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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

!!!lol!!! !!!hi!!!


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:lol: hi im new will some1 start a convo wit me?

I would love to start... welcome to HampsterDance Boards! Shortly our HampsterDance Greeters (Cheesemaster and The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy (TBFOF)) will be by to say HI. I am Horatio a blonde, three and one-half year old male hamster who wanders around here. We have one other UK person, The Grim Hamster Lord (TGHL), and he is a regular around here. Neodudette and Top Banana are from Scotland and Vixen (Lee) is from Australia. Hope to see you return soon. :D

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Welcome to the HampsterDance Boards. My name is not Horatio, it's Nick. In addition to the topics you can create polls or topics of your choice. Due to not so nice polls appearing, you must make a topic with the title/question, answers and any little notes you would like to appear. The only rules are as follows: NO email addresses, last names, towns, villages or cities where you live, no URL links or other websites and NO curse words or words that look really close to that curse word. You can submit pictures, but NO picture is permitted of anyone under 18 and you must post the picture. NO links to pictures on other sites. If you do, I'm afraid I will set our two wolves here, MW and Jesse to chomp off yo' head and then gobble you up. yum;yum;yum. Other than those rules, have fun and if you need any help, just let us know and someone will help you.


If you want an avatar, the image beneath your name, follow these instructions. Go to the upper right hand corner and click on My Controls. Now look on the left below Personal Profile and click on Edit Avatar Settings. Now browse through the images and select the one you like. When you find it, click on Update Avatar in the bottom center of the screen.


If you post over 1 time: Newbie Hampsterdancer

If you post over 100 times: Junior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 500 times: Hampsterdancer

If you post over 1000 times: Senior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 2000 times: Hampsterdancer Supreme

If you post over 5000 times: Ultimate Hampsterdance Fan

If you post over 7500 times: Heavenly Hampsterdancer

If you post over 10000 times: Hampsterdance Royalty

If you post over 20000 times: Unless you are Horatio, you don't have to worry about this.

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Welcome to the HampsterDance Boards. My name is not Horatio, it's Nick. In addition to the topics you can create polls or topics of your choice. Due to not so nice polls appearing, you must make a topic with the title/question, answers and any little notes you would like to appear. The only rules are as follows: NO email addresses, last names, towns, villages or cities where you live, no URL links or other websites and NO curse words or words that look really close to that curse word. You can submit pictures, but NO picture is permitted of anyone under 18 and you must post the picture. NO links to pictures on other sites. If you do, I'm afraid I will set our two wolves here, MW and Jesse to chomp off yo' head and then gobble you up. yum;yum;yum. Other than those rules, have fun and if you need any help, just let us know and someone will help you.


If you want an avatar, the image beneath your name, follow these instructions. Go to the upper right hand corner and click on My Controls. Now look on the left below Personal Profile and click on Edit Avatar Settings. Now browse through the images and select the one you like. When you find it, click on Update Avatar in the bottom center of the screen.


If you post over 1 time: Newbie Hampsterdancer

If you post over 100 times: Junior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 500 times: Hampsterdancer

If you post over 1000 times: Senior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 2000 times: Hampsterdancer Supreme

If you post over 5000 times: Ultimate Hampsterdance Fan

If you post over 7500 times: Heavenly Hampsterdancer

If you post over 10000 times: Hampsterdance Royalty

If you post over 20000 times: Unless you are Horatio, you don't have to worry about this.

:lol: LOL :lol:

I just passed 26,000, I can't wait to see what you write when I pass 30,000!

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  • 3 weeks later...

:lol: hi im new will some1 start a convo wit me?


are you bugging out or just 8? :blink:


whats that supposed to mean? :glare:

Ignore xMyOwnMindx.


I am really happy you found this topic. Please go to the topic just above this, Hado, and look for the Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. HampsterDancer Poll and please vote. I know you really don't know everyone, but we have a tie and perhaps you will break the tie. Thank you.

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:lol: hi im new will some1 start a convo wit me?


are you bugging out or just 8? :blink:


whats that supposed to mean? :glare:

...She means that she doesn't like chatspeak, so she's asking if the person is crazy or very immature. Anyways, similar to what Horatio said, you can just ignore what she says sometimes, or at least don't take it personally. :ninja:

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