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Happy, but irritated. *sigh*

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Yeah, obviously if you don't like it when people complain about their lives, get outta here. And it's about ex-boyfriend problems.


Anyways, so I was going out with J., and pretty much I dumped him and he didn't understand why. And then I went out with him. And dumped him a second time. There were a number of reasons and he didn't understand ANY of them since I told them all at different times. And since I told him over a spread amount of time, he assumed they were lies. So for about what, three months? we were on and off arguing. More recently we haven't been arguing. I kinda figured that by NOW he should be over me. Now I'm going out with M., and have been going out with him since Tuesday. I'm perfectly happy that way, and I feel very attached to him. Then I hear all this **** about J. being jealous and wanting me back, and I don't want him back in my life ever. I'm not mad at him, just annoyed. Everyone has this image in their head of me pretending to hate him because I like him. Anywho. I'm just tired of J. liking me, sick of people trying to get J. and I back together, and I just want to be left alone with M.


What am I to do to get people to leave me alone about J.?

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Yeah, obviously if you don't like it when people complain about their lives, get outta here. And it's about ex-boyfriend problems.


Anyways, so I was going out with J., and pretty much I dumped him and he didn't understand why. And then I went out with him. And dumped him a second time. There were a number of reasons and he didn't understand ANY of them since I told them all at different times. And since I told him over a spread amount of time, he assumed they were lies. So for about what, three months? we were on and off arguing. More recently we haven't been arguing. I kinda figured that by NOW he should be over me. Now I'm going out with M., and have been going out with him since Tuesday. I'm perfectly happy that way, and I feel very attached to him. Then I hear all this **** about J. being jealous and wanting me back, and I don't want him back in my life ever. I'm not mad at him, just annoyed. Everyone has this image in their head of me pretending to hate him because I like him. Anywho. I'm just tired of J. liking me, sick of people trying to get J. and I back together, and I just want to be left alone with M.


What am I to do to get people to leave me alone about J.?

Wow... this is a very tough one. You have told J many different times and many different ways, and he still does not get it. The only thing I can suggest is that when people try and say something about J, you need to respond stating you will not discuss him and then change the subject. This will be very, very difficult and frustrating but perhaps when they start talking about J, you can start talking about M. If they refuse to stop talking about J, and will not talk about something else, then you will have to excuse yourself and leave. They will get the message. How frustrating this must be for you.


Good luck with M, I hope this works out and J leaves you alone.

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Yeah, obviously if you don't like it when people complain about their lives, get outta here. And it's about ex-boyfriend problems.


Anyways, so I was going out with J., and pretty much I dumped him and he didn't understand why. And then I went out with him. And dumped him a second time. There were a number of reasons and he didn't understand ANY of them since I told them all at different times. And since I told him over a spread amount of time, he assumed they were lies. So for about what, three months? we were on and off arguing. More recently we haven't been arguing. I kinda figured that by NOW he should be over me. Now I'm going out with M., and have been going out with him since Tuesday. I'm perfectly happy that way, and I feel very attached to him. Then I hear all this **** about J. being jealous and wanting me back, and I don't want him back in my life ever. I'm not mad at him, just annoyed. Everyone has this image in their head of me pretending to hate him because I like him. Anywho. I'm just tired of J. liking me, sick of people trying to get J. and I back together, and I just want to be left alone with M.


What am I to do to get people to leave me alone about J.?

That could be really annoying. well, if you need to, you could get m to beat up j, that might get the message across. But if J keeps pestering you, tell him no, no matter what he thinks, you don't like him anymore, and tell him to get out of our life. If other people are telling you to go out with him, say that you don't want to , you don't like him anymore, and you are tired of people trying to get the two of you together. Also, there could be a person that keeps telling him that you like him secretly. I've seen a kid do this to another kid, and got him to ask this girl out four times. He also asked for..."phone favors" if you know what I mean. Some people do this to others, but it is quite cruel.

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There really is nothing you can do to stop it other than ignoring him. I went out with O. for 5 months, and we were like.. yeah. But problems and yadda yadda, you get the point. For the next 2 months all I heard from her and her friends is ew or stupid, or just annoying words and crud, cause she still liked me and wanted to be annoying. But I ignored her, and I haven't talked to her in months. There was a bit of something I did with somone else that may have helped, but I don't think that much.

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Yeah, obviously if you don't like it when people complain about their lives, get outta here. And it's about ex-boyfriend problems.


Anyways, so I was going out with J., and pretty much I dumped him and he didn't understand why. And then I went out with him. And dumped him a second time. There were a number of reasons and he didn't understand ANY of them since I told them all at different times. And since I told him over a spread amount of time, he assumed they were lies. So for about what, three months? we were on and off arguing. More recently we haven't been arguing. I kinda figured that by NOW he should be over me. Now I'm going out with M., and have been going out with him since Tuesday. I'm perfectly happy that way, and I feel very attached to him. Then I hear all this **** about J. being jealous and wanting me back, and I don't want him back in my life ever. I'm not mad at him, just annoyed. Everyone has this image in their head of me pretending to hate him because I like him. Anywho. I'm just tired of J. liking me, sick of people trying to get J. and I back together, and I just want to be left alone with M.


What am I to do to get people to leave me alone about J.?

That could be really annoying. well, if you need to, you could get m to beat up j, that might get the message across. But if J keeps pestering you, tell him no, no matter what he thinks, you don't like him anymore, and tell him to get out of our life. If other people are telling you to go out with him, say that you don't want to , you don't like him anymore, and you are tired of people trying to get the two of you together. Also, there could be a person that keeps telling him that you like him secretly. I've seen a kid do this to another kid, and got him to ask this girl out four times. He also asked for..."phone favors" if you know what I mean. Some people do this to others, but it is quite cruel.

Eh, well, I'd get M to beat up J if I were confident that M were stronger than J. Problem is, they're both muscular and I'm not sure which one is stronger. And M is more peaceful anyways. I bet my friend T has been telling J that I like him, seeing as T is the main problem when it comes to bugging me about getting back with J. I do hope tomorrow I will have gotten T to leave me alone. He's bothering me on a messenger at this very moment, I'm going to tell him off.

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o: I've never had guys fight over me, you lucky duck.


... Alright, maybe once. But it doesn't count. And the first part was mostly sarcasm.



Sorry, I don't have much advice for you. Unless you'd like to become anti-social like myself. (: It works great.

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Life is complicated.

Well right now there are 3 boys in my life, D who has no feelings for me but wants me in other ways, R who I really like but I have no idea if he likes me that way and Matty who does like me that way but who I also can't be with cause of the distance. D I have been with before, he wasn't very nice to me. I'd love to be with Matty but hes so far away and it wouldn't work. I like R, he goes to my school, hes funny, cute and nice but I am so shy around him and hes a pretty popular guy, hes the Student Vice President of the school! I want to get to know him more but I dont know how.


♥ Lee

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Yeah, obviously if you don't like it when people complain about their lives, get outta here. And it's about ex-boyfriend problems.


Anyways, so I was going out with J., and pretty much I dumped him and he didn't understand why. And then I went out with him. And dumped him a second time. There were a number of reasons and he didn't understand ANY of them since I told them all at different times. And since I told him over a spread amount of time, he assumed they were lies. So for about what, three months? we were on and off arguing. More recently we haven't been arguing. I kinda figured that by NOW he should be over me. Now I'm going out with M., and have been going out with him since Tuesday. I'm perfectly happy that way, and I feel very attached to him. Then I hear all this **** about J. being jealous and wanting me back, and I don't want him back in my life ever. I'm not mad at him, just annoyed. Everyone has this image in their head of me pretending to hate him because I like him. Anywho. I'm just tired of J. liking me, sick of people trying to get J. and I back together, and I just want to be left alone with M.


What am I to do to get people to leave me alone about J.?

That could be really annoying. well, if you need to, you could get m to beat up j, that might get the message across. But if J keeps pestering you, tell him no, no matter what he thinks, you don't like him anymore, and tell him to get out of our life. If other people are telling you to go out with him, say that you don't want to , you don't like him anymore, and you are tired of people trying to get the two of you together. Also, there could be a person that keeps telling him that you like him secretly. I've seen a kid do this to another kid, and got him to ask this girl out four times. He also asked for..."phone favors" if you know what I mean. Some people do this to others, but it is quite cruel.

Eh, well, I'd get M to beat up J if I were confident that M were stronger than J. Problem is, they're both muscular and I'm not sure which one is stronger. And M is more peaceful anyways. I bet my friend T has been telling J that I like him, seeing as T is the main problem when it comes to bugging me about getting back with J. I do hope tomorrow I will have gotten T to leave me alone. He's bothering me on a messenger at this very moment, I'm going to tell him off.


:huh: theres no problem! beat them all up! except maybe m.

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Okay, T has shut up about J. And pretty much I think I'll go with just waiting for J to get over me. I mean, if he's jealous, that's his problem not mine.

Thats a good way to think. With time he will get over it.


♥ Lee

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