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i might get a hamster 4 my birthday may 14 thats mothers day

Hope you do!

I can give you some very important thoughts on raising a hammie if you would like.

Horatio is like, the hamster MASTAH. o.o

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i might get a hamster 4 my birthday may 14 thats mothers day

Hope you do!

I can give you some very important thoughts on raising a hammie if you would like.

Horatio is like, the hamster MASTAH. o.o


*hands - Kat - more pin tac*

<33333333333 *melt*

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i might get a hamster 4 my birthday may 14 thats mothers day

Hope you do!

I can give you some very important thoughts on raising a hammie if you would like.

Horatio is like, the hamster MASTAH. o.o


*hands - Kat - more pin tac*



lol ok

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

u didnt post nothin

Click on reply and then read the posts above. They both posted something. :lol:

oh man i cant reed wite

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

u didnt post nothin

Click on reply and then read the posts above. They both posted something. :lol:

oh man i cant reed wite

Sure you can read white... just do what I do and click on reply and then read the post in the box.

i guess that would help hey were the admin. working on the boards cuz if they wuz it is soooooo... much easier to do i <3 it lol

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

u didnt post nothin

Click on reply and then read the posts above. They both posted something. :lol:

oh man i cant reed wite

Sure you can read white... just do what I do and click on reply and then read the post in the box.

i guess that would help hey were the admin. working on the boards cuz if they wuz it is soooooo... much easier to do i

The admin guys are always working on the board. As HampsterKing is a really old guy, it takes him a really long time to do things. :lol:

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

u didnt post nothin

Click on reply and then read the posts above. They both posted something. :lol:

oh man i cant reed wite

Sure you can read white... just do what I do and click on reply and then read the post in the box.

i guess that would help hey were the admin. working on the boards cuz if they wuz it is soooooo... much easier to do i <3 it lol

The admin guys are always working on the board. As HampsterKing is a really old guy, it takes him a really long time to do things. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: lol

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

I think hamsters are better than both of those...

Meat grinders are waaaaaay cooler.


no they just hert

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

I think hamsters are better than both of those...

Meat grinders are waaaaaay cooler.

Hamsters > meat grinder.


Ooh, I'm all mathy. :)

INCORRECT! *bashes you upside the head with a sarcophugus and puts you in the Meat grinder.* Meat Cleavers=Meat Grinders.

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

I think hamsters are better than both of those...

Meat grinders are waaaaaay cooler.


no they just hert

Escuse me, But if you had been put through the meat grinder in Real Life You would either have no arms for typing or you would be dead.

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

I think hamsters are better than both of those...

Meat grinders are waaaaaay cooler.


no they just hert

Escuse me, But if you had been put through the meat grinder in Real Life You would either have no arms for typing or you would be dead.

wen i was 4 my big bro used it to cut me hair :P:P:P

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guinea pigs are better

No, Cats are.

I think hamsters are better than both of those...

Meat grinders are waaaaaay cooler.

Hamsters > meat grinder.


Ooh, I'm all mathy. :)

INCORRECT! *bashes you upside the head with a sarcophugus and puts you in the Meat grinder.* Meat Cleavers=Meat Grinders.

hey hoo you bashin no vilence (unless it is too my big bro :P 4 realz go ahed hit i HATE him so much)

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nah, a boot full of hot chocolate hurts, especially when you forget to take your foot out first.

BTW: Bunny rabbits rule all, don't you remember MP&THG?

:huh: u silly yor supozed to bite it b-4 u kick :mellow::D:lol:

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