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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

Very scary! I am happy everyone is okay. Have you had any other dreams?

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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

thats very weird mann.

write your dreams down....

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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

thats very weird mann.

write your dreams down....

Good idea. Write your dreams down and then write down anything that happened afterward.

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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

thats very weird mann.

write your dreams down....

Good idea. Write your dreams down and then write down anything that happened afterward.


Well, my dreams are normally just pointless. I'm always having deja vu, and can't remember if something like that happened in my dream or not. My bad memory sometimes gets the best of me.


Last night, though, my dream was just flat out hilarious. So, to share the hilarity, I'm going to explain it to you all. xD



I was walking down a busy street with my pajamas on, when I stopped at a Cathedral. There was a hobo at the door, greeting all the people who were going in. I wanted to know what was going on, so climbed up the stairs, when the hobo told me I couldn't get in. When I asked why, he held up a sign that was all scribbled on, and in a different language. And he said, "That's why." I figured getting in wasn't going to be worth the trouble, so I continued on my way ... to where ever I was going. Somehow, though, I managed to get into the Cathedral, and was walking in the middle of the isle. It was obvious that there was a wedding going on, and I was interrupting it.


I continued walking, and when I finally got to the first row of seats, I realized it was my brother who was getting married. I turned to the bride, and started to do that over dramatic crying thing, and sobbed, "You look so beautiful." The bride turned around, and said "Thank you." My brother took off her veil, and showed that he was marrying his best friend, Ryan. I started to run away, when I tripped, and the hobo helped me up.


My dream ended with the hobo telling me, "I told you, you can't come in." Then he threw me outside, and everyone in the Cathedral got a good laugh.



Yeah, the way I told it wasn't that great. I guess you should have been there.

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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

thats very weird mann.

write your dreams down....

Good idea. Write your dreams down and then write down anything that happened afterward.

Oh come on! I can't believe you guys are taking this seriously! The future does not come in dreams. That was just a coincidence. This is silly. :D

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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

thats very weird mann.

write your dreams down....

Good idea. Write your dreams down and then write down anything that happened afterward.

Oh come on! I can't believe you guys are taking this seriously! The future does not come in dreams. That was just a coincidence. This is silly. :D



um, thats a pretty strange conisidence.

plus i find it odd you had a dream that could be real. all my dreams are OUT THERE...

just write them down. with if you curse cancer of some thing like that.


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One time I had a dream I wan in a school, and there was a teacher with a record player, and she would say "This is the sound of a dog." or something, and then she would put down the needle and it would make a woofing sound like a dog. She did this a few times with various noises, then she said, "This is the sound of thunder." and right when the needle touched the record, in real life, a really huge clap of thunder went off and it woke me up. o_o It was like, perfectly timed.

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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

thats very weird mann.

write your dreams down....

Good idea. Write your dreams down and then write down anything that happened afterward.

Oh come on! I can't believe you guys are taking this seriously! The future does not come in dreams. That was just a coincidence. This is silly. :D


Well, it would have been more that a coincidence if my cousin and my aunt were in the dream, but you have to admit, that is a little bit weird. I'm not saying that dreams tell the future. But, your subconscious may tell you how to react in situations in dreams.

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I have recently found out that my dreams contain the future to some extent. Maybe, maybe not. You decide.


About a week ago, I had a dream that my friend October, my mother, and myself were traveling to Kansas City. On the way there, something happened to my mom, and she needed to go to the hospital. I was to drive to the hospital with her car and October to meet her there. So, I started driving, and fell asleep. I woke up to October shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. When she finally managed to wake me up, I stated that I was going to go back to sleep, and to wake me up in the morning. I nodded back to sleep, then we crashed into a light pole.





Two days after my dream, my cousin and my aunt were driving back from Columbia, with my younger cousin in the back seat. My aunt had a head ache, and was tired, so she let my cousin drive, as she was asleep. Now, my cousin only has a learner's permit. While driving, my cousin fell asleep, and crashed into a light pole. My aunt was in a coma for 48 hours, and everyone is alright. You just have to admit ... that's a little weird, isn't it?

thats very weird mann.

write your dreams down....

Good idea. Write your dreams down and then write down anything that happened afterward.

Oh come on! I can't believe you guys are taking this seriously! The future does not come in dreams. That was just a coincidence. This is silly. :D


Well, it would have been more that a coincidence if my cousin and my aunt were in the dream, but you have to admit, that is a little bit weird. I'm not saying that dreams tell the future. But, your subconscious may tell you how to react in situations in dreams.

I know a human who occasionally has dreams and the event comes true. Not particular people, but events. Very strange, but very true.

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One time I had a dream I wan in a school, and there was a teacher with a record player, and she would say "This is the sound of a dog." or something, and then she would put down the needle and it would make a woofing sound like a dog. She did this a few times with various noises, then she said, "This is the sound of thunder." and right when the needle touched the record, in real life, a really huge clap of thunder went off and it woke me up. o_o It was like, perfectly timed.

thats hot.

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictiating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attentin to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the groound in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a concious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictiating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attentin to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the groound in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a concious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.

WOW! Very interesting. :D

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One time I had a dream I wan in a school, and there was a teacher with a record player, and she would say "This is the sound of a dog." or something, and then she would put down the needle and it would make a woofing sound like a dog. She did this a few times with various noises, then she said, "This is the sound of thunder." and right when the needle touched the record, in real life, a really huge clap of thunder went off and it woke me up. o_o It was like, perfectly timed.

thats hot.


Nooo. That's room-temperature.

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attention to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the ground in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a conscious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.


Hmm. I've never been able to control my dreams. The person that is me in my dreams is normally very lazy, and not all there. I have a lot of vampire dreams, and if my character is being chased, she just falls on the ground a gives up. That happens about half the time. Sometimes she fights, or brings out machine guns.


Do any of you dream in black-and-white, or in color? I dream in both. I like the black-and-white ones better, because I feel like I'm in George A. Romero's 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead. It's quite fun. ^-^

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attention to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the ground in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a conscious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.


Hmm. I've never been able to control my dreams. The person that is me in my dreams is normally very lazy, and not all there. I have a lot of vampire dreams, and if my character is being chased, she just falls on the ground a gives up. That happens about half the time. Sometimes she fights, or brings out machine guns.


Do any of you dream in black-and-white, or in color? I dream in both. I like the black-and-white ones better, because I feel like I'm in George A. Romero's 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead. It's quite fun. ^-^

Black-and-white or color... interesting question. Honestly, I have such a hard time remembering my dreams that I have no idea which one I dream in. I will pay attention for the next time I can remember.

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictiating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attentin to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the groound in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a concious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.

I liek figureing out that I'm in a dream. I don't think anybody in the dream has ever told me, though. I normally figure it out for myself. But then I start to wake up. It's it's a bad dream, I try to wake myself up anyway, so I don't really care, but for good dreams I sometimes manage to stay asleep and mess everything up. n_n There was that time I dreamed that I was in somebody else's dream, though...>_>


But anyway, I've died in dreams a few times (Normally results from me having to drive. >_>). And obviously, I'm not dead in real life. So uh...you don't die for real if you die in dreams.

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attention to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the ground in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a conscious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.


Hmm. I've never been able to control my dreams. The person that is me in my dreams is normally very lazy, and not all there. I have a lot of vampire dreams, and if my character is being chased, she just falls on the ground a gives up. That happens about half the time. Sometimes she fights, or brings out machine guns.


Do any of you dream in black-and-white, or in color? I dream in both. I like the black-and-white ones better, because I feel like I'm in George A. Romero's 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead. It's quite fun. ^-^

Black-and-white or color... interesting question. Honestly, I have such a hard time remembering my dreams that I have no idea which one I dream in. I will pay attention for the next time I can remember.


Maybe you should be the one with the dream diary then, silly Horatio. =]

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attention to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the ground in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a conscious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.


Hmm. I've never been able to control my dreams. The person that is me in my dreams is normally very lazy, and not all there. I have a lot of vampire dreams, and if my character is being chased, she just falls on the ground a gives up. That happens about half the time. Sometimes she fights, or brings out machine guns.


Do any of you dream in black-and-white, or in color? I dream in both. I like the black-and-white ones better, because I feel like I'm in George A. Romero's 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead. It's quite fun. ^-^

Black-and-white or color... interesting question. Honestly, I have such a hard time remembering my dreams that I have no idea which one I dream in. I will pay attention for the next time I can remember.


Maybe you should be the one with the dream diary then, silly Horatio. =]

:P It would never happen as hamsters like to chew paper. :lol:

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attention to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the ground in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a conscious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.


Hmm. I've never been able to control my dreams. The person that is me in my dreams is normally very lazy, and not all there. I have a lot of vampire dreams, and if my character is being chased, she just falls on the ground a gives up. That happens about half the time. Sometimes she fights, or brings out machine guns.


Do any of you dream in black-and-white, or in color? I dream in both. I like the black-and-white ones better, because I feel like I'm in George A. Romero's 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead. It's quite fun. ^-^

I always dream in color. x_X

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attention to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the ground in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a conscious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.


Hmm. I've never been able to control my dreams. The person that is me in my dreams is normally very lazy, and not all there. I have a lot of vampire dreams, and if my character is being chased, she just falls on the ground a gives up. That happens about half the time. Sometimes she fights, or brings out machine guns.


Do any of you dream in black-and-white, or in color? I dream in both. I like the black-and-white ones better, because I feel like I'm in George A. Romero's 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead. It's quite fun. ^-^

Black-and-white or color... interesting question. Honestly, I have such a hard time remembering my dreams that I have no idea which one I dream in. I will pay attention for the next time I can remember.


Maybe you should be the one with the dream diary then, silly Horatio. =]

:P It would never happen as hamsters like to chew paper. :lol:



Lotsa fiber.

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Hehehe. I think all dreams are cool.


...Especially when you're in control of them. I like being... a bit of a dictator in my dreams, in the way of dictating how the dream goes. I tell my dream what to do. This is illustrated in the following dream:


I dreamed that I was in a room. I didn't pay attention to that, you never reall do in a dream unless you tell yourself to. I was talking to somebody. He said he was a dream, and then he asked for my orders. I didn't know what he meant, so I asked him what he meant. Like you do, if you don't know what somebody means and you want to know. He told me that he didn't know what... to dream. (I'm a bit hazy on that part)

I told him to dream... that he could fly. I told him to dream to fly over a peaceful landscape. I told him to land somewhere and perhaps relax. Then I told him to take charge of the dream, and do whatever from there.


The next day I had the dream I described in that dream. It's just a series, but it's still... Odd. It's not the sort of thing you'd expect to have a series of dreams about. I've had other series of dreams, too. It's cool and fun picking up on a discarded dream and continuing it. Dreams are fun if you know how to control them.


In other dream-related stuff, I've heard some people say you can't hit the ground in falling dreams.

NOT TRUE! I've hit the ground in falling dreams before. The only thing is, it's not like actually falling because it doesn't hurt as much when you land.

Also, I've heard people say that you can't use some of your senses in dreams. This is also FALSE. I have used all 5 of my senses in all of my dreams. And a 6th sense too, in some of my better dreams :D

I've also heard rumour that you always dream. You just don't remember it afterwards. Okay, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think that it's false too. You dream when you are lightly sleeping. You don't dream when you are sleeping heavily. You sleep, then. People can go directly from a conscious state to a deep sleep without passing through the land of light sleeping. And you can do the inverse too.

If you die in dreams, you die. Properly.

I dunno on this one. I've never been killed by anyone else in my dreams, nor have I been provoked to commit suicide in dreams. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be appreciated.

I don't know if there's anything true or false about this matter, but I've dreamed that I'm awake before :D


...Wow. I've got a lot to say about dreams. If there's anything you heard off friends and family I haven't covered in the 'other dream-related stuff' part, just say and I'll say what I can on whatever it is. I have had some cool dreams before, not future-telling dreams and whatnot, but still cool.


Hmm. I've never been able to control my dreams. The person that is me in my dreams is normally very lazy, and not all there. I have a lot of vampire dreams, and if my character is being chased, she just falls on the ground a gives up. That happens about half the time. Sometimes she fights, or brings out machine guns.


Do any of you dream in black-and-white, or in color? I dream in both. I like the black-and-white ones better, because I feel like I'm in George A. Romero's 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead. It's quite fun. ^-^

Black-and-white or color... interesting question. Honestly, I have such a hard time remembering my dreams that I have no idea which one I dream in. I will pay attention for the next time I can remember.


Maybe you should be the one with the dream diary then, silly Horatio. =]

:P It would never happen as hamsters like to chew paper. :lol:



Lotsa fiber.

Lotsa bedding!

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I dreamed that me and a bunch of friends went to the movies, but then i went farther up the road and on top of this creepy omuntain, when all of a sudden these "night banshees" as they were called in my dream, started to eat me and suck my blood. Then I went up again, the next day, and saw them flying about so I was running down the mountain when i woke up. The wierd bit it, though, i didn't want to wake up. o.O

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

I start in school. *blurry* I find myself in my fathers office. it is nighttime. There is an eerie glow from the hallway, as the reception lightsa are on. They flicker. I walk out of the office and find myself in a place I'd never SEEN. It looks like I'm standing on top of a cyander elevator. There is a mechanical doind something. Suddenly it falls. Fast. *blurry* I walk into an enclosed carpark. I look for my dad. I can not find him, or his car. I walk around more, and gradually get more and more afraid. Then I stop looking for him and start looking for an exit. After more searching in the darkness I find one hidden in the shadows. It leads out to a side alley. I alk along the allyet and out into a beautiflul city. Entirely black and yellow (black buildings and yellow lights). I walk around. I see a duplicant of the mechanic cleaning. I walk around more. The buildings and plazas seem awefully small. The lights go out. I run in total darkness (i found out the next morning there was a blackout during the night) until I bump into someone. It's the mechanic. We talk. He gives me flashlight. *blurry* I find myself in the elevator mentioned near the start. There is also a young couple of lovebirds. They are wrapped in each other, but I think we were talking. We arrive at the bottom floor. The doors open and I spean out into the darkness of the carpark. Dream ends.

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

Clickomania is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

Clickomania is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!! :P

*doesn't know clickomania*

Well, then again, I bet most of you don't know what Puzzle Pirates is.


Well, if I go all piratey (as in, Arr, ye, aye etc. Piratey language stuff) then blame Puzzle Pirates. Which is why I laughed when I saw Kat's custom title, 'You are a PIRATE!'



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I had a stupid dream a while back (during a recent 'camping' trip that a few of you may be familiar with) which involved me sleeping in my tent, and Kevin, a relatively big hefty person, runs up to my tent with a big knife, slashes a hole in the side, jumps in and curls up and goes to sleep on top of all' my stuff.

I sat up and amid other profane terms asked what the heck he was doing. Incredulously, he responded that it was the annual attack of the butterflies, and he had to take cover. Still half-awake (in my dream) I looked around to see one of the other guys that went on the trip with us, sleeping by the door of my tent.

Annoyed, I told them to shut up while i finished sleeping.


and when I woke up, the butterflies had never come and there wasnt a big hole in my tent anymore.


I dont know how that could be interpretted or how something like that could have happened a few days later, but the dream I had last night could.



Aaaaand a majority of it burned to the ground, while all but two of my family member stood outside, rather shaken by the fact that two of my older siblings probably died and all of my works and stuff were gone. I woke up with tears in my eyes, which made it kind of hard to see, but that also brought my attention to the fact that this house I moved in to has no smoke detectors.


So, any unexplained absences in the next week (that last for a month or two) Probably means I lost all my stuff to a house fire. ;D

Maybe I should look in to getting some of those smoke detectors...

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I had a stupid dream a while back (during a recent 'camping' trip that a few of you may be familiar with) which involved me sleeping in my tent, and Kevin, a relatively big hefty person, runs up to my tent with a big knife, slashes a hole in the side, jumps in and curls up and goes to sleep on top of all' my stuff.

I sat up and amid other profane terms asked what the heck he was doing. Incredulously, he responded that it was the annual attack of the butterflies, and he had to take cover. Still half-awake (in my dream) I looked around to see one of the other guys that went on the trip with us, sleeping by the door of my tent.

Annoyed, I told them to shut up while i finished sleeping.


and when I woke up, the butterflies had never come and there wasnt a big hole in my tent anymore.


I dont know how that could be interpretted or how something like that could have happened a few days later, but the dream I had last night could.



Aaaaand a majority of it burned to the ground, while all but two of my family member stood outside, rather shaken by the fact that two of my older siblings probably died and all of my works and stuff were gone. I woke up with tears in my eyes, which made it kind of hard to see, but that also brought my attention to the fact that this house I moved in to has no smoke detectors.


So, any unexplained absences in the next week (that last for a month or two) Probably means I lost all my stuff to a house fire. ;D

Maybe I should look in to getting some of those smoke detectors...

:o:unsure: Whoaaaaaaaaa! :unsure::o

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I had a stupid dream a while back (during a recent 'camping' trip that a few of you may be familiar with) which involved me sleeping in my tent, and Kevin, a relatively big hefty person, runs up to my tent with a big knife, slashes a hole in the side, jumps in and curls up and goes to sleep on top of all' my stuff.

I sat up and amid other profane terms asked what the heck he was doing. Incredulously, he responded that it was the annual attack of the butterflies, and he had to take cover. Still half-awake (in my dream) I looked around to see one of the other guys that went on the trip with us, sleeping by the door of my tent.

Annoyed, I told them to shut up while i finished sleeping.


and when I woke up, the butterflies had never come and there wasnt a big hole in my tent anymore.


I dont know how that could be interpretted or how something like that could have happened a few days later, but the dream I had last night could.



Aaaaand a majority of it burned to the ground, while all but two of my family member stood outside, rather shaken by the fact that two of my older siblings probably died and all of my works and stuff were gone. I woke up with tears in my eyes, which made it kind of hard to see, but that also brought my attention to the fact that this house I moved in to has no smoke detectors.


So, any unexplained absences in the next week (that last for a month or two) Probably means I lost all my stuff to a house fire. ;D

Maybe I should look in to getting some of those smoke detectors...

:o:unsure: Whoaaaaaaaaa! :unsure::o


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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

Heeeey. I used to do that.

it was pretty fun, I had a great time until the people running the show deleted my account. >_o; I still dont know why.

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

Heeeey. I used to do that.

it was pretty fun, I had a great time until the people running the show deleted my account. >_o; I still dont know why.

Hehe. Well, for whatever reason... When was your account deleted? Many things have happened in the past few months. :D

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I wasllate for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

Heeeey. I used to do that.

it was pretty fun, I had a great time until the people running the show deleted my account. >_o; I still dont know why.

Hehe. Well, for whatever reason... When was your account deleted? Many things have happened in the past few months. :D

I dont remember, exactly, but i'll guesstimate somewheres 'round mid-last year.

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I was late for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

Heeeey. I used to do that.

it was pretty fun, I had a great time until the people running the show deleted my account. >_o; I still dont know why.

Hehe. Well, for whatever reason... When was your account deleted? Many things have happened in the past few months. :D

I dont remember, exactly, but i'll guesstimate somewheres 'round mid-last year.

Aha. In that case you have missed out on:



Poker (Texas Hold-em)


Lotsa Contests

World Cup (Sword Fighting)

A few familiar tourneys

Many OM tourneys (introduced during christmas, I think. I don't remember any beforehand. They're daily now.)

New (unfortunately unpiratey) Clothes!

New OMs! And the older OMs allowed us to beat them up! *joy*


Well, that's all I remember off the top of my head.


Indigo still has snow from christmas. They haven't been updated in aaaaaaages!



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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I was late for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

Heeeey. I used to do that.

it was pretty fun, I had a great time until the people running the show deleted my account. >_o; I still dont know why.

Hehe. Well, for whatever reason... When was your account deleted? Many things have happened in the past few months. :D

I dont remember, exactly, but i'll guesstimate somewheres 'round mid-last year.

Aha. In that case you have missed out on:



Poker (Texas Hold-em)


Lotsa Contests

World Cup (Sword Fighting)

A few familiar tourneys

Many OM tourneys (introduced during christmas, I think. I don't remember any beforehand. They're daily now.)

New (unfortunately unpiratey) Clothes!

New OMs! And the older OMs allowed us to beat them up! *joy*


Well, that's all I remember off the top of my head.


Indigo still has snow from christmas. They haven't been updated in aaaaaaages!



Ooh, Swordfighting tournament. I remember when I had my account there, i was swordfighting like nobody's business. like, way, way up there in ranking. Then a novice challenged me, so I arrogantly accepted and LOST. and lost all my fancy ranking. It made me sad.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I had a dream once that I married Arkcher.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*



Speaking of which, Werent you writing that into some sort of story and it was pretty cool until you stopped then we were all sad? What happened with that?


Which also reminds me that I should start writing down some of my wierd dreams. They'd make pretty cool stories to put on here.

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Okay, here's a weird series of dreams I had. It was... Well... Weird. I had 1, then another 2 in a row a bit later, then the fourth a bit more later. I haven't had the final dream yet.


The beginning of the first one is the freakiest part. The beginning of all of them is the freakiest part, but imho this was the freakiest start. I started in this barren landscape, which had ground not unlike the red colour of outback sand, and had the occasional mostly-destroyed house. There was a huuuuuge crevace a bit behind me. I looked up ahead at the house in front of me. All the windows were smashed. The grey bricks were crumbling. A small brick fell off and landed near a rocking chair. My dad was sitting in it. We talked a bit, I dunno about what, then I walked into the ruins. There were appliances strewn about the place. Like, twiice as many appliances as anyone would need. Above and around me, there were various floating bits of furniture and bits of roof/floor/wall/chimney. It was odd. There was the same crevace that was behind me, in front of me. I walked up to it and steppes over it (it was thin for some reason). I turned around, and it was a bit wider. I stepped over it again, and I remember making it but falling straight after. I caught hold of a branch. The crevice was twice the size as it had been at the start. The floor was an unseeable distance away from me. I edged along the branch, got bored and let go. I didn't fall. I just felt my feet stepping on the ground and then I was fine. The crevice was smaller again. I could see the sky. I looked around. I could see shrewd furniture, and appliances built in to the walls of the crevace. I discovered a shrewd shade above me. *goes blurry* I am talking with three dream-people. I didn't know any of them. One was short, with everything else just like me, and he was the most like me. Another was... taller, and musclier. He liked sport more. Everything else was the same as me. The third one was much taller, thin as a stick, and had a good sense of humor. Everything else was the same as me. I woke up after climbing out of the crevace and ending at the very beginning.


The second one, I don't remember the start to. I think I began in the setting again. But a different one. The ground was the same, but this time the appliances didn't need the wall. They were just connected to the floor. The furniture was there. So was the cover. We (me and the three I met last dream) were in the open air. And so was the shelter. *blurry* I got a job. Soon after, the others did. I worked on an assembly line. I don't know what I was assembling. *blurry* I was promoted. Me and my new friends (that I met last dream) joked about it. They were jealous, especially the muscley one, but the thin one was making good jokes about it. I don't remember what they were. A bit after, ther others were promoted. Dream ended in the first setting I mentioned in this dream.


The third one I remember the start to. I was in my school. I was walking around the new classrooms (yeah, new classrooms! Whoo). It was the annual JS fair. Only the JS attended. Being in year 6, I was attending. I went to the auction for mystery things that was being held and got something. It was a personality changer. For some reason I was really, really glad I found it. I was a bit distrusting of myself back then. But that's all back then! Anyway, I turned the dial on the little rectangular prysm to 'fun' and something flashed. I noticed that I became significantly more like I am today, and I had fun doing it. *blurry* school was out. I walked to the senior colledge (my dreams can be odd) and went to the covered car park (a u-park sort of thing. I dunno. We don't even have one at the schools in aus) (note, there's a subplot. If you want to hear about my journey to the carpark I dreamed at some other time later, tell me) and walked around a bit. I walked out and saw one of my buds. I asked for a lift (he can't even drive. he's 12 :blink:). He decided to give me a lift. He missed my turn, I think, and I told him, and so he turned off into a little natural driveway. He parked and I got out and thanked him. He backed out and drove off. I called after him, glared at the dissappearing car, and walked up some natural steps into the first scene I mentioned in the last dream. My friends were there. I was late for something. They joked about it. Then the short one just giggled, the muscley one shot me glares, and the thin one continued joking. *blurry* we went to work and immediately I was promoted. I was shown a cubicle, where I was to work. After, the Muscley one didn't say anything. He obviously didn't like how I was being promoted and stuff. The short one giggled more. The thin one joked more. But all of them were more nervous and evidently jealous. *blurry* All I remember from now is that the next day all I did was sit at a typewriter in an office chair in a giant room of millions of people who looked like me doing the same thing as me sipping coffee. It tasted like hot chocolate. There were no cubicles. I pressed a few keys evey now and then. Overall I did nothing. My friends sneak up behind me and suprised me, then told me that they were promoted too. Dream ends in my cubicle, which has its walls back again.


This is the final dream, so far. I started out with the driving part from the last dream repeated. Then I found myself work tapping away. *blurry* I got promoted to manager. I got my own PROPER office. I worked a bit. After, they joked a bit. The muscley one finally spoke. i remember it perfectly:

He said in a joking way, "Hehe! If you get promoted again I might have to kill you!"

The others laughted. I laughed. Reflecting now, I have NO idea why that's funny. Anyway, we all knew it was a joke. Everything after that was blurry. Lots of laughing and talk about killing :wacko:

Anyway, that's where it ended. I have had no more dreams since.


If I spelled anything wrong, it might be because I wrote this at 5 to 5 am my time.

We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark!

Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play :lol:

Which one?

Puzzle Pirates :D:lol:

Heeeey. I used to do that.

it was pretty fun, I had a great time until the people running the show deleted my account. >_o; I still dont know why.

Hehe. Well, for whatever reason... When was your account deleted? Many things have happened in the past few months. :D

I dont remember, exactly, but i'll guesstimate somewheres 'round mid-last year.

Aha. In that case you have missed out on:



Poker (Texas Hold-em)


Lotsa Contests

World Cup (Sword Fighting)

A few familiar tourneys

Many OM tourneys (introduced during christmas, I think. I don't remember any beforehand. They're daily now.)

New (unfortunately unpiratey) Clothes!

New OMs! And the older OMs allowed us to beat them up! *joy*


Well, that's all I remember off the top of my head.


Indigo still has snow from christmas. They haven't been updated in aaaaaaages!



Ooh, Swordfighting tournament. I remember when I had my account there, i was swordfighting like nobody's business. like, way, way up there in ranking. Then a novice challenged me, so I arrogantly accepted and LOST. and lost all my fancy ranking. It made me sad.

World Cup and Zombiefication Weren't actually tournements, they were huuuuge competitions lasting for a few weeks where you were assigned a team (they also did one called Wrestle Mania (or something) that I forgot to mention. It was rumbling) and you fought other teams to make your team the highest ranking. If you participated (won against an opposing team member) then you got a prize after you were done, depending on the team you were in. It was kool. Spelled with a k.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I had a dream once that I married Arkcher.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*



Speaking of which, Werent you writing that into some sort of story and it was pretty cool until you stopped then we were all sad? What happened with that?


Which also reminds me that I should start writing down some of my wierd dreams. They'd make pretty cool stories to put on here.

*waits for Mushroom_king and Arkcher to begin writing* :D

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It's fun seeing what my imagination can come up with off the top of my head. Sometimes people are talking about dreams, and even if I hadn't had one, I'd say that I did and talked about the fist thing that comes to me. They're usually... Umm... Convincing. For a dream. It would be fun if I actually dreamed those dreams.

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It's fun seeing what my imagination can come up with off the top of my head. Sometimes people are talking about dreams, and even if I hadn't had one, I'd say that I did and talked about the fist thing that comes to me. They're usually... Umm... Convincing. For a dream. It would be fun if I actually dreamed those dreams.

Very, very rarely do I remember a dream.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I had a dream once that I married Arkcher.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*



Speaking of which, Werent you writing that into some sort of story and it was pretty cool until you stopped then we were all sad? What happened with that?


Which also reminds me that I should start writing down some of my wierd dreams. They'd make pretty cool stories to put on here.

*~*The Grand Ilusion*~*


I'm going to try and start writing that again.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I had a dream once that I married Arkcher.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*



Speaking of which, Werent you writing that into some sort of story and it was pretty cool until you stopped then we were all sad? What happened with that?


Which also reminds me that I should start writing down some of my wierd dreams. They'd make pretty cool stories to put on here.

*~*The Grand Ilusion*~*


I'm going to try and start writing that again.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Excellent!!!! :D

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I had a dream once that I married Arkcher.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*



Speaking of which, Werent you writing that into some sort of story and it was pretty cool until you stopped then we were all sad? What happened with that?


Which also reminds me that I should start writing down some of my wierd dreams. They'd make pretty cool stories to put on here.

*~*The Grand Ilusion*~*


I'm going to try and start writing that again.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Excellent!!!! :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Or...Maybe I'll feed it to my pet spider, Gerald!


(I really do have a pet spider named Gerald.)


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I had a dream once that I married Arkcher.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*



Speaking of which, Werent you writing that into some sort of story and it was pretty cool until you stopped then we were all sad? What happened with that?


Which also reminds me that I should start writing down some of my wierd dreams. They'd make pretty cool stories to put on here.

*~*The Grand Ilusion*~*


I'm going to try and start writing that again.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Excellent!!!! :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Or...Maybe I'll feed it to my pet spider, Gerald!


(I really do have a pet spider named Gerald.)


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

Hello Gerald. :D

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I had a dream once that I married Arkcher.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*



Speaking of which, Werent you writing that into some sort of story and it was pretty cool until you stopped then we were all sad? What happened with that?


Which also reminds me that I should start writing down some of my wierd dreams. They'd make pretty cool stories to put on here.

*~*The Grand Ilusion*~*


I'm going to try and start writing that again.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

Excellent!!!! :D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


Or...Maybe I'll feed it to my pet spider, Gerald!


(I really do have a pet spider named Gerald.)


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

'Sounds like THIS is a job for Stupid Uncle Egg's mile high diaper pie!

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