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I fear I shall have more than what is on here posted in just afew days though...





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I fear I shall have more than what is on here posted in just afew days though...





Is this the topic you want to use?

yes, please, Horatio.

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I fear I shall have more than what is on here posted in just afew days though...





Is this the topic you want to use?

yes, please, Horatio.

Be prepared, it will be a bit messy for a while, but I will straighten it out.

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I fear I shall have more than what is on here posted in just afew days though...





Is this the topic you want to use?

yes, please, Horatio.

Be prepared, it will be a bit messy for a while, but I will straighten it out.

not a problem. Chaos is one of my favorite words.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here, I'll just put a recent poem here so I don't have to make another topic...


"Watch the World Crumble"



How does it feel

to know you are weak

To know you are worthless

And to be forced to be meek


How does it feel

to know you are idjit

to know that it's worthless

And to helplessly fidget


Cut me in two

I dare you

Watch the world crumble

and fall into rubble

I kill in good pleasure

what drastic measures

and Yes I'm insane

What's your point? (Gesthemane)


How does it feel

to lose at life

to know you are trapped

And they've been taken by knife


How does it feel

to know you are dead

Lost in the forest

And losing your head


Cut me in three

I beg thee

Watch the world crumble

and fall into rubble

I kill in good pleasure

what drastic measures

and Yes I'm kuku

What's your point? (I could sue)


How does it feel

to know you are alone

to know when you call

No one answers(they're not home)


How does it feel

to know they're not there

to know if you fall

You're going nowhere


Cut me in four

Or even more

Watch the world crumble

and fall into rubble

They killed in good pleasure

what drastic measures

I dreamt of escape

What's your point(cut the nape)


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Interesting! :D


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off the top of my head



MAybe I'm wrong

But I like my life

MAybe I'm confused

But I'm fine with that

MAybe I like it?

MAybe I perefer to be the way I am?

MAybe you're just too afraid to know it?


Find yourself.

It'll make your life a lot easire.

I promise.

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Fright, Flight, Fight



Fighting my way through the endless sea of faces

Searching for an answer a hope a cure

But knowing it's not okay when I watch the places

Falling to the ground from the lack of care


Fleeing from battle against darker forces

Wanting nothing more than to be soothed

Supported when I'm feeling useless

And knowing that I won't be used


Frightened by the silence of the crowds

Wishing I could find the way back home

But knowing I am lost forever in the dark clouds

Fighting for air as I drown and succumb

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could really use a hug right about now...

I've been down all day...

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I could really use a hug right about now...

I've been down all day...

I would like to give you a really, really giant hammie bear huggle!

*gets all the other hammies to join in, grabs Topazia and they start a group huggle* :D

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I could really use a hug right about now...

I've been down all day...

I would like to give you a really, really giant hammie bear huggle!

*gets all the other hammies to join in, grabs Topazia and they start a group huggle* :D

*laughs appreciatively*

*returns the huggle*

*wants Ich's presence right now*

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I could really use a hug right about now...

I've been down all day...

I would like to give you a really, really giant hammie bear huggle!

*gets all the other hammies to join in, grabs Topazia and they start a group huggle* :D

*laughs appreciatively*

*returns the huggle*

*wants Ich's presence right now*

Much better hugs I'm sure! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Victim's Cry


(Betcha can't guess what it means)


Why can't I see the light of day

Why do I feel these strange things

Why do I feel pain in this moment

When all I want is to start flying


I want to be held

I want to be free

I want to be loved

As I am, loved for me


But my soul, she longs for some new thing

I don't know what or when it will come

But my soul, she'll take it by force

And I can't wait until it's done




The sorrowful, haunting music of the Nosilla Heartland is a lot of airy flutes, cellos, violins, and picollos, and all the songs are of mourning for a lost child. I absolutely love the music, because I can read the music like a book; it is so wonderfully arranged.


Nosilla Heartland is a band of a different genre. They incorporate airy flutes and screaming metal backgrounds. They are four strong. The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town. The music videos include such wondrous images that perfectly flow with the music, and the stories they tell are always along the same line.


A girl from a small farmvillage is orphaned, or hurt, or done something to, and it is her story of searching, of running away, of finding answers, or of remembering her trauma in restless dreams that you can pick out of the music.


I love this band.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town.

Good thing they never walked around my town and found me, they would have no listeners!

I have the world's worst voice!!! LOL

They usually pick male voices because very few girls can perfect the metal screech. How is your oganizing of my posts doing?


I was a voice once, but you can't really tell.

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The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town.

Good thing they never walked around my town and found me, they would have no listeners!

I have the world's worst voice!!! LOL

They usually pick male voices because very few girls can perfect the metal screech. How is your oganizing of my posts doing?


I was a voice once, but you can't really tell.

If you were once a voice, what are you now? :lol:

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The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town.

Good thing they never walked around my town and found me, they would have no listeners!

I have the world's worst voice!!! LOL

They usually pick male voices because very few girls can perfect the metal screech. How is your oganizing of my posts doing?


I was a voice once, but you can't really tell.

If you were once a voice, what are you now? :lol:

an action

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The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town.

Good thing they never walked around my town and found me, they would have no listeners!

I have the world's worst voice!!! LOL

They usually pick male voices because very few girls can perfect the metal screech. How is your oganizing of my posts doing?


I was a voice once, but you can't really tell.

If you were once a voice, what are you now? :lol:

an action

LOL Things will be getting interesting! What happens after action? LOL

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The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town.

Good thing they never walked around my town and found me, they would have no listeners!

I have the world's worst voice!!! LOL

They usually pick male voices because very few girls can perfect the metal screech. How is your oganizing of my posts doing?


I was a voice once, but you can't really tell.

If you were once a voice, what are you now? :lol:

an action

LOL Things will be getting interesting! What happens after action? LOL

an idea

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The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town.

Good thing they never walked around my town and found me, they would have no listeners!

I have the world's worst voice!!! LOL

They usually pick male voices because very few girls can perfect the metal screech. How is your oganizing of my posts doing?


I was a voice once, but you can't really tell.

If you were once a voice, what are you now? LOL

an action

LOL Things will be getting interesting! What happens after action? LOL

an idea

:rolleyes: Ooohhhhhhhh! :rolleyes:

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The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town.

Good thing they never walked around my town and found me, they would have no listeners!

I have the world's worst voice!!! LOL

They usually pick male voices because very few girls can perfect the metal screech. How is your oganizing of my posts doing?


I was a voice once, but you can't really tell.

If you were once a voice, what are you now? LOL

an action

LOL Things will be getting interesting! What happens after action? LOL

an idea

:rolleyes: Ooohhhhhhhh! :rolleyes:

yes. Ideas are so powerful.

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The singer in the songs with words is always just someone they found walking around town.

Good thing they never walked around my town and found me, they would have no listeners!

I have the world's worst voice!!! LOL

They usually pick male voices because very few girls can perfect the metal screech. How is your oganizing of my posts doing?


I was a voice once, but you can't really tell.

If you were once a voice, what are you now? LOL

an action

LOL Things will be getting interesting! What happens after action? LOL

an idea

:rolleyes: Ooohhhhhhhh! :rolleyes:

yes. Ideas are so powerful.


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  • 10 months later...

I hope someday to be as much a person as I am a lost cause


I like my life. sometimes my brain doesn't let me sleep because I'm always caught thinking. it's kinda annoying sometimes, but other times it's my best friend.


I'm writing a book called the underground.

it's pretty cool.


idk, I just felt like writing about something.

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