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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

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Hi I'm new and I just lost my hamster a couple of months ago! :( :( :( So I logged on to this site and it reminds me of the :D times we shared

I am so sorry to hear your lost your buddy. I am really happy to see you here. If you look for the forum Hampsters, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets, then look at one of the very first four topics, find Poem for Passed Away Pets. Read the very first post there. It will make you feel one million percent better.


Hope you stop back. :D

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  • 3 months later...

this forum has been abandoned since...

JULY?!?!?!?! :blink::o:blink::o:blink::o:wacko:B)

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i know how it is to lose a pet. i losed my dog last octber.

So nice to see you have returned! You were missed!!! :D

Watch. She'll post here maybe once every two months, then spend the rest of her time on FFN or YT. XD


I think those should be allowed. >.> They're abbreviations, so the only people that would understand them are people that already know about the sites...

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i know how it is to lose a pet. i losed my dog last octber.

So nice to see you have returned! You were missed!!! :D

Watch. She'll post here maybe once every two months, then spend the rest of her time on FFN or YT. XD


I think those should be allowed. >.> They're abbreviations, so the only people that would understand them are people that already know about the sites...

... Fishing For Nothing? Your Tomatoes?

Man, Websites nowadays have stupid and terrible names.

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i know how it is to lose a pet. i losed my dog last octber.

So nice to see you have returned! You were missed!!! :D

Watch. She'll post here maybe once every two months, then spend the rest of her time on FFN or YT. XD


I think those should be allowed. >.> They're abbreviations, so the only people that would understand them are people that already know about the sites...

... Fishing For Nothing? Your Tomatoes?

Man, Websites nowadays have stupid and terrible names.

No kidding. e_e Most of the ones I've seen lately have a lot of a's and e', so I have no idea how to pronounce them. o_o

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