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A little sketch of me, at my fave hang out :P


⦣8482;? Lee

Bwahaha! I invade thee's image! Bwahaha! *pokes the name next to lee's* The two aussies! Whoo!


Okay, done now. *hands over an artistic animal award (Artistic Animal Award... AAA)*

Haha, yep! I'm usually on around 8:30pm 'cause my sis goes on the comp before me. I think you're about half an hour behind us?


Thanks for both the Awards! And for the points, Kat! I knew you'd like my little rave fox. :P


⦣8482;? Lee

You're in Vic, and I'm in SA, so yeah, I'd be half an hour behind.


Do the saturday jig! *does the saturday jig* Tomorrow I'll be doing the sunday jig :D


The Royal Adelaide Show starts this weekend! *screeches* Imma go buy all the showbags now <333333333

Showbags????? :huh:

The show has bags... Filled with goodies and stuff... Which you can buy. There's a record amount of bags this year!


And of course the Beartie Beetle Blue Bag is the most popular :P

Yay for showbags!!! I haven't been to the Royal Melbourne show for a while! I was going to go last year with a friend but as soon as we got there we wanted to go back, it was raining and pretty crowded. So we just bummed around in the city instead! We sat next to the crazy lady at Maccas and she was talking about drugs and how lovely we looked :lol:


⦣8482;? Lee

Hehe. My sister lives in vic. Somewhere close to (not on) Lygon Street, if I remember correctly.


I hate it when it rains at showtime! Last year it only spat (thank goodness) but it can do much much worse. Why do they have to have the show during winter? *sob*


But it would be worse in Melbourne... What with your weather and all :P at least ours is more... Predictable.

Yeah, our weather is pretty unpredictable! Four seasons in one day :lol:

A few weeks ago I got up and it was freezing, there was frost all over the grass and car outside but later in the day it got really warm, it must have been one of the most warmest days this winter!


Lygon Street has the best Italian food! :D


♥ Lee

So true. Some people say it's the multicultural centre of Melbourne... But that's not true, it's the Itallian centre of Melbourne.


I went to a Thai restaurant along there... I so wish my sister could send the photos of their curries to me, so I could attatch them >.<


So unappealing... I had a green curry.


It was a green mess.


A lime green mess.


A lime green mess with a skin!


A lime green mess with a skin not unlike plastic!


I still ate it. I was sick for the rest of the week.




We haven't eaten there since.

Yeah its really Italian, there was a whole bunch of Italian restaurant owners trying to get us to come in and sit down and have a meal, but luckily my Italian friend Paula took us to this amazing Italian restraurant where they had the best pizza I have ever tasted in my life.


Yes, I'm not really into Thai curries that much... my parents are Indian so I don't mind Indian curries because I've grown up with them. My favourite kind of food is Italian actually!


AHHH! I went to go get a snack from the pantry and what so I see? A soup packet called "Thai green soup"




*is afraid*


♥ Lee

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A little sketch of me, at my fave hang out :P


⦣8482;? Lee

Bwahaha! I invade thee's image! Bwahaha! *pokes the name next to lee's* The two aussies! Whoo!


Okay, done now. *hands over an artistic animal award (Artistic Animal Award... AAA)*

Haha, yep! I'm usually on around 8:30pm 'cause my sis goes on the comp before me. I think you're about half an hour behind us?


Thanks for both the Awards! And for the points, Kat! I knew you'd like my little rave fox. :P


⦣8482;? Lee

You're in Vic, and I'm in SA, so yeah, I'd be half an hour behind.


Do the saturday jig! *does the saturday jig* Tomorrow I'll be doing the sunday jig :D


The Royal Adelaide Show starts this weekend! *screeches* Imma go buy all the showbags now

Showbags????? :huh:

The show has bags... Filled with goodies and stuff... Which you can buy. There's a record amount of bags this year!


And of course the Beartie Beetle Blue Bag is the most popular :P

Yay for showbags!!! I haven't been to the Royal Melbourne show for a while! I was going to go last year with a friend but as soon as we got there we wanted to go back, it was raining and pretty crowded. So we just bummed around in the city instead! We sat next to the crazy lady at Maccas and she was talking about drugs and how lovely we looked :lol:


⦣8482;? Lee

Hehe. My sister lives in vic. Somewhere close to (not on) Lygon Street, if I remember correctly.


I hate it when it rains at showtime! Last year it only spat (thank goodness) but it can do much much worse. Why do they have to have the show during winter? *sob*


But it would be worse in Melbourne... What with your weather and all :P at least ours is more... Predictable.

Yeah, our weather is pretty unpredictable! Four seasons in one day :lol:

A few weeks ago I got up and it was freezing, there was frost all over the grass and car outside but later in the day it got really warm, it must have been one of the most warmest days this winter!


Lygon Street has the best Italian food! :D


♥ Lee

So true. Some people say it's the multicultural centre of Melbourne... But that's not true, it's the Itallian centre of Melbourne.


I went to a Thai restaurant along there... I so wish my sister could send the photos of their curries to me, so I could attatch them >.


So unappealing... I had a green curry.


It was a green mess.


A lime green mess.


A lime green mess with a skin!


A lime green mess with a skin not unlike plastic!


I still ate it. I was sick for the rest of the week.




We haven't eaten there since.

Yeah its really Italian, there was a whole bunch of Italian restaurant owners trying to get us to come in and sit down and have a meal, but luckily my Italian friend Paula took us to this amazing Italian restraurant where they had the best pizza I have ever tasted in my life.


Yes, I'm not really into Thai curries that much... my parents are Indian so I don't mind Indian curries because I've grown up with them. My favourite kind of food is Italian actually!


AHHH! I went to go get a snack from the pantry and what so I see? A soup packet called "Thai green soup"




*is afraid*


♥ Lee

Hamsters love both Indian and Thai cuisine, but don't care much for plastic, unless we are sharpening out teeth. :lol:

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A little sketch of me, at my fave hang out :P


⦣8482;? Lee

Bwahaha! I invade thee's image! Bwahaha! *pokes the name next to lee's* The two aussies! Whoo!


Okay, done now. *hands over an artistic animal award (Artistic Animal Award... AAA)*

Haha, yep! I'm usually on around 8:30pm 'cause my sis goes on the comp before me. I think you're about half an hour behind us?


Thanks for both the Awards! And for the points, Kat! I knew you'd like my little rave fox. :P


⦣8482;? Lee

You're in Vic, and I'm in SA, so yeah, I'd be half an hour behind.


Do the saturday jig! *does the saturday jig* Tomorrow I'll be doing the sunday jig :D


The Royal Adelaide Show starts this weekend! *screeches* Imma go buy all the showbags now <333333333

Showbags????? :huh:

The show has bags... Filled with goodies and stuff... Which you can buy. There's a record amount of bags this year!


And of course the Beartie Beetle Blue Bag is the most popular :P

Yay for showbags!!! I haven't been to the Royal Melbourne show for a while! I was going to go last year with a friend but as soon as we got there we wanted to go back, it was raining and pretty crowded. So we just bummed around in the city instead! We sat next to the crazy lady at Maccas and she was talking about drugs and how lovely we looked :lol:


⦣8482;? Lee

Hehe. My sister lives in vic. Somewhere close to (not on) Lygon Street, if I remember correctly.


I hate it when it rains at showtime! Last year it only spat (thank goodness) but it can do much much worse. Why do they have to have the show during winter? *sob*


But it would be worse in Melbourne... What with your weather and all :P at least ours is more... Predictable.

Yeah, our weather is pretty unpredictable! Four seasons in one day :lol:

A few weeks ago I got up and it was freezing, there was frost all over the grass and car outside but later in the day it got really warm, it must have been one of the most warmest days this winter!


Lygon Street has the best Italian food! :D


♥ Lee

So true. Some people say it's the multicultural centre of Melbourne... But that's not true, it's the Itallian centre of Melbourne.


I went to a Thai restaurant along there... I so wish my sister could send the photos of their curries to me, so I could attatch them >.<


So unappealing... I had a green curry.


It was a green mess.


A lime green mess.


A lime green mess with a skin!


A lime green mess with a skin not unlike plastic!


I still ate it. I was sick for the rest of the week.




We haven't eaten there since.

Yeah its really Italian, there was a whole bunch of Italian restaurant owners trying to get us to come in and sit down and have a meal, but luckily my Italian friend Paula took us to this amazing Italian restraurant where they had the best pizza I have ever tasted in my life.


Yes, I'm not really into Thai curries that much... my parents are Indian so I don't mind Indian curries because I've grown up with them. My favourite kind of food is Italian actually!


AHHH! I went to go get a snack from the pantry and what so I see? A soup packet called "Thai green soup"




*is afraid*


♥ Lee

Normal Thai Green Curries/soups aren't dangerous... It's *their* thai green curries that are.


I like walking up and down it, seeing who makes the best offer. I managed 'Pizza on the house!' on one. And they kept the deal! Me 'n me sister only had to pay for the drinks B)


Indian is yummeh. So is chinese. And thai. And itallian. And french. And mexican. And tex-mex. And... The list goes on.

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Aww everyone's so nice. :)

Thank you all. ^_^


I've done two watercolours of foxes just recently, I'd scan them but I can't gain access to the scanners in the artroom anymore since we have finished our finals. I really like them though, they're purdy-lookin'. I must find someone with a scanner!


♥ Lee

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Aww everyone's so nice. :)

Thank you all. ^_^


I've done two watercolours of foxes just recently, I'd scan them but I can't gain access to the scanners in the artroom anymore since we have finished our finals. I really like them though, they're purdy-lookin'. I must find someone with a scanner!


♥ Lee

*sends over a scanner*


I hope it works alright.


*sends over manual as well, just in case*

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Aww everyone's so nice. :)

Thank you all. ^_^


I've done two watercolours of foxes just recently, I'd scan them but I can't gain access to the scanners in the artroom anymore since we have finished our finals. I really like them though, they're purdy-lookin'. I must find someone with a scanner!


♥ Lee

*sends over a scanner*


I hope it works alright.


*sends over manual as well, just in case*

I am glad you are sending an Australian scanner. I sent one, but it didn't work with your electrical system. Lee probably blew it up! :lol:

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Aww everyone's so nice. :)

Thank you all. ^_^


I've done two watercolours of foxes just recently, I'd scan them but I can't gain access to the scanners in the artroom anymore since we have finished our finals. I really like them though, they're purdy-lookin'. I must find someone with a scanner!


♥ Lee

*sends over a scanner*


I hope it works alright.


*sends over manual as well, just in case*

I am glad you are sending an Australian scanner. I sent one, but it didn't work with your electrical system. Lee probably blew it up! :lol:



Except for that 'lee probably blew it up' part... It probably did that all on its own.

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Aww everyone's so nice. :)

Thank you all. ^_^


I've done two watercolours of foxes just recently, I'd scan them but I can't gain access to the scanners in the artroom anymore since we have finished our finals. I really like them though, they're purdy-lookin'. I must find someone with a scanner!


♥ Lee

*sends over a scanner*


I hope it works alright.


*sends over manual as well, just in case*

I am glad you are sending an Australian scanner. I sent one, but it didn't work with your electrical system. Lee probably blew it up! :lol:

Oh yeah I probablly did that... >.>


I'm thinking of buying a scanner from ebay but I also want to get a graphics tablet.


♥ Lee

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Aww everyone's so nice. :)

Thank you all. ^_^


I've done two watercolours of foxes just recently, I'd scan them but I can't gain access to the scanners in the artroom anymore since we have finished our finals. I really like them though, they're purdy-lookin'. I must find someone with a scanner!


♥ Lee

*sends over a scanner*


I hope it works alright.


*sends over manual as well, just in case*

I am glad you are sending an Australian scanner. I sent one, but it didn't work with your electrical system. Lee probably blew it up! :lol:

Oh yeah I probablly did that... >.>


I'm thinking of buying a scanner from ebay but I also want to get a graphics tablet.


♥ Lee

I love those graphics tablets! I have a Wacom, but still am not good at using it. :(

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Aww everyone's so nice. :)

Thank you all. ^_^


I've done two watercolours of foxes just recently, I'd scan them but I can't gain access to the scanners in the artroom anymore since we have finished our finals. I really like them though, they're purdy-lookin'. I must find someone with a scanner!


♥ Lee

*sends over a scanner*


I hope it works alright.


*sends over manual as well, just in case*

I am glad you are sending an Australian scanner. I sent one, but it didn't work with your electrical system. Lee probably blew it up! :lol:

Oh yeah I probablly did that... >.>


I'm thinking of buying a scanner from ebay but I also want to get a graphics tablet.


♥ Lee

I love those graphics tablets! I have a Wacom, but still am not good at using it. :(

>.< Horatio has all the good stuffz!


I only wish I had enough moneys for a graphics tablet... How much is the cheapest one on Amazon? 81 dollars! American dollars, too, so even more moneys for me. >.< I need to explore google a bit more.


And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

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And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! :lol:

Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! :lol:

*sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! :D

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And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! :lol:

Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! :lol:

*sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! :D

Exactly... It helps if you have talent.


If only you could really send it to me... :lol: I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100!

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And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! :lol:

Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! :lol:

*sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! :D

Exactly... It helps if you have talent.


If only you could really send it to me... :lol: I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100!

You should feel four times as special. This one was over $400 when I first got it. :lol:

And I still can't use it correctly!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


*makes note... must read manual*

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Always read the manuals, it makes life much easier. Especially when your doing something for the first time and have no idea whats going on!


♥ Lee


I dun like reading those stinkin manuals! :lol:












*decides to listen to Lee and goes off in search of the manuals*

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And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! :lol:

Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! :lol:

*sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! :D

Exactly... It helps if you have talent.


If only you could really send it to me... :lol: I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100!

You should feel four times as special. This one was over $400 when I first got it. :lol:

And I still can't use it correctly!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


*makes note... must read manual*

You got it when it was newer... Look at the prices of, say, x-box 360s. Now, how much do you think they'll cost in, oh, let's say three years? It's probably worse to buy things when they are newer... But then again, you get gloating rights!

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And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! :lol:

Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! :lol:

*sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! :D

Exactly... It helps if you have talent.


If only you could really send it to me... :lol: I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100!

You should feel four times as special. This one was over $400 when I first got it. :lol:

And I still can't use it correctly!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


*makes note... must read manual*

You got it when it was newer... Look at the prices of, say, x-box 360s. Now, how much do you think they'll cost in, oh, let's say three years? It's probably worse to buy things when they are newer... But then again, you get gloating rights!

Okay!!! Rub it in!!! I should have waited... seeing as how I still can't work it correctly! :lol:

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And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! :lol:

Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! :lol:

*sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! :D

Exactly... It helps if you have talent.


If only you could really send it to me... :lol: I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100!

You should feel four times as special. This one was over $400 when I first got it. :lol:

And I still can't use it correctly!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


*makes note... must read manual*

You got it when it was newer... Look at the prices of, say, x-box 360s. Now, how much do you think they'll cost in, oh, let's say three years? It's probably worse to buy things when they are newer... But then again, you get gloating rights!

Okay!!! Rub it in!!! I should have waited... seeing as how I still can't work it correctly! :lol:

...But you can always go up to the other hammies and say, "I got a wacom art tablet!" and boast about it *nods*

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And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! :lol:

Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! :lol:

*sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! :D

Exactly... It helps if you have talent.


If only you could really send it to me... :lol: I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100!

You should feel four times as special. This one was over $400 when I first got it. :lol:

And I still can't use it correctly!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


*makes note... must read manual*

You got it when it was newer... Look at the prices of, say, x-box 360s. Now, how much do you think they'll cost in, oh, let's say three years? It's probably worse to buy things when they are newer... But then again, you get gloating rights!

Okay!!! Rub it in!!! I should have waited... seeing as how I still can't work it correctly! :lol:

...But you can always go up to the other hammies and say, "I got a wacom art tablet!" and boast about it *nods*

Doesn't work. We all share. I was able to borrow the iPod because I shared my tablet. :D

The minute I got my computer, everyone was over and had to get time on it. Then I got the tablet and the Corel Art Program and they all started playing on my computer and using the tablet, so much so, we had to make a schedule for access time. LOL

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And even though good tech doesn't mean good art... It sure does help.

I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! :lol:

Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! :lol:

*sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! :D

Exactly... It helps if you have talent.


If only you could really send it to me... :lol: I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100!

You should feel four times as special. This one was over $400 when I first got it. :lol:

And I still can't use it correctly!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


*makes note... must read manual*

You got it when it was newer... Look at the prices of, say, x-box 360s. Now, how much do you think they'll cost in, oh, let's say three years? It's probably worse to buy things when they are newer... But then again, you get gloating rights!

Okay!!! Rub it in!!! I should have waited... seeing as how I still can't work it correctly! :lol:

...But you can always go up to the other hammies and say, "I got a wacom art tablet!" and boast about it *nods*

Doesn't work. We all share. I was able to borrow the iPod because I shared my tablet. :D

The minute I got my computer, everyone was over and had to get time on it. Then I got the tablet and the Corel Art Program and they all started playing on my computer and using the tablet, so much so, we had to make a schedule for access time. LOL

And that's where selfishness becomes a virtue. *did not just say that*

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I'm back now.

Bet ya didn't even notice I was gone. And don't lie and say you did.

So I'm gonna go again.





I noticed you were gone and so did Kep. She returned while you were away, now you are making a guest appearance

and tell us you are going away again. Kep will be so disappointed as she was looking for you.


*is really sad now*

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I'm back now.

Bet ya didn't even notice I was gone. And don't lie and say you did.

So I'm gonna go again.





but, but, but... ;.;

Dang. >.<

Please stay.


Don't leave us all.

I won't beg, but I do implore you to stay.

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I'm back now.

Bet ya didn't even notice I was gone. And don't lie and say you did.

So I'm gonna go again.




Lee should totally stay. Who am I gonna look inside of cups with if you leave? ;D

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I'm back now.

Bet ya didn't even notice I was gone. And don't lie and say you did.

So I'm gonna go again.




Chill, yo. I don't think "Okay. Bye." was taken seriously because it was so brief. Besides, it kind of implies, I'm gonna sign off for now, or I'll be back sometime soon. So um. Chill, people did notice. It's not like you were gone more than two months, yet people did notice and even mentioned it.

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I'm sorry.

I was terribly depressed when I left and when I came back and wrote that.

Today I am feeling okay.

I will keep posting more often from now on. I missed everyone.




PS. Note how I don't call myself Lee anymore. This is because my full name is Liandra and I feel Li is more appropriate.

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I'm sorry.

I was terribly depressed when I left and when I came back and wrote that.

Today I am feeling okay.

I will keep posting more often from now on. I missed everyone.




PS. Note how I don't call myself Lee anymore. This is because my full name is Liandra and I feel Li is more appropriate.

You have no idea just how much you were missed! Those days where you feel depressed you need to be here more than ever

as we are your friends. When you share your happiness with friends, you double your joy. When you share your sadness with

friends, you cut it in half. We are always here for you.

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I'm sorry.

I was terribly depressed when I left and when I came back and wrote that.

Today I am feeling okay.

I will keep posting more often from now on. I missed everyone.




PS. Note how I don't call myself Lee anymore. This is because my full name is Liandra and I feel Li is more appropriate.


'Tis okay. ^.^

Are you still depressed though? I will be glad to help in any way that I can, Li.

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I'm sorry.

I was terribly depressed when I left and when I came back and wrote that.

Today I am feeling okay.

I will keep posting more often from now on. I missed everyone.




PS. Note how I don't call myself Lee anymore. This is because my full name is Liandra and I feel Li is more appropriate.

It's understandable. Well, good thing you're not terribly depressed anymore and have logic on your side. I understand that when people are depressed they get illogical, I know what that's like. Glad to have you back, Li. ^.^

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I'm sorry.

I was terribly depressed when I left and when I came back and wrote that.

Today I am feeling okay.

I will keep posting more often from now on. I missed everyone.




PS. Note how I don't call myself Lee anymore. This is because my full name is Liandra and I feel Li is more appropriate.

*clings to Li* I'm glad you're feeling better. n___n But I understand about leaving. Sometimes when you're upset, you just wanna be alone for a while.

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I'm sorry.

I was terribly depressed when I left and when I came back and wrote that.

Today I am feeling okay.

I will keep posting more often from now on. I missed everyone.




PS. Note how I don't call myself Lee anymore. This is because my full name is Liandra and I feel Li is more appropriate.


'Tis okay. ^.^

Are you still depressed though? I will be glad to help in any way that I can, Li.

Not at the moment, the past few days have been good.



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I'm sorry.

I was terribly depressed when I left and when I came back and wrote that.

Today I am feeling okay.

I will keep posting more often from now on. I missed everyone.




PS. Note how I don't call myself Lee anymore. This is because my full name is Liandra and I feel Li is more appropriate.


'Tis okay. ^.^

Are you still depressed though? I will be glad to help in any way that I can, Li.

Not at the moment, the past few days have been good.



That is always good. =D

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Does Li have any new art for us to foam at the mouth for? :o

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. :D

Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop.

I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great!



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Does Li have any new art for us to foam at the mouth for? :o

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. :D

Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop.

I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great!



Yaaaaay! :D I always wanted to try one of those.

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Does Li have any new art for us to foam at the mouth for? :o

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. :D

Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop.

I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great!



Yaaaaay! :D I always wanted to try one of those.

*sends - Kat - my oversized Wacom tablet, pen and mouse*

Here you go. :D

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Does Li have any new art for us to foam at the mouth for? :o

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. :D

Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop.

I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great!



Yaaaaay! :D I always wanted to try one of those.

*sends - Kat - my oversized Wacom tablet, pen and mouse*

Here you go. :D

Hurrah! *expiriments*

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Does Li have any new art for us to foam at the mouth for? :o

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. :D

Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop.

I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great!



Yaaaaay! :D I always wanted to try one of those.

*sends - Kat - my oversized Wacom tablet, pen and mouse*

Here you go. :D

Hurrah! *expiriments*

I'm glad you like it. For me, it was just here collecting dust.

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Does Li have any new art for us to foam at the mouth for? :o

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. :D

Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop.

I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great!



Yaaaaay! :D I always wanted to try one of those.

*sends - Kat - my oversized Wacom tablet, pen and mouse*

Here you go. :D

Hurrah! *expiriments*

I'm glad you like it. For me, it was just here collecting dust.

Horatio should doodle on it! :D

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Does Li have any new art for us to foam at the mouth for? :o

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. :D

Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop.

I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great!



Yaaaaay! :D I always wanted to try one of those.

*sends - Kat - my oversized Wacom tablet, pen and mouse*

Here you go. :D

Hurrah! *expiriments*

I'm glad you like it. For me, it was just here collecting dust.

Horatio should doodle on it! :D

That would be interesting, if I took the time to figure out how it worked. LOL

*sends - Kat - a round-trip plane ticket*

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They are pretty easy to use once you get used to using them.

First you open a drawing program (Such as photoshop, paint, paint shop pro, flash) and open a new document then if you have already installed the tablet you just plug it into your computer.

Choose the colour and brush size and use the pen to draw on the tablet, it should make lines wherever you have drawn. Try to draw a circle. This will take some practice :P



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They are pretty easy to use once you get used to using them.

First you open a drawing program (Such as photoshop, paint, paint shop pro, flash) and open a new document then if you have already installed the tablet you just plug it into your computer.

Choose the colour and brush size and use the pen to draw on the tablet, it should make lines wherever you have drawn. Try to draw a circle. This will take some practice :P



I have the Corel paint program. Too hard for a blonde hamster.

Besides... I would have to read the book. :lol::rolleyes::lol:

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They are pretty easy to use once you get used to using them.

First you open a drawing program (Such as photoshop, paint, paint shop pro, flash) and open a new document then if you have already installed the tablet you just plug it into your computer.

Choose the colour and brush size and use the pen to draw on the tablet, it should make lines wherever you have drawn. Try to draw a circle. This will take some practice :P



I have the Corel paint program. Too hard for a blonde hamster.

Besides... I would have to read the book. :lol::rolleyes::lol:

Corel is just not good enough.


(No really. It stinks.)

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  • 4 months later...
I am good and enjoying life. My Vet Nurse career looks like it could take off sooner than I had expected!

Sorry about the avvies. I will really try to get them done soon.



No need to apologize. It is really fantastic to hear everything is going so very well for you.

I am tickled that your career is on a great path. This is very exciting. From what you

let us know, things sound so terrific. Please do stay in touch with us here... even when

things are really busy.

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  • 1 month later...

Li is here =D

What have I missed since my last visit?

I have done tonnes of art. If only the board wasn't so strict about links, I could give you guys my FA account url. It's a kid-safe link.

Ah well. Hope everyone's okay.



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Li is here =D

What have I missed since my last visit?

I have done tonnes of art. If only the board wasn't so strict about links, I could give you guys my FA account url. It's a kid-safe link.

Ah well. Hope everyone's okay.



You can always email them to me and I can post them for you. Or you could post them here and give the link out to others... but then your secret would be revealed.

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  • 6 months later...

Well, here I was, ready to say that Li was still thinking of you all, and here she is, posting again. xD


But yeah, I'm perfectly happy with my avvie of amazingness.


But I'll always accept more. :3

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As much as I love you guys for the moment it'll be one per person... so people who already have one will have to wait!



Arts. Yeah.


Request Avatars, don't be shy ;D



i want 1


can u do a purple hamster w/ a pentacle on it sumwhere


also, a vanilla choco bar


thank u


Sure thing! Just one problem... I don't know what a vanilla choco bar would look like, seeing as I am in Aus and we have different products over here... could you put up a pic as a ref?

I think I actually remember making an avvie for you before I left but never got around to posting it. I'll look for it...



Well, here I was, ready to say that Li was still thinking of you all, and here she is, posting again. xD


But yeah, I'm perfectly happy with my avvie of amazingness.


But I'll always accept more. :3


Haha, yeah. After I sent you that message I was curious to see what was happening here. x3

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Well, here I was, ready to say that Li was still thinking of you all, and here she is, posting again. xD


But yeah, I'm perfectly happy with my avvie of amazingness.


But I'll always accept more. :3


Haha, yeah. After I sent you that message I was curious to see what was happening here. x3

Had you only contacted Cheesemaster and not stopped back in here, we would have missed out on the person we love.

Another reason to stop in here more often... there are lots more people who miss you then are on your personal list.

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As much as I love you guys for the moment it'll be one per person... so people who already have one will have to wait!



Arts. Yeah.


Request Avatars, don't be shy ;D



i want 1


can u do a purple hamster w/ a pentacle on it sumwhere


also, a vanilla choco bar


thank u


Sure thing! Just one problem... I don't know what a vanilla choco bar would look like, seeing as I am in Aus and we have different products over here... could you put up a pic as a ref?

I think I actually remember making an avvie for you before I left but never got around to posting it. I'll look for it...



Well, here I was, ready to say that Li was still thinking of you all, and here she is, posting again. xD


But yeah, I'm perfectly happy with my avvie of amazingness.


But I'll always accept more. :3


Haha, yeah. After I sent you that message I was curious to see what was happening here. x3

A Vanilla Choco bar is a white chocolate bar, I believe.

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.



I could never do that. D=

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

Well, if I didn't have contact with Li outside of here, than she might not have come back. =O

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

Well, if I didn't have contact with Li outside of here, than she might not have come back. =O

Ha... nice twist. :lol:

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

Well, if I didn't have contact with Li outside of here, than she might not have come back. =O

Ha... nice twist. :lol:

I'm just sneaky like that. ;D

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

Well, if I didn't have contact with Li outside of here, than she might not have come back. =O

Ha... nice twist. :lol:

I'm just sneaky like that. ;D

LOL... at least you're honest about it.

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

Well, if I didn't have contact with Li outside of here, than she might not have come back. =O

Ha... nice twist. :lol:

I'm just sneaky like that. ;D

LOL... at least you're honest about it.

I want people to know how ninja I am. x3

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

Well, if I didn't have contact with Li outside of here, than she might not have come back. =O

Ha... nice twist. :lol:

I'm just sneaky like that. ;D

LOL... at least you're honest about it.

I want people to know how ninja I am. x3

I'm certain they will know... at least they will when they see your name change. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

Well, if I didn't have contact with Li outside of here, than she might not have come back. =O

Ha... nice twist. :lol:

I'm just sneaky like that. ;D

LOL... at least you're honest about it.

I want people to know how ninja I am. x3

I'm certain they will know... at least they will when they see your name change. :lol:

Speaking of which, did that poll between cheesus and Divine Bovine ever come up?

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See, horatio, I consider the boards as sort of a communal thing, while AIM and such are more of a personal thing.

Also, aim is more idle chat, the board is major event stuff.

That is why I love utilizing both. =3

What does happen is that some people do not utilize both, they just forget about here and focus on the instant gratification.


I could never do that. D=

But you help other people do that. :rolleyes:


shh. Don't tell me that. xD

The truth hurts. :lol:

Well, if I didn't have contact with Li outside of here, than she might not have come back. =O

Ha... nice twist. :lol:

I'm just sneaky like that. ;D

LOL... at least you're honest about it.

I want people to know how ninja I am. x3

I'm certain they will know... at least they will when they see your name change. :lol:

Speaking of which, did that poll between cheesus and Divine Bovine ever come up?

No. You never answered my question... Devine or Divine? I am guessing it is going to be Divine.

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  • 2 months later...

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