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Ahh! My hamster has gone crazy.She used to be really sweet and quiet. Now she is a beastly little devil! She chewd holes iin my curtans so I had to move her to the floor. She use to only bite when you stuck your hand in her cage because she was frightened. Now she bites in or out of the cage! Also, whe she was younger she ran up to the cage door when someone walked in. Now, she runs to the door, but everywhere else too! She climbs the walls and the ceiling. I need advice on making her not crazed!!! Help!!!

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Ahh! My hamster has gone crazy.She used to be really sweet and quiet. Now she is a beastly little devil! She chewd holes iin my curtans so I had to move her to the floor. She use to only bite when you stuck your hand in her cage because she was frightened. Now she bites in or out of the cage! Also, whe she was younger she ran up to the cage door when someone walked in. Now, she runs to the door, but everywhere else too! She climbs the walls and the ceiling. I need advice on making her not crazed!!! Help!!!

I can help. It will take some time, but I can help you with your hammie. Do you have a hammie ball? Let me know as this will help. What you will have to do, is both of us get on HampsterDance at the same time and we can "talk". Let me know where your hamster is located, if she is in a window, you need to move her out of the window. Do you have a place in your bedroom or somewhere else where there is not a lot of traffic? No windows, no places where there will be air blowing on her. The floor is not the best place for her. Do you have a desk or dresser? Talk to me and we will work this out. If you do what I tell you, this will all work out. Until the next time we talk, observe her and tell me what she is doing in her cage. Also tell me what kind of food, chew things and toys she has in her cage.


Think positively, we can work this out. :)

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Yes she has a hamster ball. She used to be by a window, but I kept my curtains closed (hence the chewed curtains) I have a smallish room, and my dresser is where she used to stay, but it's by the windows, and the curtains. She has many things to chew on in her cage. She has a grass hut, a cardboard "house" a wooden "house" an old leather shoe, and a popsicle stick. Right now she is placed next to my closet. She isn't near a vent. My cat sometimes comes in and tries to play with her, but my hammie bites the cat. I cannot put the hamster to high up because my cat will push her off. We switched to a metal bar cage after my cat broke the plastic ones. The cage is heavy and it takes alot of work for the cat to push it and the cage has thick metal springs securing the cage top to the bottom, but I am still worried the cat will push the cage off.


I think my hamster is sick :(

She used to be a little piggy and run up to her food and eat some or hide it in a corner. Now she hardley eats anything. I am not sure she is eating anything at all :(

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Yes she has a hamster ball. She used to be by a window, but I kept my curtains closed (hence the chewed curtains) I have a smallish room, and my dresser is where she used to stay, but it's by the windows, and the curtains. She has many things to chew on in her cage. She has a grass hut, a cardboard "house" a wooden "house" an old leather shoe, and a popsicle stick. Right now she is placed next to my closet. She isn't near a vent. My cat sometimes comes in and tries to play with her, but my hammie bites the cat. I cannot put the hamster to high up because my cat will push her off. We switched to a metal bar cage after my cat broke the plastic ones. The cage is heavy and it takes alot of work for the cat to push it and the cage has thick metal springs securing the cage top to the bottom, but I am still worried the cat will push the cage off.


I think my hamster is sick :(

She used to be a little piggy and run up to her food and eat some or hide it in a corner. Now she hardley eats anything. I am not sure she is eating anything at all :(

How old is your hammie? What type hammie do you have? I would suggest keeping your cat away from your hammie, because if she is trying to bite the cat, she is acting defensively. Is your hammie storing any food? Do you have any raw carrots? If so, take a piece about the size as follows:





About this size as a cube. She should like this. It will give her moisture as well as something tasty. If you do not have any carrots, give her a raisins, and a small piece of lettuce. Let me know what makes you think your hammie is sick. What is she doing?


If you can put up something between your hammie's cage and the curtains, to protect the curtains, could you put your cage back up there? It seems like she got upset after you moved the cage. I think the problem just might be your cat. Your cat might be terrorizing your hammie. Can you keep your cat out of your room?


Answer my questions, and I will let you know what to do next.

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Let's seee. My hamster is a bit better now, she is still acting kinda crazy, but she is eating now. I tried giving her another brand of food. Cheche is only about a year old, maybe a year and a half. She had not been storing any food, but once I gave her the New brand of food, I gave an extra big helpingso shecould eatsome and store some.I can't keep my cat out of my room because I am a cat person. Right now, my hammie is in the closet where it is dark enough for her to sleep. And I am not sure the cat is trying to hurt the hamster. She just puts her nose though the bars, and sometimes she puts her paw on top, but seh doesn't stick out her claws. Even though she doesn't hurt Che che, I keep the cat away. She killed my mouse about a year ago. The mouse escaped and got into my bathroom. When I walked in, blood was spatterd every where! It was a horrific scene! I always keep my cat away from my rodents as best as I can. I have to go to school now so, bbl!

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Let's seee.  My hamster is a bit better now, she is still acting kinda crazy, but she is eating now. I tried giving her another brand of food. Cheche is only about a year old, maybe a year and a half. She had not been storing any food, but once I gave her the New brand of food, I gave an extra big helpingso shecould eatsome and store some.I can't keep my cat out of my room because I am a cat person. Right now, my hammie is in the closet where it is dark enough for her to sleep. And I am not sure the cat is trying to hurt the hamster. She just puts her nose though the bars, and sometimes she puts her paw on top, but seh doesn't stick out her claws. Even though she doesn't hurt Che che, I keep the cat away. She killed my mouse about a year ago. The mouse escaped and got into my bathroom. When I walked in, blood was spatterd every where! It was a horrific scene! I always keep my cat away from my rodents as best as I can. I have to go to school now so, bbl!

The problem is that your cat has already "tasted" rodentia and would love to do the same thing to your hammy as she did to your mouse. The hamster sees the cat as a predator. Sometimes hammies die of terror when the cat puts the nose and paws up to the cage unless they know they have a safe place to hide in their cage.


If you could give the hamster some time in her ball without the cat, this might help her. Do not reach in, but put the ball up to the open door of the cage and sort of scratch on the ball with your fingernail. She should eventually hop into the ball. I would then put a piece of tape on the ball door to insure it never opens. Before you do this, have your bedroom door closed, then let your hammie run around in your room for about one-half hour then put her back into her cage by putting the open ball back to the open door of her cage. She should hop back into her cage.


If you can get some raw peanuts (NO salt... raw), hammies love these. You can buy a bag for about 2 to 3 US dollars. You could give her one or two peanuts every other day, depending on if she eats them or not. Also, I can give you a variety of foods that you can add to your hammie's bowl to make life a bit more interesting.

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THanks so much for your help! Cheche is doing fine now. I think I will let her sleep in my closet from now on. She seems to like it :)

Do you have some raw carrots in the house? If so, cut off a little slice about the size I showed you yesterday. She will love it. A very small piece of raw pepper. Not the hot ones, the green, red, orange or yellow ones.

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