but he'll only ever see me as a friend. In fact several people have told me how good we'd be together but I try to ignore them and as much as I'd like to believe it I doubt it will ever happen. We have so much in common with our hobbies, interests, music and such. Oh he's just signed in on a cetrain messenger program. I wonder if he has ever thought about 'us'... I doubt it.


♥ Lee

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Wow. It seems like everyone here has been in some form of a relationship at one point or another. (Whether that be serious or just sexual.) I, on the other hand, see dating a bit differently than other people. Trust me, this isn't my parents idea or rules, it's my own guideline/s.


First off, let me say that I've never had a stereotypical boyfriend. I've never kissed, made out with anyone, or dated anyone. I might serve as a pillow for some of my guy friends once in awhile, but nothing ever serious. I suppose you could say that my relationship status is the fault of my parents, since out of all the places we could move, we had to move to hick-town Missouri. Maybe my standards are just too high or something, but I really don't know. The pickings are pretty slim, and there is honestly no guy right for me in my grade. Maybe high school will show me something different, but I really don't know ...


There's one guy, though. One guy. He's absolutely amazing. I wouldn't call it love, since I really don't think he knows I exist. (How cliché, huh?) Honestly, though. He's perfect. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the details, but everything about him is great, from his eyes to his voice. Even his choice in music and movies. I think we'd be great together, but there's one problem. He's five years older than me. I don't know, but I always like older guys. They just seem more mature than the other guys in my age area. I'll probably end up marrying from 85-year-old man when I'm twenty.

I know EXACTLY how you feel Toto. I didn't have my first kiss till last year. I know that one of my friends is perfect for me, but he'll only ever see me as a friend. In fact several people have told me how good we'd be together but I try to ignore them and as much as I'd like to believe it I doubt it will ever happen. We have so much in common with our hobbies, interests, music and such. Oh he's just signed in on a cetrain messenger program. I wonder if he has ever thought about 'us'... I doubt it.


♥ Lee

As dumb as this sounds, you have lots of time. You will meet lots more guys where you both have lots in common. Quite often, when you think you have so much in common when you are young, your interests go off in different directions when you get older. It takes you some time to find out who you are, what you want to do and where you want to be. It is great to think about you both as a couple, but please do not be sad if it doesn't happen.

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Wow. It seems like everyone here has been in some form of a relationship at one point or another. (Whether that be serious or just sexual.) I, on the other hand, see dating a bit differently than other people. Trust me, this isn't my parents idea or rules, it's my own guideline/s.


First off, let me say that I've never had a stereotypical boyfriend. I've never kissed, made out with anyone, or dated anyone. I might serve as a pillow for some of my guy friends once in awhile, but nothing ever serious. I suppose you could say that my relationship status is the fault of my parents, since out of all the places we could move, we had to move to hick-town Missouri. Maybe my standards are just too high or something, but I really don't know. The pickings are pretty slim, and there is honestly no guy right for me in my grade. Maybe high school will show me something different, but I really don't know ...


There's one guy, though. One guy. He's absolutely amazing. I wouldn't call it love, since I really don't think he knows I exist. (How cliché, huh?) Honestly, though. He's perfect. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the details, but everything about him is great, from his eyes to his voice. Even his choice in music and movies. I think we'd be great together, but there's one problem. He's five years older than me. I don't know, but I always like older guys. They just seem more mature than the other guys in my age area. I'll probably end up marrying from 85-year-old man when I'm twenty.

Thats a lot like my little opinion on the matter, see that lengthy post I made a while back in here, 'cuz I've never dated anyone or do that whole makey-outey thing. and MAybe i'm just used to the idiots I lived with back in Dallas, but I like the lady-types around here in X, Texas. (Yeah, man. X is where i live. apply mad algebra skillz.)


uh. yeah. ... im out of stuff to talk about already.


Yeah, I did read your post, I was just too lazy to reply.


You know, a lot of Mormans here were dating before they were 13. I live pretty close to that place where you guys think the Garden of Eden is, so there are quite a few Mormans here.

gah. It sickens me when they dont take any standards seriously.

If you have the patience, you can watch them rather closely and find their lives fall apart from it. S'pretty depressing, but its their own dang fault.

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My boyfriend gave me this really cute wristband today right when I was contemplating dumping him. >.<

*psychic :huh::blink::huh: *

No, no.......


No guy on earth is that smart. Its sheer coincidence. xD Its why guys are so proud of themselves when they luck out and do something that didnt really put off their girlfriend.

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My boyfriend gave me this really cute wristband today right when I was contemplating dumping him. >.

*psychic :huh::blink::huh: *

No, no.......


No guy on earth is that smart. Its sheer coincidence. xD Its why guys are so proud of themselves when they luck out and do something that didnt really put off their girlfriend.

It doesn't work the same for hamsters. :lol:

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My boyfriend gave me this really cute wristband today right when I was contemplating dumping him. >.<

*psychic :huh::blink::huh: *

No, no.......


No guy on earth is that smart. Its sheer coincidence. xD Its why guys are so proud of themselves when they luck out and do something that didnt really put off their girlfriend.

Haha. Yeah that does happen sometimes. Boys usually have no idea XD


♥ Lee

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Okay, so here's the deal. I definitely don't have feelings for him, he's going to be at go-karting camp for the next week or something. My flirtyness is way out of control in all obviousness. I happen to be sitting next to super cute guys in band(being a trumpet player and all). Umm, boyfriend=totally jealous. I'm pretty much marching band buddies with a REALLY cute guy who I've known since last year(8th grade) from being in the same section as him, but we didn't talk much then. But now since I have been sitting next to him for the past two days, we've become buddies. Yeah, and I can't contain my flirtyness since it just sorta happens, which is in fact inconvenient when there's a cute guy so close by. So flirting with various guys IS in fact, a BAD thing to be doing when you have a boyfriend already. My boyfriend isn't exactly the easiest guy to find things to flirt about so no, I can't take my flirtyness out on him. Basically, main problems=flirting/lack of feelings.



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Okay, so here's the deal. I definitely don't have feelings for him, he's going to be at go-karting camp for the next week or something. My flirtyness is way out of control in all obviousness. I happen to be sitting next to super cute guys in band(being a trumpet player and all). Umm, boyfriend=totally jealous. I'm pretty much marching band buddies with a REALLY cute guy who I've known since last year(8th grade) from being in the same section as him, but we didn't talk much then. But now since I have been sitting next to him for the past two days, we've become buddies. Yeah, and I can't contain my flirtyness since it just sorta happens, which is in fact inconvenient when there's a cute guy so close by. So flirting with various guys IS in fact, a BAD thing to be doing when you have a boyfriend already. My boyfriend isn't exactly the easiest guy to find things to flirt about so no, I can't take my flirtyness out on him. Basically, main problems=flirting/lack of feelings.



You could try spending more time with him (unless you already spend quite a bit of time together). Its a good idea not to treat him too much like a friend, dont get me wrong, you can have fun and stuff but maybe a little more affection is needed? And by affection I don't mean making out for half an hour. XD What you should do is maybe cuddle him a bit more, cuddling is fun and it tells him you feel secure with him. Think about the things you love about him, the things that make you smile. This may help a bit with lack of feelings. For the flirting part... well... theres not much I can do about that :P


♥ Lee

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Okay, so here's the deal. I definitely don't have feelings for him, he's going to be at go-karting camp for the next week or something. My flirtyness is way out of control in all obviousness. I happen to be sitting next to super cute guys in band(being a trumpet player and all). Umm, boyfriend=totally jealous. I'm pretty much marching band buddies with a REALLY cute guy who I've known since last year(8th grade) from being in the same section as him, but we didn't talk much then. But now since I have been sitting next to him for the past two days, we've become buddies. Yeah, and I can't contain my flirtyness since it just sorta happens, which is in fact inconvenient when there's a cute guy so close by. So flirting with various guys IS in fact, a BAD thing to be doing when you have a boyfriend already. My boyfriend isn't exactly the easiest guy to find things to flirt about so no, I can't take my flirtyness out on him. Basically, main problems=flirting/lack of feelings.



You could try spending more time with him (unless you already spend quite a bit of time together). Its a good idea not to treat him too much like a friend, dont get me wrong, you can have fun and stuff but maybe a little more affection is needed? And by affection I don't mean making out for half an hour. XD What you should do is maybe cuddle him a bit more, cuddling is fun and it tells him you feel secure with him. Think about the things you love about him, the things that make you smile. This may help a bit with lack of feelings. For the flirting part... well... theres not much I can do about that :P


♥ Lee

I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment*

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Okay, so here's the deal. I definitely don't have feelings for him, he's going to be at go-karting camp for the next week or something. My flirtyness is way out of control in all obviousness. I happen to be sitting next to super cute guys in band(being a trumpet player and all). Umm, boyfriend=totally jealous. I'm pretty much marching band buddies with a REALLY cute guy who I've known since last year(8th grade) from being in the same section as him, but we didn't talk much then. But now since I have been sitting next to him for the past two days, we've become buddies. Yeah, and I can't contain my flirtyness since it just sorta happens, which is in fact inconvenient when there's a cute guy so close by. So flirting with various guys IS in fact, a BAD thing to be doing when you have a boyfriend already. My boyfriend isn't exactly the easiest guy to find things to flirt about so no, I can't take my flirtyness out on him. Basically, main problems=flirting/lack of feelings.



You could try spending more time with him (unless you already spend quite a bit of time together). Its a good idea not to treat him too much like a friend, dont get me wrong, you can have fun and stuff but maybe a little more affection is needed? And by affection I don't mean making out for half an hour. XD What you should do is maybe cuddle him a bit more, cuddling is fun and it tells him you feel secure with him. Think about the things you love about him, the things that make you smile. This may help a bit with lack of feelings. For the flirting part... well... theres not much I can do about that :P


♥ Lee

I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment*


*is very happy there are no hamster-love problems like Mega Wolf's*

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Okay, so here's the deal. I definitely don't have feelings for him, he's going to be at go-karting camp for the next week or something. My flirtyness is way out of control in all obviousness. I happen to be sitting next to super cute guys in band(being a trumpet player and all). Umm, boyfriend=totally jealous. I'm pretty much marching band buddies with a REALLY cute guy who I've known since last year(8th grade) from being in the same section as him, but we didn't talk much then. But now since I have been sitting next to him for the past two days, we've become buddies. Yeah, and I can't contain my flirtyness since it just sorta happens, which is in fact inconvenient when there's a cute guy so close by. So flirting with various guys IS in fact, a BAD thing to be doing when you have a boyfriend already. My boyfriend isn't exactly the easiest guy to find things to flirt about so no, I can't take my flirtyness out on him. Basically, main problems=flirting/lack of feelings.



You could try spending more time with him (unless you already spend quite a bit of time together). Its a good idea not to treat him too much like a friend, dont get me wrong, you can have fun and stuff but maybe a little more affection is needed? And by affection I don't mean making out for half an hour. XD What you should do is maybe cuddle him a bit more, cuddling is fun and it tells him you feel secure with him. Think about the things you love about him, the things that make you smile. This may help a bit with lack of feelings. For the flirting part... well... theres not much I can do about that :P


♥ Lee

I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment*

Oh, thats sad. So you would rather have him as a friend? Because if this is how you feel I think you should tell him, no doubt he will be sad but you really shouldn't keep it to yourself.


♥ Lee

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Okay, so here's the deal. I definitely don't have feelings for him, he's going to be at go-karting camp for the next week or something. My flirtyness is way out of control in all obviousness. I happen to be sitting next to super cute guys in band(being a trumpet player and all). Umm, boyfriend=totally jealous. I'm pretty much marching band buddies with a REALLY cute guy who I've known since last year(8th grade) from being in the same section as him, but we didn't talk much then. But now since I have been sitting next to him for the past two days, we've become buddies. Yeah, and I can't contain my flirtyness since it just sorta happens, which is in fact inconvenient when there's a cute guy so close by. So flirting with various guys IS in fact, a BAD thing to be doing when you have a boyfriend already. My boyfriend isn't exactly the easiest guy to find things to flirt about so no, I can't take my flirtyness out on him. Basically, main problems=flirting/lack of feelings.



You could try spending more time with him (unless you already spend quite a bit of time together). Its a good idea not to treat him too much like a friend, dont get me wrong, you can have fun and stuff but maybe a little more affection is needed? And by affection I don't mean making out for half an hour. XD What you should do is maybe cuddle him a bit more, cuddling is fun and it tells him you feel secure with him. Think about the things you love about him, the things that make you smile. This may help a bit with lack of feelings. For the flirting part... well... theres not much I can do about that :P


♥ Lee

I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment*

Oh, thats sad. So you would rather have him as a friend? Because if this is how you feel I think you should tell him, no doubt he will be sad but you really shouldn't keep it to yourself.


♥ Lee

Yeah, I guess. Since I dumped the last guy, causing him to totally hate me(and be a drama queen), it's been sort of hard to do anything without rethinking and reconsidering. My confidence has just been thrown off completely.

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Okay, so here's the deal. I definitely don't have feelings for him, he's going to be at go-karting camp for the next week or something. My flirtyness is way out of control in all obviousness. I happen to be sitting next to super cute guys in band(being a trumpet player and all). Umm, boyfriend=totally jealous. I'm pretty much marching band buddies with a REALLY cute guy who I've known since last year(8th grade) from being in the same section as him, but we didn't talk much then. But now since I have been sitting next to him for the past two days, we've become buddies. Yeah, and I can't contain my flirtyness since it just sorta happens, which is in fact inconvenient when there's a cute guy so close by. So flirting with various guys IS in fact, a BAD thing to be doing when you have a boyfriend already. My boyfriend isn't exactly the easiest guy to find things to flirt about so no, I can't take my flirtyness out on him. Basically, main problems=flirting/lack of feelings.



You could try spending more time with him (unless you already spend quite a bit of time together). Its a good idea not to treat him too much like a friend, dont get me wrong, you can have fun and stuff but maybe a little more affection is needed? And by affection I don't mean making out for half an hour. XD What you should do is maybe cuddle him a bit more, cuddling is fun and it tells him you feel secure with him. Think about the things you love about him, the things that make you smile. This may help a bit with lack of feelings. For the flirting part... well... theres not much I can do about that :P


♥ Lee

I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment*

Oh, thats sad. So you would rather have him as a friend? Because if this is how you feel I think you should tell him, no doubt he will be sad but you really shouldn't keep it to yourself.


♥ Lee

Yeah, I guess. Since I dumped the last guy, causing him to totally hate me(and be a drama queen), it's been sort of hard to do anything without rethinking and reconsidering. My confidence has just been thrown off completely.

I understand how that must feel. I am lying to a boy because he wants me, I told him I had a boyfriend but I really don't. I know I shouldn't lie but I don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him to leave me alone because we've been friends since were little. He just asked me if I was ready to cheat on my "boyfriend". I know it was just jokingly but I hate it when he says things like that.


♥ Lee

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