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Philosophies of Life

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Philosophia: a love of wisdom.



How wonderful to see you!!!!!!!

I hope you stop in more often!

I've been stalking you! Beware! (That's how I'm responding so quickly.)

Yeah!!!!!!! Stalk away!!!!!!!!


You've a singularly odd look on life. :)

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Philosophia: a love of wisdom.



How wonderful to see you!!!!!!!

I hope you stop in more often!

I've been stalking you! Beware! (That's how I'm responding so quickly.)

Yeah!!!!!!! Stalk away!!!!!!!!


You've a singularly odd look on life. :)

Only if it is you doing the stalking. :lol:

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Philosophia: a love of wisdom.



How wonderful to see you!!!!!!!

I hope you stop in more often!

I've been stalking you! Beware! (That's how I'm responding so quickly.)

Yeah!!!!!!! Stalk away!!!!!!!!


You've a singularly odd look on life. :)

Only if it is you doing the stalking. :lol:


OK? (No comment)

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Philosophy of “Chaelâ€


Everyone is born good, but can become evil out of desperation.



I think it makes sense.

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Philosophy of “Chaelâ€


Everyone is born good, but can become evil out of desperation.



I think it makes sense.

Thanks for the reply.


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Ok, here's an interesting thought:

Hedonism: Seeking happiness is a moral imperative.

Eudaemonism: Doing what is right will bring happiness.


It is, perhaps, oversimplified here. but better to be inaccurate in simplicity than uncomprehensible in acurracy.

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Ok, here's an interesting thought:

Hedonism: Seeking happiness is a moral imperative.

Eudaemonism: Doing what is right will bring happiness.


It is, perhaps, oversimplified here. but better to be inaccurate in simplicity than uncomprehensible in acurracy.

Interesting...these were not meant to parellel anything, they merely explain the philosophy behind the choices that, specifically Tuluris/"Chael" makes. It also shows how her perspective changes. I'm not sure which you are commenting on, however...???

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Breaking out of a trend, you may remember "Kaasishuru"...well...

Philosophy of life for “Kaasishuruâ€

Everyone is born with two destinies, one good and one evil

It is possible to break out of these destinies, and, generally speaking, outside the protection of Mother Fate, your life becomes miserable.

The choices you make lead you down one or another of the paths, or out of the paths.



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Ok, here's an interesting thought:

Hedonism: Seeking happiness is a moral imperative.

Eudaemonism: Doing what is right will bring happiness.


It is, perhaps, oversimplified here. but better to be inaccurate in simplicity than uncomprehensible in acurracy.

I fear you are "uncomprehensible" in "simplicity" here. In other words, I'm afraid you're too smart for me to understand you...

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Ok, here's an interesting thought:

Hedonism: Seeking happiness is a moral imperative.

Eudaemonism: Doing what is right will bring happiness.


It is, perhaps, oversimplified here. but better to be inaccurate in simplicity than uncomprehensible in acurracy.

I fear you are "uncomprehensible" in "simplicity" here. In other words, I'm afraid you're too smart for me to understand you...

I think my brain went off half-cocked there. don't worry too much about it. sometimes, even I can't figure out what I'm saying.

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Ok, here's an interesting thought:

Hedonism: Seeking happiness is a moral imperative.

Eudaemonism: Doing what is right will bring happiness.


It is, perhaps, oversimplified here. but better to be inaccurate in simplicity than uncomprehensible in acurracy.

I fear you are "uncomprehensible" in "simplicity" here. In other words, I'm afraid you're too smart for me to understand you...

I think my brain went off half-cocked there. don't worry too much about it. sometimes, even I can't figure out what I'm saying.

Aaaaaahhhhhhh, the sign of a true philosopher! :lol:

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alright: here an interesting question: what is the most natural form of government?

that is, the one most likely to remain stable given changes in socal and economic conditions, and over a wide variety of group sizes.

...Uh, anarchy...?

(How did I manage to reply only over a year after the fact?)

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