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I'm so sorry about my last topic! I misclicked! Please let cyberspace eat that one! Or it could be deleted my a mod, I think. Or am I able to delete my own topics as well as my own posts? Anyway, here it is again:


7th May, 2005


I'm so fat. I weighed 55kg on the scales. June was right in calling me a beached whale. I'm as big as one. Seriously, I'm only 10, weighing 55kg. I told my mom. She just came up with excuses.

"You're fine the way you are," she said. Yeah right. All the other kids in my class weigh at most 50kg. June, the most popular, weighs 35kg. Adam, the secont most popular, weighs only 37kg. How the heck do they keep so darn thin? I think that all the popular kids are thin. Or at least all the geeks are fat. I'm fat, they call me a geek. I'll do anything to be thin. Today I skipped dinner. Not eating food makes me thin, right? Food made me this, so neglecting food will make me all better.


9th May, 2005


Yesterday was wonderful! I found out that the scales were broken! My mother's going to replace them. But I'm skipping lunch and dinner just to be safe.


10th May, 2005


Ignore my last entry. I'm so unbelieveably fat. I was the first to the scales. I racked up 58kg. I'm even FATTER then what the old scales told me! And not eating just isn't working! I need something else... When you vomit you empty your stomach, right? If you vomited before any food becomes fat, you'd be thin, right? At least, all the cool magazines say so.


12th May, 2005


It's working! I haven't eaten at all since my last entry and I've vomited every night! And now I only weigh 53 kg! I LOST 5 kilos! This is great, and I'm not going to stop any time soon now! My mother tries to make me eat. She seems worried.


15th may, 2005


I'm starving. My mouth tastes permanently of vomit. I don't think I can go on much longer. But I was only 44 kg this morning! I can't stop now! My mother is going nutzoid, but I just ignore her. I bet she was a geek in school. She still is a geek now. I don't want to be a geek! I've become a cool kid! I don't want to stop!


20th May, 2005


I want to die. I still haven't eaten and I vomit daily. I'm a freak. I'm uncool again. They call me 'The Stick'. Darn them all. I HATE them. All of them. And I just CAN'T stop. I must be crazy. Do crazy people know they're crazy? I can't go on like this. But I have to. I don't want to be fat. Ever, ever again...


That's it for now, I'll post more tomorrow :D Hope you like it. I actually do this in segments, each regarding a different issue. All of them can be causes of depression. I only do three, but name a cause of depression (i.e. Pregnancy, or Going Broke. I'm planning to do them both in another series of diary entries) and I'll do one for it.

The dates have nothing to do with it, except for the final topic in this series. I've aleady done the whole series, it took me about 2 hours, but I'm going to keep you waiting 'til the morn (for me. Well, it is, but I mean later in the morn).




Well, not the me that I am most of the time. The me that I am verrrrry verrrry rarely. If I am the depressed me in any post, please ignore it. I am depressed, rarely, but this me and the depressed me are more like two different personalities then two different states of mind. Bah, I can't believe I'm admitting this. To anyone, friend or not. Whee! End of post :)

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I'm so sorry about my last topic! I misclicked! Please let cyberspace eat that one! Or it could be deleted my a mod, I think. Or am I able to delete my own topics as well as my own posts? Anyway, here it is again:


7th May, 2005


I'm so fat. I weighed 55kg on the scales. June was right in calling me a beached whale. I'm as big as one. Seriously, I'm only 10, weighing 55kg. I told my mom. She just came up with excuses.

"You're fine the way you are," she said. Yeah right. All the other kids in my class weigh at most 50kg. June, the most popular, weighs 35kg. Adam, the secont most popular, weighs only 37kg. How the heck do they keep so darn thin? I think that all the popular kids are thin. Or at least all the geeks are fat. I'm fat, they call me a geek. I'll do anything to be thin. Today I skipped dinner. Not eating food makes me thin, right? Food made me this, so neglecting food will make me all better.


9th May, 2005


Yesterday was wonderful! I found out that the scales were broken! My mother's going to replace them. But I'm skipping lunch and dinner just to be safe.


10th May, 2005


Ignore my last entry. I'm so unbelieveably fat. I was the first to the scales. I racked up 58kg. I'm even FATTER then what the old scales told me! And not eating just isn't working! I need something else... When you vomit you empty your stomach, right? If you vomited before any food becomes fat, you'd be thin, right? At least, all the cool magazines say so.


12th May, 2005


It's working! I haven't eaten at all since my last entry and I've vomited every night! And now I only weigh 53 kg! I LOST 5 kilos! This is great, and I'm not going to stop any time soon now! My mother tries to make me eat. She seems worried.


15th may, 2005


I'm starving. My mouth tastes permanently of vomit. I don't think I can go on much longer. But I was only 44 kg this morning! I can't stop now! My mother is going nutzoid, but I just ignore her. I bet she was a geek in school. She still is a geek now. I don't want to be a geek! I've become a cool kid! I don't want to stop!


20th May, 2005


I want to die. I still haven't eaten and I vomit daily. I'm a freak. I'm uncool again. They call me 'The Stick'. Darn them all. I HATE them. All of them. And I just CAN'T stop. I must be crazy. Do crazy people know they're crazy? I can't go on like this. But I have to. I don't want to be fat. Ever, ever again...


That's it for now, I'll post more tomorrow :D Hope you like it. I actually do this in segments, each regarding a different issue. All of them can be causes of depression. I only do three, but name a cause of depression (i.e. Pregnancy, or Going Broke. I'm planning to do them both in another series of diary entries) and I'll do one for it.

The dates have nothing to do with it, except for the final topic in this series. I've aleady done the whole series, it took me about 2 hours, but I'm going to keep you waiting 'til the morn (for me. Well, it is, but I mean later in the morn).




Well, not the me that I am most of the time. The me that I am verrrrry verrrry rarely. If I am the depressed me in any post, please ignore it. I am depressed, rarely, but this me and the depressed me are more like two different personalities then two different states of mind. Bah, I can't believe I'm admitting this. To anyone, friend or not. Whee! End of post :)

Very interesting! You do a great job writing!!!

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I'm so sorry about my last topic! I misclicked! Please let cyberspace eat that one! Or it could be deleted my a mod, I think. Or am I able to delete my own topics as well as my own posts? Anyway, here it is again:


7th May, 2005


I'm so fat. I weighed 55kg on the scales. June was right in calling me a beached whale. I'm as big as one. Seriously, I'm only 10, weighing 55kg. I told my mom. She just came up with excuses.

"You're fine the way you are," she said. Yeah right. All the other kids in my class weigh at most 50kg. June, the most popular, weighs 35kg. Adam, the secont most popular, weighs only 37kg. How the heck do they keep so darn thin? I think that all the popular kids are thin. Or at least all the geeks are fat. I'm fat, they call me a geek. I'll do anything to be thin. Today I skipped dinner. Not eating food makes me thin, right? Food made me this, so neglecting food will make me all better.


9th May, 2005


Yesterday was wonderful! I found out that the scales were broken! My mother's going to replace them. But I'm skipping lunch and dinner just to be safe.


10th May, 2005


Ignore my last entry. I'm so unbelieveably fat. I was the first to the scales. I racked up 58kg. I'm even FATTER then what the old scales told me! And not eating just isn't working! I need something else... When you vomit you empty your stomach, right? If you vomited before any food becomes fat, you'd be thin, right? At least, all the cool magazines say so.


12th May, 2005


It's working! I haven't eaten at all since my last entry and I've vomited every night! And now I only weigh 53 kg! I LOST 5 kilos! This is great, and I'm not going to stop any time soon now! My mother tries to make me eat. She seems worried.


15th may, 2005


I'm starving. My mouth tastes permanently of vomit. I don't think I can go on much longer. But I was only 44 kg this morning! I can't stop now! My mother is going nutzoid, but I just ignore her. I bet she was a geek in school. She still is a geek now. I don't want to be a geek! I've become a cool kid! I don't want to stop!


20th May, 2005


I want to die. I still haven't eaten and I vomit daily. I'm a freak. I'm uncool again. They call me 'The Stick'. Darn them all. I HATE them. All of them. And I just CAN'T stop. I must be crazy. Do crazy people know they're crazy? I can't go on like this. But I have to. I don't want to be fat. Ever, ever again...


That's it for now, I'll post more tomorrow :D Hope you like it. I actually do this in segments, each regarding a different issue. All of them can be causes of depression. I only do three, but name a cause of depression (i.e. Pregnancy, or Going Broke. I'm planning to do them both in another series of diary entries) and I'll do one for it.

The dates have nothing to do with it, except for the final topic in this series. I've aleady done the whole series, it took me about 2 hours, but I'm going to keep you waiting 'til the morn (for me. Well, it is, but I mean later in the morn).




Well, not the me that I am most of the time. The me that I am verrrrry verrrry rarely. If I am the depressed me in any post, please ignore it. I am depressed, rarely, but this me and the depressed me are more like two different personalities then two different states of mind. Bah, I can't believe I'm admitting this. To anyone, friend or not. Whee! End of post :)

Very interesting! You do a great job writing!!!

Thanks! :D I write stuff based on what I know about from firsthand experience, so this is a second for me. The first I'm not going to post, as it's probably too... Bad for this forum, for a lack of better adjective :P

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Morez coming soon! I forgot my sister was visiting, so I couldn't post it. This is about to go *7* years in the future as you will be able to see see in the dates - 2005 was the last batch of entries. Next will skip to 2012. So the fake person who is not really writing this fake diary is going to be 16/17 depending on her birthdate which has to be before May 7th.

That last sentence was a run-on sentence.

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Morez coming soon! I forgot my sister was visiting, so I couldn't post it. This is about to go *7* years in the future as you will be able to see see in the dates - 2005 was the last batch of entries. Next will skip to 2012. So the fake person who is not really writing this fake diary is going to be 16/17 depending on her birthdate which has to be before May 7th.

That last sentence was a run-on sentence.

I am the king of run-on sentences! :lol:

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More, for realz this time. Lots to mod, but there was alot more of mod-needing stuff on my paper then in my post, so I can still say I did my part in making it HD-allowed.


I bet it's most obvious I know next to nothing about these subjects with these diary entries.


11th Jan, 2012


I can't ####ing believe it. The stupid #### lied to me! I loved him! The #### also said he loved me! To quote him, he said, "I love you so much, Anne, I could never love anyone besides you."

THE NEXT ####ING DAY, I FIND OUT HE'S CHEATING ON ME! And it's my ####ing BIRTHDAY today! He doesn't come over to say happy birthday, he somes over tell me he's been seeing JUNE! I was so mad, and sad, that I slipped up and ate a pizza. I vomited it up, so I didn't gain weight. The ####! I want to KILL him and that JERK, June! Or, they seem happy enough together, perhaps I'll kill ME! They'd like that, I'm sure!


13th Jan, 2012


I feel much better now. I knew I couldn't kill him, that would be going too far. So I did the next best thing. I've written him many anonymous death threats and other hate mail. He looks so scared as he walks down the hall. I love making his life ####. Let's see how he likes it. Once, when he was looking, I shot him an icy glare. He looked like he almost screamed.

I almost laughed.


15th Jan, 2012


They caught me! I don't know how they did it! Some crap about fingerprints. Crap! I'm going to some kind of prison, juvenile hall or something. What the ####!? It was only a few letters! Why am I going there! I don't have any acess to pen and paper in prison, or whatever it's called. Hah, I can't do anything! And I found out who made the decision to take this to the police. June. I hate June! Aaargh!


More coming, as soon as I decide to finally type it into the reply box :P

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More, for realz this time. Lots to mod, but there was alot more of mod-needing stuff on my paper then in my post, so I can still say I did my part in making it HD-allowed.


I bet it's most obvious I know next to nothing about these subjects with these diary entries.


11th Jan, 2012


I can't ####ing believe it. The stupid #### lied to me! I loved him! The #### also said he loved me! To quote him, he said, "I love you so much, Anne, I could never love anyone besides you."

THE NEXT ####ING DAY, I FIND OUT HE'S CHEATING ON ME! And it's my ####ing BIRTHDAY today! He doesn't come over to say happy birthday, he somes over tell me he's been seeing JUNE! I was so mad, and sad, that I slipped up and ate a pizza. I vomited it up, so I didn't gain weight. The ####! I want to KILL him and that JERK, June! Or, they seem happy enough together, perhaps I'll kill ME! They'd like that, I'm sure!


13th Jan, 2012


I feel much better now. I knew I couldn't kill him, that would be going too far. So I did the next best thing. I've written him many anonymous death threats and other hate mail. He looks so scared as he walks down the hall. I love making his life ####. Let's see how he likes it. Once, when he was looking, I shot him an icy glare. He looked like he almost screamed.

I almost laughed.


15th Jan, 2012


They caught me! I don't know how they did it! Some crap about fingerprints. Crap! I'm going to some kind of prison, juvenile hall or something. What the ####!? It was only a few letters! Why am I going there! I don't have any acess to pen and paper in prison, or whatever it's called. Hah, I can't do anything! And I found out who made the decision to take this to the police. June. I hate June! Aaargh!


More coming, as soon as I decide to finally type it into the reply box :P

Interesting twist! :D

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