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Ms./Mr./Mrs. Hampsterdance Awards Nominations

Mega Wolf

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Did Arkcher win last time? If not, I nominate him. And Lexxy Man, Toto, and MK.

I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .

Thanka, Horatio, but I've already won. ^^

Ooops... you presented the award to Arkcher.

*slaps forehead* :P

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I nominate SHEENA and Vixen.

I believe it was established that we were only going to nominate people who were currently posting.

We did? I thought that was just for the overload nomination days when we have to eliminate people.

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I nominate SHEENA and Vixen.

I believe it was established that we were only going to nominate people who were currently posting.

We did? I thought that was just for the overload nomination days when we have to eliminate people.

It was my understanding that you established it was not fair to the people who currently are posting. You are the boss, so let me know what you decide. :D

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I nominate SHEENA and Vixen.

I believe it was established that we were only going to nominate people who were currently posting.

We did? I thought that was just for the overload nomination days when we have to eliminate people.

It was my understanding that you established it was not fair to the people who currently are posting. You are the boss, so let me know what you decide. :D

Really? Later I have to look for my own rules.

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SHEENA WILL BE ENTERED IN THIS COMPETITION! *activates robo-Sheena* See Horatio, Sheena is still posting!

Actually she is not currently posting. She stopped back and then left again. This is really unfair to the people who are currently posting. What happens is people lose interest when the poll is made up of people who are not around. Of course, if your goal is to end this competition... :lol:

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SHEENA WILL BE ENTERED IN THIS COMPETITION! *activates robo-Sheena* See Horatio, Sheena is still posting!

Actually she is not currently posting. She stopped back and then left again. This is really unfair to the people who are currently posting. What happens is people lose interest when the poll is made up of people who are not around. Of course, if your goal is to end this competition... :lol:


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Did Arkcher win last time? If not, I nominate him. And Lexxy Man, Toto, and MK.

I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .

Thanka, Horatio, but I've already won. ^^

MK and the voices in my head

*Smacks Patrick Upside the Head with a White Uni Award* :lol:


Kat, Arkcher, Bob Geldof, and Richard Wright.

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Did Arkcher win last time? If not, I nominate him. And Lexxy Man, Toto, and MK.

I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .

Thanka, Horatio, but I've already won. ^^

MK and the voices in my head

*Smacks Patrick Upside the Head with a White Uni Award* :lol:


Kat, Arkcher, Bob Geldof, and Richard Wright.

^^ Thanks for the nomination, but I won last time, and we aren't allowed to win twice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We kind of like. Need nominations. Now. Because like. We're short.


I. Competition, Nominees

1. If you have read this like you were supposed to before voting nominees, do NOT vote for yourself.

2. Do NOT use multiple accounts to vote multiple times.

3. Do not eat hamsters.

4. Must not leave the boards during competition with the exception of people who have a reason.

5. Never pet a burning dog.

6. No bribery is permitted

7. Do not get upset over your amount of votes. If you do I may have to pull you out of the competition.


II. Competition, Voters

1. Do NOT create multiple accounts to vote multiple times

2. Do NOT tell anybody, Vote For This Person! They can vote on their own.

3. Don't randomly pick someone, think about it first.

4. *Changed* No morons can vote.

5. Do not put in your signature who to vote for. But you can 'advertise' this topic

6. Must know the person you are voting for on the boards

7. Can't vote unless you are planning to stay at HD

8. No pity votes.

9. I, Mega Wolf, have the right to pull people out of the competition voting.


Please abide by these rules. I do not wish to have to pull anybody out, but I will if I have to. Also, I do not wish to have to pull out votes.


Rules of Nomination


1. *Changed* Person may not be a newbie

2. You must have a background of knowing the person you nominate

3. Don't complain if you are not nominated or else you can be restricted from voting

4. Cannot be someone who has won before

5. *Changed* You may nominate as many people as you want. However, if there are too many nominees, Mega Wolf has the right to kick a few off of your list.

6. Mega Wolf has the right to reject nominations.


Rules are subject to change.



The following people have won in the past:





The Grim Hamster Lord



- Kat -



Reminder: There are 10 nominees.


Strikethrough=Canceled Rule

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  • 3 weeks later...

If i havent done this thing already, i shall nominate MK, um. someobdy else cool. uh. who else is cool that hasnt won. Eh, social_outcast_of_death was already nominated by MK-lady. Lexxy-man! yeah. him. nominated now. -nods- and Cheesemaster, too. if hes active enough. tryin' to think of anyone else... Ooh! EmilyE-lady. shes. nominated now. i might contribute here later on wiht nominees since i cant think of people right now X_o;

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Did Arkcher win last time? If not, I nominate him. And Lexxy Man, Toto, and MK.

I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .

wha..?...? wut r we nomitating 4 plz tell me

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Did Arkcher win last time? If not, I nominate him. And Lexxy Man, Toto, and MK.

I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .

wha..?...? wut r we nomitating 4 plz tell me


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Did Arkcher win last time? If not, I nominate him. And Lexxy Man, Toto, and MK.

I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .

wha..?...? wut r we nomitating 4 plz tell me


ok thank ya

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Did Arkcher win last time? If not, I nominate him. And Lexxy Man, Toto, and MK.

I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .

wha..?...? wut r we nomitating 4 plz tell me


ok thank ya

Yup. That's right. We're replacing Bush with one of the people here.



XD you actually believe me?!

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Here you go:

1. Cheesemaster

2. EmilyE

3. Hoops

4. Kep

5. Lexxscrapham

6. Mushroom_king

7. Schimmislick

8. Skwerlhugger Will

9. Social_outcast

10. Vixen

I think they're all good. So yes, can you make the topic?

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Did Arkcher win last time? If not, I nominate him. And Lexxy Man, Toto, and MK.

I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .

wha..?...? wut r we nomitating 4 plz tell me


ok thank ya

Yup. That's right. We're replacing Bush with one of the people here.



XD you actually believe me?!


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Here you go:

1. Cheesemaster

2. EmilyE

3. Hoops

4. Kep

5. Lexxscrapham

6. Mushroom_king

7. Schimmislick

8. Skwerlhugger Will

9. Social_outcast

10. Vixen

I think they're all good. So yes, can you make the topic?


Horatio, are you going to do it? :lol:

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