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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

manga/anime/japanese art.

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I don't have the right program on my computer, so I

can't do any manga stuff. It stinks, because paint (the program)

doesn't work very well (understatement) and all

the good programs have a monthly fee.

Too bad you don't have a Mac. I would give you mine! :D

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You can download Trial versions of opencanvas and Paint Shop Pro. They are free to try. I hope this helps.


♥ Lee

And which one do you prefer?????????

They both have their perks. I use Photoshop mostly, though. Opencanvas may be a bit easier to use but Paint Shop Pro has more features.

♥ Lee

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You can download Trial versions of opencanvas and Paint Shop Pro. They are free to try. I hope this helps.


♥ Lee

And which one do you prefer?????????

They both have their perks. I use Photoshop mostly, though. Opencanvas may be a bit easier to use but Paint Shop Pro has more features.

♥ Lee

I have never been known to go for easy. :lol:

My paint program is Corel Painter and I still have not figured out how to use it. :lol:

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