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the faded jeans

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Sarah smiled.

She enjoyed being the center of attention.

It was her birthday, and almost fifteen friends came... this year.


Sarah Johnson is turning fourteen this year. She has just started eight grade at Franklin Junior High School, and she's prepared to be the center of attention, just as she has been for the last two years in a row. When Sarah gets to school, there is a large crowd of people, and it's growing. Sarah runs over, eager to see what's going on. She is dismayed to discover that it is a girl that is drawing all the attention. She's not doing anything. She's just sitting. Sarah can't see why everyone is staring. Then Sarah sees the girl open her eyes. They are so clear... A sharp pain pierces her temple.


"Ouch!" Sarah yelps. Nobody turns. Sarah resumes watching the girl, wondering why she's so special for doing nothing. Then the girl stands up.


"What do you want?" She asks. A lot of people tell her to sing again. She frowns slightly, obviously not wanting to sing. Sarah just peers at the girl's face, trying to decipher those cool, blank eyes.


"I'm Sarah," Sarah approaches the girl, who shrinks away from her hand.


"Veronique Angeline. It's a mouthful, but you should hear my whole name." Veronique jokes. Sarah smiles at the humor in Veronique's voice, but is puzzled at the lack of expression in her face.


"Why is everybody so interested in you?" Veronique looks away.


"They think I can sing well. I can't," she insists. Sarah's eyes turn curious.


"Then why do they think you can?"


"I was singing to myself to pass the time, and someone heard me. They had cotton in their ears if they think I'm good at anything." Veronique's face remains like stone.


"Well, I'm the best singer at this school, and I've been told I should be a judge because I have such an ear. I could decide if you can sing or not, if you want." Sarah's confidence has a warming effect on Veronique, who sighs and clears her throat softly.


"I'd like that. I don't want any attention..." She whispers before breaking into a melody.


"(Veronique later titles this Tell Me True.)


Tell me I'm wrong about my life

Tell me the answer to my question

Tell me that I can do much more

Tell me I'm stronger than a pidgeon

[sarah notices Veronique's eyes start to change]


Tell me I'm better than this

Tell me that I can learn to fly

Tell me that I can run so free

Tell me this before I die


[Veronique's face suddenly became animated as she unashamedly belted out the impromptu song. Sarah knew it was impromptu because she'd never heard it before.]


Tell me this

Tell me this

Tell me I'm better than this

Tell me true

Tell me true

Tell me I'm better than you

Because I am

I know I am

I know I must be better than

A lying jerk

With pasty smirk

And not a day goes by I'm not hurt

[sarah watches Veronique's face and body language. She's impressed.]


Tell me I'm wrong about myself

Tell me the endplace of my journey

Tell me that I can do much more

That I can do whatever I need


Tell me I'm still just a girl

No matter how much I've been through

Tell me that I don't need to search

Tell me I'm better than you


Tell me this

Tell me this

Tell me I'm better than this

Tell me true

Tell me true

Tell me I'm better than you

Because I am

I know I am

I know I must be better than

A lying jerk

With pasty smirk

And not a day goes--!" Veronique stops suddenly, fearful. Sarah blinks.


"Veronique, you stopped. Never stop singing in the middle of a song. It rips the guts out of it." Sarah's kind voice brings Veronique back.


"Uh... Oh, yeah..." She resumes singing, backing up a few lines to remember where she was.


"Because I am

I know I am

I know I must be better than

A lying jerk

With pasty smirk

And not a day goes by I'm not hurt


By you."


Sarah runs the words through her head again and realizes that there is more to Veronique than meets the eye. She smiles at the patience Veronique is displaying as she waits for Sarah's opinion.


"Personally, I think you have some promise, but if you'd like, I can tell them I don't think you sound so great. I'm the school's most popular girl, so I have some influence over people's opinions." Veronique gives Sarah a blank stare.


"You're offering to lie so that I don't have to ward off throngs of curious preteens?" Sarah nods. "No. I can take care of myself." Veronique walked away silently. Too silently, Sarah muses, not really offended by the girl's antics.


Veronique walked away from Sarah quickly and quietly, holding in her screams of terror at revealing herself to the strange girl.


"What have I done," she thinks. "I have sung to the most popular girl in school! Ay, caramba, I'm dead meat when he finds out... Oh, no! What happens when he finds out?! Oh, no, oh, no... I'm so dead... oh... oh... oh..." Veronique walks to class, eyes glowing without her realizing it. Sarah is sitting in the front row. Veronique slinks to the very back.




g2g I'll finish later

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[Veronique slinks to the very back.]

The teacher calls her up when the second bell rings, though.


"Class, we have a new student. Please welcome Veronique Angeline Jaquelina, uh..." She looks at Veronique for help.


"Veronique Angeline Jaquelina Geramese VII, ma'am. I know it's a mouthful, so I go by Vero or Jackal." Veronique's eyes flash when she reveals her second nickname. She sees Sarah perk up and knows the girl noticed her eyes.


"Okay, does anyone have a question for Vero?" Several hands shoot up, Sarah's not one of them. "Yes, Andrew?" A thin, bespectacled boy sits up.


"Yeah, where are you from?" Veronique almost smiles, glad the first question wasn't why her hair was so long.


"I moved here from Greenland about five weeks ago." Her face barely changes as she speaks, which confuses the other students. The teacher calls on Coralynn, another girl in the back.


"Why are you so quiet, Vero?" Vero's face warms, but she has trained herself not to blush.


"I see no reason to speak louder than befits my own comfort." Coralynn senses the wall Veronique is hiding behind.


"No, I mean, I can tell you don't like to talk or be the center of attention. Why?" Veronique's eyes flare, shocking many of the students as she answers defiantly.


"I've been the center of some unwanted attention in the past, and that's all anyone here needs to know!" The teacher hears the slight increase in volume and knows it is time to call on someone else.


"Okay, what would you like to know, Tenner?" Veronique turns at the name and blinks silently as a young man clears his throat.


"Jackal, I heard you before. Wow." Veronique feels her heart flutter as she recognizes her crush from Greenland. "Where did you learn that?"


"I dunno what you're talking about. I think we should get to learning now, Ms. Keller!" Veronique's voice rises slightly again and she returns to the seat she'd staked out for herself. Luckily, it is far away from Tenner. Veronique doesn't talk for the rest of the class period. As she walks to her next class, Tenner calls her name.


"Vero, come on! You know I think you're good! Seriously, where did you learn to sing like that?" Veronique turns to him, her eyes blazing in rare emotion.


"Tenner, get away from me! You know why I don't like attention!" Tenner isn't ready to let it go. He sets a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.




finish later gotta get off

nite yall!

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[Tenner sets a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.] Veronique turns to him dangerously.


"If you touch me again, you'll regret it worse than last time, Tenner Marks!" Tenner releases her, and Veronique walks away quickly. Tenner's eyes flash just like hers had, and Veronique feels the stare behind her back.


"Okay, Jackal, We'll go with that..." Tenner mutters before stalking to his class.


"Stay out of it, Tank!" Veronique mutters as she, too walks to class angrily.



I have to go bc my parents are being mean! :angry:


man, and now im gonna forget the great plot i had, to! :angry:

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grrrrrrr-RRRRRRR-rrrrrrr-RRgRRRRGrrrrrrrr-ack-kkk-rrrr-g-rrrr-ra-a-akk- help -ak-rrr-grak-akrrr- i'm suffering fro-akaka-akrrr-rrrRR-grr- from story ending de- GGRR-rrr-rrGRRrr- deprivation! -rrrakrr-RRG-agk-GKRRR-KACK-rrrrr


I like the way you expressed yourself!

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grrrrrrr-RRRRRRR-rrrrrrr-RRgRRRRGrrrrrrrr-ack-kkk-rrrr-g-rrrr-ra-a-akk- help -ak-rrr-grak-akrrr- i'm suffering fro-akaka-akrrr-rrrRR-grr- from story ending de- GGRR-rrr-rrGRRrr- deprivation! -rrrakrr-RRG-agk-GKRRR-KACK-rrrrr








You're funny! I'll get nack to it in a couple days. I'm too busy to think right now.

Don't worry. Just keep the topic alive, and I'll be back in no time.


Now I have to go play social worker to one of my many screwed up friends.


---The FREAK, AtwiStedmind





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Where was I?

Oh, yes.

[Veronique stalks to class angrily.]


"Hey, Vero," Sarah sits down beside Veronique.


"Yes, Sarah?" Veronique knows it is about Tenner.


"What's your class schedule? If you'd like, I can tell you what your teachers are like so you know how to react when someone eggs you." Veronique forces a small smile to show on her face. It's a nice thing to do, she thinks, as she hands over the piece of paper.


"Okay, I guess," she mutters softly. Sarah smiles at the paper.


"It looks like we have a few common teachers," she begins. "Now, you've already met Ms. Keller. She used to teach elementary school, so she's still getting the hang of junior high rebels like us. This is Mr. Corbin's class. Corb has a habit of calling on new kids and kids in the back. Your best bet is to sit a couple rows up, but not too far, because he spits when he lectures. He won't call you to the front like Keller, though. Next you have Mr. Whit's class. Whit is a little old man with a penchant for quiet kids. He'll call you out specifically if you don't raise your hand to answer a question. He also doesn't like it when the kids get loud. You shouldn't have trouble with that, but Tenner has that class, and he's a loudmouth. After Whit, it says you have--"


"Mrs. Denault. I memorized it. She's in room 46. Her first name is Heather. She teaches both Spanish and Geography at the same time." Sarah is impressed.


"Not bad. Anyway, Denault is going to be your favorite teacher. She's very laid back, and she allows her kids ten minutes creativity time at the end of class. I have a funny feeling she'll be introducing you, but she won't call you to the front. We also share your next class, Mr. Davenhughes. He lets kids call him Mr. Daven, because he knows Davenhughes is harder for Latinos to say. Daven has been teaching at this school for over forty years. He always tries to get Science, but is stuck teaching Math. He's actually pretty good. He's old-school, so he's a little strict, but he's kind at heart and keeps the kids as the center of his life. I've never met a man so dedicated."


"What about Miss Kaston?" Veronique asks. Sarah blinks and bites her lip.



Gotta go to work now, bye!


I'll finish later, don't worry!

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Where was I?

Oh, yes.

[Veronique stalks to class angrily.]


"Hey, Vero," Sarah sits down beside Veronique.


"Yes, Sarah?" Veronique knows it is about Tenner.


"What's your class schedule? If you'd like, I can tell you what your teachers are like so you know how to react when someone eggs you." Veronique forces a small smile to show on her face. It's a nice thing to do, she thinks, as she hands over the piece of paper.


"Okay, I guess," she mutters softly. Sarah smiles at the paper.


"It looks like we have a few common teachers," she begins. "Now, you've already met Ms. Keller. She used to teach elementary school, so she's still getting the hang of junior high rebels like us. This is Mr. Corbin's class. Corb has a habit of calling on new kids and kids in the back. Your best bet is to sit a couple rows up, but not too far, because he spits when he lectures. He won't call you to the front like Keller, though. Next you have Mr. Whit's class. Whit is a little old man with a penchant for quiet kids. He'll call you out specifically if you don't raise your hand to answer a question. He also doesn't like it when the kids get loud. You shouldn't have trouble with that, but Tenner has that class, and he's a loudmouth. After Whit, it says you have--"


"Mrs. Denault. I memorized it. She's in room 46. Her first name is Heather. She teaches both Spanish and Geography at the same time." Sarah is impressed.


"Not bad. Anyway, Denault is going to be your favorite teacher. She's very laid back, and she allows her kids ten minutes creativity time at the end of class. I have a funny feeling she'll be introducing you, but she won't call you to the front. We also share your next class, Mr. Davenhughes. He lets kids call him Mr. Daven, because he knows Davenhughes is harder for Latinos to say. Daven has been teaching at this school for over forty years. He always tries to get Science, but is stuck teaching Math. He's actually pretty good. He's old-school, so he's a little strict, but he's kind at heart and keeps the kids as the center of his life. I've never met a man so dedicated."


"What about Miss Kaston?" Veronique asks. Sarah blinks and bites her lip.



Gotta go to work now, bye!


I'll finish later, don't worry!



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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*



*slapps paws* Don't you have any manners? *shoves out of the way and waves claws* Excusemepleasethankyouyourwelcome. See? *moves and pushes Horatio in the way for

it to hit him flat in the face* That's what you get for being rude.

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*



*slapps paws* Don't you have any manners? *shoves out of the way and waves claws* Excusemepleasethankyouyourwelcome. See? *moves and pushes Horatio in the way for

it to hit him flat in the face* That's what you get for being rude.

Rude? :o I thought I was just being theatrical! :lol:

*realizes that didn't work, tries another tactic*

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*



*slapps paws* Don't you have any manners? *shoves out of the way and waves claws* Excusemepleasethankyouyourwelcome. See? *moves and pushes Horatio in the way for

it to hit him flat in the face* That's what you get for being rude.

Rude? :o I thought I was just being theatrical! :lol:

*realizes that didn't work, tries another tactic*


mmm I can't wait to see this one. :glare:

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*



*slapps paws* Don't you have any manners? *shoves out of the way and waves claws* Excusemepleasethankyouyourwelcome. See? *moves and pushes Horatio in the way for

it to hit him flat in the face* That's what you get for being rude.

Rude? :o I thought I was just being theatrical! :lol:

*realizes that didn't work, tries another tactic*


mmm I can't wait to see this one. :glare:

*stalls for time*

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*



*slapps paws* Don't you have any manners? *shoves out of the way and waves claws* Excusemepleasethankyouyourwelcome. See? *moves and pushes Horatio in the way for

it to hit him flat in the face* That's what you get for being rude.

Rude? :o I thought I was just being theatrical! :lol:

*realizes that didn't work, tries another tactic*


mmm I can't wait to see this one. :glare:

*stalls for time*


*opens the stall* this isn't helping! hurry.

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*



*slapps paws* Don't you have any manners? *shoves out of the way and waves claws* Excusemepleasethankyouyourwelcome. See? *moves and pushes Horatio in the way for

it to hit him flat in the face* That's what you get for being rude.

Rude? :o I thought I was just being theatrical! :lol:

*realizes that didn't work, tries another tactic*


mmm I can't wait to see this one. :glare:

*stalls for time*


*opens the stall* this isn't helping! hurry.

*watches Social Outcast get kicked by a horse when she opened the stall* :o

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i like it. this is rare. continue or i'll be forced to kill you.



I'm working on it! The last couple days, my pc's being a pain, so I had to work only on notepad. Okay, my next post shall be the story, okay?


*opens the stall* this isn't helping! hurry.

*watches Social Outcast get kicked by a horse when she opened the stall* :o

lol, Horatio, you surely are quick on your feet!


So are you, outcast, but man, that was a fine burn on H's part!

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Hehe, Horatio is silly.



Had to get some radio.


[sarah blinks and bites her lip.]


"Miss Kaston is, well, she's not normal. She's, uh... I don't know how to say it... I guess... Well, I guess you could say she's very creative." Veronique blinks mutely before speaking.


"Sarah, I'll ask you to explain. What is the deal with the English teacher?" Sarah only opens a folder, displaying a photo of the teacher in question.


"This is Miss Kaston two years ago. She was taking some kids on a field trip to the paper factory a few miles up the road. Some say she used to be very strict and nobody liked her despite her youthful appearance, others say she used to be the perfect teacher: you know, firm only when she needs to be, nice, encourages kids to follow their dreams, but all the bad kids took advantage of her. Well, during the tour, she somehow got separated from her class. I know, it sounds idiotic, because she's the teacher, but it happened. So, when she got lost in the plant, she ran into a room and thought she'd found her group. In reality, she'd just run into the window room, where the scientists watch experiments to improve paper products and make them less watseful. Well, in the experiment room below were her class, but the window made them seem much closer. So she ran to her class, thinking they were right there, and she smashed through the glass. They say she fell twenty feet into a vat of the acid they use in paper. You've heard of all the crazies yelling about how we need to sell more acid free paper products? Well, she fell into the vat of acid. When they finally got her out, her eyes were all funky, and her skin was altered. But the physical changes were only the surface. Her demeanor was totally transformed to whatever it was then... to this." Sarah takes out another picture, displaying the chalkboard rendition of an atom bomb, signed in bold letters at the bottom, KASTON.


"So what? She's an artist." Veronique marvels at the realistic drawing. Sarah shakes her head.


"No, she draws what she feels. Sometimes, she'll doodle when the kids are working, and then she posts them in front of the classroom. This one was when some kids were talking nonstop and were egging the heck out of her. Shortly after, Kaston exploded on the kids, her voice reaching unheard of volumes. It caused such a ruckus, the teacher next door had to come in and intervene before Kaston completely went off on them." Veronique blinks.


"That must have been something else." Sarah just nods in agreement as the teacher calls roll. "So, what's... Ms. Sparing like, Sarah?" Sarah smiles broadly.


"Ms. S rocks! She like rock music, which is so charming in a teacher. All the boys like her because she's like, twenty-seven and looking younger. Ms. S is like, the perfect teacher, and she always wears jeans. Now, that is a woman I'd like to call my role model. She's nice, smart, cool, brunette, green-eyed, and overall a neato teacher." Veronique nods, forcing another small smile to make Sarah think she cares...


More later, time for bed!

See? I told you I was working on it...





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[Veronique nods, forcing another small smile to make Sarah think she cares.]


The class period goes over without extraordinary occurances, despite Veronique's growing temper. She glances down at her schedule one more time.

Sci Ex............Keller, Rayanne

Health Oc.....Corbin, Scott

Hist Comp....Whit, Gary

Span/Geo.....Denault, Heather

Math Skills....Davenhughes, Mark

Lang Arts......Kaston, Marie

Art History....Sparing, Kelly

She isn't very fond of it, but all her preferred classes are on the list. Veronique misses Greenland. The only person she can be open with is there, and she needs an outlet to get rid of her pent up frustration at being who she is.[from this point forward, the story will be written in past tense form. Thank you. ~Atwi~] The girl looked down at her sleeve and pulled, feeling the horrid pangs of homesickness. Finally, the bell rang, and Veronique ran for Mr. Whit's, hoping she could avoid Tenner. No such luck.


"Jackal!" He greeted, coming up alongside her.


"What do you want, Tank?" Veronique's sour voice indicated that she wasn't happy about that morning. Tenner bit his lip.


"Look, Vero, I want to apologize. I was out of line. I know about your aversion to physical contact, and I should not have pushed your patience." Veronique remembered why she even liked him in the first place. "I want to make it up to you. Wanna have some fun tonight?" Veronique's eyes flashed; she knew what "fun" was for Tenner.


"Tenner, I'm out of that now." Tenner blinked.


"No, I mean go see a movie or something! I knew you were out before we moved, Vero!" Veronique held back a smile, and then decided to let it show just for Tenner. Maybe things really were better here in the states...


"Okay, Tenner. I'll ask the old people after school." Veronique found herself enjoying the day despite herself as they walked into History Comprehension. Sarah blinked at the calmness of Veronique's face as she spoke to Tenner, a stark contrast to what was showing earlier.


Sarah wondered whether Vero was hiding something. She remembered the way her eyes flashed when the strange girl verbalized her nickname. Sarah thought about that. Why would her eyes flash with that roguish rebellion just from the name Jaquel? It was like Vero was actually saying Jackal, as if she were some sort of Dutch rebel, and that was her masked pseudonym... Sarah realized she was getting carried away with the antics of a stranger, and stopped thinking about it.

-------------p.o.v. Vero, loc Kaston------------------

Veronique walked into the English room and was overcome with a gleeful smile. Ms. Kaston was cool! Her eyes were brilliant, bright, grass green, and her hair was short, spiky, and vivid red. Her skin was pale, and it had a hint of purpleygreenish blue in it. Veronique sat down quietly, enrapted by the eyes so identical to her own in emotion. The girl saw quiet rebellion and a yearning to fly away to peaceful oblivion in those eyes, and it was so inviting... Veronique woke up suddenly, realizing she had been staring. It was dangerous to stare, because Veronique's gaze was so hypnotic. The teacher's eyes crinkled in a gentle smile, recognizing in Veronique a great potential.


Ms. Kaston got up and walked to Veronique.


"You must be Veronique." Veronique forced a small smile and nodded.


"Yes. I hope to enjoy your class." The politeness accentuated Veronique's hope that the teacher would go away. Ms. Kaston saw and walked away, returning to her desk as the room filled up. Her voice was smooth and melodic, but there was something about it that exuded wistfulness for something more. The tardy bell rang, and Ms. Kaston stood up, commanding attention.


"Class!" She greeted. "Copy as best you can what is on the overhead. Then we shall begin learning. Begin!" Ms. Kaston sat down and began doodling. Her eyes flamed up with frenzied energy. Veronique quickly copied down the ornate picture on the overhead and watched her teacher. The woman sensed she was being watched and glanced up. She was surprised to find Veronique waching her, a perfect copy of the picture sitting on her desk. Ms. Kaston's eyes shot back down, and she continued.


Veronique watched the hands move and mirrored the image the teacher was creating. Veronique was only watching the teacher's hands, and her paper was a perfect mirror image of the teacher's. After Ms. Kaston finished, she put it on the board with the other pieces from that day, and Veronique looked at her second picture, suppressing a smile at the resemblance. Ms. Kaston was intrigued by her new student, and wanted to know why she was so talented. Ms. Kaston began walking around, checking students' work. When she got to Veronique, she blinked and picked up the mirror of her menta picture. It was perfect in every detail, just reversed.


"Why did you do this? How did you do this? You never even saw the drawing until I was done..." Ms. Kaston whispered softly. Veronique turned up to her with a blank face.


"I was bored, so I mirrored your hand movements. It's easy for me. That overhead is rather simple, in my opinion..." Veronique shared. Ms. Kaston blinked again, her bright green eyes registering pure shock.


"Impressive... May I borrow this?" Veronique nodded, shrugging. "I'll have it back to you tomorrow, okay?" Again, Veronique nodded, not caring as her shoulders rose and fell nonchalantly.


"Go ahead and keep it if you want. My art isn't that good. I'm a duplicating master, though. If you want to see me art, the stuff from my imagination, go look around town for some graffiti." The coarse reply gave Ms. Kaston the hint that maybe this child was more than she seemed. Ms. Kaston sat back down and did something for the first time: She closed her eyes to the class.


Veronique became instantly wary and concentrated on the teacher. The girl felt a tug at her tightfisted mind and realized what Ms. Kaston was doing. Veronique let her mind open up, releasing everything she'd kept hidden, and felt the intrusion disappear under the sudden downpour of thoughts. Ms. Kaston's eyes flew open, but didn't stop. Her curiosity grew, showing Veronique that the teacher did this often enough to control how far she invaded a mind. Veronique's face altered, showing for a split second fear and anger before returning to the cold, blank stare it usually held. Ms. Kaston, however, heard an inner song and rocked gently to the beat. Veronique realized she had let too much show and immediately tightened up again, blocking Ms. Kaston's curiosity with such force that the woman actually leaned back a few inches, as if she had been pushed. Her face displayed confusion, then realization. She glanced at Veronique and thought very genuinely, I'm sorry.


"You can't help it," Veronique accidently muttered out loud, and a few students turned to her. A sudden flash of inspiration pierced her expressionless stare, and Veronique started to write furiously.


Torn to Pieces



I used to be afraid

Of the past

Of the future

But now that things have changed

Cuts are sewn

stitched and sutured

As if I were afraid

Of this

Of that

I'm torn in two

The past so familiar

But dark and bad



I used to accept defeat

I used to fight for myself

I used to let you win

Because it felt so right

But now I know you're wrong

I know because I'm strong

You said that I was weak

But I'm not, I'm alright!


I used to feel the pain

Of the cuts

On my ribs

I used to hear the screams

Of pain

From my vics

As if they were alive

They could feel

What I did

I'm torn in two

The past so fine

But not my gig



The past so inviting

I cannot accept

If I want to live

The pieces have to be fixed

I'm not afraid to die

If it means I'm finally okay

I'll let my body be ransom

If I'll get to fly away



Veronique wrote down chords and beats, as well as the tempo and which strum patterns and drum patterns would work best. A boy next to her grabbed it as soon as she finished ad began reading aloud.


"HEY! SO HELP ME, IF YOU DON'T GIVE THAT BACK IMMEDIATELY, YOU'LL NEVER SEE YOUR MAMA AGAIN, YOU PESTILENT, CRUMMY, DECRODED PIECE OF AMPHIBIAN FECES!!" Veronique shouted over the readaloud, snatching at the page. The boy teased her, keeping it out of her reach. Veronique's eyes blazed, going instantly from dark green to vivid amber.


"Come and get it, shorty!" The boy taunted. Ms. Kaston was watching, judging when to intervene.


"Give it." The jakl demanded. "Now." The calm voice was scarier than the shout and made the boy's face go white, but he held his ground. Somewhere in the sane recesses of Veronique's mind, she gave him credit for courage, but the rest of her violent mind shouted to kill him.


"Yeah, right, freak!" He resumed reading aloud, and she shouted again, desperate to hide her thoughts.


"NOW! GIVE IT BACK, OR I'LL KILL YOU, SHAUN BRICE!!!" The boy stopped. She never knew him before, and she knew his name. "DON'T MAKE ME SNAP! I'M DEAD SERIOUS! I'M UNSTABLE AND EASILY ANGERED, NOW GIVE IT TO ME BEFORE I GO COMPLETELY INSANE!!!" The room was silent, and Shaun handed the paper to her. Veronique sat back down with a blank stare on her face, completely back to normal, yet the rest of the class's ears were ringing with the threat on Shaun's life.


"Veronique, could you come here for a moment?" Ms. Kaston implored. Veronique complied, silently stepping up to the desk. "You do realize that I have to write you up for issuing a death threat on a fellow student?" Veronique nodded sliently. "Do you have anything to say in defense of your outburst?" Veronique nodded.


"Yes. He took something of mine, something personal, and began reading it aloud in front of the class without my permission. I'm insane. It says so in my transcripts that I'm biploar, autistic, and schizo. I'm in normal classes because my mother wouldn't let them put me in the slow classes. I don't let anyone know what I am thinking, in case you hadn't figured that out. That, and he called me a freak. Call me sensitive, if you want, but nobody calls me freak and gets away with it." Veronique's eyes are flashing rapidly between amber and green, making Ms. Kaston dizzy watching them.


"Stop that!" The teacher said instinctively, rubbing her eyes. "You're making my eyes hurt." Veronique forced a smile.


"Oh, I can't control my eyes. They're just calming down from the sudden stress of a theif." She explained apologetically as Ms. Kaston wrote the referral. "Surely, you can go a little easy on me, since it's my first day, and I'm not the only one prone to flying off the handle?" The knowing, haughty look in Veronique's eyes reminded Ms. Kaston of her own outburst the year before.


"No, I can't, Miss Geramese. Take this down to the discipline office. It's downstairs on the right, the last door on your left. Go on, and take your things." The stiff remark make Veronique smile.


"It's JEHR-uh-meez, ma'am, not Gear-uh-mees. I'll see you tomorrow." The challenge in Veronique's eyes was hilarious to see, as it was a stark contrast to the dangerous gleam just moments before. As she walked out of the class silently, an angry song filtered through Veronique's mind on the way to the office.


I Am Not A Fraidycat

the JAKL



I am not afraid of that

I am not intimidated

Though you try

To make me cry

I am not a fraidycat


You tease me

Call me names

You taunt me

Drive me crazy

Try to scare me

Make me cry

But little boys and girls

I'm about to make you die




You goad me

Call me freak

You shout

I stay meek

Driven to anger

I went insane

Now boys and girlsies

I'm turning so profane





You think

I'm scared of the dark

Think again

That is my home

I never leave

Unless you call me freak

So boys and girls

Think before you speak


Think before you speak...

Veronique went into the discipline office with a smug glint in her eye and an amber glow about her face that set off her features and made her seem larger than she was. The dean took one look at her and knew that this was the new girl, clinically insane, but more talented and intelligent than the whole student body.


"Ah, Miss Geramese," He greeted her.


"I'm surprised, Mr. Hornbaum. I thought for sure there was someone who didn't know me for who I was. Then again, rumors do spread fast." Veronique's eyes flared amber as she became the jakl before Mr. Hornbaum. "Here. Decide what to do with me. I intend to come back to school tomorrow, so don't bother giving me OSS. I'll defy you. School is my refuge, once everyone learns not to anger me. Anywhere else, I'm prone to relapses. You've read my file. I'm a nutty. Today, I'm a nutty with an attitude, so brace yourself for harshness." The jakl's eyes were defiant, challenging Mr. Hornbaum to do something about her remarks. He read her referral and sighed.


"I have to give you five days, Veronique. You can't be back tomorrow, or for the next four school days. I'll see you next week. Finish out the day in guidance next door, then stay home or face expulsion." The jakl's eyebrows raised.


"Excuse me? I'm extremely bipolar and noncompliant, and you have the guts to suspend me?" Mr. Hornbaum nodded. "Do you realize how easy it would be for me to fly off at you?" He nodded again, not caring. "I wonder if my eyes show how hard I'm trying to suppress this murderous rage trying to get out? I wonder if it shows that I'm losing and the madness is winning? I'm not intimidating you, sir. She doesn't like change or disrespect, and is only rarely understanding of authority. This isn't one of those times, I don't think, so are you sure you wanna do that?" Mr. Hornbaum nodded.


"Yes, JAKL, I am. Goodbye." The jakl blinked, shocked. "You don't scare me. I learned long ago that fear of a student is the same as shunning that student. Go on to guidance. I don't want to see you on the roll sheets for the next week, understand? Goodbye!" Mr. Hornbaum pointed to the door, and Veronique, her eyes returning to green, quietly walked out.


"I can't believe it. Someone stood up to Jakl... Is she losing her touch because I haven't kept her honed?" The quietly spoken questions sounded empty to Veronique as she went next door to guidance and sat in a chair.


"Can I help you, dear?" A woman asked. Veronique shook her head blankly.


"No. Mr. Hornbaum sent me over. I've been suspended and am to finish the day out here." She informed the middle-aged staff member, who smiled sweetly and nodded. How nice it would be, Veronique thought, to be surrounded by people as sweet as that smile...


Just A Little Too Extreme

the JAKL


I'm crazy

Autistic and schizo simultaneously

I'm nutty

Bipolar in the maximum degree

I'm both

A maniac and sad at the same time

I'm only

One person but I feel like nine



Maybe the life I lead

Is a little bit too extreme

Maybe I'm headed to my doom

Just a girl, I'm only thirteen


I'm crazy

Twin sisters in the body of a girl

I'm nutty

A little too engulfed in my own little world

I'm both

Innocent and wise all the same

I only

Wanted to play a game





I know I'm dying inside

I know I'm losing my mind

I have already lost so much

Now I'm running out of time to find

The answer

The answer to my random dreams

The way I hear those screams

In my past that isn't real

My past that only I can feel

It hurts so much

To know that the touch

Of a blanket is enough to send me

Spinning away into Oblivion




Into Oblivion...


More later, I'm just getting started!


feedback, plz!








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Thank you, Horatio!





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thats gud!


oh, keep writing!


I wonder who is the pink person?

wut do u mean?


i LUV pink! wuts da big deal talkin abt it?


topazia, keep writing the story! i LUV it like i LUV pink! my bff and i r called preps, but i dont think we r...

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thats gud!


oh, keep writing!


I wonder who is the pink person?

wut do u mean?


i LUV pink! wuts da big deal talkin abt it?


topazia, keep writing the story! i LUV it like i LUV pink! my bff and i r called preps, but i dont think we r...

wow. a n00b. Welcome, ___! I'm glad you like it! Personally, I'm not fond of pink, but I won't persecute you for it. Please feel free to explore the site's many topics and post, post, post.


Guess who you are... mK? mullaypop? hmm.... who was it that said they absolutely love pink and is born in november... once again, off to the calendar! buhbye!

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[Veronique imagined a pretty cry-for-help song.]

That evening, Sarah went to her room and collapsed onto her bed, exhausted. She summoned the energy to get up and sit at her desk. The familiar lighting calmed her and allowed her to think.


"What shall I do about this Vero girl? She has a secret, and I know she won't let me near enough to gain her trust. But I'm so curious... How can I convince her to let me into her world?" Her phone rang.


"Hello, Sarah's line." Sarah greeted.


"Sarah." It was Veronique.



"Who else, the tooth fairy?" Sarah smiled.


"How did you get my number?"


"It was written on the bathroom wall. Your next question is why. I'm not stupid. I have a favor to ask. Do you know a makeup artist or someone really good at changing someone's appearance?" Sarah thought for a moment, confused more by the fact that her number was on the wall than the request for asthetics.


"I'm free, and I'm really good. Why?" Veronique was quiet for a moment on the other line.


"I need to change my face for a few days." Sarah held back a snort, knowing if she displayed her confusion over the phone to someone who didn't know her, Veronique would think she was laughing. "I know more about you than you think, Sarah." Veronique's tone further discombobulated the poor eight-grader.


"Yeah, sure I can help. One: why do you want to change, and two: how do you know you're so smart on me?" Sarah's suspicion brought a hollow laugh from Veronique.


"One: I can't tell you; I'd get arrested. Two: I was misdiagnosed as crazy. I'm unstable, yes, but I'm not bipolar schizo psychotic; I happen to be sensitive to the paranormal." Veronique's sudden contrast from aloof to open made Sarah wonder if she was dreaming. "You're not dreaming, trust me."


"Stop that! Those are my thoughts! I'll help you out, but only if you leave my head alone, okay?" Sarah felt very defensive of her inner thoughts, but she wasn't sure why.


"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm so used to deciding who to trust through their thoughts, I guess I can't help it anymore. I'll try hard not to pry. Can you meet me in the park tonight?" Veronique's voice rang truthful, so Sarah trusted her.


"Yeah, sure, just as long as I'm home by nine-thirty." She told Veronique.


"Awesome!" Veronique faked energy. "It's seven now. Can you meet me at the back end in an hour?" Sarah measured her time. An hour and a half should be simple to make, depending on what Veronique had in mind as "changing her face".


"Sure. Hey, what do you have in mind, changing your appearance? How different do you want to look? Do you have a picture I could work off of?" Sarah asked the important questions.


"I have a picture, but it's in my head. I'd have to show you in your mind." Sarah heard the implied question.


"Okay, so show me." She invited, and Veronique showed her.


It's a jackal, the girl explained in thought. I had someone do this back in Greenland, and it looked awesome. I would do this myself, but I can only duplicate what I've seen in real life in a certain amount of time. I moved here a few weeks ago, and I haven't refigured it since about six months before I moved. You can still say no, if you don't want to. I have a few other numbers...


"I can do that. I don't have those colors though, Vero." Sarah informed her. "I could try to come close, just with a different color." The offer and positive answer brought a genuine smile to Veronique's face. She had forgotten to take herself away from Sarah, though, so the girl saw how jakl looked when she was calm.


"I have the colors. I figured you wouldn't, because they were custom mixed so I wouldn't react to the chemicals. Thank you, Sarah." Sarah pictured (thought she pictured. Veronique was projecting without realizing it.) Vero's face relax and smile, eyes glowing with gratitude.


"You're welcome. I like to help others. Is there anything else?" Wow, she's gorgeous, Sarah thought to herself. Veronique finally realized she had projected and immediately withdrew.


"No, not really. I have to eat now anyway. See you, Sarah."


"Bye, Veronique." CLICK "Oh, okay." Sarah muttered, setting her phone down. The picture wouldn't go away. It was as if it had been burned into her mind and wouldn't go away until she had painted Veronique's face.


An hour later, Veronique sat in the park, waiting. Sarah walked up, noting the light without realizing it. She noticed Veronique's face, paler with the lack of foundation. Veronique wanted the makeup to stick to her skin, but wanted it to breathe, too, Sarah realized.


"Hi, Sarah," Veronique greeted blandly. Sarah returned it, but with much more energy.


"Hi. Nice hairdo." Veronique had her hair up in a rather messy bun. It looked exquisite on her, though. Sarah understood why Veronique hid her face with her hair and thick foundation.The girl was blessed with flawless features, and her face was absolutely beautiful. Veronique wanted to protect herself, but from what, or from whom?


"It gets it out of my face, and out of your way, right? I can see you thinking and it's driving me crazy with curiosity." The blunt remark reminded Sarah that Veronique was required to ask persmission. since she had protested against free reign.


"Oh. Sorry. I was thinking about school tomorrow." She lied.


"Liar. Your eyes widen and your facial muscles tense, pulling at your skin when you lie."


gotta go!

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"Liar. Your eyes widen and your facial muscles tense, pulling at your skin when you lie." Veronique declared softly. She wasn't offended. She knew it was human nature to lie in an awkward situation. "It's cold." Sarah heard the hint to get a move on.


"Okay." Sarah smiled softly. Veronique produced face colors from her pocket and handed them to Sarah, who brought the jackal paint to the forefront of her mind. "Why are you tense?" Veronique's face was rigid with uncertainty. It was the first emotion Sarah had seen from her.


"It freezes my muscles so you don't slip. My facial muscles are very loose, and it's easy to run a sharp object over it and not cut me. Fingers slide right off unless you're used to it." Veronique lied. Her eyes shone with fear. Sarah was tempted to ask further. I won't answer you if you do, Sarah, Veronique projected.


"I wasn't gonna ask." She informed the strange girl as she began applying the makeup.


"You were tempted. It showed on your face." Sarah nodded in agreement. "So what's fun in this town?" Veronique deliberately asked her a question that involved a lot of thought and verbalizing.


"Well, in the daytime, the park is a little warmer, and there are hot dog vendors scattered around," Sarah began. "Also, there's an arcade down the road from here. It's called the Skidmore Shack. I go there a lot, because there's good food and music, as well as friends and games. Then there's the water park a few miles from here, Water World. It's cool the first few times you go there. Um... There's a great place if you want to meditate or pray or something, it's a labyrinth. It's like, two miles away from my house, so if you're interested, I could show you where it is... Other than that, it's more fun for ten year olds and thirty year olds than it is for teens." Sarah finished. Veronique listening to the girl's thoughts carefully, not projecting anything. She knew she couldn't say anything if she wanted to, unless she used a physical/aura excuse.


I wish I had the courage to ask her what's the matter, Sarah thought in the silence. I wish I knew how to be her friend. Sometimes I don't like being popular. All the abnorms think I'm too snotty to associate with them, when all I want is to be myself. I've always found myself dreaming of changing into something other than this... I kinda like the clothes and mystery surrounding some of the quiet kids. I wish I could fit in with them instead of the pretty in pink world I can't seem to escape. Veronique listened and heard the hopelessness in the girl's inner voice. She hid a smile and spoke.


"Do you ever get curious about us quiet kids? Like, do you ever feel like we're hiding something?" Veronique's voice pierced the silence like a knife, even though it was soft and gentle.


"Yeah, why?" Sarah's instinctive defense made Veronique open her eyes.


"I was curious. I find that a lot of people are drawn to staring at us because they're inwardly trying to either work up the courage to say hello, or find a way to join us, throwing structure to the wolves. I told myself a long time ago that to be yourself is the best thing in the world, no matter where that may bring you, even if it means going against your whole family." Veronique's voice had a strangely resonant quality and it was cool, because it made Sarah feel like the words were filtering through her, just flowing through her every molecule.



more later g2g eat dinner!

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Love it girl. Write more plzzzzzzzzzz. btw gonna miss ya when i move.

I'll miss you too, but we cam keep in touch through the cyber world.

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*



*slapps paws* Don't you have any manners? *shoves out of the way and waves claws* Excusemepleasethankyouyourwelcome. See? *moves and pushes Horatio in the way for

it to hit him flat in the face* That's what you get for being rude.

Rude? :o I thought I was just being theatrical! :lol:

*realizes that didn't work, tries another tactic*


mmm I can't wait to see this one. :glare:

*stalls for time*


*opens the stall* this isn't helping! hurry.

*watches Social Outcast get kicked by a horse when she opened the stall* :o


STOP HORSING AROUND! I don't care about dumb figures of your imagination!




As for the story, I've read part of it but I'm super busy and

grounded from the computer. Don't write any more for a while

cuz I know there is a lot there!!!!!!!

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I love your reaction.

I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first...

I think Social Outcast has a great way with words.


As for the drop-off...


*is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*



*slapps paws* Don't you have any manners? *shoves out of the way and waves claws* Excusemepleasethankyouyourwelcome. See? *moves and pushes Horatio in the way for

it to hit him flat in the face* That's what you get for being rude.

Rude? :o I thought I was just being theatrical! :lol:

*realizes that didn't work, tries another tactic*


mmm I can't wait to see this one. :glare:

*stalls for time*


*opens the stall* this isn't helping! hurry.

*watches Social Outcast get kicked by a horse when she opened the stall* :o


STOP HORSING AROUND! I don't care about dumb figures of your imagination!




As for the story, I've read part of it but I'm super busy and

grounded from the computer. Don't write any more for a while

cuz I know there is a lot there!!!!!!!

Please get ungrounded and hurry back. I will be here waiting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"I was curious. I find that a lot of people are drawn to staring at us because they're inwardly trying to either work up the courage to say hello, or find a way to join us, throwing structure to the wolves. I told myself a long time ago that to be yourself is the best thing in the world, no matter where that may bring you, even if it means going against your whole family." Veronique's voice had a strangely resonant quality and it was cool, because it made Sarah feel like the words were filtering through her, just flowing through her every molecule.


Little did she know that Veronique was actually using her menta to make the echo, and her telekinetic secrecy to seemingly float through Sarah's body. The effect calmed and opened the listener's mind to her next request.


"I need a friend. But before I ask you, I deem it necessary to tell you something very important: I run around like this in the darkest part of the evening, and I need a friend everpresent to keep the jackal from taking over and hurting someone. I have two personalities, both separate from each other, and only one likes to obey certain rules of life. Such is the price to pay for my talents." The implied question and inherent warning did not go unnotices by Sarah. Veronique was looking for a friend willing to go extreme, and to stay by her side when she needed to focus on reality. Was there a bit of desperation in those strong, haughty eyes?


"I can be your friend. What now?" The smile on Sarah's face was contageous. Veronique tried hard, and failed, not to smile. Sarah was the most open-minded "friend" Veronique had met so far.


"Are you creative? In the dead of the night, your face glows like a lantern and is too easily recognizable." The implied comstume made Sarah grin.


"Of course. I'm sure I could put something together." Suddenly, Veronique projected a visual into her mind. It was modest, and comfortable, but it could quickly become anything. And a face. Sarah somehow knew how to make the face with the makeup. It was a black cheetah, the rarest wildcat in the world.


"Think you can handle it? Your eyes shine with the inner rebellion that so well matched the black cheetah. Just like you judge music, I can determine your inner creature." Sarah finally noticed what Veronique was wearing. It was a sweatshirt and loose jeans.


"Nice outift." Sarah was genuine. The loose figure accented the girl's slim face.


"Oh, I'm wearing this over the jakl's favorite attire. It's silk, so I must protect it until it is needed. I really don't need to, as it is stronger than Kevlar, but it's so fine, it feels like it'll snag and be ruined." Sarah's curiosity was piqued.


"What does it look like?"

"Wanna see?"

"What do you think?" Sarah's sarcasm brought an involuntary smile to Veronique's eyes.


"Oh my, the princess has a stinger." Sarah's eyes flared. "Oh, I"m kidding and you know it!" Sarah thought for a moment before agreeing.


Veronique removed her outer layer, and Sarah held in a gasp. Despite being nearly fourteen, Veronique's body was that of a 17-yr-old. The varying shades of brown, yellow, gray, and black silks were wrapped carefully and gracefully around the jakl's body,and her feet were perfectly covered in thick black latex. The girl's stomach was not covered, as the slong scarf-like lengths of fabric across her chest were wrapped in an X pattern to cover her chest and hip areas. Her long, slender legs were wrapped in such a way that her bare skin was showing through gaps in the fabric, yet her arms were covered completely, perfected by dark brown, mesh-like gloves that allowed for air circulation, but they covered her hands finely.


"You came up with that?" Sarah asked softly, shocked at how exquisite a thirteen-year-old could become.


"Of course. Actually, the jakl and I came up with it together, in a fabric store. But yes, I didn't look in a book or to my mother, Sarah. You actually came up with your own. The face, I showed you, but the outfit is yours completely." Sarah couldn't help wondering what the purpose of the identity wasm anyway.


Veronique walked into the dark area, shaded by trees. Sarah had trouble finding her, and only by watching where the girl had just been, could she follow the jackal's movements. Veronique crouched, cat-like, and leaped gracefully. Her feet made no sound, even though she was prancing around in dead leaves and fallen twigs galore.


"How are you--" Veronique wasn't through, yet. She disappeared. Sarah looked for her. She listened quietly, holding her breath and controlling her heart for more quiet. Then there was a rustle behind her. It was Veronique.


"I am the JAKL, and I have all her instincts. She is silent, clever, and insanely powerful, for her size." Veronique's eyes were blazing amber. "Don't worry, I'm still here. The JAKL will act very differently, if and when she's stronger and can tease me." Sarah nodded, calmly accepting every facet of Veronique's convoluted personality. Veronique knew this, and was reassured. "You are a rebel at heart! You're just afraid to take your heart seriously, for fear that you be ridiculed. I have bad news. You are going to be ridiculed if you hang out with me. The only thing I need in a friend is loyalty. You don't have to sit with me, but I won't be made fun of without knowing it." The warning would prove useful.


"Okay. I don't think the fabric retail in town sells the fabric I need." Veronique smiled.


"Yes they do. If you'd like, I can assist you in finding what you need." The offer was so genuine, so openly selfless, that Sarah had to peer at Veronique's face. Nope. No emotion behind the smile. It was forced.


"Tomorrow would work," Sarah suggested. Veronique nodded, and the two parted ways til they would go shopping tomorrow.



gotta go, my beloved is on his way!

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Thank you, Horatio. I've been trying to get on long enough to work on it, but I've been so busy with lifeguarding...

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"Tomorrow would work," Sarah suggested. Veronique nodded, and the two parted ways til they would go shopping tomorrow.


The next day, Sarah and Veronique walk to the craft store to find silk cloths in the colors and patterns Sarah needed. Veronique seemed to know the store better than Sarah, yet Sarah had been there many times.


"How do you know the store layout so well, Vero?" Sarah asked. Veronique just smiled.


"I'm tapping into the cashier's memory for the map," she replied easily. Sarah just smiled a little and looked around for the silks. "Here it is, Sarah." Veronique had found the exact cloth Sarah had had in mind, and it was in the discount bin! Only a dollar a yard!


"Wow! How much do you think I'll need, Vero?" The new girl shrugged, then thought for a moment.


"About five yards, if you want it to look exactly like your mental picture." Sarah paused. How would she know?


"Um... How did..."

"I have to tell you something when we get away from the public ear." Veronique's tone told Sarah it was important.


"Okay." They bought the fabric they needed and went to Sarah's house. In the driveway, Veronique turned to Sarah with an intense look in her eye.


"Why didn't you tell me you could project?" She demanded.


"I can't! I don't even know what that is!" Sarah protested. Veronique looked into her mind and decided she was telling the truth. Sarah somehow felt it. "Hey! Could you at least ask?!" Veronique blinked in surprise.


"You felt it? You can project. It means you can put visuals and ideas in people's heads. You projected that outfit last night. You projected confusion today. Why didn't you tell me you could!" Sarah blinked in surprise.


"I can? I didn't know that. I thought I was just really convincing." She told the girl before her.


"Great. Now I have to teach you how to control your mind. Let's figure out how this fabric works on you first, though." Veronique's eyes continued to blaze amber, but her face returned to the blank stare she always carried. "Let's hope you aren't insecure..." Sarah knew what that meant.


"Er, I'm sure I could figure it out, Vero, really!" Veronique displayed a truly genuine grin.


"I knew you were! Ha! Tough. Have you ever tried to make silk look good? No, I didn't think so. Guess what? It's a lot harder than you think. C'mon. It's not like I'm any different than you!" Sarah blinked.


"No. You are." With that, Sarah walked into her house, leaving a very confused Veronique in her wake.


"'No, you are'?" She asked the jakl.

"She's hiding something, kid. Something big. I can't tell you what it is though, because she'll feel the probe."

"Shut up, Jakl. Let's go home, now."

"We can't swim that far, even if we work together!"

"No, I mean here, where we live now. You knew that. Now let's go."

"Fine." The jakl huffed into silence as Veronique walked home.





I hafta go clean the kitchen now.

Buh bye!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll continue in a few days.

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"We can't swim that far, even if we work together!"

"No, I mean here, where we live now. You knew that. Now let's go."

"Fine." The jakl huffed into silence as Veronique walked home.


Sarah hid in her room staring in the mirror.

"She knows something's wrong now. What will I do? I can't believe I've been roped into this..." She felt a small tug at her mind and wondered if it was Veronique or just her own conscience.


<It's me,> Veronique thought.


<Why can't you ask for once? You said you would from now on!> Sarah unknowingly projected mild anger.


<Fine. Stop projecting every emotion you feel. It gets to me.> Veronique told her calmly. <Now, what's the matter with you that you think we aren't the same? You are a girl, aren't you?> Sarah couldn't help but laugh.


<Of course, I'm female! I'm not telling you, nor am I allowing you to invade my mind to find the answer.> Veronique blinked at the terse reply.


<Okay. No need to yell. I said I'd try to remember to ask you, Sarah. That means there are no guarantees except that I'll respect your anger when I forget, as long as you respect my fugue of amnesia. So what's up with you?> Sarah paused before answering.


<I'm bored.>

<Bummer. You wouldn't be if we were fitting you with silk right now.> Sarah heard the hint and rolled her eyes.


<Yep. Bummer.>



Okay, I have to go now. My beloved is on the phone. Goodnight. God Bless.





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Ack! Wonderful story! This is great!


I never got the hang of story writing, from narratives to novels. Anyway, whee! I love it. If I made an award I'd give it to you as many times as I could before somebody got annoyed that I was giving out so many awards at one time. I like the really... otherworldly stories. With things like what you mentioned in your story so far. I loved the Deltora Quest series, and the Diskworld series, and many other books because of that sort of thing :D:D

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Ack! Wonderful story! This is great!


I never got the hang of story writing, from narratives to novels. Anyway, whee! I love it. If I made an award I'd give it to you as many times as I could before somebody got annoyed that I was giving out so many awards at one time. I like the really... otherworldly stories. With things like what you mentioned in your story so far. I loved the Deltora Quest series, and the Diskworld series, and many other books because of that sort of thing :D:D

You need to look in here for some stories by Arkcher. He is also a terrific writer like Topazia. :D

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<Bummer. You wouldn't be if we were fitting you with silk right now.> Sarah heard the hint and rolled her eyes.


<Yep. Bummer.>


The next day, Sarah walked home to find Veronique waiting for her.

"Now what," Sarah asked. Veronique laughed, genuinely amused at Sarah's annoyance.


"Oh, come on, is it a crime to wait for a friend? I'm bored, being suspended from school!" Sarah smiled, unsure. Veronique rolled her eyes. "Nervous about something?"


"No. Why would I be nervous? It's not like I have a feeling you're going to try to badger what's wrong out of me or anything." The sarcasm did not go unnoticed.


"Oh. Well, you're wrong." Veronique's heart flashed with deception, and Sarah somehow felt it.


"Why did you just lie to me? Friendship is supposed to be built off trust, and I can't trust lies." Veronique smiled widely.


"You're learning quickly, on your own. My eyes are totally blank." Sarah puzzled over that.


"Vero, what makes someone able to project and all that? Like, what happens to trigger it?" Veronique stared into Sarah's eyes, trying to find the motive without prying.


"Trauma. Trauma, recovery, anger, and blatant unforgiveness. You have to hold a deep grudge against someone who betrayed you at an impressionable time in your life. Be it bath time, something recent, or in your past, something has to have gone wrong in your life, and you have to be black with anger inside. Now, the question is, what's up with you that you have this ability?" Sarah shut down inside again, just as she did the day before when Veronique was curious about their differences. Vero saw her eyes go blank.


"Nothing important." Sarah lied calmly.


"You don't develop this trait from 'nothing important', Sarah," Veronique chided. "What went wrong?" The sudden tenderness of Veronique's speech shocked Sarah. Her body language screamed of mild curiosity and deep sadness. Veronique's shoulders sagged forward slightly to convey interest, and her legs were slightly bent to make her seem smaller and gentler. Veronique's sudden display of gentile greatly surprised Sarah, so much so that she considered telling the girl.


"Oh, you're good. You're real good," Sarah bluntly told her friend. "I'm not telling you. Something went haywire in my life, but you don't get to know about it. Accept me at face value, and we'll be peachy, okay, Veronique? I am the only person in the world who gets to know what's wrong." Sarah's mild temper flared into a nuclear pyre for an instant, and then relaxed.


"Shame does nothing for you, Sarah." Veronique blinked wisely before nodding her goodbye and walking away. Sarah stood, contemplating the potential gravity of that statement.


Veronique glanced back when she got to the end of the street. Sarah was standing there, staring up at the sky, as if there were something there.


<What are you doing?>

<Thinking,> Sarah replied.

<About...?> Veronique prompted. Sarah shrugged and shut her out.

<Leave me alone for a little bit, please.> Sarah walked inside, and Veronique tried to puzzle through the glow in Sarah's eyes. Sarah had tried to tell her story with out words, and now Veronique couldn't get the visions out of her head.


Well, if you're so curious, the jakl told her, then why don't you just translate those visuals she gave you with her eyes? I saw them, too, ya know, and I've been trying to think since the conversation!


Veronique rolled her eyes, but started thinking anyway.

"Let's see... I saw... pain. Well, of course, if I showed emotion, that would be the first one to escape. Okay, then I saw... fear. Fear of what might become, or fear of facing up to it? Or was it fear within a memory, however fleeting said memory was? I also saw... almost a telepathic sense of hating herself for small differences. It's like she knows something about herself that isn't normal, so she hides it with her life. She overcompensates by becoming the most popular girl in school, and then further, by being nice to everyone at the cost of her own twisted pride..."


<I do not have a twisted pride!> Sarah shouted indignantly in Veronique's head.

<Hello, Sarah. I don't care if you look at my thoughts. They're as simple as a bumblebee's drive for nectar. Yes, you do have a sense of pride that doesn't belong with a girl of your type. Only perfect people can afford to be proud, and then they aren't perfect anymore. What do you want?> Veronique's question sparked a strange emotion deep within Sarah's heart. She knew she need to explain her sudden change of personality.


<I'll tell you later.> Veronique nodded.

<'Kay. I'll probably see you tomorrow. You really should get that silk fitted.>






I gotta go


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<'Kay. I'll probably see you tomorrow. You really should get that silk fitted.> Sarah rolled her eyes.


<Yes, mother.> Veronique ignored the insult and lashed back sweetly.


<Wonderful! I'll be fore when you get home, okay?> She cheerily told Sarah.

<NO!> Veronique was taken aback by Sarah's forceful response.


<Okay, okay,> she apologized. <I was just messing with you. What's the matter with you, anyway?> Sarah exhaled in exasperation.


<Nothing is the matter with me! Stop asking me! Is it such a crime to be insecure with a rare talent? Geez!> Sarah's angry defense only made Veronique smile.


<If nothing is the matter, then why are you trying so hard to prove it to me? Why are you so angry that I ask you what happened? Why are you afraid to tell yourself that I'm right, and the only way you'll be able to harness your gift is to face up to the pain in life, and don't hide it? Why are you afraid to trust someone who has given you no reason to mistrust her? Why are you afraid to trust yourself?> All the questions made Sarah think, and she realized she had to tell Veronique.


<Fine! Okay? I was hurt! I was mentally tortured! I learned to hate at the age of five! There is no excuse for it, and I know it's not my fault, but I was brainwashed to think it was! Just back off, okay? That's all you need to know! That's all you'll ever know! Just stop badgering me!> Sarah's mental shouting was starting to hurt Veronique's head, but she didn't complain.


<Relax. Do me a favor. Lie down on your bed. Close your eyes. Start breathing slowly. Now shut up and listen.> Veronique's soft, lilting voice soothed Sarah's nerves, so she trusted her.



<Good. Now, count to three for each breath, hold it in for a count of three, and make your exhale the same count of three.> Sarah did so. <Relax. You'll feel a tingling in your fingers, toes, and ears. Imagine yourself rising up from your bed, into the air. You are floating. Keeping your eyes closed, imagine your room disappearing into a large, deep purple room. The walls are textured, and the floor is just beyond your reach. You see the room melt into a dark blue sphere, but there is plenty of light to see around you. The sphere is textured, and you can see it slowly spinning in a hypnotic fashion. It makes you smile.> Sarah smiled. <Now,> Veronique said gently, keeping her tone calm. <Slowly open your eyes when I tell you, and tell me what you see.> Sarah nodded a little. <Open your eyes, Sarah.> She did so, and gasped.



<What do you see?>

<I see a dark brown ocelot, playing with her cubs in a tree. It's almost sunset, so the sky is glowing gold. There are a few clouds way in the distance, and the yellowish grass is reflecting the golden cast of the sun. Oh, it's beautiful, Veronique. I wish you could see it.> Sarah's voice was so gentle, even in her mind.


<I can. You're projecting it, Sarah. Now close your eyes again.> Sarah obeyed, returning to her blue sphere of imagination. <Bring the ocelot family back to your foremind and push it out of the sphere. There's a small hole right above you. Push it out through the hole, slowly, or it'll fold, and then it won't come back. Gently, that's right. Now the picture is gone. Come back to the center of the sphere, keeping your pace slow and steady. Slow your breathing down to a four count. The sphere is bending and folding. It's a cube, now. It's spinning sideways, so the top is always the top. It's a deep, deep, emerald green, almost like magnolia leaves. Okay, now that you are in the green cube, imagine a gentle breeze flowing through your hair and clothes. It's cool, and it caresses your hands and bare feet. You like the breeze. Make it stronger. Make it turn white and wrap it around you in overlapping ellipses. Make the wind grow tighter around you, so tight it becomes warm from your body heat and keeps you warm while cooling your skin from six inches away. Push the ellipses into wider orbits, away from your body about two feet. Now make it die down. The green cube is morphing again. It's turning into a golden sphere. A silent river of light blue runs around it, and the sphere is spinning so the river is always moving. Now, you look down and discover that your arms are bare. Your stomach is exposed. You have a fishtail. You're a mermaiden, and you have a sudden urge to sing out. Follow your urge. Sing through your eyes. Make musical pictures and movies in your head, and wish with all your heart that they could come true.> Sarah started to hum at first, then sing.








I am here

I am alive

I can see

How my life has grown


How the past has made me one

How the man who came to me

And told me I was never born

Was gone from my life

Gone from hy heart

Gone from all memories


Sarah's short song faded into a calm "hello" sequence before disappearing. Veronique blinked.


<Open your eyes, Sarah. You are back in your room, back on your bed, back in the escape of imagination. Welcome back to life.>




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  • 2 weeks later...

<Open your eyes, Sarah. You are back in your room, back on your bed, back in the escape of imagination. Welcome back to life.> Sarah opened her eyes.


<What was that?> She asked.


<Can I come over?> Veronique inquired. Sarah thought it over for a moment. Was it worth it? She sighed out loud.


<Fine. Come on over.> She replied.


<I didn't mean to help with your silk, I just wanted to talk face to face. It gets tiring after a while of projecting like this, and I didn't sleep well last night.> Veronique explained, hearing the reluctance in her new friend's thoughts. <I mean, if you decide to let me help, that's fine, but it's not the main reason I want to come over.> Sarah smiled.


<You can come over, Vero.>

<Wonderful! I'll be over in five.> Veronique and Sarah said goodbye, and Sarah went outside to wait, trying to imagine how to put on the long silk strips to look as good as Veronique's.


Veronique quickly put on her silks and slipped a sweater and jeans over them before darting over to Sarah's house. She slunk around the back way, reflexively hiding in the shadows. She came back out to the street when she got to Sarah's road, though. It wouldn't look good if she showed up at the girl's back door. Sarah smiled when she saw Veronique coming down the street.


"Hi, Vero," Sarah greeted, opening the door for her friend. "You were wrong. It's been six minutes and thirteen seconds." Veronique forced a humored grin.


"Haha, hey, who's counting? I wasn't," she joked. "So, did you like that thing with your eyes closed?" Veronique's question brought a huge smile to Sarah's face.


"Yeah! How did you do that?" Veronique just smiled genuinely.


"I didn't. You did. I told you to imagine the geometric shapes and stuff, but you invented it. It was a creativity exercise that my teacher taught me back in Greenland. Tank--Tenner and I shared that class with a few select individuals from our school. It was a gifted program, essentially. Little did they know that I could make those visuals almost true. Enough about me. You have a vivid imagination. Last time I did that to someone, they were so straightforward, they couldn't visualize their paradise when they opened their eyes. It really frustrated me." Sarah smiled.


"You didn't answer me."


"Oh, right. I unlocked your imagination and gave you minor details. You created the rest. You can do it yourself, too. Just relax your body and think of your favorite shapes in rich colors off the cool end of the spectrum. Deep green, royal blue, rich purple, bloodred, those colors. Never black. That will send you into a fit. Trust me. I speak from experience." Veronique's voice was calmer than Sarah had heard before.


"Cool." Sarah hesitated, wanting to say something but nervous of the thought. "Um... So, seen any good movies lately?" Veronique saw the fumble.


I don't watch movies. What did you really want to say, Sarah?" The gentle question soothed Sarah's nerves. Vero is really good at manipulating, she tought to herself.


"You're good. Hardly anyone would see me stumble. I was gonna ask you something, then decided against it." Sarah answered honestly, avoiding the topic. Veronique couldn't help herself.


"Who hurt you?" She clapped a hand to her mouth. "You don't have to answer!" Veronique's face reddened despite herself. Sarah heard the surprise in her voice. Veronique didn't mean to blurt it out. But Sarah realized she really wanted to know. It surprised the girl that Veronique would abate her curiosity for Sarah's sake, and that made Sarah want to tell her even more what had happened. Her eyes darted to the ground.


"It's okay, I guess." Veronique perked up at this response. She didn't expect Sarah to really tell her, and made this known. "I know. I can tell you aren't trying to make me tell you either. No, I suppose you should know, in case I ever act out on abnormal reflexes." Veronique nodded. Sarah took a deep breath.


"I guess you could say I was hurt, but I really wasn't. My preschool teacher..." Sarah froze. Terror welled up within her, and Veronique sensed the war going on inside the poor girl. Without realizing it, she reached out and gently touched Sarah's shoulder. "She wasn't right in the head," Sarah continued, avoiding eye contact. "Everyone liked her, too. She was nice, great with kids, had a degree in early childhood education, and she part-timed as a social worker. As qualified as she was, she had a glint in her eye that bothered my mom..." Veronique recognized the story. She had felt a tug of pain several years ago, right when this would have been happening. It was the most intense thing she had ever felt, and nothing had yet surpassed it. A gleam of recollection shone in the strange girl's face as Sarah struggled to continue. "I-- um... it, uh... is hard to explain... The girl was so sweet. At first I didnt' even realize she was sadistic in her quest to get to know me. I was teacher's pet back then... Then when she tried... oh..." Sarah started twitching and biting her lips. Veronique wasn't positive what to do, for once.


"Um, Sarah?" Sarah tried to turn to her friend, but she arched back in pain. Veronique decided to break the rules and invade Sarah's mind. "Ouch!" Sarah's mind was so wracked in pain, it hurt to delve into the depths of Sarah Johnson. Veronique took a deep breath and prepared herself before trying again. It hurt, but it wasn't as bad. Veronique forced Sarah's mind to relax enough to stop arching, and she suddenly saw the crazed female eyes that had haunted her dreams for years. She felt Sarah's psyche changing, altering, morphing into the fearsome monster of her dreams.


"No, please not again..." Sarah's faintest whisper caught Veronique by surprise. She delved deeper and found what she was looking for. A black spot. Sarah's mind was colorful, always cheerful and thought-provoking, but here was a fatal flaw to the beautiful design. It was as if the artist had decided to use every color possible, and ran out, so he left a spot blank. But the spot was growing, and the colors on Sarah's mind were fading to gray, then darkening, beckoning the change to come. Veronique thought as hard as she could the command:


"STOP!" Sarah collapsed onto her bed next to Veronique. But it wasn't over. Veronique remained in Sarah's mind, and it didn't help. So she forced herself to think Sarah's thoughts for her, giving the girl a chance to recover enough to fight it. The room grew cold, and she bit back a moan of pain. Her spine tingled sharply, her skull buzzing, and it took every ounce of self-control to stay inside Sarah, but it worked. Sarah sat up, saw and felt what Veronique was doing, and closed her mind completely, save for a small hole that would never go quite shut. Veronique was in that hole, and Sarah couldn't find a way to push Veronique away.


"Vero, let go. I'm okay, now. It happens all the time. Stress does it." Veronique didn't quite hear her soft voice, and managed to speak almost normally, a display of strength that frightened Sarah a little.


"What?" Sarah repeated herself, slightly louder, and Veronique nodded, relaxing. Sarah immediately tensed up again. "You're sure you're okay, Sarah?" Sarah managed to look at her angrily for a moment. Veronique pulled her out of the hole again, and Sarah could only watch.


"Sarah, pain is nothing. It's all in the head. I can teach you how to control yourself to the point of barely feeling it, but only if you'll let me." Veronique's eyes glittered with the pain of crossing out another's thought, compounded by the gravity of the thought she bypassed into her own mind. "You are much stronger than you let on, Sarah." Sarah laughed the sardonic laugh Veronique hated most. It had haunted her for years.


"Oh, I'm not the strong one. Sharie is the power you feel." Veronique heard cold undertones in the girl's voice and knew what was going on. Sharie, the teacher who betrayed Sarah, had been Gifted, just like Veronique and Sarah. But Sharie abused her power, and left a cold stone of hatred in the little girl's head, knowing it would destroy her later in life.


"Sharie has no power, Sarah. Sharie is in the past, and the past only has whatever power you let it have. Retain the power of your thoughts, and this will stop. Think not of anger and pain, or bitterness and rage, but of healing, hope, life, and purity. Track the stone of hatred down, and cast it out of your mind. Channel it out through something constructive, or cope as I do and channel that fire into something amazing. Use the power you lend hatred for more than that. Wouldn't that be amazing? If you could change the bad into good, you could rule your own heart, your own body again. You could forgive and let live the past. Let pain die. Live in the glory of self-confidence stemming from truth." Sarah thought about that.


Veronique was weakening. Her resolve against pain was falling apart quickly, and Sarah was starting to feel the effects of it. She blinked, and Veronique decided to take drastic measures a step further. She pushed herself deeper into the pain, and she felt the numbing sensation of her Gift coming to life. Her body buzzed from head to toe, and a slight current of electric light pulsed through her veins to the point of her skin glowing from it. Sarah was staring.


"Are you okay, Vero?" Veronique's eyes flashed amber, and the silk that bound her meshed together with her flesh. The jakl had surfaced.


"Vero is fine. She's sleeping, Chah." Sarah blinked.

"What did you call me?"

"Chah. It's short for Cheetah. Congratulations. You are the first American to set eyes on the Jackal's face. I preferred the icy chill of Greenland's rocky beach." JAKL told her partner. Sarah didn't understand.


"Wait, the only difference between you and Vero is that her eyes are that green color, and you have age lines on your face. And how did you get out? Vero's stronger than that." the JAKL realized that Sarah had stayed up late practicing her menta.


"That's why we haven't slept well!" JAKL's eyes blazed. "You shouldn't pry on minds you do not know, little cheetah." Sarah could have sworn that JAKL's last word trended more to the "r" sound.


"Temper, temper. Cool it, cat. My episodes don't last long." JAKL laughed, the same dark chuckle Sarah had emitted minutes before.


"I compensate quickly. Veronique won't be back for a while, if ever." The possiblilty if losing a new friend angered Sarah.


"I disagree." Sarah forced Veronique out of her mind, knowing it would hurt, and JAKL blinked in surprise. Her eyes flashed back and forth between green and amber, but the faint lines on her face remained. Sarah stared at the lines, tracing them in her head and realized that they were the stripes of color she had applied to Veronique's face. It amazed Sarah, and she peered also at Vero's hands. They changed slightly. Her fingernails looked sharpened into gentle points, almost like claws, which was exactly what they were.


"How did you--?" Veronique finally asked.


"How did I get you out of my head? I don't sleep much, so I have plenty of time to roam around town practicing my technique on sleeping people." Sarah's calm answer surprised the foreign girl.


"You're bold."

"No, I just want to prove I can train myself to an extent." Veronique blinked.


"I knew you could. You did, too. What were we talking about..." Sarah looked away, suddenly once again the demure girl.



"Oh, yeah. No, before that. You wanted to ask me something." Veronique reminded her. Sarah nodded in recollection.


"I wanted to ask for your help with that forsaken cloth, but chickened out," she confessed sheepishly, a wry smile on her face. Veronique saw it and forced a small smile in return.


"If you still want..."

"No, it'll happen again."



------gotta go now




<Wonderful! I'll be fore when you get home, okay?>
Where did that come from?
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"No, it will happen again." Sarah's voice cracked in fear, making Veronique turn.


"Are you okay?" Sarah nodded, looking down and away in a show of submissive defeat. Veronique rolled her eyes and searched Sarah's room for the silk. She went and picked it up. "This is fine cloth. Very thin, but dark enough so you don't have to worry about being seen. If you were to put on skin-tight clothes, like spandex shorts and a small tank, would you be willing to let me help?" Sarah looked up with a small smile.


"Sure. It's nice to know someone is willing to compromise with creativity..." Veronique smiled and excused herself to the bathroom while Sarah got changed.


"Maybe she'll be alright after all, Jack." The JAKL appeared in the mirror.

"Yeah, you say that... She's really strong! She surprised us when she forced you out of her mind!" Veronique nodded in agreement.


"You're exactly right. She's stronger than I was at her stage in developing her Gift. When I felt that push... I saw her heart, Jack. I saw her heart shining gold, but it had tarnish all over it. Something's wrong with that little rock in her head. It's been growing, or she wouldn't have that much tarnish on her soul." Sarah called through the door that she was done, and the twin minds left the bathroom, sharing the responsibility of guiding Sarah's heart back to purity.






I have to go, but has anybody but Horatio noticed that I'm writing here again? Hello, I like feedback!



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"No, it will happen again." Sarah's voice cracked in fear, making Veronique turn.


"Are you okay?" Sarah nodded, looking down and away in a show of submissive defeat. Veronique rolled her eyes and searched Sarah's room for the silk. She went and picked it up. "This is fine cloth. Very thin, but dark enough so you don't have to worry about being seen. If you were to put on skin-tight clothes, like spandex shorts and a small tank, would you be willing to let me help?" Sarah looked up with a small smile.


"Sure. It's nice to know someone is willing to compromise with creativity..." Veronique smiled and excused herself to the bathroom while Sarah got changed.


"Maybe she'll be alright after all, Jack." The JAKL appeared in the mirror.

"Yeah, you say that... She's really strong! She surprised us when she forced you out of her mind!" Veronique nodded in agreement.


"You're exactly right. She's stronger than I was at her stage in developing her Gift. When I felt that push... I saw her heart, Jack. I saw her heart shining gold, but it had tarnish all over it. Something's wrong with that little rock in her head. It's been growing, or she wouldn't have that much tarnish on her soul." Sarah called through the door that she was done, and the twin minds left the bathroom, sharing the responsibility of guiding Sarah's heart back to purity.






I have to go, but has anybody but Horatio noticed that I'm writing here again? Hello, I like feedback!



Good night!

I love when you write!!! Other people do notice!

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"No, it will happen again." Sarah's voice cracked in fear, making Veronique turn.


"Are you okay?" Sarah nodded, looking down and away in a show of submissive defeat. Veronique rolled her eyes and searched Sarah's room for the silk. She went and picked it up. "This is fine cloth. Very thin, but dark enough so you don't have to worry about being seen. If you were to put on skin-tight clothes, like spandex shorts and a small tank, would you be willing to let me help?" Sarah looked up with a small smile.


"Sure. It's nice to know someone is willing to compromise with creativity..." Veronique smiled and excused herself to the bathroom while Sarah got changed.


"Maybe she'll be alright after all, Jack." The JAKL appeared in the mirror.

"Yeah, you say that... She's really strong! She surprised us when she forced you out of her mind!" Veronique nodded in agreement.


"You're exactly right. She's stronger than I was at her stage in developing her Gift. When I felt that push... I saw her heart, Jack. I saw her heart shining gold, but it had tarnish all over it. Something's wrong with that little rock in her head. It's been growing, or she wouldn't have that much tarnish on her soul." Sarah called through the door that she was done, and the twin minds left the bathroom, sharing the responsibility of guiding Sarah's heart back to purity.






I have to go, but has anybody but Horatio noticed that I'm writing here again? Hello, I like feedback!



Story Samurai award to ]you


And now breakfast ish ready. *runs off*

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"No, it will happen again." Sarah's voice cracked in fear, making Veronique turn.


"Are you okay?" Sarah nodded, looking down and away in a show of submissive defeat. Veronique rolled her eyes and searched Sarah's room for the silk. She went and picked it up. "This is fine cloth. Very thin, but dark enough so you don't have to worry about being seen. If you were to put on skin-tight clothes, like spandex shorts and a small tank, would you be willing to let me help?" Sarah looked up with a small smile.


"Sure. It's nice to know someone is willing to compromise with creativity..." Veronique smiled and excused herself to the bathroom while Sarah got changed.


"Maybe she'll be alright after all, Jack." The JAKL appeared in the mirror.

"Yeah, you say that... She's really strong! She surprised us when she forced you out of her mind!" Veronique nodded in agreement.


"You're exactly right. She's stronger than I was at her stage in developing her Gift. When I felt that push... I saw her heart, Jack. I saw her heart shining gold, but it had tarnish all over it. Something's wrong with that little rock in her head. It's been growing, or she wouldn't have that much tarnish on her soul." Sarah called through the door that she was done, and the twin minds left the bathroom, sharing the responsibility of guiding Sarah's heart back to purity.






I have to go, but has anybody but Horatio noticed that I'm writing here again? Hello, I like feedback!



I have been reading this for awhile and I like it alot. I think you are very gifted writer. Please continue this story....it is very wonderful!!! :D

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thanks, guys!

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I like applesauce.

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The twin minds left the bathroom, sharing the responsibility of guiding Sarah's heart back to purity.


"Sarah, what did you--?" Veronique exclaimed, but caught herself. Sarah's lower torso had what looked like hundreds of tiny scars all over it. Sarah looked down and away, feeling ashamed.


"Sharie's doing..." she explained softly. Her eyes glistened, but she didn't cry. Veronique blinked before recovering to her emotionless demeanor.


"Okay. Shall we?" Veronique held up the silk indicatively, and Sarah nodded.


Veronique studied Sarah for a moment, remembering the Cheetah vision. She wrapped a length of cloth around the girl's neck once, and began on her upper torso.





gotta go swim team's back up

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Horatio, why do you use brackets? That isn't necessary. You needn't worry. I fully intend to continue. Like so!



[Veronique wraps a length of silk around Sarah's neck once.]


"What was your idea, again, Sarah?" Sarah started to tell, then got the hint. She projected the visual to Veronique, who smiled and altered her wrapping pattern. Veronique wondered what Sarah's back would look like in the visual and mentally turned it around. It was a pretty cris-cross pattern that cupped her hips and shoulderblades. Veronique smiled and tried to figure out how to do that. She mentally moved the strips so she could see the way it worked. "Cool. That's pretty creative, Sarah." Sarah just smiled.


"Thank you. I like it, too." Veronique smiled.



I'm busy and lazy, so I'll finish this part later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Veronique wraps a length of silk around Sarah's neck once.]


"What was your idea, again, Sarah?" Sarah started to tell, then got the hint. She projected the visual to Veronique, who smiled and altered her wrapping pattern. Veronique wondered what Sarah's back would look like in the visual and mentally turned it around. It was a pretty cris-cross pattern that cupped her hips and shoulderblades. Veronique smiled and tried to figure out how to do that. She mentally moved the strips so she could see the way it worked. "Cool. That's pretty creative, Sarah." Sarah just smiled.


"Thank you. I like it, too." Veronique smiled.


"You thought it up. You should." She grinned and finished quickly in the soft silence that followed. "Where's a mirror?" Sarah closed her door to reveal an etched mirror with beautiful wood bracing. "Pretty reflector." Sarah grinned.


"Thanks. I made it in shop last year. The etching was the easy part. I'm not a great carpenter." Veronique blinked at Sarah's talent. The faerie etchings were so fine, so elaborate, so beautiful, it was almost impossible for a thirteen-year-old to complete it. That is, unless Sarah were afflicted with autism or truly gifted aside from her Gift. Veronique saw that the door was almsot never closed.


"Why don't you ever close your door? This mirror is exquisite." Sarah looked down in defeat.


"Sharie killed my body image. Aren't I good at hiding it?" Veronique nodded, sensing the wound reopen in Sarah's mind.


"Yeah, you are. So what do you think?" Sarah looked at the strange outfit in the mirror, admiring how sleek and elegant she looked.


"It's just like what I pictured..." Veronique laughed and sat her down, pulling out her hypoallergenic cosmetics.


"Stay still. Show me your face." Sarah obliged. Veronique smiled and placed the face on Sarah's in her mind. "Nice," she murmured, applying the makeup quickly and flawlessly. She noticed that the imagined Cheetah had short spiked hair, and Sarah had long, flowing hair. "Your hair..." Sarah smiled and pulled her hair. It was a wig, covering her short hair.


"My mom likes long hair, so I bought this wig a long time ago. I add extensions every few months to make it look like it's growing. It's not that realistic, is it?" Sarah asked incredulously. Veronique was admiring her friend's perfect hair.


"Yes. You pull off both looks well, Sarah." Sarah smiled shyly. "Okay, how do you like to spike your hair?" Sarah pulled a small bottle out of her desk drawer and poured out soem of its contents in her hand.


"Like this," she demostrated, tousling her hair until the stuff was blended into her hair. Then, Sarah took her pick comb and shaped her hair into perfect little spikes. She pulled some of her bangs into her face, partially covering one eye. It looked very cool, very gothic, but in a fantasy-rpg kind of way. Veronique realized Sarah had been reading Manga comics and took the heroines' looks and combined them into one mystical quality.


"Wow." Sarah smiled, not finished yet. She took out her colored contacts, displaying a pair of brilliant coal black eyes. Her lips, untouched by Veronique's cosmetic paint, were glossed with tarnished gold wetlips to complete the Cheetah look. Sarah was exquisite. She finally pulled on her rock-climbing shoes that fit so well to her feet. The Black Cheetah was complete.


"Well?" Veronique stared.


"Sarah, you look perfect! Wow!" Sarah smiled shyly, proud of her work but not wanting to admit it.


"I've always admired the female antagonists in Manga graphics." Veronique nodded, knowing why.


gotta go the "momthing" says i gotta cleeeeen (see my latest ramble to get the joke in that)

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i like fruit

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  • 2 weeks later...
I await the next part to the story.


Award yourself that award I give for good storywriting. Because you deserve one.

ooo a samurai award.... yay! Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Well?" Veronique stared.


"Sarah, you look perfect! Wow!" Sarah smiled shyly, proud of her work but not wanting to admit it.


"I've always admired the female antagonists in Manga graphics." Veronique nodded, knowing why.


"I know what you mean. You like a picture I drew once. Er... not me. I can't draw worth anything. I can only replicate." Veronique looked down a bit as she said this. Sarah blinked, but Veronique just let a small genuine smile shine through.


"Why don't you smile, Vero?" Sarah asked bluntly, not caring what Vero's reaction would be. Veronique smiled broadly, impressed.


"Finally, you ask something you want to!! I jsut don't see why I should show emotions if nobody cares what I think. Besides, I show emotion. I'm good at faking it. Anyway, I can be scarier if nobody knows what I'm thinking, right? Advantage in battle." Veronique's eyebrow went up in an almost sexy maneuver to win Sarah over, but it made the girl nervous.


"Right. Battle? What's the purpose of this whole JAKL thing anyway?" Veronique's face went blank.


"Close your door and windows and I'll tell you." Sarah blinked and did as the other girl told her.

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  • 1 month later...

"Close your door and windows and I'll tell you." Sarah blinked and did as the other girl told her.


"Long ago, in Greenland, there was a maiden by the name of Veronique. I was named after her." Veronique started, working her voice to lilt to give it more power. "Vero was a wild girl. She had a mind of her own and was always concerned with the welfare of the world. The townsfolks never understood how she could be so beautiful and yet so independent-minded, as the standards of that day were as you would expect the Puritans to hold. Vero had raven hair and cold, distant blue eyes like the edge of the sky. One man in the town saw in Vero a bright spark. His name was Oelrich and he was the local tanner. Oelrich knew somehow that Veronique was not just a rebel in a dress who could fight like a man. He could see her mind working faster than she could express, and he thought it was beautiful. One day, Oelrich went to Veronique's house in the woods to try to woo her. He knocked on the door and waited. Little did he know that he was being intently watched from behind, as there was a small, lithe shadow crouched in a tree. Oelrich soon became aware of the steady eyes boring into his back, and he looked around. 'Veronique, it's Oelrich! Are... are you in there?' He called toward the door, anxious to get out of the woods fabled to be haunted by great ancient spirits with revenge on the brain. Suddenly, he heard a low growl and then a great, loud screech as the tree shadow leapt at him. He was about to defend himself when he saw it was none other than the always-pondering Veronique! She flew into him, knocking them both unconscious. Oelrich awoke first and took her into her house. He gently set her down on the big chair and proceeded to revive her with a wetted strip of cloth. Veronique soon awoke and reacted to the man in her house. 'What the devil are you doing in my house?!' Oelrich almost laughed as Veronique remembered her feinted attack. 'Oh. Hello, Oelrich. What did you want?' Oelrich sat down in another chair and told her how he felt. Oelrich was known in the village for being very secluded and private, and Vero knew this. 'You are so attractive, you could have any girl you want. Why me? I'm just the deviant heretic everyone's afraid to deal with.' Oelrich smiled. 'Veronique, you are the only one with a beautiful mind in addition to a beautiful body. Every woman and girl in this town is so stupid, they can't care for themselves. They don't think or joke or play mind games... or jump on visitors.' Veronique just listened. 'Oelrich, you are the first to acknowledge my mental capability in my life. Tomorrow at midday I will give you my answer. The sun will be your omen. In this case, a black omen is not necessarily a bad one. Go.' Oelrich left with more questions than he came with, and the puzzling clue stuck with him all evening and into the next morning. The next day, an hour before midday, someone shouted, as a black circle was in the sky, approaching the sun. Oelrich saw and immediately searched out Vero. 'I said I'd give you my answer at midday, if I am not dead by then. If I am not by your side after the sun passes zenith, know, Oelrich, that I will not say no. That might mean not yet, but not no. Goodbye.' With this, Vero ran, and she ran across centuries, finally coming to rest by a little three year old girl who looked like her. 'My child...' She stated numbly, for many years before, she had had a child, before she became the eccentric she now was. The dead little girl's name was Sarai. Vero asked the little child beside her her name. 'I'm Vero.' And Vero gasped, recognizing her own prophecy. 'I will meet myself before I die, the only difference in the eyes.' Little Vero had very almondine eyes, whereas the grown fighter's were oval and wide. Veronique talked to the girl for days, compressing the time into a moment's space. After that, the little girl knew she must follow in that woman's footsteps." Veronique stopped for a breath, letting Sarah recover for a moment. "Veronique had told Vero about the Gift and the little black stones in people's hearts that keep them from growing. She learned that the woman was a fighter at heart, didn't take no for an answer, and let nothing stand in the way of the righteus. Veronique had explained how, abandoned as a child, she found ways to survive that most would never think of, and she also crafted a form of martial arts she called Kai Tor Dui, her native tongue for 'Beats the H-E-Doublehockeysticks out of ya'." Vernoque stopped again, almost done, and she stopped the voice.


"I mastered the art of Kai Tor Dui, and added perfections of my own. I am the school's strongest person, pound for pound. As a child, I was obsessed with a dream of a strange woman that looked like I do today, but with wide eyes. The last three years in Greenland, I was in a gang of sorts, but we weren't aiming for evil. We aimed to better the country despite the leader's ignorance. Another student in our class also was in that gang, but I will not tell that secret till I die. I'm not violent. I'm not hardly anything I make out to be. I'm just, I dunno... misunderstood." Sarah still didn't understand, but she waited for Veronique to finish.


goodnight everyone

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  • 1 month later...

Sarah didn't understand, but waited for Veronique to finish.


"The original Vero developed all this because she had a powerful Gift. She could see things others couldn't, and she was trapped in two dimensions, one of this world, and one of the other world. The other world is a place where we all have a counterpart, but hardly anyone ever finds the way, and that's only when they were rejected in some way. That's the whole trauma bit with the Gift. When I spoke to Vero years ago, something sparked in me, and I still don't know what. All I know is, I have to find the way to finish her battle, or I'll have to race through time jsut as she did and put this on another little girl. The Vero can only be a girl...I think it's because Vero was a major advocate for women's rights in her province. It's really complicated after all that..." Veronique stopped. Sarah understood a little better and started to get what the whole battle and costume issue was.


"So, do these counterparts have like...evil intentions, or do they break through some sort of barrier into this world, and that's the purpose of the whole costume/ battle/ darkness thing?" Veronique nodded.


"That's exactly right, Sarah." Sarah blinked with the power behind Veronique's voice. It was as if she were another person. Then Sarah noted that one eye was green and the other amber. "I'm a split right now...It's easier to tell the story this way because we can remember the whole thing together." Vero's voice had a strange quality added to the power, one that made her sound like she was speaking in double tongue.


"Cool." Suddenly, Veronique woke up and forced a smile.


"Yeah. So you wanna try this?" Sarah looked at her incredulously.


"Try what?"

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"Try what" Sarah asked innocently and instantly regretted it when she saw Veronique's malicious smile.


"C'mon, I 'll show you." She stripped her outer garments and sleekly climbed out the window, beckoning Sarah to follow.

[ok, have you noticed yet? Veronique is a name that hints at rebellion and uniqueness. Sarah is a name that strikes innocence in our minds. This story is full of symbolism if you'll search for it!]

Sarah followed.


lol I'm doing that on purpose

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  • 4 weeks later...
Horatio, InsanitysCaptive can't post unti he's validated. what does that mean???

We were being overrun by spammers and HampsterKing now approves everyone to make sure they are not a spammer.

It will just take a bit of time. I do apologize for the delay.

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well IC is Ich so...

(he made his own acc so he wouldnt have to use the one I faked robert with)

HampsterKing will still approve it, I just do not know how soon.

Also, if you have the email address for Ich, then HampsterKing can combine the post numbers.

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well IC is Ich so...

(he made his own acc so he wouldnt have to use the one I faked robert with)

HampsterKing will still approve it, I just do not know how soon.

Also, if you have the email address for Ich, then HampsterKing can combine the post numbers.


I dont really care about the post numbers :blink: I just felt like i was out of my skin...IC is many of my accs but yea, it would be nice to post XD

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well IC is Ich so...

(he made his own acc so he wouldnt have to use the one I faked robert with)

HampsterKing will still approve it, I just do not know how soon.

Also, if you have the email address for Ich, then HampsterKing can combine the post numbers.


I dont really care about the post numbers :blink: I just felt like i was out of my skin...IC is many of my accs but yea, it would be nice to post XD

Here is the important part, I have the other email address, but what I really need to know is if it matches the email address for the new account? If not let me know the new one as well and I will let HampsterKing know.

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well IC is Ich so...

(he made his own acc so he wouldnt have to use the one I faked robert with)

HampsterKing will still approve it, I just do not know how soon.

Also, if you have the email address for Ich, then HampsterKing can combine the post numbers.


I dont really care about the post numbers :blink: I just felt like i was out of my skin...IC is many of my accs but yea, it would be nice to post XD

Here is the important part, I have the other email address, but what I really need to know is if it matches the email address for the new account? If not let me know the new one as well and I will let HampsterKing know.


ok it isnt the same, where should i send my email address?

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well IC is Ich so...

(he made his own acc so he wouldnt have to use the one I faked robert with)

HampsterKing will still approve it, I just do not know how soon.

Also, if you have the email address for Ich, then HampsterKing can combine the post numbers.


I dont really care about the post numbers :blink: I just felt like i was out of my skin...IC is many of my accs but yea, it would be nice to post XD

Here is the important part, I have the other email address, but what I really need to know is if it matches the email address for the new account? If not let me know the new one as well and I will let HampsterKing know.


ok it isnt the same, where should i send my email address?



pmajr@earthlink.net - Raishey's email.

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well IC is Ich so...

(he made his own acc so he wouldnt have to use the one I faked robert with)

HampsterKing will still approve it, I just do not know how soon.

Also, if you have the email address for Ich, then HampsterKing can combine the post numbers.


I dont really care about the post numbers :blink: I just felt like i was out of my skin...IC is many of my accs but yea, it would be nice to post XD

Here is the important part, I have the other email address, but what I really need to know is if it matches the email address for the new account? If not let me know the new one as well and I will let HampsterKing know.


ok it isnt the same, where should i send my email address?



pmajr@earthlink.net - Raishey's email.

*hands Cheesemaster a healthy freshly baked cookie*

Thank you so much!

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well IC is Ich so...

(he made his own acc so he wouldnt have to use the one I faked robert with)

HampsterKing will still approve it, I just do not know how soon.

Also, if you have the email address for Ich, then HampsterKing can combine the post numbers.


I dont really care about the post numbers :blink: I just felt like i was out of my skin...IC is many of my accs but yea, it would be nice to post XD

Here is the important part, I have the other email address, but what I really need to know is if it matches the email address for the new account? If not let me know the new one as well and I will let HampsterKing know.


ok it isnt the same, where should i send my email address?



pmajr@earthlink.net - Raishey's email.

*hands Cheesemaster a healthy freshly baked cookie*

Thank you so much!


No problem. ^.^

Thanks for the cookie though. =D

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horatio, he still can't log on.

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  • 1 month later...

Sarah followed.


"The interesting thing, Sarah," Veronique stated as she led Sarah through the alleyway to a thickly wooded area, "is that with the Gift comes amazing physical abilities that we can harness and channel for the greater good." They came to a clearing as she finished explaining. "This is when I practice, honing these abilities. Have you ever taken karate or other form of self-defense courses?" Sarah thought for a moment.


"Yes, I had two years of it in elementary school." Veronique nodded and backed a way from Sarah a little bit.


"Forget everything you learned. It'll hinder your thoughts and impede your potential." She calmly demanded. Sarah nodded and sensed she should move into a defensive stance. "Do not step into any stance you learned at class. Step into the instinctive one, however unorthodox it seems. It is yours, so use it." Sarah stepped out of her trained stance and into a more comfortable one, one that made her feel stabler. "Do not move." Sarah blinked.



"I'm checking your mental stamina. Fight the defense reflex taught to you in class. Do not under any circumstance let it come out. Simply let your body follow its own rhythm." Sarah shrugged and thought about what Veronique was saying when she saw Veronique darting at her.


"What are you--"

"Don't listen to the class. Listen to yourself." Sarah's arms shot out in a classic defense she learned from class, and Veronique tripped her.


"Ouch." Veronique helped Sarah up.

"Told you not to. I can tell the difference between trained moves and Given moves. Try again?" Sarah's adrenaline was rushing, and she reflexively agreed. "Do not move with class training. Move with your unique sight. Close your eyes. It helps. Use your senses to tell you when to move and where, not your sight alone. Audio and aroma are your best friends." Veronique returned to her starting point and resumed. Sarah closed her eyes. When she felt a slight wind, she stepped to the side, put an arm out, and struck Veronique. "SHRIKE!" Vero fell, surprised.


"Oh, are you okay, Vero?" Sarah's eyes filled with concern. Veronique smiled up at her with a mixture between insanity and pride.

"Never better! That was perfect. Do you know what you did?" Sarah shook her head. Vero replayed it in slow motion, and Sarah recognized the sensation of her arm flying out and striking the invisible target Veronique presented. "Again?" Sarah nodded with a smile.


"Yes." Veronique returned, and they continued to practice for about two hours, when Sarah began to slightly tire.


"It's time to stop, Sarah." Sarah smiled and shook her head.


"Are you serious? I'm not tired." Veronique looked at her.


"You're panting, sweating, and are showing some signs of extreme fatigue. It isn't wise to work yourself to exhaustion." Sarah watched Veronique's eyes.


"Extreme fatigue. If I was fatigued, I couldn't do a double backflip, land into a handstand, and stand for a five-count, then spring back and land like a cheetah without panting when I was done." Veronique gave her a look.


"Do it." Sarah did, and fulfilled her own prophecy by being just as full of energy as before her gymnastic feat. Veronique's eyes were slightly wider. "I am impressed. Dodge me with it." Veronique charged Sarah without warning, and Sarah instantly fell into a trance, eyes shut, and flipping back and forth, almost effortlessly dodging Veronique's assault.


"Kara to nui, Vero. Sy chiar tor nosfetlud." Veronique stopped, shocked at the foreign tongue. <This is nothing, Vero. This is in my blood.> Sarah stopped and opened her eyes. "Why did you stop?"


"Sarah, you spoke in the tongue that Vero spoke in, yet I understood. You are related to her by blood. We must find out how, and why I did not see it before." Sarah's eyes twitched.


"Could we finish here first? I've caught a second wind." Veronique watched her friend's eyes for a moment before shrugging.


"Sure. But let's play around. Want to try JAKL?" Sarah's eyes lit up. She was excited by the prospect, and her adrenaline enhanced that. Veronique blinked and was transformed. "Let us begin, Chah." Sarah felt a tug at her consciousness that told her she could do this if she wanted to. Sarah closed her eyes and let her body find its own posture.


"Sarah," a small voice whispered. "Let me out." Sarah felt like a cat and easily dodged JAKL's onslaught, hearing the voice. It sounded like her, but had a distinctively rebellious intonation. "Sarah, it's Chah. JAKL knew me when she saw you the first time. Let me out." Sarah did. She felt a buzzing about her skin as she continued to dodge JAKL.


"Chah, what are you doing?" JAKL asked. The distant voice reached Sarah's ears.


"Korli skarin taspnic ratulo, JAKL. Keep at me." Sarah sighed softly, dodging a near blow to the face. <I cannot hold my full potential captive, JAKL.> The buzzing in her skin stopped and Sarah opened her eyes, seeing the world through a new mind, one full of power. She saw JAKL behind her and ducked, spin-tripping the veteran warrioress.


"SHRIKE!" JAKL shouted, falling flat on her back with her arms out. Sarah was instantly on top of her, poised to jab her newest teacher in the throat. "Holy crud, newbie, where did you learn that?!"


"Don't you watch movies, JAKL, or does Vero never treat you to such legends as Jackie Chan or Chuck Norris? That was a rudimentary counterstrike. A basic even for little kids. You let your guard down." Sarah's brilliant yellow eyes surprised JAKL into regressing back into Veronique.


"Sarah! You found her! I commend you for your quick mind. Very nice." Veronique's wide smile was genuine, and Sarah smiled as she effortlessly put Chah away, eyes returning to the same jet black.

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  • 2 months later...












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  • 1 month later...

you think I could get paid to take surveys and stuff?

that'd be fun. I'm waiting for mom's reply.

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  • 5 years later...

the things I remember writing... my momentum for this story is gone because I was unable to aim it properly. someday I'll write it again but better.

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