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three weeks travel had brought them to the edge of sinvaj's valley shortly before dawn, it had not been easy travalling by night, but dimearsh had grown used to it, and starchild had seemingly grown used to the presence of vampires, hopefully it would still be quick to warn him of the coming of evil. seemingly, this would be the last day it would be safe to leave the group, dimearsh knew the toughest part would come after sinvalj had fallen, then no living thing could be trusted until the fel sprit was forever banished to the abyss.

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I don't know if u are still doing this topic but I'll jion.


Rose walk slowly down the path. Hearing something she stop and listened. She then suddenly turn around and simoutansly drawing her sword was ready to deal with the sienlt stranger. No one was there. "I have got to stop doing that each time I hear something. " she said to herself. but she knew that was impossieable condering that her past would not leave her alone. Returning her sword to it's fromer place, she turned and contunied to walk down the path.


I don't know if that fits the RP so far if it doesn't i'll change it.

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that had been a close one, whoever that girl was, she had nearly discovered the cave were the party had taken refuge during the daylight hours, dimearsh had taken care to conceal the opening, seeing as he could not afford to have them discovered, he hnad concealed himself nearby.

he though to himself:

who was this strange woman? she had a warrior way about her, why was she here? dimearsh decided to follow, and, if he could, speak with her, hopefully thier goals would not be mutually exclusive.


quietly, he eased himself down from the tree, ther were yet severalk hours of daylight remaining.

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[i find this hilarious how Lexxy-man is keepingthe topic going. :lol: I'll porbably post again here later today, so dont worry too much...]

[EL-GASPO! *forgot about this topic, but would like to to start it back up*]

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Rose walked father down the path. She had sensed that someone was following her since her last stop down the path. Sensing that the strager was ganing on her she broke out into a run. She ran and ran till she meet a frok in the road . She could hear the figue aprocting her. Drawing her sword and spinning around she cauht the man just about to flew into the forest. "Stop! I will not harm you if you explan why you are following me."Rose demanded of the man.

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[it doesnt look as porbable as it did a few days ago, So i might post today instead. though this day may be even LESS porbable!]

I starred at that for five minutes trying to made sence of it because I thought you said, "Portable".]

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" No I have not heard of this being of power." Rose replied clamly," Perhaps you could tell me more." Rose didn't like this man but she needed to know if he was on her side or the enemies' side. She laughed at that no one has been on her side for as along as she could remember.

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The man didn't answer her, he was eyeing her long sword that was hung losely in her hand. She put it back and asked him again " What do you want with this being of power?". She waited patenily but that was slowly fadeing.

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"I have unresolved matters to discuss with him, perhaps, if you are not doing anything this evening, I could introduce you to him."

as Dimearsh waited for her to consider, he placed one hand on his sword, reaching out with his mind, it was a risk, but he had to know if it was likely this girl served Sinvalj


[is rose evil, undead, or a necromancer?]

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She good. Ok.


Using her mind powers she could already know what he was doing. " I don't serve anyone,so draw your sword if you want but I don't serve any Sinvalj. " Rose said.

She could sense that this made the man fear her. Great someone esle who hates me. she thoughted.

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At that moment Raith and James awoke and stalked out of the cave, ready to contunue the journy. They looked at Rose, and instantly thought that she was fresh blood. James anf Raith ran towards her, but immediatly smelled the youth in her blood. She wasn't 18. [i forgot what age I said earlier, but it's 18 now. o_o;;; Oh, and Arkcher, where is Ryukai?]

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At that moment Raith and James awoke and stalked out of the cave, ready to contunue the journy. They looked at Rose, and instantly thought that she was fresh blood. James anf Raith ran towards her, but immediatly smelled the youth in her blood. She wasn't 18. [i forgot what age I said earlier, but it's 18 now. o_o;;; Oh, and Arkcher, where is Ryukai?]

[um... I... forgot. Imma go check now. o_o]

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Ryuki could be anywhere within six week's travel of the monastery.

He could be relaxing on some beach, with beautiful women tending to his every desire... or lurking in the shadows awaiting his opportunity for revenge.

we just won't know until he is found.

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Ryuki could be anywhere within six week's travel of the monastery.

He could be  relaxing on some beach, with beautiful women tending to his every desire... or lurking in the shadows awaiting his opportunity for revenge.

we just won't know until he is found.

[*falls out of her chair* XD I don't know why I fand that so funny...but I do...]

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I'm 21. Why did they see me wouldn't you guys be somewhere else.?


Rose saw the man looked to the west of her so she turned her gaze too. She just had time to block an actack of a vampire. She firgue her cross thingy and backed away.


What is it called when you put your sword back into the thing that holds it and what is with the 18 thing?

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{time flows differently around here, other than the immediate conversation, not much could happen until dark, so we skipped a few hours to get more characters involved.}

dimearsh was slightly surprised, telepaths were rare enough, but this was the first he had heard of anyone besides the weilder picking up on a sword's, for lack of a better word, resonance. perhaps there was more to her than there seemed...

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I'm 21. Why did they see me wouldn't you guys be somewhere else.?


Rose saw the man looked to the west of her so she turned her gaze too. She just had time to block an actack of a vampire. She firgue her cross thingy and backed away.


What is it called when you put your sword back into the thing that holds it and what is with the 18 thing?

[surrond OOC remarks in [], Kris. And we were with Lexxy's character because he asked for our help. And they can't drink the blood of someone under 18. Oh, and you couldn't have blocked an attack, because they stopped.]

Something about Rose's blood was fooling the vampires.[best cover story I can think up. o_o;;;]Raith turned to Dimearsh. "James and I shall be looking for food." she said. She unsheathed her gunblade and ran into the woods, James right after her. [Maybe they can find Ryukai?]

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[;-; Nuuuu, Ryukai isnt lunch. No.]


[im gonna presume what Lexxyman said is right (dont really see why it shouldnt be) And just go with Ryukai is somewhere nearby. Im gonna look back in the topic to look at what scenery we're in... And then post.]

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[Krissdaagdoog#2218, Use [brackets] for Out of Character text. And the thingy that holds the sword is a Sheath. Sheathe. Something like that. If its a longsword, You dont want the sheath on your back. You wont be able to draw the sword out unless you use the blade to cut out of the sheath... Back sheaths are for daggers or short swords. Longer swords are best kept at your beltline. waiste, whatever.


This infinite wisdom has come from my own experience, I have a sword over there in my room. Pretty long, kinda sharp. All spiffy leather sheath, That I cant find a way to put on my back, And even if i did i wouldnt be able to draw it.


This sword is mostly decorative. It was only $20, So if i were to try and use the side blades for it, IT'd break upon impace with pretty much anything. But the tip is rather sharp. -glances at millions of bandaids all over his hands- n_n Just dont ask, ok?


I wanna get some pictures of my sword. And maybe post them here. If my computer wasnt blown up and i could use it, Then if... i... could have peoples IMs, I'd show it to them on webcam. But i cant. against board rules. I'll shut up now. And post. n_n]


[.... sometime...]

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[Krissdaagdoog#2218, Use [brackets] for Out of Character text. And the thingy that holds the sword is a Sheath. Sheathe. Something like that. If its a longsword, You dont want the sheath on your back. You wont be able to draw the sword out unless you use the blade to cut out of the sheath... Back sheaths are for daggers or short swords. Longer swords are best kept at your beltline. waiste, whatever.


This infinite wisdom has come from my own experience, I have a sword over there in my room. Pretty long, kinda sharp. All spiffy leather sheath, That I cant find a way to put on my back, And even if i did i wouldnt be able to draw it.


This sword is mostly decorative. It was only $20, So if i were to try and use the side blades for it, IT'd break upon impace with pretty much anything. But the tip is rather sharp. -glances at millions of bandaids all over his hands- n_n Just dont ask, ok?


I wanna get some pictures of my sword. And maybe post them here. If my computer wasnt blown up and i could use it, Then if... i... could have peoples IMs, I'd show it to them on webcam. But i cant. against board rules. I'll shut up now. And post. n_n]


[.... sometime...]

[Ryukai wouldn't be lunch. Raith and James would just find him. No eating. u.u


Oh, and if you post piccies of your long sword, I'll get some up of my Claymore, other cool swordy-thing that I'm not sure what you would call, and the replica of Aragorn's dagger my dad found.]

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[Ryukai wouldn't be lunch. Raith and James would just find him. No eating. u.u


Oh, and if you post piccies of your long sword, I'll get some up of my Claymore, other cool swordy-thing that I'm not sure what you would call, and the replica of Aragorn's dagger my dad found.]

[im about 5"8 (My most literate estimate, i dunno really. Im pretty tall though. o_O) and the sword, from the ground, is long 'nuff it pokes muh rib cage. somewhere around there. Pretty long sword. PRetty tall me. o_o]

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[im about 5"8 (My most literate estimate, i dunno really. Im pretty tall though. o_O) and the sword, from the ground, is long 'nuff it pokes muh rib cage. somewhere around there. Pretty long sword. PRetty tall me. o_o]

[...*runs and measures self* 5'7"...*compares Claymore to self* Without the handle, it goes about to my waist. With the handle. It goes to the base of my neck. It's pretty long. And pretty firk-ding-blasted heavy, too...]

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Khanailoa, [betcha forgot about Khanailoa! And Kat, Wha'bout Naomi? And whered Topazia go?] through all of this time, Had secretly been walking along side of the groupd of mixed species, Biding her time for when it was right. She had shown interest in Dimearsh's doings, In hopes of vengeance for what had happened 7 years ago. (Somewhere in the jumbled up posts is a quote that has Khanailoas flashback thing. Go lookit.) All until the group had come to a cave, where Xalaryn had died, Did she take on the path ahead alone, getting a head start ahead of the group, to what she knew.


She wanted to scout ahead of them, and spy on Sinvalj's location, in hopes of gathering as much information as possible, Or possibly she could try to weaken any of Sinvalj's strength, with what little she had herself, alone.


Khanailoa patrolled the area, where she beleived to have any point of significance to Sinvalj, And collected information there, for when Dimearsh had caught up with her. [i couldnt think of anything better to do, And i wanted to move away from Ryukai RPing and such for a while, and focus on Lexxy-man.]


[im still trying to think of what should happen with Ryukai...]

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[i was just thinking about Naomi last night...]

Naomi had fully recovered in the monistary. After thanking the monks one more time, she headed off in the direction they said the others had gone. She still needed that key to prove her innocence. [Wheeeeee! ^o^]

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moonrise was coming, dimearsh could feel sinvalj stirring, feel the pull of his sword on Starchild, soon, the foul beat would know of their approach, even if he never touched his sword.

Rait and James were still looking for something to eat. [Yerp. u.u]

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Rait and James were still looking for something to eat. [Yerp. u.u]

['Rait' and James, Search no more! Theres an all you can eat buffet special over there at Joes Crab shack. Or a 20 pc. shrimp special for only $5.99! Wow. Or my favorite, Choose-your-own-gross-seafood-thing special for $39.99 For each item.


I doesnt like seafood >_o;]

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['Rait' and James, Search no more! Theres an all you can eat buffet special over there at Joes Crab shack. Or a 20 pc. shrimp special for only $5.99! Wow. Or my favorite, Choose-your-own-gross-seafood-thing special for $39.99 For each item.


I doesnt like seafood >_o;]

[The only seafood I like is shrimp. Nothing else, though. And Joe's Crab Shack isn't loacated in the woods. u.u

'Rait' and James...

Be quiet. >.<]

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['Rait' and James, Search no more! Theres an all you can eat buffet special over there at Joes Crab shack. Or a 20 pc. shrimp special for only $5.99! Wow. Or my favorite, Choose-your-own-gross-seafood-thing special for $39.99 For each item.


I doesnt like seafood >_o;]

[ have you ever had fried squid or fried octopus?]

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[sort of, Dimearsh is my charachter. but I may have to play Sinvalj as well, unless someone else wants to take that part, he's basically your typical villan, relentless when provoked, and easily angered, plus he can take over another freshly dead body if he is killed, the ability to mind control people while out-of-body assists this.

in other words, not a very nice guy,plus his sword is the polar oppisite of Starchild.

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[just blow something up]

[brilliant! -stuffs the swiss cheeseholes full of sticks of lit dynamite- Within a quarter-second as of 2 minutes, You will be blown up. You can blame Ryukai for it if you want, But not much you can do when you're blown up. Oh, I forgot something -ducttapes the dynamite sticks into the cheese so it cant come out- Very well then, Tally-ho. Im off, To uh. Behind this blast shield. >_>;; -grabs kat and horatio and puts them behind the blast shield- Kat, Whadd'ya say when somethings about to blow up, timber? fore? incoming? we're all gonna die? What is it?! X_O!!!]


[....... I could add another character, so i wont hafta mess with Ryukai for a while? Im waiting for some peoples to post so i know what im doing so i can use Ryukai again.]

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[brilliant! -stuffs the swiss cheeseholes full of sticks of lit dynamite- Within a quarter-second as of 2 minutes, You will be blown up. You can blame Ryukai for it if you want, But not much you can do when you're blown up. Oh, I forgot something -ducttapes the dynamite sticks into the cheese so it cant come out- Very well then, Tally-ho. Im off, To uh. Behind this blast shield. >_>;; -grabs kat and horatio and puts them behind the blast shield- Kat, Whadd'ya say when somethings about to blow up, timber? fore? incoming? we're all gonna die? What is it?! X_O!!!]


[....... I could add another character, so i wont hafta mess with Ryukai for a while? Im waiting for some peoples to post so i know what im doing so i can use Ryukai again.]

[Thanks for grabbing me!]

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[brilliant! -stuffs the swiss cheeseholes full of sticks of lit dynamite- Within a quarter-second as of 2 minutes, You will be blown up. You can blame Ryukai for it if you want, But not much you can do when you're blown up. Oh, I forgot something -ducttapes the dynamite sticks into the cheese so it cant come out- Very well then, Tally-ho. Im off, To uh. Behind this blast shield. >_>;; -grabs kat and horatio and puts them behind the blast shield- Kat, Whadd'ya say when somethings about to blow up, timber? fore? incoming? we're all gonna die? What is it?! X_O!!!]


[....... I could add another character, so i wont hafta mess with Ryukai for a while? Im waiting for some peoples to post so i know what im doing so i can use Ryukai again.]

*melts in a puddle, and moves out from under dynomite and duct tape and right behind blast shield* two seconds later...BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!

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[brilliant! -stuffs the swiss cheeseholes full of sticks of lit dynamite- Within a quarter-second as of 2 minutes, You will be blown up. You can blame Ryukai for it if you want, But not much you can do when you're blown up. Oh, I forgot something -ducttapes the dynamite sticks into the cheese so it cant come out- Very well then, Tally-ho. Im off, To uh. Behind this blast shield. >_>;; -grabs kat and horatio and puts them behind the blast shield- Kat, Whadd'ya say when somethings about to blow up, timber? fore? incoming? we're all gonna die? What is it?! X_O!!!]


[....... I could add another character, so i wont hafta mess with Ryukai for a while? Im waiting for some peoples to post so i know what im doing so i can use Ryukai again.]

[Yay! *gives Arkcher much glompage for making sure I didn't die*


I would say, "Oorah!" That's what R. Lee Ermy says when he blows things up, and he's all awsome and stuff. I have his autograph.


I like Ryukai, but you can add another person, too. Ryukai just needs to stick around for Naomi to get the key off of.]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[alrighty then...]


moonrise had come, and sinvalj was coming, but, there was something odd.

Starchild was reaching out, trying to take control, to make him give himself over to it's power, Dimearsh stumbled off the path, the internal battle blinding him temporaraly to the world outside. The urge had always been there, Starchild had tried before, and Dimearsh had been tempted, had tasted the power, oh, how easy it would have been, to give up, embrace the power it offered, he could have defeated sinvalj then, but, at what cost?

Enough,to dwell on the past was to ignore the future. even though he should not expect much beyond the coming battle.


{ok, this was kind of a setup post, I feel should explain it, unfortuneatly, it would take quite a while. the short version:


one is only as controlled as they let themselves be

with power comes responsibilty

with knowledge, obligation.}

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[alrighty then...]


moonrise had come, and sinvalj was coming, but, there was something odd.

Starchild was reaching out, trying to take control, to make him give himself over to it's power, Dimearsh stumbled off the path, the internal battle blinding him temporaraly to the world outside. The urge had always been there, Starchild had tried before, and Dimearsh had been tempted, had tasted the power, oh, how easy it would have been, to give up, embrace the power it offered, he could have defeated sinvalj then, but, at what cost?

  Enough,to dwell on the past was to ignore the future. even though he should not expect much beyond the coming battle.


{ok, this was kind of a setup post, I feel should explain it, unfortuneatly, it would take quite a while. the short version:


one is only as controlled as they let themselves be

with power comes responsibilty

with knowledge, obligation.}

[i should be all inspired to write now...maybe I will be later...]

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HOW MANY RP PEOPLE DO YOU HAVE LEXXY? I'm still confussed about that.

[One. We've answered you...like...eight times. x.x


I think the reason I can't think of anything to post is because there is nothing for me to post about. Somebody do something that Raith and James or Naomi can react to.]

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[w00tage! Nighttime. >_>;.......... Imma add another character then.]

[Val Hawyns my favorite RP character right now, Noctournal (And hangs out with vampires? I dunno. o-o) And is one of the like. 5 that i use on muh board. :lol: ]


Having rarely left the borders of his home country, (This being the third time) Val Hawyn took cautious steps into the unknown. He walked rather slowly along a thin dirt path, which as he looked ahead, led into a dense forest.

This vaguely reminded him of a Wolf forest near his hometown, Where some rather unpleasant experiences took place.

Val looked up at the newly risen moon, Again, Reminded of the Wolf Forest.


Val took more and more steps into the woods, Fully clothed in black, trying to remain invisible to the human eye, and remain in secrecy. He wore a long black hooded cloak, also in attempt to hide his identity.


[i'll probably post more later. Cant think of much right now though. Rait and James or Naomi can do something now though... pretty undescriptive post though....]

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[w00tage! Nighttime. >_>;.......... Imma add another character then.]

[Val Hawyns my favorite RP character right now, Noctournal (And hangs out with vampires? I dunno. o-o) And is one of the like. 5 that i use on muh board. :lol: ]


Having rarely left the borders of his home country, (This being the third time) Val Hawyn took cautious steps into the unknown. He walked rather slowly along a thin dirt path, which as he looked ahead, led into a dense forest.

This vaguely reminded him of a Wolf forest near his hometown, Where some rather unpleasant experiences took place.

Val looked up at the newly risen moon, Again, Reminded of the Wolf Forest.


Val took more and more steps into the woods, Fully clothed in black, trying to remain invisible to the human eye, and remain in secrecy. He wore a long black hooded cloak, also in attempt to hide his identity.


[i'll probably post more later. Cant think of much right now though. Rait and James or Naomi can do something now though... pretty undescriptive post though....]

[i forgot what Naomi was doing, so I'll make something up.]

Naomi was in the form of a tabby again, following Raith and James in hopes that they could find Ryukai for her. They were both aware of her, but didn't care much. They were hungry, and she was too young. Suddenly, they both stopped. James sniffed the air. New blood. From this distance, neither could tell the age. They took of silently in the direction the small was coming from, draing their gun-blades. Naomi kept following. As Raith and James ran, James though he smelled something familliar about the blood...[You can RP Any of my characters if you need to, Arkcher. I'm not sure how old Val Hawyn is, so I didn't post ir. Remember, the youngest they can eat is eighteen. I also left room for them to have possible known each other before, sence you said he could hang around with vampires. If you don't want him to know Raith and James, then just say they thought they recognized the scent, but didn't.]

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[Lemme know if you want more of a backstory, But Val has the body of a more/less 28 year old person, But is 108 years old, Being immortal his aging had stopped. o_o; He has much sword-ness too. Three swords. Booyah. o__o So. Val has a lot of magicstuffs. (Why hes immortal. xD) Uh... yeaaahhh... >_> I still cant think of much a post, so i'll leave it here. Kat, You can do something if you feel like. Ooh. I just thought of something though...]


Ryukai had heard footsteps following the path along side the forest, While he hid silent in the trees and shrubs, eyes every watchful for this intruder.

His intention was to jump this stranger, Get him kocked out and steal anything he could find on the adversary.


Ryukai crept his left arm into the pack behind himself, And pulled out a scimitar, And readied himself for a strike. [Of course, Not knowing about Naomi, Rait and James coming his way. xD]


Val Hawyn stopped in his tracks, He thought he had heard a rustling in the forests on either side of him... To his right was something hiding, To the left he thought he had heard footsteps...

Val grabbed two of the swords at his side, Pulled them out with a loud unsheathing noise, And scanned the area carefully. He thought he saw movement in the forest nearby, and turned his attention to it...


But did not have his attention focused to Ryukai, Creeping up behind him... [Have Ryukai, Naomi, Rait and JAmes all come at once or something. o_o Kill of Val. Muahahahaha.

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[Lemme know if you want more of a backstory, But Val has the body of a more/less 28 year old person, But is 108 years old, Being immortal his aging had stopped. o_o; He has much sword-ness too. Three swords. Booyah. o__o So. Val has a lot of magicstuffs. (Why hes immortal. xD) Uh... yeaaahhh... >_> I still cant think of much a post, so i'll leave it here. Kat, You can do something if you feel like. Ooh. I just thought of something though...]


Ryukai had heard footsteps following the path along side the forest, While he hid silent in the trees and shrubs, eyes every watchful for this intruder.

His intention was to jump this stranger, Get him kocked out and steal anything he could find on the adversary.


Ryukai crept his left arm into the pack behind himself, And pulled out a scimitar, And readied himself for a strike. [Of course, Not knowing about Naomi, Rait and James coming his way. xD]


Val Hawyn stopped in his tracks, He thought he had heard a rustling in the forests on either side of him... To his right was something hiding, To the left he thought he had heard footsteps...

Val grabbed two of the swords at his side, Pulled them out with a loud unsheathing noise, And scanned the area carefully. He thought he saw movement in the forest nearby, and turned his attention to it...


But did not have his attention focused to Ryukai, Creeping up behind him... [Have Ryukai, Naomi, Rait and JAmes all come at once or something. o_o Kill of Val. Muahahahaha.

As Val was looking in the bushes, Ryukai attacked. Val turned around justin time to block it, but at that moment Raith and James jumped out from the forest. Raith and James both took aim with thier gun-blades, but just as they fired, Naomi jumped out of the bushes in a cougar form and accidentally ran into Raith. She gun arm was jerked violently upwards and shot into the treetops as Raith ran into James, knocking off his aim, too. Only his bullet grazed Ryukai in his left shoulder. [Haha! They all missed! Take it away, Arkcher.]

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Rose was still running. In a while she reached a stanger who had two swords pulled. She drew her own andwas apporing the man behind the armed one facing the forest.( That is Val I'm going to attack the guy behind Val.) She walked slowing and carefully but she soon steped on a trig. Chark! "Urg" she said. She looked up to see the stranger turn around and find her. She perpare herself quickly for battle.

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Dimearsh watched the skies, bow at the ready, starchild at his side, all this exictement was sure to draw attention, it would not be good to come this far, to be taken by surprise. suddenly, starchild began to glow, and shake, something big was coming, big, and ripe with a dark evil...

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Val scanned the scenery, taken by surprise, To see some wild cats, Two vampire-looking beings, A strange hunter/theif and two other people running his way.


Val Hawyn did the only thing left for him to do- Attack.


Val focused his magic power into pure energy into his Right sword, Increasing it slightly in sharpness, length and width, The other sword emitting ultra-frigid air, Frost formed around the metal blade as if it were swung the correct way, The ice would shoot out and effectively freeze any opponents for later, as he took on the other two.

[Do excuse any undescriptive fighting here...]


Ryukai put away the scimitar, and drew his toxic longsword once again. (R'member that, that... thingy he was gonna kill off Raith with o_o big min mean nasty word anyway moving on.)

Without using any strategic thought, Ryukai pushed the sword strairght forward, Which upon being crouched down, meant it would have stabbed through this strangers' Ankle. This would disable mobility though...


The sword only to be met by Val's right sword, Which he threw behind himself just in time to parry the attack.

With his attention drawn to Ryukai briefly, Val swung his frigid sword at Raith and James, Forgetting that they had been knocked over, And missing them.

He let go of one sword, To use his right hand to draw throwing knives.

For a split second, Val's right hand flew from his side to the air, lobbing four throwing knives at Rose and Dimearsh, Which would wither scare them off, Hit them, Or just be easily deflected. [They arent coming very fast, You can either evade, just have them miss you completely or deflect thems with a sword. Just do something about it. o_O They arent coming very fast.]


Still using his free hand, Val used a fire spell as a stream of geothermal flames spewed out in Raith and James' direction, While Val grabbed his Ice blade and slashed it at Ryukai, Not turning around to see if he had hit or miss or see the effect.


Val looked around the scenery wildly, looking for the wild cat that was here not too long ago...


[Ok im done for a minute. w00t.]

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Val scanned the scenery, taken by surprise, To see some wild cats, Two vampire-looking beings, A strange hunter/theif and two other people running his way.


Val Hawyn did the only thing left for him to do- Attack.


Val focused his magic power into pure energy into his Right sword, Increasing it slightly in sharpness, length and width, The other sword emitting ultra-frigid air, Frost formed around the metal blade as if it were swung the correct way, The ice would shoot out and effectively freeze any opponents for later, as he took on the other two.

[Do excuse any undescriptive fighting here...]


Ryukai put away the scimitar, and drew his toxic longsword once again. (R'member that, that... thingy he was gonna kill off Raith with o_o big min mean nasty word anyway moving on.)

Without using any strategic thought, Ryukai pushed the sword strairght forward, Which upon being crouched down, meant it would have stabbed through this strangers' Ankle. This would disable mobility though...


The sword only to be met by Val's right sword, Which he threw behind himself just in time to parry the attack.

With his attention drawn to Ryukai briefly, Val swung his frigid sword at Raith and James, Forgetting that they had been knocked over, And missing them.

He let go of one sword, To use his right hand to draw throwing knives.

For a split second, Val's right hand flew from his side to the air, lobbing four throwing knives at Rose and Dimearsh, Which would wither scare them off, Hit them, Or just be easily deflected. [They arent coming very fast, You can either evade, just have them miss you completely or deflect thems with a sword. Just do something about it. o_O They arent coming very fast.]


Still using his free hand, Val used a fire spell as a stream of geothermal flames spewed out in Raith and James' direction, While Val grabbed his Ice blade and slashed it at Ryukai, Not turning around to see if he had hit or miss or see the effect.


Val looked around the scenery wildly, looking for the wild cat that was here not too long ago...


[Ok im done for a minute. w00t.]

Naomi jump Val from behind, bringing him down. Raith and James were severly ticked off at him and where advancing with their gun-blades. [Go ahead and do whatever. Just dun kill/maim Raith and James.]

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Naomi jump Val from behind, bringing him down. Raith and James were severly ticked off at him and where advancing with their gun-blades. [Go ahead and do whatever. Just dun kill/maim Raith and James.]

[i thought Rait an James would be on fire o--o;]

Val Hawyn felt a strange sensation on his back, As the ozersize feline he was looking for had pushed him down from behing, As he heard guns loading, fire at ready. [since when were Naomi and deh Vampy's cooperative? o_o] Val, Still having one sword in his hands, (dropped the other one from Naomi's attack) Did the last thing he could do, that came to mind, in this situation.


He pushed himself upward, beneath the cats weight, And threw his sword upward, Pushing the Gun-blades out of aim of Val, (Possibly out of their grip. You decide that.) And then leaned over to the right, In hopes of rolling over and knocking the cat off of him, Giving him opportunity to attack. (His sword still up in the air, coming down any minute now.) OR retreat, if necessary.

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[i thought Rait an James would be on fire o--o;]

Val Hawyn felt a strange sensation on his back, As the ozersize feline he was looking for had pushed him down from behing, As he heard guns loading, fire at ready. [since when were Naomi and deh Vampy's cooperative? o_o] Val, Still having one sword in his hands, (dropped the other one from Naomi's attack) Did the last thing he could do, that came to mind, in this situation.


He pushed himself upward, beneath the cats weight, And threw his sword upward, Pushing the Gun-blades out of aim of Val, (Possibly out of their grip. You decide that.) And then leaned over to the right, In hopes of rolling over and knocking the cat off of him, Giving him opportunity to attack. (His sword still up in the air, coming down any minute now.) OR retreat, if necessary.

[1. Being on fire would be rather death-inducing, so I didn't think you meant for that to happen. Oops.

2. They aren't. Naomi is just getting him before he gets her.]

Once agan the gun-blades were knocked and the aim was thrown off, making Raith and James shoot the ground near Val's head. Naomi hopped off of him just before he squashed her. Raith and James quickly reloaded their guns, and Naomi turned back into a human to defend herself. [i dunno if this would throw Val off at all. You can chose.] The all stood there, starring at each other. [Yay for progress!]

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Val stood motionless, Watching for the adversary's movement. Upon hearing russeling in the bushes nearby, Val reflexively cast a spell, Which made a light shield around Val, A bright flash of light temporarily illuminated the area, And it appeared that Val was gone. The area he was standing in was strangely shimmering though... He had used a spell to bend the light surrounding him, Proving himself invisible to the naked eye, Not in mind that the two vampires could detect his scent of blood. [super kitty-eyes could probably see him though.] He reached over to pick up his arctic sword, Grabbed it and slashed it speedily in Ryukai's direction, Which effectively hit him in the side, But did not act as a blade, It did not cut him in the least...


Most of his body covered with ice almost instantly, disabling him to move.


Val looked over to his right, To see his empoered sword land blade down in the ground not too far away. He tried to determine what would happen if he went to grab it, And decided against it for the time being, And scanned the area for signs of reaction.

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at the flash, dimarsh had looked down, finding starchild still in it's scabbard, but shaking angrily, he looked around, whatever it was that was coming, it seemed to be waiting, for what, however, was anyone's guess.

suddeny, ice covered ryukai's legs, oh, that was a trick, that new guy had gone invisible, but as he struck,a faint shadow was cast. since whatever was lurking in the shadows overhead seemed to be in no hurry, dimearsh drew starchild, and waited...

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Val Hawyn continued looking around, waiting for his opponents' reaction. They could not see his body directly, But the vampires could still smell him, he knew this. His footsteps left tracks however, And along the dirt path, crunching dirt can easily be heard with each step he took. [Yeh cant be perfect in these things, eh]


Ryukai found at least half of his body encased in thick ice, Disabling him to move much at all, With the exception of his head, neck and right arm being all thats mobile. Despite this, He could not reach anywhere near a weapon, leaving all his capabilities to wait.


Val felt an unusual weakness in his head, Which he had felt other times, but very few, This meaning he was nearly out of magic power. His blades would be all he could depend on without using his magic power...

Very finite, He did not have endless mind power. Though he had a lot of it, He can run out. He looked around, And unsheathed his last of three swords, again, with two swords in hand. One was ultra frigid, Causing ice to form on anything it touched (X'cept val. He gives it 5 bucks not to freeze him. o_o) While the other was smothered in a flame, which brightly lit up the area, which could do the same as his other sword- cause fire to strike anything it felt necessary.


He looked down, and pointed his fire blade upward to the sky, (Lightning rod!) as it shot up a huge blast of fire, which illuminated the area as the noonday sun would, In attempt of temporarily blinding his opponent, increasing the temperature and hopefully have extra effect on the Vampires. (Just a bright light, not necessarily the sun? Maybe vampy's have a similar reaction to sunlight as Werewolves do, eh?)

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Val Hawyn continued looking around, waiting for his opponents' reaction. They could not see his body directly, But the vampires could still smell him, he knew this. His footsteps left tracks however, And along the dirt path, crunching dirt can easily be heard with each step he took. [Yeh cant be perfect in these things, eh]


Ryukai found at least half of his body encased in thick ice, Disabling him to move much at all, With the exception of his head, neck and right arm being all thats mobile. Despite this, He could not reach anywhere near a weapon, leaving all his capabilities to wait.


Val felt an unusual weakness in his head, Which he had felt other times, but very few, This meaning he was nearly out of magic power. His blades would be all he could depend on without using his magic power...

Very finite, He did not have endless mind power. Though he had a lot of it, He can run out. He looked around, And unsheathed his last of three swords, again, with two swords in hand. One was ultra frigid, Causing ice to form on anything it touched (X'cept val. He gives it 5 bucks not to freeze him. o_o) While the other was smothered in a flame, which brightly lit up the area, which could do the same as his other sword- cause fire to strike anything it felt necessary.


He looked down, and pointed his fire blade upward to the sky, (Lightning rod!) as it shot up a huge blast of fire, which illuminated the area as the noonday sun would, In attempt of temporarily blinding his opponent, increasing the temperature and hopefully have extra effect on the Vampires. (Just a bright light, not necessarily the sun? Maybe vampy's have a similar reaction to sunlight as Werewolves do, eh?)

Raith and James shielded their eyes and let out pained screeches [Like Fell Beasts in LotR.]. Naomi was temporarily stunned, but recovered quickly. Her cat-eyes could still see the man, [Her eyes are cat-like right now, but her body isn't.] She jumped on the man agian. If he killed Ryukai, she wouldn't be able to work the key. If he killed the vampires, she might never find Ryukai after this. She lunged at thim again, elongating her fingernails into claws. But her eyesight was being thrown off by the bright light, and she and Val both hit a tree hard, knocking them both out, [if you don't think Val would be knocked out, just fix this. Maybe he would just be stunned for a litte. I dunno.] Because of his loss of conciousness, his sword stopped flaming and Raith and James uncovored thier eyes. Only the light of the real sun could burn them, but it still hurt their eyes if there was a bright enough artificial one. Raith took aim at the half-frozen Ryukai. [instert random Ryukai reaction here.] But she didn't aim for his body. She shot the ice surrounding him, cracking it and making it easy to kick away. [You go now.]

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Raith and James shielded their eyes and let out pained screeches [Like Fell Beasts in LotR.]. Naomi was temporarily stunned, but recovered quickly. Her cat-eyes could still see the man, [Her eyes are cat-like right now, but her body isn't.] She jumped on the man agian. If he killed Ryukai, she wouldn't be able to work the key. If he killed the vampires, she might never find Ryukai after this. She lunged at thim again, elongating her fingernails into claws. But her eyesight was being thrown off by the bright light, and she and Val both hit a tree hard, knocking them both out, [if you don't think Val would be knocked out, just fix this. Maybe he would just be stunned for a litte. I dunno.] Because of his loss of conciousness, his sword stopped flaming and Raith and James uncovored thier eyes. Only the light of the real sun could burn them, but it still hurt their eyes if there was a bright enough artificial one. Raith took aim at the half-frozen Ryukai, Ignoring that he seemed to be getting out himself. [Reaction included?] But she didn't aim for his body. She shot the ice surrounding him, cracking it and making it easy to kick away. [You go now.]

After a short moment of a daze, Val came to, But his eyes were somewhat out of focus, And he felt somewhat dizzy...


[Val is also a werewolf. (I seem to have gotten an obsession with thems lately. Dunno why.) He can be a Val (Hes not human >_>) or a Werewolf when he feels like. As i recall, Vampires and Werewolves have some relationship, And dont necessarily dislike each other? Since Val is noctournal, Sunlight isnt much a problem for either of his forms. Val was only bitten once, (depending on how many werewolf bites you have, different stuff happens. Once, human/werewolf. Twice, A feral wolf when it would be human. Three times, always werewolf, Four times, It dies from having too much of that genetic changing stuff in its system. >_>) But was bitten twice in that other RP. I shut up now.]


Upon hearing a gunshot, Val jumped to his feet, And looked around wildly, Still somewhat confused and dizzied.

He shook his head, Ignored the pain, And ran into the forest behind him, (Like 5 feet. >_>) And jumped up to a tree branch, And climbed the rest of the way... He jumped his way from treetop to treetop, And eventually came back to the dirt path with the vampires... He backed up, And prepared to jump into the air, Change into a werewolf and attack as a different form... [And then got shot >_> I dunno. You do something. Ryukai do something. I dunno. RP ryukai for me. o__o]

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After a short moment of a daze, Val came to, But his eyes were somewhat out of focus, And he felt somewhat dizzy...


[Val is also a werewolf. (I seem to have gotten an obsession with thems lately. Dunno why.) He can be a Val (Hes not human >_>) or a Werewolf when he feels like. As i recall, Vampires and Werewolves have some relationship, And dont necessarily dislike each other? Since Val is noctournal, Sunlight isnt much a problem for either of his forms. Val was only bitten once, (depending on how many werewolf bites you have, different stuff happens. Once, human/werewolf. Twice, A feral wolf when it would be human. Three times, always werewolf, Four times, It dies from having too much of that genetic changing stuff in its system. >_>) But was bitten twice in that other RP. I shut up now.]


Upon hearing a gunshot, Val jumped to his feet, And looked around wildly, Still somewhat confused and dizzied.

He shook his head, Ignored the pain, And ran into the forest behind him, (Like 5 feet. >_>) And jumped up to a tree branch, And climbed the rest of the way... He jumped his way from treetop to treetop, And eventually came back to the dirt path with the vampires... He backed up, And prepared to jump into the air, Change into a werewolf and attack as a different form... [And then got shot >_> I dunno. You do something. Ryukai do something. I dunno. RP ryukai for me. o__o]

As Ryukai was kisking the ice off of himself, James turned to Raith. "I thought you hated him." he siad. "I do." said Raith. "But it wouldn't have been honorable to let his stay ther and die or attack him while he was incapable of retaliation. [Just in case you were wondering why Raith did that.] Befoer James could reply, he smelled something rushing towards the path again. he and Raith both whipped around just in time for Raith to be pounced on by a large werewolf. [No killing the Raith and/or James, please.]

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[As i recall, Vampires and Werewolves have some relationship, And dont necessarily dislike each other?]

[it depends. I nsome stories, they have an allience. In others, they hate each other. I dun really care.]

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[it depends. I nsome stories, they have an allience. In others, they hate each other. I dun really care.]

[Nei'r do I. >_> They still know its an enemy, its Val and stuff, So they keep on at attacking. ...... I wonders what would happen if a Vampire got bitten by a Werewolf? Hmmmm...]


[No killing off yer characters without permission, I know. That'd have too much an effect and be roleplaying the character without permission, So that goes without saying, really.]


Val willed his body to change, As the moonlight beams completed the steps necessary to do so, As Val's body changed within one second, (About as fast as Feral to Werewolf would, in that... one... werewolf story thing. that I write. Think Animorphs type speed. >_> I r'member watching that TV show. T'was purty cool.) Being the Human/werewolf form. His new body came crashing down into the ground and impacted Raiths body rather severely, Smashing her into the ground. (About 250 pounds from about 15 feet in the air. That could hurt. o_o) Val looked around wildly, This just demonstrating his power as warning to others, He searched for a nearby target.

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Rose just walked forward and blocked the daggers with her mind. She wasn't much in this battle so she took the time to notice that two were vampires, one werewolf, one cathuman, and two humans. She walked up to the werewolf man put her sword close to his face then removing it to stick her hand down to help him. " I won't fight you." she said. He looked puzzled but didnt't say anything . She looked around then left him to help Raith up form the ground. [ decide if I help either Kat or Acker if u don't want that then dismiss this post.] Rose sheathed her sword and walked past the werewolf then she stopped and turned " I'm Rose and all of you would be?" She decide that these people were no cause to be worried about. She though for once she could friends with anyone. Maybe.

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She walked up to the werewolf man put her sword close to his face then removing it to stick her hand down to help him. " I won't fight you." she said. He looked puzzled but didnt't say anything . She looked around then left him to help Raith up form the ground.

[This here made no sense to me.... What did you do? :huh: ]

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this was unexpected, it seemed the newcomer was a bit of a collector of elemental blades, this might complicate matters, but no matter, first revenge, let the matter of spoils be settled when sinvalj lay destroyed.

suddenly, a large form decended from above, dimearsh moved, as he swung, he realised the form was not the dark evil he felt coming, quickly, he diverted his strike, but was unable to stop completely, he collided withthe creature, knocking it from raith. He turned, sword at the ready, he then saw the girl returning, and waited, that was one mystery cleared up,

he introduced himself, hopefully this rose would not be a problem.

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The ground lightly shook as Ryukai revocered balance from Val's impact on the ground. He watched in awe, At seeing that the landing on top of Raith could have killed her easily.


Ryukai grasped his Toxin sword in hand, And ran up to the beast, And decided against waiting to be within range to slash, And he just threw the sword, Surprisingly stable, It pierced through the air, Straight towards Val...

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The ground lightly shook as Ryukai revocered balance from Val's impact on the ground. He watched in awe, At seeing that the landing on top of Raith could have killed her easily.


Ryukai grasped his Toxin sword in hand, And ran up to the beast, And decided against waiting to be within range to slash, And he just threw the sword, Surprisingly stable, It pierced through the air, Straight towards Val...

As Raith hit the ground with the heavy wieght on top of her, she gasped as the wind was knocked from her lungs. She tried to reach for her gun-blade, but she couldn't move her arms. The wolf was on top of them. James ran toward the wolf at the same time as Ryukai and brought his sword down. [i dunno if you want Val to be hit with two swords or not, so you can decide if he hits or if Val gets out of the way or whatever.

And the vampire/werewolf is interesting. I might have to bring in another character to test that on...

Oh yeah, and Namomi is trying to think of a way to help, but she's scared and stuff so it isn't going too well. Just in case you were wondering where she went.]

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As Raith hit the ground with the heavy wieght on top of her, she gasped as the wind was knocked from her lungs. She tried to reach for her gun-blade, but she couldn't move her arms. The wolf was on top of them. James ran toward the wolf at the same time as Ryukai and brought his sword down. [i dunno if you want Val to be hit with two swords or not, so you can decide if he hits or if Val gets out of the way or whatever.

And the vampire/werewolf is interesting. I might have to bring in another character to test that on...

Oh yeah, and Namomi is trying to think of a way to help, but she's scared and stuff so it isn't going too well. Just in case you were wondering where she went.]

[Whats a Namomi? Some kind of... Naomi... Mommy thing.... I'll stop now.]


Val coughed as he felt a blade piercing through his chest, He looked down to see Ryukai's sword had stabbed about half-way through his body, But not necessarily close to his heart, He was injured, But would survive...


Or so he thought.


A similar sensation, A different sword had just gone through, close to his right shoulder...

An ice cold fluid of sorts was emittiing from the blade that Ryukai had thrown, As various places on Val's body began hurting strangely...



Val grabbed the two blades and ripped them out of his body, Dropped them carelessly, And changed his body back.


No longer a Werewolf, He was not holding Raith down, But was kneeling next to her... (Facing the opposite direction though.)

Though his previous form enabled him to use his magics and power once more.

One hand on the ground to support himself, And the other had a yellow-white glow emitting, where he moved that hand over his wound, As it slowly closed and healed, Though the tears in his clothing remained.

He moved his hand over to the wound that Ryukai had put in him, But the fast-acting toxins had begun taking effect...

Val let out a few loud coughs, in between that, vomitting a small amount of blood, As his breathing became rather difficult...

He continued trying to heal himself. The wound was no longer his main concern, He began thinking, trying to remember the mental steps to use the spell to remove contamination from his body, while coughing up more blood. (Blood loss in a victim wouldnt be as good for the Vampires, i assume? )

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Rose hurried to ingured man's side she put her hand up and started to think of a spell to bring the posin out of him. At last she did and as the posin moved into her body she asked him"Are you well?". She gasped as the posin took affect then she mubled somthing and was well again.

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[Whats a Namomi? Some kind of... Naomi... Mommy thing.... I'll stop now.]


Val coughed as he felt a blade piercing through his chest, He looked down to see Ryukai's sword had stabbed about half-way through his body, But not necessarily close to his heart, He was injured, But would survive...


Or so he thought.


A similar sensation, A different sword had just gone through, close to his right shoulder...

An ice cold fluid of sorts was emittiing from the blade that Ryukai had thrown, As various places on Val's body began hurting strangely...



Val grabbed the two blades and ripped them out of his body, Dropped them carelessly, And changed his body back.


No longer a Werewolf, He was not holding Raith down, But was kneeling next to her... (Facing the opposite direction though.)

Though his previous form enabled him to use his magics and power once more.

One hand on the ground to support himself, And the other had a yellow-white glow emitting, where he moved that hand over his wound, As it slowly closed and healed, Though the tears in his clothing remained.

He moved his hand over to the wound that Ryukai had put in him, But the fast-acting toxins had begun taking effect...

Val let out a few loud coughs, in between that, vomitting a small amount of blood, As his breathing became rather difficult...

He continued trying to heal himself. The wound was no longer his main concern, He began thinking, trying to remember the mental steps to use the spell to remove contamination from his body, while coughing up more blood. (Blood loss in a victim wouldnt be as good for the Vampires, i assume? )

[Vampys are ticked off at him at the moment.]

James helped Raith up. She was still gasping for breath. He picked up the gun-blade that had been thrown aside [i guess?]. [i dunno what they could do to help, even if they wanted to, which I also don't know. So you decide.]

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[Vampys are ticked off at him at the moment.]

James helped Raith up. She was still gasping for breath. He picked up the gun-blade that had been thrown aside [i guess?]. [i dunno what they could do to help, even if they wanted to, which I also don't know. So you decide.]

[Deh Krissdog#26thedada person fixed Val. w00t. So you dont get to help. >.>]


Val momentarily felt the cold sensation leave, And the pains were eased, As the toxins were absorbed out of his body.


He glanced over at Rose,


"For the time being, Yes. I will give you proper thanks later."


Val grabbed one of his swords, With a look of death in his eyes, He slashed at James, His accuracy blinded by fury. He stabbed with the blade, But was too far away. Upon not feeling his blade hit anything, He wouldwithdraw it, And weave his hands in a gesture, And conjured a spell of Darkness. [Though using it on a darkness creature, They are immune to it.] Normally, A wave of darkness would have launched out at Val's target, As it passed, Taking away the life out of the victim, Killing it instantly. Val had overlooked the element advantages, Darkness against Darkness did nothing.

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so, he was a werewolf, that might simplify things a bit, at least, dimearsh didn't think a lycanthrope would make a good host for sinvalj, hopefully they wouldn't have to find out, yes, a careful attack, destroy the soulstone first, then sinvalj's foul presence would be forever gone. {just a little obsessed, is he?}


"Come, there are dark things abroad this night, you can tear each other limb from limb later."

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[Deh Krissdog#26thedada person fixed Val. w00t. So you dont get to help. >.>]


Val momentarily felt the cold sensation leave, And the pains were eased, As the toxins were absorbed out of his body.


He glanced over at Rose,


"For the time being, Yes. I will give you proper thanks later."


Val grabbed one of his swords, With a look of death in his eyes, He slashed at James, His accuracy blinded by fury. He stabbed with the blade, But was too far away. Upon not feeling his blade hit anything, He wouldwithdraw it, And weave his hands in a gesture, And conjured a spell of Darkness. [Though using it on a darkness creature, They are immune to it.] Normally, A wave of darkness would have launched out at Val's target, As it passed, Taking away the life out of the victim, Killing it instantly. Val had overlooked the element advantages, Darkness against Darkness did nothing.

[Haha. Everyone hates Raith except for James. I find that sorta funny. *can't do too much RPing right now*]

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so, he was a werewolf, that might simplify things a bit, at least, dimearsh didn't think a lycanthrope would make a good host for sinvalj, hopefully they wouldn't have to find out, yes, a careful attack, destroy the soulstone first, then sinvalj's foul presence would be forever gone. {just a little obsessed, is he?}


"Come, there are dark things abroad this night, you can tear each other limb from limb later."

"No." said Raith coldly. "He needs to be dealt with." She wasn't going to forgive Val too soon for crushing her.

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Rose put her sword in front of Val blocking the attack. " You can kill each other later. He is right. We need to stop this useless fighting. Rose hates frighting because of frighting she lost her family and friends. " Now can everyone just get along with each other or do I have to hurt you all so you'll listen." She waited for their resopnes.

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Rose put her sword in front of Val blocking the attack. " You can kill each other later. He is right. We need to stop this useless fighting. Rose hates frighting  because of frighting she lost her family and friends. " Now can everyone just get along with each other or do I have to hurt you all so you'll listen." She waited for their resopnes.

Val didnt have much of a choice in the matter to listen, He was mentally weak, lacking Mind power which was drained by his magic power, And he needed to physically rest, But he tried not to show his vulnerability, And hoped the Vampires would not attack him for the time being. He too watched his opponents' for their reactions to this. He did not know what this group was trying to accomplish, But he did not care much either...


Val really needed to rest, And could not do it here. He used the last of his available Magic power, Used a wind spell and created a strong wind in the immediet area, blowing dirt and grass around, He covered his face from the winds and ran over to his swords, Grabbed them and properly sheathed just one of them so he could grab them and run...


He sucesfully grabbed his swords, And ran away from the miniature tornado he made, Which soon disapated, As he ran from tree to tree, Trying to remain out of sight as he retreated.


It couldnt have been more than 60 feet before Val collapsed from exhaustion, And glanced behind himself, To see that the group on the road was within eyesight of him...

Val's heartbeat slowed, His breathing increased, As he felt progressively weaker, Until he fainted on the spot.


[He didnt get to run away 'nuff. ._.]

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Val didnt have much of a choice in the matter to listen, He was mentally weak, lacking Mind power which was drained by his magic power, And he needed to physically rest, But he tried not to show his vulnerability, And hoped the Vampires would not attack him for the time being. He too watched his opponents' for their reactions to this. He did not know what this group was trying to accomplish, But he did not care much either...


Val really needed to rest, And could not do it here. He used the last of his available Magic power, Used a wind spell and created a strong wind in the immediet area, blowing dirt and grass around, He covered his face from the winds and ran over to his swords, Grabbed them and properly sheathed just one of them so he could grab them and run...


He sucesfully grabbed his swords, And ran away from the miniature tornado he made, Which soon disapated, As he ran from tree to tree, Trying to remain out of sight as he retreated.


It couldnt have been more than 60 feet before Val collapsed from exhaustion, And glanced behind himself, To see that the group on the road was within eyesight of him...

Val's heartbeat slowed, His breathing increased, As he felt progressively weaker, Until he fainted on the spot.


[He didnt get to run away 'nuff. ._.]

Raith tried to run to where Val was, gun-blade readied, but James grabbed her around her waist and held her back. "Leave him." he said calmy. "We'll take care of him later."

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[................Do iiiiittttttttt -shakes fist- e_e]

[Keep yer pants on, I'm going...]

Raith continued to glare in the direction that Val ran off in. James gathered their scattered weapons and reloaded them. "C'mon." he said, handing Raith her gun-blade. "I'm going to pass out if we don't get something to eat." he and Raith dissappeared into the bushes.


Naomi couldn't help but be worried about the werewolf. She quietly turned into a small tabby again and slinked off down the path where she had seen him run.

[That's all I got.]

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[Keep yer pants on, I'm going...]

Raith continued to glare in the direction that Val ran off in. James gathered their scattered weapons and reloaded them. "C'mon." he said, handing Raith her gun-blade. "I'm going to pass out if we don't get something to eat." he and Raith dissappeared into the bushes.


Naomi couldn't help but be worried about the werewolf. She quietly turned into a small tabby again and slinked off down the path where she had seen him run.

[That's all I got.]

[Did I have pants to take off/keep on to begin with? Yes I did. o_o Do. am.]


[And I respond to thiisss how?]

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[Did I have pants to take off/keep on to begin with? Yes I did. o_o Do. am.]

[That's good. o_o;;;]

[And I respond to thiisss how?]

[i dunno. You told me to post. Make Val wake up and talk to Naomi. You can RP anyone if you need to.]

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Well that went well. Rose went after the small tabby to help with the werewolf. When she reached him she raised her hand and with a switf motion the man was raised and put next to a tree. She walked over to him and placed her hand near him. He was tried. She sighed and stood up, walked up to the another man and asked him" who are you?" [ I'm talking to u lexxy] That was when she saw the shadow passed over the moon.

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[That's good. o_o;;;]


[i dunno. You told me to post. Make Val wake up and talk to Naomi. You can RP anyone if you need to.]

[Val fainted from exhaustion, Hes out for like. two hours. >.> Kris, Whats all that you just posted? Did you lift Val up and put him ona tree or something?]

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Well that went well. Rose went after the small tabby to help with the werewolf.  When she reached him she raised her hand and with a switf motion the man was raised and put next to a tree. She walked over to him and placed her hand near him. He was tried. She sighed and stood up, walked up to the another man and asked him" who are you?" [ I'm talking to u lexxy]  That was when she saw the shadow passed over the moon.

[Ne? o_o]

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Rose has many powers that have yet to come but I will answer the question. She lift him up and leaned him up next to a tree. So he was sitting under a tree sleeping. Clear. Good.

[Please do specify whats out-of-character and whats in character. o_O


And that does clear things up a bit, okay. w00t.]

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"I am dimearsh, I have come here seeking vengence against a being that has done great evil. as you may have noticed, I travel with vampires, so dark is the evil I seek to destroy."

he waited her response, this girl might have her uses in the coming battle, hopefully, she was not a servant of sinvalj.

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"I am dimearsh, I have come here seeking vengence against a being that has done great evil. as you may have noticed, I travel with vampires, so dark is the evil I seek to destroy."

he waited her response, this girl might have her uses in the coming battle, hopefully, she was not a servant of sinvalj.

I dunno how you'll end up getting it started, But I has an idea. w00t.]


[Val HAwyn isnt necessarily dark or light, He's with and against both. In their constant battles and wars, He always helps the losing side, Keeping it all a fair battle, in ways.


For a number of reasons, He's real ticked off at the contention between light and darkness, So he has his life dedicated to stopping the fight, But in a peaceful manner. He is an excellent magician and fighter, Letting him make the battles one-sided so that the losing team can recover. (Also somewhat a spy, to let one side know the others plans' and stradegies.)


If they find out that its a useless fight, and it will just go in eternally, They may realize that this fight will get them nowhere, Even if one prevailed, Someone or something ay rise from the ashes and rise to power again. So he wants them to realize they can stop it, And then there would be a harmonial peace all around.


So he travels all around, killing off light and dark idiots. >.>; All the while, being as anonymous and secretive as possible.]


[so he doesnt really have a side, And would be of a lot of aid to Dimearsh. w00t. Val doesnt see Dimearsh as much of an enemy right now, considering that Dimearsh had not tried to kill off Val. o_o; Val doesnt like Rait, James, Naomi ooorrr maybe someone else Oh yeah Ryukai. Those four people, He dun like. and wants to keel them dead. >_o]

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