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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Alright, Back on track...

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Ok, im quite sure most of you may have noticed my lack of activity on this board. Havent posted any animations for a long time, havent RPed for a long time, havent updated stories for a long time... stuff.


Too many things have happened for me to name to explain why i havent been active here.



Im getting back on track.


Mostly what it was that was taking up so much of my time was my so-called 'online friends' outside of this message board.


Im a pretty good spriter (pixel art for gaming), i've shown my works in a few places (I'll probably show them here sometime. I cant imagine what they'd be used for here, though.) which lead to some requests. Some of my friends had asked me to make them some sprite sheets, ssssoooo I did.

Then they wanted another one. Another one. Another one. A different person wanted two. Someone else had an idea. Someone else wanted a revision of their sprite sheet. Another request.


This all happening in about three days.

After I finish the sprite sheet and give them to whoever requested them, they completely ignore the copyright tag on them and dont give me credit for my works. They must figure its okay since they talk to me online sometimes, which in their mind, constitutes a friendship.



I've been spriting my butt off for months, and very rarely did anyone credit my works properly when they'd use them in animations, comics etc..


Similarly to storywriting. but much more tolerable. Some of my friends asked for some short stories for me to write them.

I do, aaand once I send it to them, they unnapreciatively say thanks, and I never see them online ever again. I dont even know whats happening to them.



Im making message boards and websites for everyone, and spend weeks on end trying my best to make a website or board for some of my friends. They either demand more of me (while im writing and spriting for the same people) or say i didnt do well enough.


As i may have mentioned previously... uh... sometime...

While talking to my friends online, they often come and just talk about their problems and how depressed they are. And from what they tell me, im good at cheering them up, talking them out of suicide, (its happened about 5 times now.) or just being there as someone to talk to.

But, alas, nothing can end well.

The conversations usually end in disagreement over SOME topic, be it religion, political, personal opinion, whatever, but I end up being put down and rather offended after being insulted a bit.


And this is just stuff that happens on my computer. I do have a life outside of it.


Well, I just told you i wasnt going to name stuff that led to my actions, but i did anyway. Well, now you know.


These so-called friends of mine had ticked me off for the LAST time.

I wont go into detail about what they did this time.

But, as payback, I have deleted myself from almost all of my message boards, blocked/deleted people on IM lists, finally snapped back at those who were aggressive to me, and altogether cut myself off from their presence.


I've lost all tolerance for these idiots.


So, this says a few things...

One, This board has rarely to never had anything i've disapproved of. (These few situations have been resolved by Horatio.) The friends I have here have ALWAYS been good to me. I dont know what i'd be doing without this board, really.

Two, I need to be more careful with choosing friends, moreover, change my ways of how I handle my compy works.

Three, Im restarting my social life altogether, excluding only this message board. Yeah, even offline. My family's movin'.

Four... well, now I have a lot less things to do. and NO things to do that I wont get any benefit from. I can get back to storywriting for you guys (Who positively comment on them, and remain optimistic about them regardless of how mediocre they are) and sprite for myself at my own pace. Some other stuff too. But im a lot less stressed out now.


Im just rambling on now, but assuming that you were bored enough to read all that, thanks for doing so. I feel better.

Imma go write stuff, now. =D I havent written the werewolfiness or MF for a long time.

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Ok, im quite sure most of you may have noticed my lack of activity on this board. Havent posted any animations for a long time, havent RPed for a long time, havent updated stories for a long time... stuff.


Too many things have happened for me to name to explain why i havent been active here.



Im getting back on track.


Mostly what it was that was taking up so much of my time was my so-called 'online friends' outside of this message board.


Im a pretty good spriter (pixel art for gaming), i've shown my works in a few places (I'll probably show them here sometime. I cant imagine what they'd be used for here, though.) which lead to some requests. Some of my friends had asked me to make them some sprite sheets, ssssoooo I did.

Then they wanted another one. Another one. Another one. A different person wanted two. Someone else had an idea. Someone else wanted a revision of their sprite sheet. Another request.


This all happening in about three days.

After I finish the sprite sheet and give them to whoever requested them, they completely ignore the copyright tag on them and dont give me credit for my works. They must figure its okay since they talk to me online sometimes, which in their mind, constitutes a friendship.



I've been spriting my butt off for months, and very rarely did anyone credit my works properly when they'd use them in animations, comics etc..


Similarly to storywriting. but much more tolerable. Some of my friends asked for some short stories for me to write them.

I do, aaand once I send it to them, they unnapreciatively say thanks, and I never see them online ever again. I dont even know whats happening to them.



Im making message boards and websites for everyone, and spend weeks on end trying my best to make a website or board for some of my friends. They either demand more of me (while im writing and spriting for the same people) or say i didnt do well enough.


As i may have mentioned previously... uh... sometime...

While talking to my friends online, they often come and just talk about their problems and how depressed they are. And from what they tell me, im good at cheering them up, talking them out of suicide, (its happened about 5 times now.) or just being there as someone to talk to.

But, alas, nothing can end well.

The conversations usually end in disagreement over SOME topic, be it religion, political, personal opinion, whatever, but I end up being put down and rather offended after being insulted a bit.


And this is just stuff that happens on my computer. I do have a life outside of it.


Well, I just told you i wasnt going to name stuff that led to my actions, but i did anyway. Well, now you know.


These so-called friends of mine had ticked me off for the LAST time.

I wont go into detail about what they did this time.

But, as payback, I have deleted myself from almost all of my message boards, blocked/deleted people on IM lists, finally snapped back at those who were aggressive to me, and altogether cut myself off from their presence.


I've lost all tolerance for these idiots.


So, this says a few things...

One, This board has rarely to never had anything i've disapproved of. (These few situations have been resolved by Horatio.) The friends I have here have ALWAYS been good to me. I dont know what i'd be doing without this board, really.

Two, I need to be more careful with choosing friends, moreover, change my ways of how I handle my compy works.

Three, Im restarting my social life altogether, excluding only this message board. Yeah, even offline. My family's movin'.

Four... well, now I have a lot less things to do. and NO things to do that I wont get any benefit from. I can get back to storywriting for you guys (Who positively comment on them, and remain optimistic about them regardless of how mediocre they are) and sprite for myself at my own pace. Some other stuff too. But im a lot less stressed out now.


Im just rambling on now, but assuming that you were bored enough to read all that, thanks for doing so. I feel better.

Imma go write stuff, now. =D I havent written the werewolfiness or MF for a long time.

I am sorry to hear that people you trusted to protect your work, had no regard for you or your creative talents. You did the right thing by your actions with the message boards and IM. You showed excellent judgment when it came to making a decision and following through. I know the situation has hurt your feelings, but hopefully you will learn from this experience and protect yourself in the future.


You are a wonderful friend and a great addition to these boards! I enjoy reading your posts and hope I have the pleasure for a long, long time.

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Ok, im quite sure most of you may have noticed my lack of activity on this board. Havent posted any animations for a long time, havent RPed for a long time, havent updated stories for a long time... stuff.


Too many things have happened for me to name to explain why i havent been active here.



Im getting back on track.


Mostly what it was that was taking up so much of my time was my so-called 'online friends' outside of this message board.


Im a pretty good spriter (pixel art for gaming), i've shown my works in a few places (I'll probably show them here sometime. I cant imagine what they'd be used for here, though.) which lead to some requests. Some of my friends had asked me to make them some sprite sheets, ssssoooo I did.

Then they wanted another one. Another one. Another one. A different person wanted two. Someone else had an idea. Someone else wanted a revision of their sprite sheet. Another request.


This all happening in about three days.

After I finish the sprite sheet and give them to whoever requested them, they completely ignore the copyright tag on them and dont give me credit for my works. They must figure its okay since they talk to me online sometimes, which in their mind, constitutes a friendship.



I've been spriting my butt off for months, and very rarely did anyone credit my works properly when they'd use them in animations, comics etc..


Similarly to storywriting. but much more tolerable. Some of my friends asked for some short stories for me to write them.

I do, aaand once I send it to them, they unnapreciatively say thanks, and I never see them online ever again. I dont even know whats happening to them.



Im making message boards and websites for everyone, and spend weeks on end trying my best to make a website or board for some of my friends. They either demand more of me (while im writing and spriting for the same people) or say i didnt do well enough.


As i may have mentioned previously... uh... sometime...

While talking to my friends online, they often come and just talk about their problems and how depressed they are. And from what they tell me, im good at cheering them up, talking them out of suicide, (its happened about 5 times now.) or just being there as someone to talk to.

But, alas, nothing can end well.

The conversations usually end in disagreement over SOME topic, be it religion, political, personal opinion, whatever, but I end up being put down and rather offended after being insulted a bit.


And this is just stuff that happens on my computer. I do have a life outside of it.


Well, I just told you i wasnt going to name stuff that led to my actions, but i did anyway. Well, now you know.


These so-called friends of mine had ticked me off for the LAST time.

I wont go into detail about what they did this time.

But, as payback, I have deleted myself from almost all of my message boards, blocked/deleted people on IM lists, finally snapped back at those who were aggressive to me, and altogether cut myself off from their presence.


I've lost all tolerance for these idiots.


So, this says a few things...

One, This board has rarely to never had anything i've disapproved of. (These few situations have been resolved by Horatio.) The friends I have here have ALWAYS been good to me. I dont know what i'd be doing without this board, really.

Two, I need to be more careful with choosing friends, moreover, change my ways of how I handle my compy works.

Three, Im restarting my social life altogether, excluding only this message board. Yeah, even offline. My family's movin'.

Four... well, now I have a lot less things to do. and NO things to do that I wont get any benefit from. I can get back to storywriting for you guys (Who positively comment on them, and remain optimistic about them regardless of how mediocre they are) and sprite for myself at my own pace. Some other stuff too. But im a lot less stressed out now.


Im just rambling on now, but assuming that you were bored enough to read all that, thanks for doing so. I feel better.

Imma go write stuff, now. =D I havent written the werewolfiness or MF for a long time.

I am sorry to hear that people you trusted to protect your work, had no regard for you or your creative talents. You did the right thing by your actions with the message boards and IM. You showed excellent judgment when it came to making a decision and following through. I know the situation has hurt your feelings, but hopefully you will learn from this experience and protect yourself in the future.


You are a wonderful friend and a great addition to these boards! I enjoy reading your posts and hope I have the pleasure for a long, long time.

yeah. Horatio is awsome and makes everything better.

Thus, Dont think your actions go unappreciated. ... 'cuz they dont.

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Ok, im quite sure most of you may have noticed my lack of activity on this board. Havent posted any animations for a long time, havent RPed for a long time, havent updated stories for a long time... stuff.


Too many things have happened for me to name to explain why i havent been active here.



Im getting back on track.


Mostly what it was that was taking up so much of my time was my so-called 'online friends' outside of this message board.


Im a pretty good spriter (pixel art for gaming), i've shown my works in a few places (I'll probably show them here sometime. I cant imagine what they'd be used for here, though.) which lead to some requests. Some of my friends had asked me to make them some sprite sheets, ssssoooo I did.

Then they wanted another one. Another one. Another one. A different person wanted two. Someone else had an idea. Someone else wanted a revision of their sprite sheet. Another request.


This all happening in about three days.

After I finish the sprite sheet and give them to whoever requested them, they completely ignore the copyright tag on them and dont give me credit for my works. They must figure its okay since they talk to me online sometimes, which in their mind, constitutes a friendship.



I've been spriting my butt off for months, and very rarely did anyone credit my works properly when they'd use them in animations, comics etc..


Similarly to storywriting. but much more tolerable. Some of my friends asked for some short stories for me to write them.

I do, aaand once I send it to them, they unnapreciatively say thanks, and I never see them online ever again. I dont even know whats happening to them.



Im making message boards and websites for everyone, and spend weeks on end trying my best to make a website or board for some of my friends. They either demand more of me (while im writing and spriting for the same people) or say i didnt do well enough.


As i may have mentioned previously... uh... sometime...

While talking to my friends online, they often come and just talk about their problems and how depressed they are. And from what they tell me, im good at cheering them up, talking them out of suicide, (its happened about 5 times now.) or just being there as someone to talk to.

But, alas, nothing can end well.

The conversations usually end in disagreement over SOME topic, be it religion, political, personal opinion, whatever, but I end up being put down and rather offended after being insulted a bit.


And this is just stuff that happens on my computer. I do have a life outside of it.


Well, I just told you i wasnt going to name stuff that led to my actions, but i did anyway. Well, now you know.


These so-called friends of mine had ticked me off for the LAST time.

I wont go into detail about what they did this time.

But, as payback, I have deleted myself from almost all of my message boards, blocked/deleted people on IM lists, finally snapped back at those who were aggressive to me, and altogether cut myself off from their presence.


I've lost all tolerance for these idiots.


So, this says a few things...

One, This board has rarely to never had anything i've disapproved of. (These few situations have been resolved by Horatio.) The friends I have here have ALWAYS been good to me. I dont know what i'd be doing without this board, really.

Two, I need to be more careful with choosing friends, moreover, change my ways of how I handle my compy works.

Three, Im restarting my social life altogether, excluding only this message board. Yeah, even offline. My family's movin'.

Four... well, now I have a lot less things to do. and NO things to do that I wont get any benefit from. I can get back to storywriting for you guys (Who positively comment on them, and remain optimistic about them regardless of how mediocre they are) and sprite for myself at my own pace. Some other stuff too. But im a lot less stressed out now.


Im just rambling on now, but assuming that you were bored enough to read all that, thanks for doing so. I feel better.

Imma go write stuff, now. =D I havent written the werewolfiness or MF for a long time.

Whoohoo! Arkcher returns! n_n


But, uh, being taken advantage of is not fun, I know. People can be jerks. u_u *hug*

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

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some times, I'm glad I'm a lazy bum who can't be bothered to even finish a simple recolor. (seriously. it's been lying about half-done on my hard drive for about four months.)


I can hardly imagine if I showed more than the vaugest glimmer of artistic talent.


It's good you're back Arkcher.


perhaps you'll finally get around to that hampsterboard comic.

No rush though, it's waited this long.

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment.

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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

Wonderful!!! :D

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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while. <3

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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while. <3



Regardless of how long you say it is, You guys dont hate me regardles sof what you say. :lol:


I got another chapter in to MF, though. more or less. I think i'll go post it. -cheer-

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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while. <3



Regardless of how long you say it is, You guys dont hate me regardles sof what you say. :lol:


I got another chapter in to MF, though. more or less. I think i'll go post it. -cheer-

O RLY? >:o


Well!...You're probably right. ._.;;

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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while.



Regardless of how long you say it is, You guys dont hate me regardles sof what you say. :lol:


I got another chapter in to MF, though. more or less. I think i'll go post it. -cheer-

O RLY? >:o


Well!...You're probably right. ._.;;

:lol: LOL :lol:

You made me smile with your first line... you should have left him wondering!

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Ok not really. The next chapter is still in my Tungsten, i cant get it off until I get some PCs and networking set up. >_<


I have some stuff to post, but I cant yet.


(So you not-nerds know, my Tungsten is my PDA. I gots a $200 PDA that r teh coolness =B )

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Ok not really. The next chapter is still in my Tungsten, i cant get it off until I get some PCs and networking set up. >_<


I have some stuff to post, but I cant yet.


(So you not-nerds know, my Tungsten is my PDA. I gots a $200 PDA that r teh coolness =B )

At first I thought you said Trigun, and I was like "Hey I love that show!" and then you didn't say it and I was sad.



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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while. <3



Regardless of how long you say it is, You guys dont hate me regardles sof what you say. :lol:


I got another chapter in to MF, though. more or less. I think i'll go post it. -cheer-

O RLY? >:o


Well!...You're probably right. ._.;;

:lol: LOL :lol:

You made me smile with your first line... you should have left him wondering!

Haha. I heart O RLY.


Arkcher did not reply to me with the proper responce of YA RLY >:o, so shame on him. He may deduct 50 dubloons.

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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while. <3



Regardless of how long you say it is, You guys dont hate me regardles sof what you say. :lol:


I got another chapter in to MF, though. more or less. I think i'll go post it. -cheer-

O RLY? >:o


Well!...You're probably right. ._.;;

:lol: LOL :lol:

You made me smile with your first line... you should have left him wondering!

Haha. I heart O RLY.


Arkcher did not reply to me with the proper responce of YA RLY >:o, so shame on him. He may deduct 50 dubloons.

Ok fine.


YA RLY >:o


... -deducts 50 dubloons from Kat- =D

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An update on this matter:


Im still in recovery of this change of lifestyle, so for the past few days (i might continue to do so) i've been... resting from the constant writing, spriting and... stuff. Im not yet back on track as the topic title says, But im getting there.


But within a week I should have some updates for you bored people. Hopefully within the next few days.

Hey, if you don't feel like writing for a while, you don't have to. We won't hate your forever, or anything. Only for a little while. <3



Regardless of how long you say it is, You guys dont hate me regardles sof what you say. :lol:


I got another chapter in to MF, though. more or less. I think i'll go post it. -cheer-

O RLY? >:o


Well!...You're probably right. ._.;;

:lol: LOL :lol:

You made me smile with your first line... you should have left him wondering!

Haha. I heart O RLY.


Arkcher did not reply to me with the proper responce of YA RLY >:o, so shame on him. He may deduct 50 dubloons.

Ok fine.


YA RLY >:o


... -deducts 50 dubloons from Kat- =D

OH NO YOU DI'NT! >:o! *snatches the dubloons back and shields them from farther theft*


Dun make me bust a cap. >(

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

15... are you ready?

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

15... are you ready?

*is fifteen* >.>;;

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

15... are you ready?

*is fifteen* >.>;;

Are to ready to join Cheesemaster as a mod? If you are interested, I will tell HampsterKing.

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

15... are you ready?

*is fifteen* >.>;;

Are to ready to join Cheesemaster as a mod? If you are interested, I will tell HampsterKing.

Seriously? Erm...hmmm...

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

15... are you ready?

*is fifteen* >.>;;

Are to ready to join Cheesemaster as a mod? If you are interested, I will tell HampsterKing.

Seriously? Erm...hmmm...

Of course I am serious!!!

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Haha, I'd be bad at being a mod since we're not supposed to have high amounts of opinion stating.

That is the hardest part for me!

Yeah, and I'd be REALLY tempted to yell at people who try to rush me!

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Haha, I'd be bad at being a mod since we're not supposed to have high amounts of opinion stating.

That is the hardest part for me!

Yeah, and I'd be REALLY tempted to yell at people who try to rush me!

:lol: LOL :lol:

*keeps mouth shut before I reveal too much*

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I'm a firm beliver in "too many chefs spoil the soup"

I'm sure Horatio knows best how tough moderating this bag of assorted nuts can be.

aw, why not? feel free to add my name to the list of Mod canidates.

I trust that you and teh admins ca come to a wise decision.

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I'm a firm beliver in "too many chefs spoil the soup"

I'm sure Horatio knows best how tough moderating this bag of assorted nuts can be.

aw, why not? feel free to add my name to the list of Mod canidates.

I trust that you and teh admins ca come to a wise decision.

I would love to add your name. HampsterKing is really slow, so don't expect anything too soon! :lol:

He is still working on the avatars. :lol:

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

15... are you ready?

Yes. What all will I have to do to become one?

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

15... are you ready?

Yes. What all will I have to do to become one?

This is up to HampsterKing. I will let you all know you are interested, and then he will tell you what is next. Do not plan on anything too soon... he is S L O W ! ! ! !

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Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.

Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! :D


People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.

Society :ostinks :o more than just a little bit at the moment.

*mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?


But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!

O O P S ! ! ! !

hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?

15... are you ready?

Yes. What all will I have to do to become one?

This is up to HampsterKing. I will let you all know you are interested, and then he will tell you what is next. Do not plan on anything too soon... he is S L O W ! ! ! !

bleah, he needs an assistant. or five.

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Ok, Back on track f'real this time. I just now got the internet up and running in mah haus now, so I dont have to go to colleges and libraries to talk to people. Sorry for the absence, I should be here regularly now.

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Ok, Back on track f'real this time. I just now got the internet up and running in mah haus now, so I dont have to go to colleges and libraries to talk to people. Sorry for the absence, I should be here regularly now.

*puts Arkcher under house arrest and attaches an ankle bracelet to alert us when he starts to leave* :lol:

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Ok, Back on track f'real this time. I just now got the internet up and running in mah haus now, so I dont have to go to colleges and libraries to talk to people. Sorry for the absence, I should be here regularly now.

Ok just kidding. >_<


I've got an internet connection that kicks me off every ten minutes or so and resends information through the browser causing me to double-post fifteen times and lose connectivity all day. ._.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD)


Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots.


I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members.


This weakness is coming back.


Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back.

The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return.


Im sticking to my idea in the first place.

Im not going back.

Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back.


Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion)


Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.)


For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something.



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Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD)


Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots.


I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members.


This weakness is coming back.


Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back.

The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return.


Im sticking to my idea in the first place.

Im not going back.

Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back.


Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion)


Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.)


For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something.



I am very happy you have decided not to return. Unfortunately you are looking at the worst side of some people. They try and manipulate you throught guilt and this does nothing but make you feel bad. I am glad you have made this decision because this is for you and you alone. This is a really positive action on your part as you are looking out for yourself.


If you could find a mac logic board for a G3, I would send you my laptop. I have been searching, but so far no luck. If I find one, I will let you know.

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Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD)


Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots.


I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members.


This weakness is coming back.


Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back.

The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return.


Im sticking to my idea in the first place.

Im not going back.

Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back.


Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion)


Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.)


For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something.



Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! >:o


Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them.

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Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD)


Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots.


I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members.


This weakness is coming back.


Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back.

The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return.


Im sticking to my idea in the first place.

Im not going back.

Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back.


Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion)


Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.)


For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something.



Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! >:o


Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them.

Great advice! :D

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Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD)


Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots.


I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members.


This weakness is coming back.


Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back.

The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return.


Im sticking to my idea in the first place.

Im not going back.

Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back.


Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion)


Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.)


For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something.



Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! >:o


Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them.

But... But its fun watching them dispair! D=

ah whatever.


Haha. You called a guy Sue.

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Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD)


Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots.


I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members.


This weakness is coming back.


Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back.

The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return.


Im sticking to my idea in the first place.

Im not going back.

Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back.


Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion)


Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.)


For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something.



Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! >:o


Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them.

But... But its fun watching them dispair! D=

ah whatever.


Haha. You called a guy Sue.

Haha Sue...you should have called him Debbie.

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Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD)


Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots.


I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members.


This weakness is coming back.


Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back.

The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return.


Im sticking to my idea in the first place.

Im not going back.

Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back.


Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion)


Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.)


For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something.



Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! >:o


Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them.

But... But its fun watching them dispair! D=

ah whatever.


Haha. You called a guy Sue.

Haha Sue...you should have called him Debbie.

nah, sally.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updaaaaate. =D (wow. This is turning into like... an online journal of sorts for me. I already have one all the way over there, -points at that one website- and havent updated that for months. xD)


Im learning more and more about this situation and how bad it was, it was worse than I realized, even during the time I left the idiots.


I've discovered that while I was there, as MW stated, Im a lot nicer than most people and do stuff for them most of the time, and when I dont, the idiots have a tendency to put me on that whole guilt trip, which usually results in me doing what I said i wouldnt to begin with. It ended up being Me who would make all the message boards (the other administrators would just push around the members while I managed everything) and I would be the one to fix all the technical problems (It was even stated by the other admin, in the topic of my leaving, that 'we no longer have the board builder to fix all of our problems for us'.) and this weakness to the guilt trip gave me, alone, the spriting jobs of roughly 30 members.


This weakness is coming back.


Im getting several emails and comments with the guilt trip and all, and more than just once, I've considered coming back.

The main instigator of this whole mess, who, despite he's a guy, I will refer to him as Sue, had emailed me about it first, as he was most effective at convincing me to do everything for him. And once again I ended up complying, and did reply back saying that I would return.


Im sticking to my idea in the first place.

Im not going back.

Sue had announced among those message boards that Im returning, but i'll 'need some time to cool off, but then he can help us again' I've since ignored all communication from Sue since then. As far as the board members know, He's off his rocker and is just trying to get everyone to think im coming back.


Well, now I have an excuse not to come back, as I dont have a compy no more! =D (see topic about my absences in General Discussion)


Anyhow, The members of those boards are commenting that Im making a bigger deal of this than I should be, (no, im not. If they had an experience like this, They'll understand.) deleting message boards that a lot of people are using, (No, I've only taken out the one message board that had 4 members, and about 20 posts. It had no hope of fulfilling its original purpose. I've left the major boards for the idiots to talk amongst themselves and look for someone else to take advantage of.) and being so mean to everyone, (No, i've not talked to them for several months, that cant be considered mean since I cant offend them without communication.) and altogether being a big *******. (See, This is why I left.)


For the more poetic people, Theres a song I gots on my handy MP3 PLaya that greatly reflects this situation I have. I dun' feel like posting the lyrics here (partly since... this is for storywriting, This here is already far enough off topic) but go look up the lyrics for By Myself, by Linkin Park. (The instrumental changes also effectively portray how fitting mad I was at everyone.) Go lookit that, aaaaaannndd dont die or something.



Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! >:o


Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them.

But... But its fun watching them dispair! D=

ah whatever.


Haha. You called a guy Sue.

Haha Sue...you should have called him Debbie.

nah, sally.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Ok, I need some of yous guys to tell me to not be stupid, otherwise I probably will.


Sue/Debbie/Sally/Betty/Vega is on my IM list still, though Yahoo gives me the ability to stealthily see when hes on or not, but he cant see me. OOH.


Every time I see him on, i consider taking off that stealth setting, talking to him and deciding there what im going to do.

but when I think about it, i'll probably end up in the same situation I made this topic for. but i might not.

I dont like living with the knowledge i've really displeased someone; I feel very obligated to apologize, but I dont know what they'll do if I try. I want to do something about this, as I know its not right of me to have just left them in an explosion of fury.


Advise. And/or just tell me to not do something stupid. I will do something stupid otherwise.

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Ok, I need some of yous guys to tell me to not be stupid, otherwise I probably will.


Sue/Debbie/Sally/Betty/Vega is on my IM list still, though Yahoo gives me the ability to stealthily see when hes on or not, but he cant see me. OOH.


Every time I see him on, i consider taking off that stealth setting, talking to him and deciding there what im going to do.

but when I think about it, i'll probably end up in the same situation I made this topic for. but i might not.

I dont like living with the knowledge i've really displeased someone; I feel very obligated to apologize, but I dont know what they'll do if I try. I want to do something about this, as I know its not right of me to have just left them in an explosion of fury.


Advise. And/or just tell me to not do something stupid. I will do something stupid otherwise.

Umm... Don't be stupid. Because stupidity can be bad. I say take off the stealth setting. Cuz even though ninjas are stealthy, sometimes they choose not to. :o

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Ok, I need some of yous guys to tell me to not be stupid, otherwise I probably will.


Sue/Debbie/Sally/Betty/Vega is on my IM list still, though Yahoo gives me the ability to stealthily see when hes on or not, but he cant see me. OOH.


Every time I see him on, i consider taking off that stealth setting, talking to him and deciding there what im going to do.

but when I think about it, i'll probably end up in the same situation I made this topic for. but i might not.

I dont like living with the knowledge i've really displeased someone; I feel very obligated to apologize, but I dont know what they'll do if I try. I want to do something about this, as I know its not right of me to have just left them in an explosion of fury.


Advise. And/or just tell me to not do something stupid. I will do something stupid otherwise.

Umm... Don't be stupid. Because stupidity can be bad. I say take off the stealth setting. Cuz even though ninjas are stealthy, sometimes they choose not to. :o

... so, when i take it off, then what? Hes gonna try talking to me.


'You guys suggesting that I just talk to him and not be stupid? I can try to do that...

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Ok, I need some of yous guys to tell me to not be stupid, otherwise I probably will.


Sue/Debbie/Sally/Betty/Vega is on my IM list still, though Yahoo gives me the ability to stealthily see when hes on or not, but he cant see me. OOH.


Every time I see him on, i consider taking off that stealth setting, talking to him and deciding there what im going to do.

but when I think about it, i'll probably end up in the same situation I made this topic for. but i might not.

I dont like living with the knowledge i've really displeased someone; I feel very obligated to apologize, but I dont know what they'll do if I try. I want to do something about this, as I know its not right of me to have just left them in an explosion of fury.


Advise. And/or just tell me to not do something stupid. I will do something stupid otherwise.

Umm... Don't be stupid. Because stupidity can be bad. I say take off the stealth setting. Cuz even though ninjas are stealthy, sometimes they choose not to. :o

... so, when i take it off, then what? Hes gonna try talking to me.


'You guys suggesting that I just talk to him and not be stupid? I can try to do that...

Personally I would not take the stealth off and if for some reason he realized you were on, I would not talk to him.

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xD!!! I took the stealth off, and talked to him for the first time in months, but acting like a complete idiot. I was talking nonstop about taking pills, being on a sugar high and asking questions like 'why are you still alive'. I got him convinced that I was a drug addict who really did get something wrong in my head.

For example, the first think I said to him was something to the effect of: All of the dustbunnies in the world are invading yours and my fridge and stealing the ORANGES for the purpose of Juicing them under our beds. MAKE AND WEAR A FOIL HAT or forever fall, mortal!


yeah. I really think I scared him. I dunno if this would be categorized as stupid or not, but I had fun.

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xD!!! I took the stealth off, and talked to him for the first time in months, but acting like a complete idiot. I was talking nonstop about taking pills, being on a sugar high and asking questions like 'why are you still alive'. I got him convinced that I was a drug addict who really did get something wrong in my head.

For example, the first think I said to him was something to the effect of: All of the dustbunnies in the world are invading yours and my fridge and stealing the ORANGES for the purpose of Juicing them under our beds. MAKE AND WEAR A FOIL HAT or forever fall, mortal!


yeah. I really think I scared him. I dunno if this would be categorized as stupid or not, but I had fun.

Actually, I find it pretty entertaining. :lol:


Why do you keep him on your list? :huh:

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xD!!! I took the stealth off, and talked to him for the first time in months, but acting like a complete idiot. I was talking nonstop about taking pills, being on a sugar high and asking questions like 'why are you still alive'. I got him convinced that I was a drug addict who really did get something wrong in my head.

For example, the first think I said to him was something to the effect of: All of the dustbunnies in the world are invading yours and my fridge and stealing the ORANGES for the purpose of Juicing them under our beds. MAKE AND WEAR A FOIL HAT or forever fall, mortal!


yeah. I really think I scared him. I dunno if this would be categorized as stupid or not, but I had fun.

That falls under the category of completely hilarious. :lol:

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xD!!! I took the stealth off, and talked to him for the first time in months, but acting like a complete idiot. I was talking nonstop about taking pills, being on a sugar high and asking questions like 'why are you still alive'. I got him convinced that I was a drug addict who really did get something wrong in my head.

For example, the first think I said to him was something to the effect of: All of the dustbunnies in the world are invading yours and my fridge and stealing the ORANGES for the purpose of Juicing them under our beds. MAKE AND WEAR A FOIL HAT or forever fall, mortal!


yeah. I really think I scared him. I dunno if this would be categorized as stupid or not, but I had fun.

That falls under the category of completely hilarious. :lol:

I love Arkcher's sense of humor! :lol:

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xD!!! I took the stealth off, and talked to him for the first time in months, but acting like a complete idiot. I was talking nonstop about taking pills, being on a sugar high and asking questions like 'why are you still alive'. I got him convinced that I was a drug addict who really did get something wrong in my head.

For example, the first think I said to him was something to the effect of: All of the dustbunnies in the world are invading yours and my fridge and stealing the ORANGES for the purpose of Juicing them under our beds. MAKE AND WEAR A FOIL HAT or forever fall, mortal!


yeah. I really think I scared him. I dunno if this would be categorized as stupid or not, but I had fun.

Actually, I find it pretty entertaining. :lol:


Why do you keep him on your list? :huh:

I kept it there to see how often he was online, expecting to see me on. And allowing incoming IMs so I could watch him wallow in dispair and such that he doesnt have anyone to do all his work for him anymore. But after he didnt sign on for a long time, i forgot he was there.

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xD!!! I took the stealth off, and talked to him for the first time in months, but acting like a complete idiot. I was talking nonstop about taking pills, being on a sugar high and asking questions like 'why are you still alive'. I got him convinced that I was a drug addict who really did get something wrong in my head.

For example, the first think I said to him was something to the effect of: All of the dustbunnies in the world are invading yours and my fridge and stealing the ORANGES for the purpose of Juicing them under our beds. MAKE AND WEAR A FOIL HAT or forever fall, mortal!


yeah. I really think I scared him. I dunno if this would be categorized as stupid or not, but I had fun.

Actually, I find it pretty entertaining. :lol:


Why do you keep him on your list? :huh:

I kept it there to see how often he was online, expecting to see me on. And allowing incoming IMs so I could watch him wallow in dispair and such that he doesnt have anyone to do all his work for him anymore. But after he didnt sign on for a long time, i forgot he was there.

LOL... I love your sense of humor.

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I went back to the last-remaining message board that contained all of the idiots, and registered under a different username. And im rather disobedient to the rules that I wrote myself for the board, to the degree that they wont ask me to staff or work for them, but not bad enough to get kicked out.

But im all in there, asking about who this Arkcher person was, and why they're talking about three other message boards that dont exist anymore.

and I tell you, They'll tell you some nasty thing about your alter-ego when they dont know who you are.


but Now that im a low-life member in that board, i can go on a double-posting rampage (which is against the rules there, an augmentation by the other admin) and not get suspended! And i can tell the staff what terrible rules they made up. and various other things.


And they have no idea that i used to be the head guy of the board. xD Its hilarious.

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

bonus internet cool points if you then give your alt the boot for some imagined offense. and noone disputes your action.

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

It never ceases to amaze me as to what untruths people will say about others. :blink:

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

It never ceases to amaze me as to what untruths people will say about others. :blink:

And its kind of funny when they say to your face what an idiot you are, but they dont realize what they're doing. xD


So, For those who put up with the common n00b as they pass by...


do you know what a 'bad ep' is, what Sue has accused me of doing?

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

It never ceases to amaze me as to what untruths people will say about others. :blink:

And its kind of funny when they say to your face what an idiot you are, but they dont realize what they're doing. xD


So, For those who put up with the common n00b as they pass by...


do you know what a 'bad ep' is, what Sue has accused me of doing?

The Bad EP by DJ Mutiny, on the Cyberfunk Music label. :lol:

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

It never ceases to amaze me as to what untruths people will say about others. :blink:

And its kind of funny when they say to your face what an idiot you are, but they dont realize what they're doing. xD


So, For those who put up with the common n00b as they pass by...


do you know what a 'bad ep' is, what Sue has accused me of doing?

no clue as to what a bad ep is, maybe a bad rep typo'd?

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

It never ceases to amaze me as to what untruths people will say about others. :blink:

And its kind of funny when they say to your face what an idiot you are, but they dont realize what they're doing. xD


So, For those who put up with the common n00b as they pass by...


do you know what a 'bad ep' is, what Sue has accused me of doing?

no clue as to what a bad ep is, maybe a bad rep typo'd?

Im pretty sure its a typo, 'cuz Sue has terrible grammar and spelling and stuff.

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

XD You win, Arkcher. You win at life. Have 14,000,000 points.

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

XD You win, Arkcher. You win at life. Have 14,000,000 points.

But not too long ago you told me i lose at life 'cuz I cant remember the last time I had Mountain Dew. o_o;


and Now i realize...

Jackahoogie is a really stupid word/name...

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

XD You win, Arkcher. You win at life. Have 14,000,000 points.

But not too long ago you told me i lose at life 'cuz I cant remember the last time I had Mountain Dew. o_o;


and Now i realize...

Jackahoogie is a really stupid word/name...

Well now you win again.

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Oh, And...


since im not very good at acting like a different person online (as you guys can testify of, with some of my other accounts on this board) i've gotten a few comments of "You remind me of a member we used to have here a few months ago..." to which I respond: After hearing what you guys think about him, I feel insulted!

Then the person who said that gets a warning from the staff for flame-warring.


This is so hilarious.

Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? :lol:

OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD

They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o

And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie.


Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid.


As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) :


Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such.


Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad.

And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me.

XD You win, Arkcher. You win at life. Have 14,000,000 points.

But not too long ago you told me i lose at life 'cuz I cant remember the last time I had Mountain Dew. o_o;


and Now i realize...

Jackahoogie is a really stupid word/name...

Well now you win again.


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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

The only problem with that is that one staff member will probably start a topic of some sort about it, then the others will come and give them the story they got, and then there'll be a huge arguement. Or if any of them has half a brain they'll ask you for what is the real story. But you can still pretend that you're seperate people. Not even someone with a whole brain can prove that Jackahoogie is Arkcher without you attesting to that, and nobody can prove the inverse without you saying so. So yeah, have fun screwing around with their minds. *wishes he knew what forum this is* But I know that horatio wouldn't let it through though. *shrugs*

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTSLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-slat-bomps.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTSLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-slat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-lat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

Well, it seems I'm the only non-guest online atm.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-lat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

Well, it seems I'm the only non-guest online atm.

Good and good.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-lat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

Well, it seems I'm the only non-guest online atm.

Good and good.

Thanks :D Another thing I noticed, the tag doesn't become an image.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-lat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

Well, it seems I'm the only non-guest online atm.

Good and good.

Thanks :D Another thing I noticed, the tag doesn't become an image.

Correct. Also it does not become a link unless you remove the part.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-lat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

Well, it seems I'm the only non-guest online atm.

Good and good.

Thanks :D Another thing I noticed, the tag doesn't become an image.

Correct. Also it does not become a link unless you remove the part.

Odd-ness. *thinks*


. (Y)


( . . )



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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-lat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

Well, it seems I'm the only non-guest online atm.

Good and good.

Thanks :D Another thing I noticed, the tag doesn't become an image.

Correct. Also it does not become a link unless you remove the part.

Odd-ness. *thinks*


. (Y)


( . . )



That's great! :D

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-lat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

Well, it seems I'm the only non-guest online atm.

Good and good.

Thanks :D Another thing I noticed, the tag doesn't become an image.

Correct. Also it does not become a link unless you remove the part.

Odd-ness. *thinks*


. (Y)


( . . )



That's great! :D

Hehehe. Thanks again! *runs off to eat dinnah*

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

Btw, another thing, is the person who you are going to tell that you are the same person Sue? http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/style_i...cons/icon14.gif? That'd be a nice and ironic twist.


...That ? smiley there should work. It is a hamsterboard url.


Also, more testing, I wonder if I asked the mod to delete something in the posted post... Would he? If so, that'd be cool. You could have secret conversations with mods :ninja: *will test it out soon* THe only problem is the mods... How would they reply? Anyway, I'd better stop rambling about in the land of off-topic testing.


. (Y)


( . . )


The Random Bunny That Lives At The Bottom Of My Posts Sometimes (TRBTLATBOMPS)

Pronounced: Tirr-bit-lat-bomps.

I can always delete something if you want. I need to reply on the boards. So you have to be the only one on at the time, otherwise anyone can read it. But it can be deleted afterwards.

Well, it seems I'm the only non-guest online atm.

Good and good.

Thanks :D Another thing I noticed, the tag doesn't become an image.

Correct. Also it does not become a link unless you remove the part.

Odd-ness. *thinks*


. (Y)


( . . )



That's great! :D

Hehehe. Thanks again! *runs off to eat dinnah*

Enjoy your dinner. I need to get off here and have breakfast!

*smells the wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee* :D

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

The only problem with that is that one staff member will probably start a topic of some sort about it, then the others will come and give them the story they got, and then there'll be a huge arguement. Or if any of them has half a brain they'll ask you for what is the real story. But you can still pretend that you're seperate people. Not even someone with a whole brain can prove that Jackahoogie is Arkcher without you attesting to that, and nobody can prove the inverse without you saying so. So yeah, have fun screwing around with their minds. *wishes he knew what forum this is* But I know that horatio wouldn't let it through though. *shrugs*

Well, if they would... pay attention, they'd realize that Jackahoogie and Arkcher mysteriously have the same IP adress. xD and They probably wont make a topic out of it. these guys are too busy doing other things (since I left. hah.) I doubt it, but they might... i dunno.


uh, I think the lack of moderation on the other board would prove... not-so-great to you. Or Horatio.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

The only problem with that is that one staff member will probably start a topic of some sort about it, then the others will come and give them the story they got, and then there'll be a huge arguement. Or if any of them has half a brain they'll ask you for what is the real story. But you can still pretend that you're seperate people. Not even someone with a whole brain can prove that Jackahoogie is Arkcher without you attesting to that, and nobody can prove the inverse without you saying so. So yeah, have fun screwing around with their minds. *wishes he knew what forum this is* But I know that horatio wouldn't let it through though. *shrugs*

Well, if they would... pay attention, they'd realize that Jackahoogie and Arkcher mysteriously have the same IP adress. xD and They probably wont make a topic out of it. these guys are too busy doing other things (since I left. hah.) I doubt it, but they might... i dunno.


uh, I think the lack of moderation on the other board would prove... not-so-great to you. Or Horatio.

Hide your IP address. :lol:

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

The only problem with that is that one staff member will probably start a topic of some sort about it, then the others will come and give them the story they got, and then there'll be a huge arguement. Or if any of them has half a brain they'll ask you for what is the real story. But you can still pretend that you're seperate people. Not even someone with a whole brain can prove that Jackahoogie is Arkcher without you attesting to that, and nobody can prove the inverse without you saying so. So yeah, have fun screwing around with their minds. *wishes he knew what forum this is* But I know that horatio wouldn't let it through though. *shrugs*

Well, if they would... pay attention, they'd realize that Jackahoogie and Arkcher mysteriously have the same IP adress. xD and They probably wont make a topic out of it. these guys are too busy doing other things (since I left. hah.) I doubt it, but they might... i dunno.


uh, I think the lack of moderation on the other board would prove... not-so-great to you. Or Horatio.

Hide your IP address. :lol:

I dun have any IP Masking stuff, but if I was admin on that board, I could block them. block the IP adresses and stuff.

But im not admin. and dont really want to be on that board.

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wow. Playing with these guys' heads is fun.


I now have a Jackahoogie account there in addition to an Arkcher account I just re-registered. As both, im going to IM the staff telling them (seperately) a 'secret' about this comeback. Different staff members will hear a different story, one will hear that Jackahoogie and Arkcher are the same person, one will hear that Arkcher came back and likes everyone, one will hear that someone came in and registered as Arkcher as a joke (who isnt me) and one will hear what the members now think; Jackahoogie and Arkcher are different people and Arkcher came back out of boredom.


This is fun. xD but I bet this is something stupid that I told you guys to not let me do. I'll keep you posted. and im ready to jump back out of any situation should it get ugly.

The only problem with that is that one staff member will probably start a topic of some sort about it, then the others will come and give them the story they got, and then there'll be a huge arguement. Or if any of them has half a brain they'll ask you for what is the real story. But you can still pretend that you're seperate people. Not even someone with a whole brain can prove that Jackahoogie is Arkcher without you attesting to that, and nobody can prove the inverse without you saying so. So yeah, have fun screwing around with their minds. *wishes he knew what forum this is* But I know that horatio wouldn't let it through though. *shrugs*

Well, if they would... pay attention, they'd realize that Jackahoogie and Arkcher mysteriously have the same IP adress. xD and They probably wont make a topic out of it. these guys are too busy doing other things (since I left. hah.) I doubt it, but they might... i dunno.


uh, I think the lack of moderation on the other board would prove... not-so-great to you. Or Horatio.

Hide your IP address. :lol:

I dun have any IP Masking stuff, but if I was admin on that board, I could block them. block the IP adresses and stuff.

But im not admin. and dont really want to be on that board.

Search, it's free. It also makes posting really slow, but you can use it just for there. :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

After they've bided their time a while, I'm bombarded with requests and everyone expecting me to do everything for them again.




And the staff they've gotten to replace me is terrible. The staff is openly flaming the members. and over-criticising, and pretty much abusing their staff power that they only got because they're some friends of one of the admins who wont take off their staff power.


its CHAOS.

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After they've bided their time a while, I'm bombarded with requests and everyone expecting me to do everything for them again.




And the staff they've gotten to replace me is terrible. The staff is openly flaming the members. and over-criticising, and pretty much abusing their staff power that they only got because they're some friends of one of the admins who wont take off their staff power.


its CHAOS.

Where is Mushroom_king's meat grinder when you need it? :lol:

Typical actions, when Arkcher arrives back on the scene, let's dump everything on him.

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After they've bided their time a while, I'm bombarded with requests and everyone expecting me to do everything for them again.




And the staff they've gotten to replace me is terrible. The staff is openly flaming the members. and over-criticising, and pretty much abusing their staff power that they only got because they're some friends of one of the admins who wont take off their staff power.


its CHAOS.

*twitch* It's a good thing you aren't as short-tempered as me. I woulda exploded at somebody by now. XD

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After they've bided their time a while, I'm bombarded with requests and everyone expecting me to do everything for them again.




And the staff they've gotten to replace me is terrible. The staff is openly flaming the members. and over-criticising, and pretty much abusing their staff power that they only got because they're some friends of one of the admins who wont take off their staff power.


its CHAOS.

*twitch* It's a good thing you aren't as short-tempered as me. I woulda exploded at somebody by now. XD

Yeah, I found a topic here from a while ago (two or three years back) You exploded all over the place, man. it was hilarious. but pretty creepy. o_o;


Talking to some of the doods on IM, they're telling me how much they dont like the staff and how I, despite I dont want to do a lot for them, would do a LOT better.


so Some of them caught on that i dont want to do everything and a half, and think that I run message boards a lot better than others. I dunno, i havent really had a comparison...

whatever, man. Im gonna watch them continue to wonder who Jackahoogie is. XD

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After they've bided their time a while, I'm bombarded with requests and everyone expecting me to do everything for them again.




And the staff they've gotten to replace me is terrible. The staff is openly flaming the members. and over-criticising, and pretty much abusing their staff power that they only got because they're some friends of one of the admins who wont take off their staff power.


its CHAOS.

*twitch* It's a good thing you aren't as short-tempered as me. I woulda exploded at somebody by now. XD

Yeah, I found a topic here from a while ago (two or three years back) You exploded all over the place, man. it was hilarious. but pretty creepy. o_o;


Talking to some of the doods on IM, they're telling me how much they dont like the staff and how I, despite I dont want to do a lot for them, would do a LOT better.


so Some of them caught on that i dont want to do everything and a half, and think that I run message boards a lot better than others. I dunno, i havent really had a comparison...

whatever, man. Im gonna watch them continue to wonder who Jackahoogie is. XD

I exploded? Where? I thought I had managed to avoid the topics that make me do that. XD


And yay for people that finally got a clue. e_e

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