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The Grim Hamster lord

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Er... Yes. I spawned this out of the latest topic of the US Gov. topic. Thought that it might be a good idea to make a topic to serve as a gathering place for all those of a renewable, wind farms and tidal power mind set.

Of course you can post here about the following topics;

1) The Environment

2) Health (this can span from Bird Flu virus H5N1 to cancer from mobile phones)

3) Governments in relation to (1)

4) New eco-tech

5) Stuff along the same lines as number (1)


To start off, I thought I'd mention something under section 2. The FDA complained to a Swedish researcher that their research was difficult to read and interpret as they could not understand what it said on many of the pages. That was because the study was printed in Swedish and the FDA neglected to actually get a Swedish interpreter, instead hiring someone who read Finnish. Not really the sort of thing actually to post in here, so in fact do not do anything like that in here.


This is more like it;

Yes, well the green race is on in Britain as both of the leading parties candidates (should the Conservatives stick with one leader for more than 6 months this time) for the next elections in 2009/2010 are striving to gain green credentials. Gordon Brown (currently the Chancellor of the Exchequer and TB's successor) has gone for the pleadging funds approach, he is aiming to sink more funds from both Britain and the EU into the research and development of new eco-technologies, he has also gone after China, India and Thailand in a bid to get them to pledge to control their emissions. He also has announced his intention to go to the UN and set up a scheme in 3rd world, developing countries to expolit the reneweable sources available to prevent countries like Nigeria (who was accused of exporting Uranium to Iran, Iraq and N.Korea) and other African countries on the verge of rapid expansion from going fossil fuel crazy. Whereas the Conservatives have gone to Norway to view the effects of global warming and then said that the current system should change without specifying a new policy. The Liberal Democrats decided to get rid of their leader's low-emissions Jaguar, instead replacing it with a Toyota which runs on a Hybrid-Synergy drive. Wow. The Green party only hold two seats, but that figure is set to rise in 2009/2010, so they aren't important enough.

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Er... Yes. I spawned this out of the latest topic of the US Gov. topic. Thought that it might be a good idea to make a topic to serve as a gathering place for all those of a renewable, wind farms and tidal power mind set.

Of course you can post here about the following topics;

1) The Environment

2) Health (this can span from Bird Flu virus H5N1 to cancer from mobile phones)

3) Governments in relation to (1)

4) New eco-tech

5) Stuff along the same lines as number (1)


To start off, I thought I'd mention something under section 2. The FDA complained to a Swedish researcher that their research was difficult to read and interpret as they could not understand what it said on many of the pages. That was because the study was printed in Swedish and the FDA neglected to actually get a Swedish interpreter, instead hiring someone who read Finnish. Not really the sort of thing actually to post in here, so in fact do not do anything like that in here.


This is more like it;

Yes, well the green race is on in Britain as both of the leading parties candidates (should the Conservatives stick with one leader for more than 6 months this time) for the next elections in 2009/2010 are striving to gain green credentials. Gordon Brown (currently the Chancellor of the Exchequer and TB's successor) has gone for the pleadging funds approach, he is aiming to sink more funds from both Britain and the EU into the research and development of new eco-technologies, he has also gone after China, India and Thailand in a bid to get them to pledge to control their emissions. He also has announced his intention to go to the UN and set up a scheme in 3rd world, developing countries to expolit the reneweable sources available to prevent countries like Nigeria (who was accused of exporting Uranium to Iran, Iraq and N.Korea) and other African countries on the verge of rapid expansion from going fossil fuel crazy. Whereas the Conservatives have gone to Norway to view the effects of global warming and then said that the current system should change without specifying a new policy. The Liberal Democrats decided to get rid of their leader's low-emissions Jaguar, instead replacing it with a Toyota which runs on a Hybrid-Synergy drive. Wow. The Green party only hold two seats, but that figure is set to rise in 2009/2010, so they aren't important enough.

My kind of topic!!!!!

Hamsters are tree-huggers!!!!!!!!! :D

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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

Do you recycle? If so, how much do you recycle? Think about this, if you use power tools and lawn machines, you are polluting the envionment and wasting fossil fuels.

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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

Do you recycle? If so, how much do you recycle? Think about this, if you use power tools and lawn machines, you are polluting the envionment and wasting fossil fuels.


That's okay, we can just revert back to the New Iron Age :lol: (I read a thread somewhere that speculated about that, it said that humans would start viewing tv's as gods and stuff like that...)

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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

Do you recycle? If so, how much do you recycle? Think about this, if you use power tools and lawn machines, you are polluting the envionment and wasting fossil fuels.


That's okay, we can just revert back to the New Iron Age :lol: (I read a thread somewhere that speculated about that, it said that humans would start viewing tv's as gods and stuff like that...)

I do not think that people have considered the impact if the oil prices were to reach $100 per barrel or if our gas prices were $4.00 per gallon. This is not just about filling your car with gas, but it involves everything that needs fossil fuel to be made, used, etc. If your family is accustomed to hopping on an airliner for holiday, the tickets might be double or triple the cost per ticket. For some families, this will be a strain and perhaps even be the reason they change their plans.


If you have not explored this, you need to delve deeper because, if we, as a world, have not considered alternative fuels, when fossil fuels are gone, you will be in shock as to how we will have to live. You will think you have re-entered the stone age.

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My mom Recycles everything that is Recycyble. Also, to everyone who has an Old Cell phone laying around the house: Donate your old Cell phones to The Body Shop for their Anti-Violence program. I don't remember what they do with them, but please donate them.


But that's not on Topic. Anyway...


I agree with what Cheesemaster said. Has anyone read "The Sand Castle"? It was in my School Literature book. In the story, The ozone layer got Completly depleted, all the Animals on earth died, and the seas became boiling hot. I wish everyone would relize what we are doing to our enviroment. Seriously, If we arn't careful, The world will boil away without an Ozone layer, all the animals will have been hunted down and driven to Extinction, and the rainforests will all die. Think about it: What if your Kids came home from school one day asking a question like, "A Snow Leopard? What's that" and they wouldn't know because it woukd be Extinct. I am a strict Animal Kind of person, and I do all I can (which is not a lot) to help the enviroment. I hope one of these days, the people of the earth will relize that The Earth Does not belong to us, We belong to the earth.

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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

Do you recycle? If so, how much do you recycle? Think about this, if you use power tools and lawn machines, you are polluting the envionment and wasting fossil fuels.


That's okay, we can just revert back to the New Iron Age :lol: (I read a thread somewhere that speculated about that, it said that humans would start viewing tv's as gods and stuff like that...)

I do not think that people have considered the impact if the oil prices were to reach $100 per barrel or if our gas prices were $4.00 per gallon. This is not just about filling your car with gas, but it involves everything that needs fossil fuel to be made, used, etc. If your family is accustomed to hopping on an airliner for holiday, the tickets might be double or triple the cost per ticket. For some families, this will be a strain and perhaps even be the reason they change their plans.


If you have not explored this, you need to delve deeper because, if we, as a world, have not considered alternative fuels, when fossil fuels are gone, you will be in shock as to how we will have to live. You will think you have re-entered the stone age.

My mother needs a new car and wants either a Passat or a Saab 9-5. Shes very stuburn, but I am trying to change her mind into getting a Prius. I told her how much gas prices are going to skyrocket, but she doesnt seem to care.
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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

as long as you are reasonable, and consider the effects of your actions on the environment,


seriously, what good does trying to burn down an unfinished subdivision do the environment?

or turning loose over one hundred long-haired weasels?

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NO! NOT THE SMART CARS! I hate them, stupid little things. Always annoying me with their stupid little "I mADe a CaR OUt oF LeGo" looks and the stupid handling and everything about them. Why not just buy a Mini Cooper? 4 seats, low emmisions, good boot space and better that the Smart cars. Also, avoid the Smart Roadster, the Smart Four4 and everything with the Smart badge on it.

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NO! NOT THE SMART CARS! I hate them, stupid little things. Always annoying me with their stupid little "I mADe a CaR OUt oF LeGo" looks and the stupid handling and everything about them. Why not just buy a Mini Cooper? 4 seats, low emmisions, good boot space and better that the Smart cars. Also, avoid the Smart Roadster, the Smart Four4 and everything with the Smart badge on it.

*ignores TGHL*

I :wub: love :wub: the Smart Cars!!!!!!!!!

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NO! NOT THE SMART CARS! I hate them, stupid little things. Always annoying me with their stupid little "I mADe a CaR OUt oF LeGo" looks and the stupid handling and everything about them. Why not just buy a Mini Cooper? 4 seats, low emmisions, good boot space and better that the Smart cars. Also, avoid the Smart Roadster, the Smart Four4 and everything with the Smart badge on it.

*ignores TGHL*

I :wub: love :wub: the Smart Cars!!!!!!!!!

How do you expect the Smart Formore to go over in the United States?
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NO! NOT THE SMART CARS! I hate them, stupid little things. Always annoying me with their stupid little "I mADe a CaR OUt oF LeGo" looks and the stupid handling and everything about them. Why not just buy a Mini Cooper? 4 seats, low emmisions, good boot space and better that the Smart cars. Also, avoid the Smart Roadster, the Smart Four4 and everything with the Smart badge on it.

*ignores TGHL*

I :wub: love :wub: the Smart Cars!!!!!!!!!

How do you expect the Smart Formore to go over in the United States?

If gas gets expensive enough, people will want an alternative for running about town.


Personally my favorite is the fourtwo, but the convertible version which is not permitted here. Second would be the fourtwo hardtop. I want one! My cage has a very small garage which would house this car perfectly.

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NO! NOT THE SMART CARS! I hate them, stupid little things. Always annoying me with their stupid little "I mADe a CaR OUt oF LeGo" looks and the stupid handling and everything about them. Why not just buy a Mini Cooper? 4 seats, low emmisions, good boot space and better that the Smart cars. Also, avoid the Smart Roadster, the Smart Four4 and everything with the Smart badge on it.

*ignores TGHL*

I :wub: love :wub: the Smart Cars!!!!!!!!!

How do you expect the Smart Formore to go over in the United States?

If gas gets expensive enough, people will want an alternative for running about town.


Personally my favorite is the fourtwo, but the convertible version which is not permitted here. Second would be the fourtwo hardtop. I want one! My cage has a very small garage which would house this car perfectly.

Interesting thing about Smart Roadsters is that you can say that you drive a Mercedes Sports Car which is eco-friendly, as Merc owns Smart. I'd still just buy a Mini Cooper S.

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HA! I have an alternative to your so called Mercedes Green Car, which is even greener and better for dodgin traffic! See it at this address, which only Horatio will see due to the whole ban on linkage.

You'd be suprised by the amount of similar cars in the UK and Europe, there is the Ariel Atom which can do 200mph but pollutes less than a motorbike and doesn't require a safety helmet, this new one, the old Sinclair C5 which came in the 80's (a bad time for green cars) and the ancient French Velocar. Of course there is more, but most of them are Hybrid-Synergy thingys made by the Japanese.

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HA! I have an alternative to your so called Mercedes Green Car, which is even greener and better for dodgin traffic! See it at this address, which only Horatio will see due to the whole ban on linkage.

You'd be suprised by the amount of similar cars in the UK and Europe, there is the Ariel Atom which can do 200mph but pollutes less than a motorbike and doesn't require a safety helmet, this new one, the old Sinclair C5 which came in the 80's (a bad time for green cars) and the ancient French Velocar. Of course there is more, but most of them are Hybrid-Synergy thingys made by the Japanese.

I really like that! I want one!!!

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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

Do you recycle? If so, how much do you recycle? Think about this, if you use power tools and lawn machines, you are polluting the envionment and wasting fossil fuels.

Yes, my family does. We recycle any plastic bottle, glass bottles, all papers(as long as they have no food on them). About 6-8 blue bags of plastics, and 4-5 brown bags of paper per week.

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HA! I have an alternative to your so called Mercedes Green Car, which is even greener and better for dodgin traffic! See it at this address, which only Horatio will see due to the whole ban on linkage.

You'd be suprised by the amount of similar cars in the UK and Europe, there is the Ariel Atom which can do 200mph but pollutes less than a motorbike and doesn't require a safety helmet, this new one, the old Sinclair C5 which came in the 80's (a bad time for green cars) and the ancient French Velocar. Of course there is more, but most of them are Hybrid-Synergy thingys made by the Japanese.

I really like that! I want one!!!

I love the idea and I hope it goes into production full scale, because I like the design (sort of Tron-ish almost), its greener than most things, allows dodging of traffic and goes at a good speed. So yeah, I hope that they make it.

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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

Do you recycle? If so, how much do you recycle? Think about this, if you use power tools and lawn machines, you are polluting the envionment and wasting fossil fuels.

Yes, my family does. We recycle any plastic bottle, glass bottles, all papers(as long as they have no food on them). About 6-8 blue bags of plastics, and 4-5 brown bags of paper per week.

I am soooooo proud of you and your family. We recycle like your family does.

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Horatio, what is GM talking about on those commercials about go green. Some new fuel thing, I don't understand it.

The GM adverts are saying Live Green, Go Yellow. This is about E85, what GM is calling FlexFuel. 85% ethanol (corn based) and 15% gasoline.

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DO NOT BELIEVE GENERAL MOTORS! They are scum and not to be trusted. Anyway, this is not their idea anyway. It was Brazil and Sweden's. It's basically a car which runs on a mixture of alcohol and petrol and somehow works, I have no idea how. Sugar Cane I think it is made with in Brazil, but the problem is all the alcoholics are going to drink it and die horrible painful deaths.

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Er... Yes. I spawned this out of the latest topic of the US Gov. topic. Thought that it might be a good idea to make a topic to serve as a gathering place for all those of a renewable, wind farms and tidal power mind set.

Of course you can post here about the following topics;

1) The Environment

2) Health (this can span from Bird Flu virus H5N1 to cancer from mobile phones)

3) Governments in relation to (1)

4) New eco-tech

5) Stuff along the same lines as number (1)


To start off, I thought I'd mention something under section 2. The FDA complained to a Swedish researcher that their research was difficult to read and interpret as they could not understand what it said on many of the pages. That was because the study was printed in Swedish and the FDA neglected to actually get a Swedish interpreter, instead hiring someone who read Finnish. Not really the sort of thing actually to post in here, so in fact do not do anything like that in here.


This is more like it;

Yes, well the green race is on in Britain as both of the leading parties candidates (should the Conservatives stick with one leader for more than 6 months this time) for the next elections in 2009/2010 are striving to gain green credentials. Gordon Brown (currently the Chancellor of the Exchequer and TB's successor) has gone for the pleadging funds approach, he is aiming to sink more funds from both Britain and the EU into the research and development of new eco-technologies, he has also gone after China, India and Thailand in a bid to get them to pledge to control their emissions. He also has announced his intention to go to the UN and set up a scheme in 3rd world, developing countries to expolit the reneweable sources available to prevent countries like Nigeria (who was accused of exporting Uranium to Iran, Iraq and N.Korea) and other African countries on the verge of rapid expansion from going fossil fuel crazy. Whereas the Conservatives have gone to Norway to view the effects of global warming and then said that the current system should change without specifying a new policy. The Liberal Democrats decided to get rid of their leader's low-emissions Jaguar, instead replacing it with a Toyota which runs on a Hybrid-Synergy drive. Wow. The Green party only hold two seats, but that figure is set to rise in 2009/2010, so they aren't important enough.



to tired to read all of the prose!!!!

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DO NOT BELIEVE GENERAL MOTORS! They are scum and not to be trusted. Anyway, this is not their idea anyway. It was Brazil and Sweden's. It's basically a car which runs on a mixture of alcohol and petrol and somehow works, I have no idea how. Sugar Cane I think it is made with in Brazil, but the problem is all the alcoholics are going to drink it and die horrible painful deaths.


####, if those engine modifications work as good as they claim, I don't care why they made it, just as long as they make it availible in this country, and I can get the proper control software, and not just the version to keep the idiots who shouldn't be driving such vehicles safe.

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Alright. I'm pretty tired of all the people who complain about the environment, but yet they do nothing to save it. Day after day all I'm seeing are people who are tired of the gas prices, but they still have the big gas-guzzling Hummers. Then they march around with peta about how we should save the whales.


Point is, if you want to do anything to save this world, get off your lazy butt and do some work to save this planet. Right now, pretty much nobody is doing anything. You leave a footprint on the earth. The question is, is the footprint made by the fatman eating his Twinkies and driving around town for the fun of it, or the person who actually cares about this earth, and tries everything to get other people to join the bandwagon.


I'm also tired of all these lazy vegetarians and vegans who do nothing. Yes, I still am an ovo-vegetarian, but that is really another subject for another time. What I say is BOYCOTT PETA. Once again, another story for another time.


Reading this over, I notice how much of a hippie I am. And not one of those hippies from back in the day. One of the hippies who stand in the street mumbling things no one cares or wants to hear about.


Peace out home slices.

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I dropped a chocolate biscuit on the floor in the parking lot and my friend stepped on it. It made me sad.


♥ Lee

It would make me very VERY sad! :lol:

We have this thing between about five of our friends, if someone wastes food they get screamed "ETHIOPIA!" at them by the other people to remind them of the children in Ethiopia who don't have food. It started out as a joke when my friend Val was throwing gummi bears at my friend Lachlan.


♥ Lee

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I dropped a chocolate biscuit on the floor in the parking lot and my friend stepped on it. It made me sad.


♥ Lee

It would make me very VERY sad! :lol:

We have this thing between about five of our friends, if someone wastes food they get screamed "ETHIOPIA!" at them by the other people to remind them of the children in Ethiopia who don't have food. It started out as a joke when my friend Val was throwing gummi bears at my friend Lachlan.


♥ Lee

My sadness had nothing to do with wasting food, but everything to do with chocolate! :lol:

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I dropped a chocolate biscuit on the floor in the parking lot and my friend stepped on it. It made me sad.


♥ Lee

It would make me very VERY sad! :lol:

We have this thing between about five of our friends, if someone wastes food they get screamed "ETHIOPIA!" at them by the other people to remind them of the children in Ethiopia who don't have food. It started out as a joke when my friend Val was throwing gummi bears at my friend Lachlan.


♥ Lee

My sadness had nothing to do with wasting food, but everything to do with chocolate! :lol:

That sounds so much like you! :lol:

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I dropped a chocolate biscuit on the floor in the parking lot and my friend stepped on it. It made me sad.


♥ Lee

It would make me very VERY sad! :lol:

We have this thing between about five of our friends, if someone wastes food they get screamed "ETHIOPIA!" at them by the other people to remind them of the children in Ethiopia who don't have food. It started out as a joke when my friend Val was throwing gummi bears at my friend Lachlan.


♥ Lee

My sadness had nothing to do with wasting food, but everything to do with chocolate! :lol:

That sounds so much like you! :lol:

Am I that obvious?? :P

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Alright. I'm pretty tired of all the people who complain about the environment, but yet they do nothing to save it. Day after day all I'm seeing are people who are tired of the gas prices, but they still have the big gas-guzzling Hummers. Then they march around with peta about how we should save the whales.


Point is, if you want to do anything to save this world, get off your lazy butt and do some work to save this planet. Right now, pretty much nobody is doing anything. You leave a footprint on the earth. The question is, is the footprint made by the fatman eating his Twinkies and driving around town for the fun of it, or the person who actually cares about this earth, and tries everything to get other people to join the bandwagon.


I'm also tired of all these lazy vegetarians and vegans who do nothing. Yes, I still am an ovo-vegetarian, but that is really another subject for another time. What I say is BOYCOTT PETA. Once again, another story for another time.


Reading this over, I notice how much of a hippie I am. And not one of those hippies from back in the day. One of the hippies who stand in the street mumbling things no one cares or wants to hear about.


Peace out home slices.

I can quite agree with you on not wanting to have anything to do with supporting terrorism.

true, PETA has yet to get the terrorist street cred of Greenpeace. but I'm sure it's coming.

and most vegitarians I've met are quiet about it, of course, I do have a tendancy to be quite vocal about my philosophy when they get vocal about theirs.

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Alright. I'm pretty tired of all the people who complain about the environment, but yet they do nothing to save it. Day after day all I'm seeing are people who are tired of the gas prices, but they still have the big gas-guzzling Hummers. Then they march around with peta about how we should save the whales.


Point is, if you want to do anything to save this world, get off your lazy butt and do some work to save this planet. Right now, pretty much nobody is doing anything. You leave a footprint on the earth. The question is, is the footprint made by the fatman eating his Twinkies and driving around town for the fun of it, or the person who actually cares about this earth, and tries everything to get other people to join the bandwagon.


I'm also tired of all these lazy vegetarians and vegans who do nothing. Yes, I still am an ovo-vegetarian, but that is really another subject for another time. What I say is BOYCOTT PETA. Once again, another story for another time.


Reading this over, I notice how much of a hippie I am. And not one of those hippies from back in the day. One of the hippies who stand in the street mumbling things no one cares or wants to hear about.


Peace out home slices.

I can quite agree with you on not wanting to have anything to do with supporting terrorism.

true, PETA has yet to get the terrorist street cred of Greenpeace. but I'm sure it's coming.

and most vegitarians I've met are quiet about it, of course, I do have a tendancy to be quite vocal about my philosophy when they get vocal about theirs.

I am vocal about people not taking time to recycle, irresponsible humans not taking care of pets and feral cats.

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Alright. I'm pretty tired of all the people who complain about the environment, but yet they do nothing to save it. Day after day all I'm seeing are people who are tired of the gas prices, but they still have the big gas-guzzling Hummers. Then they march around with peta about how we should save the whales.


Point is, if you want to do anything to save this world, get off your lazy butt and do some work to save this planet. Right now, pretty much nobody is doing anything. You leave a footprint on the earth. The question is, is the footprint made by the fatman eating his Twinkies and driving around town for the fun of it, or the person who actually cares about this earth, and tries everything to get other people to join the bandwagon.


I'm also tired of all these lazy vegetarians and vegans who do nothing. Yes, I still am an ovo-vegetarian, but that is really another subject for another time. What I say is BOYCOTT PETA. Once again, another story for another time.


Reading this over, I notice how much of a hippie I am. And not one of those hippies from back in the day. One of the hippies who stand in the street mumbling things no one cares or wants to hear about.


Peace out home slices.

I can quite agree with you on not wanting to have anything to do with supporting terrorism.

true, PETA has yet to get the terrorist street cred of Greenpeace. but I'm sure it's coming.

and most vegetarians I've met are quiet about it, of course, I do have a tendency to be quite vocal about my philosophy when they get vocal about theirs.


It seems that all these so-called vegetarians and people who the ethical treatment of animals get all their information from PETA. Mmkay kids, some organizations do lie about the stuff they report on. All these kids that just become vegetarians off the bat because of PETA, are they very gullible or just flat out morons? It's good that they're wanting to change the world, but when they give up or "cheat" they just give a bad name to the rest of us. PETA gives a bad name to the rest of us.


Maybe I'm just the moron.

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Feral cats can serve an important role in the environment. of course, this opinion comes from one who isn't likely to be considered prey. and with certain environmental conditions now increasingly rare.

The only way feral cats can serve an important role is if they have been neutered or spayed. If they haven't, you will be overrun with millions of cats and unfortunately they spread FIV and feline leukemia.

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I am all for the ethical teatment of animals and such. To an extent. I agree that PeTA does take things too far sometimes but I believe that they are just trying to make a difference in this world of ignorant, selfish money hungry people who only care about looking pretty and getting rich. Maybe if they use extremities people will listen. Then again maybe not.


Sometimes I feel I can't do much to help the world, but I do try. I am making "Stop animal cruelty" posters to stick up around school, I am not a vegetraian but I don't eat KFC (watching that KFC undercover video made me gag), I encourage my parents to buy cruelty-free products and I try to not litter. I know these little things will help in some way because its better than doing nothing.


♥ Lee

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Hmmm... That's a hmmm about PETA btw. I agree with Toto, organisations twist the facts and manipulate them so that it shows them in a good light. So don't trust them really as when they might say; "And similar cases of animal abuse is widespread." When only one such case has come to light and that was by a mad old lady who went senile. Don't trust the corporations.

Anyway, fur... Grr.... Can't stand people who wear real fur. Esecially the ones with dead foxes who have been skinned and slung round their shoulders. The fur industry is disgusting, especially the way they go about it. (I've just seen a BBC programme on it, explaining my disgust.) For some reason most of the industry takes place in Siberia where domesticated dogs, cats and various other creatures you might regard as pets are squashed into small wire cages held there for 10-15 weeks while being soaked in mud water, rain and the elements in general and then in a tradition in common with Auschwitz, they are taken out and led out to be washed after which they are skinned alive with enough tranquilizers to paralyze them but not enough to knock them out completely. I mean that would get in the way of profits, now wouldn't it? And what's even worse you can't tell whether it is faux fur or real fur in this country because the shops aren't under any obligation to label their stock. And then there is the BFTA (British Fur Trade Association) who lobby on behalf of the skinners, the maunfacturers and retailers should any anti-fur sentiments break out in Parliament. Not that New Labour pays any attention to Lobbyists.

And another thing. Bears. Recently there has been repeated adverts by the WSPA on the horrors of bear baiting, dancing and such like. For example the first image you see is a bear gone mad from his dull environment and being forced to entertain tourists. Then it goes onto show other cases of such horror. Question is, is the WSPA just like PETA? I don't deny that bear creulty isn't going on, but is the organisation any better than PETA? It isn't a regulated charity unlike other animal protection agencies like the RSPCA and there is no evidence that the money you donate goes to the animals.
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I am all for the ethical teatment of animals and such. To an extent. I agree that PeTA does take things too far sometimes but I believe that they are just trying to make a difference in this world of ignorant, selfish money hungry people who only care about looking pretty and getting rich.


Hee. And PETA's got Pamela Anderson as one of their main spokes people. I think she fits under the "ignorant, selfish, money hungry, only care about looking pretty and getting rich" category.

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I am all for the ethical teatment of animals and such. To an extent. I agree that PeTA does take things too far sometimes but I believe that they are just trying to make a difference in this world of ignorant, selfish money hungry people who only care about looking pretty and getting rich.


Hee. And PETA's got Pamela Anderson as one of their main spokes people. I think she fits under the "ignorant, selfish, money hungry, only care about looking pretty and getting rich" category.

Pamela Anderson supports PeTA. Shes already pretty and rich also. They want to get through to those ignorant people by using someone famous so that they will see its not bad to support a good cause. If Pamela Anderson can do it, why can't they? One of my friends has become more aware of animal cruelty because her favourite band supports them.


♥ Lee

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I am all for the ethical teatment of animals and such. To an extent. I agree that PeTA does take things too far sometimes but I believe that they are just trying to make a difference in this world of ignorant, selfish money hungry people who only care about looking pretty and getting rich.


Hee. And PETA's got Pamela Anderson as one of their main spokes people. I think she fits under the "ignorant, selfish, money hungry, only care about looking pretty and getting rich" category.

Pamela Anderson supports PeTA. Shes already pretty and rich also. They want to get through to those ignorant people by using someone famous so that they will see its not bad to support a good cause. If Pamela Anderson can do it, why can't they? One of my friends has become more aware of animal cruelty because her favourite band supports them.


♥ Lee

I wouldn't exactly define Pamela Anderson as either. She looks as if she has had everything of humanity nipped and tucked and made into a plastic Barbie doll. And rich? Depends on your definition of rich. Millionares are very common in today's world. I would classify her as... wanting to be rich, but doesn't have the personality, brains or ruthlessness to achieve it. As to supporting PETA, surely there are better organisations to support?

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Certain... people.... killing animals. Who were in PETA. Um. Would give you a link to the story but that's not allowed.

*cough, cough*

You could always let me see. :rolleyes:

OH YEAH! Duhr. It's sooo sad.

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Certain... people.... killing animals. Who were in PETA. Um. Would give you a link to the story but that's not allowed.

So much scandal about PETA... Where did you hear this?


As for Pamela Anderson supporting other organisations, maybe she likes animals? I don't know if shes smart enough to support anything else.


♥ Lee

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Certain... people.... killing animals. Who were in PETA. Um. Would give you a link to the story but that's not allowed.

*cough, cough*

You could always let me see. :rolleyes:

OH YEAH! Duhr. It's sooo sad.

Very sad! :(

I know! I mean, killing pets because they can't "afford it"? Honestly, what happened to those millions of dollars, are they ALL put into advertising?

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Certain... people.... killing animals. Who were in PETA. Um. Would give you a link to the story but that's not allowed.

*cough, cough*

You could always let me see. :rolleyes:

OH YEAH! Duhr. It's sooo sad.

Very sad! :(

I know! I mean, killing pets because they can't "afford it"? Honestly, what happened to those millions of dollars, are they ALL put into advertising?

New initative; Kill overpaid company executives who call "unnecessary sackings"; "Downsizing" and a "Tax Dodge"; "Offshore investment. And also they do nothing and contribute nothing to the buisness, only absorb money that could go to improving offices and such.

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NO! NOT THE SMART CARS! I hate them, stupid little things. Always annoying me with their stupid little "I mADe a CaR OUt oF LeGo" looks and the stupid handling and everything about them. Why not just buy a Mini Cooper? 4 seats, low emmisions, good boot space and better that the Smart cars. Also, avoid the Smart Roadster, the Smart Four4 and everything with the Smart badge on it.

*ignores TGHL*

I :wub: love :wub: the Smart Cars!!!!!!!!!

How do you expect the Smart Formore to go over in the United States?

If gas gets expensive enough, people will want an alternative for running about town.


Personally my favorite is the fourtwo, but the convertible version which is not permitted here. Second would be the fourtwo hardtop. I want one! My cage has a very small garage which would house this car perfectly.

We saw 'em when we wre in Europe. I love them, I'm really into small cars. My mom, she has a Saab, but I don't like it.

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I hate the way the majority of the world doesn't care at all about the environment, and the way they look down on those who do. Us "bleeding heart tree hugging hippies" really need to do something, because nobody else will.

Do you recycle? If so, how much do you recycle? Think about this, if you use power tools and lawn machines, you are polluting the envionment and wasting fossil fuels.

Yes, my family does. We recycle any plastic bottle, glass bottles, all papers(as long as they have no food on them). About 6-8 blue bags of plastics, and 4-5 brown bags of paper per week.

My Family recycles anything it can. Like we might use an old Jones Soda bottle to hold water, and when our Water bottles go empty, we fill them back up, and we let freinds borrow that Dusty old '95 moniter in our basement. We try not to throw stuff away. And we buy Eco-freindly product- dishwashing Dtergent, Washing machine stuff, and we even buy thois cat litter made of old Newspaper. ;D

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I am all for the ethical teatment of animals and such. To an extent. I agree that PeTA does take things too far sometimes but I believe that they are just trying to make a difference in this world of ignorant, selfish money hungry people who only care about looking pretty and getting rich. Maybe if they use extremities people will listen. Then again maybe not.


Sometimes I feel I can't do much to help the world, but I do try. I am making "Stop animal cruelty" posters to stick up around school, I am not a vegetraian but I don't eat KFC (watching that KFC undercover video made me gag), I encourage my parents to buy cruelty-free products and I try to not litter. I know these little things will help in some way because its better than doing nothing.


♥ Lee

The only meat I eat is Chicken, and my family usually buys Organic Food. Like theres this Nutrition Shakre I like and it's Organic, and we Never buy Kraft Macaroni. We usually Buy Annie's or some other Organic Macaroni. And you know, organic foods taste a lot better than Non-organic food. And Off-topic, I think the world should stop being obsessd with Getting rich and being pretty.

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Hmmm... That's a hmmm about PETA btw. I agree with Toto, organisations twist the facts and manipulate them so that it shows them in a good light. So don't trust them really as when they might say; "And similar cases of animal abuse is widespread." When only one such case has come to light and that was by a mad old lady who went senile. Don't trust the corporations.

Anyway, fur... Grr.... Can't stand people who wear real fur. Esecially the ones with dead foxes who have been skinned and slung round their shoulders. The fur industry is disgusting, especially the way they go about it. (I've just seen a BBC programme on it, explaining my disgust.) For some reason most of the industry takes place in Siberia where domesticated dogs, cats and various other creatures you might regard as pets are squashed into small wire cages held there for 10-15 weeks while being soaked in mud water, rain and the elements in general and then in a tradition in common with Auschwitz, they are taken out and led out to be washed after which they are skinned alive with enough tranquilizers to paralyze them but not enough to knock them out completely. I mean that would get in the way of profits, now wouldn't it? And what's even worse you can't tell whether it is faux fur or real fur in this country because the shops aren't under any obligation to label their stock. And then there is the BFTA (British Fur Trade Association) who lobby on behalf of the skinners, the maunfacturers and retailers should any anti-fur sentiments break out in Parliament. Not that New Labour pays any attention to Lobbyists.

And another thing. Bears. Recently there has been repeated adverts by the WSPA on the horrors of bear baiting, dancing and such like. For example the first image you see is a bear gone mad from his dull environment and being forced to entertain tourists. Then it goes onto show other cases of such horror. Question is, is the WSPA just like PETA? I don't deny that bear creulty isn't going on, but is the organisation any better than PETA? It isn't a regulated charity unlike other animal protection agencies like the RSPCA and there is no evidence that the money you donate goes to the animals.

I hate people who wear real fur. I agree with you 100%. Honestly, I really hate it when people think that animals are nothing but slaves to entertain or something.
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You know my dog Donti? The Old one who's dying a very slow and painful death? My mom is thinking about putting him to sleep, because she hates to see him weak and stuff like he is now. But he's been very Frisky and acting youthful lately, so she's holding it off.

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I am all for the ethical teatment of animals and such. To an extent. I agree that PeTA does take things too far sometimes but I believe that they are just trying to make a difference in this world of ignorant, selfish money hungry people who only care about looking pretty and getting rich.


Hee. And PETA's got Pamela Anderson as one of their main spokes people. I think she fits under the "ignorant, selfish, money hungry, only care about looking pretty and getting rich" category.

I hate her. A lot. I hate those people who only want to get rich and look pretty (that is if slathering your face in makeup in order to cover up your wrinkles and stuff is pretty. I get cold sores and acne all the time, and you don't see me covering that up do you?).

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... think the world should stop being obsessd with Getting rich and being pretty.

The world would be a much happier place if they all thought the way you do!

Money does not buy happiness.


... (that is if slathering your face in makeup in order to cover up your wrinkles and stuff is pretty. I get cold sores and acne all the time, and you don't see me covering that up do you?).

If you decide not to wear make-up this is terrific! The make-up companies always want to make you think you need all this stuff on your face just to go out in public. In fact, most people are quite beautiful without make-up. I suggest you do what makes you feel most comfortable and be very happy with your decision. Going without make-up is a great thing. :D

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... (that is if slathering your face in makeup in order to cover up your wrinkles and stuff is pretty. I get cold sores and acne all the time, and you don't see me covering that up do you?).

If you decide not to wear make-up this is terrific! The make-up companies always want to make you think you need all this stuff on your face just to go out in public. In fact, most people are quite beautiful without make-up. I suggest you do what makes you feel most comfortable and be very happy with your decision. Going without make-up is a great thing. :D

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... (that is if slathering your face in makeup in order to cover up your wrinkles and stuff is pretty. I get cold sores and acne all the time, and you don't see me covering that up do you?).

If you decide not to wear make-up this is terrific! The make-up companies always want to make you think you need all this stuff on your face just to go out in public. In fact, most people are quite beautiful without make-up. I suggest you do what makes you feel most comfortable and be very happy with your decision. Going without make-up is a great thing. :D


If only people knew what their eyeliner, mascara, and nail polish were made of. (:

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... (that is if slathering your face in makeup in order to cover up your wrinkles and stuff is pretty. I get cold sores and acne all the time, and you don't see me covering that up do you?).

If you decide not to wear make-up this is terrific! The make-up companies always want to make you think you need all this stuff on your face just to go out in public. In fact, most people are quite beautiful without make-up. I suggest you do what makes you feel most comfortable and be very happy with your decision. Going without make-up is a great thing. :D


If only people knew what their eyeliner, mascara, and nail polish were made of. (:

In addition to that, the germs. mold and mildew that grow in that make-up. It is also very, very important to NEVER share make-up with anyone else. Your make-up should also be thrown out after a certain period (can't remember what that period is... something like three months) so you do not get any infections.

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... (that is if slathering your face in makeup in order to cover up your wrinkles and stuff is pretty. I get cold sores and acne all the time, and you don't see me covering that up do you?).

If you decide not to wear make-up this is terrific! The make-up companies always want to make you think you need all this stuff on your face just to go out in public. In fact, most people are quite beautiful without make-up. I suggest you do what makes you feel most comfortable and be very happy with your decision. Going without make-up is a great thing. :D


If only people knew what their eyeliner, mascara, and nail polish were made of. (:

In addition to that, the germs. mold and mildew that grow in that make-up. It is also very, very important to NEVER share make-up with anyone else. Your make-up should also be thrown out after a certain period (can't remember what that period is... something like three months) so you do not get any infections.

Horatio, you are an example to us all. Does make-up make you more beautiful? No, when people see you with make up in, it isn't you. It is a layer of chemicals and agents designed to some how enhance how you look. You should be proud of who you are, not to hide it behind layers of that gunk.

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I do wear makeup, but I'm not obssesd with it. I don't wear it just to be pretty. I just wear it because I feel like it. And I don't wear very much. Usually just some eyeshadow and some blush and Mascara. I usually don't use Lip stick or any of that. (It always looks corny on me. X_X) but I have some freinds who are really pretty and don't wear makeup. And another thing, off topic- I hate it when i see little girls buying toy makeup in the toy area of T.J. Maxx or somewhere. That's not exactly the best thing to give to a kid. >_<

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i would never buy make-up. :lol: However, i have noticed that America is turning all it's little girls into ah... how to phrase this... very revealing people, obsessed with how they look, and they tend to show more skin than a sumo wrestler(exaggeration). I'm not sure if this is happening in other countries or not.

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i would never buy make-up. :lol: However, i have noticed that America is turning all it's little girls into ah... how to phrase this... very revealing people, obsessed with how they look, and they tend to show more skin than a sumo wrestler(exaggeration). I'm not sure if this is happening in other countries or not.

Glad to hear you have no intention of buying make-up! :lol:


Unfortunately, people are influenced by the media, adverts and what they think will help them get ahead, be beautiful and be successful. The methods by which young girls are going about this is all wrong. Very few girls have the body to show so much skin, and the magazines make it appear that everyone wants to see this display. Revealing so much skin is not attractive.

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i would never buy make-up. :lol: However, i have noticed that America is turning all it's little girls into ah... how to phrase this... very revealing people, obsessed with how they look, and they tend to show more skin than a sumo wrestler(exaggeration). I'm not sure if this is happening in other countries or not.

Glad to hear you have no intention of buying make-up! :lol:


Unfortunately, people are influenced by the media, adverts and what they think will help them get ahead, be beautiful and be successful. The methods by which young girls are going about this is all wrong. Very few girls have the body to show so much skin, and the magazines make it appear that everyone wants to see this display. Revealing so much skin is not attractive.

They still try to though. The sad thing is, their parents buy the clothes a lot of the time.

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i would never buy make-up. :lol: However, i have noticed that America is turning all it's little girls into ah... how to phrase this... very revealing people, obsessed with how they look, and they tend to show more skin than a sumo wrestler(exaggeration). I'm not sure if this is happening in other countries or not.

Glad to hear you have no intention of buying make-up! :lol:


Unfortunately, people are influenced by the media, adverts and what they think will help them get ahead, be beautiful and be successful. The methods by which young girls are going about this is all wrong. Very few girls have the body to show so much skin, and the magazines make it appear that everyone wants to see this display. Revealing so much skin is not attractive.

They still try to though. The sad thing is, their parents buy the clothes a lot of the time.


Parents influence is something that not all parents think about. Unfortunately, the young person is only trying to please the parent and will withstand any ridicule that comes from their peers.

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Parents influence is something that not all parents think about. Unfortunately, the young person is only trying to please the parent and will withstand any ridicule that comes from their peers.

or perhaps, the parents just stop caring that their daughters want to go around looking like cheap I'll delete this for you H.

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Parents influence is something that not all parents think about. Unfortunately, the young person is only trying to please the parent and will withstand any ridicule that comes from their peers.

or perhaps, the parents just stop caring that their daughters want to go around looking like cheap I'll delete this for you H.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Great edit! You're hired!


Your statement is probably closer to the truth.

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Parents influence is something that not all parents think about. Unfortunately, the young person is only trying to please the parent and will withstand any ridicule that comes from their peers.

or perhaps, the parents just stop caring that their daughters want to go around looking like cheap I'll delete this for you H.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Great edit! You're hired!


Your statement is probably closer to the truth.

A reference to The Apprentic Horatio?

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Parents influence is something that not all parents think about. Unfortunately, the young person is only trying to please the parent and will withstand any ridicule that comes from their peers.

or perhaps, the parents just stop caring that their daughters want to go around looking like cheap I'll delete this for you H.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Great edit! You're hired!


Your statement is probably closer to the truth.

A reference to The Apprentic Horatio?

My lips are sealed! :lol:

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Parents influence is something that not all parents think about. Unfortunately, the young person is only trying to please the parent and will withstand any ridicule that comes from their peers.

or perhaps, the parents just stop caring that their daughters want to go around looking like cheap I'll delete this for you H.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Great edit! You're hired!


Your statement is probably closer to the truth.

A reference to The Apprentic Horatio?

My lips are sealed! :lol:

Watching Donald Trump harangue people? I don't know what the world has come to. I'll watch the British version, since I actualy know who the master is (Sir Alan Sugar, leader of Amstrad computers). Incidentally, seen the Martha Stewart version? Noone wants to watch a programme where the tycoon apologises to the fired candidate. "Oh I am so, sorry I had to fire you. Blah, blah, blah..."

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Quite incidentally, Horatio, do you prefer the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747? The nice, squeaky clean, shiny, more capacity and more eco friendly Rolls-Royce engined (why is it all the best planes run with a Roll Royce engine? The Spitfire for example) Airbus or the dilapadated, clapped out old banger that kills foxes and small furry creatures 747?

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Quite incidentally, Horatio, do you prefer the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747? The nice, squeaky clean, shiny, more capacity and more eco friendly Rolls-Royce engined (why is it all the best planes run with a Roll Royce engine? The Spitfire for example) Airbus or the dilapadated, clapped out old banger that kills foxes and small furry creatures 747?

Due to the fact that FedEx has not received delivery of the A380 I cannot comment until I fly it. We are supposed to get the airplane in 2007 or 2008. I think the delivery date was pushed back. The B747 has been around for many, many years and has proved very successful, so Airbus has been able to look at what Boeing accomplished. The only Airbus I can comment on are the A300 and the A310.

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Quite incidentally, Horatio, do you prefer the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747? The nice, squeaky clean, shiny, more capacity and more eco friendly Rolls-Royce engined (why is it all the best planes run with a Roll Royce engine? The Spitfire for example) Airbus or the dilapadated, clapped out old banger that kills foxes and small furry creatures 747?

Due to the fact that FedEx has not received delivery of the A380 I cannot comment until I fly it. We are supposed to get the airplane in 2007 or 2008. I think the delivery date was pushed back. The B747 has been around for many, many years and has proved very successful, so Airbus has been able to look at what Boeing accomplished. The only Airbus I can comment on are the A300 and the A310.

Ok then, what did you think of the old Airbus models?

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Quite incidentally, Horatio, do you prefer the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747? The nice, squeaky clean, shiny, more capacity and more eco friendly Rolls-Royce engined (why is it all the best planes run with a Roll Royce engine? The Spitfire for example) Airbus or the dilapadated, clapped out old banger that kills foxes and small furry creatures 747?

Due to the fact that FedEx has not received delivery of the A380 I cannot comment until I fly it. We are supposed to get the airplane in 2007 or 2008. I think the delivery date was pushed back. The B747 has been around for many, many years and has proved very successful, so Airbus has been able to look at what Boeing accomplished. The only Airbus I can comment on are the A300 and the A310.

Ok then, what did you think of the old Airbus models?

I prefer the MD-11 to the Airbus A300/A310. When there is a computer problem, it seems to involve more than just one or two computers, a variety of systems. The only problems on the MD-11 seem to be the coffee pot not working (a REAL BIG problem) and the automatic function of the crew rest bunk.


Did you see the first run of the A380 yesterday? It landed in Heathrow. What is really impressive is to look at these large airplanes and watch as they take off and land. For such a large aircraft to gracefully depart the runway, this is a wonderful sight to see.

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Quite incidentally, Horatio, do you prefer the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747? The nice, squeaky clean, shiny, more capacity and more eco friendly Rolls-Royce engined (why is it all the best planes run with a Roll Royce engine? The Spitfire for example) Airbus or the dilapadated, clapped out old banger that kills foxes and small furry creatures 747?

Due to the fact that FedEx has not received delivery of the A380 I cannot comment until I fly it. We are supposed to get the airplane in 2007 or 2008. I think the delivery date was pushed back. The B747 has been around for many, many years and has proved very successful, so Airbus has been able to look at what Boeing accomplished. The only Airbus I can comment on are the A300 and the A310.

Ok then, what did you think of the old Airbus models?

I prefer the MD-11 to the Airbus A300/A310. When there is a computer problem, it seems to involve more than just one or two computers, a variety of systems. The only problems on the MD-11 seem to be the coffee pot not working (a REAL BIG problem) and the automatic function of the crew rest bunk.


Did you see the first run of the A380 yesterday? It landed in Heathrow. What is really impressive is to look at these large airplanes and watch as they take off and land. For such a large aircraft to gracefully depart the runway, this is a wonderful sight to see.

No, but I did watch the BBC footage of it landing. But people are already complaining that the increasingly popular regional airports cannot cope or facilitate these larger and larger aircraft. For those who don't know, in our case regional airports are fairly small airports which can just about cope with a 747 at one time, generally for lighter aircraft and those stupid cut price fair airlines like EasyJet. Usually used by people wanting to fly between the regional airports, London or to go from there to Russia, North Africa or Spain. Generally, the long haul flights go from the London airports and offer a cheap connecting flight to Heathrow or Gatwick.

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Quite incidentally, Horatio, do you prefer the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747? The nice, squeaky clean, shiny, more capacity and more eco friendly Rolls-Royce engined (why is it all the best planes run with a Roll Royce engine? The Spitfire for example) Airbus or the dilapadated, clapped out old banger that kills foxes and small furry creatures 747?

Due to the fact that FedEx has not received delivery of the A380 I cannot comment until I fly it. We are supposed to get the airplane in 2007 or 2008. I think the delivery date was pushed back. The B747 has been around for many, many years and has proved very successful, so Airbus has been able to look at what Boeing accomplished. The only Airbus I can comment on are the A300 and the A310.

Ok then, what did you think of the old Airbus models?

I prefer the MD-11 to the Airbus A300/A310. When there is a computer problem, it seems to involve more than just one or two computers, a variety of systems. The only problems on the MD-11 seem to be the coffee pot not working (a REAL BIG problem) and the automatic function of the crew rest bunk.


Did you see the first run of the A380 yesterday? It landed in Heathrow. What is really impressive is to look at these large airplanes and watch as they take off and land. For such a large aircraft to gracefully depart the runway, this is a wonderful sight to see.

No, but I did watch the BBC footage of it landing. But people are already complaining that the increasingly popular regional airports cannot cope or facilitate these larger and larger aircraft. For those who don't know, in our case regional airports are fairly small airports which can just about cope with a 747 at one time, generally for lighter aircraft and those stupid cut price fair airlines like EasyJet. Usually used by people wanting to fly between the regional airports, London or to go from there to Russia, North Africa or Spain. Generally, the long haul flights go from the London airports and offer a cheap connecting flight to Heathrow or Gatwick.

I saw the same BBC footage. As most airlines work on a hub and spoke type system, these people are complaining for nothing. They will still get the business, just in a smaller plane. For most people, they will fly into a major airport and change airplanes to go to the city they desire. Nothing will really change.

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Quite incidentally, Horatio, do you prefer the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747? The nice, squeaky clean, shiny, more capacity and more eco friendly Rolls-Royce engined (why is it all the best planes run with a Roll Royce engine? The Spitfire for example) Airbus or the dilapadated, clapped out old banger that kills foxes and small furry creatures 747?

Due to the fact that FedEx has not received delivery of the A380 I cannot comment until I fly it. We are supposed to get the airplane in 2007 or 2008. I think the delivery date was pushed back. The B747 has been around for many, many years and has proved very successful, so Airbus has been able to look at what Boeing accomplished. The only Airbus I can comment on are the A300 and the A310.

Ok then, what did you think of the old Airbus models?

I prefer the MD-11 to the Airbus A300/A310. When there is a computer problem, it seems to involve more than just one or two computers, a variety of systems. The only problems on the MD-11 seem to be the coffee pot not working (a REAL BIG problem) and the automatic function of the crew rest bunk.


Did you see the first run of the A380 yesterday? It landed in Heathrow. What is really impressive is to look at these large airplanes and watch as they take off and land. For such a large aircraft to gracefully depart the runway, this is a wonderful sight to see.

No, but I did watch the BBC footage of it landing. But people are already complaining that the increasingly popular regional airports cannot cope or facilitate these larger and larger aircraft. For those who don't know, in our case regional airports are fairly small airports which can just about cope with a 747 at one time, generally for lighter aircraft and those stupid cut price fair airlines like EasyJet. Usually used by people wanting to fly between the regional airports, London or to go from there to Russia, North Africa or Spain. Generally, the long haul flights go from the London airports and offer a cheap connecting flight to Heathrow or Gatwick.

I saw the same BBC footage. As most airlines work on a hub and spoke type system, these people are complaining for nothing. They will still get the business, just in a smaller plane. For most people, they will fly into a major airport and change airplanes to go to the city they desire. Nothing will really change.

I know, it is the usual scare mongerers and people who know vaguely what a plane and airport is, but don't understand any of it. Like people who think Nuclear Energy is all continous Chernobyl explosions.

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.

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The reason everyone in the U.S. is scared of nuclear power is they automatically presume anyone who uses it (except ourselves) wants to use them to make bombs to blow us up. I think more nuclear power is a great thing, but we do need something to do with the waste. Perhaps we should start a little bit, such as 20%, so as not to create a huge shock to the people who don't want it, and also that way we wouldn't have as much waste that we would have nothing to do with. After we start, we could slowly increase the nuclear:renewable ratio, and also implement some solar and wind energy along the way, so maybe 40% nuclear, and 20% wind, 20% solar, and 20% renewable?

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The reason everyone in the U.S. is scared of nuclear power is they automatically presume anyone who uses it (except ourselves) wants to use them to make bombs to blow us up. I think more nuclear power is a great thing, but we do need something to do with the waste. Perhaps we should start a little bit, such as 20%, so as not to create a huge shock to the people who don't want it, and also that way we wouldn't have as much waste that we would have nothing to do with. After we start, we could slowly increase the nuclear:renewable ratio, and also implement some solar and wind energy along the way, so maybe 40% nuclear, and 20% wind, 20% solar, and 20% renewable?

I think wind could be a bigger percentage. Think about the midwest where the winds are strong, along the coastlines, I wish I could afford a couple of wind generators, because I would have them installed for my cage in Florida.

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The reason everyone in the U.S. is scared of nuclear power is they automatically presume anyone who uses it (except ourselves) wants to use them to make bombs to blow us up. I think more nuclear power is a great thing, but we do need something to do with the waste. Perhaps we should start a little bit, such as 20%, so as not to create a huge shock to the people who don't want it, and also that way we wouldn't have as much waste that we would have nothing to do with. After we start, we could slowly increase the nuclear:renewable ratio, and also implement some solar and wind energy along the way, so maybe 40% nuclear, and 20% wind, 20% solar, and 20% renewable?

I think wind could be a bigger percentage. Think about the midwest where the winds are strong, along the coastlines, I wish I could afford a couple of wind generators, because I would have them installed for my cage in Florida.

I though about that, but you don't want too much wind-power, because if you have a season with little wind, a big chunk of power would be gone.

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The reason everyone in the U.S. is scared of nuclear power is they automatically presume anyone who uses it (except ourselves) wants to use them to make bombs to blow us up. I think more nuclear power is a great thing, but we do need something to do with the waste. Perhaps we should start a little bit, such as 20%, so as not to create a huge shock to the people who don't want it, and also that way we wouldn't have as much waste that we would have nothing to do with. After we start, we could slowly increase the nuclear:renewable ratio, and also implement some solar and wind energy along the way, so maybe 40% nuclear, and 20% wind, 20% solar, and 20% renewable?

I think wind could be a bigger percentage. Think about the midwest where the winds are strong, along the coastlines, I wish I could afford a couple of wind generators, because I would have them installed for my cage in Florida.

I though about that, but you don't want too much wind-power, because if you have a season with little wind, a big chunk of power would be gone.

That is when you have a back-up source.

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.

Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing?

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.

Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing?

This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth.

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.

Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing?

This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth.

Well, I hope it goes through, and doesn't get cancelled like the one over here did in one of the best places for wind power in the country just because some locals whinged without providing any actual solid reason for why it shouldn't be there.

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.

Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing?

This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth.

Well, I hope it goes through, and doesn't get cancelled like the one over here did in one of the best places for wind power in the country just because some locals whinged without providing any actual solid reason for why it shouldn't be there.

All their relatives must be living in Massachusetts. :lol:

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.

Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing?

This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth.

Well, I hope it goes through, and doesn't get cancelled like the one over here did in one of the best places for wind power in the country just because some locals whinged without providing any actual solid reason for why it shouldn't be there.

All their relatives must be living in Massachusetts. :lol:

Probably all members of the same yachting club.

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.

Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing?

This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth.

Well, I hope it goes through, and doesn't get cancelled like the one over here did in one of the best places for wind power in the country just because some locals whinged without providing any actual solid reason for why it shouldn't be there.

All their relatives must be living in Massachusetts. :lol:

Probably all members of the same yachting club.

:lol: LOL :lol: You are probably correct!!!

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NB, please someone give an opinion on Nuclear Power.

I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback.


Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.

All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared.


And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine.

We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.

Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing?

This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth.

Well, I hope it goes through, and doesn't get cancelled like the one over here did in one of the best places for wind power in the country just because some locals whinged without providing any actual solid reason for why it shouldn't be there.

All their relatives must be living in Massachusetts. :lol:

Probably all members of the same yachting club.

:lol: LOL :lol: You are probably correct!!!

They all gather round closely at the Conservative/Republican club discussing what evil to commit next...

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I don't wear any makeup. Too many places test on animals, and I really don't think I need to wear any. Makeup can also cause acne.


...Along with chocolate.

You are wrong here. Pretty much every popular brand of Makeup-Sugar, Lancome, Chanel, etc.- don't test on animals. And Acne isn't permanent- if you take good care of your skin, then you can treat your acne. I've done it.


You know, I can't stand girls who throw a tantrum if they get a Cold sore or something. I'm prone to Cold sores, and I only get sensitive about them when I'm around Trent.

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i would never buy make-up. :lol: However, i have noticed that America is turning all it's little girls into ah... how to phrase this... very revealing people, obsessed with how they look, and they tend to show more skin than a sumo wrestler(exaggeration). I'm not sure if this is happening in other countries or not.

Glad to hear you have no intention of buying make-up! :lol:


Unfortunately, people are influenced by the media, adverts and what they think will help them get ahead, be beautiful and be successful. The methods by which young girls are going about this is all wrong. Very few girls have the body to show so much skin, and the magazines make it appear that everyone wants to see this display. Revealing so much skin is not attractive.

OMG. I was watching VH1 and they were talking about... Bad things people have done at Red Carpet parties, and they told about one guy who took off all his clothes at a Golden lobes party (or something) and theres always tons of Women who wear Reaviling dresses at these parties. And by what Cheesemaster said...I agree, When i was little, I played with Stuffed Animals, not Barbies, and I liked to play with Paint, not my Mother's Lipstick. My mom hardly wears any makeup- she just puts on some Nail polish and blush and she's ready to go. No eyeshadow. No foundation. Not Lipstick. Just Normal-looking, and I think that's beutiful. I also like perfume. Especcily Vanilla.

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