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Ramblings of a Teen

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she lost her drive for debate

she lost her love for argument

she's afraid to screw up again

stupid girl

so young, took on a challenge

and was ridiculed

too ambitious maybe?

or is it too immature?

knowledge no match or those who've had classes

introspect no help

throw herself on the masses

encourages others to take heart, fight on

yet lacking the gusto to take her own word to action

silly girl

so young to think she could actually do anything

getting herself in a hole

painted in a corner

foolish girl

and now she is a coward

not trusting her own words not to end it

just expressing her opinion

with the reputation she's developed

when it comes to controversial topics

she knows it could hurt her

so she backs up

refusing herself the enjoyment of a debate

knowing answers, but not saying anything

for fear of what?

insecure brat

afraid of rejection

from the same ones who bring smiles

why so fearful?

she's been backstabbed before

doesn't want that anymore

those she trusts most are the same

the same ones who she fears

stupid child

juvenile in strength

foolhardy confidence gone from her veins

at what cost?



hehe up to you again ^_^ sorry cheesieman



o.o hasn't Asagio been your cheese for a while?



I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



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I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice.


The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views.


What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOL

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I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice.


The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views.


What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOL



Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D


But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. :unsure:

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I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice.


The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean.


What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me.



Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D


But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. :unsure:

I guess.


It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again.

besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable.

I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway.

friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic.


I'm done.

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I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice.


The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean.


What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me.



Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D


But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. :unsure:

I guess.


It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again.

besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable.

I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway.

friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic.


I'm done.

I am really sorry you were treated that way. People can be very mean.

Here I do think that you have the ability to speak your mind on religion and politics in the topics that are designated for that. I try to stay out and not moderate too much there because I feel you do need a place to say how you feel. With one special topic for each subject, this allows someone who does not want to hear your thoughts to avoid the topic.


We really like you. You are a talented, creative, intelligent person with a great emotional and expressive side. I hope you always keep the fire blazing brightly and never let anyone extinguish it.

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I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice.


The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean.


What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me.



Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D


But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. :unsure:

I guess.


It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again.

besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable.

I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway.

friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic.


I'm done.

I am really sorry you were treated that way. People can be very mean.

Here I do think that you have the ability to speak your mind on religion and politics in the topics that are designated for that. I try to stay out and not moderate too much there because I feel you do need a place to say how you feel. With one special topic for each subject, this allows someone who does not want to hear your thoughts to avoid the topic.


We really like you. You are a talented, creative, intelligent person with a great emotional and expressive side. I hope you always keep the fire blazing brightly and never let anyone extinguish it.

You always manage to bring a smile to my face, Horatio. :)


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I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice.


The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean.


What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me.



Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D


But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. :unsure:

I guess.


It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again.

besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable.

I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway.

friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic.


I'm done.

I am really sorry you were treated that way. People can be very mean.

Here I do think that you have the ability to speak your mind on religion and politics in the topics that are designated for that. I try to stay out and not moderate too much there because I feel you do need a place to say how you feel. With one special topic for each subject, this allows someone who does not want to hear your thoughts to avoid the topic.


We really like you. You are a talented, creative, intelligent person with a great emotional and expressive side. I hope you always keep the fire blazing brightly and never let anyone extinguish it.

You always manage to bring a smile to my face, Horatio. :)


Thank you for the compliment, but know in your heart that everything I said is true. :)

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(thank you horatio)



I'm afraid


I blurted things I shouldn't have

now we both feel all alone

I fear the worst may come from this

and it's my fault if it does


I wasn't up to talk

especially on the subject

I brought this on myself

now repenting till I'm sick


I have no self control

I proved it, can't you see?

love, I see you hurting

and I know it's coz of me


I fear the worst may come

more devotion wasted

just another "lover"

for result I am impatient


I want it to work out

I want you here with me

please don't let me be right

I'll hate that "victory"




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(thank you horatio)



I'm afraid


I blurted things I shouldn't have

now we both feel all alone

I fear the worst may come from this

and it's my fault if it does


I wasn't up to talk

especially on the subject

I brought this on myself

now repenting till I'm sick


I have no self control

I proved it, can't you see?

love, I see you hurting

and I know it's coz of me


I fear the worst may come

more devotion wasted

just another "lover"

for result I am impatient


I want it to work out

I want you here with me

please don't let me be right

I'll hate that "victory"




Another great poem, full of expression.

I would give you another award, but you already have a shelf full.

Something else will have to be thought up for you. :)

You are always welcome!!!

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I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice.


The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean.


What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me.



Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D


But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. :unsure:

I guess.


It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again.

besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable.

I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway.

friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic.


I'm done.



You know we would never reject you. As far as I know, we have never done that to anyone. Please, be yourself. That is what I respect the most.

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I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.

ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up.


however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this...


your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally.

I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs.

[off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate.


*sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits.


ok, I'm done.


ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show.


now I'm done.



When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice.


The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean.


What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me.



Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D


But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. :unsure:

I guess.


It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again.

besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable.

I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway.

friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic.


I'm done.



You know we would never reject you. As far as I know, we have never done that to anyone. Please, be yourself. That is what I respect the most.

I know :)

but I'm still insecure from the attack a few months ago.

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leave me alone


don't go


don't act this way

I said I'm sorry

I said it's no longer true

I love you I love you

the third, I love you



yay ice cream

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  • 1 month later...

don't lie to me

you said you didn't cheat

and you did the whole entire time


guess who I chatted with last night? My good-for-nothin exboyfriend! I fount out that he *prepares list*

  • lied to me
  • cheated on me with my best friend
  • smoked (I have asthma and I KISSED HIM?!)
  • cheated on me with some guy
  • lied about having a mental disorder just to try to manipulate me into giving him something (it almost worked)
  • screwed with my emotions on purpose
  • pretended to love me the whole time
  • lied about how old he was when he first had sex (I WANT TRUTH)
  • only wanted me to say he had me

and that's what I REMEMBER about last night's convo......



and you know what? I don't care. He is in the past.

I happen to have fallen in love with someone who knows how to treat a girl with respect. This is the present.

What a great life. I am really happy about that. I was kinda angry last night when I found out all this stuf...

but I decided he wasn't worth getting worked up over, since, you know, he's not the one I'm going out with, right? If there's someone to get mad about it's Tom, and I don't have much reason to get mad about him. He's too perfect.


so yeah, I'm in a good mood right now, even though I'm too far away from Tom. :)

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don't lie to me

you said you didn't cheat

and you did the whole entire time


guess who I chatted with last night? My good-for-nothin exboyfriend! I fount out that he *prepares list*

  • lied to me
  • cheated on me with my best friend
  • smoked (I have asthma and I KISSED HIM?!)
  • cheated on me with some guy
  • lied about having a mental disorder just to try to manipulate me into giving him something (it almost worked)
  • screwed with my emotions on purpose
  • pretended to love me the whole time
  • lied about how old he was when he first had sex (I WANT TRUTH)
  • only wanted me to say he had me

and that's what I REMEMBER about last night's convo......



and you know what? I don't care. He is in the past.

I happen to have fallen in love with someone who knows how to treat a girl with respect. This is the present.

What a great life. I am really happy about that. I was kinda angry last night when I found out all this stuf...

but I decided he wasn't worth getting worked up over, since, you know, he's not the one I'm going out with, right? If there's someone to get mad about it's Tom, and I don't have much reason to get mad about him. He's too perfect.


so yeah, I'm in a good mood right now, even though I'm too far away from Tom. :)

*gives Topazia a hug*

I am really, really sorry you had to have a relationship with a guy such as your EX-boyfriend. But the good news is that he is your ex-boyfriend and you have a really wonderful guy in your life now.


As you say, he is in the past. I am sure he hurt your feelings when you two talked last night, and I feel bad that he did this, but I feel like you are a much stronger individual for the entire relationship. You didn't succumb to his pressure or lies, so you came out the winner. Good for you!!! Your ex-boyfriend is trying to get under your skin. Obviously he is failing at whatever is happening in his loser life at the moment, so he figures he will try and make someone else feel bad. Never give him the opportunity. Should he call again, be nice, be polite, smile (even though he can't see you) and tell him that you would appreciate he not call. Then say "I'm sorry, but I am unable to talk Bye, bye" and then hang up. It might take him a couple calls to get the message, but if it is always the same and he is unable to spread his poison to your ears, then you will feel better and he will feel worse. Never give him the chance. I know this is hard, but I will give you this to think of... if you answer the phone and he is on the other end, put this vision into your head... the signs on the beach say "WARNING STAY OUT OF WATER! BEWARE MILLIONS OF 'PORTUGESE MAN OF WAR' JELLYFISH". Would you go into the water? :blink: :blink: :blink: Never!!! So if he calls again, treat him like a Portugese Man Of War Jellyfish and do not let his tentacles touch any part of you, mind or physical. Stay out of the water. Hang up!


Okay... enough of my ranting.

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thank you horatio :)

yeah, I know, he's so funny, I asked him point blank at the start of the convo "did you cheat on me besides (some girl)?" he said no. then once I made him mad, he was all "yeah I was [vulger term for having sex] with your best friend and some guy the whole time we were together"


the discontinuity made me laugh bc I didn't feel like getting worked up over some loser exboyfriend with no idea up from down.


kinda funny. I laugh in the face of high stress bc it's the easiest way to confront myself.

I laugh a lot XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

this post is just to be the 100th post...


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  • 3 weeks later...



I've been told not to tak about something that won't leave until it's been discussed.

but oh well.



america's got talent is a fun show!

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I've been told not to tak about something that won't leave until it's been discussed.

but oh well.



america's got talent is a fun show!

You can't talk because...?

he told me not to.

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I've been told not to tak about something that won't leave until it's been discussed.

but oh well.



america's got talent is a fun show!

You can't talk because...?

he told me not to.

I'm sorry.

We have missed you.

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I've been told not to tak about something that won't leave until it's been discussed.

but oh well.



america's got talent is a fun show!

You can't talk because...?

he told me not to.

I'm sorry.

We have missed you.

I've missed you too.

no worries, it was resolved :)

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I've been told not to tak about something that won't leave until it's been discussed.

but oh well.



america's got talent is a fun show!

You can't talk because...?

he told me not to.

I'm sorry.

We have missed you.

I've missed you too.

no worries, it was resolved :)

That's great news. :D

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she doesn't care about me

she doesn't care that I can't lift half my weight (which, incidentally, is less than 25% of hers)

she doesn't care that I can't handle people well, so I can't work foodservice

she doesn't care that I'm working myself to exhaustion, and that I force myself to stay awake when driving

she doesn't care that I'm oh so tired, but I have no rest

she doesn't care that my FIANCE is (as of right now) the only person I can go to for emotional support without guilt trip included

she doesn't care that I can't always be a nice girl, I do need to get my mind out

she doesn't care.

at all.


that makes me really angry.






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  • 1 month later...

something has been on my heart for a long time.


I moved out with my fiance almost two months ago, and it was literally one of those runaway-in-the-night dealies. daddy was really angry, angrier than I've ever seen him...mom was at work, and the little ones were in bed. it was just me, tom, daddy, and my older younger brother (just turned 17).


I made sure I went to church in the morning, because if I didn't, I knew I'd never get around to going.


I fear the Lord with my whole being, but it's more of a "wow that's really powerful, so powerful and amazing I'm nothing next to it", reverent fear.


I am fully aware that I am slipping. But recently, I have been so gripped by the faith that almost disappeared, it's amazing.


I've had so many inspirations for stories and poems that I have lost, it's incredible. I know I want to write about God, being God's child and stuff... but grr.

I can't keep an idea in my head long enough to type it up.


but I'm back in my groove of ministering to friends over the internet.

and I can draw and write to my heart's content if I ever get around to starting again

and I have a job so that's good


I have so much I want to say but I don't know where to start.


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oh, it's been one whole year today since my jerk ex boyfriend broke up with me.

yay, random recollections. yes, I just realized it.














God bless!

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*gives Topazia a really big hug*


We have missed you. So much has been going on in your life. We are always here for you if you want to talk.

Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.


How is life with your fiance? Are you doing okay? I do hope you get back to drawing and writing.


Take care of yourself please.

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oh, it's been one whole year today since my jerk ex boyfriend broke up with me.

yay, random recollections. yes, I just realized it.














God bless!

Don't live in the past, don't live in the present, live in the future. Think of what tomorrow might bring.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a question...



if your fiance suddenly decides he's not a christian anymore, what would you do?

note: you have always been adamant about marrying a christian, but you are very much in love with him and don't want to lose him. He has told you that he would admire you if you would leave him for your faith, but he doesn't know if he would admire you as much if you stayed with him.


oh yeah, and you moved in with him bc your home life got to be too much.


it's a good question.

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sometimes I'm afraid to face life


sometimes I chicken out at the last second because I'm afraid I might be wrong about things that form my foundation


I mean, I read enough to where I'm confident in my faith but other things

like the stability of my own sanity

which has always been questionable



I'm afraid to make major decisions.

Things that affect my whole life.

I take the easy way out a lot.

I tend to ignore problems that should be confronted right away.

I just let them sit there, staring at me, while I walk around them going about my life.

then little things that are silly...I blow up.

not so much as I used to


I'm afraid of life.

I'm supposed to be a mature 18yrold... I'm old for my age in a lot of ways.


Why am I fearful, if being fearful means you're not a strong Christian?

I just realized that as I was typing it.

what if...

what if i'm a farce, like i was till i was 15?

...what if i'm lying again?


i know the right answers. i know what to say to make myself feel christian...

but i don't feel christian a lot.

i don't get to listen to the music that makes me feel stronger...

because i never get to drive :(

and then i don't have a radio to listen to in the room

and my pc isn't on very much





I'm tired.

I'm going to bed...since it's 3am and I'm getting up in 4.5 hr :'(

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I have a question...



if your fiance suddenly decides he's not a christian anymore, what would you do?

note: you have always been adamant about marrying a christian, but you are very much in love with him and don't want to lose him. He has told you that he would admire you if you would leave him for your faith, but he doesn't know if he would admire you as much if you stayed with him.


oh yeah, and you moved in with him bc your home life got to be too much.


it's a good question.

If your fiance changed his religious beliefs before you are married, and you feel this is okay for him and your relationship, then I see no problem with staying together. As far as him admiring or not admiring you, I would ignore this comment. Perhaps he does not want to feel guilty about wanting you to stay with him although he has chosen not to remain a christian.


There are lots and lots of inter-faith marriages that work very, very well. To me, this is not a reason to break-up.


The bottom line is, how do you feel about his choice and are you okay with this. Remember, he can always return to being a christian.

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I have a question...



if your fiance suddenly decides he's not a christian anymore, what would you do?

note: you have always been adamant about marrying a christian, but you are very much in love with him and don't want to lose him. He has told you that he would admire you if you would leave him for your faith, but he doesn't know if he would admire you as much if you stayed with him.


oh yeah, and you moved in with him bc your home life got to be too much.


it's a good question.

If your fiance changed his religious beliefs before you are married, and you feel this is okay for him and your relationship, then I see no problem with staying together. As far as him admiring or not admiring you, I would ignore this comment. Perhaps he does not want to feel guilty about wanting you to stay with him although he has chosen not to remain a christian.


There are lots and lots of inter-faith marriages that work very, very well. To me, this is not a reason to break-up.


The bottom line is, how do you feel about his choice and are you okay with this. Remember, he can always return to being a christian.

but what if you don't think it's okay? I mean, the bible says something abt it, but I don't know what. And a friend of mine who is more mature in the faith said he'd break up. I'm asking fir an internet friend.

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I have a question...



if your fiance suddenly decides he's not a christian anymore, what would you do?

note: you have always been adamant about marrying a christian, but you are very much in love with him and don't want to lose him. He has told you that he would admire you if you would leave him for your faith, but he doesn't know if he would admire you as much if you stayed with him.


oh yeah, and you moved in with him bc your home life got to be too much.


it's a good question.

If your fiance changed his religious beliefs before you are married, and you feel this is okay for him and your relationship, then I see no problem with staying together. As far as him admiring or not admiring you, I would ignore this comment. Perhaps he does not want to feel guilty about wanting you to stay with him although he has chosen not to remain a christian.


There are lots and lots of inter-faith marriages that work very, very well. To me, this is not a reason to break-up.


The bottom line is, how do you feel about his choice and are you okay with this. Remember, he can always return to being a christian.

but what if you don't think it's okay? I mean, the bible says something abt it, but I don't know what. And a friend of mine who is more mature in the faith said he'd break up. I'm asking fir an internet friend.

My hammie parents were different faiths. They worked out the details before getting married. Their marriage was a phenomenal success. So, had they not overlooked the differences in religion, neither my sister nor I would be here.

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  • 1 month later...

sometimes I wonder if life makes sense anymore.

all the violence and sex in today's society drains my emotions because I'm angry all the time.


I just want all the injustice to stop, but what can I do?

I'm just one kid. My dreams are bigger than me.

It's overwhelming sometimes.


While I know others share my views and goals, I don't know enough people.

I'm too shy to go out and find them unless it's via internet.

I can be anybody on the internet, and I can analyze what people say.


I yearn for a perfect world.

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sometimes I wonder if life makes sense anymore.

all the violence and sex in today's society drains my emotions because I'm angry all the time.


I just want all the injustice to stop, but what can I do?

I'm just one kid. My dreams are bigger than me.

It's overwhelming sometimes.


While I know others share my views and goals, I don't know enough people.

I'm too shy to go out and find them unless it's via internet.

I can be anybody on the internet, and I can analyze what people say.


I yearn for a perfect world.

How nice it would be with a perfect world.


Respect, kindness and tolerance for others would be a great place to start. I wish that there

was more goodness. If you looked at the Horatio Club topic you would see where the roads

were closed for two hours so 6000 or so motorcyclists completed a 20 mile toy run for the

county children. Over 20,000 toys were collected and lots and lots of money. Amazingly there

were some people who were so put out that all they could do is complain how they should not

be inconvenienced and how next year they planned to make sure this event was stopped. This

ride was for such a good cause and it saddens me to see the nasty side of people.

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i'm afraid to let him hear me o.o

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i'm afraid to let him hear me o.o

Why? :blink:

depends on who "he" is. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
i'm afraid to let him hear me o.o

Why? :blink:

depends on who "he" is. :P


I'm waiting.

what you want me to TELL you who I'm flipping over?

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:P hehehe oh well


I have fun with that.

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:P hehehe oh well


I have fun with that.

I hope life is treating you well and you are happy.

mostly, yes

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  • 2 weeks later...




and today would've been our anniversary too!

</3 it's not fair!

(btw we broke up on thursday, today's just the day I came out of shock)

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and today would've been our anniversary too!

3 it's not fair!

(btw we broke up on thursday, today's just the day I came out of shock)

*gives Topazia a really big hug*


I am so, so sorry to hear. Hope you are okay.

We are here for you if you need some support.

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and today would've been our anniversary too!

</3 it's not fair!

(btw we broke up on thursday, today's just the day I came out of shock)

*gives Topazia a really big hug*


I am so, so sorry to hear. Hope you are okay.

We are here for you if you need some support.

I'm really angry today.

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and today would've been our anniversary too!

3 it's not fair!

(btw we broke up on thursday, today's just the day I came out of shock)

*gives Topazia a really big hug*


I am so, so sorry to hear. Hope you are okay.

We are here for you if you need some support.

I'm really angry today.

Angry... at him?

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

I DID find him...then he gave up on me.


I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend!

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

I DID find him...then he gave up on me.


I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend!

Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town?

I just love it there.


No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him.


What kid of job are you looking for?

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

I DID find him...then he gave up on me.


I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend!

Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town?

I just love it there.


No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him.


What kid of job are you looking for?

lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city?

I went to north carolina. it was awesome.

I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain.

I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself.

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

I DID find him...then he gave up on me.


I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend!

Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town?

I just love it there.


No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him.


What kid of job are you looking for?

lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city?

I went to north carolina. it was awesome.

I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain.

I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself.

Take your city name, or the big city near you, and add National Forest behind it. There might be another way to access it, and that would be with National Park after the name. There is also another great park in Florida, called Osceola National Forest. This park was named after the Seminole Indian, Osceola and is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail, with 23 miles running through this National Forest. This is also the site of a battleground. Some interesting history. If you want a peaceful day, check out the National Forest near you.


North Carolina is wonderful. A very beautiful state. The western part of the state is gorgeous, especially around Asheville.


Help me understand you better, what type of creative job? What are you interested in? What are your thoughts on this?

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

I DID find him...then he gave up on me.


I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend!

Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town?

I just love it there.


No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him.


What kid of job are you looking for?

lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city?

I went to north carolina. it was awesome.

I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain.

I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself.

Take your city name, or the big city near you, and add National Forest behind it. There might be another way to access it, and that would be with National Park after the name. There is also another great park in Florida, called Osceola National Forest. This park was named after the Seminole Indian, Osceola and is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail, with 23 miles running through this National Forest. This is also the site of a battleground. Some interesting history. If you want a peaceful day, check out the National Forest near you.


North Carolina is wonderful. A very beautiful state. The western part of the state is gorgeous, especially around Asheville.


Help me understand you better, what type of creative job? What are you interested in? What are your thoughts on this?

creative like I'm a writer, artist, musician. but I'm broke so I want to be paid for that lol

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

I DID find him...then he gave up on me.


I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend!

Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town?

I just love it there.


No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him.


What kid of job are you looking for?

lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city?

I went to north carolina. it was awesome.

I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain.

I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself.

Take your city name, or the big city near you, and add National Forest behind it. There might be another way to access it, and that would be with National Park after the name. There is also another great park in Florida, called Osceola National Forest. This park was named after the Seminole Indian, Osceola and is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail, with 23 miles running through this National Forest. This is also the site of a battleground. Some interesting history. If you want a peaceful day, check out the National Forest near you.


North Carolina is wonderful. A very beautiful state. The western part of the state is gorgeous, especially around Asheville.


Help me understand you better, what type of creative job? What are you interested in? What are your thoughts on this?

creative like I'm a writer, artist, musician. but I'm broke so I want to be paid for that lol

Let me think on this a bit and see if I can come up with some suggestions for places for you to look.

Is that okay?

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

I DID find him...then he gave up on me.


I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend!

Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town?

I just love it there.


No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him.


What kid of job are you looking for?

lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city?

I went to north carolina. it was awesome.

I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain.

I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself.

Take your city name, or the big city near you, and add National Forest behind it. There might be another way to access it, and that would be with National Park after the name. There is also another great park in Florida, called Osceola National Forest. This park was named after the Seminole Indian, Osceola and is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail, with 23 miles running through this National Forest. This is also the site of a battleground. Some interesting history. If you want a peaceful day, check out the National Forest near you.


North Carolina is wonderful. A very beautiful state. The western part of the state is gorgeous, especially around Asheville.


Help me understand you better, what type of creative job? What are you interested in? What are your thoughts on this?

creative like I'm a writer, artist, musician. but I'm broke so I want to be paid for that lol

Let me think on this a bit and see if I can come up with some suggestions for places for you to look.

Is that okay?

*hug* ok

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just angry in general. I'm angry that he broke my heart, angry that I lost my best friend, angry that I'm lonely...and then I'm just angry at the world.

It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever.

I DID find him...then he gave up on me.


I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend!

Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town?

I just love it there.


No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him.


What kid of job are you looking for?

lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city?

I went to north carolina. it was awesome.

I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain.

I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself.

Take your city name, or the big city near you, and add National Forest behind it. There might be another way to access it, and that would be with National Park after the name. There is also another great park in Florida, called Osceola National Forest. This park was named after the Seminole Indian, Osceola and is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail, with 23 miles running through this National Forest. This is also the site of a battleground. Some interesting history. If you want a peaceful day, check out the National Forest near you.


North Carolina is wonderful. A very beautiful state. The western part of the state is gorgeous, especially around Asheville.


Help me understand you better, what type of creative job? What are you interested in? What are your thoughts on this?

creative like I'm a writer, artist, musician. but I'm broke so I want to be paid for that lol

Let me think on this a bit and see if I can come up with some suggestions for places for you to look.

Is that okay?

*hug* ok

Sometimes this hamster-sized brain of mine comes up with some good ideas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

*sigh* new love interest, same old problems...


at least with my emotional complex.

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  • 2 weeks later...
*sigh* new love interest, same old problems...


at least with my emotional complex.

These things will work themselves out. Life is complicated.

Especially for someone who has little concept of romance and love; only what she knows and feels (which are both fairly twisted, too)

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*sigh* new love interest, same old problems...


at least with my emotional complex.

These things will work themselves out. Life is complicated.

Especially for someone who has little concept of romance and love; only what she knows and feels (which are both fairly twisted, too)

I would not say the views are fairly twisted, just ones that need some more time.

Remember... there is no normal. :lol:

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*sigh* new love interest, same old problems...


at least with my emotional complex.

These things will work themselves out. Life is complicated.

Especially for someone who has little concept of romance and love; only what she knows and feels (which are both fairly twisted, too)

I would not say the views are fairly twisted, just ones that need some more time.

Remember... there is no normal. :lol:

I've been dating for more than three years...I still haven't figured out what love is. I still haven't figured out what is romance. I'm a fast learner. What I know of these things is what I've observed in people around me, not what I have felt and seen. My thoughts and feelings are indeed quite twisted; I react differently to certain things.

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*sigh* new love interest, same old problems...


at least with my emotional complex.

These things will work themselves out. Life is complicated.

Especially for someone who has little concept of romance and love; only what she knows and feels (which are both fairly twisted, too)

I would not say the views are fairly twisted, just ones that need some more time.

Remember... there is no normal. :lol:

I've been dating for more than three years...I still haven't figured out what love is. I still haven't figured out what is romance. I'm a fast learner. What I know of these things is what I've observed in people around me, not what I have felt and seen. My thoughts and feelings are indeed quite twisted; I react differently to certain things.

Each person takes different times to find their true love. Many, many people have been through traumatic times and do find their true love. It is wonderful to hear you have been in a relationship for three years. Love in not intellectual, but a matter of the heart. You don't learn how to love, love finds you. When it does, you will instinctively know what to do. Patience.

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I haven't been in A relationship for three years...I've been active on the dating front for three years. and I know...but still, I'm a fast learner.

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I haven't been in A relationship for three years...I've been active on the dating front for three years. and I know...but still, I'm a fast learner.

Sorry, I was reading too fast. Dating for three years is fine. Please do not think you have to find the "one" now. Give it time. Please. You are a terrific person and you just have to have some patience.

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I haven't been in A relationship for three years...I've been active on the dating front for three years. and I know...but still, I'm a fast learner.

Sorry, I was reading too fast. Dating for three years is fine. Please do not think you have to find the "one" now. Give it time. Please. You are a terrific person and you just have to have some patience.

I know... :)

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I haven't been in A relationship for three years...I've been active on the dating front for three years. and I know...but still, I'm a fast learner.

Sorry, I was reading too fast. Dating for three years is fine. Please do not think you have to find the "one" now. Give it time. Please. You are a terrific person and you just have to have some patience.

I know... :)

Not the words you wanted to hear.

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I haven't been in A relationship for three years...I've been active on the dating front for three years. and I know...but still, I'm a fast learner.

Sorry, I was reading too fast. Dating for three years is fine. Please do not think you have to find the "one" now. Give it time. Please. You are a terrific person and you just have to have some patience.

I know... :)

Not the words you wanted to hear.

nah, jsut the ones I've heard for years.

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I haven't been in A relationship for three years...I've been active on the dating front for three years. and I know...but still, I'm a fast learner.

Sorry, I was reading too fast. Dating for three years is fine. Please do not think you have to find the "one" now. Give it time. Please. You are a terrific person and you just have to have some patience.

I know... :)

Not the words you wanted to hear.

nah, jsut the ones I've heard for years.

Sorry I couldn't be more original. :(

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I want a girlfriend.



And for the physical reasons, but, just the being so emotionally close is what I want. Like, in a way that surpasses friendship.

But I always manage to dig myself WAY down into the friend zone. The land of no return.

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I want a girlfriend.



And for the physical reasons, but, just the being so emotionally close is what I want. Like, in a way that surpasses friendship.

But I always manage to dig myself WAY down into the friend zone. The land of no return.

Lots of girls like starting a relationship through friendship. Don't count this out. Perhaps the girls you have gotten into the friendship zone, were just not the ones for you.

Another thought to consider, a relationship that is based on friendship has a lot of strength when things go haywire.

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I want a girlfriend.



And for the physical reasons, but, just the being so emotionally close is what I want. Like, in a way that surpasses friendship.

But I always manage to dig myself WAY down into the friend zone. The land of no return.

Lots of girls like starting a relationship through friendship. Don't count this out. Perhaps the girls you have gotten into the friendship zone, were just not the ones for you.

Another thought to consider, a relationship that is based on friendship has a lot of strength when things go haywire.

It's my rule to be friends first so I can get to know a guy first. But I enter into the friendhsip, usually (usually) keeping in mind the future of it. *hug* don't worry, cheez. there's someone for you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


so fast

so smooth

so sweet

just you


so kind

just right

lead on

this night


soft voice

warm hands

cool air

ceiling fan


white walls

black bed


over head



and no this isn't about sex. gutter-minded child. (:P)


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to the above...


I know that I probably couldn't date someone without being friends with them first.

(and by the way, when I said physical reasons, I meant like hugging and such. I realize now that it might get the wrong meaning across. x3)

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  • 4 weeks later...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, do I get kudos?

what do you want them for? there's a chance for three, but are you aware of it? :D

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don't worry, my hammy friends! I haven't forgotten you! I'm just very very busy.


yay for three jobs! :D


*poke* and now for a night out with my boyfriend.



God's peace and providence!

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don't worry, my hammy friends! I haven't forgotten you! I'm just very very busy.


yay for three jobs! :D


*poke* and now for a night out with my boyfriend.



God's peace and providence!

Sorry that you have to work so hard. Glad to hear you have a new boyfriend.

Enjoy your evening out.


Please go to the Important Topic in Warm Wishes and agree to the terms.


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Hey, do I get kudos?

what do you want them for? there's a chance for three, but are you aware of it? :D

Siggy. :3

here you go!


*hands hoops three KUDOS*

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  • 5 months later...

so fast

so smooth

so sweet

just you


so kind

just right

lead on

this night


soft voice

warm hands

cool air

ceiling fan


white walls

black bed


over head



and no this isn't about sex. gutter-minded child. (:P)



I do wonder what it is about though...hmm...

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I ate WAYYYY too much. My tummy hurts!

But it's for a good cause. Anything for the advancement of lasagna in Paz's tummy.


Lasagna may be the best thing ever come from Italy besides the Lambo.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I like life.

But why must it be so difficult sometimes that I don't like it anymore?


People I love yell at me. It hurts my feelings a lot.


Oh, keep my grandmother in your prayers. Her heart is operating at 55%. While that's not TOO bad for a 76yrold woman, she has other heart issues that had been moderate, but in the last year they've upgraded to moderately severe. Every little task that outputs energy (sweeping the floor, making the bed, cooking a small meal, etc.) leaves her with major fatigue. Mom says doing these things may shorten her life if she doesn't take it easy. (As you can imagine, we don't want that!) Mimi is a proud woman with loads of dignity. She doesn't admit she needs help and she only asks for help when it's something like cleaning out the gutters, yard work, stuff that's REALLY out of her ability (and if she doesn't get help, she does it herself...). She can't drive for long and she can't lift much weight without feeling totally spent for hours afterward.


I love my grandmother, even if she gets on my nerves sometimes (she's too much like mom haha). I don't want her to die. She's wonderful. She taught me to sew properly, she helped me with my halloween costume last year. She's smart and creative. She got me interested in word games like crossword puzzles when I was little, a lasting penchant that I don't often get to express.


I want to see her again... the last time I talked to her, we were kind of arguing... I want her to be okay so I can try to make it right.


I'm worried about her.

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I like life.

But why must it be so difficult sometimes that I don't like it anymore?


People I love yell at me. It hurts my feelings a lot.


Oh, keep my grandmother in your prayers. Her heart is operating at 55%. While that's not TOO bad for a 76yrold woman, she has other heart issues that had been moderate, but in the last year they've upgraded to moderately severe. Every little task that outputs energy (sweeping the floor, making the bed, cooking a small meal, etc.) leaves her with major fatigue. Mom says doing these things may shorten her life if she doesn't take it easy. (As you can imagine, we don't want that!) Mimi is a proud woman with loads of dignity. She doesn't admit she needs help and she only asks for help when it's something like cleaning out the gutters, yard work, stuff that's REALLY out of her ability (and if she doesn't get help, she does it herself...). She can't drive for long and she can't lift much weight without feeling totally spent for hours afterward.


I love my grandmother, even if she gets on my nerves sometimes (she's too much like mom haha). I don't want her to die. She's wonderful. She taught me to sew properly, she helped me with my halloween costume last year. She's smart and creative. She got me interested in word games like crossword puzzles when I was little, a lasting penchant that I don't often get to express.


I want to see her again... the last time I talked to her, we were kind of arguing... I want her to be okay so I can try to make it right.


I'm worried about her.

Your grandmother will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.


Please do not delay in visiting with your grandmother. Make a point, go out of your way to see her. This is so very important that you need to make it a priority in your life and make time for this to happen. I cannot stress this enough.

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