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dont hate me.dont say a word if you do.

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i wanna feel my bones

see them when i look in the mirror

you havnt taught me to hate myself naked

you've only showed me what i cant say

i know this

i see it

i'm living it

i would love to be one of them

bodies like godesses

i will try but i dare slip into habbits unwilling

i never want to hate myself when it reads 99

i wanna be able to smile at that

i want it

but i want it without coruption

it is posible for me

help me

help me get what i need

one less way to hate myself

could this reverse that

if i see all the warnings

and know all the risks

why do i wanna try so bad

can i have that much control?

can i be a way i wanted forever

dreams and poems and tears

over somthing so serious

so depending

something i should brush off

i need this

i will stick to the words you teach me

i will be happy

i will see the 103 and smile

not coruption, happiness

i will be the way i want

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the numbers confused me, but it's a really good poem.

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i feel it creep up my spine

im not i scream

but i understand

does that confuse you?

numbers dropping make me so happy

i just wish to see myself shrink

i dont wanna be sick

i dont wanna depend on counting calories

i just always wanted it

and heres the only way i see

only half, like everything in my life

but this im thankful for half

it just seems so beautiful

in a car crash way

if i can keep my head up

i can be happy

i can be tiny


am i the only one that sees it?

i can feel the disgust

hanging off my bones

they say

your body is a reflection of you

im all messed up

out of control

lazy and worthless

this is the first step of change

the outside

i cant even express into words

making sense to me

how bad i want this

its all ive ever wanted since i was little

and my mom told me

"lindsey will have a date for prom

and you'll be sitting home eating"

i had dreams where i could achive this

ive longed for it asfar back as i can remember

i'm not sick

im determined

i will not choose this lifestyle

just dip into it

if it helps

and i stay sane

where's the hurt in that.

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...and my mom told me

"lindsey will have a date for prom

and you'll be sitting home eating"

I hope your mother did not say this to you. If she did, I am so sorry. :(

she did.

she used to say things like that all the time.

then i stopped eating for the frist time and she never said things like that again.

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...and my mom told me

"lindsey will have a date for prom

and you'll be sitting home eating"

I hope your mother did not say this to you. If she did, I am so sorry. :(

she did.

she used to say things like that all the time.

then i stopped eating for the frist time and she never said things like that again.

I am really sorry. What she said, hurts my heart and my feelings, so I can only imagine what you must have felt like.

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...and my mom told me

"lindsey will have a date for prom

and you'll be sitting home eating"

I hope your mother did not say this to you. If she did, I am so sorry. :(

she did.

she used to say things like that all the time.

then i stopped eating for the frist time and she never said things like that again.

I am really sorry. What she said, hurts my heart and my feelings, so I can only imagine what you must have felt like.

yea, i was like 12 too. and just started feeling my depression.

but if it's gonna motivate me now, then whats said is said

when im not fat anymore, ill thank her.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.



i hate my teeth.

and i KNOW THAT.

i dont need bulimia 101.

i dont do it too much.

i know its bad.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

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Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.

exactly. Still don't go below 120!

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

You do not have to believe me.

I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you.

Absolutely, I can stop now.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

You do not have to believe me.

I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you.

Absolutely, I can stop now.

im sorry i was a little mean.

its just that im dont have an ED.

i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it.

even if it means i have to be a little hungry.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

You do not have to believe me.

I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you.

Absolutely, I can stop now.

im sorry i was a little mean.

its just that im dont have an ED.

i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it.

even if it means i have to be a little hungry.

No problem. Thank you for saying so.

I really do understand completely. I have never been skinny.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

You do not have to believe me.

I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you.

Absolutely, I can stop now.

im sorry i was a little mean.

its just that im dont have an ED.

i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it.

even if it means i have to be a little hungry.

No problem. Thank you for saying so.

I really do understand completely. I have never been skinny.


my friend was like "you knwo wut your getting into right?"

and im not. i'm not becoming anorexic. i'm just eating less and drinking only water and working out all the calories i eat. that doesnt make me anorexic... it just makes me chubby and changing it.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

You do not have to believe me.

I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you.

Absolutely, I can stop now.

im sorry i was a little mean.

its just that im dont have an ED.

i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it.

even if it means i have to be a little hungry.

No problem. Thank you for saying so.

I really do understand completely. I have never been skinny.


my friend was like "you knwo wut your getting into right?"

and im not. i'm not becoming anorexic. i'm just eating less and drinking only water and working out all the calories i eat. that doesnt make me anorexic... it just makes me chubby and changing it.

This is why I run in my wheel every day.

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

You do not have to believe me.

I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you.

Absolutely, I can stop now.

im sorry i was a little mean.

its just that im dont have an ED.

i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it.

even if it means i have to be a little hungry.

No problem. Thank you for saying so.

I really do understand completely. I have never been skinny.


my friend was like "you knwo wut your getting into right?"

and im not. i'm not becoming anorexic. i'm just eating less and drinking only water and working out all the calories i eat. that doesnt make me anorexic... it just makes me chubby and changing it.

This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

You do not have to believe me.

I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you.

Absolutely, I can stop now.

im sorry i was a little mean.

its just that im dont have an ED.

i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it.

even if it means i have to be a little hungry.

No problem. Thank you for saying so.

I really do understand completely. I have never been skinny.


my friend was like "you knwo wut your getting into right?"

and im not. i'm not becoming anorexic. i'm just eating less and drinking only water and working out all the calories i eat. that doesnt make me anorexic... it just makes me chubby and changing it.

This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)

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I have to say this, because it's been egging me all summer long.


Unless you are shorter than me, and you weigh what you do (I'm 5'2"), you are absolutely NOT FAT. If you think you are, then you are asking for trouble.


I accept you for who you are. I accept a smart, insightful, wonderful young lady who is more like me than she could ever imagine.


I do not, however, enable my friends to engage in self-destructive behavior. My best friend, Miriam, is 5' on the dot. She weighs, I think, 108. Her doctor is telling her she is just a little over her perfect weight, and she now calls herself fat, ugly, and worthless. He said she should be at 104 for her body type. No. I should be at 104. She was 120 when he said this, and it was muscle that made her heavy. She looks beautiful. Miriam is strawberry blond, freckled, and just plain gorgeous. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet. It hurts me every day when she walks up to me at school and starts in on how she's so happy she walked three miles yesterday and has lost 3 pounds this week already. I have a bad habit of yelling when I dont' mean to. I yell at her sometimes when she starts saying "oh, I just need to lose a few more pounds, because my doctor said I was fat, and I don't want him to say I'm fat", and it really hurts!


I'm speaking from the heart:

You do not need to lose weight. If you are 5'6 and weigh 210, then yes, you probably do, but if you are 5'4-5'8 and anywhere between 110 and 150, you are JUST FINE. I'm telling you, Lauren, you are just fine. I am not yelling, I am not trying to force you to think the way I do, or anything like that. I am telling you with all the truth and conviction and God-given wisdom, that you absolutely do not need to lose any weight unless you fit the profile I just described.


Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot. You lose weight more slowly when you do that. If you want to be at a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and only workout a few days a week for an hour a day. Walk a lot, do not run. Take up a confidence building hobby, like tree climbing or putting things together. Find something to concentrate on that does not include starving yourself and/or deliberately drawing blood. Write a book, try to solve a rubik's cube, go shopping with a friend (It actually involves a lot of walking, concentration, and low-grade exercise), or enjoy a comedian. Laughter can burn more calories than you think. When you walk, do not walk deliberately, stiffly, or slumping. Stand up straight, let your arms swing freely, and allow a bounce in your step. It burns more calories. buy a set of 2lb ankle weights and walk 1 mile a day. No more than that with the ankle weights. It burns the right number of calories so you can actually eat a little more and lose weight faster. Pace yourself. Only lose a pound or two per week. If you drop too quickly, you run the risk of injuring yourself and geting thrown into the hospital, in which case, they will feed you through a tube and you can't stop that weight gain. Never try to lose more than twenty pounds every three months. If you are within the healthy weight I described, then don't set your goal to more than 20 lbs. If you are taller than 5'3, don't try to go below 110. If you are taller than 5'5, don't try to go below 120. If you are taller than 5'6, don't try to go below 130. I know what I am talking about. My mother works at the hospital, my father works at a veteran's clinic, and my former reverend's wife is a dietician.


Eat between 1800-2200 cal a day, and follow my above advice, and you will hear compliments. But DO NOT, I repeat, do NOT take those compliments to mean, the more you lose the prettier you are. If you can count three bottom ribs just by glancing in the mirror, you are losing too much weight; it's time to stop.


A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life. So will looking in the mirror when you get up and saying "I am unique. There is no one in the world quite like me. That makes me special. I might not have any more rights than the next schmuck, but I am special, and that is what makes me beautiful in my own way, no matter what anyone else thinks."



There. Now I can go look at the pretty lights.

*goes and looks at the pretty lights*

ooooo preeetttyyyyyyy....



i'm not fat. im chubby.


"Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot."

i dont.

i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories.


i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396.

just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds.

if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke.

i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot.



and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?!

alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people.

it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue.


"A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life."

i dont WANT a healthy weight.

i dont care.

i wanna be thin and small.

i'm sick of being the chubby girl.

i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale.

and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them

i dont.

i wanna be skinny for me.

idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad

and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly.

so its not like thats changing.

i just wanna be thin!!



(i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder.

Do you like your teeth?????

Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.

Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen.



i'm NOT less then 135.

If you are close to that number, you are just fine.


im not. and im not fine.

and im not gonna believe you too.

idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me.

im so happy you "care". can you stop now?

You do not have to believe me.

I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you.

Absolutely, I can stop now.

im sorry i was a little mean.

its just that im dont have an ED.

i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it.

even if it means i have to be a little hungry.

No problem. Thank you for saying so.

I really do understand completely. I have never been skinny.


my friend was like "you knwo wut your getting into right?"

and im not. i'm not becoming anorexic. i'm just eating less and drinking only water and working out all the calories i eat. that doesnt make me anorexic... it just makes me chubby and changing it.

This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..


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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..




yea, no, i get that. just like wut its so fast it gets rid of everything??

that would be such a good excuse to get to 99 pounds.

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..




yea, no, i get that. just like wut its so fast it gets rid of everything??

that would be such a good excuse to get to 99 pounds.

Speedy metabolism burns off quite a bit.


What you will not want to hear is, when you starve yourself, you slow down your metabolism, your body thinks it is in the starvation mode. When you start eating again, your metabolism does not get fully up to speed until about two weeks after you start eating. This is the reason many people gain back the weight they lost. Ideally, if you could have something for breakfast, a snack mid-morning, lunch, a snack mid-afternoon, and then dinner, SMALL portions, then you will lose weight. Your body will keep the metabolism up as long as it is being fed. It is proven that people who eat breakfast have a tendency to have a faster metabolism and usually weigh less.

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..




yea, no, i get that. just like wut its so fast it gets rid of everything??

that would be such a good excuse to get to 99 pounds.

Speedy metabolism burns off quite a bit.


What you will not want to hear is, when you starve yourself, you slow down your metabolism, your body thinks it is in the starvation mode. When you start eating again, your metabolism does not get fully up to speed until about two weeks after you start eating. This is the reason many people gain back the weight they lost. Ideally, if you could have something for breakfast, a snack mid-morning, lunch, a snack mid-afternoon, and then dinner, SMALL portions, then you will lose weight. Your body will keep the metabolism up as long as it is being fed. It is proven that people who eat breakfast have a tendency to have a faster metabolism and usually weigh less.



yes, i knew every word of that.

i never skip breakfast anymore.

its my first rule. ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST.

then i eat fruit or a small 45-calorie yogurt so my metabolism keeps going.

and then i work off as much as i can.

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..




yea, no, i get that. just like wut its so fast it gets rid of everything??

that would be such a good excuse to get to 99 pounds.

Speedy metabolism burns off quite a bit.


What you will not want to hear is, when you starve yourself, you slow down your metabolism, your body thinks it is in the starvation mode. When you start eating again, your metabolism does not get fully up to speed until about two weeks after you start eating. This is the reason many people gain back the weight they lost. Ideally, if you could have something for breakfast, a snack mid-morning, lunch, a snack mid-afternoon, and then dinner, SMALL portions, then you will lose weight. Your body will keep the metabolism up as long as it is being fed. It is proven that people who eat breakfast have a tendency to have a faster metabolism and usually weigh less.



yes, i knew every word of that.

i never skip breakfast anymore.

its my first rule. ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST.

then i eat fruit or a small 45-calorie yogurt so my metabolism keeps going.

and then i work off as much as i can.

That is good. :)

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..

My metabolism is so fast I burn about 1500 cal a day just by sitting around. I have to eat a lot just to maintain my weight. It's insane.


This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..




yea, no, i get that. just like wut its so fast it gets rid of everything??

that would be such a good excuse to get to 99 pounds.

Speedy metabolism burns off quite a bit.


What you will not want to hear is, when you starve yourself, you slow down your metabolism, your body thinks it is in the starvation mode. When you start eating again, your metabolism does not get fully up to speed until about two weeks after you start eating. This is the reason many people gain back the weight they lost. Ideally, if you could have something for breakfast, a snack mid-morning, lunch, a snack mid-afternoon, and then dinner, SMALL portions, then you will lose weight. Your body will keep the metabolism up as long as it is being fed. It is proven that people who eat breakfast have a tendency to have a faster metabolism and usually weigh less.

I don't eat breakfast. I eat a small lunch of four pieces of fried chicken breast, and then I have what ever my family eats, but the smallest dole my dad puts on a plate. Yet I can't gain weight. Yesterday I had pizza because the line at the chicken place was super long, but it wasn't that greasy and it was pepperoni. And I walk around like, at LEAST a mile a day from going place to place at the waterpark. Plus, when you factor in my insane metabolism rate, I end up burning about 200-2500 calories a day just from day to day activity. I eat about the same, so I don't gain anything. It's not fair. I wanna gain more than anything, so I can donate blood, but it's impossible! It's not fair!


Maybe I should ask my old priest's wife, the dietician, what I could do to gain more weight...

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..

My metabolism is so fast I burn about 1500 cal a day just by sitting around. I have to eat a lot just to maintain my weight. It's insane.


This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..




yea, no, i get that. just like wut its so fast it gets rid of everything??

that would be such a good excuse to get to 99 pounds.

Speedy metabolism burns off quite a bit.


What you will not want to hear is, when you starve yourself, you slow down your metabolism, your body thinks it is in the starvation mode. When you start eating again, your metabolism does not get fully up to speed until about two weeks after you start eating. This is the reason many people gain back the weight they lost. Ideally, if you could have something for breakfast, a snack mid-morning, lunch, a snack mid-afternoon, and then dinner, SMALL portions, then you will lose weight. Your body will keep the metabolism up as long as it is being fed. It is proven that people who eat breakfast have a tendency to have a faster metabolism and usually weigh less.

I don't eat breakfast. I eat a small lunch of four pieces of fried chicken breast, and then I have what ever my family eats, but the smallest dole my dad puts on a plate. Yet I can't gain weight. Yesterday I had pizza because the line at the chicken place was super long, but it wasn't that greasy and it was pepperoni. And I walk around like, at LEAST a mile a day from going place to place at the waterpark. Plus, when you factor in my insane metabolism rate, I end up burning about 200-2500 calories a day just from day to day activity. I eat about the same, so I don't gain anything. It's not fair. I wanna gain more than anything, so I can donate blood, but it's impossible! It's not fair!


Maybe I should ask my old priest's wife, the dietician, what I could do to gain more weight...



gr i'm SO jealous.

i dont even EAT 2500 cal a day.

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This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..

My metabolism is so fast I burn about 1500 cal a day just by sitting around. I have to eat a lot just to maintain my weight. It's insane.


This is why I run in my wheel every day.


yea. im so tired tho. working out is hard. its even harder when you slip up and eat pizza :(:(


Well, the only thing I can say is:


Don't eat too little. Losing weight too fast is dangerous. Depending on your age, you may want to eat more then 950 calories (like you mentioned earlier). The younger you are, the more you burn off for growing! So, you burn off calories naturally. The amount of calories you burned off earlier (396) is probably a good amount. So don't just think that's all you burned off.


I can't stop you, nor do I really see the point in trying to (if you want to lose weight, so be it), but I can give you snippets of advice I picked up from official health websites. Good luck in losing weight. :)




why eat more then i need? the less calories the better. im determined to be thin, its the only thing i ever wanted.

I still like the idea of trading bodies...



i'd love to.

but can you explain to me why putting on weight is hard?

i have a friend who's like 90 pounds, and she eats like a pig.

i have a joke with her that she should eat 12 doughnuts ever morning but i never really understood why she didnt gain weight.

if you eat junk food and dont work out how do you NOT gain.

i look at cake and i gain 15 pounds..




yea, no, i get that. just like wut its so fast it gets rid of everything??

that would be such a good excuse to get to 99 pounds.

Speedy metabolism burns off quite a bit.


What you will not want to hear is, when you starve yourself, you slow down your metabolism, your body thinks it is in the starvation mode. When you start eating again, your metabolism does not get fully up to speed until about two weeks after you start eating. This is the reason many people gain back the weight they lost. Ideally, if you could have something for breakfast, a snack mid-morning, lunch, a snack mid-afternoon, and then dinner, SMALL portions, then you will lose weight. Your body will keep the metabolism up as long as it is being fed. It is proven that people who eat breakfast have a tendency to have a faster metabolism and usually weigh less.

I don't eat breakfast. I eat a small lunch of four pieces of fried chicken breast, and then I have what ever my family eats, but the smallest dole my dad puts on a plate. Yet I can't gain weight. Yesterday I had pizza because the line at the chicken place was super long, but it wasn't that greasy and it was pepperoni. And I walk around like, at LEAST a mile a day from going place to place at the waterpark. Plus, when you factor in my insane metabolism rate, I end up burning about 200-2500 calories a day just from day to day activity. I eat about the same, so I don't gain anything. It's not fair. I wanna gain more than anything, so I can donate blood, but it's impossible! It's not fair!


Maybe I should ask my old priest's wife, the dietician, what I could do to gain more weight...



gr i'm SO jealous.

i dont even EAT 2500 cal a day.



i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


You're getting smart. But I can't eat junk food. My parents are on a diet and there's none in the house and then I can't eat ice cream om the job. BYEBYE g2g to work now

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


You're getting smart. But I can't eat junk food. My parents are on a diet and there's none in the house and then I can't eat ice cream om the job. BYEBYE g2g to work now

My hamster cage is loaded with junk food! :lol:

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


You're getting smart. But I can't eat junk food. My parents are on a diet and there's none in the house and then I can't eat ice cream om the job. BYEBYE g2g to work now



dont you ever go out?

im like point 4 seconds from junk food at all time.

and ive been horrible lately.

i had pizza and pretzles and cake and cheeseburgers

i was like... umm i need water and gum and nothing else!!! :[

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


You're getting smart. But I can't eat junk food. My parents are on a diet and there's none in the house and then I can't eat ice cream om the job. BYEBYE g2g to work now



dont you ever go out?

im like point 4 seconds from junk food at all time.

and ive been horrible lately.

i had pizza and pretzles and cake and cheeseburgers

i was like... umm i need water and gum and nothing else!!! :[

I can't. I'm broke. I go out with ich from time to time, but we generally go to the movies with candy, which then migrates to the stomachs of my famiy over the next few days. We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.


I wouldn't worry too much. Just make sure you don't over do it.

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


You're getting smart. But I can't eat junk food. My parents are on a diet and there's none in the house and then I can't eat ice cream om the job. BYEBYE g2g to work now



dont you ever go out?

im like point 4 seconds from junk food at all time.

and ive been horrible lately.

i had pizza and pretzles and cake and cheeseburgers

i was like... umm i need water and gum and nothing else!!! :[

We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


You're getting smart. But I can't eat junk food. My parents are on a diet and there's none in the house and then I can't eat ice cream om the job. BYEBYE g2g to work now



dont you ever go out?

im like point 4 seconds from junk food at all time.

and ive been horrible lately.

i had pizza and pretzles and cake and cheeseburgers

i was like... umm i need water and gum and nothing else!!! :[

We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

:lol: This hammie caught the meaning. :lol:

The quotations gave it away!

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


You're getting smart. But I can't eat junk food. My parents are on a diet and there's none in the house and then I can't eat ice cream om the job. BYEBYE g2g to work now



dont you ever go out?

im like point 4 seconds from junk food at all time.

and ive been horrible lately.

i had pizza and pretzles and cake and cheeseburgers

i was like... umm i need water and gum and nothing else!!! :[

We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

:lol: This hammie caught the meaning. :lol:

The quotations gave it away!

Shh. You're not supposed to know that. :lol:

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i'm sorry, i just so wish i was you.

i know your like sad about it but i would be thrilled.

i bet your hipbones are gorgous.

am i right?

i don't care about hipbones. My calves could kill. Everybody says if I were a cup size bigger and six inches taller I'd be the perfect model for my body ratio.


I hate it, though. Yeah, I'm glad that I'm healthy, but I really wanna gain. There are plusses to being this little, but my friends tease me about being short. It doesn't really bother me, but it gets annoying after a while. Also, when you're tiny like me, it's like everyone has a crush on you and you can barely get a moment's peace from all the ugly creeps blatantly hitting on you even with your bf right there. I'm dead serious! It happened to me! Also, I'm a nice, giggly person. You've probably read my ramblings in the last two days, so you know that someone may have been accused of cheating on her boyfriend, and that happened to me recently because I'm a nice person and I like to giggle! Being "perfect" is not all it's cracke dup to be.


Note the quotes: I still have body images issues. I know it, so it can be remedied, but still. I don't think I'm all that beautiful. Then again, I can see everyone's inner attractivity. All those movie star gorgeous people you see around school and are jealous of? I see them and they're plain. I see, however, a genuinely nice and slightly unattractive kid, and I see someone more beautiful than any Tyra Banks (who I don't see how so many people can fall in love with. SHe's so plain.)...



Anyway, My point was, I don't care about hipbones or collarbones or elbows or anything like that. As long as I have the ability to pull my own weight (without hurting my back, at least), I feel more beautiful than if I looked like a model.


haha elbows.


well the guess the truth of all this is everyone wants wut they dont have.

if i were you and you were me, i bet we'd be saying the same things:

me "oooo i wanna loose weight"

you "ooo i wanna gain"

i guess envying you, or saying it isnt gonna be.

but im trying. resisting ana, who offers so much, and trying to not feel guilty about things.

im trying.

and i will loose weight.

i wish you luck in gaining.

eat junk food man!!


You're getting smart. But I can't eat junk food. My parents are on a diet and there's none in the house and then I can't eat ice cream om the job. BYEBYE g2g to work now



dont you ever go out?

im like point 4 seconds from junk food at all time.

and ive been horrible lately.

i had pizza and pretzles and cake and cheeseburgers

i was like... umm i need water and gum and nothing else!!! :[

We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:


ha well im pretty sure your not "watching movies" all the time.

or are you me? jk haha not.

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The good thing about humans "watching" movies, it keeps the theatre quiet! :lol:

Not really, when my friends see me "watching the movie", they start throwing popcorn at me and I have to stop "watching the movie" to tell them to stop. :lol:

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We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

Nah, he just brings a baggy sweater or his super duper jacket with hidden pockets. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to bring in food, but theaters are so expensive, and we never eat it anyway...


:lol: This hammie caught the meaning. :lol:

The quotations gave it away!

aww, I can't fool you can I?


ha well im pretty sure your not "watching movies" all the time.

or are you me? jk haha not.

whenever he comes over, we go on a very long walk. He comes over every sunday and sometimes during the week. Sat, he's coming over to the park and we're hangin out till close.


The good thing about humans "watching" movies, it keeps the theatre quiet! :lol:

oh, I don't know. When we went to Heatlth Inspector, I kept laughing right when he tried to kiss me. Bad timing, I guess. :lol:

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We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

Nah, he just brings a baggy sweater or his super duper jacket with hidden pockets. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to bring in food, but theaters are so expensive, and we never eat it anyway...


:lol: This hammie caught the meaning. :lol:

The quotations gave it away!

aww, I can't fool you can I?


ha well im pretty sure your not "watching movies" all the time.

or are you me? jk haha not.

whenever he comes over, we go on a very long walk. He comes over every sunday and sometimes during the week. Sat, he's coming over to the park and we're hangin out till close.


The good thing about humans "watching" movies, it keeps the theatre quiet! :lol:

oh, I don't know. When we went to Heatlth Inspector, I kept laughing right when he tried to kiss me. Bad timing, I guess. :lol:



i cant do quotes like that. im not that smart.

me and rob go to annvann(which is a big park) and we hang out on the dam.

its kinda uncomfortable to lay on or kneel ;]

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We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

Nah, he just brings a baggy sweater or his super duper jacket with hidden pockets. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to bring in food, but theaters are so expensive, and we never eat it anyway...


:lol: This hammie caught the meaning. :lol:

The quotations gave it away!

aww, I can't fool you can I?


ha well im pretty sure your not "watching movies" all the time.

or are you me? jk haha not.

whenever he comes over, we go on a very long walk. He comes over every sunday and sometimes during the week. Sat, he's coming over to the park and we're hangin out till close.


The good thing about humans "watching" movies, it keeps the theatre quiet! :lol:

oh, I don't know. When we went to Heatlth Inspector, I kept laughing right when he tried to kiss me. Bad timing, I guess. :lol:



i cant do quotes like that. im not that smart.

me and rob go to annvann(which is a big park) and we hang out on the dam.

its kinda uncomfortable to lay on or kneel ;]

oh, just quote the ones you want and then delete all the in between stuff you don't want, and then reply under each post what you want to say to each individual post.




reply one



reply two



etc etc




I know how that is. The swamp near my house where we hang out is hard to find a place to sit w/o being eaten alive.

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The swamp near my house where we hang out is hard to find a place to sit w/o being eaten alive.

By alligators or mosquitos? :lol:

skeets. we don't have that bad a gator problem in my neck of the woods.

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The swamp near my house where we hang out is hard to find a place to sit w/o being eaten alive.

By alligators or mosquitos? :lol:

skeets. we don't have that bad a gator problem in my neck of the woods.

The only people who have alli-gator problems are those idiots who decide feeding an alligator is fun and when the critter starts knocking on the back door, they get scared and put the dog out or their child. Then the alligator thinks, dinner and next thing he knows, animal control has just sent him to heaven. Then all the people go "Bad Alligator, he attacked", when they should have taken the alligator somewhere out into the middle of the everglades, alive, and locked the humans up for feeding the poor critter in the first place.

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We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

Nah, he just brings a baggy sweater or his super duper jacket with hidden pockets. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to bring in food, but theaters are so expensive, and we never eat it anyway...


:lol: This hammie caught the meaning. :lol:

The quotations gave it away!

aww, I can't fool you can I?


ha well im pretty sure your not "watching movies" all the time.

or are you me? jk haha not.

whenever he comes over, we go on a very long walk. He comes over every sunday and sometimes during the week. Sat, he's coming over to the park and we're hangin out till close.


The good thing about humans "watching" movies, it keeps the theatre quiet! :lol:

oh, I don't know. When we went to Heatlth Inspector, I kept laughing right when he tried to kiss me. Bad timing, I guess. :lol:



i cant do quotes like that. im not that smart.

me and rob go to annvann(which is a big park) and we hang out on the dam.

its kinda uncomfortable to lay on or kneel ;]

oh, just quote the ones you want and then delete all the in between stuff you don't want, and then reply under each post what you want to say to each individual post.




reply one



reply two



etc etc




I know how that is. The swamp near my house where we hang out is hard to find a place to sit w/o being eaten alive.



mm complicated.

haha you have a swamp by you? sweet.


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We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

Nah, he just brings a baggy sweater or his super duper jacket with hidden pockets. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to bring in food, but theaters are so expensive, and we never eat it anyway...


:lol: This hammie caught the meaning. :lol:

The quotations gave it away!

aww, I can't fool you can I?


ha well im pretty sure your not "watching movies" all the time.

or are you me? jk haha not.

whenever he comes over, we go on a very long walk. He comes over every sunday and sometimes during the week. Sat, he's coming over to the park and we're hangin out till close.


The good thing about humans "watching" movies, it keeps the theatre quiet! :lol:

oh, I don't know. When we went to Heatlth Inspector, I kept laughing right when he tried to kiss me. Bad timing, I guess. :lol:



i cant do quotes like that. im not that smart.

me and rob go to annvann(which is a big park) and we hang out on the dam.

its kinda uncomfortable to lay on or kneel ;]

oh, just quote the ones you want and then delete all the in between stuff you don't want, and then reply under each post what you want to say to each individual post.




reply one



reply two



etc etc




I know how that is. The swamp near my house where we hang out is hard to find a place to sit w/o being eaten alive.



mm complicated.

haha you have a swamp by you? sweet.


yeah. I used to go there all the time with this girl, corrine, who wasn't a good influence on me, to put it one way. Not to worry, though. She got sent someplace... a juvenile correctional facility, i think, for drinking, i think.

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The swamp near my house where we hang out is hard to find a place to sit w/o being eaten alive.

By alligators or mosquitos? :lol:

skeets. we don't have that bad a gator problem in my neck of the woods.

The only people who have alli-gator problems are those idiots who decide feeding an alligator is fun and when the critter starts knocking on the back door, they get scared and put the dog out or their child. Then the alligator thinks, dinner and next thing he knows, animal control has just sent him to heaven. Then all the people go "Bad Alligator, he attacked", when they should have taken the alligator somewhere out into the middle of the everglades, alive, and locked the humans up for feeding the poor critter in the first place.


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We're too busy "watching the movie" to munch on candy.

Haha, "watching the movie". It's happened to me before. (like, I'll leave my popcorn half-empty or my friends who are somewhat close by end up eating it) :lol:

Nah, he just brings a baggy sweater or his super duper jacket with hidden pockets. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to bring in food, but theaters are so expensive, and we never eat it anyway...


:lol: This hammie caught the meaning. :lol:

The quotations gave it away!

aww, I can't fool you can I?


ha well im pretty sure your not "watching movies" all the time.

or are you me? jk haha not.

whenever he comes over, we go on a very long walk. He comes over every sunday and sometimes during the week. Sat, he's coming over to the park and we're hangin out till close.


The good thing about humans "watching" movies, it keeps the theatre quiet! :lol:

oh, I don't know. When we went to Heatlth Inspector, I kept laughing right when he tried to kiss me. Bad timing, I guess. :lol:



i cant do quotes like that. im not that smart.

me and rob go to annvann(which is a big park) and we hang out on the dam.

its kinda uncomfortable to lay on or kneel ;]

oh, just quote the ones you want and then delete all the in between stuff you don't want, and then reply under each post what you want to say to each individual post.




reply one



reply two



etc etc




I know how that is. The swamp near my house where we hang out is hard to find a place to sit w/o being eaten alive.



mm complicated.

haha you have a swamp by you? sweet.


yeah. I used to go there all the time with this girl, corrine, who wasn't a good influence on me, to put it one way. Not to worry, though. She got sent someplace... a juvenile correctional facility, i think, for drinking, i think.




i love being the bad influence.

i cant help it.

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yeah. I used to go there all the time with this girl, corrine, who wasn't a good influence on me, to put it one way. Not to worry, though. She got sent someplace... a juvenile correctional facility, i think, for drinking, i think.




i love being the bad influence.

i cant help it.

hehehehehe *evil face*

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yeah. I used to go there all the time with this girl, corrine, who wasn't a good influence on me, to put it one way. Not to worry, though. She got sent someplace... a juvenile correctional facility, i think, for drinking, i think.




i love being the bad influence.

i cant help it.

hehehehehe *evil face*


its kinda of powerful.

im a horrible person. hug me:]

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yeah. I used to go there all the time with this girl, corrine, who wasn't a good influence on me, to put it one way. Not to worry, though. She got sent someplace... a juvenile correctional facility, i think, for drinking, i think.




i love being the bad influence.

i cant help it.

hehehehehe *evil face*


its kinda of powerful.

im a horrible person. hug me:]


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yeah. I used to go there all the time with this girl, corrine, who wasn't a good influence on me, to put it one way. Not to worry, though. She got sent someplace... a juvenile correctional facility, i think, for drinking, i think.




i love being the bad influence.

i cant help it.

hehehehehe *evil face*


its kinda of powerful.

im a horrible person. hug me:]





its more fun to be bad :]

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yeah. I used to go there all the time with this girl, corrine, who wasn't a good influence on me, to put it one way. Not to worry, though. She got sent someplace... a juvenile correctional facility, i think, for drinking, i think.




i love being the bad influence.

i cant help it.

hehehehehe *evil face*


its kinda of powerful.

im a horrible person. hug me:]





its more fun to be bad :]

only sometimes.

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yeah. I used to go there all the time with this girl, corrine, who wasn't a good influence on me, to put it one way. Not to worry, though. She got sent someplace... a juvenile correctional facility, i think, for drinking, i think.




i love being the bad influence.

i cant help it.

hehehehehe *evil face*


its kinda of powerful.

im a horrible person. hug me:]





its more fun to be bad :]

only sometimes.




its bad to be bad about what you eat.

and being bad to people.

but generally, bad, is more funn :]

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only sometimes.




its bad to be bad about what you eat.

and being bad to people.

but generally, bad, is more funn :]

I was thinking of the negative choices in my best friend's past.

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only sometimes.




its bad to be bad about what you eat.

and being bad to people.

but generally, bad, is more funn :]

I was thinking of the negative choices in my best friend's past.


oh. like drugs?

no. worse. more illegal. Okay, fine, more repercussions if caught. let's not get too far into it, shall we?

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only sometimes.




its bad to be bad about what you eat.

and being bad to people.

but generally, bad, is more funn :]

I was thinking of the negative choices in my best friend's past.


oh. like drugs?

no. worse. more illegal. Okay, fine, more repercussions if caught. let's not get too far into it, shall we?



does he commit murder?

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only sometimes.




its bad to be bad about what you eat.

and being bad to people.

but generally, bad, is more funn :]

I was thinking of the negative choices in my best friend's past.


oh. like drugs?

no. worse. more illegal. Okay, fine, more repercussions if caught. let's not get too far into it, shall we?



does he commit murder?

whoever said it was a he? Well, no, they never actually managed to kill someone, but came close. Let's not talk about it.

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only sometimes.




its bad to be bad about what you eat.

and being bad to people.

but generally, bad, is more funn :]

I was thinking of the negative choices in my best friend's past.


oh. like drugs?

no. worse. more illegal. Okay, fine, more repercussions if caught. let's not get too far into it, shall we?



does he commit murder?

whoever said it was a he? Well, no, they never actually managed to kill someone, but came close. Let's not talk about it.



idk i meant (s)he i guess.


so wut was this topic even about before all that. ha

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only sometimes.




its bad to be bad about what you eat.

and being bad to people.

but generally, bad, is more funn :]

I was thinking of the negative choices in my best friend's past.


oh. like drugs?

no. worse. more illegal. Okay, fine, more repercussions if caught. let's not get too far into it, shall we?



does he commit murder?

whoever said it was a he? Well, no, they never actually managed to kill someone, but came close. Let's not talk about it.



idk i meant (s)he i guess.


so wut was this topic even about before all that. ha

"watching movies" with our significant other. you said you and rob went to the park, and I mentioned we had a swap, and then i said corrine and i went there, and that's how we got into the bad convo.


So how's life treating you and your Rob?

*it still feels weird saying that. Ich is my Rob. Literally.

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only sometimes.




its bad to be bad about what you eat.

and being bad to people.

but generally, bad, is more funn :]

I was thinking of the negative choices in my best friend's past.


oh. like drugs?

no. worse. more illegal. Okay, fine, more repercussions if caught. let's not get too far into it, shall we?



does he commit murder?

whoever said it was a he? Well, no, they never actually managed to kill someone, but came close. Let's not talk about it.



idk i meant (s)he i guess.


so wut was this topic even about before all that. ha

"watching movies" with our significant other. you said you and rob went to the park, and I mentioned we had a swap, and then i said corrine and i went there, and that's how we got into the bad convo.


So how's life treating you and your Rob?

*it still feels weird saying that. Ich is my Rob. Literally.


ehh its okay.

my parents want to have a talk with him about how im so much younger (aka.. keep it in your pants)

which he's gonna laugh at as soon as its over.

tomorrow we're going to seaside.

even though im stilll a wreck from yesterday.


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"watching movies" with our significant other. you said you and rob went to the park, and I mentioned we had a swap, and then i said corrine and i went there, and that's how we got into the bad convo.


So how's life treating you and your Rob?

*it still feels weird saying that. Ich is my Rob. Literally.


ehh its okay.

my parents want to have a talk with him about how im so much younger (aka.. keep it in your pants)

which he's gonna laugh at as soon as its over.

tomorrow we're going to seaside.

even though im stilll a wreck from yesterday.



well, if he's 17+ I can see where they would have a problem, but aka kiyp is funny.

Mom and Dad know they don't have to talk to Ich about that. Yet somehow I've convinced Jerry otherwise...


what happened yesterday?

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"watching movies" with our significant other. you said you and rob went to the park, and I mentioned we had a swap, and then i said corrine and i went there, and that's how we got into the bad convo.


So how's life treating you and your Rob?

*it still feels weird saying that. Ich is my Rob. Literally.


ehh its okay.

my parents want to have a talk with him about how im so much younger (aka.. keep it in your pants)

which he's gonna laugh at as soon as its over.

tomorrow we're going to seaside.

even though im stilll a wreck from yesterday.



well, if he's 17+ I can see where they would have a problem, but aka kiyp is funny.

Mom and Dad know they don't have to talk to Ich about that. Yet somehow I've convinced Jerry otherwise...


what happened yesterday?


he's 19. and yea.


warped tour. i feel like a giant bruise..

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"watching movies" with our significant other. you said you and rob went to the park, and I mentioned we had a swap, and then i said corrine and i went there, and that's how we got into the bad convo.


So how's life treating you and your Rob?

*it still feels weird saying that. Ich is my Rob. Literally.


ehh its okay.

my parents want to have a talk with him about how im so much younger (aka.. keep it in your pants)

which he's gonna laugh at as soon as its over.

tomorrow we're going to seaside.

even though im stilll a wreck from yesterday.



well, if he's 17+ I can see where they would have a problem, but aka kiyp is funny.

Mom and Dad know they don't have to talk to Ich about that. Yet somehow I've convinced Jerry otherwise...


what happened yesterday?


he's 19. and yea.


warped tour. i feel like a giant bruise..

too old. too old for me, way too old for you.

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"watching movies" with our significant other. you said you and rob went to the park, and I mentioned we had a swap, and then i said corrine and i went there, and that's how we got into the bad convo.


So how's life treating you and your Rob?

*it still feels weird saying that. Ich is my Rob. Literally.


ehh its okay.

my parents want to have a talk with him about how im so much younger (aka.. keep it in your pants)

which he's gonna laugh at as soon as its over.

tomorrow we're going to seaside.

even though im stilll a wreck from yesterday.



well, if he's 17+ I can see where they would have a problem, but aka kiyp is funny.

Mom and Dad know they don't have to talk to Ich about that. Yet somehow I've convinced Jerry otherwise...


what happened yesterday?


he's 19. and yea.


warped tour. i feel like a giant bruise..

too old. too old for me, way too old for you.


who cares. i love him.

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"watching movies" with our significant other. you said you and rob went to the park, and I mentioned we had a swap, and then i said corrine and i went there, and that's how we got into the bad convo.


So how's life treating you and your Rob?

*it still feels weird saying that. Ich is my Rob. Literally.


ehh its okay.

my parents want to have a talk with him about how im so much younger (aka.. keep it in your pants)

which he's gonna laugh at as soon as its over.

tomorrow we're going to seaside.

even though im stilll a wreck from yesterday.



well, if he's 17+ I can see where they would have a problem, but aka kiyp is funny.

Mom and Dad know they don't have to talk to Ich about that. Yet somehow I've convinced Jerry otherwise...


what happened yesterday?


he's 19. and yea.


warped tour. i feel like a giant bruise..

too old. too old for me, way too old for you.

That's not too old. Too old is more than 10 years. Too old is... 100!

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"watching movies" with our significant other. you said you and rob went to the park, and I mentioned we had a swap, and then i said corrine and i went there, and that's how we got into the bad convo.


So how's life treating you and your Rob?

*it still feels weird saying that. Ich is my Rob. Literally.


ehh its okay.

my parents want to have a talk with him about how im so much younger (aka.. keep it in your pants)

which he's gonna laugh at as soon as its over.

tomorrow we're going to seaside.

even though im stilll a wreck from yesterday.



well, if he's 17+ I can see where they would have a problem, but aka kiyp is funny.

Mom and Dad know they don't have to talk to Ich about that. Yet somehow I've convinced Jerry otherwise...


what happened yesterday?


he's 19. and yea.


warped tour. i feel like a giant bruise..

too old. too old for me, way too old for you.

That's not too old. Too old is more than 10 years. Too old is... 100!


hehehe gracias :]

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