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Ashley and Zac

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I don't think Zac would want someone MEAN!..like YOU! no one wishes they were you! (no trying to brag but...my best friend even confesed to me that she was jealous of me and wanted to be me!) get off of my posts!

Welcome back Hampsterdudet! Ignore TBFOF, he seems to be having a few bad days lately.


Have you been down to the Original Art forum, all the way at the bottom of the forum page? When you get there, go to Art Competition, Part Deux, by Mushroom_king. Take a look through all the posts and see what phenomenal pictures have been submitted for the art competition. Then wander around in the Stories forum and read some of the written works. I think you will like the stories. There is even a role play that might interest you. Let me know what you think. :D

:o Having bad days? No, not really. :glare:

You usually are a really such a nice guy. :)

Are you saying I'm not? Cause I don't see how having a little fun makes me "not a nice guy".

You ARE a really nice guy!!!!!

I'm confused.
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I don't think Zac would want someone MEAN!..like YOU! no one wishes they were you! (no trying to brag but...my best friend even confesed to me that she was jealous of me and wanted to be me!) get off of my posts!

Welcome back Hampsterdudet! Ignore TBFOF, he seems to be having a few bad days lately.


Have you been down to the Original Art forum, all the way at the bottom of the forum page? When you get there, go to Art Competition, Part Deux, by Mushroom_king. Take a look through all the posts and see what phenomenal pictures have been submitted for the art competition. Then wander around in the Stories forum and read some of the written works. I think you will like the stories. There is even a role play that might interest you. Let me know what you think. :D

:o Having bad days? No, not really. :glare:

You usually are a really such a nice guy. :)

Are you saying I'm not? Cause I don't see how having a little fun makes me "not a nice guy".

You ARE a really nice guy!!!!!

I'm confused.

Don't be confused. You are a really nice guy with a talent for taking phenomenal pictures. I think that sometimes your sense of humor is misunderstood.

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I don't think Zac would want someone MEAN!..like YOU! no one wishes they were you! (no trying to brag but...my best friend even confesed to me that she was jealous of me and wanted to be me!) get off of my posts!

Welcome back Hampsterdudet! Ignore TBFOF, he seems to be having a few bad days lately.


Have you been down to the Original Art forum, all the way at the bottom of the forum page? When you get there, go to Art Competition, Part Deux, by Mushroom_king. Take a look through all the posts and see what phenomenal pictures have been submitted for the art competition. Then wander around in the Stories forum and read some of the written works. I think you will like the stories. There is even a role play that might interest you. Let me know what you think. :D

:o Having bad days? No, not really. :glare:

You usually are a really such a nice guy. :)

Are you saying I'm not? Cause I don't see how having a little fun makes me "not a nice guy".

You ARE a really nice guy!!!!!

I'm confused.

Don't be confused. You are a really nice guy with a talent for taking phenomenal pictures. I think that sometimes your sense of humor is misunderstood.

Yeah, how old is hampsterdudet? I'm thinking she's one of the youngest people here since she doesn't understand TBFOF's humor. She's probably 10 or something.

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I don't think Zac would want someone MEAN!..like YOU! no one wishes they were you! (no trying to brag but...my best friend even confesed to me that she was jealous of me and wanted to be me!) get off of my posts!

Welcome back Hampsterdudet! Ignore TBFOF, he seems to be having a few bad days lately.


Have you been down to the Original Art forum, all the way at the bottom of the forum page? When you get there, go to Art Competition, Part Deux, by Mushroom_king. Take a look through all the posts and see what phenomenal pictures have been submitted for the art competition. Then wander around in the Stories forum and read some of the written works. I think you will like the stories. There is even a role play that might interest you. Let me know what you think. :D

:o Having bad days? No, not really. :glare:

You usually are a really such a nice guy. :)

Are you saying I'm not? Cause I don't see how having a little fun makes me "not a nice guy".

You ARE a really nice guy!!!!!

I'm confused.

Don't be confused. You are a really nice guy with a talent for taking phenomenal pictures. I think that sometimes your sense of humor is misunderstood.

Yeah, how old is hampsterdudet? I'm thinking she's one of the youngest people here since she doesn't understand TBFOF's humor. She's probably 10 or something.

I think there is 5 years difference between them. :P:rolleyes::P

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fine we'll ask him who he likes better, and HOW ARE WE GONBA DO THAT????!!!!!!!! :angry2::angry2::angry2:
1 n0 h0\/\/. 1 m3+ h1m b4. n 1 sum+1m33z t4k 2 h1m +ro 33m41l.

*translation* I know how. I met him b4. And someone (unsure on the "m33z. maybe it is "me") talk to him through email.

I think instead of someone it's sometimes.



"I know how. I met him before. And I sometimes talk to him through email."

In case anyone was still wondering. I came across this topic. Desolee d'etre arrivee en retard.

"approx.":Sorry for arriving late.

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I don't think Zac would want someone MEAN!..like YOU! no one wishes they were you! (no trying to brag but...my best friend even confesed to me that she was jealous of me and wanted to be me!) get off of my posts!

Welcome back Hampsterdudet! Ignore TBFOF, he seems to be having a few bad days lately.


Have you been down to the Original Art forum, all the way at the bottom of the forum page? When you get there, go to Art Competition, Part Deux, by Mushroom_king. Take a look through all the posts and see what phenomenal pictures have been submitted for the art competition. Then wander around in the Stories forum and read some of the written works. I think you will like the stories. There is even a role play that might interest you. Let me know what you think. :D

:o Having bad days? No, not really. :glare:

You usually are a really such a nice guy. :)

Are you saying I'm not? Cause I don't see how having a little fun makes me "not a nice guy".

You ARE a really nice guy!!!!!

I'm confused.

Don't be confused. You are a really nice guy with a talent for taking phenomenal pictures. I think that sometimes your sense of humor is misunderstood.

Yeah, how old is hampsterdudet? I'm thinking she's one of the youngest people here since she doesn't understand TBFOF's humor. She's probably 10 or something.

I think there is 5 years difference between them. :P:rolleyes::P

Humor would be if he did it once, everybody laughed, and that was the end. Hampsterdudet has made it clear that she does not appriciate it. Now TBFOF is just being rude.

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I'm 9!.....and thats not humer!!!! (or however you spell it!) she's mean...and i told her to get off of my posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a kind of humor. Maybe not something you find funny, but it is a type of humor. Different people think differently, after all. And The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy is a boy. He's just joking. Relax. I do the same kind of thing you're doing. So I'm not making fun of you either. Relax.

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I don't think Zac would want someone MEAN!..like YOU! no one wishes they were you! (no trying to brag but...my best friend even confesed to me that she was jealous of me and wanted to be me!) get off of my posts!

Welcome back Hampsterdudet! Ignore TBFOF, he seems to be having a few bad days lately.


Have you been down to the Original Art forum, all the way at the bottom of the forum page? When you get there, go to Art Competition, Part Deux, by Mushroom_king. Take a look through all the posts and see what phenomenal pictures have been submitted for the art competition. Then wander around in the Stories forum and read some of the written works. I think you will like the stories. There is even a role play that might interest you. Let me know what you think. :D

:o Having bad days? No, not really. :glare:

You usually are a really such a nice guy. :)

Are you saying I'm not? Cause I don't see how having a little fun makes me "not a nice guy".

You ARE a really nice guy!!!!!

I'm confused.

Don't be confused. You are a really nice guy with a talent for taking phenomenal pictures. I think that sometimes your sense of humor is misunderstood.

Yeah, how old is hampsterdudet? I'm thinking she's one of the youngest people here since she doesn't understand TBFOF's humor. She's probably 10 or something.

I think there is 5 years difference between them. :P:rolleyes::P

Humor would be if he did it once, everybody laughed, and that was the end. Hampsterdudet has made it clear that she does not appriciate it. Now TBFOF is just being rude.

Erandayu couldn't have said it much better, "It is a kind of humor. Maybe not something you find funny, but it is a type of humor. Different people think differently, after all.".
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i said to get of my posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Deleted by Horatio

See? This is what I'm talking about. Even if you do find it humorus, stop. o_o It's really rude.

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What was wrong with that post?

I don't think Hampsterdudet understands your sense of humor. So, I just thought it better that we try and make friends with her. Please write a welcome post to her and let her know what the board is about. I would really appreciate it.

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What was wrong with that post?

I don't think Hampsterdudet understands your sense of humor. So, I just thought it better that we try and make friends with her. Please write a welcome post to her and let her know what the board is about. I would really appreciate it.

I thought I did write one for her when she first joined.
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What was wrong with that post?

I don't think Hampsterdudet understands your sense of humor. So, I just thought it better that we try and make friends with her. Please write a welcome post to her and let her know what the board is about. I would really appreciate it.

I thought I did write one for her when she first joined.

Perhaps you might help me out and post it here again. Thanks! :D

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erm. here.



Welcome to the HampsterDance Boards. My name is not Horatio, it's Nick. In addition to the topics you can create polls or topics of your choice. Due to not so nice polls appearing, you must make a topic with the title/question, answers and any little notes you would like to appear. The only rules are as follows: NO email addresses, last names, towns, villages or cities where you live, no URL links or other websites and NO curse words or words that look really close to that curse word. You can submit pictures, but NO picture is permitted of anyone under 18 and you must post the picture. NO links to pictures on other sites. If you do, I'm afraid I will set our two wolves here, MW and Jesse to chomp off yo' head and then gobble you up. yum;yum;yum. Other than those rules, have fun and if you need any help, just let us know and someone will help you.


If you want an avatar, the image beneath your name, follow these instructions. Go to the upper right hand corner and click on My Controls. Now look on the left below Personal Profile and click on Edit Avatar Settings. Now browse through the images and select the one you like. When you find it, click on Update Avatar in the bottom center of the screen.


If you post over 1 time: Newbie Hampsterdancer

If you post over 100 times: Junior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 500 times: Hampsterdancer

If you post over 1000 times: Senior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 2000 times: Hampsterdancer Supreme

If you post over 5000 times: Ultimate Hampsterdance Fan

If you post over 7500 times: Heavenly Hampsterdancer

If you post over 10000 times: Hampsterdance Royalty

If you post over 20000 times: Unless you are Horatio, you don't have to worry about this.

If you post over 30000 times: *Waiting till Horatio passes it*

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no ofense but that was stupid...and my Zacy is perfect!!!!!!!!!

Chill... Most of us here are 14 or older. We just have a different sense of humor. See, 5 years difference is a lot. TBFOF isn't into other guys, he was using sarcasm(if you don't understand this word please ask me about it and I'll do my best to answer).


Believe me, I thought I was really mature in 4th grade, but when I look back I realize some odd things that I did were really not mature at all. Keep that in mind. When you're older, you always look back and wonder why you acted the way you did. Really, you will look back on your celebrity crush and think about why you really liked the guy.

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14 year olds? I didn't think 14 year olds were into the Hampsterdance!

Sure! And we have some 15, 16, 17 and 18 year olds. We are a group of

people, and one hamster, who come here and have become friends. We

would really like for you to become one of our friends.

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14 year olds? I didn't think 14 year olds were into the Hampsterdance!

Well, actually, some of us USED to come here because we were into hampsterdance when we were younger and others of us have always just come here to talk to people.

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14 year olds? I didn't think 14 year olds were into the Hampsterdance!

Well, actually, some of us USED to come here because we were into hampsterdance when we were younger and others of us have always just come here to talk to people.

I am only 3 1/2 and I :wub: LOVE :wub: HampsterDance!!!!!!!!!!!

I have all the CD's and I am afraid that I might wear them out! :lol:

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aww! thanks :wub: , but now i don't like YOU, Mega Wolf! :angry:

Please let's try and all get along. We are a wonderful group and would like you, Hampsterdudet, to be one of our friends. For some people here, it just takes a little bit of time to get to know people. Please hang in let us get to know you and you can get to know us. That way you can get to know and be friends with all of us.

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aww! thanks :wub: , but now i don't like YOU, Mega Wolf! :angry:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Wow, how can you not like Mega Wolf?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine8~*

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aww! thanks :wub: , but now i don't like YOU, Mega Wolf! :angry:

Hey now, come on. MW was just saying that she doesn't know you very well. Once you two talk, I'm sure you'll like her. :D She's pretty spiffy.

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aww! thanks :wub: , but now i don't like YOU, Mega Wolf! :angry:

Hey now, come on. MW was just saying that she doesn't know you very well. Once you two talk, I'm sure you'll like her. :D She's pretty spiffy.

Yeah, some people don't understand my bluntness well. :lol:


Yaaay spiffy! ^.^

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  • 2 weeks later...

aww! thanks :wub: , but now i don't like YOU, Mega Wolf! :angry:

Hey now, come on. MW was just saying that she doesn't know you very well. Once you two talk, I'm sure you'll like her. :D She's pretty spiffy.

*~*The grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*teh astronomy domine*~*

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whatever....is anyone here a girl?

Lots of girls... Mega Wolf, Mushroom_king, - Kat -, Jesusfreak, Honey, Campsoup1988 and lots and lots of others.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Awaits the shock that soon follows after newbies learn I'm a girl* :lol:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

I think they had two, actually.

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




My freinds called me Mushroom_king instead of queen because I dress like a boy does.


And yes, there have been female queens in History.


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

I think they had two, actually.

I didn't know that! Thanks! :D

*runs off to search for more information*



how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

How.. creepy.


Perhaps you could be the first guy to reverse roles. :D

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

How.. creepy.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:huh: How is that creepy?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

I think they had two, actually.

I didn't know that! Thanks! :D

*runs off to search for more information*



how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

How.. creepy.


Perhaps you could be the first guy to reverse roles. :D

Tibifoff the Queen...



You know what? I'm not even gonna touch that.

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

I think they had two, actually.

I didn't know that! Thanks! :D

*runs off to search for more information*



how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

How.. creepy.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Perhaps you could be the first guy to reverse roles. :D

Tibifoff the Queen...



You know what? I'm not even gonna touch that.

You have just earned The Triple Gold Star Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had written something quite similar and then decided not to post it.

Good thing the library does not permit food and drinks near their computers, otherwise... :lol:

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

I think they had two, actually.

I didn't know that! Thanks! :D

*runs off to search for more information*



how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

How.. creepy.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Perhaps you could be the first guy to reverse roles. :D

Tibifoff the Queen...



You know what? I'm not even gonna touch that.

You have just earned The Triple Gold Star Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had written something quite similar and then decided not to post it.

Good thing the library does not permit food and drinks near their computers, otherwise... :lol:

I be honest, I wasn't sure if that would get through. XD *edits sig*

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

I think they had two, actually.

I didn't know that! Thanks! :D

*runs off to search for more information*



how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

How.. creepy.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Perhaps you could be the first guy to reverse roles. :D

Tibifoff the Queen...



You know what? I'm not even gonna touch that.

You have just earned The Triple Gold Star Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had written something quite similar and then decided not to post it.

Good thing the library does not permit food and drinks near their computers, otherwise... :lol:

I be honest, I wasn't sure if that would get through. XD *edits sig*

:lol: LOL :lol:

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how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

I think they had two, actually.

I didn't know that! Thanks! :D

*runs off to search for more information*



how can Mushroom_king be a girl? She should have said QUEEN!

Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman.

How.. creepy.


Perhaps you could be the first guy to reverse roles. :D

Tibifoff the Queen...



You know what? I'm not even gonna touch that.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:lol: LMAO! Ultimate Pizza Stacker award for you!


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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yay! can you tell some other ppl?
hy der. huw r u 2daii?


I'm good! but is there any chance you could write in ENGLISH?!

hw menii tymz du i has 2 teLL u. i alwedii am silleee.


lol! okay! atleast i can read it most of the time!

How was school today? Do you have lots of homework?

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yay! can you tell some other ppl?
hy der. huw r u 2daii?


I'm good! but is there any chance you could write in ENGLISH?!

hw menii tymz du i has 2 teLL u. i alwedii am silleee.

Translation: How many times to I have to tell you? I already am, silly.


||= +|3||=0|=|= 93+5 +0 +4|_|< ||\| (|-|4+5|>34|<, +|-|4|\| | 93+ +0 +4|_|< ||\| |-|4XX0|2 |_33+

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yay! can you tell some other ppl?
hy der. huw r u 2daii?


I'm good! but is there any chance you could write in ENGLISH?!

hw menii tymz du i has 2 teLL u. i alwedii am silleee.


lol! okay! atleast i can read it most of the time!

How was school today? Do you have lots of homework?


nope! its a miracle!

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yay! can you tell some other ppl?
hy der. huw r u 2daii?


I'm good! but is there any chance you could write in ENGLISH?!

hw menii tymz du i has 2 teLL u. i alwedii am silleee.


lol! okay! atleast i can read it most of the time!

How was school today? Do you have lots of homework?


nope! its a miracle!

Better for you to enjoy the weekend!!! Nice teachers. :D

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yay! can you tell some other ppl?
hy der. huw r u 2daii?


I'm good! but is there any chance you could write in ENGLISH?!

hw menii tymz du i has 2 teLL u. i alwedii am silleee.

Translation: How many times to I have to tell you? I already am, silly.


||= +|3||=0|=|= 93+5 +0 +4|_|< ||\| (|-|4+5|>34|<, +|-|4|\| | 93+ +0 +4|_|< ||\| |-|4XX0|2 |_33+

i can pick out a few words, such as talk and than, and haxxor 1337

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yay! can you tell some other ppl?
hy der. huw r u 2daii?


I'm good! but is there any chance you could write in ENGLISH?!

hw menii tymz du i has 2 teLL u. i alwedii am silleee.

Translation: How many times to I have to tell you? I already am, silly.


||= +|3||=0|=|= 93+5 +0 +4|_|34|

i can pick out a few words, such as talk and than, and haxxor 1337

It's like one of those magic pictures... you have to step back and look from a distance or have your secret weapon...

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yay! can you tell some other ppl?
hy der. huw r u 2daii?


I'm good! but is there any chance you could write in ENGLISH?!

hw menii tymz du i has 2 teLL u. i alwedii am silleee.

Translation: How many times to I have to tell you? I already am, silly.


||= +|3||=0|=|= 93+5 +0 +4|_|< ||\| (|-|4+5|>34|<, +|-|4|\| | 93+ +0 +4|_|< ||\| |-|4XX0|2 |_33+



If tbifoff gets to talk in chatspeak, then I get to talk in haxxor leet

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do we REALLY have to get back to the weird language?!






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do we REALLY have to get back to the weird language?!






I think Hampsterdudet would not prefer Arnold in her topic. How about regular English please, for me?

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do we REALLY have to get back to the weird language?!






I think Hampsterdudet would not prefer Arnold in her topic. How about regular English please, for me?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The final Cut*~*


Arnold Swartznegger is one of my split personalities though..


:( Does she pfrefer not to have me in her topic?


*Looks at the black pinstripe pants I bought yesterday* Hmmmm I see her point.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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do we REALLY have to get back to the weird language?!






I think Hampsterdudet would not prefer Arnold in her topic. How about regular English please, for me?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The final Cut*~*


Arnold Swartznegger is one of my split personalities though..


:( Does she pfrefer not to have me in her topic?


*Looks at the black pinstripe pants I bought yesterday* Hmmmm I see her point.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I think she would love to have you in her topic. She would like to be able to read the posts. LOL

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do we REALLY have to get back to the weird language?!






I think Hampsterdudet would not prefer Arnold in her topic. How about regular English please, for me?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The final Cut*~*


Arnold Swartznegger is one of my split personalities though..


:( Does she pfrefer not to have me in her topic?


*Looks at the black pinstripe pants I bought yesterday* Hmmmm I see her point.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I think she would love to have you in her topic. She would like to be able to read the posts. LOL

*~*The grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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