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I felt like makin' a topic so i made one.


Post here all mental issues you may or may not have that result in people saying you're really wierd. (Ie, taking all the pillows at a friends' sleepover and throwing them in the swimming pool, jumping in after them and rant ceaselessly about opening a transdimensional portal until someone pulls you out.)


This can include odd mental issues that require medication to keep you from dying or something.


Or paranoia, or... something...


Just talk about stupid things of the aforementioned categories.


To start stuff off, I'll post one of the wierder things I did as a kid.


When I was about 5, whenever I or my parents had spare time, i'd ask to go to Wednesday's house. Upon anyone asking me who wednesday was, I wouldnt have any answer for them. I didnt know who Wednesday was, but apparently he/she was cool enough for me to go over to their house.

This was a continuing issue for a month or two. I remember it making perfect sense to me, but everyone else just told me how wierd I was and continued doing... stuff.

And nobody cared about fitting Wednesday. Except for me.


I still dont know who it is, though.

This among other things leads me to beleive that I was the wierdest of four kids in my family. Other things including not being able to pronounce Ketchup, signing furniture items with someone elses' name (with a sharpie) becoming unbeleiveable excited upon seeing some of my friends (I fainted a few times, from what i hear) and sometimes rolling down the staircase because it was fun. It hurt, but it was fun. Though sometimes it wasnt the staircase alone; the car, the couch, the desks, Whatever objects i had access to i'd fall off of them 'cuz it was fun.


5-year-olds are wierd, yo.

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Hmm. When I was between the ages of 3 and 5, I had an imaginary friend. (... Who didn't?) But, I named mine Piggy, and she was a purple appendix. (My parents really didn't know that part of the story.) Her parents died in an awful tragedy, that's when she found me. So, for about two years I went along, blaming everything I did on Piggy. (I slapped her around too.) Then one day she got mad, and ran away to join the circus. Haven't seen her since.


Right now, though, a few of my issues include ... Glaring, staring, mumbling to myself, talking to myself, and my eye twitch problem. xD

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When I was a little kid (4 or 5) I put everything I could reach in my hair, and ehen I was in first grade I would randomly switch into and out of a British accent while talking.

When ever I'm talking about something that rhymes with "weast" (which I'm pretty sure isn't even a real word), I'll say weast instad of the word (example: I was talking about yeast yesterday, and I always said weast at first). I also mix up the begginins of words that start with m and w if I'm saying them right after each other. Like I was talking about two kids named Matt and Wesley and I kept saying Wet and Mastley, and I say "welt maxing" instead of "wax melting" and stuff like that. I also hate chicken from the bone, but am fine with chicken strips.

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