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[ummm, hellooooooooo? Anybody still here?]

[Not really... o_O]

You were going to write an RP post to this Arkcher...


As for nobody being here, things are slow all over, not just here. :(

[i realize that, i just never got around to doing it. ._.]

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[ummm, hellooooooooo? Anybody still here?]

[Not really... o_O]

You were going to write an RP post to this Arkcher...


As for nobody being here, things are slow all over, not just here. :(

[i've noticed. Only, like, ten people get on the boards anymore, I think it's because it's summer, and they have other plans.]

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[ummm, hellooooooooo? Anybody still here?]

[Not really... o_O]

You were going to write an RP post to this Arkcher...


As for nobody being here, things are slow all over, not just here. :(

[i've noticed. Only, like, ten people get on the boards anymore, I think it's because it's summer, and they have other plans.]

[The whole reason i never get of hardly never is because of my packed schedule with other stuff on my computer. I've STILL got some Furc DreamWeaving to finish (its almost been a whole year, gaaah! i thought id get it in a few months of starting) I've got my own online RPG site to run, aannnddd some other stuff that includes things to be doing on this board. I'll try and finish posting tonight.]

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Ryukai was starting to get sick of running back and forth, back and forth between the cave and the clearing, But... Xalaryn was in the cave, Who knows what may have happened to her. Ryukai easily liked her as a friend, but never had many intentions of having a life-long companion, he prefers acting as the Lone wolf of the town hes from. Once he got to the cave, He skidded himself across the rokcy surfaces of the earth. Once he had braked himself to a halt, He examined the ice closely.


Naomi was close behind- Her mind was racing for what to do now. Some idiot seems to want a magical key which could mean her life, Also prove the innocence of her parents and family, But where are they? What happened?

=-SKKRRKID!-= (bad foley effects, i know)

Naomi jumped as she heard a horrid screech across the icey surface as Ryukai began stabbing at it with his swords.


Ryukai figured he'd use his Dragon Abilities as a last resort, But this ice is inprenetrable, Jeez. Ryukai grasped the key in his right hand and put it up against the hilt of the sword in his hand, and firmly gripped the hilt with both hands- key within his grasp. Ryukai closed his eyes as the sword stretched out somewhat longer as its sharp edges became yet sharper- and all 'a sudden, A bright, red burning flame engulfed his blade, making it somewhat a fire-sword. He backed away and then ran up toward the ice wall, Jumped, and swiped in a diagnla slash with the burning sword.


Immediately upon contact, His sword stoped in place. The ice from the uncontrolled haywire spell crept up along Ryukais sword- attaching the steel blade to the ice.

Ryukai pulled with everything he had, but the ice didnt let go. The ice covered the flame- they turned blue and entirely still- a frozen flame.

The ice crept uo further on the blade, past the hilt, as Ryukai was forced to let go or he'd be frozen along with it. He looked back at Naomi, who was just watching patiently.


Ryukai sighed, and instructed Naomi to step back away from him, as she obeyed unquestioningly, as Ryukai moved the key to the tip of his hand. He held it up into the air- He felt a strong jolt of energy rush through his body as he looked up- What looked like a huge thunderstorm gathering directly above Ryukais key was forming. Dark clouds blocked out all sunlight- A bright thunderbolt struck across the sky- Loud booming thunder soon followed. A few seconds later, Another lingting bolt hurled across the sky- but has turned itself downward and struck stright down at Ryukai's key- An immensely bright light flashed around- temporarily blinding Ryukai and Naomi- They regained their vision momentarily- Ryukai seemed unphased by being hit by lightning- But he seemed to levitate a few inches in the air as huge red Dragon wings emerged from his back, His neck deforming and twisting and growing thicker and longer to about 5 feet- His whole body seemed covered with bright red scales- And in a matter of seconds, A huge 25 ft. tall Dragon stood in the place Ryukai was just seconds ago.


The Dragon had let out a blood-curdling roar, Looked down at the cave, moved its long neck down towards it, As it sprayed a flammable gas from inside its mouth- in addition to its own breath causing a chemical reaction and resulting a huge burst of fire tearing through the environment.

The huge firebal tore through the wall of ice- overheating and melting through the whole thing.

The dragon retracted its head and looked itself up to the sky- Another blinding flash on light. The dragon downsized immensely- Down to 5"10 again. It began reforming and reshaping back into an identefiable human form- Familiarly known as Ryukai.


Ryukai panted for a moment- huge gaping holes in the back of his shirt where he had wings protrude from and holes in various places in his trouser pants whatever-you-wanna-call-it. Ryukai ran inside the cave, Water flooding out about 1.5 feet.

He heard something collapse in the water-Could it have been Xalaryn?

He looked around through the water as it flooded and drained out of the cave. From the looks of things, Xalaryn was laying in a bloody crumpled heap while Raith looked like she had just fallen over seconds ago from something.

Raith was lightly sleeping in a wierd position, half unconscious, and Xalaryn looked somewhat... lifeless, with two small bite marks on her neck.

Of all the horrid things Ryukai had seen in his life, This was one of the worst. One of his life-long friends had been murdered by this Vampire...!


[More tomorrow. Im about to fall asleep on my keyboard. (Literally, im dizzy and things are looking fuzzy-ish :sleepy: ) ]

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He didnt realize how much he had cared for Xalaryn until just now- Despite his lack of interest, She was the most likely to be a life-long companion. Much to his surprise, A tear was forming in his eye as he beheld her lifeless body. Ryukai really saw no reason to end the vampires demonic acts this moment- Just kill the vampire now, The immense violence would end, And He'd be a VampireSlayer! There is no downfall he noticed from here. He reached from in his pack, Grabbed two equally lengthed swords, jumped up and slashed down in Raiths Direction.


Ryukai slashed and stabbed at the Vampires unconscious form- This has to end- Now. He finally swung both swords around and struck them both down- right into Raiths chest- A hint of dark red was visible in the water from that point on. [No, Kat. He didnt kill her. Vampires need to be attacked at the heart directly- Ryukai carelessly attacked and missed multiple times. She'll just be a bit sore once she gets up.]

Two bloody heaps of body in the cave, Ryukai figured he'd just leave them there. He has no use for them, And he didnt want to risk Xalaryn reviving into an undead form during a ceremonial funeral and begin attacking everyone.


The water had flooded out all the way from inside the cave, Bloodstained stone surrounded Xalaryn and Raith. Ryukai walked over to Naomi in a depressed manner, Handed her the key, "Wheres the lock you need this for... I'll try to make every effort necessary to help you with it." There isnt anything Ryukai could do with Raith or Xalaryn...

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He didnt realize how much he had cared for Xalaryn until just now- Despite his lack of interest, She was the most likely to be a life-long companion. Much to his surprise, A tear was forming in his eye as he beheld her lifeless body. Ryukai really saw no reason to end the vampires demonic acts this moment- Just kill the vampire now, The immense violence would end, And He'd be a VampireSlayer! There is no downfall he noticed from here. He reached from in his pack, Grabbed two equally lengthed swords, jumped up and slashed down in Raiths Direction.


Ryukai slashed and stabbed at the Vampires unconscious form- This has to end- Now. He finally swung both swords around and struck them both down- right into Raiths chest- A hint of dark red was visible in the water from that point on. [No, Kat. He didnt kill her. Vampires need to be attacked at the heart directly- Ryukai carelessly attacked and missed multiple times. She'll just be a bit sore once she gets up.]

Two bloody heaps of body in the cave, Ryukai figured he'd just leave them there. He has no use for them, And he didnt want to risk Xalaryn reviving into an undead form during a ceremonial funeral and begin attacking everyone.


The water had flooded out all the way from inside the cave, Bloodstained stone surrounded Xalaryn and Raith. Ryukai walked over to Naomi in a depressed manner, Handed her the key, "Wheres the lock you need this for... I'll try to make every effort necessary to help you with it." There isnt anything Ryukai could do with Raith or Xalaryn...

"Here it is." she said quietly, seeing how sad he was. She took the box out of her pack and handed it to him. The shock of everything slowly faded as she relized that if this key opened the box, she would be free, and the real killer might be found. Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open. [Alright. Go ahead and take your time, Arkcher. I understand how busy you get running your own site. My brother used to, and he was on the computer almost all day, every day.]

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[ok, I think I have caught up now]


dimearsh cautiously approaches the cave, strangely the ground is muddy outside. and there is signs that a dragon had passed this way recently

as he enters, he first sees the bodies on the floor, then he sees the warrior and a young woman huddled together.

they obviously are both focused on something on the floor in front of him suddenly she reaches over and opens what is now clearly a small box.

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[ok, I think I have caught up now]


dimearsh cautiously approaches the cave, strangely the ground is muddy outside. and there is signs that a dragon had passed this way recently

as he enters, he first sees the bodies on the floor, then he sees the warrior and a young woman huddled together.

they obviously are both focused on something on the floor in front of him suddenly she reaches over and opens what is now clearly a small box.

[... Whaaa...?]

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He didnt realize how much he had cared for Xalaryn until just now- Despite his lack of interest, She was the most likely to be a life-long companion. Much to his surprise, A tear was forming in his eye as he beheld her lifeless body. Ryukai really saw no reason to end the vampires demonic acts this moment- Just kill the vampire now, The immense violence would end, And He'd be a VampireSlayer! There is no downfall he noticed from here. He reached from in his pack, Grabbed two equally lengthed swords, jumped up and slashed down in Raiths Direction.


Ryukai slashed and stabbed at the Vampires unconscious form- This has to end- Now. He finally swung both swords around and struck them both down- right into Raiths chest- A hint of dark red was visible in the water from that point on. [No, Kat. He didnt kill her. Vampires need to be attacked at the heart directly- Ryukai carelessly attacked and missed multiple times. She'll just be a bit sore once she gets up.]

Two bloody heaps of body in the cave, Ryukai figured he'd just leave them there. He has no use for them, And he didnt want to risk Xalaryn reviving into an undead form during a ceremonial funeral and begin attacking everyone.


The water had flooded out all the way from inside the cave, Bloodstained stone surrounded Xalaryn and Raith. Ryukai walked over to Naomi in a depressed manner, Handed her the key, "Wheres the lock you need this for... I'll try to make every effort necessary to help you with it." There isnt anything Ryukai could do with Raith or Xalaryn...

"Here it is." she said quietly, seeing how sad he was. She took the box out of her pack and handed it to him. The shock of everything slowly faded as she relized that if this key opened the box, she would be free, and the real killer might be found. Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open. [Alright. Go ahead and take your time, Arkcher. I understand how busy you get running your own site. My brother used to, and he was on the computer almost all day, every day.]

[Not really, Im still making my website, Im only half-way running it. I'll probably be on about 5 times every week or so now]

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[ok, I think I have caught up now]


dimearsh cautiously approaches the cave, strangely the ground is muddy outside. and there is signs that a dragon had passed this way recently

as he enters, he first sees the bodies on the floor, then he sees the warrior and a young woman huddled together.

they obviously are both focused on something on the floor in front of him suddenly she reaches over and opens what is now clearly a small box.

[... Whaaa...?]

[did you not notice the month-long gap between by posts?

I am there now, and waiting for something to happen.

must I rationalise every detail?]

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[ok, I think I have caught up now]


dimearsh cautiously approaches the cave, strangely the ground is muddy outside. and there is signs that a dragon had passed this way recently

as he enters, he first sees the bodies on the floor, then he sees the warrior and a young woman huddled together.

they obviously are both focused on something on the floor in front of him suddenly she reaches over and opens what is now clearly a small box.

[... Whaaa...?]

[did you not notice the month-long gap between by posts?

I am there now, and waiting for something to happen.

must I rationalise every detail?]

[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

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[the she refered to is naomi, it is her box, is it not?

anyways, the contents of the box are probably critical to the continuing plot. so until that is revealed, I cannot act, unless something happens that is more imprtant to my goals.]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

[Gah. x_O;;]


[My message boards coming along real slow, I have some time now and you cant think of a post. Gaaaaahh...]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

[Gah. x_O;;]


[My message boards coming along real slow, I have some time now and you cant think of a post. Gaaaaahh...]

[Life can be cruel.  8) ]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

[Gah. x_O;;]


[My message boards coming along real slow, I have some time now and you cant think of a post. Gaaaaahh...]

[Life can be cruel.  8) ]

[True.... Now think of something before my eye twitches itself off. @_o;]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

[Gah. x_O;;]


[My message boards coming along real slow, I have some time now and you cant think of a post. Gaaaaahh...]

[Life can be cruel.  8) ]

[True.... Now think of something before my eye twitches itself off. @_o;]

[i thought that your sanity took you eyes.]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

[Gah. x_O;;]


[My message boards coming along real slow, I have some time now and you cant think of a post. Gaaaaahh...]

[Life can be cruel.  8) ]

[True.... Now think of something before my eye twitches itself off. @_o;]

[i thought that your sanity took you eyes.]

IF they did that, Then i wouldnt be able to see! :eek []

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

[Gah. x_O;;]


[My message boards coming along real slow, I have some time now and you cant think of a post. Gaaaaahh...]

[Life can be cruel.  8) ]

[True.... Now think of something before my eye twitches itself off. @_o;]

[i thought that your sanity took you eyes.]

IF they did that, Then i wouldnt be able to see! :eek []

[THat is correct. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Can't...think...of...thing...in...box! Must...talk...like...this!

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

[Gah. x_O;;]


[My message boards coming along real slow, I have some time now and you cant think of a post. Gaaaaahh...]

[Life can be cruel.  8) ]

[True.... Now think of something before my eye twitches itself off. @_o;]

[i thought that your sanity took you eyes.]

IF they did that, Then i wouldnt be able to see! :eek []

[THat is correct. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Can't...think...of...thing...in...box! Must...talk...like...this!

[Was it a Hot Dog, by chance? ??? ]

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[No, Im just not quite understanding the last centance in that post, nor do i quite get why Horatio '[ :eek ]' 'd. Mneh.]

[i had been reading the story and that was my reaction at that point... I gasped and held my breath for a moment]

[Aaaahh..... .... I do regret to admit im still confused though. Just forget it]

[i wasn't supposed to open the box yet, was I?]

[i dunno. o_o]



Ryukai slowly slid the key into the lock and turned it. A small "klink" was heard as the lock opened. Naomi grabed the lock and tore the lid of the box open.


[... We opened it, Its your post. Whats inside?]

[Gimme a while. I forgot. I had it planned out when I made the first post w/ the box, but it's been a while, and I didn't think to write it down. It'll come to me. Eventually.*


*j/k. Maybe a day or two.]

[Gah. x_O;;]


[My message boards coming along real slow, I have some time now and you cant think of a post. Gaaaaahh...]

[Life can be cruel.  8) ]

[True.... Now think of something before my eye twitches itself off. @_o;]

[i thought that your sanity took you eyes.]

IF they did that, Then i wouldnt be able to see! :eek []

[THat is correct. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Can't...think...of...thing...in...box! Must...talk...like...this!

[Was it a Hot Dog, by chance? ??? ]

[No. I hate hot dogs. Blek.]

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

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[what is in the box??{the severed head of Naomi's evil twin??

a signed confession?? the murder weapon??}

will raith be upset about being stabbed repeatedly??

the awnsers to these and other questions in our next exiting episode...]





[just bored. . .]

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

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(Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n)

[i want sword-chucks! Shiney ones would be a bounus...]

[How many swords could a sword-chuck chuck if a sword-chuck could chuck swords?]

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(Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n)

[i want sword-chucks! Shiney ones would be a bounus...]

[How many swords could a sword-chuck chuck if a sword-chuck could chuck swords?]


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(Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n)

[i want sword-chucks! Shiney ones would be a bounus...]

[How many swords could a sword-chuck chuck if a sword-chuck could chuck swords?]



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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

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[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]

[i thought it was on the ground. And don't worry, that wasn't RPing her. Even if it was, I gave you permission.]

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[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]

[i thought it was on the ground. And don't worry, that wasn't RPing her. Even if it was, I gave you permission.]

[...? o_O]

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[ill be out of town for a while, feel free to RP dimearsh,

currently, he views raith as a possible ally, and rukyaki as best kept at a distance. however, STARCHILD constantly seeks to destroy evil, and may consider TARI a target, depending on the circumstances surrounding the massacares, and possibly how long it has been in the box (inanimate objects tending to retain an aura of what they are used for.)]

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[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]

[i thought it was on the ground. And don't worry, that wasn't RPing her. Even if it was, I gave you permission.]

[...? o_O]

[Eh? ??? ]

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[ill be out of town for a while, feel free to RP dimearsh,

currently, he views raith as a possible ally, and rukyaki as best kept at a distance. however, STARCHILD constantly seeks to destroy evil, and may consider TARI a target, depending on the circumstances surrounding the massacares, and possibly how long it has been in the box (inanimate objects tending to retain an aura of what they are used for.)]

[it had bee in in the box for about 3-4 weeks, and the massacures were (Or is it "where"? HORATIO?!?!)because the town was in the way of whatever the wielder wanted.]

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[Hi. >_>; ]

[somebody gonna do something?]

[Eventually. Im currently trying to cram three (including this one) RP topics into my already tight schedule, Not including my own RPG site. Gah. x_X; I'll get to something in a minute.]

[Don't let me rush you. If you have more inmportand things to do, go ahead and do them.] I might not be able to post this, becase my cat is sitting on me hand, and I can't reach the mouse. He is making it very hard to reach the back-space and U button w/ my right hand. I can't even get to Y. But he's so cute, and I can't move him. Oaky. He got off.]

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[what is in the box??{the severed head of Naomi's evil twin??

a signed confession?? the murder weapon??}

will raith be upset about being stabbed repeatedly??

the awnsers to these and other questions in our next exiting episode...]





[just bored. . .]

[Maybe its a basketball. OR a dolly. Or a brick! Or maybe a walrus with a tophat...! But no, What sin the box is even better than a shiney pointy thing, or even all those things combinged- ITS A MUFFIN!! Muffins are Kerrigans favorite food in the whole wide universe. In fact, She eats a muffin and a glass of orange juice for breakfast every day!]


[Ok, I need to stop quoting Kerri and her froggies. Despite its hilarity. n_n]

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[what is in the box??{the severed head of Naomi's evil twin??

a signed confession?? the murder weapon??}

will raith be upset about being stabbed repeatedly??

the awnsers to these and other questions in our next exiting episode...]





[just bored. . .]

[Maybe its a basketball. OR a dolly. Or a brick! Or maybe a walrus with a tophat...! But no, What sin the box is even better than a shiney pointy thing, or even all those things combinged- ITS A MUFFIN!! Muffins are Kerrigans favorite food in the whole wide universe. In fact, She eats a muffin and a glass of orange juice for breakfast every day!]


[Ok, I need to stop quoting Kerri and her froggies. Despite its hilarity. n_n]

[ ???  8)  :eek ]

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  • 2 weeks later...
[so bored...*falls asleep*]

[Yeah yeah. Im gettin somewhere now. I acutall have my site finished in hte making, So i should have more time. since.... im not making it. Its did.]

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[so bored...*falls asleep*]

[Yeah yeah. Im gettin somewhere now. I acutall have my site finished in hte making, So i should have more time. since.... im not making it. Its did.]

[i wasn't referring to the topic specificaly. I just meant in general. *shuts up becasue My Eternal is on*]

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[Typing with a cat on your arm isnt as easy as it sounds, i know. :laughing ]


[Now, Once i get around to looking back and finding the last IC post, i'll get somethingdone. Heck, i might do that right now.]

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

[i guess this is it?]


Ryukai glanced around- His surroundings seemed somewhat larger. It seemed more populated, but with less trees. and Naomi's. and Caves. with dead vampires in them. He thought he had heard something screeching not too distant from him, He scanned the area for what could have made the noise, When he had seen fire. Fires, burning down buildings, many of which still had people in them, More people on homicidal rages, chasing other people left and right with blades- Stabbing, Slashing, Hookslapping (I do that in fencing lessons. Woohoo. You stab someones shirt and pull back, then to a slap move on them. They dont like it much. do it persistantly and you win from being annoying.) jabbing, scratching... Ryukai heard the grass rustling behind him as if someone or something was running for him, He clenches his 11-year old fists and whipped around to face the adversary to find a madman with a knife searing right at him- too fast he couldnt defend himself-- and... Hr let out a blood-curdling scream of his own from pain, Then faster than he realized what was happening... He was back in the present, Silent forest, Naomi in front of him looking puzzled in his direction. He was standing, all muscles tense, mostly drenched in cold sweat as he panted lightly and gratefully looked around in the realistic environment.


"Eh... So... What do we do with it now?"


As he struggled to speak, Ryukai's eyes began fading in and out of focus uncontrollabley.

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

[i guess this is it?]


Ryukai glanced around- His surroundings seemed somewhat larger. It seemed more populated, but with less trees. and Naomi's. and Caves. with dead vampires in them. He thought he had heard something screeching not too distant from him, He scanned the area for what could have made the noise, When he had seen fire. Fires, burning down buildings, many of which still had people in them, More people on homicidal rages, chasing other people left and right with blades- Stabbing, Slashing, Hookslapping (I do that in fencing lessons. Woohoo. You stab someones shirt and pull back, then to a slap move on them. They dont like it much. do it persistantly and you win from being annoying.) jabbing, scratching... Ryukai heard the grass rustling behind him as if someone or something was running for him, He clenches his 11-year old fists and whipped around to face the adversary to find a madman with a knife searing right at him- too fast he couldnt defend himself-- and... Hr let out a blood-curdling scream of his own from pain, Then faster than he realized what was happening... He was back in the present, Silent forest, Naomi in front of him looking puzzled in his direction. He was standing, all muscles tense, mostly drenched in cold sweat as he panted lightly and gratefully looked around in the realistic environment.


"Eh... So... What do we do with it now?"


As he struggled to speak, Ryukai's eyes began fading in and out of focus uncontrollabley.

Naomi quickly closed the box. "We take it to back to Holly, my hometown." She picked the box up and got to her feet, still rather shakey from her memory, and placed to box back in her pocket. Ryukai followed. [sorry if that's RPing. I just assumed he would.]


Raith saw the same thing happen to Ryukai as had happened to Naomi. Then, the two got up and started to leave. Raith couldn't let them do that. She needed to figure out who had stabbed her. If they hadden't, maybe they saw who did. Wound almost fully healed. She stood up and yelled "Stop!"

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it seemed the time to act, with the dagger stowed away, starchild's urgings had faded. quickly, he stepped to the side, and waited for the young woman and her companion to pass, suddenly, the vampire stood up and shouted "stop!", that is what she had to be, a vampire since no demon would give warning, and no mortal could have survived that attack.
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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

[i guess this is it?]


Ryukai glanced around- His surroundings seemed somewhat larger. It seemed more populated, but with less trees. and Naomi's. and Caves. with dead vampires in them. He thought he had heard something screeching not too distant from him, He scanned the area for what could have made the noise, When he had seen fire. Fires, burning down buildings, many of which still had people in them, More people on homicidal rages, chasing other people left and right with blades- Stabbing, Slashing, Hookslapping (I do that in fencing lessons. Woohoo. You stab someones shirt and pull back, then to a slap move on them. They dont like it much. do it persistantly and you win from being annoying.) jabbing, scratching... Ryukai heard the grass rustling behind him as if someone or something was running for him, He clenches his 11-year old fists and whipped around to face the adversary to find a madman with a knife searing right at him- too fast he couldnt defend himself-- and... Hr let out a blood-curdling scream of his own from pain, Then faster than he realized what was happening... He was back in the present, Silent forest, Naomi in front of him looking puzzled in his direction. He was standing, all muscles tense, mostly drenched in cold sweat as he panted lightly and gratefully looked around in the realistic environment.


"Eh... So... What do we do with it now?"


As he struggled to speak, Ryukai's eyes began fading in and out of focus uncontrollabley.

Naomi quickly closed the box. "We take it to back to Holly, my hometown." She picked the box up and got to her feet, still rather shakey from her memory, and placed to box back in her pocket. Ryukai followed. [sorry if that's RPing. I just assumed he would.]


Raith saw the same thing happen to Ryukai as had happened to Naomi. Then, the two got up and started to leave. Raith couldn't let them do that. She needed to figure out who had stabbed her. If they hadden't, maybe they saw who did. Wound almost fully healed. She stood up and yelled "Stop!"

Ryukai glanced behind himself to see Raith, struggling to stand while gripping her lower chest to prevent blood loss, (or whatever reason people do that. I dunno.) As his eye began twitching uncontrollabley at how persistant Raith had been.


"I've killed you once, And i can do it again if you need me to!"

He threatened, while reaching behind himself and drew out two of his sharpest swords, And while hoping Raith didnt see, had picked up the key that stored most of his power in it, And kept a firm grip on it with the sword on his right.

Ryukai, without turning his head, looked to either sign of himself for signs of Naomi, to warn her that this may or may not necessarily be pretty.

Ryukai struck a battle ready stance, and waited for Raiths move.

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

[i guess this is it?]


Ryukai glanced around- His surroundings seemed somewhat larger. It seemed more populated, but with less trees. and Naomi's. and Caves. with dead vampires in them. He thought he had heard something screeching not too distant from him, He scanned the area for what could have made the noise, When he had seen fire. Fires, burning down buildings, many of which still had people in them, More people on homicidal rages, chasing other people left and right with blades- Stabbing, Slashing, Hookslapping (I do that in fencing lessons. Woohoo. You stab someones shirt and pull back, then to a slap move on them. They dont like it much. do it persistantly and you win from being annoying.) jabbing, scratching... Ryukai heard the grass rustling behind him as if someone or something was running for him, He clenches his 11-year old fists and whipped around to face the adversary to find a madman with a knife searing right at him- too fast he couldnt defend himself-- and... Hr let out a blood-curdling scream of his own from pain, Then faster than he realized what was happening... He was back in the present, Silent forest, Naomi in front of him looking puzzled in his direction. He was standing, all muscles tense, mostly drenched in cold sweat as he panted lightly and gratefully looked around in the realistic environment.


"Eh... So... What do we do with it now?"


As he struggled to speak, Ryukai's eyes began fading in and out of focus uncontrollabley.

Naomi quickly closed the box. "We take it to back to Holly, my hometown." She picked the box up and got to her feet, still rather shakey from her memory, and placed to box back in her pocket. Ryukai followed. [sorry if that's RPing. I just assumed he would.]


Raith saw the same thing happen to Ryukai as had happened to Naomi. Then, the two got up and started to leave. Raith couldn't let them do that. She needed to figure out who had stabbed her. If they hadden't, maybe they saw who did. Wound almost fully healed. She stood up and yelled "Stop!"

Ryukai glanced behind himself to see Raith, struggling to stand while gripping her lower chest to prevent blood loss, (or whatever reason people do that. I dunno.) As his eye began twitching uncontrollabley at how persistant Raith had been.


"I've killed you once, And i can do it again if you need me to!"

He threatened, while reaching behind himself and drew out two of his sharpest swords, And while hoping Raith didnt see, had picked up the key that stored most of his power in it, And kept a firm grip on it with the sword on his right.

Ryukai, without turning his head, looked to either sign of himself for signs of Naomi, to warn her that this may or may not necessarily be pretty.

Ryukai struck a battle ready stance, and waited for Raiths move.

[Alrighty. I need to RP Ryukai. Can I?]

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

[i guess this is it?]


Ryukai glanced around- His surroundings seemed somewhat larger. It seemed more populated, but with less trees. and Naomi's. and Caves. with dead vampires in them. He thought he had heard something screeching not too distant from him, He scanned the area for what could have made the noise, When he had seen fire. Fires, burning down buildings, many of which still had people in them, More people on homicidal rages, chasing other people left and right with blades- Stabbing, Slashing, Hookslapping (I do that in fencing lessons. Woohoo. You stab someones shirt and pull back, then to a slap move on them. They dont like it much. do it persistantly and you win from being annoying.) jabbing, scratching... Ryukai heard the grass rustling behind him as if someone or something was running for him, He clenches his 11-year old fists and whipped around to face the adversary to find a madman with a knife searing right at him- too fast he couldnt defend himself-- and... Hr let out a blood-curdling scream of his own from pain, Then faster than he realized what was happening... He was back in the present, Silent forest, Naomi in front of him looking puzzled in his direction. He was standing, all muscles tense, mostly drenched in cold sweat as he panted lightly and gratefully looked around in the realistic environment.


"Eh... So... What do we do with it now?"


As he struggled to speak, Ryukai's eyes began fading in and out of focus uncontrollabley.

Naomi quickly closed the box. "We take it to back to Holly, my hometown." She picked the box up and got to her feet, still rather shakey from her memory, and placed to box back in her pocket. Ryukai followed. [sorry if that's RPing. I just assumed he would.]


Raith saw the same thing happen to Ryukai as had happened to Naomi. Then, the two got up and started to leave. Raith couldn't let them do that. She needed to figure out who had stabbed her. If they hadden't, maybe they saw who did. Wound almost fully healed. She stood up and yelled "Stop!"

Ryukai glanced behind himself to see Raith, struggling to stand while gripping her lower chest to prevent blood loss, (or whatever reason people do that. I dunno.) As his eye began twitching uncontrollabley at how persistant Raith had been.


"I've killed you once, And i can do it again if you need me to!"

He threatened, while reaching behind himself and drew out two of his sharpest swords, And while hoping Raith didnt see, had picked up the key that stored most of his power in it, And kept a firm grip on it with the sword on his right.

Ryukai, without turning his head, looked to either sign of himself for signs of Naomi, to warn her that this may or may not necessarily be pretty.

Ryukai struck a battle ready stance, and waited for Raiths move.

[Alrighty. I need to RP Ryukai. Can I?]

[Go on. I have different characters i can add, You can bite 'im if you need to. Only do so as a last resort though.... if that made sense.]

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

[i guess this is it?]


Ryukai glanced around- His surroundings seemed somewhat larger. It seemed more populated, but with less trees. and Naomi's. and Caves. with dead vampires in them. He thought he had heard something screeching not too distant from him, He scanned the area for what could have made the noise, When he had seen fire. Fires, burning down buildings, many of which still had people in them, More people on homicidal rages, chasing other people left and right with blades- Stabbing, Slashing, Hookslapping (I do that in fencing lessons. Woohoo. You stab someones shirt and pull back, then to a slap move on them. They dont like it much. do it persistantly and you win from being annoying.) jabbing, scratching... Ryukai heard the grass rustling behind him as if someone or something was running for him, He clenches his 11-year old fists and whipped around to face the adversary to find a madman with a knife searing right at him- too fast he couldnt defend himself-- and... Hr let out a blood-curdling scream of his own from pain, Then faster than he realized what was happening... He was back in the present, Silent forest, Naomi in front of him looking puzzled in his direction. He was standing, all muscles tense, mostly drenched in cold sweat as he panted lightly and gratefully looked around in the realistic environment.


"Eh... So... What do we do with it now?"


As he struggled to speak, Ryukai's eyes began fading in and out of focus uncontrollabley.

Naomi quickly closed the box. "We take it to back to Holly, my hometown." She picked the box up and got to her feet, still rather shakey from her memory, and placed to box back in her pocket. Ryukai followed. [sorry if that's RPing. I just assumed he would.]


Raith saw the same thing happen to Ryukai as had happened to Naomi. Then, the two got up and started to leave. Raith couldn't let them do that. She needed to figure out who had stabbed her. If they hadden't, maybe they saw who did. Wound almost fully healed. She stood up and yelled "Stop!"

Ryukai glanced behind himself to see Raith, struggling to stand while gripping her lower chest to prevent blood loss, (or whatever reason people do that. I dunno.) As his eye began twitching uncontrollabley at how persistant Raith had been.


"I've killed you once, And i can do it again if you need me to!"

He threatened, while reaching behind himself and drew out two of his sharpest swords, And while hoping Raith didnt see, had picked up the key that stored most of his power in it, And kept a firm grip on it with the sword on his right.

Ryukai, without turning his head, looked to either sign of himself for signs of Naomi, to warn her that this may or may not necessarily be pretty.

Ryukai struck a battle ready stance, and waited for Raiths move.

[Alrighty. I need to RP Ryukai. Can I?]

[Go on. I have different characters i can add, You can bite 'im if you need to. Only do so as a last resort though.... if that made sense.]

[Kewl.] "So you did that to me?" she said venumously, pointing toward the sscar of the hole. "Not wise." She lunged at Ryukai, but he quickly doged, holding his sword out to the side to stab her. She doged, too, but not by enough, so she got a nasty cut on her shoulder. It was already healing, but with the other wound, she knew that she had lost too much blood. Because of her attack, she was now past Ryukai and right at the mouth of the cave. She turned and ran out of the cave as fast as she could.


Naomi watched as the vampire lunged at Ryukai. She tried to change and help him, but terror had taken over. She huddled up in a corner, so the vampire couldn't see her. As soon as the vampire left. She got back up, shaking. With the vampire on the run, this would be the perfect tome to head back to the town without having to worry about it chasing her. She started sprinting out of the cave. They were deep in the forest, and she needed toget out of it as quickly as she could.

[Alright. How bad did I screw up?]

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that had resolved well enough, thouight Dimearsh, he set off into the forest to find the vampire, despite Starchild's urgings to find out the girl's purpose for the knife.


maybe after his freind had been avenged.



he followed the trail, and then realised, "I am pursuing a wounded vampire, I might get attacked before I have time to speak, perhapos if I brought a gift."

he then turned his efforts and soon had captured several large rabbits. it was not much, but hopefully would buy him time to make his proposal.



[ok, kat, your ball,so to speak.]

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that had resolved well enough, thouight Dimearsh, he set off into the forest to find the vampire, despite Starchild's urgings to find out the girl's purpose for the knife.


maybe after his freind had been avenged.



he followed the trail, and then realised, "I am pursuing a wounded vampire, I might get attacked before I have time to speak, perhapos if I brought a gift."

he then turned his efforts and soon had captured several large rabbits. it was not much, but hopefully would buy him time to make his proposal.



[ok, kat, your ball,so to speak.]

[*plays with ball* Nothings coming to me at the moment. More later.]

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

[i guess this is it?]


Ryukai glanced around- His surroundings seemed somewhat larger. It seemed more populated, but with less trees. and Naomi's. and Caves. with dead vampires in them. He thought he had heard something screeching not too distant from him, He scanned the area for what could have made the noise, When he had seen fire. Fires, burning down buildings, many of which still had people in them, More people on homicidal rages, chasing other people left and right with blades- Stabbing, Slashing, Hookslapping (I do that in fencing lessons. Woohoo. You stab someones shirt and pull back, then to a slap move on them. They dont like it much. do it persistantly and you win from being annoying.) jabbing, scratching... Ryukai heard the grass rustling behind him as if someone or something was running for him, He clenches his 11-year old fists and whipped around to face the adversary to find a madman with a knife searing right at him- too fast he couldnt defend himself-- and... Hr let out a blood-curdling scream of his own from pain, Then faster than he realized what was happening... He was back in the present, Silent forest, Naomi in front of him looking puzzled in his direction. He was standing, all muscles tense, mostly drenched in cold sweat as he panted lightly and gratefully looked around in the realistic environment.


"Eh... So... What do we do with it now?"


As he struggled to speak, Ryukai's eyes began fading in and out of focus uncontrollabley.

Naomi quickly closed the box. "We take it to back to Holly, my hometown." She picked the box up and got to her feet, still rather shakey from her memory, and placed to box back in her pocket. Ryukai followed. [sorry if that's RPing. I just assumed he would.]


Raith saw the same thing happen to Ryukai as had happened to Naomi. Then, the two got up and started to leave. Raith couldn't let them do that. She needed to figure out who had stabbed her. If they hadden't, maybe they saw who did. Wound almost fully healed. She stood up and yelled "Stop!"

Ryukai glanced behind himself to see Raith, struggling to stand while gripping her lower chest to prevent blood loss, (or whatever reason people do that. I dunno.) As his eye began twitching uncontrollabley at how persistant Raith had been.


"I've killed you once, And i can do it again if you need me to!"

He threatened, while reaching behind himself and drew out two of his sharpest swords, And while hoping Raith didnt see, had picked up the key that stored most of his power in it, And kept a firm grip on it with the sword on his right.

Ryukai, without turning his head, looked to either sign of himself for signs of Naomi, to warn her that this may or may not necessarily be pretty.

Ryukai struck a battle ready stance, and waited for Raiths move.

[Alrighty. I need to RP Ryukai. Can I?]

[Go on. I have different characters i can add, You can bite 'im if you need to. Only do so as a last resort though.... if that made sense.]

[Kewl.] "So you did that to me?" she said venumously, pointing toward the sscar of the hole. "Not wise." She lunged at Ryukai, but he quickly doged, holding his sword out to the side to stab her. She doged, too, but not by enough, so she got a nasty cut on her shoulder. It was already healing, but with the other wound, she knew that she had lost too much blood. Because of her attack, she was now past Ryukai and right at the mouth of the cave. She turned and ran out of the cave as fast as she could.


Naomi watched as the vampire lunged at Ryukai. She tried to change and help him, but terror had taken over. She huddled up in a corner, so the vampire couldn't see her. As soon as the vampire left. She got back up, shaking. With the vampire on the run, this would be the perfect tome to head back to the town without having to worry about it chasing her. She started sprinting out of the cave. They were deep in the forest, and she needed toget out of it as quickly as she could.

[Alright. How bad did I screw up?]

[Not too badly...]


Ryukai, without thinking, Just darted off after Raith as fast as he could. He might actually get this creature this time... If this doesnt kill it, Theres something wrong, either with his attack style or the vampires mortality.

With the key of his power in his hand, He had made an attempt to energize himself into running faster, And ended up dashing some 12 MPH. (Thats really pretty fast for just running.) Hed gain on the vampire soon... He didnt see it anywhere at the time being though. He has a whole forest to look through though.


[Go ahead and RP Ryukai man if you want. or need to. whatever.]

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[Arkcher, if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. I completely forgot what was in the #$%@ box!]

[some kinda crystal, gem thing... Maybe one that gives some sort of power to whoesoever may wield it...?

Maybe it could be a dagger or something... Bah i dont know, How big is the box? Its impossible to detirmine whats inside if we dont know how big the stuff is]

[HA! I remember!]


As the box opened, they could see a small, glowing blade. It was inscribed with many ancient symbols. Something about the blade looked familliar. She was sure she had seen it before. But when, and where?


Raith came to, but was nearly knocked out again by a blinding pain under her heart. She slowly looked down to see a giant hole there. She also saw the cat-girl and Ryukai gathered around something glowing. Another man was near the cave enterance. She decided it would be best to pretend that she was still out of it untill her wound healed. Then she would find out who did this to her.

[Hmm. Revenge on Ryukai sounds fun n_n Wheeeee.]

[should Ryukai or anyone have any memory of seeing it before like Naomi? Just to add creepiness and such, yeah.]


Ryukai looked down at the glowing blade in the small box, admiring its shiney-ness. (Shiney Sword-chucks. n_n) The small inscriptions appeared to be a language he had seen before, The text seemed familiar, He had no interest in the blade. (Just a thought, He might be able to read it? If it says something of significance, You can RP Ryukai for him reading whatever it says in the next few posts or whenever.)

[Good. I was about to ask for RP permission!] Ryukai slowly read the inscribtion. "Tari: The Repeler, Bestower, and Distuctor". He frowned slightly. "I guesse that's it's name." But Naomi din't hear that last sentance. She was lost in a swirl of memories. That name had brought back many memories, but one stood out amoung the rest, like a lighthouse surrounded by candels. She foucused all her mind on that one, and she drifted into a flashback...

"NOOOOO!" she was screaming. She looked around. Everyone was dead even her parents, and they where the best of the guard. Nobody could save her. A tall, pale man in a cloak was towering over her, holding Tari. He was grinning evily. "All that stands in my was is a 6 year old girl? HA! Vicory is so close that I can taste it!" He siezed Naomi and stabbed her in the upper arm, dropped her, and left her for dead. Right before she blacked out, she could see him stride into the castle, very proudly. Whatever it was he wanted, it was his. Suddenly, pain overtook her, and she passed out.

Ryukai saw the glased look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, but she didn't answer. After about five mins. she slowly came out of her trance-like state. Ryukai repeated the question, but she still din't answer. She looked carefully at the blade, and reatched out a hand to pick it up. This was the blade that killed her real parents. This was why she din't remember anything of her life before she turned seven. She also started to remember long, boring setions wit hthe royal mage, and how he wiped her memory, replacing it with false one of her new parents. Her hand was only a little way from the blade, but as soon as she got closer than half a foot, a great pain shot throught her upper arm, at the place she was stabbed. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and she realized that her hand was withdrawn, even though she didn't do it.


Raith peeked under her eyelid, watching, and realized that she, too, had seen this blade. But it was not wielded against her. In her town, before she was bitten, there was a massacre, but many had escaped. That little blade was the sole weapon tha killed half her town. [You can remember it if ya want, Arkcher. It as just part of my backstory. Go ahead and RP Naomi or Raith if need be.]

[Wait a minute, Whos holding it? o_O]


Ryukai silently watched as Naomi drew her hand closer to the blade, then reflexively rear back away from it, and go back into thought. (Sorry if thats RPing Naomi, But the closest thing i could think of to progress here.) Ryukai heard something behind him- It sounded like a small rustle in the water. He turned his head around and saw small ripples fllow in the small stoney puddles in the cave. IT seems he had much more to learn about killing vampires... [it wasnt Raith, But he dont know that <_<;; ]

[i guess this is it?]


Ryukai glanced around- His surroundings seemed somewhat larger. It seemed more populated, but with less trees. and Naomi's. and Caves. with dead vampires in them. He thought he had heard something screeching not too distant from him, He scanned the area for what could have made the noise, When he had seen fire. Fires, burning down buildings, many of which still had people in them, More people on homicidal rages, chasing other people left and right with blades- Stabbing, Slashing, Hookslapping (I do that in fencing lessons. Woohoo. You stab someones shirt and pull back, then to a slap move on them. They dont like it much. do it persistantly and you win from being annoying.) jabbing, scratching... Ryukai heard the grass rustling behind him as if someone or something was running for him, He clenches his 11-year old fists and whipped around to face the adversary to find a madman with a knife searing right at him- too fast he couldnt defend himself-- and... Hr let out a blood-curdling scream of his own from pain, Then faster than he realized what was happening... He was back in the present, Silent forest, Naomi in front of him looking puzzled in his direction. He was standing, all muscles tense, mostly drenched in cold sweat as he panted lightly and gratefully looked around in the realistic environment.


"Eh... So... What do we do with it now?"


As he struggled to speak, Ryukai's eyes began fading in and out of focus uncontrollabley.

Naomi quickly closed the box. "We take it to back to Holly, my hometown." She picked the box up and got to her feet, still rather shakey from her memory, and placed to box back in her pocket. Ryukai followed. [sorry if that's RPing. I just assumed he would.]


Raith saw the same thing happen to Ryukai as had happened to Naomi. Then, the two got up and started to leave. Raith couldn't let them do that. She needed to figure out who had stabbed her. If they hadden't, maybe they saw who did. Wound almost fully healed. She stood up and yelled "Stop!"

Ryukai glanced behind himself to see Raith, struggling to stand while gripping her lower chest to prevent blood loss, (or whatever reason people do that. I dunno.) As his eye began twitching uncontrollabley at how persistant Raith had been.


"I've killed you once, And i can do it again if you need me to!"

He threatened, while reaching behind himself and drew out two of his sharpest swords, And while hoping Raith didnt see, had picked up the key that stored most of his power in it, And kept a firm grip on it with the sword on his right.

Ryukai, without turning his head, looked to either sign of himself for signs of Naomi, to warn her that this may or may not necessarily be pretty.

Ryukai struck a battle ready stance, and waited for Raiths move.

[Alrighty. I need to RP Ryukai. Can I?]

[Go on. I have different characters i can add, You can bite 'im if you need to. Only do so as a last resort though.... if that made sense.]

[Kewl.] "So you did that to me?" she said venumously, pointing toward the sscar of the hole. "Not wise." She lunged at Ryukai, but he quickly doged, holding his sword out to the side to stab her. She doged, too, but not by enough, so she got a nasty cut on her shoulder. It was already healing, but with the other wound, she knew that she had lost too much blood. Because of her attack, she was now past Ryukai and right at the mouth of the cave. She turned and ran out of the cave as fast as she could.


Naomi watched as the vampire lunged at Ryukai. She tried to change and help him, but terror had taken over. She huddled up in a corner, so the vampire couldn't see her. As soon as the vampire left. She got back up, shaking. With the vampire on the run, this would be the perfect tome to head back to the town without having to worry about it chasing her. She started sprinting out of the cave. They were deep in the forest, and she needed toget out of it as quickly as she could.

[Alright. How bad did I screw up?]

[Not too badly...]


Ryukai, without thinking, Just darted off after Raith as fast as he could. He might actually get this creature this time... If this doesnt kill it, Theres something wrong, either with his attack style or the vampires mortality.

With the key of his power in his hand, He had made an attempt to energize himself into running faster, And ended up dashing some 12 MPH. (Thats really pretty fast for just running.) Hed gain on the vampire soon... He didnt see it anywhere at the time being though. He has a whole forest to look through though.


[Go ahead and RP Ryukai man if you want. or need to. whatever.]

[Aight.] Ryukai had reached the clearing that Raith was in, but he didn't know it. Raith was sitting in a tree, watching. She was completely healed now. All she had to do was wait for the right time to strike. Finally, she saw it. He had his side facing her, but his head was pointed the other way. She jumped out of the tree at him, but something was in the way. He had been in the process of lifting a large key above his head, and she had struck just when it was in front of his neck. As she pulled back, she realized that the key was in her mouth. She spit it out as, of course, Ryukai turned to face what had attacked him, then reached behind his back and drew two long, sharp swords. Raith hissed threatiningly[is that a word?] and remembered her gun-blade at her waist. How could she have forgoten that? [Actually, I had forgoten it, but oh, well. She still had it.]Anyways, she drew it. They circled eachother, looking for a weakpoint to strike at. As they circled, Ryukai quickly bent down ad picked up the key, hooking it to his belt. Apperantly, after he rose, he had found a place to strike, because he lunged. Raith blocked at the last moment, wishing she haddn't wasted her last bullet on the turkey. Before she could get a strike in, he jumped back and they continued to circle eachother. As this contuned for a few mins., Raith got tired of it. Finally, she spotted an area that would be hard, but not impossible to defend from his stance. She thust her blade out and caught him uner the arm, but not severly. He dropped his sword though, leaving him with only one. But instead of attacking, he reached for the key again and held it high over his head, giving off a blinding light that knocked Raith off her feet. As the light receeded, he continued to glow and walked over to Raith, raising his sword. Raith got to her knees and bowed her head. It was part of her code to die with honor. Ryukai raised his sword over his head, ready to bring in down. Even if the blow didn't kill her, it would cripple her enough to stab her in the heart. But just as he brought the sword down, somebody slid to a halt in front of Raith, blocking his blow with another gun-blade and sending him stumbling back from force and shock. Ryukai had not seen whoever it was coming. But who was it? Was it Naomi? No, she was running at high speed towards the guards in her town. Dimearsh? As he thought this, Dimearsh skidded into the clearing. Who was this? He was givin an answer as Raith got to her feet, hugged the man who seemed to be about twenty, and said, "James. What are you doing here?" "They told me you were exiled from the city." he explained. "And I couldn't let my own sister live alone in the woods. Things like this might happen." [sory, I know that once again, I didn't give warning, but I forgot to ask. If this doesn't work with what you had planned, just tell me and I'll re-write this post.]

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[We need to stop quoting all these posts, Theres a huge long quote chain there. Lets start a new one! xD]


Ryukai was now outnumbered, Two vampires against one mortal human. This can mean one thing. He once again, reached behind himself to sheat his swords, And draw one new one.

He has a sword he can only use as a last resort, It has one of the sharpest blades on the outer part, But it is hollow inside, Thin-as-paper metal that breaks easily in the center. There, inside, are small sacs of a fatal venom attached to the outer part. If anything collided with this blade. A toxin sprays in one direction, Causing death within 30 seconds. Limited warranty, Uninsured, But it kills things, Thats all Ryukai needs.

In addition to that, There are small wire barbs edging the center of the sword. Small spikes surrounding that. One stab at flesh pierces through a body, Ejects toxins, While the spines tear through the remainder of the target.

If this cant kill one of these vampires... He may not live long enough to learn actually how to kill a vampire.


His custom-made sword unsheathed, And with the other hand, he grabbed the vampire-drool-covered key, Making a lethal weaponry combination.


"If you want me... Come get me..."


He taunted toward them, Ready to kill them.


[Kat, If you dont want other of them dying, You can RP that Ryukai just underestimated and misses most of the time. (Its a pretty big sword though.)]


[if my description of Saolu (his lethal sword) confused you, Heres a not-real-good picture of it.




.\++\ Legend:

..\0x0\  \ = Blade | x = Wire barb

...\0+0\  0 = Toxin pouch | + = Spike



Yeah. I mostly just felt like typing that.]

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[We need to stop quoting all these posts, Theres a huge long quote chain there. Lets start a new one! xD]


Ryukai was now outnumbered, Two vampires against one mortal human. This can mean one thing. He once again, reached behind himself to sheat his swords, And draw one new one.

He has a sword he can only use as a last resort, It has one of the sharpest blades on the outer part, But it is hollow inside, Thin-as-paper metal that breaks easily in the center. There, inside, are small sacs of a fatal venom attached to the outer part. If anything collided with this blade. A toxin sprays in one direction, Causing death within 30 seconds. Limited warranty, Uninsured, But it kills things, Thats all Ryukai needs.

In addition to that, There are small wire barbs edging the center of the sword. Small spikes surrounding that. One stab at flesh pierces through a body, Ejects toxins, While the spines tear through the remainder of the target.

If this cant kill one of these vampires... He may not live long enough to learn actually how to kill a vampire.


His custom-made sword unsheathed, And with the other hand, he grabbed the vampire-drool-covered key, Making a lethal weaponry combination.


"If you want me... Come get me..."


He taunted toward them, Ready to kill them.


[Kat, If you dont want other of them dying, You can RP that Ryukai just underestimated and misses most of the time. (Its a pretty big sword though.)]


[if my description of Saolu (his lethal sword) confused you, Heres a not-real-good picture of it.




.\++\ Legend:

..\0x0\  \ = Blade | x = Wire barb

...\0+0\  0 = Toxin pouch | + = Spike



Yeah. I mostly just felt like typing that.]

[Woah. That was a long chain. I never noticed. And I like my charaters! I don't want 'em to die!] Ryukai pulled out a strange looking sword from under his cape and started taunting Raith and james, trying to get them to attack. both vampires were familiar with this, as it happened frequently in training. When Ryukai saw that his taunting wasn't working, he lunged in attack. He was flung back to were he was by the force of the two vampires blocking him and pushing him back as hard as they could. He used the key again, making himself heavier, so he couldn't be thrown back again, and lunged again. Although Raith and James both blocked again, he didn't go flying away because of the spell. The block sucseeded, but he was still in range for another attack. He kept attacking, but for some reason, they weren't. Ryukai started to tire from his non-stopping attack. Then he realized, that's what they want to happen! They were waiting until he was all tired out from strinking so much, and then they would attack, still having most of their energy. Ryukai backed up and chanced a look at the sky, and realized it would be dawn soon. Raith and James, seeing Ryukai do this, also looked, and saw the first tendrels of sunrise. They both hissed at the light, turned to oppisite way, and ran.


Naomi had nearly passed out. Once again, she had been passed by a vampire and remained unharmed. What's more, there were two of them! But why were they heading out of the forest? She continues running after a while. Just long enough so that she wouldn't run into the vampires again, than started sprinting again.


Raith and James had found a small cave. They piled some stones at the entrance, keeping others out, and slept.

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this was getting complicated, that guy just didn't know when to give up, that might serve him well, if the vampire took him into undeath. as dimearsh entered the clearing, he found he had more company than he expected, the newcomer was weilding a weapon like the vampire's

and they seemed to know each other, the young warrior was  down to his last sword, and a large key. hopefully whoever won would be in the mood for talk, even with starchild, it would be tough to win against vampires, and there is no telling what powers this warrior's sword could have, if he held it back until now.

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Raith and James had found a small cave. They piled some stones at the entrance, keeping others out, and slept.

it was not hard to follow the two vampires, although the cave was barred, dimearsh noted the spot and set out for biger prey, two rabbits would barely distact two vampires, especially if they had rested. it took most the day, but he managed to capture a deer alive. hopefully, that would satisfy them, he returned to the cave and waited for dark.

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Raith and James had found a small cave. They piled some stones at the entrance, keeping others out, and slept.

it was not hard to follow the two vampires, although the cave was barred, dimearsh noted the spot and set out for biger prey, two rabbits would barely distact two vampires, especially if they had rested. it took most the day, but he managed to capture a deer alive. hopefully, that would satisfy them, he returned to the cave and waited for dark.

[sorry. I'm having writer's block everywhere I look (Ex: The fan fic I'm writing, RPs, thank you cards, etc.). I'll try and get up a post tomorrow.

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I'm writing, RPs, thank you cards, etc.).

I am very impressed that you are writing thank you cards.  Here is a Red Rose :rose: Award for being so very considerate and conscientious. :sleepy:


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Its been two days now since Ryukai had set out into this forest, No food, water or sleep. And after the tiring battle with the two vampires, He was on the verge of dehydration, heat exhaustion and hyperventelation. (Any of you know how to treat these? Its alright if not, i have the symptoms and ways of healing it here...)

There is one way he could recover himself, Panting immensely, hyperventelation kicked in, the air currents chained to the limited water in his body causing dehydration  had soon effected the heat exhaustion from when the first rays of the sun hit him. In a last possible attempt, He reached for his key, at his side. He picked it up, still a bit slimy from Raith, Before he could will his own power to cure him, He collapsed under his weight from weakness. (If untreated long enough he'd get heat stroke (which is a severe enough case for calling 911, Nothing civilians can handle) which would get near all the water from his body out, Killing him. Thats bad. o_O)

He lay unmovingly, barely breathing.


[Cant think of much anything else. RPers block ya know. n_n]

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as the sun sank slowly into the south-east, dimearsh realised what he was doing, actually sitting outside a vampie's cave waiting for dark. he soon recovered, and thought through his plan again, there weas the deer, he hoped it's blood would suffice for two, if not, there was starchild, ther flare shoud hold them off long enough for him to think of something,
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as the sun sank slowly into the south-east, dimearsh realised what he was doing, actually sitting outside a vampie's cave waiting for dark. he soon recovered, and thought through his plan again, there weas the deer, he hoped it's blood would suffice for two, if not, there was starchild, ther flare shoud hold them off long enough for him to think of something,

[Right now: Brain=pudding. I blame school. UNITE AGAINST TOGETHERNESS!]

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as the sun set, dimearsh readied himself to act, hopefully before moonrise, he would have allies in his hunt for revenge, the rocks blocking the cave enterce shifted, "steady now", he thought to himself, the offering waited several feet nerer the cave he waited in plain sight , sword sheathed, but ready. hoping he would have time to talk.

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as the sun set, dimearsh readied himself to act, hopefully before moonrise, he would have allies in his hunt for revenge,  the rocks blocking the cave enterce shifted, "steady now", he thought to himself, the offering waited several feet nerer the cave he waited in plain sight , sword sheathed, but ready. hoping he would have time to talk.


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{I was just about to ask for Rpermission}


as the rocks shifted, dimearsh set himself, the vampires emerged, and immediately fed upon the deer, "I hope that will suffice for now, I have a propsal to make." stated dimearsh

"it will do"replied james

there is a great evil I seek to destroy, however, I hold little hope of victory without allies in this, my quest"


"So, where do we come in?"asked raith

"Your. . condition makes you ideal allies in this, his powers should have little effect on you."replied dimearsh

"I see, and that is why you have pursued me for three days?"

"Yes, I seek only to ask your assistance, "

"And if we refuse?"

"I will attempt to leave in peace, but if you are obligated to violence towards me, I will oblige."


as this conversation occoured, james slipped around behind dimearsh, he struck, but quickly released him.



" perhaps we are not so different, you and I " said james, shaking his head.


"perhaps not, it may be that that certain quality of mankind that was taken violently from you both, I have been trading in small installments for the power this sword bestows."


"If that is so, that whom I seek is far more dangerous, for he has given it willingly to beings too dark to name, even were I standing among the fountains of paradise, and they have filled him with evil."


"I must go, what is your answer?"



[ok, how'd that go?]

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{I was just about to ask for Rpermission}


as the rocks shifted, dimearsh set himself, the vampires emerged, and immediately fed upon the deer, "I hope that will suffice for now, I have a propsal to make." stated dimearsh

"it will do"replied james

there is a great evil I seek to destroy, however, I hold little hope of victory without allies in this, my quest"


"So, where do we come in?"asked raith

"Your. . condition makes you ideal allies in this, his powers should have little effect on you."replied dimearsh

"I see, and that is why you have pursued me for three days?"

"Yes, I seek only to ask your assistance, "

"And if we refuse?"

"I will attempt to leave in peace, but if you are obligated to violence towards me, I will oblige."


as this conversation occoured, james slipped around behind dimearsh, he struck, but quickly released him.

" perhaps we are not so different, you and I " said james, shaking his head.


"perhaps not, it may be that that certain quality of mankind that was taken violently from you both,  I have been trading in small installments for the power this sword bestows."


"If that is so, that whom I seek is far more dangerous, for he has given it willingly to beings too dark to name, even were I standing among the fountains of paradise, and they have filled him with evil."


"I must go, what is your answer?"

[ok, how'd that go?]

[Not bad!] Raith looked at Dimearsh, and then at James. "I will do what James thinks is best she said, knowing her brother would make the right choice. James thought it over. After five long minutes he finally said, "We will come and see this evil of which you speak. Then we will decide wither or not to fight it with you."

[Take it away.]

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[Alright. Lexxcrapham, you can take over when you get here. I'm, doing something.]

Raith, James and Dimearsh got up and started for the edge of the forest when they heard someone in the bushes. Raith pulled out her gun-blade and slowly walked towards the bush. Ryukai was lying there. She could tell he was close to death. But did she really care? Hadn't he tried to kill her while she was uncontious? What would it matter to her if he died. Raith stood there, wondering what to do. James came over for a closer look. "Isn't that the guy who was attacking you?" he asked, heaving Ryukai out of the bushes. "Yes." said Raith. She really didn't think she would feel anything if she just let him die. She didn't think he would have let her live. Her eyes widened as James slung him over his shoulder. "Come on." he said, walking off. "He needs water." Raith stared in shock. "But he tried to kill me, James!" she said, jogging over to him. "Yes." said James. "Therefore, it would not be honorable for you to let him die this way." he looked at her wiht stern eyes. "You know the code. "Fine." Riath sighed. "But once his strengh is returned-" "We will see." interuped James.

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[Yay! -hugs- Uh. Now. Uh. o_o........ Kat, do you know how to treat heat exhaustion or heat stroke? I'll post ir if you dont]

[*hugs back* I have no idea how to treat that kindda thing. (And I'm gonna be a vet XD!) So take it away.]

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[*hugs back* I have no idea how to treat that kindda thing. (And I'm gonna be a vet XD!) So take it away.]

[You better get going if you dont know how to treat those, and going to be a vet. Overheating and dehydration cause heat exhaustion, If left untreated, If comes into heat stroke, Which isnt something you can handle and need to call 911 for. o_o]


[Ok. Heat exhaustion, The symtoms are usually, Damp or very dry skin, Uneasy breathing, Nausia, Fast heartbeat, And probably not willing to be treated.

DO NOT give the ice cold water. Give them not cold, not warm, but just cool water. IF you cool their body too fast, They'll go into shock. Thats bad. Set them in some shade, provide water, dont force it to them, Let them sit and rest, And dont talk to them a lot. They might overheat again if they think too hard. o_o;]

[Heat Exhaustion, I only know first aid for it. You get a phone and call the 911 people, (You'd know all about that too, being afraid of frogs and needing tire chains. Heh. Those are great.) And do pretty much the same thing as above. If the victim is still excessively warm, Remove any unnecessary clothing. Like just shirt, possibley pants, But just those. Keep them cool. You'll want to get ice packs of some sort and apply them to pressure points and major veins. just as neck, armpit, wrist, Places like that. Their heartbeat will be skyrocketting, So if you cool down their blood circulation, it helps a lot. The common symptoms are Dry skin, the body has run out of hydration so theres nothing left to sweat out, Little to no breathing, Possible puking, nausia, aaannndd so on.]


[in short, Just cool down their body but not very fast or they'll go into shock. If their starting on shock, They'll proably act like seizure, no response, or they seem to think their body is warm but their fingertips, toes (frostbite targets) or places like that are so cold, their numb. Dont do it. ITs bad.]


[so yeah. Go with that. and this is all off memory, I probably was some odd 75% accurate. Heh.]

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[This is something you should learn in case you see some idiot who doesnt know this. o_O]


[but then. If you dont really feel comfortable doing it, then i'll RP Raith and that other guy. o_o If you want to, then you can RP Ryukai for me. You do what you want to]

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[i have a quick and simple soution for this!]

After a few days at the monestary, Ryukai was completely healed. The monks let him out of his room for the first time in days, and he siezed to opprotunity to get some fresh air. He decided a walk n the gardens would do him some good. It was a nice quiet evening, and the flowers were beautiful. As he took a turn left, he found himself face to face with Raith and James. James looked slightly suprized. Raith glared.


Now that the mortal was better, Raith could attack whenever she wanted. But a meaningfull look from James made her hesitate drawing her gun-blade. She settle for resting her hand on the hilt, ready to pull it out if Ryukai attacked.


[i forgot my last thing with Naomi, but here it goes. I'm gonna bring her back into the story.]

Naomi woke up with a terrible headache. She rose to find that she was in a comfortable feather-bed in warm pajamas. A man walked into the room. He was bald and had organ-red robes on. "What happened?" Naomi asked. "Where am I?"


[Arkcher or lexxscrapham, if you need to RP anyone, go ahead.]

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[i have a quick and simple soution for this!]

After a few days at the monestary, Ryukai was completely healed. The monks let him out of his room for the first time in days, and he siezed to opprotunity to get some fresh air. He decided a walk n the gardens would do him some good. It was a nice quiet evening, and the flowers were beautiful. As he took a turn left, he found himself face to face with Raith and James. James looked slightly suprized. Raith glared.


Now that the mortal was better, Raith could attack whenever she wanted. But a meaningfull look from James made her hesitate drawing her gun-blade. She settle for resting her hand on the hilt, ready to pull it out if Ryukai attacked.


[i forgot my last thing with Naomi, but here it goes. I'm gonna bring her back into the story.]

Naomi woke up with a terrible headache. She rose to find that she was in a comfortable feather-bed in warm pajamas. A man walked into the room. He was bald and had organ-red robes on. "What happened?" Naomi asked. "Where am I?"


[Arkcher or lexxscrapham, if you need to RP anyone, go ahead.]


[Good save if you couldnt think of anything. I probably would have done the same thing. I dont think i need to, if Raith and James are... well, advantaged and outnumbering Ryukai, Then i dont have anything to post. unless you really cant think of anything.]

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[Good save if you couldnt think of anything. I probably would have done the same thing. I dont think i need to, if Raith and James are... well, advantaged and outnumbering Ryukai, Then i dont have anything to post. unless you really cant think of anything.]

[i didn't think theyu would fight right now. I just had no idea where to go from there, so I left it to you. If you do decide to make a post, James' mood is calm, but protective, and Raith is pretty hostile, but she'll wait for Ryukai to make the first move.]

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[i didn't think theyu would fight right now. I just had no idea where to go from there, so I left it to you. If you do decide to make a post, James' mood is calm, but protective, and Raith is pretty hostile, but she'll wait for Ryukai to make the first move.]

[... Okay. I'll try to think of a post then]


Ryukai had found himself in front of the two vampires, Both of which had tried at least once to kill him. He couldnt think of how to really react, And just stood still in their presence, Silent and... mostly motionless.


[uh..... o_o Uh.........]

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[... Okay. I'll try to think of a post then]


Ryukai had found himself in front of the two vampires, Both of which had tried at least once to kill him. He couldnt think of how to really react, And just stood still in their presence, Silent and... mostly motionless.


[uh..... o_o Uh.........]

James felt the tention. He grabbed Raith's arm and pulled her by Ryukai to keep walking. [Okay, I thought some plot stuff might happen, but niether of us know what. O_O]

Naomi's head still hurt badly. She couldn't hear the man's words through her pain...

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  • 2 weeks later...

it had been three weeks, starchild was growing restless, dimearsh knew it was time to proceed. he only hoped there would be time to discuss the matter when they found sinvalj, anyways, the hard part would be after he was destroyed, making sure he could never return. since it was not yet night, dimearsh considered the other warrior, could he possibly be coinvinced either way? he could become a real liability if Sinvalj attacked. a truce was likely the best option, provided this rukiyaki had the honor to keep one.


dimearsh knew his own battle would come, a matter of a debt unpayed, he would settle after sinvalj lay forever destroyed. death vengace must come first, that was the ancient way, unfortuneatly, the other party had not the courage to join the quest. such was his option, but it meant he might have to settle for news of death.

it would not do to look upon the future, when such a massive task lay before him, let the current task be passed before thoughts of the future be considered.

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it had been three weeks, starchild was growing restless, dimearsh knew it was time to proceed. he only hoped there would be time to discuss the matter when they found sinvalj, anyways, the hard part would be after he was destroyed, making sure he could never return. since it was not yet night, dimearsh considered the other warrior, could he possibly be coinvinced either way?  he could become a real liability if Sinvalj attacked. a truce was likely the best option, provided this rukiyaki had the honor to keep one.


dimearsh knew his own battle would come, a matter of a debt unpayed, he would settle after sinvalj lay forever destroyed. death vengace must come first, that was the ancient way, unfortuneatly, the other party had not the courage to join the quest. such was his option, but it meant he might have to settle for news of death.

it would not do to look upon the future, when such a massive task lay before him, let the current task be passed before thoughts of the future be considered.

[You can go ahead and RP Raith and James. I got nothing.]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ryukai made a half-nod, half-bow of respect toward James and Raith,


"I must thank you [or at least one of them] for getting me here and assisting in my recovery. Let me know if theres something i can do in return for you."


He turned his... [some word, not gaze, not glance, its like. Turning your look to something else. Whatever that word is.] Visual scan, for lack of better phrase, Toward Raith.


"With the exception of much of anything violent between any of us, most preferabley."


[WOOHOO! I thought of something!]

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Ryukai made a half-nod, half-bow of respect toward James and Raith,


"I must thank you [or at least one of them] for getting me here and assisting in my recovery. Let me know if theres something i can do in return for you."


He turned his... [some word, not gaze, not glance, its like. Turning your look to something else. Whatever that word is.] Visual scan, for lack of better phrase, Toward Raith.


"With the exception of much of anything violent between any of us, most preferabley."


[WOOHOO! I thought of something!]

[GAA! I forgot about this!]

James gave Raith a quick look to make sure she wasn't about to pounce. "You proved to be a skilled adversary(sp?). It would't hve been honerale to let a skilled warrior die in such a fashion." He quickly gave Raith a side ways glance, and elbowed her when he saw she wasn't saying anything. "You are welcome." she grumbled, turning her head away so she didn't make eye-contact with Ryukai.

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[GAA! I forgot about this!]

James gave Raith a quick look to make sure she wasn't about to pounce. "You proved to be a skilled adversary(sp?). It would't hve been honerale to let a skilled warrior die in such a fashion." He quickly gave Raith a side ways glance, and elbowed her when he saw she wasn't saying anything. "You are welcome." she grumbled, turning  her head away so she didn't make eye-contact with Ryukai.

[Raith is being a bum. o_o;]

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[Heya Kat... uh... Do you play Bumper cars often? (its retty fun) Or have any wacko bumper stickers on a car, You bump all the RP topics around here. Like a lot. This isnt a mad thing of course, I get reminded about that topic and then i forget bout it within some odd 10 seconds,but anyhow...]

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[Heya Kat... uh... Do you play Bumper cars often? (its retty fun) Or have any wacko bumper stickers on a car, You bump all the RP topics around here. Like a lot. This isnt a mad thing of course, I get reminded about that topic and then i forget bout it within some odd 10 seconds,but anyhow...]

[Although I heart bumper cars and stickers, these bunps have nothing to do with them. I'm "bumping" the topic up so somebody remembers it.]

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