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Saddest time of my life

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today Feb,3 my best friends 3 yr old hamster died and whats sadder is my other friends mom died of cancer.......... god is very cruel to my i shall miss you for ever Hammy







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today Feb,3 my best friends 3 yr old hamster died and whats sadder is my other friends mom died of cancer.......... god is very cruel to my i shall miss you for ever Hammy







*cries for Hiro and Hiro's friends*

It is so very hard to deal with the loss of a human or pet. Your friend will need your support in whatever way you are able to give it. When you experience a loss, such as that of your friend's mother, there is an unexplainable ache in your heart. With time, the ache lessens, but it never totally goes away. When I was a young hammie, I lost my mother to cancer a few days before Easter. Our church brought all the Easter lillies to our house after the Sunday services were over. Since that day, whenever Easter rolls around, there is an tiny ache of missing my wonderful mother in my heart. So, my words of wisdom are to cherish your parents, siblings and close friends, like today is the last day you will ever see them. I try to say one nice thing to each of the important people in my life at least once a day.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I also know how u feel,my friend's dad die of cancer last year too n then my hamster die..

This month my 3 hamsters die,one of them die just today...........

I am so sorry to hear about your friend's father and your hammies. :(


We are happy to see you here, hope you have time to return and post.

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... god is very cruel to my ...

I can only mourn with you upon these losses, but I do see something I dont really... want to tolerate.


God is not cruel to anyone.


He does, however, give us trials and difficulties in life. This is for our own good.

An example would be that you need to wait for a bird to hatch out of its egg by itself; if you open the egg for it, it will be too weak in the world and will eventually die.

Any trials we come to in life are rarely any sort of punishment or action of amusement. They are only for our own good, you must remember that. God cannot be cruel to ANYone.


Away from that, now.


I am sorry for these losses, I cant say i've ever had experiences like that, so I can't necessarily relate with you... But just keep in mind that you'll always have friends to be with on this message board.

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  • 2 weeks later...

... god is very cruel to my ...

I can only mourn with you upon these losses, but I do see something I dont really... want to tolerate.


God is not cruel to anyone.


He does, however, give us trials and difficulties in life. This is for our own good.

An example would be that you need to wait for a bird to hatch out of its egg by itself; if you open the egg for it, it will be too weak in the world and will eventually die.

Any trials we come to in life are rarely any sort of punishment or action of amusement. They are only for our own good, you must remember that. God cannot be cruel to ANYone.


Away from that, now.


I am sorry for these losses, I cant say i've ever had experiences like that, so I can't necessarily relate with you... But just keep in mind that you'll always have friends to be with on this message board.



God gave us free will, with out it everything would stink even more than some things already do

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... god is very cruel to my ...

I can only mourn with you upon these losses, but I do see something I dont really... want to tolerate.


God is not cruel to anyone.


He does, however, give us trials and difficulties in life. This is for our own good.

An example would be that you need to wait for a bird to hatch out of its egg by itself; if you open the egg for it, it will be too weak in the world and will eventually die.

Any trials we come to in life are rarely any sort of punishment or action of amusement. They are only for our own good, you must remember that. God cannot be cruel to ANYone.


Away from that, now.


I am sorry for these losses, I cant say i've ever had experiences like that, so I can't necessarily relate with you... But just keep in mind that you'll always have friends to be with on this message board.

This is not the place for a religous argument.
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today Feb,3 my best friends 3 yr old hamster died and whats sadder is my other friends mom died of cancer.......... god is very cruel to my i shall miss you for ever Hammy







I'm so sorry to hear that. That's tough... :(

That's terrible...

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