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i went to the poconos this weekend...


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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.



so i went to pocono plateau, which is a jesuscamp(ick), with a certain group of people. dont ask.




we watched mean girls on someone's dvd player on the way up.

anyway, so the first day we got there we missed dinner and we were hungry.. so we decided who was in each room.

the cabins were really awesome. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms(4 showers), a "kitchen" area, a walk in section, and a family room with alot of room and a fireplace and a tv. and a bunch of chairs.


so we picked our people( 3 freshmen, 2 8th graders) and we picked team names. we were gonan be 'the slackers' but then we called someone up and asked for another name for that cuz it was too cilche. and she said "spongers"... we still dont knnow if she was telling the truth but wutever... we became the spongers and our motto was "go sponge yourself!"



haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<


anyway so the spongers... me(top bunk) melany(top) cara(below me) Christina(top) and Lauren H(top).


so we played this game called apples to apples for like 3 hours... and ate our hearts out. yum. calories.ick. but wutever i forgot i was fat and i ate alot.


i dont remember what else happened on friday night. that's liek forever ago.


k so saturday... woke up at 7. icky camp food for breakfast. "low ropes" was at like 8.. first thing we did was an 11 person jungleing thing. our shortest time was 6 seconds.skills. but our dude that was in charge looked and acted stoned... we all saw it. haha he also looked napolean and his friend remix looked like pedro.. so we called them that behind there back untill today we told them.


anyway, then we got blindfolded(cept for cara) and taken to different places. cara has to guide us back. we couldnt talk either... then all blindfolded we had to make a isosolese triangle with a huge rope. it was weird.

then we went out in the woods and did this human tedetoter thing. yeakoolwutever.


then the actual low ropes. it was pretty kool. i didnt fall.


lunch. disgusting.


high ropes. omg i was SO scared. 45 feet up a tree. omg it was insane. so i climed up to do the zigzag(i dont remember what it was actually called but basically you and a partner stand on wires holding hands and walk in a V untill you fall face first between trees. so yea, andrea, my partner didnt make it past the ladder. so christina came up and we couldnt let for of the treething. we eventually did but couldnt move. we took 2 steps and fell.


injury # 1. i held onto the wire. bruised my pinkie :D haha. it hurt in a good way.



kay so after being stuck up in a tree waiting for lik 15 mintues i was terrified.

then melany was like "do you wanna do the catwalk" and i was like "um... actualy yes"

the cat walk is about 10 feet higher then the other thing. the tree is easier to climb but then you get to the giant log and its so scary. when the wind blows all the trees sway. me and mel were screaming. but then we held onto each other and talked as we let go of the tree... we only got like 10 baby steps out. and we laughed untill we fell. falling off that was fun.


somehow i got a bruise and a bump and a cut all in one place. i dont know how.


anyway. camp food again. gross wannabe chicken. i ate it anyway.


we watched pirates last night. it was cara's first time. crazy.

some people went to watch my big fat greek wedding on the dvd player.

some people were sleeping by 10.

everyone in the spongers was watching the movie cept for melany. she went to sleep.


that move makes me all warm inside. i cant wait till june7th.


anyway, i went to sleep easily that night. i was so tired.


sunday morn, 7am. i didnt even HEAR first wake up call. but i heard 2nd.

did my hair, face, clothes, blah blah blah.

charged my cam.


icky breakfast.


then zipline.

OOOO i was excited.

does everyone know wut that is?

haha i'll tell you anyway. you climb the tree(uh-duhhh)

and meet napolean at the top. on a wood seat thing.

then you get hooked into a rope thing and unhooked from pedro's hook thing.

napolean talks you off the edge.

i was so scared.

but i closed my eyes and leaned off.

the second i was off i opened them.

it was wicked fun.

but it hurts your crotch.

is that how you spell that? can i say that?


idk anyway,

most of us went... andrea,kim and mrs. sell left to go.

andrea took 40 mintues at the top. she cried. i was getting so impaient. it isnt THAT bad up there.

anyway, then kim went and mrs. sell and we went back to the cabin, packed and left. we were supposed to stay later but we picjed going to wendy's for lunch vs. gross camp food.


so we went to wendy's. yum. more bad food.

then the ride home was kool. i had no idea where we were. haha.



when i got home(like 3) i told my mom about my trip, watched ANTM, and fell asleep. i woke up,called my mom, and wrote this.


: P


i'm tired.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

mm everything is so complicated.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

mm everything is so complicated.

Okay. No need for further discussion.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

mm everything is so complicated.

Okay. No need for further discussion.


are you silenceing me? O.o

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

mm everything is so complicated.

Okay. No need for further discussion.


are you silenceing me? O.o


I was just letting you know you did not have to elaborate if you didn't care to.

Of course, I always want to hear what you have to say.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

mm everything is so complicated.

Okay. No need for further discussion.


are you silenceing me? O.o


I was just letting you know you did not have to elaborate if you didn't care to.

Of course, I always want to hear what you have to say.

hah. actually i got nothing.

but i hate when topics die.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

mm everything is so complicated.

Okay. No need for further discussion.


are you silenceing me? O.o


I was just letting you know you did not have to elaborate if you didn't care to.

Of course, I always want to hear what you have to say.

hah. actually i got nothing.

but i hate when topics die.

Somehow when one topic dies, another one springs up in it's place.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

mm everything is so complicated.

Okay. No need for further discussion.


are you silenceing me? O.o


I was just letting you know you did not have to elaborate if you didn't care to.

Of course, I always want to hear what you have to say.

hah. actually i got nothing.

but i hate when topics die.

Somehow when one topic dies, another one springs up in it's place.

Or does it? Sometimes there is a loop of death and it takes months for an equal opportunity to post is reborn.

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if you dont care.. then hit the BACK arrow. kthanx.


haha yes, i do know how incredible stupid this all is. crazystupidinsane in a good way though. even though i never talk about it outload with other people. none of us do. its like a secret cult. cept we're just embrassed. and if you've caught on what we are please dont say anything. >.<

Why should we not care?


It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. :lol:


Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life?


haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea.


i'd love to go back.

was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life?

No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. :lol:


I hope you get the opportunity to return.


Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?



haha i'd be to scared.

i doubt i'll go back.


i went for fun..

did you think i went with group or somthing?

the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :]

It seemed like you went with a small group of friends.

not exactly.

i like a few of them tho.

some i can stand

but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head)



that was a JOKE.

muder isnt on my list of things to do.

but i really do not like some of those girls.

No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.

mm everything is so complicated.

Okay. No need for further discussion.


are you silenceing me? O.o


I was just letting you know you did not have to elaborate if you didn't care to.

Of course, I always want to hear what you have to say.

hah. actually i got nothing.

but i hate when topics die.

Somehow when one topic dies, another one springs up in it's place.


yea i kinda dont see that happening unless i think of somthing.. which is doubtful... i feel like a vegtable or somone pops in and says somthing really stupid, and in that case i'll leave anyway.

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