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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Why Don't You...


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Dear People,

I was looking through the hamster dances/songs, and I came across something my friend (whom I will call Sally) pointed out to me: since this is a funny website, why don't you do the outrageous and unthinkable-add some bling-bling to the hamsters (such as a gold chain, a hat, etc) and make the Hamster Dance song into a rap? I personally think that would be adorable, and funny nonetheless. Just a suggestion to make the funniest website FUNNIER!!!!!!!!




Junior Memember,


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Dear People,

I was looking through the hamster dances/songs, and I came across something my friend (whom I will call Sally) pointed out to me: since this is a funny website, why don't you do the outrageous and unthinkable-add some bling-bling to the hamsters (such as a gold chain, a hat, etc) and make the Hamster Dance song into a rap? I personally think that would be adorable, and funny nonetheless. Just a suggestion to make the funniest website FUNNIER!!!!!!!!




Junior Memember,


I like the thought!

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Ok, Then for the benifit of those of us who are more Feral Chic than Merosexual,

would you please explain exactly what you mean by "bling-bling"

Bling-bling; Carrying your entire bank account on your arm and in your car


Going in for fake, cheap stuff which is made for people who want to look wealthy, but can't really afford the Aston or Range Rover, so they have to buy A Cadillac Escalade (that 16ft rubbish car thing, which looks like a 4x4 or SUV, but isn't)

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Ok, Then for the benifit of those of us who are more Feral Chic than Merosexual,

would you please explain exactly what you mean by "bling-bling"

Bling-bling; Carrying your entire bank account on your arm and in your car


Going in for fake, cheap stuff which is made for people who want to look wealthy, but can't really afford the Aston or Range Rover, so they have to buy A Cadillac Escalade (that 16ft rubbish car thing, which looks like a 4x4 or SUV, but isn't)

Ah, and I suppose


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Ok, Then for the benifit of those of us who are more Feral Chic than Merosexual,

would you please explain exactly what you mean by "bling-bling"

Bling-bling; Carrying your entire bank account on your arm and in your car


Going in for fake, cheap stuff which is made for people who want to look wealthy, but can't really afford the Aston or Range Rover, so they have to buy A Cadillac Escalade (that 16ft rubbish car thing, which looks like a 4x4 or SUV, but isn't)

Ah, and I suppose


ALSO SEE ALSO: Rappers of which we have to many, one of the

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Ok, Then for the benifit of those of us who are more Feral Chic than Merosexual,

would you please explain exactly what you mean by "bling-bling"

Bling-bling; Carrying your entire bank account on your arm and in your car


Going in for fake, cheap stuff which is made for people who want to look wealthy, but can't really afford the Aston or Range Rover, so they have to buy A Cadillac Escalade (that 16ft rubbish car thing, which looks like a 4x4 or SUV, but isn't)

Ah, and I suppose


ALSO SEE ALSO: Rappers of which we have to many, one of the

ALSO SEE ALSO SEE ALSO: Gangstas, not to be confused with gangsters.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Havin' some bling bling would be extra superdicios! :lol:

Yall be laughn' out loud if we saw those hamsters with bling! :lol:

Oh dear bod...

Now listen to me, boy/girl/indegnous lifeform. Hamsters are not designed for bling, they are not designed to be weighed down with unneccesary cheap rubbish, which is low-grade lead sprayed with gold paint. Hamsters do not desire to look stupid. They seek the simple things in life, a deluxe cage with a high quality wheel facilities and a food dispenser in every corner, fresh straw and a ready supply of sunflower seeds. And most importantly of all a laptop and television so they may communicate with hamsters world wide and then sit down and watch something civilised.

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Havin' some bling bling would be extra superdicios! :lol:

Yall be laughn' out loud if we saw those hamsters with bling! :lol:

Oh dear bod...

Now listen to me, boy/girl/indegnous lifeform. Hamsters are not designed for bling, they are not designed to be weighed down with unneccesary cheap rubbish, which is low-grade lead sprayed with gold paint. Hamsters do not desire to look stupid. They seek the simple things in life, a deluxe cage with a high quality wheel facilities and a food dispenser in every corner, fresh straw and a ready supply of sunflower seeds. And most importantly of all a laptop and television so they may communicate with hamsters world wide and then sit down and watch something civilised.

Or listen to Something Civilisised.

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I once drew a pic of Mega Wolf in bling bling but that was supposed to be funny. Has anyone seen it?


♥ Lee

Please post it again. For some reason, my mind is drawing a blank. :huh:

he he, it is funny that you used that word in that context.

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I once drew a pic of Mega Wolf in bling bling but that was supposed to be funny. Has anyone seen it?


♥ Lee

Please post it again. For some reason, my mind is drawing a blank. :huh:

he he, it is funny that you used that word in that context.

Every now and then I come up with a good one! :lol:

And they are definitely not intentional!

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I once drew a pic of Mega Wolf in bling bling but that was supposed to be funny. Has anyone seen it?


♥ Lee

Please post it again. For some reason, my mind is drawing a blank. :huh:

he he, it is funny that you used that word in that context.

Every now and then I come up with a good one! :lol:

And they are definitely not intentional!

It seems similar to a fruedian slip, ya know?

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