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A Second to think, Alone.

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i'm sitting here..

alone for the first time in over a week

my mind is racing once again

it just needed to be set free

so i sit and im still thinking

the same anthems of my middle school days

why cant i move past this

it really isnt much of anything

if i can see that why cant i pass through and continue

i keep fooling myself

thinking im in love

im not in love

nor have i ever been in love

even boys i thought were mindless can define this

why cant i?

i need to get past this

i try but im stuck

like my mind is screaming no when my heart is so ready to be gone

it wants to leave me

but everyone knows my mind conques all

i keep thinking with every passing second somthing will change this

and erase it

like a memory or a dream

but nothing ever worked

and i refuse the stupid pills again

i guess alone is the worst thing for me

maybe mental block is a good thing

i never did quite understand

how writing's ever helped anyone

reading words, writing them?

it doesnt fill the holes in our hearts

it doesnt erase the scars on our bodies

it doesnt comfort or heal a broken soul

a broken spirit

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This is really terrific. I think you have lots of talent and I love reading what you write. Please always continue your writing!

thanks.as always. yet, i still dont see the talent. but i guess i'll never believe anything. :]

I don't see how anyone can appreciate my work, either, Lauren.

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This is really terrific. I think you have lots of talent and I love reading what you write. Please always continue your writing!

thanks.as always. yet, i still dont see the talent. but i guess i'll never believe anything. :]

I don't see how anyone can appreciate my work, either, Lauren.

well at least we're not alone on that

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