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I dunno how you'll end up getting it started, But I has an idea. w00t.]


[Val HAwyn isnt necessarily dark or light, He's with and against both. In their constant battles and wars, He always helps the losing side, Keeping it all a fair battle, in ways.


For a number of reasons, He's real ticked off at the contention between light and darkness, So he has his life dedicated to stopping the fight, But in a peaceful manner. He is an excellent magician and fighter, Letting him make the battles one-sided so that the losing team can recover. (Also somewhat a spy, to let one side know the others plans' and stradegies.)


If they find out that its a useless fight, and it will just go in eternally, They may realize that this fight will get them nowhere, Even if one prevailed, Someone or something ay rise from the ashes and rise to power again. So he wants them to realize they can stop it, And then there would be a harmonial peace all around.


So he travels all around, killing off light and dark idiots. >.>; All the while, being as anonymous and secretive as possible.]


[so he doesnt really have a side, And would be of a lot of aid to Dimearsh. w00t. Val doesnt see Dimearsh as much of an enemy right now, considering that Dimearsh had not tried to kill off Val. o_o; Val doesnt like Rait, James, Naomi ooorrr maybe someone else Oh yeah Ryukai. Those four people, He dun like. and wants to keel them dead. >_o]

[And Raith wants him dead, too! She's not a very forgiving vampy. .___.;;;]

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[i dun think I can post as anyone. Not kahailoa, Val is unconscious, Ryukai... is... sitting there. Make Naomi go over to Ryukai and do something.]


Giving up on Val, Naomi stalked back to where Dimearsh and Ryukai were [i dunno if I said this, but Raith and James when off in search of food and stuff.] She resumed human form and proped herself up against a tree. She noticed Ryukai standing nearby and [Did...something. I dunno. You pick.]

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Giving up on Val, Naomi stalked back to where Dimearsh and Ryukai were [i dunno if I said this, but Raith and James when off in search of food and stuff.] She resumed human form and proped herself up against a tree. She noticed Ryukai standing nearby and [Did...something. I dunno. You pick.]

[i dunno.]

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[being able to read minds helped Rose a lot.] " I'm Rose" she siad, " I am not a seavent of sinja. Just so you know"



[ Rose doesn't want to kill anyone right now but wil get mad real easly at someone. She a good guy okay?]

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[Kat. o_o When Val gets up, You or someone needs to tell him that he should help thems keel off Sinvalj. He wont figure that out himself. Too stoopid.


That, and Naomi needs to see Ryukai so they can continue that whole key-naomi's innocence ordeal. o_O......... I just thought of something. Does Ryukai or Naomi have the key right now? o.o]


Ryukai sighed, rather displeased, And stood up to look around. He had hoped he could have really killed Val, That way none of these people would have dont anything about it, And he could loot any goods he could find on Val.


Ryukai just stood and waited for something to happen. [i do it all the time. o_O]

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[being able to read minds helped Rose a lot.] " I'm Rose" she siad, " I am not a seavent of sinja. Just so you know"

[ Rose doesn't want to kill anyone right now but wil get mad real easly at someone. She a good guy okay?]

[Kris, Just a forewarning before you get too far, Mind-reading and... well, some of these other things you have going on, Your on the verge of breaking one of the rules, Godmoding. Rose is starting to sound like some immortal diety or something. You have plenty of capabilities and powers now, So i'd reccomend stopping now, Try not to add any more powers on. (Unless I'm mistaken, (Which is likely) You have said nothing about mind-reading before this post...) IT would be good if you could take some powers off somehow, But that is your choice. I just reccoment against having that much capability and power.]


[On the side note: Wheeeeeeeeeeeee.]

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What are you saying? What is GodModing?

[i found it! Huzzah. This was back when my text was red. >.> Kat's is still red.]


Here is a Role-Playing (RP/RPing) topic i made when im bored. So i'll come here and post some RP. Woohoo.

I'll make the setting and a few guidelines/rules for it, You're welcome to make your own RPing topic with your own rules/settings/RP style.


The setting is a Medieval-Fantasy genre and period, Most anything goes. Its starting out Nighttime, Idle Unpopulated forest a few odd miles east of a few suburb towns of a city, Clearings of trees with small lakes and/or ponds here and there in the forest.


Rules: (ones with asterisks (*) are required, all others optional)


Basic HD Rules apply* (If you're a member, You know the rules. But the moderators make sure you dont break them. -huggles Horatio- )

No godmoding* (This means you cant be the almighty invincible unbeatable ruler of all and such. Play fair.)

No Cannon Characters (Note this is optional. Cannon Characters is... For example. You cant use some main characters from movies/vid.games/stories. You make your own, or (preferabley not) one of the sidecharacters or less significant peoples. Note once again this is optional.)

Play Fair* (See your posts (or at least try) from more than just your perspective. For example, If you want to attack someobdy in combat- Think of what they would do back to you, Or Think of the possibilities of the aftermath.)

Anything-Goes Characters (This means you can be almost whatever character you want. Be whatever race, name, abilities, do whatever you want with your character. Im not stopping you.)

THINK. * (Think before you post! I dont want to see a post chock-full of typoes or overflowing with horrible grammar, And i dont want you mindlessly walking right in to something that someone else is doing.

If something is going on and you want to be included, Dont just walk in, introduce yourself and help. Stay in the background and wait for the right time.)


Another rule all RPers should know about. OOC. (out-of-character) In Character (IC) posts are when you're RPing, OOC Posts is... Telepathic messages to other RPers. Put brackets ( [, ] ) or double parenthesis ( ((, )) ) equals things (=) Whatever you want to indicate its NOT an actual RP post. You can even say:

OOC Heya. Mind if i join in here?

I've seen it before, And i dont mind a bit.


If you think about it, There arent that many rules. Just a long post on what the rules ARE. There are only 6 rules in there. ... I think.


Hopefully by tomorrow morning this topic will be up and moderated, Im off to sleep now. 11:40 PM. I'll make the first post tomorrow.


[The red color is historical significance. It represents... um... The red shirt im wearing! yeah. Anyway. There are the rules. I might've borken one or two with Val, or Ryukai having so much stuff in his pack, but hey. Nobody seems to have commented or minded, so... yeah. Anyway, Theres the rules... theres the rules. Have fun and give one of them a hug.]

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[i found it! Huzzah. This was back when my text was red. >.> Kat's is still red.]


Here is a Role-Playing (RP/RPing) topic i made when im bored. So i'll come here and post some RP. Woohoo.

I'll make the setting and a few guidelines/rules for it, You're welcome to make your own RPing topic with your own rules/settings/RP style.


The setting is a Medieval-Fantasy genre and period, Most anything goes. Its starting out Nighttime, Idle Unpopulated forest a few odd miles east of a few suburb towns of a city, Clearings of trees with small lakes and/or ponds here and there in the forest.


Rules: (ones with asterisks (*) are required, all others optional)


Basic HD Rules apply* (If you're a member, You know the rules. But the moderators make sure you dont break them. -huggles Horatio- )

No godmoding* (This means you cant be the almighty invincible unbeatable ruler of all and such. Play fair.)

No Cannon Characters (Note this is optional. Cannon Characters is... For example. You cant use some main characters from movies/vid.games/stories. You make your own, or (preferabley not) one of the sidecharacters or less significant peoples. Note once again this is optional.)

Play Fair* (See your posts (or at least try) from more than just your perspective. For example, If you want to attack someobdy in combat- Think of what they would do back to you, Or Think of the possibilities of the aftermath.)

Anything-Goes Characters (This means you can be almost whatever character you want. Be whatever race, name, abilities, do whatever you want with your character. Im not stopping you.)

THINK. * (Think before you post! I dont want to see a post chock-full of typoes or overflowing with horrible grammar, And i dont want you mindlessly walking right in to something that someone else is doing.

If something is going on and you want to be included, Dont just walk in, introduce yourself and help. Stay in the background and wait for the right time.)


Another rule all RPers should know about. OOC. (out-of-character) In Character (IC) posts are when you're RPing, OOC Posts is... Telepathic messages to other RPers. Put brackets ( [, ] ) or double parenthesis ( ((, )) ) equals things (=) Whatever you want to indicate its NOT an actual RP post. You can even say:

OOC Heya. Mind if i join in here?

I've seen it before, And i dont mind a bit.


If you think about it, There arent that many rules. Just a long post on what the rules ARE. There are only 6 rules in there. ... I think.


Hopefully by tomorrow morning this topic will be up and moderated, Im off to sleep now. 11:40 PM. I'll make the first post tomorrow.


[The red color is historical significance. It represents... um... The red shirt im wearing! yeah. Anyway. There are the rules. I might've borken one or two with Val, or Ryukai having so much stuff in his pack, but hey. Nobody seems to have commented or minded, so... yeah. Anyway, Theres the rules... theres the rules. Have fun and give one of them a hug.]

[*hugges deh rules* Yay for being persistant enought to continue posting in red!*]

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[Activity seems to be in high demand. I shall try and think of something to keep it goin' here.]


Ryukai saw that Naomi was standing nearby, and seemed to be lacking something to do. He remembered that she had a need for an item that he carried, And proceeded to walk over to her, in hopes of getting her attention.


[i cant decide when or if Val should get up. o_O]

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[Activity seems to be in high demand. I shall try and think of something to keep it goin' here.]


Ryukai saw that Naomi was standing nearby, and seemed to be lacking something to do. He remembered that she had a need for an item that he carried, And proceeded to walk over to her, in hopes of getting her attention.


[i cant decide when or if Val should get up. o_O]

[Yes. That would be something to do.]

Naomi noticed Ryukai walking over to her. "Hey," she siad, also moving closer. Di you still have that key?


Raith was sitting up against a tree while James paced back anf forth in front of her.

[incase Vall attacks them from behind...or...something. >_>;;;]

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[Yes. That would be something to do.]

Naomi noticed Ryukai walking over to her. "Hey," she siad, also moving closer. Di you still have that key?


Raith was sitting up against a tree while James paced back anf forth in front of her.

[incase Vall attacks them from behind...or...something. >_>;;;]



"Yes, I have it. I'd rather not discuss that here, though."


Ryukai whispered back, seeing how many people there are surrounding him and Naomi. HE had no need for any opponents at the moment, Naomi apparently had an important need for this key that he had.


[i think you're hinting toward something. Hmmmmmm. xD]


Val Hawyn's eyes flickered open, as he tried to remember were he was or why he was here. Without moving his head, his eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to remain undetected among these people.


Val would need to escape from their sight, so he could properly rest and recover and regain energy to take them on later. From what he understood, these people were hunting down a villain, which could be one of Val's enemies as well. Though it could also be one of his allies- being of neither light or dark for more than 30 minutes, He has allies on both sides.


Val looked into his mind, and checked how much magic power he had. It was near depleted- about 6%. Which was only enough to escape from these mysterious beings, Val immediately took action, Conjured a spell to make him visually undetectable, And changed his form into a werewolf, and silently but speedily padded off in the distance, undetected, as far as he could tell.


[Naomi's super-kitty-ness might have known though.]

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"Yes, I have it. I'd rather not discuss that here, though."


Ryukai whispered back, seeing how many people there are surrounding him and Naomi. HE had no need for any opponents at the moment, Naomi apparently had an important need for this key that he had.


[i think you're hinting toward something. Hmmmmmm. xD]


Val Hawyn's eyes flickered open, as he tried to remember were he was or why he was here. Without moving his head, his eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to remain undetected among these people.


Val would need to escape from their sight, so he could properly rest and recover and regain energy to take them on later. From what he understood, these people were hunting down a villain, which could be one of Val's enemies as well. Though it could also be one of his allies- being of neither light or dark for more than 30 minutes, He has allies on both sides.


Val looked into his mind, and checked how much magic power he had. It was near depleted- about 6%. Which was only enough to escape from these mysterious beings, Val immediately took action, Conjured a spell to make him visually undetectable, And changed his form into a werewolf, and silently but speedily padded off in the distance, undetected, as far as he could tell.


[Naomi's super-kitty-ness might have known though.]

"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

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Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

[Make Val notice that people are staring at him, or something.]

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[i will just have two power thingys.

1. great fighting power

2. the thing where you can read and talk in minds thingy.

sorry didn't know about god moding!]


Rose looked at dimearsh and said" I'm rose. Are you ... um... well... a sevent of Elden?" She didn't think this man was a sevent of Elden but she was not sure.

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[i will just have two power thingys.

1. great fighting power

2. the thing where you can read and talk in minds thingy.

sorry didn't know about god moding!]


Rose looked at dimearsh and said" I'm rose. Are you ... um... well... a sevent of Elden?" She didn't think this man was a sevent of Elden but she was not sure.

[Fighting power ish good. =D

... Telepathy? Psi? Aura? This means you can... talk to people in their minds? Just wonderin' really.

Its alright, I dont blame you considering it was way at the beggining of the topic. Nothing wrong.]


[... If she did not know if Dimearsh was a servant of Elden, That information would be in Dimearshes mind. Being able to read minds, That question would not need to be asked.]

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[Oh. Well then ever mind.]

Naomi quickly turned into a black panter and followed the path of the whatever-it-had-been.

[>_<! nooooo. Go the other way. >.> Look, Theres another whateverithadbeed over there! Naomiiiiii Its over there! Your going the wrong waaaayyyyy e_e]

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I have not heard of this Elden, I serve none but myself.*"

[what, or who is Elden, it may be possible that he knows of it by a different name]



[(*OOC: rose's telephathy shows that the second part of his answer may not be truthful, the extent of her power would determine the degree of uncertainty she detects in her answer)]

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[Fighting power ish good. =D

... Telepathy? Psi? Aura? This means you can... talk to people in their minds? Just wonderin' really.

Its alright, I dont blame you considering it was way at the beggining of the topic. Nothing wrong.]


[... If she did not know if Dimearsh was a servant of Elden, That information would be in Dimearshes mind. Being able to read minds, That question would not need to be asked.]

not necssesarrily, she could just be bea lie detector/universar translator, in any case, it would depend on the extent of her powers, and how hard she tried. of course, the deeper you go, the more resistance you encounter. even in minds not influenced by exposure to items like STARCHILD (magic affects the brain of the weilder in my metaphysics system.)

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[i would if I could. o_o; I cant think of nothing. Nor is there much to respond to. <.<]

I'll think of something! Really! I'ma gonna make this awsome post and it's gonna inspire everyone and all will be good!


Right after I get back from church! x_x]

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[Err...yeah...about that...it sorta isn't coming to me, but it will. Really. >_>;;;


OH %$&@! SPIDER ON MY FACE! *flails around trying to get it off*


Whoo. That was scary. x_x *really had a spider drop onto her face*]

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[Err...yeah...about that...it sorta isn't coming to me, but it will. Really. >_>;;;


OH %$&@! SPIDER ON MY FACE! *flails around trying to get it off*


Whoo. That was scary. x_x *really had a spider drop onto her face*]

[o_o............ Yay? -is reminded of Fighter on 8-bit Theatre- =D Good times.]

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[cut to the fight scene?]

[i guess, sure.]


[What could be of assistance to Dimearsh though, is if Raith or someone were to cause a distraction, delay or whatever may slow down Dimearsh and his varied allies, While Val rests and finds motivation to catch up and follow you's peoples and help. Or at the last minute show up and keelingyoudead Sinjalj, or at least help.]


[Your choice really, You pretty much have the control on this RP's storyline. for right now anyway.]

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you know, I hadn't really though of that, since it would be a pretty major plot point, there would likely be as many versions of events as active participants, perhaps, if Horatio felt up to it, the best way would be if he read our ideas, and wrote the final version himself.

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you know, I hadn't really though of that, since it would be a pretty major plot point, there would likely be as many versions of events as active participants, perhaps, if Horatio felt up to it, the best way would be if he read our ideas, and wrote the final version himself.

*wonders if Lexxscrapham knows what a terrible story teller Horatio is*

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you know, I hadn't really though of that, since it would be a pretty major plot point, there would likely be as many versions of events as active participants, perhaps, if Horatio felt up to it, the best way would be if he read our ideas, and wrote the final version himself.

*wonders if Lexxscrapham knows what a terrible story teller Horatio is*

[You better than some people i've seen. I would say Im worse, but everyone would disagree. ._.]

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you know, I hadn't really though of that, since it would be a pretty major plot point, there would likely be as many versions of events as active participants, perhaps, if Horatio felt up to it, the best way would be if he read our ideas, and wrote the final version himself.

*wonders if Lexxscrapham knows what a terrible story teller Horatio is*

[You better than some people i've seen. I would say Im worse, but everyone would disagree. ._.]

[i've never seen Horatio write something. She's good at storytelling, though, like when she did that bio of deh Horatio hamster when he died. ;_;]

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you know, I hadn't really though of that, since it would be a pretty major plot point, there would likely be as many versions of events as active participants, perhaps, if Horatio felt up to it, the best way would be if he read our ideas, and wrote the final version himself.

*wonders if Lexxscrapham knows what a terrible story teller Horatio is*

[You better than some people i've seen. I would say Im worse, but everyone would disagree. ._.]

[i've never seen Horatio write something. She's good at storytelling, though, like when she did that bio of deh Horatio hamster when he died. ;_;]

[Yeah, Thats what first came to mind when I said that. o_o]

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you know, I hadn't really though of that, since it would be a pretty major plot point, there would likely be as many versions of events as active participants, perhaps, if Horatio felt up to it, the best way would be if he read our ideas, and wrote the final version himself.

*wonders if Lexxscrapham knows what a terrible story teller Horatio is*

[You better than some people i've seen. I would say Im worse, but everyone would disagree. ._.]

[i've never seen Horatio write something. She's good at storytelling, though, like when she did that bio of deh Horatio hamster when he died. ;_;]

[Yeah, Thats what first came to mind when I said that. o_o]


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[ok, a little setup, first:]

the moon was settling behind cloouds, a storm was coming. carefully, Dimearsh crossed the castle drawbridge.

[Hurrah for Lexxy-man. =D IC posts!]


[i shall have Val come back later, upon him seeing some major dark activity off this way. Dunno when, just... later.]

[Khanailoa's around here somewhere. =D Being sneaky and devious. maybe.]

[Lexxy-man, Are you gonna RP as Sinvalj, or is Horatio gonna be evil for you?]

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[Haha, That sounded like Crisco. Haha. But it isnt. I think is should be. Kat, You should call Kris Crisco now. xD]

[i'm should! But first I have to get out of the habit of calling her "Genocide".]

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[Haha, That sounded like Crisco. Haha. But it isnt. I think is should be. Kat, You should call Kris Crisco now. xD]

[i'm should! But first I have to get out of the habit of calling her "Genocide".]

[And I bet you'm should, too.


.... genocide? o_o]

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[i'll do what little dialog is required for sinvalj, Horatio would only be needed to decide which way something happens if we post mutually exclusive bits of plot]


As the shadows deepened, he passed through the gatehouse, and into the courtyard, it was quiet, perhaps too quiet.

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[i'll do what little dialog is required for sinvalj, Horatio would only be needed to decide which way something happens if we post mutually exclusive bits of plot]


As the shadows deepened, he passed through the gatehouse, and into the courtyard, it was quiet, perhaps too quiet.

[i can do that.]

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[i'll do what little dialog is required for sinvalj, Horatio would only be needed to decide which way something happens if we post mutually exclusive bits of plot]


As the shadows deepened, he passed through the gatehouse, and into the courtyard, it was quiet, perhaps too quiet.

[i can do that.]

[Hurray-a for Horatio! :D -does a wierd dance-]

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[i'll do what little dialog is required for sinvalj, Horatio would only be needed to decide which way something happens if we post mutually exclusive bits of plot]


As the shadows deepened, he passed through the gatehouse, and into the courtyard, it was quiet, perhaps too quiet.

[Just a question, is Dimearsh alone, or is everybody else somewhere a little further back, or something?]

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[i'll do what little dialog is required for sinvalj, Horatio would only be needed to decide which way something happens if we post mutually exclusive bits of plot]


As the shadows deepened, he passed through the gatehouse, and into the courtyard, it was quiet, perhaps too quiet.

[Just a question, is Dimearsh alone, or is everybody else somewhere a little further back, or something?]

[i think Dimearsh and rose, possibly... um... Topazia seems to have left. o_o anyway. Ryukai and Naomi are supposta be figuring stuff out with a key, Rait and James are looking for foodstuff, Val is off resting, and Khanailoa is already there. Anyone else?]

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[i'll do what little dialog is required for sinvalj, Horatio would only be needed to decide which way something happens if we post mutually exclusive bits of plot]


As the shadows deepened, he passed through the gatehouse, and into the courtyard, it was quiet, perhaps too quiet.

[Just a question, is Dimearsh alone, or is everybody else somewhere a little further back, or something?]

[i think Dimearsh and rose, possibly... um... Topazia seems to have left. o_o anyway. Ryukai and Naomi are supposta be figuring stuff out with a key, Rait and James are looking for foodstuff, Val is off resting, and Khanailoa is already there. Anyone else?]

[Hey, yeah. Somebody should make an IC post about the key figuring...]

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

"Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?"

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

"Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?"

"One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes."


Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar...


"Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way."

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

"Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?"

"One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes."


Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar...


"Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way."

"Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in.

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

"Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?"

"One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes."


Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar...


"Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way."

"Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in.

[That would be following Dimearsh and peoples. o_o]

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

"Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?"

"One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes."


Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar...


"Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way."

"Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in.

[That would be following Dimearsh and peoples. o_o]

[Then they'll just go that way then break off into the woods, or something! I dunno where we are...]

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

"Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?"

"One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes."


Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar...


"Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way."

"Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in.

[That would be following Dimearsh and peoples. o_o]

[Then they'll just go that way then break off into the woods, or something! I dunno where we are...]

[Okay then....]


[After an hour of walking and occasional discussion, POOF the Naomi and the Ryukai are within eyesight of Naomi's homeland castle thing. now Post. o_o]

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

"Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?"

"One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes."


Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar...


"Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way."

"Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in.

[That would be following Dimearsh and peoples. o_o]

[Then they'll just go that way then break off into the woods, or something! I dunno where we are...]

[Okay then....]


[After an hour of walking and occasional discussion, POOF the Naomi and the Ryukai are within eyesight of Naomi's homeland castle thing. now Post. o_o]



Oh, fine. >_>]


After a long time of walking, Naomi and Ryukai finally find the city gates of Naomi's home town [i forget what I named it. It shall henceforth be known as Brige.]. "C'mon." said Ryukai, walking towards them. It was nearly dawn. "Wait." said Naomi. "I'm wanted. I can't just stroll in." she changed into a small tabby cat and walked next to Ryukai. As they stepped out of the bushes and such, a guard called out, "Who are you? What is your business here?"


[Ryukai, GO!]

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"Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually.

[i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]

Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was.


[Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]

"Naomi, Whatever it was, it won't be much of a threat to us considering how many other people there are here. Let's get a move on."


Ryukai tried turning Naomi's attention away from this so they could get going with the key, and he could continue on with his business.


[There, I posted. Twice. Now Kat hasta post. <.<]

"Alright..." said Naomi, still staring at the bushes. "How do we get out of here?"

"One thing that'd really get us going is if you quit staring at the bushes."


Ryukai commented, and looked around, the surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar...


"Chances are, You have more of an idea where you want this key of mine. You lead the way."

"Alright..." Naomi said, reluctantly tearing her gaze away from the bushes. "Lets go...erm...this way." She started walking down the path the opposite way Val had run off in.

[That would be following Dimearsh and peoples. o_o]

[Then they'll just go that way then break off into the woods, or something! I dunno where we are...]

[Okay then....]


[After an hour of walking and occasional discussion, POOF the Naomi and the Ryukai are within eyesight of Naomi's homeland castle thing. now Post. o_o]



Oh, fine. >_>]


After a long time of walking, Naomi and Ryukai finally find the city gates of Naomi's home town [i forget what I named it. It shall henceforth be known as Brige.]. "C'mon." said Ryukai, walking towards them. It was nearly dawn. "Wait." said Naomi. "I'm wanted. I can't just stroll in." she changed into a small tabby cat and walked next to Ryukai. As they stepped out of the bushes and such, a guard called out, "Who are you? What is your business here?"


[Ryukai, GO!]

[Yew RPed me without askin'. Zomfg. Oh well. <.<]

[big post now. cuz I got some ideas. =D]



Ryukai's attention turned to this guard, inquiring of his identity and doings.

His mind raced to think of something,


"I'm... Faolan, With nothing more to say on that, I'll tell you that i've been comissioned by the kingdom of... eh... Halsing..ting...worths, Not very close to here, probably havent heard much of them, But anyway. They've sent me to... uh... Investigate. a... An assumed murder case. A runaway usurping case, something to that effect."


Ryukai made something up on the spot, Occasionally nervously glancing at Naomi, nearby.


"I'm sorry then Faolan, We can take care of things ourself."


"I'll help you out then."


"Why are you so persistant?"


"Why does anybody do anything. Shut it."


"Do not make us use force. Leave now, We have private cases of our own."


"As do I."


"And yours would be?"


"I can take care of things myself."


The guard struck a vaguely intimidating stance, ready to 'use force' to get 'Faolan' out.


"Do not disrespect the royalty of Brige."


"I'm royalty -cough- of Hal...what was it called... Halsing... Place."


Ryukai hesitated,


"Final warning- We will use force to get you out."


"Ah, Just give me a minute..."


Ryukai bode his time... The guard advanced toward Ryukai.


"Leave now."


"You know, I have other business here other than to investigate."


"What would that be?"


"To test if the town security can handle their jobs. From the looks of things, It isnt going too well."


"Leave now."


"In fact, I'll check to see if the guards can withstand attack..."


With that, Ryukai reached behind himself, Grabbed one of his more massive, heavy swords, struck a battle stance, And before the guard could resist, Ryukai swung upward, but did not use the blade- he slammed the handle into the helmet's weak spot, Though if the helmet were not there, it would be enough to knock the guard out.

While the guard regained his senses, Ryukai put away the sword, And grabbed a small knive, Made a very agile swipe at the guards neck, barely penetrating his body, not likey to draw blood, But Ryukai then used the knive, and stabbed it into the guards body, But located where he knew would not kill him.

Another smash to the head, The guard was severely weakened and knocked out.


Ryukai grabbed the limp body and tossed it aside, out of sight.


"That didnt go as well as I had hoped..."


Ryukai spoke, 'inderectly' to Naomi.


As the two tried to sneak their way toward where Naomi led, (Assumedly. is this RPing your character?) Another guard inside the kingdom area had stopped the suspicious characters.

As soon as Ryukai knew he was in their sight, and in danger, He changed his 'identity' again to the village idiot/drunk.


Ryukai unstably made his way over to the advancing guard, Eventually ran into him, resting against the armor, as he said


"You... You know what I... I think of you... you metal... metal metal men, You.... I think you... You're fat, oh gawsh."


He pushed himself away from the guard, and waltzed around the area briefly, Fell over on the ground, And continued moving his legs as if he were running.


Ryukai eventually got up, with the confused guard nearby, Ryukai spoke rather loudly to him from a close distance,


"See the thing about my... my... The thing is... My ancestry... Has a lot of those... metal metal men in there... dooooowwwwwwwnnnn in the muddy... furry... flaming pits of the ancestry pits..... And they tend to.... get fat... a lot like you. Do I know you?"


Ryukai reached behind himself, Pulled out a weapon and swung it around blindly,


"Yaaeeh, I'll... I'm take.... I'll take you all on, fat metals...... metal... men..."


Ryukai glanced down at Naomi.


"Whats... Whats this dumb cat doing here?"


With that, Ryukai kicked Naomi off to the side and swung the sword up in the air, Accidentally let go of it as it flung threw the air.


"I think....."


Speaking to the guard again, Ryukai unorientedly approached.


"I think you guys... need.... more fat metal metal men patroll.... patrollllllllll.... Get these @&*$ cats out of here...."


He gestured something odd, and then kicked his feet around as he did to Naomi.


Wordlessly, The guard, unamused, grabbed Ryukai by the arms and began dragging him off toward the main castle. He gestured for Naomi to follow, as he looked up at the guard again...


"I'mm... I'm going to.... Wow its cold outside..... But you metallllll..... Muuuuop..........."


Ryukai stopped talking, And thrashed violently against the guards grip, Eventually broke off, And drew two swords.


[im running out of ideas. Im gonna go sleep now. xD]

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[i thought we had being saying we could use each others charact4ers if it made the plot develope for so long, that Ic ould use him. Sorries. ;_;]

Naomi, having no idea what Ryukai was planning, followed at a distance until they were finally brough to the dungeon entrance.

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[i thought we had being saying we could use each others charact4ers if it made the plot develope for so long, that Ic ould use him. Sorries. ;_;]

Naomi, having no idea what Ryukai was planning, followed at a distance until they were finally brough to the dungeon entrance.



[They didnt go to a dungeon, they were still in the town square place thing. where they were before. Ryukai has swords out. =o Zomfg.]

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suddenly, it happened, Starchild blazed to life, and dimearsh heard him, the foul sinvalj, with a sudden move, he lept..

and it seemed the whole world exploded, everything torn between unbearable light, and blinding darkness, and amid the the maelstrom, two figures circled, honor against hatred, justice against greed, they fought, and the sounds of the battle filled the night.

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[i thought we had being saying we could use each others charact4ers if it made the plot develope for so long, that Ic ould use him. Sorries. ;_;]

Naomi, having no idea what Ryukai was planning, followed at a distance until they were finally brough to the dungeon entrance.



[They didnt go to a dungeon, they were still in the town square place thing. where they were before. Ryukai has swords out. =o Zomfg.]

[Whatevo. Naomi still has no idea whay you're doing.]

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suddenly, it happened, Starchild blazed to life, and dimearsh heard him, the foul sinvalj, with a sudden move, he lept..

and it seemed the whole world exploded, everything torn between unbearable light, and blinding darkness, and amid the the maelstrom, two figures circled, honor against hatred, justice against greed, they fought, and the sounds of the battle filled the night.

Back in the firest, Raith and James lifted their heads from the large boar they had hunted down and heard the distant sound of swords clashing.

[i just wanted to say something about Raith and James so ya'll new they were still here.]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

[Yes, you do.]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

[Yes, you do.]

[but I dont want to! ;-;]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

[Yes, you do.]

[but I dont want to! ;-;]

[The ndon't. The topic will die a slow, painful, horrible death, though. Do you really want to take the blame for that?]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

[Yes, you do.]

[but I dont want to! ;-;]

[The ndon't. The topic will die a slow, painful, horrible death, though. Do you really want to take the blame for that?]

[i made it, I can keel it. Mnyeh. =[ ]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

[Yes, you do.]

[but I dont want to! ;-;]

[The ndon't. The topic will die a slow, painful, horrible death, though. Do you really want to take the blame for that?]

[i made it, I can keel it. Mnyeh. =[ ]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

[Yes, you do.]

[but I dont want to! ;-;]

[The ndon't. The topic will die a slow, painful, horrible death, though. Do you really want to take the blame for that?]

[i made it, I can keel it. Mnyeh. =[ ]


[aHA! Your text isnt red! >D]


[um. We could do that Poof magic thing and la-dee-dum-da we're at the front of the Naomi castle thing. <.< We did it before! only we went to the kingdom grounds. anyhow. Lets do it again! =D]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

[Yes, you do.]

[but I dont want to! ;-;]

[The ndon't. The topic will die a slow, painful, horrible death, though. Do you really want to take the blame for that?]

[i made it, I can keel it. Mnyeh. =[ ]


[aHA! Your text isnt red! >D]


[um. We could do that Poof magic thing and la-dee-dum-da we're at the front of the Naomi castle thing. <.< We did it before! only we went to the kingdom grounds. anyhow. Lets do it again! =D]

[Wait, so...what? x_x


And I meant for it to not be red. Really.]

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Val's eyes opened, All his senses briefly stimulated. He had heard in the distance some swords colliding, as a battle had begun.

Judging by the beat and the force used in each swipe, Val understood that this was no ordinary dueling of the peoples, This was much more significant.

What stood out most to Val, Was the strong focused presences of Light and Darkness.


Val Hawyn lept to his feet, And deactivated his healing and calming spells, And absorbed the Magic power they had cost him.


Somewhat rejuvinated, Val dashed off in the distance, following the sound of swords crashing.


[Hooray-a for IC posts and Val! =D]

[WHOO! V>_<V]

[MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.]

[Yes, you do.]

[but I dont want to! ;-;]

[The ndon't. The topic will die a slow, painful, horrible death, though. Do you really want to take the blame for that?]

[i made it, I can keel it. Mnyeh. =[ ]


[aHA! Your text isnt red! >D]


[um. We could do that Poof magic thing and la-dee-dum-da we're at the front of the Naomi castle thing. <.< We did it before! only we went to the kingdom grounds. anyhow. Lets do it again! =D]

[Wait, so...what? x_x


And I meant for it to not be red. Really.]

[No you din't. You meant for it to be BLUE. =[ ]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

[You repeated what I said! That doens't count!]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

[You repeated what I said! That doens't count!]

[This is too confusing. Make it stop. ;-;]

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with every swing, dimearsh could feel Starchild's power growing, the energies behind it building. the light from the blade growing more intense, suddenly, it snapped, the built up energy pouring forth, it was all he could do to keep from losing himself to the torrent, and then it stopped, and a dead silence fell over the coutyard, the two stood facing each other, the now-useless hilts cluched tight as ten thousand shards of metal rained down around them...

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with every swing, dimearsh could feel Starchild's power growing, the energies behind it building. the light from the blade growing more intense, suddenly, it snapped, the built up energy pouring forth, it was all he could do to keep from losing himself to the torrent, and then it stopped, and a dead silence fell over the coutyard, the two stood facing each other, the now-useless hilts cluched tight as ten thousand shards of metal rained down around them...

[Aaaaaaaahhhhhh That might be bad.]

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with every swing, dimearsh could feel Starchild's power growing, the energies behind it building. the light from the blade growing more intense, suddenly, it snapped, the built up energy pouring forth, it was all he could do to keep from losing himself to the torrent, and then it stopped, and a dead silence fell over the coutyard, the two stood facing each other, the now-useless hilts cluched tight as ten thousand shards of metal rained down around them...

[Wow. o.o]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

[You repeated what I said! That doens't count!]

[This is too confusing. Make it stop. ;-;]

[*orders the confusingness to stop*]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

[You repeated what I said! That doens't count!]

[This is too confusing. Make it stop. ;-;]

[*orders the confusingness to stop*]

[To go? Would yew like fries wit dat? =3]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

[You repeated what I said! That doens't count!]

[This is too confusing. Make it stop. ;-;]

[*orders the confusingness to stop*]

[To go? Would yew like fries wit dat? =3]

[Yes. And make sure there's no mustard on that.]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

[You repeated what I said! That doens't count!]

[This is too confusing. Make it stop. ;-;]

[*orders the confusingness to stop*]

[To go? Would yew like fries wit dat? =3]

[Yes. And make sure there's no mustard on that.]

[No mustard on what? o_o]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

[You repeated what I said! That doens't count!]

[This is too confusing. Make it stop. ;-;]

[*orders the confusingness to stop*]

[To go? Would yew like fries wit dat? =3]

[Yes. And make sure there's no mustard on that.]

[No mustard on what? o_o]

[i dunno. My brother just said that lots of people ask to have the mustard left off.]

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[somebody should do an IC post...now.]

[....... You mae one! Ryukai is at the front of that castle thing and Naomi's over there nearby. Now post. <.<]

[You havn't said anything yet! I can't post!]

[i just did! xD]

[You repeated what I said! That doens't count!]

[This is too confusing. Make it stop. ;-;]

[*orders the confusingness to stop*]

[To go? Would yew like fries wit dat? =3]

[Yes. And make sure there's no mustard on that.]

[No mustard on what? o_o]

[i dunno. My brother just said that lots of people ask to have the mustard left off.]

[Cuz its nasteh and yellow. >_<]

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  • 1 month later...

[Find the Rules post on the first page, (Toward the bottom, i think. unless it was all mixed up again somehow.) and it would be wise to read the IC posts before now so you know what you're joining into and whats happening. So you can act accordingly. Otherwise much confusion shall ensue.]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

[Yep. They are. And Raith and James are in a forest eating shtuff, and Naomi is with that one R-dude in the city. u_u]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

[Yep. They are. And Raith and James are in a forest eating shtuff, and Naomi is with that one R-dude in the city. u_u]

[i say we should poof and skip to then Naomi and Ryukai are already at the castle gates or inside or something. Without guards. or kicked Naomi's.]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

yep, that is where dimearsh is, but Ryuki is darn close to a fight with the city gaurd, if he isn't already in one, I kind of lost track of that plotline.

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]




Spectral cat

very weird. And powerful.


buh HUH?

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

yep, that is where dimearsh is, but Ryuki is darn close to a fight with the city gaurd, if he isn't already in one, I kind of lost track of that plotline.

[i already ran out of ideas for that one. IT was mostly made out of ramblings since I was real tired when I wrote that.]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

[Yep. They are. And Raith and James are in a forest eating shtuff, and Naomi is with that one R-dude in the city. u_u]

[i say we should poof and skip to then Naomi and Ryukai are already at the castle gates or inside or something. Without guards. or kicked Naomi's.]

[Alright. So whatever happened, they somehow managed to sneak into the castle now.]

Naomi, still in the form of a Tabby, silently followed Ryukai. She hoped that the king would still be awake. She wanted to prove her innocence as soon as possible, and find more about her previously forgotten past...


[it feels weird to talk about that. In real life, it's been a while since they found out about the blade, but in game time, it's only been a few days. x_x Anywhoo...]


Raith and James had finished their meal. Now strengthened, they could assist Dimearsh. They moved swiftly towards where the sound of the battle was coming from.

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

[Yep. They are. And Raith and James are in a forest eating shtuff, and Naomi is with that one R-dude in the city. u_u]

[i say we should poof and skip to then Naomi and Ryukai are already at the castle gates or inside or something. Without guards. or kicked Naomi's.]

[Alright. So whatever happened, they somehow managed to sneak into the castle now.]

Naomi, still in the form of a Tabby, silently followed Ryukai. She hoped that the king would still be awake. She wanted to prove her innocence as soon as possible, and find more about her previously forgotten past...


[it feels weird to talk about that. In real life, it's been a while since they found out about the blade, but in game time, it's only been a few days. x_x Anywhoo...]


Raith and James had finished their meal. Now strengthened, they could assist Dimearsh. They moved swiftly towards where the sound of the battle was coming from.

[They're.... IN the castle now? o_o;]


[Yay for Rait and James. They can help Dimearsh-man and so can Val.]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

[Yep. They are. And Raith and James are in a forest eating shtuff, and Naomi is with that one R-dude in the city. u_u]

[i say we should poof and skip to then Naomi and Ryukai are already at the castle gates or inside or something. Without guards. or kicked Naomi's.]

[Alright. So whatever happened, they somehow managed to sneak into the castle now.]

Naomi, still in the form of a Tabby, silently followed Ryukai. She hoped that the king would still be awake. She wanted to prove her innocence as soon as possible, and find more about her previously forgotten past...


[it feels weird to talk about that. In real life, it's been a while since they found out about the blade, but in game time, it's only been a few days. x_x Anywhoo...]


Raith and James had finished their meal. Now strengthened, they could assist Dimearsh. They moved swiftly towards where the sound of the battle was coming from.

[They're.... IN the castle now? o_o;]


[Yay for Rait and James. They can help Dimearsh-man and so can Val.]

[Yes, IN the castle. Is that bad?]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

[Yep. They are. And Raith and James are in a forest eating shtuff, and Naomi is with that one R-dude in the city. u_u]

[i say we should poof and skip to then Naomi and Ryukai are already at the castle gates or inside or something. Without guards. or kicked Naomi's.]

[Alright. So whatever happened, they somehow managed to sneak into the castle now.]

Naomi, still in the form of a Tabby, silently followed Ryukai. She hoped that the king would still be awake. She wanted to prove her innocence as soon as possible, and find more about her previously forgotten past...


[it feels weird to talk about that. In real life, it's been a while since they found out about the blade, but in game time, it's only been a few days. x_x Anywhoo...]


Raith and James had finished their meal. Now strengthened, they could assist Dimearsh. They moved swiftly towards where the sound of the battle was coming from.

[They're.... IN the castle now? o_o;]


[Yay for Rait and James. They can help Dimearsh-man and so can Val.]

[Yes, IN the castle. Is that bad?]

[Well, its Naomi's castle, Ryukai nor I know anything about it. <.< And wouldnt there be security around? I thought we were poofing to the castle gates.]


[This si fine either way. um. You post. <.< or something.]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

[Yep. They are. And Raith and James are in a forest eating shtuff, and Naomi is with that one R-dude in the city. u_u]

[i say we should poof and skip to then Naomi and Ryukai are already at the castle gates or inside or something. Without guards. or kicked Naomi's.]

[Alright. So whatever happened, they somehow managed to sneak into the castle now.]

Naomi, still in the form of a Tabby, silently followed Ryukai. She hoped that the king would still be awake. She wanted to prove her innocence as soon as possible, and find more about her previously forgotten past...


[it feels weird to talk about that. In real life, it's been a while since they found out about the blade, but in game time, it's only been a few days. x_x Anywhoo...]


Raith and James had finished their meal. Now strengthened, they could assist Dimearsh. They moved swiftly towards where the sound of the battle was coming from.

[They're.... IN the castle now? o_o;]


[Yay for Rait and James. They can help Dimearsh-man and so can Val.]

[Yes, IN the castle. Is that bad?]

[Well, its Naomi's castle, Ryukai nor I know anything about it. <.< And wouldnt there be security around? I thought we were poofing to the castle gates.]


[This si fine either way. um. You post. <.< or something.]

[There was security, but they were sneaky and avoided them. And she doesn't live in the castle.]

Eventually, Naomi and Ryukai found the throne room. Luckly, they saw a light shining under the closed door. Naomi waited for one of the servants to exit the room, then slipped in before the door shut. People assuming she was just another one of the mousers in the castle, nobody really payed her any attention. Unfortunatly, she had forgotten that there would be a large number of guards surrounding the King, all trained to kill her on sight. She managed to get somebody to let her out by scratching at the door and went back down the hallway to find where Ryukai had hidden himself.


[i had forgotten to account for the guards that would be in there until just now, too. x_x]

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I wanna join Roleplay!

ok then, we have a street fight in a city, and an epic duel that's kind of in a dramatic pause.

just read the rules, and make a character.

[i thought they were fighting in a courtyard thing in some big castle lair thing that Sinvalj lives in. o_o]

[Yep. They are. And Raith and James are in a forest eating shtuff, and Naomi is with that one R-dude in the city. u_u]

[i say we should poof and skip to then Naomi and Ryukai are already at the castle gates or inside or something. Without guards. or kicked Naomi's.]

[Alright. So whatever happened, they somehow managed to sneak into the castle now.]

Naomi, still in the form of a Tabby, silently followed Ryukai. She hoped that the king would still be awake. She wanted to prove her innocence as soon as possible, and find more about her previously forgotten past...


[it feels weird to talk about that. In real life, it's been a while since they found out about the blade, but in game time, it's only been a few days. x_x Anywhoo...]


Raith and James had finished their meal. Now strengthened, they could assist Dimearsh. They moved swiftly towards where the sound of the battle was coming from.

[They're.... IN the castle now? o_o;]


[Yay for Rait and James. They can help Dimearsh-man and so can Val.]

[Yes, IN the castle. Is that bad?]

[Well, its Naomi's castle, Ryukai nor I know anything about it. <.< And wouldnt there be security around? I thought we were poofing to the castle gates.]


[This si fine either way. um. You post. <.< or something.]

[There was security, but they were sneaky and avoided them. And she doesn't live in the castle.]

Eventually, Naomi and Ryukai found the throne room. Luckly, they saw a light shining under the closed door. Naomi waited for one of the servants to exit the room, then slipped in before the door shut. People assuming she was just another one of the mousers in the castle, nobody really payed her any attention. Unfortunatly, she had forgotten that there would be a large number of guards surrounding the King, all trained to kill her on sight. She managed to get somebody to let her out by scratching at the door and went back down the hallway to find where Ryukai had hidden himself.


[i had forgotten to account for the guards that would be in there until just now, too. x_x]

[Problem. xD Guards are bad.]


Ryukai anxiously awaited Naomi's return, as he uncomfortably crouched in an open cabinet among many others in a kitchen area, though not until fiving it some thought was Ryukai more thankful there wasnt a need for the chefs in this room at the time.


Upon seeing Naomi's arrival, with a somewhat excited look about her feline form, he assumed the King was here, awake and active, and also wondered why he was up at such an hour.


[i guess you tell Ryukai what happened. <.<;; And I forgot, did we check whats in that box thing yet? I dun remember. And if so, what was it?]

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[Yeah, she tells him.


Here is the post I made about what happened to Naomi when the box was opened. You made a reply, but this took about haf and hour to find, so you can look for the other one yourself. It's, err, somewhere after page 2. >_> *really wants to get all the posts re-orginized in a Word file, or something, at some point*


Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


So there you go.]

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[... Sssssooooooo.... Now what do we do? xD]

[ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*]

[-does a cooler one- =D]

[*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*]

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[... Sssssooooooo.... Now what do we do? xD]

[ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*]

[-does a cooler one- =D]

[*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*]

[-does a cool irish jig- =D ... -trips Kat and continues jigging-]

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[... Sssssooooooo.... Now what do we do? xD]

[ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*]

[-does a cooler one- =D]

[*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*]

[-does a cool irish jig- =D ... -trips Kat and continues jigging-]

[*watches Arkcher fall on Kat's claymore, stabbing him in the leg, thinks "crime doesn't pay"* :lol: ]

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[... Sssssooooooo.... Now what do we do? xD]

[ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*]

[-does a cooler one- =D]

[*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*]

[-does a cool irish jig- =D ... -trips Kat and continues jigging-]

[*watches Arkcher fall on Kat's claymore, stabbing him in the leg, thinks "crime doesn't pay"* :lol: ]

[That was a decoy plush claymore. =D]

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[... Sssssooooooo.... Now what do we do? xD]

[ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*]

[-does a cooler one- =D]

[*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*]

[-does a cool irish jig- =D ... -trips Kat and continues jigging-]

[*watches Arkcher fall on Kat's claymore, stabbing him in the leg, thinks "crime doesn't pay"* :lol: ]

[That was a decoy plush claymore. =D]

[A decoy plush claymore that bleeds? :o ]

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