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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

WWPS Applications ONLY

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Name: First Name only

Age: Real age preferred.

Gender: Real preferred.

Work experience Must be real but doesn't have to be the kind of work you receive at 16ish.

What can you bring to this company?:

Why should you be hired?:

What position would you like to be?:

Did you participate in WWPS?:

If you answered yes above, what did you do?:

Extra information that would be useful and helpful. This is required. It gives me a better look at you and who you are. Tell me about yourself, thanks for taking the time to look at my application, etc. Things of that nature.

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Age: 13

Gender: Male

Work experience: Worked in Pharmacy, stocking shelves, labeling the prescriptions, etc. Insurance filing, sending in claims online, taking payments online.

What can you bring to this company?: A well rounded ability to do whatever is necissary.

Why should you be hired?: I believe I will be able to fufill any job given to me.

What position would you like to be?: Manger ish area perhaps.

Did you participate in WWPS?: Yes

If you answered yes above, what did you do?: I do not remember, sorry.

Extra information that would be useful and helpful: Quick learner, hardly ever late, loves working, loves animals, will take any job. Is flexible and can multi task.

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Age: 13

Gender: Male

Work experience: Worked in Pharmacy, stocking shelves, labeling the prescriptions, etc. Insurance filing, sending in claims online, taking payments online.

What can you bring to this company?: A well rounded ability to do whatever is necissary.

Why should you be hired?: I believe I will be able to fufill any job given to me.

What position would you like to be?: Manger ish area perhaps.

Did you participate in WWPS?: Yes

If you answered yes above, what did you do?: I do not remember, sorry.

Extra information that would be useful and helpful: Quick learner, hardly ever late, loves working, loves animals, will take any job. Is flexible and can multi task.

Are you qualified to work with Mange? :lol:

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will


Age: 16.

Gender: male.

Work experience: gathering nuts

What can you bring to this company?:im really good at stealing from picnics

Why should you be hired?: because im a squirrel

What position would you like to be?: company squirrel

Did you participate in WWPS?:no

If you answered yes above, what did you do?:

Extra information that would be useful and helpful. im a squirrel

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Name: Stephen

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Work experience; I worked for the civil service at the Central Science Laboratory in the plant health department

What can you bring to this company?: Me... Er.. Experience in the field of WWPS management. Hats, I can bring hats to the company. A good ability in PR. Spin doctoring. Debating skills.

Why should you be hired?: Reasons given above I suppose

What position would you like to be?: Preferably same as I was before, but I will accept any position

Did you participate in WWPS?: Yes!

If you answered yes above, what did you do?: Vice-President

Extra information that would be useful and helpful; At CSL I spent most of time working on plant disease, although how that should help I don't know. Like animals. I am of the avian pessuasion, formely of the feline. I have a small felt cap on my head. Can survive in almost all extremes. Has knowledge relating to a potential delivery flight pilot and recruitment of said pilot.

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Age: 16.

Gender: male.

Work experience: gathering nuts

What can you bring to this company?:im really good at stealing from picnics

Why should you be hired?: because im a squirrel

What position would you like to be?: company squirrel

Did you participate in WWPS?:no

If you answered yes above, what did you do?:

Extra information that would be useful and helpful. im a squirrel


Work experience Must be real but doesn't have to be the kind of work you receive at 16ish.
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Age: 16.

Gender: male.

Work experience: gathering nuts

What can you bring to this company?:im really good at stealing from picnics

Why should you be hired?: because im a squirrel

What position would you like to be?: company squirrel

Did you participate in WWPS?:no

If you answered yes above, what did you do?:

Extra information that would be useful and helpful. im a squirrel


Work experience Must be real but doesn't have to be the kind of work you receive at 16ish.

Consider; I collect nuts in real life, conkers mostly. So why can't Will?

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Name: Katie or Kat

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Work experience: I was a volunteer at the hospital my mom works at this summer, if that counts.

What can you bring to this company?: Enegery and loyalty

Why should you be hired?: Because I post a lot and am a fast learner

What position would you like to be?: Anything that involves contact with the pets

Did you participate in WWPS?: I think so

If you answered yes above, what did you do?: I don't remember. I think I was just a normal employee

Extra information that would be useful and helpful: I really love animals, and have good social skills, but I'm not too great at math, so it wouldn't be a good idea to give me a job in accounting, or something. Other than that, I could do pretty much whatever people needed me to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thank you so very much! I feel honoured!!!


(BTW, you might want to add another F to TBOF)

oops i didnt see that..

thanks for the info!

I didn't want TBFOF to change his name to The Biggest Other Fuzzy! :lol:

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will

Age: 16.

Gender: male.

Work experience: gathering nuts

What can you bring to this company?:im really good at stealing from picnics

Why should you be hired?: because im a squirrel

What position would you like to be?: company squirrel

Did you participate in WWPS?:no

If you answered yes above, what did you do?:

Extra information that would be useful and helpful. im a squirrel


Work experience Must be real but doesn't have to be the kind of work you receive at 16ish.

Consider; I collect nuts in real life, conkers mostly. So why can't Will?



yeah and you have to bend over to do it so my skwerly back gets sore

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

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I don't understand my.."job".

You are in charge of customers. What I mean by this is you make sure everything is right for the customer, you make sure all needs are fullfilled. Anything that deals with customers, big and small, you are in charge of. Is that better? I am kind of confusing myself. Hope it helps.

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

*wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky*

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

*wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky*

*hires OddJob to keep an eye on TGHL*

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Name: First Name only

Age: Real age preferred.

Gender: Real preferred.

Work experience Must be real but doesn't have to be the kind of work you receive at 16ish.

What can you bring to this company?:

Why should you be hired?:

What position would you like to be?:

Did you participate in WWPS?:

If you answered yes above, what did you do?:

Extra information that would be useful and helpful. This is required. It gives me a better look at you and who you are. Tell me about yourself, thanks for taking the time to look at my application, etc. Things of that nature.

Is it too late to apply? if not, here it goes...


Name: Kris

Age: 19

Gender: M

WE: Nothing really

WCYBTTC: Anything and everything

WSYBH: Because I am a professional when it comes to working. I keep a serious and stern attitude because work should not be taken lightly. It is a responsibility.

WPWYLTB: Perfer to be management but will take anything to even get the oppurtunity.


WDYD: Um.. nothing really. I just sat around. That is mainly because of my computer was broke most of the time.

EITWH: Well.. you already know this, myself. Why should I explain myself to myself? Huh.. Huh?



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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

*wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky*

*hires OddJob to keep an eye on TGHL*

*hires Jaws to eat OddJob's hat*

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I don't understand my.."job".

You are in charge of customers. What I mean by this is you make sure everything is right for the customer, you make sure all needs are fullfilled. Anything that deals with customers, big and small, you are in charge of. Is that better? I am kind of confusing myself. Hope it helps.

Yes. People. I like people.

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

*wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky*

*hires OddJob to keep an eye on TGHL*

*hires Jaws to eat OddJob's hat*

*rescues the hat and claims as her own*

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

*wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky*

*hires OddJob to keep an eye on TGHL*

*hires Jaws to eat OddJob's hat*

*rescues the hat and claims as her own*

*OddJob remains unfazed by the lack of a hat and keeps his eyes focused on TGHL*

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

*wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky*

*hires OddJob to keep an eye on TGHL*

*hires Jaws to eat OddJob's hat*

*rescues the hat and claims as her own*

*OddJob remains unfazed by the lack of a hat and keeps his eyes focused on TGHL*

*Jaws keeps his eyes on OddJob's head*

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

*wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky*

*hires OddJob to keep an eye on TGHL*

*hires Jaws to eat OddJob's hat*

*rescues the hat and claims as her own*

*OddJob remains unfazed by the lack of a hat and keeps his eyes focused on TGHL*

*Jaws keeps his eyes on OddJob's head*

*throws out buckets of chum and watches as Jaws goes into a feeding frenzy and then goes off to nap*

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Thank you I will start straight away. First off, we need to FedEx those puppies to their buyers all over the world!

*TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies*

*complete with mysterious masked Hamster*

Do you like my cape and mask? :lol:

Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river?

*keeps lips sealed*

Or has it all gone portable now?

*eyes narrow, look left and right*

*steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*

*wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky*

*hires OddJob to keep an eye on TGHL*

*hires Jaws to eat OddJob's hat*

*rescues the hat and claims as her own*

*OddJob remains unfazed by the lack of a hat and keeps his eyes focused on TGHL*

*Jaws keeps his eyes on OddJob's head*

*throws out buckets of chum and watches as Jaws goes into a feeding frenzy and then goes off to nap*

*notes that OddJob is just a statue, so walks off and buys a disguise*

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