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Here is a Role-Playing (RP/RPing) topic i made when im bored. So i'll come here and post some RP. Woohoo.

I'll make the setting and a few guidelines/rules for it, You're welcome to make your own RPing topic with your own rules/settings/RP style.


The setting is a Medieval-Fantasy genre and period, Most anything goes. Its starting out Nighttime, Idle Unpopulated forest a few odd miles east of a few suburb towns of a city, Clearings of trees with small lakes and/or ponds here and there in the forest.


Rules: (ones with asterisks (*) are required, all others optional)


Basic HD Rules apply* (If you're a member, You know the rules. But the moderators make sure you dont break them. -huggles Horatio- )

No godmoding* (This means you cant be the almighty invincible unbeatable ruler of all and such. Play fair.)

No Cannon Characters (Note this is optional. Cannon Characters is... For example. You cant use some main characters from movies/vid.games/stories. You make your own, or (preferabley not) one of the sidecharacters or less significant peoples. Note once again this is optional.)

Play Fair* (See your posts (or at least try) from more than just your perspective. For example, If you want to attack someobdy in combat- Think of what they would do back to you, Or Think of the possibilities of the aftermath.)

Anything-Goes Characters (This means you can be almost whatever character you want. Be whatever race, name, abilities, do whatever you want with your character. Im not stopping you.)

THINK. * (Think before you post! I dont want to see a post chock-full of typoes or overflowing with horrible grammar, And i dont want you mindlessly walking right in to something that someone else is doing.

If something is going on and you want to be included, Dont just walk in, introduce yourself and help. Stay in the background and wait for the right time.)


Another rule all RPers should know about. OOC. (out-of-character) In Character (IC) posts are when you're RPing, OOC Posts is... Telepathic messages to other RPers. Put brackets ( [, ] ) or double parenthesis ( ((, )) ) equals things (=) Whatever you want to indicate its NOT an actual RP post. You can even say:

OOC Heya. Mind if i join in here?

I've seen it before, And i dont mind a bit.


If you think about it, There arent that many rules. Just a long post on what the rules ARE. There are only 6 rules in there. ... I think.


Hopefully by tomorrow morning this topic will be up and moderated, Im off to sleep now. 11:40 PM. I'll make the first post tomorrow.

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If possible, I would like to join, once the GM has given us a topic.

I had an idea a few days ago of what i was doing, I just lost it.

I let my mind wander, And it never came back. :upside:

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Ok, Im gonna try and post.

(All IC (unless specified otherwise) posts from here on.)




Khanailoa wandered about through the dark forest in the early hours of 2, 3 AM. For fear of being hunted, (bounty hunter/assassin tailing her) She had retreated from her town in search of a place to hide.

She darted through the woods speedily, Sharply dodging every tree as it went by as she ran.

Despite her lack of skill at most anything, She was surprisingly sharp for the premature age of 14 (human years). After ten minutes or so, And at being about 2:50, huffed and panted from running and made her way to a nearby tree trunk. She gladly sat down, leaned against it and in a short period of time had drifted off into a dozed sleep.


[Ooc: (im gonna use Brackets) that all i can think of right now. You can RP now. n_n Sorry for the delay.]

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it had been a hard week for dimearsth, his lifelong freind had fallen victim to the blade of the imfamous assasin sinvalj, fortuneatly, his sword, Starchild, had warned him of the dark presence. dimearsth decided it would be safer not to stick around, when suddenly he came across a young woman asleep by a tree. it was late, and since starchild wasn't giving off any signal, he figured it would be safe to rest here.
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Blaze is a small faery, she is pink w/ red hair.


Blaze is watching the people resting against her tree.

Suddenly, she hears a twig snap in the distance. Blaze quickly flies off to investigate.


[hi, guys, hope the assassin turns up soon, b/c i need to catch somebody]

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No worries, for it was just Toto! The scottie dog that LOVES adventure. She (yes, a she, not a he) helps anyone she can. But now she wants a real home, not going from person to person. With her aweome smell power, she smelt a person in need of a friend and needed help, too! who could it be??
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It was Raith's [i know. I use that name in another story, but sience nobody writes there and I can't think of another name, I'll use it.] watch that night.Her gun-blade by her side, she quietly and stelthaly stalked the forest. The City of the Dead had given her one more chance. Bring back fresh blood for the children, or be exiled. And it wasn't a good thing for vampires to be exiled, what with vampire hunters, and all. But she couldn't work properly. She was hungry. She found a wild Turcky in the brushes. Slowly and soundlesly, she took out her gun-blade, took aim, and fired.

          Raith was 14 when she was bitten. She had been in the barn, calming a cow, when Eiror had seen her. Eiror had been hungry, just as she had benn moments ago. She was bitten over 200 years ago, but despite the ghostly white skin and deep, blood red eyes that where once a innocent blue, she really ahd not aged a bit. As she got up off the stumps she was sitting on, she noticed that she had gotten turcky blood all over her clothing. She wore a long, deep red skirt that matched her eyes, black leather boots and jacket, and spiked arm-bands, rings, and necklaces. To signify her occupation a blood gatherer, she had to where the skiked jewlry. Even her ear-rings where little spikes. One her necklace, hanging on the front spike, was her dogtags. They signified her job, age, raning, and home. She hated all of these things. Raith did notwant to be a vampire, or a blood gatherer, or anything dead or death related. In fact, she was just about to set her plan into motion.

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne.  


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne. 


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

[omigosh, im so sorry! i didnt mean 2 walk rightin2 ur thing.   i just reread the rules, and i must not have understood the think 1 until now!  im really sorry, and will delete that post, if u want.]

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne. 


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

Hissing from the cross, Raith looked at who was holding it. A very beutiful girl, much like herself. "Well?" the girl demanded. This was Raith's chance. If she could just get the girl to drop her blade. She could strike, and bring back feed for the young ones. But the cross was clouding her mind. Her head felt as if it might split in two. "Alright." Raith said, still slightly hissing. "Lower your cross, and I shall show you too food." though she knew she should, Raith didn't want to hurt this girl. Not only did she just not want to, but she could be usefull to the plan. The girl lowered her cross, rosary, and blade. She had a distrusting look in her eyes. But still went up to Raith. "Who are you?" She asked. "I am Raith, A huntress for the City of the Dead. First rank." she said. "Who are you?" "I am [Mastermind, please insert name here, for I don't know whether she would give her real name or not. Now her name will be ~.] ~ Looked puzzled. She had no idea what the long, raven black haired vampire was talking about. "What do you mean, first class?" she asked. "It means that I am a blood gatherer. The highest, most respected form of huntress." Raith answerd proudly."Folow me, and I shall show you to your food." Raith started walking, but notice that ~ had pulled out her blade. "What is that for? Don't you trust me?" Raith asked with a smerk, unintentionally showing her blood coated fangs. "It is drawn just in case you decide not to be as trustworthy as you claim to be." "I would not worry about that." Raith said cooly. "Even with a splitting headache, I could kill you easily." She drew her gun-blade. "I look young, but I in fact have been doing this for over 700 years. Things seeming a little blury won't trow my aim." ~ once again sheathed her blade.

        As they traveled, they saw a light in the distance. Hurrying toward it, they saw that it was in fact occupied by a 14 year-old looking girl and a man. Raith by instinct moves stelthaly into the bushes. ~ followed. "What are we stopping for?" ~ asked. "You will see." Raith replied. She drew out her gun-blade and looked at the fire. Sure enough, there was a rabbit on a spit over the fire. Quickly Raith stood up, barred her teeth,  and took aim at the man. "Give me your rabbit, and you shall be spared."

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne. 


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

suddenly, light flared through the trees in the distance.




Dimearsth awoke with a start, some creature of darkness had just fed nearby, he activated starchild's flare, and stood  against a tree, ready should the beast still be hungry,



#stachild's powers:illuminate 30' radius equivilent to direct #sunlight, detect evil beings/undead, depends on situation.

#purpose: defeat powers of darkness.

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne. 


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

[omigosh, im so sorry! i didnt mean 2 walk rightin2 ur thing.   i just reread the rules, and i must not have understood the think 1 until now!  im really sorry, and will delete that post, if u want.]

[Ok, From this point on, (no you'r not in trouble) ask before you come into something, and look for a good opertunity to do so.

Kat, I guess i forgot to add another detail to Godmoding.

You cannot (without permission) role-play as another persons character, unless they say you can. (I figured most RPers here would know that, but not everyone here is an RPer. Dont worry too much about it.) So for everyone else, (you too, kat) Ask before RPing someone elses character.

Sorry i ddint tell you sooner.

Continue. o_o I just havent had a chance to make a necessary post yet...

I will soon, though]

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne. 


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

Hissing from the cross, Raith looked at who was holding it. A very beutiful girl, much like herself. "Well?" the girl demanded. This was Raith's chance. If she could just get the girl to drop her blade. She could strike, and bring back feed for the young ones. But the cross was clouding her mind. Her head felt as if it might split in two. "Alright." Raith said, still slightly hissing. "Lower your cross, and I shall show you too food." though she knew she should, Raith didn't want to hurt this girl. Not only did she just not want to, but she could be usefull to the plan. The girl lowered her cross, rosary, and blade. She had a distrusting look in her eyes. But still went up to Raith. "Who are you?" She asked. "I am Raith, A huntress for the City of the Dead. First rank." she said. "Who are you?" "I am [Renne." Jezebel wasnt sure if she should use her real name.  dead or not, this person could be one of her enimies.] Jezebel Looked puzzled. She had no idea what the long, raven black haired vampire was talking about. "What do you mean, first class?" she asked. "It means that I am a blood gatherer. The highest, most respected form of huntress." Raith answerd proudly."Folow me, and I shall show you to your food." Raith started walking, but notice that Jezebel had pulled out her blade. "What is that for? Don't you trust me?" Raith asked with a smerk, unintentionally showing her blood coated fangs. "It is drawn just in case you decide not to be as trustworthy as you claim to be." "I would not worry about that." Raith said cooly. "Even with a splitting headache, I could kill you easily." She drew her gun-blade. "I look young, but I in fact have been doing this for over 700 years. Things seeming a little blury won't trow my aim." Jezebel once again sheathed her blade.

        As they traveled, they saw a light in the distance. Hurrying toward it, they saw that it was in fact occupied by a 14 year-old looking girl and a man. Raith by instinct moves stelthaly into the bushes. Jezebel followed. "What are we stopping for?" Jezebel asked. "You will see." Raith replied. She drew out her gun-blade and looked at the fire. Sure enough, there was a rabbit on a spit over the fire. Quickly Raith stood up, barred her teeth,  and took aim at the man. "Give me your rabbit, and you shall be spared."

[until further notice, Jezebel will tell people her name is Renne.  but if its like "~followed them" or something like that, u can use her real name.]  


truthfully, Jezebel disapproved of taking food from others, after all, that was stealing.  but if an evil, vicious vampire would go out of her way 2 feed a hungry person, she wouldnt complain.  Jezebel stood behind Raith, just incase these people were from Glennik.  the girl screamed, and backed in2 the tent.  but the man didnt move.  "c'mon, fork it over, unless u wish 2 die!"  yelled Raith.  "its ok, dad! we have enough 4 a few days! give it the rabbit, so it wont hurt us!"  cried the girl.  "u should listen 2 her." said Raith.  she looked very dizzy, but tried as hard as she could not 2 show the people that she was in pain.  Jezebel rethought her principles.  the vampire knew she had a Crucifix now, and wouldnt hurt her.  she should put it away.  Jezebel put the Crucifix away from sight, but didnt remove it from her neck.  the vampire looked as if a great weight had been removed from her shoulders.  


the man hurridly removed the rabbit from the spit, and threw it @ Raith's feet.  "there, demon! u have your rabbit! now, leave us, lest i drive a steak thru your chest."  @ this, Raith grabbed the coney, and hurried away.  "c'mon, u, move it!" she hissed in2 Jezebel's ear.  Jezebel took heed, and scurried away, following the pale figure.  


they ran until they came in2 a small glade, w/ a pond.  Jezebel started a fire 2 recook the rabbit.  "thanks.  i havent eaten in days. is there anything i can do 2 repay u?"  Raith smirked.  "well, i dont think ud like giving ^ your blood, so u could tell me your real name."  Jezebel froze.  "Renne is my name."  Raith laughed.  "oh pleaz.  do i look stupid 2 u?  now, c'mon, what is it?"  "why do u care?"  "i just do, ok?"  Jezebel thought 4 a minute.  "i tell u mine, if u tell me yours."  "i did." said the vampire  "no, u didnt! now, im not stupid either.  i wont tell u MY real name, unless u tell me yours."

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne. 


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

[omigosh, im so sorry! i didnt mean 2 walk rightin2 ur thing.   i just reread the rules, and i must not have understood the think 1 until now!  im really sorry, and will delete that post, if u want.]

[Ok, From this point on, (no you'r not in trouble) ask before you come into something, and look for a good opertunity to do so.

Kat, I guess i forgot to add another detail to Godmoding.

You cannot (without permission) role-play as another persons character, unless they say you can. (I figured most RPers here would know that, but not everyone here is an RPer. Dont worry too much about it.) So for everyone else, (you too, kat) Ask before RPing someone elses character.

Sorry i ddint tell you sooner.

Continue. o_o I just havent had a chance to make a necessary post yet...

I will soon, though]

[o no, i did it again.  i just made another post, and i rp'd the other person. so,kat we're even! LOL]

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[Oh, Mastermind. I just remembered.

(I also feel bad for making so many strict rules. x__X)

Try to avoid using chatspeak at all, dont abbreviate. Im not saying you cant at all, Just try to avoid it and dont do so very often.]

Im gonna try and make a post now x_x]

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[since my other character is sleeping at the moment, i'll add another one.

You all can have as many characters you want here. add up to... 58? Nah, Limitless. Add other characters if'n yeh want to.]


Ryukai was usually a Ranger/Hunter by day, Noctournal Hunter-Assassin, (i guess you could just say Gladiator?) at sundown. At being far from a natural human, He never slept.

Not much is known about the shadowy character, other than he has very few freinds and all of his family seems to be missing.

He had been with nobody since he was about 7, 8 human years old, whilst he is now 19.

He wore some ragged clothing, even though he had a necessary home, he never spent much of his money on clothing.

He had some blue pants with a pale, off-white shirt, with a bright orange Cape with splotches of bloodstain, making it more of an orage-red color.

(not all for style...)

He did have some magician skill, though its only useful during combat, able to inflict enough damage to take out, oh say 2/3 of an opponents life.

Enough about that.


Ryukai was striding through the dark nighttime forest, Sensing a mixture of light and dark presences, At being an anonymously employed gladiator, he did it for neither light or darkness, Neutral.

He reached behind his cape, where he kept a pack with his wide variety and assorted weapons, and pulled out a special wepaon he had made himself- It was a red boomerage with small razor blades covering its main edges. He skillfully wrapped his hand around it, avoiding the blades he put on it, and kept it in hand, stancing he was ready to fight something. He silently, stealthily krept along the grassy forest ground, scanning the dark area with sharp optics.


[um.... I'm... gonna... Go. ... Place.]

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne. 


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

[omigosh, im so sorry! i didnt mean 2 walk rightin2 ur thing.   i just reread the rules, and i must not have understood the think 1 until now!  im really sorry, and will delete that post, if u want.]

[Ok, From this point on, (no you'r not in trouble) ask before you come into something, and look for a good opertunity to do so.

Kat, I guess i forgot to add another detail to Godmoding.

You cannot (without permission) role-play as another persons character, unless they say you can. (I figured most RPers here would know that, but not everyone here is an RPer. Dont worry too much about it.) So for everyone else, (you too, kat) Ask before RPing someone elses character.

Sorry i ddint tell you sooner.

Continue. o_o I just havent had a chance to make a necessary post yet...

I will soon, though]

[Geep! Sorry Mastermind! It was the only way I could continue! I will ask next time. I'm sooo sorry! I didn't even think of that...]

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Jezebel was a runaway princess.  she came from the great country of Glennik.  when an unknown asassin killed the entire royal famly except her, the people blamed her as the murderer.  they thought that thru her want 4 power, she killed her family.  this, of course, was not true.  so, b-4 the people stoned her 2 death, Jezebel escped from the palace.  now, she was a fugitive from her own country, 4 a crime she did not commit.  now, she lived off of what her sword and bow-and-arrows catch her.  the few people who believed her were her only friends.  now, Jezebel was on a mission 2 find the true assasin, and make him admit to the people his crime w/ the potion she had in her belt.  then she could reclaim her throne. 


Jezebel was about 15, with long, black her.  she looked like a very pretty mediterannian girl.  once, she disguised herself as a harem dancer.  living in the wilderness had hardened her muscles, and strengthed her body.  she wore a leather womans gladiator outfit, which was a leather skirt, gold belt, and leather top.  Jezebel  jumps from tree branch to tree branch, hunting 4 something 2 eat.  she sees a wild turkey in the bushes.  but whats this?  someone has come out of the forest.  her skin is pale, and she dresses strangly, with many spikes.  the figure has shot Jezebel's kill!  now Jezebel is angry.  she hadnt eaten in 2 days.  she loads her bow.  but whats this?  the figure is suking the turkeys blood!  the color drained from Jezebel's face.  she knew what the figure was.  she was looking @ a real vampire!  Jezebel took her rosary with its special crucifix from the pocket near her heart.  she put it around her neck, and leaped from the branch.  "touch me not, lord of the dead!  i hold a crucifix, and thou cannot touch me.  but pleaz, tell me where i might find nourishment, and i shall spare thee from my blade!" she held out her sword. it might have been the dumbest thing she ever did, asking 4 help from a vampire, when she knew the sword would do nothing.  but hunger clouded Jezebel's senses.

[omigosh, im so sorry! i didnt mean 2 walk rightin2 ur thing.   i just reread the rules, and i must not have understood the think 1 until now!  im really sorry, and will delete that post, if u want.]

[Ok, From this point on, (no you'r not in trouble) ask before you come into something, and look for a good opertunity to do so.

Kat, I guess i forgot to add another detail to Godmoding.

You cannot (without permission) role-play as another persons character, unless they say you can. (I figured most RPers here would know that, but not everyone here is an RPer. Dont worry too much about it.) So for everyone else, (you too, kat) Ask before RPing someone elses character.

Sorry i ddint tell you sooner.

Continue. o_o I just havent had a chance to make a necessary post yet...

I will soon, though]

[o no, i did it again.  i just made another post, and i rp'd the other person. so,kat we're even! LOL]

[We most certaily are! May I please RP your character when I get back?]

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Blaze nearly flies into another fairy, and draws her toke. [i call fairy wands tokes.]


"Who are you, fellow Folk?" the other fairy seems taken aback at the demanding nature of Blaze.

"I-I-I am Kristél. May I ask who in Trezamyx's name are you?"

[Trezamyx is the Fairy Goddess I made up in the Fairy Story I'm writing]  Blaze backs up a few inches.

"I'm Blaze, the Firey Persona of Flames. I didn't realize I was talking to the great Shard Fairy! Hey, did you hear that twig snap awhile back? and did you see who did it?"



Once, hundreds of years ago, on the seventh moon of the planet Dresanist, there was a great and powerful fairy named Trezamyx. she goes by Zamy. She was the Goddess of all fairies. Zamy had an enemy, a powerful, very eveil sorceror named Syandor. (the y is short,  it's like, s-yan dor, i guess..)


[oh, gotta go, bye! finish it later i wiil, kay?

kay! bye!]

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[okay, continuing]


Syandor wanted to kill all the fairies, but Zamy stopped him by creating eight Special Fairies.

the Shard Fairy, most powerful, Kristél

Fire fairy, Blaze

Water Fairy, Teri

Earth Fairy, Roxy

Ice Fairy, Freez  [no misspelling]

Tree fairy, Trei

Wind Fairy, Breezia

Fairy of Whim, Biellami

the fairies stopped him, and now we are up to date.

[anyone can take the personality of theese fairies, i dont care, as long as two dont take one. Kris and Blaze are mine.]

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[... They're guidelines, mostly.

I certainly cant do anything but tell you that you did something wrong...]

[who? me?

if not i can delete it...]

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Ryukai crept through the foresty area, and came to a small clearing, a glade with two beings within.

Ryukai tightened his grip on the boomerang, and hid in the shadow, struck a battle stance and prepared to throw it, just at the right angle, right distance, right thrust power...


[You dont mind if i interrupt, now do you Kat? ... There is a possibility that your vampiric abilities would enable you so see Ryukai in the dark, Or be able to dodge it, catch it or throw it back. o_o]

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Ryukai crept through the foresty area, and came to a small clearing, a glade with two beings within.

Ryukai tightened his grip on the boomerang, and hid in the shadow, struck a battle stance and prepared to throw it, just at the right angle, right distance, right thrust power...


[You dont mind if i interrupt, now do you Kat? ... There is a possibility that your vampiric abilities would enable you so see Ryukai in the dark, Or be able to dodge it, catch it or throw it back. o_o]

[i don't mind! Can I RP your character for the next sequence? Yours too, Mastermind. Tell me ASAP! I got a good idea and want to use it! Please let me do the next part? If someone else already had something, though, then I wouldn't mind.]

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[sure, Have at it. And thanks for remembering about that rule. n_n;]


... And And threw it.

The curved blade swung through the air as it twisted and turned, gained its way toward Raith.

Ryukai focused his eyes correctly to see the right distance of where the Boomerang was heading, as it would fly inches away from Jezebels head, while it would've flown stright toward Raith...


[Note, You may have noticed i said 'would' replacing definite consequences, This is a style I RP with. When i say the Would stuff, That means that you can choose what happens afterward. For example, Raith could dodge the boomerang, as my post didnt adress the matter as positive. Or, since it 'wouldve' it just cut er with severe blood loss. So, If i do the Would stuff, Its not a positive situation, so dont worry.]

[Note also, This is NOT a rule. Do it if you want, its just what i like to do.]


She awoke with a jolt. Khanailoa was unpleasantly awoken from the not best of dreams she's had. She was just positive that it meant something- But what...

[You might find out later what it is.Im just posting cuz im bored. I dunno what she's thinkin neither. o__o]

The tried to see clearly, though unsuccesful, she focused, and saw Dimearsth (did i spel that right?) standing, against a tree with... what appeared to be a sword in hand, of which seemed to be brightly glowing, a flare of light and energies.

At seeing other being in the shadowy distance, such as Ryukai, who appeared to be throwing something in the distance...

[These two dont know each other, so you know.]

Khanailoa was rather frightened with the sudden scenery change, Despite her lack of sleep, She sprung to her feet, ready to run if need be, And felt around her waist and found a small sheith, while she drew out a dagger, to attack if necessary.


She nervously crept backward, Bumped into what had at first felt like another armed being ready to strike, But what turned out to be another tree caused her to let out a rather loud 'Yeep' ish sound, but she reflexively covered her mouth, and crept against another tree and stood flat against it, in hopes of concealing herself in the darkness.

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Ryukai crept through the foresty area, and came to a small clearing, a glade with two beings within.

Ryukai tightened his grip on the boomerang, and hid in the shadow, struck a battle stance and prepared to throw it, just at the right angle, right distance, right thrust power...


[You dont mind if i interrupt, now do you Kat? ... There is a possibility that your vampiric abilities would enable you so see Ryukai in the dark, Or be able to dodge it, catch it or throw it back. o_o]

[i don't mind! Can I RP your character for the next sequence? Yours too, Mastermind. Tell me ASAP! I got a good idea and want to use it! Please let me do the next part? If someone else already had something, though, then I wouldn't mind.]

[sure, as long as i can do yours after that!]  Jezebel's sharp ears thought she heard something in the trees behind her, as she and the vampire were talking.  she quenched the fire, and grabbed the rabbit from the spit.  Jezebel listened for the sound, but heard nothing, so she took a bite.  it was a wonderful feeling, like she was being charged with life.  Jezebel hungerly bit in2 the coney, glad that the vampire didnot interrupt her eating.  Jezebel was about 2 ask the vampire if she wanted any, but she felt something whizz by her head.  she jumped up, and saw something whirlying thru the air, but didnt see who threw it.  so, she drew her sword, and stood franticly looking for something 2 smite.

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[sure, Have at it. And thanks for remembering about that rule. n_n;]


... And And threw it.

The curved blade swung through the air as it twisted and turned, gained its way toward Raith.

Ryukai focused his eyes correctly to see the right distance of where the Boomerang was heading, as it would fly inches away from Jezebels head, while it would've flown stright toward Raith...

Raith saw a figure in the shadows. He didn't look like he knew that, though. People often mistook her for a normal human from such a didtance. She turned to warn Renne, but she and the rabbit had disappeared with the words "Thank you" scrawled on a small piece of parchment. [That wouldn't be RPing her character, would it? I hope not!] She would catch up with Renne later. Raith turned to look at the dude in the shadows, but instead saw what looked to be a bladed boomerang. Raith quickly drew her gun-blade a fired at it. It did not break, or even dent, but it did fall. Carefully, Raith picked it up and examined it. And looked ate the person in the shadows. "Who is there?" She called. [FYI, she is not a Buffy vampire, where they look normal but turn into vampires and change into ugly. She is always a vampire, but otherwise looks like an incredably pretty normal 14 year old.] Ryukai stared in disbelive, but quickly regained his composure. He stepped out of the shadows. "I am Ryukai." He said without a trace of fear. This was unusual for Raith. Normally, people would see the blood stained fangs [Not always like that, but she didn't have time to clean up after eating the turky.] and run. But he stayed there. "Why don't you run?" asked Raith. "I do not run from things." he answered. "I either become friends with them or kill them." Raith, once again, had the guilty feeling she had when she met Renne. She knew she should be attacking right now. She should bring him back to the City of the Dead. But she wouldn't not unless he forced her. "I am Raith." she said. "First rank huntress of the City of the Dead." Raith read the guys expretion. Why did nobody understand? "First rank means that I am a blood gatherer, the highest and most respected job from of huntress." she said without him even asking. "I see." he replied, still looking puzzled. She grinned, showing her fangs. The expretion on his face told her that he had not noticed the fangs before. He opened his mouth to start speaking. Here we go again, she though. [Another FYI, Raith, though she is a vampire, is not evil. The characters can think that, but I'm making sure the gamers don't.]

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[blaze needs to see someone, may she see Khanailoa?]
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Naomi crawled out from under the bush and looked around. "Good", she whispered. "They passed m-" "THERE SHE IS!" yelled a guard. She cursed herself for speaking. Quickly she got up and ran as fast as she could. The gate to the city was just a couple of blockes up. She was already tired from running all night. She dived into a dark ally and caught her breath. She heard the clanking of the guard's armored feet turn the corner. She crawled deeper into the ally. "Where is she?" She heard a gaurd shout. "You go that way, and I'll go this way." The other said. She heard their footsteps going along the street. One guard ran right past the ally she was in. She poked her head out and watched as the guard turned a corner. She let out a sigh of relief. She was about to leave the ally, when out of no where a hand grabed her arm. A guard came out of the shadows and said "You're not going anywhere, girl." Naomi was horror struck. But she regainded her composure quickly. In the blink of an eye, she turned into a tabby cat. She slipped out of the guards hands and ran towards the gate. "SHE'S GOING OUT OF THE CITY!" the guard from the ally yelled.The other two where right behind her in a moment. She changed into a cheeta. Running at over 70 mph, she easily beat the guards. But as she came closer to the gate, she realized that it was closed and locked. She once again changed into the tabby, and clawed her way up the gate wall. She was over in a few seconds but the guards where opening the gate. She could either go the the city of Oakberry, or into the woods. In Oakberry, there would just be more guards. In the forest, their where monsters and hunters. Heck there was even rumored to be a vampire! She knew that the only place the guards wouldn't follow her into was the forset, but she really didn't want to go. She gate swung open, and Naomi changed back into her true, human form, and ran along the path to the forest. [i didn't think I needed to ask if I could haave another character, but if I did, I'm sorry for breaking another rule.]
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[sure, Have at it. And thanks for remembering about that rule. n_n;]


... And And threw it.

The curved blade swung through the air as it twisted and turned, gained its way toward Raith.

Ryukai focused his eyes correctly to see the right distance of where the Boomerang was heading, as it would fly inches away from Jezebels head, while it would've flown stright toward Raith...

Raith saw a figure in the shadows. He didn't look like he knew that, though. People often mistook her for a normal human from such a didtance. She turned to warn Renne, but she and the rabbit had disappeared with the words "Thank you" scrawled on a small piece of parchment. [That wouldn't be RPing her character, would it? I hope not!] She would catch up with Renne later. Raith turned to look at the dude in the shadows, but instead saw what looked to be a bladed boomerang. Raith quickly drew her gun-blade a fired at it. It did not break, or even dent, but it did fall. Carefully, Raith picked it up and examined it. And looked ate the person in the shadows. "Who is there?" She called. [FYI, she is not a Buffy vampire, where they look normal but turn into vampires and change into ugly. She is always a vampire, but otherwise looks like an incredably pretty normal 14 year old.] Ryukai stared in disbelive, but quickly regained his composure. He stepped out of the shadows. "I am Ryukai." He said without a trace of fear. This was unusual for Raith. Normally, people would see the blood stained fangs [Not always like that, but she didn't have time to clean up after eating the turky.] and run. But he stayed there. "Why don't you run?" asked Raith. "I do not run from things." he answered. "I either become friends with them or kill them." Raith, once again, had the guilty feeling she had when she met Renne. She knew she should be attacking right now. She should bring him back to the City of the Dead. But she wouldn't not unless he forced her. "I am Raith." she said. "First rank huntress of the City of the Dead." Raith read the guys expretion. Why did nobody understand? "First rank means that I am a blood gatherer, the highest and most respected job from of huntress." she said without him even asking. "I see." he replied, still looking puzzled. She grinned, showing her fangs. The expretion on his face told her that he had not noticed the fangs before. He opened his mouth to start speaking. Here we go again, she though. [Another FYI, Raith, though she is a vampire, is not evil. The characters can think that, but I'm making sure the gamers don't.]

Jezebel flipped down from a tree, with the coney slung on her back, sword in one hand, bow in the other.  she had decided 2 shoot @ the person once he came in2 view, but she saw he meant no harm.  "ha! you finally told me your name! now ill tell you mine."  she turned 2 Ryukai.  "i figure your not from Glennik, so you can hear 2.  i am princess Jezebel, of Glennik.  my family was killed by an unknown assasin, so i ran away, because the people think i killed them 4 the throne."  


[i gotta go, more soon!]

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Naomi crawled out from under the bush and looked around. "Good", she whispered. "They passed m-" "THERE SHE IS!" yelled a guard. She cursed herself for speaking. Quickly she got up and ran as fast as she could. The gate to the city was just a couple of blockes up. She was already tired from running all night. She dived into a dark ally and caught her breath. She heard the clanking of the guard's armored feet turn the corner. She crawled deeper into the ally. "Where is she?" She heard a gaurd shout. "You go that way, and I'll go this way." The other said. She heard their footsteps going along the street. One guard ran right past the ally she was in. She poked her head out and watched as the guard turned a corner. She let out a sigh of relief. She was about to leave the ally, when out of no where a hand grabed her arm. A guard came out of the shadows and said "You're not going anywhere, girl." Naomi was horror struck. But she regainded her composure quickly. In the blink of an eye, she turned into a tabby cat. She slipped out of the guards hands and ran towards the gate. "SHE'S GOING OUT OF THE CITY!" the guard from the ally yelled.The other two where right behind her in a moment. She changed into a cheeta. Running at over 70 mph, she easily beat the guards. But as she came closer to the gate, she realized that it was closed and locked. She once again changed into the tabby, and clawed her way up the gate wall. She was over in a few seconds but the guards where opening the gate. She could either go the the city of Oakberry, or into the woods. In Oakberry, there would just be more guards. In the forest, their where monsters and hunters. Heck there was even rumored to be a vampire! She knew that the only place the guards wouldn't follow her into was the forset, but she really didn't want to go. She gate swung open, and Naomi changed back into her true, human form, and ran along the path to the forest. [i didn't think I needed to ask if I could haave another character, but if I did, I'm sorry for breaking another rule.]

[Nah, I didnt give any forewarning before i added Ryukai. You can go ahead.]

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[sure, Have at it. And thanks for remembering about that rule. n_n;]


... And And threw it.

The curved blade swung through the air as it twisted and turned, gained its way toward Raith.

Ryukai focused his eyes correctly to see the right distance of where the Boomerang was heading, as it would fly inches away from Jezebels head, while it would've flown stright toward Raith...

Raith saw a figure in the shadows. He didn't look like he knew that, though. People often mistook her for a normal human from such a didtance. She turned to warn Renne, but she and the rabbit had disappeared with the words "Thank you" scrawled on a small piece of parchment. [That wouldn't be RPing her character, would it? I hope not!] She would catch up with Renne later. Raith turned to look at the dude in the shadows, but instead saw what looked to be a bladed boomerang. Raith quickly drew her gun-blade a fired at it. It did not break, or even dent, but it did fall. Carefully, Raith picked it up and examined it. And looked ate the person in the shadows. "Who is there?" She called. [FYI, she is not a Buffy vampire, where they look normal but turn into vampires and change into ugly. She is always a vampire, but otherwise looks like an incredably pretty normal 14 year old.] Ryukai stared in disbelive, but quickly regained his composure. He stepped out of the shadows. "I am Ryukai." He said without a trace of fear. This was unusual for Raith. Normally, people would see the blood stained fangs [Not always like that, but she didn't have time to clean up after eating the turky.] and run. But he stayed there. "Why don't you run?" asked Raith. "I do not run from things." he answered. "I either become friends with them or kill them." Raith, once again, had the guilty feeling she had when she met Renne. She knew she should be attacking right now. She should bring him back to the City of the Dead. But she wouldn't not unless he forced her. "I am Raith." she said. "First rank huntress of the City of the Dead." Raith read the guys expretion. Why did nobody understand? "First rank means that I am a blood gatherer, the highest and most respected job from of huntress." she said without him even asking. "I see." he replied, still looking puzzled. She grinned, showing her fangs. The expretion on his face told her that he had not noticed the fangs before. He opened his mouth to start speaking. Here we go again, she though. [Another FYI, Raith, though she is a vampire, is not evil. The characters can think that, but I'm making sure the gamers don't.]

Jezebel flipped down from a tree, with the coney slung on her back, sword in one hand, bow in the other.  she had decided 2 shoot @ the person once he came in2 view, but she saw he meant no harm.  "ha! you finally told me your name! now ill tell you mine."  she turned 2 Ryukai.  "i figure your not from Glennik, so you can hear 2.  i am princess Jezebel, of Glennik.  my family was killed by an unknown assasin, so i ran away, because the people think i killed them 4 the throne."  


[i gotta go, more soon!]

Ryukai reflexively turned his head, almost as if to look behind himself as he heard an 'eep'ish sound in the distance, While he heard another being, closer by.


"Ha! You finally told me your name! Now I'll tell you mine..."  


He heard from behind him, and reached into the pack on his back and silently drew a sword in case he should need to strike.

[Note, I wasnt RPing Jezebal. Just quoting. Hope ya dont mind.]

At hearing an assumption that Ryukai was not from a town known as 'Glennik', He couldnt help but smirk deviously. If he were to locate this city and notify of where Jezebel was last sighted, He might get some good pay.

Just when should he do it...

[Dont worry, He wont do so unless you gimmie the OK. I dont think he'd do it for quite a while even if you'd let me.]

He tried to keep this in mind, as he learned that it was a runaway princess, and could be of some worth.


With nothing else to do, He figured he just needed to retrieve his Boomerang back, which was, say 10 feet away, somewhere in the dark grassy terra.... Somehow he'd need to grab it and run, But couldnt do that in front of a violent being as much a Vampire. He began thinking out a stradegy, of how he could convince the two to let him away, Continue hunting.


He could offer to hunt for both of them and provide fresh blood for the vampire, And find a suitable home or lingering area for the other, which also would have descent food.

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[sure, Have at it. And thanks for remembering about that rule. n_n;]


... And And threw it.

The curved blade swung through the air as it twisted and turned, gained its way toward Raith.

Ryukai focused his eyes correctly to see the right distance of where the Boomerang was heading, as it would fly inches away from Jezebels head, while it would've flown stright toward Raith...

Raith saw a figure in the shadows. He didn't look like he knew that, though. People often mistook her for a normal human from such a didtance. She turned to warn Renne, but she and the rabbit had disappeared with the words "Thank you" scrawled on a small piece of parchment. [That wouldn't be RPing her character, would it? I hope not!] She would catch up with Renne later. Raith turned to look at the dude in the shadows, but instead saw what looked to be a bladed boomerang. Raith quickly drew her gun-blade a fired at it. It did not break, or even dent, but it did fall. Carefully, Raith picked it up and examined it. And looked ate the person in the shadows. "Who is there?" She called. [FYI, she is not a Buffy vampire, where they look normal but turn into vampires and change into ugly. She is always a vampire, but otherwise looks like an incredably pretty normal 14 year old.] Ryukai stared in disbelive, but quickly regained his composure. He stepped out of the shadows. "I am Ryukai." He said without a trace of fear. This was unusual for Raith. Normally, people would see the blood stained fangs [Not always like that, but she didn't have time to clean up after eating the turky.] and run. But he stayed there. "Why don't you run?" asked Raith. "I do not run from things." he answered. "I either become friends with them or kill them." Raith, once again, had the guilty feeling she had when she met Renne. She knew she should be attacking right now. She should bring him back to the City of the Dead. But she wouldn't not unless he forced her. "I am Raith." she said. "First rank huntress of the City of the Dead." Raith read the guys expretion. Why did nobody understand? "First rank means that I am a blood gatherer, the highest and most respected job from of huntress." she said without him even asking. "I see." he replied, still looking puzzled. She grinned, showing her fangs. The expretion on his face told her that he had not noticed the fangs before. He opened his mouth to start speaking. Here we go again, she though. [Another FYI, Raith, though she is a vampire, is not evil. The characters can think that, but I'm making sure the gamers don't.]

Jezebel flipped down from a tree, with the coney slung on her back, sword in one hand, bow in the other.  she had decided 2 shoot @ the person once he came in2 view, but she saw he meant no harm.  "ha! you finally told me your name! now ill tell you mine."  she turned 2 Ryukai.  "i figure your not from Glennik, so you can hear 2.  i am princess Jezebel, of Glennik.  my family was killed by an unknown assasin, so i ran away, because the people think i killed them 4 the throne."  


[i gotta go, more soon!]

Ryukai reflexively turned his head, almost as if to look behind himself as he heard an 'eep'ish sound in the distance, While he heard another being, closer by.


"Ha! You finally told me your name! Now I'll tell you mine..."  


He heard from behind him, and reached into the pack on his back and silently drew a sword in case he should need to strike.

[Note, I wasnt RPing Jezebal. Just quoting. Hope ya dont mind.]

At hearing an assumption that Ryukai was not from a town known as 'Glennik', He couldnt help but smirk deviously. If he were to locate this city and notify of where Jezebel was last sighted, He might get some good pay.

Just when should he do it...

[Dont worry, He wont do so unless you gimmie the OK. I dont think he'd do it for quite a while even if you'd let me.]

He tried to keep this in mind, as he learned that it was a runaway princess, and could be of some worth.


With nothing else to do, He figured he just needed to retrieve his Boomerang back, which was, say 10 feet away, somewhere in the dark grassy terra.... Somehow he'd need to grab it and run, But couldnt do that in front of a violent being as much a Vampire. He began thinking out a stradegy, of how he could convince the two to let him away, Continue hunting.


He could offer to hunt for both of them and provide fresh blood for the vampire, And find a suitable home or lingering area for the other, which also would have descent food.

[sure, Arkcher, he can try and turn her in, iv got an idea about what she would do!]        


'anyway, now im trying 2 find that assasin, and give him what hes got coming!"  she looked @ the expretion on Ryukai's face, and really regretted the info she so stupidly gave out.  4 all she knew, he could be a bounty hunter!  Jezebel would just have 2 keep an eye on him, and a blade @ his neck, so 2 speak.

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[sure, Have at it. And thanks for remembering about that rule. n_n;]


... And And threw it.

The curved blade swung through the air as it twisted and turned, gained its way toward Raith.

Ryukai focused his eyes correctly to see the right distance of where the Boomerang was heading, as it would fly inches away from Jezebels head, while it would've flown stright toward Raith...

Raith saw a figure in the shadows. He didn't look like he knew that, though. People often mistook her for a normal human from such a didtance. She turned to warn Renne, but she and the rabbit had disappeared with the words "Thank you" scrawled on a small piece of parchment. [That wouldn't be RPing her character, would it? I hope not!] She would catch up with Renne later. Raith turned to look at the dude in the shadows, but instead saw what looked to be a bladed boomerang. Raith quickly drew her gun-blade a fired at it. It did not break, or even dent, but it did fall. Carefully, Raith picked it up and examined it. And looked ate the person in the shadows. "Who is there?" She called. [FYI, she is not a Buffy vampire, where they look normal but turn into vampires and change into ugly. She is always a vampire, but otherwise looks like an incredably pretty normal 14 year old.] Ryukai stared in disbelive, but quickly regained his composure. He stepped out of the shadows. "I am Ryukai." He said without a trace of fear. This was unusual for Raith. Normally, people would see the blood stained fangs [Not always like that, but she didn't have time to clean up after eating the turky.] and run. But he stayed there. "Why don't you run?" asked Raith. "I do not run from things." he answered. "I either become friends with them or kill them." Raith, once again, had the guilty feeling she had when she met Renne. She knew she should be attacking right now. She should bring him back to the City of the Dead. But she wouldn't not unless he forced her. "I am Raith." she said. "First rank huntress of the City of the Dead." Raith read the guys expretion. Why did nobody understand? "First rank means that I am a blood gatherer, the highest and most respected job from of huntress." she said without him even asking. "I see." he replied, still looking puzzled. She grinned, showing her fangs. The expretion on his face told her that he had not noticed the fangs before. He opened his mouth to start speaking. Here we go again, she though. [Another FYI, Raith, though she is a vampire, is not evil. The characters can think that, but I'm making sure the gamers don't.]

Jezebel flipped down from a tree, with the coney slung on her back, sword in one hand, bow in the other.  she had decided 2 shoot @ the person once he came in2 view, but she saw he meant no harm.  "ha! you finally told me your name! now ill tell you mine."  she turned 2 Ryukai.  "i figure your not from Glennik, so you can hear 2.  i am princess Jezebel, of Glennik.  my family was killed by an unknown assasin, so i ran away, because the people think i killed them 4 the throne."  


[i gotta go, more soon!]

Ryukai reflexively turned his head, almost as if to look behind himself as he heard an 'eep'ish sound in the distance, While he heard another being, closer by.


"Ha! You finally told me your name! Now I'll tell you mine..."  


He heard from behind him, and reached into the pack on his back and silently drew a sword in case he should need to strike.

[Note, I wasnt RPing Jezebal. Just quoting. Hope ya dont mind.]

At hearing an assumption that Ryukai was not from a town known as 'Glennik', He couldnt help but smirk deviously. If he were to locate this city and notify of where Jezebel was last sighted, He might get some good pay.

Just when should he do it...

[Dont worry, He wont do so unless you gimmie the OK. I dont think he'd do it for quite a while even if you'd let me.]

He tried to keep this in mind, as he learned that it was a runaway princess, and could be of some worth.


With nothing else to do, He figured he just needed to retrieve his Boomerang back, which was, say 10 feet away, somewhere in the dark grassy terra.... Somehow he'd need to grab it and run, But couldnt do that in front of a violent being as much a Vampire. He began thinking out a stradegy, of how he could convince the two to let him away, Continue hunting.


He could offer to hunt for both of them and provide fresh blood for the vampire, And find a suitable home or lingering area for the other, which also would have descent food.

Raith could hear the small "Eep" too. Quickly, she darted passed Ryukai and into the woods to search for the "Eep" making creature.


Naomi was very lost. She had know idea where she was and desperatly needed help. She heard something running towards her. She quickly changed into a cat and hid in a bush, hopeing not to be seen.


Raith decided she would investigate this cat in the bushes later.

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Ryukai tried hard to hide the expression he had and not to give away his intention, Though he was drawn away from this thought as Raith strode by.

This was the time.

He hesitated a few seconds- There wasnt a violent being as a Vampire to strike if he made the slightest mistake, Only what appeared a harmless 'princess' a good 3 feet away.

He lunged forth and landed a summersault (did i spell that right?) and in mid roll, grabbed his Boomerang and leapt forward to turn around in a stance as if he were ready to strike Jezebel, With a sword drawn, and a bladed boomerang.

But what to do now?!

Should he attack?


Stand there to stare at each other?




Khanailoa just continued to hide against the tree, Completely unaware that a Vampire was tearing through the forest right in her direction, Unaware of some fairies nearby, Unaware that there is what would appear a crazed assassin off elsewhere.

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[blaze needs to see someone, may she see Khanailoa?]

[Woohoo. Go on, She needs something to do.]



Blaze and Kris stop arguing as they hear two yeeps. they look down and see a girl hiding in the shadows. they fly down and blaze demands who she is.


"oy, I'll tell you who i'm if'n you tell me who you are!"

Kris laughs. "sorry, miss. my friend here knows no manners. I'm Kris. This infernal creature is Blaze. Who are you?"


Khanailoa shivers.

[okay, what does Khanailoa say?]

After a rather short while, of trying to calm herself down to the point she can respond, Khanailoa ended up seeing no harm in revealing her name.

She make a slight nod of acknowledgement, and poorly stuttered,


"I...I am Khanailoa..."

She looked up over at the two fairies.

"Juh.. Well, Just out of curiosity,... You wouldnt happen to know where we are, eh?"

[Note, There was only one Eepish noise. o_o]




Ryukai just tried to think to himself, What would his father do in a similar situation.

Probably have something thought out before he pulled the stunt.

Ryukai then tried hard to not think about his father dying, just focused on his surroundings and what should he do.

[uh. o_o Um.]

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Ryukai tried hard to hide the expression he had and not to give away his intention, Though he was drawn away from this thought as Raith strode by.

This was the time.

He hesitated a few seconds- There wasnt a violent being as a Vampire to strike if he made the slightest mistake, Only what appeared a harmless 'princess' a good 3 feet away.

He lunged forth and landed a summersault (did i spell that right?) and in mid roll, grabbed his Boomerang and leapt forward to turn around in a stance as if he were ready to strike Jezebel, With a sword drawn, and a bladed boomerang.

But what to do now?!

Should he attack?


Stand there to stare at each other?




Khanailoa just continued to hide against the tree, Completely unaware that a Vampire was tearing through the forest right in her direction, Unaware of some fairies nearby, Unaware that there is what would appear a crazed assassin off elsewhere.

Jezebel saw Ryukai retrieve his boomerang, and take off.  Raith was gone 2, so she might as well follow suit.  she jumped into the nearest tree.  leaping from branch 2 branch, she kept out of sight of Ryukai.  she wanted 2 avoid shooting him @ all costs, but keep an eye on him.  Jezebel would not interfere with anything he did, but she would watch him.  he probably figured her as no threat, but she would set him straight.

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Naomi was both horrer struck and grateful to god. A vampire had just passed her, and looked straight at her! But it just passed by. Before she got back out into the clearing, she saw a pretty medeteranian girl following the vampire from the trees! What kind of weirdo forest was this? Naomi ran out from under the bush, changed back into her normal, very pretty, blonde self and took of running in the opposite direction of the vampire and tree-jumping girl. She saw a fire in a clearing and someone next to it. She decided to ask them for help. She sprinted into the clearing and said to the guy, "Can you help me?"
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Raith was getting closer. Hightening her senses, she could smell the girls blood. No more pitty. She had to bring back blood, or face banishment. The plan would have to wait for about a week, when she was on duty next.
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Naomi was both horrer struck and grateful to god. A vampire had just passed her, and looked straight at her! But it just passed by. Before she got back out into the clearing, she saw a pretty medeteranian girl following the vampire from the trees! What kind of weirdo forest was this? Naomi ran out from under the bush, changed back into her normal, very pretty, blonde self and took of running in the opposite direction of the vampire and tree-jumping girl. She saw a fire in a clearing and someone next to it. She decided to ask them for help. She sprinted into the clearing and said to the guy, "Can you help me?"

[great post, but im following Ryukai, remember?  but, thats ok.]

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Naomi was both horrer struck and grateful to god. A vampire had just passed her, and looked straight at her! But it just passed by. Before she got back out into the clearing, she saw a pretty medeteranian girl following the vampire from the trees! What kind of weirdo forest was this? Naomi ran out from under the bush, changed back into her normal, very pretty, blonde self and took of running in the opposite direction of the vampire and tree-jumping girl. She saw a fire in a clearing and someone next to it. She decided to ask them for help. She sprinted into the clearing and said to the guy, "Can you help me?"

[great post, but im following Ryukai, remember?  but, thats ok.]

[Oops! I though you where following Raith! :embarrased: ]

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[blaze needs to see someone, may she see Khanailoa?]

[Woohoo. Go on, She needs something to do.]



Blaze and Kris stop arguing as they hear a yeep. they look down and see a girl hiding in the shadows. they fly down and blaze demands who she is.


"oy, I'll tell you who i'm if'n you tell me who you are!"

Kris laughs. "sorry, miss. my friend here knows no manners. I'm Kris. This infernal creature is Blaze. Who are you?"


Khanailoa shivers.

[okay, what does Khanailoa say?]

After a rather short while, of trying to calm herself down to the point she can respond, Khanailoa ended up seeing no harm in revealing her name.

She make a slight nod of acknowledgement, and poorly stuttered,


"I...I am Khanailoa..."

She looked up over at the two fairies.

"Juh.. Well, Just out of curiosity,... You wouldnt happen to know where we are, eh?"

[Note, There was only one Eepish noise. o_o]




Ryukai just tried to think to himself, What would his father do in a similar situation.

Probably have something thought out before he pulled the stunt.

Ryukai then tried hard to not think about his father dying, just focused on his surroundings and what should he do.

[uh. o_o Um.]

[okay..... fixed.]



Blaze smiles.

"Sure, Khanailoa! we are in the Jeroub Forest, West region.

Quite a dangerous spot for a human girl. oh, and relax. we wont hurt you. Kris here will prolly try to protect you. Say, do you know the way to the big castle over thataways?" Blaze points toward the east. [does Khanailoa nod or shake her head?] When [if] she answers, Blaze shrugs and thanks her. Kris decides to give Khanailoa some company. Blaze flies off to the East. [knowing or not knowing where she is going, depending on the answer.]  Blaze has felt drawn to the castle for many years, feeling some misjustice that only she can fix.

on her way, she hears voices. [does Blaze meet with jezebel, raith and ryukai?]

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[horatio, dont fret! you can join!]


[hello? does Blaze see jezebel and ryukai?]


Blaze is still flying. Kris is flying next to and talking to Khanailoa.

"so, that's my story... whats yours?"

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"greetings, I am dimearsh, I mean you no harm, unless you seek to aid the powers of darkness. I seek to avenge the death of a freind."

 That castle is reputed to be the hideout of the assasin sinvalj. I seek allies in ridding the world of his foul presence.



{blaze: possible ally?}

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Blaze smiles.

"Sure, Khanailoa! we are in the Jeroub Forest, West region.

Quite a dangerous spot for a human girl. oh, and relax. we wont hurt you. Kris here will prolly try to protect you. Say, do you know the way to the big castle over thataways?" Blaze points toward the east. [does Khanailoa nod or shake her head?] When [if] she answers, Blaze shrugs and thanks her. Kris decides to give Khanailoa some company. Blaze flies off to the East. [knowing or not knowing where she is going, depending on the answer.]  Blaze has felt drawn to the castle for many years, feeling some misjustice that only she can fix.

on her way, she hears voices. [does Blaze meet with jezebel, raith and ryukai?]

[Kat, I dont mind if you kill off Khanailoa or vampirish- her. o_o Go ahead and do your thing. And yeah, Go ahead and RP her for a while, And dont worry about controlling. Do it all you want as long as you have permission beforehand.]


"No, actually, I dont... I'd help if i could."


She turned her head behind her, Thinking she heard something move behind her. At seeing nothing, she ust ignored it.

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Ryukai tried hard to hide the expression he had and not to give away his intention, Though he was drawn away from this thought as Raith strode by.

This was the time.

He hesitated a few seconds- There wasnt a violent being as a Vampire to strike if he made the slightest mistake, Only what appeared a harmless 'princess' a good 3 feet away.

He lunged forth and landed a summersault (did i spell that right?) and in mid roll, grabbed his Boomerang and leapt forward to turn around in a stance as if he were ready to strike Jezebel, With a sword drawn, and a bladed boomerang.

But what to do now?!

Should he attack?


Stand there to stare at each other?




Khanailoa just continued to hide against the tree, Completely unaware that a Vampire was tearing through the forest right in her direction, Unaware of some fairies nearby, Unaware that there is what would appear a crazed assassin off elsewhere.

Jezebel saw Ryukai retrieve his boomerang, and take off.  Raith was gone 2, so she might as well follow suit.  she jumped into the nearest tree.  leaping from branch 2 branch, she kept out of sight of Ryukai.  she wanted 2 avoid shooting him @ all costs, but keep an eye on him.  Jezebel would not interfere with anything he did, but she would watch him.  he probably figured her as no threat, but she would set him straight.

[One thing, Ryukai stood away from Jezebel about 10, 15 feet away, and wasnt 'taking off'. But dont worry, i'll think of something so yeh wont feel stupid n_n;]


What would Jezebal have done if he made a mistake, Nothing is keeping him from running away. She, as far as Ryukai knew, was harmless.


Ryukai darted off into the trees.

After running about 20 feet, He stopped. Where the heck was that Vampire going?! Vampireslayers are the near highest rank in assassination, If he were to get hold of it, Dead or alive, He'd be able to afford a lot more. Specifically clothing. Ugh.


Ryukai had nothing to lose, Nobody seemed to care of his existance in his hometown, All they knew of him was he always tried to kill something yet never suceeded.

If the vampire kills him, So what?

If he kills the vampire, He may get upgraded to a VampireSlayer rank!


Ryukai changed directions, and navigated through the forest in attempt to catch up with Raith.

There was no sign of it anywhere.

This vampire was faster than he thought... This may also be a tougher job than he estimated.

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Ryukai tried hard to hide the expression he had and not to give away his intention, Though he was drawn away from this thought as Raith strode by.

This was the time.

He hesitated a few seconds- There wasnt a violent being as a Vampire to strike if he made the slightest mistake, Only what appeared a harmless 'princess' a good 3 feet away.

He lunged forth and landed a summersault (did i spell that right?) and in mid roll, grabbed his Boomerang and leapt forward to turn around in a stance as if he were ready to strike Jezebel, With a sword drawn, and a bladed boomerang.

But what to do now?!

Should he attack?


Stand there to stare at each other?




Khanailoa just continued to hide against the tree, Completely unaware that a Vampire was tearing through the forest right in her direction, Unaware of some fairies nearby, Unaware that there is what would appear a crazed assassin off elsewhere.

Jezebel saw Ryukai retrieve his boomerang, and take off.  Raith was gone 2, so she might as well follow suit.  she jumped into the nearest tree.  leaping from branch 2 branch, she kept out of sight of Ryukai.  she wanted 2 avoid shooting him @ all costs, but keep an eye on him.  Jezebel would not interfere with anything he did, but she would watch him.  he probably figured her as no threat, but she would set him straight.

[One thing, Ryukai stood away from Jezebel about 10, 15 feet away, and wasnt 'taking off'. But dont worry, i'll think of something so yeh wont feel stupid n_n;]


What would Jezebal have done if he made a mistake, Nothing is keeping him from running away. She, as far as Ryukai knew, was harmless.


Ryukai darted off into the trees.

After running about 20 feet, He stopped. Where the heck was that Vampire going?! Vampireslayers are the near highest rank in assassination, If he were to get hold of it, Dead or alive, He'd be able to afford a lot more. Specifically clothing. Ugh.


Ryukai had nothing to lose, Nobody seemed to care of his existance in his hometown, All they knew of him was he always tried to kill something yet never suceeded.

If the vampire kills him, So what?

If he kills the vampire, He may get upgraded to a VampireSlayer rank!


Ryukai changed directions, and navigated through the forest in attempt to catch up with Raith.

There was no sign of it anywhere.

This vampire was faster than he thought... This may also be a tougher job than he estimated.

[i kno, i reread your post, and realized my mistake, but it was 2 late! sorry.   :D ]            


Ryukai  stopped 4 a sec, and looked around.  apparently, he saw what he was looking 4, and darted off in a different direction.  Jezebel,  jumped as far as she could 2 catch ^ with him.  she wondered what he was looking 4..........

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Blaze smiles.

"Sure, Khanailoa! we are in the Jeroub Forest, West region.

Quite a dangerous spot for a human girl. oh, and relax. we wont hurt you. Kris here will prolly try to protect you. Say, do you know the way to the big castle over thataways?" Blaze points toward the east. [does Khanailoa nod or shake her head?] When [if] she answers, Blaze shrugs and thanks her. Kris decides to give Khanailoa some company. Blaze flies off to the East. [knowing or not knowing where she is going, depending on the answer.]  Blaze has felt drawn to the castle for many years, feeling some misjustice that only she can fix.

on her way, she hears voices. [does Blaze meet with jezebel, raith and ryukai?]

[Kat, I dont mind if you kill off Khanailoa or vampirish- her. o_o Go ahead and do your thing. And yeah, Go ahead and RP her for a while, And dont worry about controlling. Do it all you want as long as you have permission beforehand.]


"No, actually, I dont... I'd help if i could."


She turned her head behind her, Thinking she heard something move behind her. At seeing nothing, she ust ignored it.

[Cool! I won't kill her!] Raith saw the "Eep"er. She was young. Very young. Too young. In order to feed the children, a victum must be over 18. She didn't feel so guilty about not attacking Jezabelle anymore. But it was too late. The girl had already saw her and screamed. "LEAVE ME ALONE! I HAVE A CROSS AND A STAKE!" she yelled. "Do not worry. You are too young." Raith said disappointedly. She though she smelled something funny about the blood. The girl looked at her with untrusing eyes. "How do I know that you aren't just getting my to lower my guard so you can bite me?" "You don't, do you?" said Raith, grinning evily and showing her fangs. [Okay, Arkcher, where is Ryukai? Is he by the fire? 'Cause I thought he was and made a post w/ Naomi and him meeting. You never did anything with it and I got confused. And Mastermind, I just noticed and RP request for Raith. It was old, but go ahead if you want. Arkcher, you can RP Naomi or Raith for your next post, if needed. You too, Paz.]

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*wish I had the talent to write like all our wonderful authors* :sleepy:

[Anyone can write well. It's finding out what you can write well that people have trouble with. My friend can't write normal, everyday stories to save her life. But she can write fansay like know other!]

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[Kat, I dont mind if you kill off Khanailoa or vampirish- her. o_o Go ahead and do your thing. And yeah, Go ahead and RP her for a while, And dont worry about controlling. Do it all you want as long as you have permission beforehand.]


"No, actually, I dont... I'd help if i could."


She turned her head behind her, Thinking she heard something move behind her. At seeing nothing, she ust ignored it.

[Cool! I won't kill her!] Raith saw the "Eep"er. She was young. Very young. Too young. In order to feed the children, a victum must be over 18. She didn't feel so guilty about not attacking Jezabelle anymore. But it was too late. The girl had already saw her and screamed. "LEAVE ME ALONE! I HAVE A CROSS AND A STAKE!" she yelled. "Do not worry. You are too young." Raith said disappointedly. She though she smelled something funny about the blood. The girl looked at her with untrusing eyes. "How do I know that you aren't just getting my to lower my guard so you can bite me?" "You don't, do you?" said Raith, grinning evily and showing her fangs. [Okay, Arkcher, where is Ryukai? Is he by the fire? 'Cause I thought he was and made a post w/ Naomi and him meeting. You never did anything with it and I got confused. And Mastermind, I just noticed and RP request for Raith. It was old, but go ahead if you want. Arkcher, you can RP Naomi or Raith for your next post, if needed. You too, Paz.]

[Alright, I'll try to think of how i'd use Raith in my post though.]


[Ryukai is chasing after Raith. No more than 50 feet away at the moment.]


Khanailoa had no idea what to do- She ran into a tree which drew some fairies she knew nothing about, And a vampire who seems to want her dead. On top of that, There are still bounty hunters on her tail, Along with horrid memories from the near past... Her family and friends, Only home...

In a short matter of time, Tears came to her eyes as her mind went haywire in confusion, fear, lonliness, and alert...ness. She trembled for a moment, trying her best to hide her situation from the Vampire and fairies, and who-knows what else in the dark woods.

Despite the fact that she had no stake nor crucifix, (cross, whatever) She felt as if the Vampire wouldnt pose as a threat to her in any way, Almost as if she would overpower it with something she will retrieve soon.




Ryukai lunged right, left, left, then right, trying to dodge the trees coming at him as he ran. Within a short time, He came across Raith, Khanailoa, Kris and... Dimearsh is nearby as well? 'Dunno, Forgot. Anywho.

He came through to the small clearing, just left of Raith.

'Dang you, Ryukai, You did it again!!'

He thought to himself as he had no stradegy planned for now. Does he go on and strike the Vampire? [He doesnt know that Raith is in dire need of Blood, And is in killer-ish mode. from sensing Khanailoa nearby.] What'd it do if he made a mistake?


Ryukai stumbled to balance himself on the soft earthy ground, In an awkward position phisycally and mentally. What to do now, What to do now...

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[im gonna try and make a post with Naomi. I might do something stupid with her, So tell me if i do something wrong, a'ight Kat?]


Naomi recovered from the shock and fear, amazement ect., And crept out from in the bushes. [Assuming she can shapeshift to any feline form?] She morphed herself into a human again, Took one step to make a loud crackling noise from dry, dead leaves on the ground. She immediately, as quietly as possible, Changed back into a cat form and silently padded along, trying to keep out of sight.


Naomi heard something move above her- She glanced up to see what looked like a princess, or at least a female that is descently, formally dressed. Lunge from branch to branch, Trying to navigate unsuccessfully through the trees. Naomi flatteded her body against the ground, Keeping from sight.

Once the stranger passed, Naomi continued creeping along the earth terrain,closer to the signs of population.

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[im gonna try and make a post with Naomi. I might do something stupid with her, So tell me if i do something wrong, a'ight Kat?]


Naomi recovered from the shock and fear, amazement ect., And crept out from in the bushes. [Assuming she can shapeshift to any feline form?] She morphed herself into a human again, Took one step to make a loud crackling noise from dry, dead leaves on the ground. She immediately, as quietly as possible, Changed back into a cat form and silently padded along, trying to keep out of sight.


Naomi heard something move above her- She glanced up to see what looked like a princess, or at least a female that is descently, formally dressed. Lunge from branch to branch, Trying to navigate unsuccessfully through the trees. Naomi flatteded her body against the ground, Keeping from sight.

Once the stranger passed, Naomi continued creeping along the earth terrain,closer to the signs of population.

[You where right about my power. Ya didn't screw up!]

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[ok, I am behind things a bit]

[first, Paz, does blaze agree to assist dimarsh in destroying sinvalj, should he reside in that old castle?]


dimarsh senses a dark presence through his sword, but notices that it does not seem to be evil.

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[ok, I am behind things a bit]

[first, Paz, does blaze agree to assist dimarsh in destroying sinvalj, should he reside in that old castle?]


dimarsh senses a dark presence through his sword, but notices that it does not seem to be evil.

[umm, is that Raith?]

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[ok, I am behind things a bit]

[first, Paz, does blaze agree to assist dimarsh in destroying sinvalj, should he reside in that old castle?]


dimarsh senses a dark presence through his sword, but notices that it does not seem to be evil.

[umm, is that Raith?]

[i dunno. o_o][.... Oy, Kat. Yeh gonna make a post or what? Ryukai came over to where yeh are. ... or should i continue on with posting?]

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as Jezebel jumped about, following Ryukai, she saw a cat on the forest floor.  a cat, around here?  there were plenty of cats in the palace, but in a dense forest?  the cat dissapeared from sight.  ryukai stopped, and he was by Raith, and a cringing girl.  Jezebel loaded her bow.  she owed Raith, and she would kill Ryukai if he tried 2 harm her, or the girl.  he fell 2 the ground.  what if he was hurt?  more, why did she care? he was out 2 get her! but Jezebel had been taught better.  she but her bow away, and jumped from the tree.  Raight saw her, and lunged @ her neck.  she needed that blood, and @ that moment, she didnt care who gave it.  Jezebel screamed, and yanked the Crucifix in2 sight.  Raith yelped in pain, and retreated.  she had 4gotten about the princess' Crucifix.  she was still untouchable.
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as Jezebel jumped about, following Ryukai, she saw a cat on the forest floor.  a cat, around here?  there were plenty of cats in the palace, but in a dense forest?  the cat dissapeared from sight.  ryukai stopped, and he was by Raith, and a cringing girl.  Jezebel loaded her bow.  she owed Raith, and she would kill Ryukai if he tried 2 harm her, or the girl.  he fell 2 the ground.  what if he was hurt?  more, why did she care? he was out 2 get her! but Jezebel had been taught better.  she but her bow away, and jumped from the tree.  Raight saw her, and lunged @ her neck.  she needed that blood, and @ that moment, she didnt care who gave it.  Jezebel screamed, and yanked the Crucifix in2 sight.  Raith yelped in pain, and retreated.  she had 4gotten about the princess' Crucifix.  she was still untouchable.

[uh, Mastermind? Whats with that...


Since when (and why) did Ryukai fall over? And why did Raith make such a significant move as that, She specified she needed blood of a human over 18.

Khanailoa is 14, You specified that Jezebel was 15, Raith is apparently 800 or something... While Ryukai is a bit over 19. She would be attacking him, instead.

I dont recall giving permission for RPing Ryukai, Even if it was just tripping, But i guess Kat did give permission, But why'd you have Raith do a significant move as that? Furthermore, Why Jezebel of the 3 other options? (or 4... Vampiric Faeires! xD)

... I dont get it.]

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[im gonna try and post now, For now, Assuming that Jezebal has yet to arrive in the scene. (Note, Be more descriptive next time. I hardly understood what you were describing there.) ]


Ryukai was empty-handed, He had put his weapons away by now. He was in an awkward situation, Which he had not intended.


Whatever the situation, It didnt necessarily matter what the consequences were.

He, As fast as possible, Reached behind himself to grab a weapon, Ended up grabbing a sword by the blade- Causing somewhat sharp pain, along with exposed blood in the midst of a vampire.

'Gaah! Dangit!!!'

His bleeding hand scrambled around, for a defferent weapon. This only spread blood around, risking himself to the vampire even worse.

He ended up grabbing his Bladed boomerang again- giving himself a few more scratches.

'What the heck?!'

He thought to himself,

'What is with this?!'

He threw the boomerang in Raiths direction- In only hopes of killing her. Unskillfully though, It twisted and curved, Didnt get very far before crashing into the ground.

With this other arm, Reached behind himself to grab what was more of a small golden key-shaped artifact some some sort- This was... Should he or shouldnt he? With the right spell he posesses, The two items combined could kill Raith, Jezebel, The mysterious Being (khanailoa) a short distance away, Or any individual he'd want.


Should he do it?

He knows nothing about Raith, other than shes a vampire. What other power would she have?

Its worth a try...


[Kat, You can have Raith attack Ryukai if you necessarily wanted. I'd just rather you did not vamp-isize him. I can, though, Add another character for you to drain blood from.]

[Another thing. Should Ryukai attack any of yeh's? Chances are, If its a strong, pain-tolerable being such as dimearsh or Raith, It would not kill them, Just immensely damage them. (Note, If you could somehow reflect or re-direct the attack back as Ryukai, That'll be fine.) So, You make the decision whilst i go to sleep. G"night. u_u ]

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as Jezebel jumped about, following Ryukai, she saw a cat on the forest floor.  a cat, around here?  there were plenty of cats in the palace, but in a dense forest?  the cat dissapeared from sight.  ryukai stopped, and he was by Raith, and a cringing girl.  Jezebel loaded her bow.  she owed Raith, and she would kill Ryukai if he tried 2 harm her, or the girl.  he fell 2 the ground.  what if he was hurt?  more, why did she care? he was out 2 get her! but Jezebel had been taught better.  she but her bow away, and jumped from the tree.  Raight saw her, and lunged @ her neck.  she needed that blood, and @ that moment, she didnt care who gave it.  Jezebel screamed, and yanked the Crucifix in2 sight.  Raith yelped in pain, and retreated.  she had 4gotten about the princess' Crucifix.  she was still untouchable.

[uh, Mastermind? Whats with that...


Since when (and why) did Ryukai fall over? And why did Raith make such a significant move as that, She specified she needed blood of a human over 18.

Khanailoa is 14, You specified that Jezebel was 15, Raith is apparently 800 or something... While Ryukai is a bit over 19. She would be attacking him, instead.

I dont recall giving permission for RPing Ryukai, Even if it was just tripping, But i guess Kat did give permission, But why'd you have Raith do a significant move as that? Furthermore, Why Jezebel of the 3 other options? (or 4... Vampiric Faeires! xD)

... I dont get it.]

[its just like i said- Think sensibley. Think before you post. This is why i take so freakin long before making a necessary post.]

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as Jezebel jumped about, following Ryukai, she saw a cat on the forest floor.  a cat, around here?  there were plenty of cats in the palace, but in a dense forest?  the cat dissapeared from sight.  ryukai stopped, and he was by Raith, and a cringing girl.  Jezebel loaded her bow.  she owed Raith, and she would kill Ryukai if he tried 2 harm her, or the girl.  he fell 2 the ground.  what if he was hurt?  more, why did she care? he was out 2 get her! but Jezebel had been taught better.  she but her bow away, and jumped from the tree.  Raight saw her, and lunged @ her neck.  she needed that blood, and @ that moment, she didnt care who gave it.  Jezebel screamed, and yanked the Crucifix in2 sight.  Raith yelped in pain, and retreated.  she had 4gotten about the princess' Crucifix.  she was still untouchable.

[uh, Mastermind? Whats with that...


Since when (and why) did Ryukai fall over? And why did Raith make such a significant move as that, She specified she needed blood of a human over 18.

Khanailoa is 14, You specified that Jezebel was 15, Raith is apparently 800 or something... While Ryukai is a bit over 19. She would be attacking him, instead.

I dont recall giving permission for RPing Ryukai, Even if it was just tripping, But i guess Kat did give permission, But why'd you have Raith do a significant move as that? Furthermore, Why Jezebel of the 3 other options? (or 4... Vampiric Faeires! xD)

... I dont get it.]

[ 4-got abou the 18 part, and sorry, just 4get abou' the falling thing, i read the post that sed he was struggling 2 stand, and i 4got that he DIDNT fall, so just 4get i put that.  anyway, so i wasnt TECHNICLY rping ur character, cuz i THOUGHT he had fallen, so just 4get i put that. :D ]

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[im gonna try and post now, For now, Assuming that Jezebal has yet to arrive in the scene. (Note, Be more descriptive next time. I hardly understood what you were describing there.) ]


Ryukai was empty-handed, He had put his weapons away by now. He was in an awkward situation, Which he had not intended.


Whatever the situation, It didnt necessarily matter what the consequences were.

He, As fast as possible, Reached behind himself to grab a weapon, Ended up grabbing a sword by the blade- Causing somewhat sharp pain, along with exposed blood in the midst of a vampire.

'Gaah! Dangit!!!'

His bleeding hand scrambled around, for a defferent weapon. This only spread blood around, risking himself to the vampire even worse.

He ended up grabbing his Bladed boomerang again- giving himself a few more scratches.

'What the heck?!'

He thought to himself,

'What is with this?!'

He threw the boomerang in Raiths direction- In only hopes of killing her. Unskillfully though, It twisted and curved, Didnt get very far before crashing into the ground.

With this other arm, Reached behind himself to grab what was more of a small golden key-shaped artifact some some sort- This was... Should he or shouldnt he? With the right spell he posesses, The two items combined could kill Raith, Jezebel, The mysterious Being (khanailoa) a short distance away, Or any individual he'd want.


Should he do it?

He knows nothing about Raith, other than shes a vampire. What other power would she have?

Its worth a try...


[Kat, You can have Raith attack Ryukai if you necessarily wanted. I'd just rather you did not vamp-isize him. I can, though, Add another character for you to drain blood from.]

[Another thing. Should Ryukai attack any of yeh's? Chances are, If its a strong, pain-tolerable being such as dimearsh or Raith, It would not kill them, Just immensely damage them. (Note, If you could somehow reflect or re-direct the attack back as Ryukai, That'll be fine.) So, You make the decision whilst i go to sleep. G"night. u_u ]

Raith watched with amusement at the guy reaching behind him and cutting himself. She was about to ask if he needed help, when he threw his boomerang at her. She couldn't just let that slide. She barrred her teeth and dived towards him. He doged, [is that RPing? Sorry!] She was about to stike again, but a tabby cat flung itself out of the bushes at her. Raith grabbed the cat and looked at it. She was about to brush it off and continue her attack on Ryukai, but the cat wasn't a cat anymore. It was a pretty, 14 year old looking girl. She looked Raith. Then screamed. "Great." she though to herself. "I just attacked a vampire." Fortuanatly, the vampire was stunned by the sudden transformation. So was everyone else, by the looks of it. [Once again, sorry if that is too close to RPing someone else's character. "Can somebody help me?" She asked, remembering why she was there. "She notice something poking out over the trees. Raith cursed herself for not realizing what time it was. Well, she had not gathered blood, so she might as well stay in the woods. They where not going to let her back in to the City without blood. She ran off to find a cave or something to hide in for the day. [Okay. I'm done!]

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[im gonna try and post now, For now, Assuming that Jezebal has yet to arrive in the scene. (Note, Be more descriptive next time. I hardly understood what you were describing there.) ]


Ryukai was empty-handed, He had put his weapons away by now. He was in an awkward situation, Which he had not intended.


Whatever the situation, It didnt necessarily matter what the consequences were.

He, As fast as possible, Reached behind himself to grab a weapon, Ended up grabbing a sword by the blade- Causing somewhat sharp pain, along with exposed blood in the midst of a vampire.

'Gaah! Dangit!!!'

His bleeding hand scrambled around, for a defferent weapon. This only spread blood around, risking himself to the vampire even worse.

He ended up grabbing his Bladed boomerang again- giving himself a few more scratches.

'What the heck?!'

He thought to himself,

'What is with this?!'

He threw the boomerang in Raiths direction- In only hopes of killing her. Unskillfully though, It twisted and curved, Didnt get very far before crashing into the ground.

With this other arm, Reached behind himself to grab what was more of a small golden key-shaped artifact some some sort- This was... Should he or shouldnt he? With the right spell he posesses, The two items combined could kill Raith, Jezebel, The mysterious Being (khanailoa) a short distance away, Or any individual he'd want.


Should he do it?

He knows nothing about Raith, other than shes a vampire. What other power would she have?

Its worth a try...


[Kat, You can have Raith attack Ryukai if you necessarily wanted. I'd just rather you did not vamp-isize him. I can, though, Add another character for you to drain blood from.]

[Another thing. Should Ryukai attack any of yeh's? Chances are, If its a strong, pain-tolerable being such as dimearsh or Raith, It would not kill them, Just immensely damage them. (Note, If you could somehow reflect or re-direct the attack back as Ryukai, That'll be fine.) So, You make the decision whilst i go to sleep. G"night. u_u ]

Raith watched with amusement at the guy reaching behind him and cutting himself. She was about to ask if he needed help, when he threw his boomerang at her. She couldn't just let that slide. She barrred her teeth and dived towards him. He doged, [is that RPing? Sorry!] She was about to stike again, but a tabby cat flung itself out of the bushes at her. Raith grabbed the cat and looked at it. She was about to brush it off and continue her attack on Ryukai, but the cat wasn't a cat anymore. It was a pretty, 14 year old looking girl. She looked Raith. Then screamed. "Great." she though to herself. "I just attacked a vampire." Fortuanatly, the vampire was stunned by the sudden transformation. So was everyone else, by the looks of it. [Once again, sorry if that is too close to RPing someone else's character. "Can somebody help me?" She asked, remembering why she was there. "She notice something poking out over the trees. Raith cursed herself for not realizing what time it was. Well, she had not gathered blood, so she might as well stay in the woods. They where not going to let her back in to the City without blood. She ran off to find a cave or something to hide in for the day. [Okay. I'm done!]

Jezebel jumped away from Ryukai b-4 he noticed her.  he was grabbing 4 a weapon, but was only injuring himself!  [more l8r, gotta go.]

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At seeing a vampire lunging in his direction, Ryukai immedieately threw himself out of its path, Losing his grip on the key in his hand. Ryukai crashed against the hard earthy floor, The key lading a few feet away from his reach, If he didnt get that item, He may never be able to use his Power again. He reached out for it- It was too far away.

Its like someone would've taken it! Who'd steal it if he left it there for a short while...

He has other business to attend right now. A thrashing Vampire no more than 12 inches away.

He grabbed his sword, Ready to strike- When... A speeding furrball zooms through the air, Crashing into the vampire, Apparently a wild feline of some sort.

Ryukai watched in uttmost confusion as the fur of the cat seemed to shrink out of sight, As the bald cats body began re-shaping itself into a human form, (With clothes. Ih. o__o; ) And, At realizing it was a Vampire that the cat-human being had attacked, Screamed rather loudly in fear and began to struggle for escaping. (i think...? Mneh.) [i dunno what happened right here though.]

A look of terror caught Raith's expression as something caught her eye- Apparently it was near sunrise. The vampire madly dashed for escaping, It had to hide and find darkness to reside in for the day, until nightfall. This was a chance!

Ryukai immediately lunged over, Would grab the Boomberang, ANd would run as fast as he possibley could after where the Vampire was heading. It was 5:57 AM or so by now (assuming) The sunrise would kill it, Or weaken it... If he could delay the Vampire long enough to keep it in daylight for a long enough, It would be weak enough for him to imprison somehow, Tame, And sell off... If this was possible. Either that or kill it, And report back to his ranger guild back in his hometown.

He darted back and forth avoiding trees as he tore through the forest in attempt to catch up with the Vampire.


[You may or may not have been expecting that, Just tell me if you want Ryukai to find Raith or not. If not, He'll just go back to everyone else.]

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[Another thing, Kat...

You remember that Hugged award i gave you. You can get rid of that if you want, Its nuthin special. but This... Is.

-presents a Vampire award- This is one-of-a-kind, Your the only person who gets it. Booyah. It came from ICly describing the Vampiric ways, Acting out the vampire so well, Making it sound like you know what you'r talking about, And using it intelligently. (Some people i've seen who try to Vamp RP, end up with that whole sucking blood from random people just cuz they wanna, they turn into bats ect.) This is also what imspired me to write one of my books, Im now working on a novel about Vampires. Its gonna be some cheap 2 bucks paperback novel you could get at a gas station or something, Whereas most backgrounds and extras can be found here.

Thats how i think it'll turn out anyway.

I'll be sure to give you credit for some of this.

Anyway, Now you have a Vampire Award. n_n]

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as Jezebel jumped about, following Ryukai, she saw a cat on the forest floor.  a cat, around here?  there were plenty of cats in the palace, but in a dense forest?  the cat dissapeared from sight.  ryukai stopped, and he was by Raith, and a cringing girl.  Jezebel loaded her bow.  she owed Raith, and she would kill Ryukai if he tried 2 harm her, or the girl.  he fell 2 the ground.  what if he was hurt?  more, why did she care? he was out 2 get her! but Jezebel had been taught better.  she but her bow away, and jumped from the tree.  Raight saw her, and lunged @ her neck.  she needed that blood, and @ that moment, she didnt care who gave it.  Jezebel screamed, and yanked the Crucifix in2 sight.  Raith yelped in pain, and retreated.  she had 4gotten about the princess' Crucifix.  she was still untouchable.

[uh, Mastermind? Whats with that...


Since when (and why) did Ryukai fall over? And why did Raith make such a significant move as that, She specified she needed blood of a human over 18.

Khanailoa is 14, You specified that Jezebel was 15, Raith is apparently 800 or something... While Ryukai is a bit over 19. She would be attacking him, instead.

I dont recall giving permission for RPing Ryukai, Even if it was just tripping, But i guess Kat did give permission, But why'd you have Raith do a significant move as that? Furthermore, Why Jezebel of the 3 other options? (or 4... Vampiric Faeires! xD)

... I dont get it.]

[ 4-got abou the 18 part, and sorry, just 4get abou' the falling thing, i read the post that sed he was struggling 2 stand, and i 4got that he DIDNT fall, so just 4get i put that.  anyway, so i wasnt TECHNICLY rping ur character, cuz i THOUGHT he had fallen, so just 4get i put that. :D ]

[its Ok, Nobody's perfect. Sorry if i didnt indicate that Ryukai didnt tip over all the way.

Yeah, Once again. Think more clearly before making an actual IC Post. I apologize for not making things clear myself. :sleepy:

Another thing.

Good work on cutting back on your chatspeak- Your first post was near-unreadable for me. You got a lot better, Good job. -Huggles- ]

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[Another thing, Kat...

You remember that Hugged award i gave you. You can get rid of that if you want, Its nuthin special. but This... Is.

-presents a Vampire award- This is one-of-a-kind, Your the only person who gets it. Booyah. It came from ICly describing the Vampiric ways, Acting out the vampire so well, Making it sound like you know what you'r talking about, And using it intelligently. (Some people i've seen who try to Vamp RP, end up with that whole sucking blood from random people just cuz they wanna, they turn into bats ect.) This is also what imspired me to write one of my books, Im now working on a novel about Vampires. Its gonna be some cheap 2 bucks paperback novel you could get at a gas station or something, Whereas most backgrounds and extras can be found here.

Thats how i think it'll turn out anyway.

I'll be sure to give you credit for some of this.

Anyway, Now you have a Vampire Award. n_n]

[*feels special*]

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At seeing a vampire lunging in his direction, Ryukai immedieately threw himself out of its path, Losing his grip on the key in his hand. Ryukai crashed against the hard earthy floor, The key lading a few feet away from his reach, If he didnt get that item, He may never be able to use his Power again. He reached out for it- It was too far away.

Its like someone would've taken it! Who'd steal it if he left it there for a short while...

He has other business to attend right now. A thrashing Vampire no more than 12 inches away.

He grabbed his sword, Ready to strike- When... A speeding furrball zooms through the air, Crashing into the vampire, Apparently a wild feline of some sort.

Ryukai watched in uttmost confusion as the fur of the cat seemed to shrink out of sight, As the bald cats body began re-shaping itself into a human form, (With clothes. Ih. o__o; ) And, At realizing it was a Vampire that the cat-human being had attacked, Screamed rather loudly in fear and began to struggle for escaping. (i think...? Mneh.) [i dunno what happened right here though.]

A look of terror caught Raith's expression as something caught her eye- Apparently it was near sunrise. The vampire madly dashed for escaping, It had to hide and find darkness to reside in for the day, until nightfall. This was a chance!

Ryukai immediately lunged over, Would grab the Boomberang, ANd would run as fast as he possibley could after where the Vampire was heading. It was 5:57 AM or so by now (assuming) The sunrise would kill it, Or weaken it... If he could delay the Vampire long enough to keep it in daylight for a long enough, It would be weak enough for him to imprison somehow, Tame, And sell off... If this was possible. Either that or kill it, And report back to his ranger guild back in his hometown.

He darted back and forth avoiding trees as he tore through the forest in attempt to catch up with the Vampire.


[You may or may not have been expecting that, Just tell me if you want Ryukai to find Raith or not. If not, He'll just go back to everyone else.]

[He can find her if he wants. Just don't kill, trap, or sell her, please! I've grown rather attached!]

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[Another thing, Kat...

You remember that Hugged award i gave you. You can get rid of that if you want, Its nuthin special. but This... Is.

-presents a Vampire award- This is one-of-a-kind, Your the only person who gets it. Booyah. It came from ICly describing the Vampiric ways, Acting out the vampire so well, Making it sound like you know what you'r talking about, And using it intelligently. (Some people i've seen who try to Vamp RP, end up with that whole sucking blood from random people just cuz they wanna, they turn into bats ect.) This is also what imspired me to write one of my books, Im now working on a novel about Vampires. Its gonna be some cheap 2 bucks paperback novel you could get at a gas station or something, Whereas most backgrounds and extras can be found here.

Thats how i think it'll turn out anyway.

I'll be sure to give you credit for some of this.

Anyway, Now you have a Vampire Award. n_n]

['Kay. Thought I already posted this, too. Ah, well. I'll do it again. *feels special* Now GO INTO THE TOPIC!]

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At seeing a vampire lunging in his direction, Ryukai immedieately threw himself out of its path, Losing his grip on the key in his hand. Ryukai crashed against the hard earthy floor, The key lading a few feet away from his reach, If he didnt get that item, He may never be able to use his Power again. He reached out for it- It was too far away.

Its like someone would've taken it! Who'd steal it if he left it there for a short while...

He has other business to attend right now. A thrashing Vampire no more than 12 inches away.

He grabbed his sword, Ready to strike- When... A speeding furrball zooms through the air, Crashing into the vampire, Apparently a wild feline of some sort.

Ryukai watched in uttmost confusion as the fur of the cat seemed to shrink out of sight, As the bald cats body began re-shaping itself into a human form, (With clothes. Ih. o__o; ) And, At realizing it was a Vampire that the cat-human being had attacked, Screamed rather loudly in fear and began to struggle for escaping. (i think...? Mneh.) [i dunno what happened right here though.]

A look of terror caught Raith's expression as something caught her eye- Apparently it was near sunrise. The vampire madly dashed for escaping, It had to hide and find darkness to reside in for the day, until nightfall. This was a chance!

Ryukai immediately lunged over, Would grab the Boomberang, ANd would run as fast as he possibley could after where the Vampire was heading. It was 5:57 AM or so by now (assuming) The sunrise would kill it, Or weaken it... If he could delay the Vampire long enough to keep it in daylight for a long enough, It would be weak enough for him to imprison somehow, Tame, And sell off... If this was possible. Either that or kill it, And report back to his ranger guild back in his hometown.

He darted back and forth avoiding trees as he tore through the forest in attempt to catch up with the Vampire.


[You may or may not have been expecting that, Just tell me if you want Ryukai to find Raith or not. If not, He'll just go back to everyone else.]

Naomi looked at the key he dropped. She picked it up and looked at it. It didn't seem really special. But she could feel it's magical powers. Maybe this was what she needed to prove she was innocent. [Okay. Backstory time.]

Naomi was coming home from the blacksmith shop. She had been looking at the swords. Naomi was fastinated with the making and using of weapons. She was quite skilled at both crafting and using a sword and war hammer.Well, anyways, she had just come home, and was expecting her mother to be hovering over to stove, makeing something yummy for dinner, and her father to be out in the front yard, tending to his prize-winning flowers. But he wasn't outside, and she wasn't in the kichen. Naomi looked all over the house and the yard. She didn't find them, but found a small box with a lock on it. Naomi had never seen the box before. She was about to further investigate it when there was a loud shout outside. "Hey, I found the people!" the voice called. There was a loud knock at the door and five of the king's guard came in. They took one look at the box and said, "You are under arrest for the murder of your parents." Naomi was horrer struck, she tried to explain, but they dragged her out of the house and bound her hands behind her back. She turned into a black ally cat and ran away, thanking God for the fact thst these guards didn't know her power. [The rest of the story is in my first Naomi post.]

Even though she very much wanted to pull the box out right then and see what was in the box that the guards knew about and used as proof that she killed her parents, [Wow. That's a big, confuseing sentace!] she pocketed the key and decided to check and see if it matched to lock later. Right now she needed to get as far away as she could.

[You can take the key back, Arkcher. Just don't kill Naomi, please. I wasn't going to make that the key that opened the box anyways.]

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At seeing a vampire lunging in his direction, Ryukai immedieately threw himself out of its path, Losing his grip on the key in his hand. Ryukai crashed against the hard earthy floor, The key lading a few feet away from his reach, If he didnt get that item, He may never be able to use his Power again. He reached out for it- It was too far away.

Its like someone would've taken it! Who'd steal it if he left it there for a short while...

He has other business to attend right now. A thrashing Vampire no more than 12 inches away.

He grabbed his sword, Ready to strike- When... A speeding furrball zooms through the air, Crashing into the vampire, Apparently a wild feline of some sort.

Ryukai watched in uttmost confusion as the fur of the cat seemed to shrink out of sight, As the bald cats body began re-shaping itself into a human form, (With clothes. Ih. o__o; ) And, At realizing it was a Vampire that the cat-human being had attacked, Screamed rather loudly in fear and began to struggle for escaping. (i think...? Mneh.) [i dunno what happened right here though.]

A look of terror caught Raith's expression as something caught her eye- Apparently it was near sunrise. The vampire madly dashed for escaping, It had to hide and find darkness to reside in for the day, until nightfall. This was a chance!

Ryukai immediately lunged over, Would grab the Boomberang, ANd would run as fast as he possibley could after where the Vampire was heading. It was 5:57 AM or so by now (assuming) The sunrise would kill it, Or weaken it... If he could delay the Vampire long enough to keep it in daylight for a long enough, It would be weak enough for him to imprison somehow, Tame, And sell off... If this was possible. Either that or kill it, And report back to his ranger guild back in his hometown.

He darted back and forth avoiding trees as he tore through the forest in attempt to catch up with the Vampire.


[You may or may not have been expecting that, Just tell me if you want Ryukai to find Raith or not. If not, He'll just go back to everyone else.]

[He can find her if he wants. Just don't kill, trap, or sell her, please! I've grown rather attached!]

[Fine by me, Ryukai never was necessary successful in doing things like so.]

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[so, Before i continue on with that. I'd need to RP as Raith for one or two posts, If thats Ok by you. Until further notice, Im just sticking with Khanailoa.

And if anyone was wondering, Yes, I did intend for Ryukai to forget about that Key thing. Just leave it alone, i'll take care of it.]


Khanailoa tried not to make herself known unto the fairy, odd being (dimearsh) along with the feline-ish human, And Jezebel...[but she doesnt see her. o_o] It appeared the two most threatening ones had left, So thats always a plus...

Khanailoa remained silent, Not a word. She just layed back against her tree, trying to not draw attention to herself.

[uuuuhhhh.. o_o Seriously.]

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At seeing a vampire lunging in his direction, Ryukai immedieately threw himself out of its path, Losing his grip on the key in his hand. Ryukai crashed against the hard earthy floor, The key lading a few feet away from his reach, If he didnt get that item, He may never be able to use his Power again. He reached out for it- It was too far away.

Its like someone would've taken it! Who'd steal it if he left it there for a short while...

He has other business to attend right now. A thrashing Vampire no more than 12 inches away.

He grabbed his sword, Ready to strike- When... A speeding furrball zooms through the air, Crashing into the vampire, Apparently a wild feline of some sort.

Ryukai watched in uttmost confusion as the fur of the cat seemed to shrink out of sight, As the bald cats body began re-shaping itself into a human form, (With clothes. Ih. o__o; ) And, At realizing it was a Vampire that the cat-human being had attacked, Screamed rather loudly in fear and began to struggle for escaping. (i think...? Mneh.) [i dunno what happened right here though.]

A look of terror caught Raith's expression as something caught her eye- Apparently it was near sunrise. The vampire madly dashed for escaping, It had to hide and find darkness to reside in for the day, until nightfall. This was a chance!

Ryukai immediately lunged over, Would grab the Boomberang, ANd would run as fast as he possibley could after where the Vampire was heading. It was 5:57 AM or so by now (assuming) The sunrise would kill it, Or weaken it... If he could delay the Vampire long enough to keep it in daylight for a long enough, It would be weak enough for him to imprison somehow, Tame, And sell off... If this was possible. Either that or kill it, And report back to his ranger guild back in his hometown.

He darted back and forth avoiding trees as he tore through the forest in attempt to catch up with the Vampire.


[You may or may not have been expecting that, Just tell me if you want Ryukai to find Raith or not. If not, He'll just go back to everyone else.]

Naomi looked at the key he dropped. She picked it up and looked at it. It didn't seem really special. But she could feel it's magical powers. Maybe this was what she needed to prove she was innocent. [Okay. Backstory time.]

Naomi was coming home from the blacksmith shop. She had been looking at the swords. Naomi was fastinated with the making and using of weapons. She was quite skilled at both crafting and using a sword and war hammer.Well, anyways, she had just come home, and was expecting her mother to be hovering over to stove, makeing something yummy for dinner, and her father to be out in the front yard, tending to his prize-winning flowers. But he wasn't outside, and she wasn't in the kichen. Naomi looked all over the house and the yard. She didn't find them, but found a small box with a lock on it. Naomi had never seen the box before. She was about to further investigate it when there was a loud shout outside. "Hey, I found the people!" the voice called. There was a loud knock at the door and five of the king's guard came in. They took one look at the box and said, "You are under arrest for the murder of your parents." Naomi was horrer struck, she tried to explain, but they dragged her out of the house and bound her hands behind her back. She turned into a black ally cat and ran away, thanking God for the fact thst these guards didn't know her power. [The rest of the story is in my first Naomi post.]

Even though she very much wanted to pull the box out right then and see what was in the box that the guards knew about and used as proof that she killed her parents, [Wow. That's a big, confuseing sentace!] she pocketed the key and decided to check and see if it matched to lock later. Right now she needed to get as far away as she could.

[You can take the key back, Arkcher. Just don't kill Naomi, please. I wasn't going to make that the key that opened the box anyways.]

[Good idea... Ryukai might get kinda ticked off at finding out that Naomi has his scource of power, But you can keep it for now.

Yeah, I also think its a good idea that Ryukai and Naomi would have had some link together or something... Yeah. Anyway.]


[Like i said before, I need to RP as Raith for a few posts in order to go further without having both of us waiting on each other to post that.]

[so, Until then, Im sticking with Khanailoa. Again.]

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[..... RPers block. (like writers block. Heh. Heheheheh. o_o ) Im'ma add a new character, due to lack of anything better to do.]

[Lemme think... o_o]


[uuuuhhhh. I have another character somewhere in this duranged mind of mine, I have about 14 RPing characters. Lemme check all meh RPing Furcadia alts o-o;]


[Aha. Xalaryn. o_o]


[but first... I dunno how i'll add the character to the scenery, So first, I'll post description and such.]


Xalaryn Anzae

Xalaryn, (Who is also another RP characters sibling. Hitori. No touchey-a-him. o_o) From just looking at her, She'd appear to be the thinnest, weakest, least intelligent person you'd see.

Or so it would seem...

Xalaryn is disturbingly gifted with magic skills. If she used a spell correctly on herself, She could lift near anything in the  world, Also could use any, ANY spell that has to do with Water or Ice. Including ones she had created herself! (id think) She has the power over the element Water (duh) Had amazing power over Magic, Aaannd maybe some other stuff.


[i'll add her in later. Right now, I must go now. Bye. -runs-]

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[so, Before i continue on with that. I'd need to RP as Raith for one or two posts, If thats Ok by you. Until further notice, Im just sticking with Khanailoa.

And if anyone was wondering, Yes, I did intend for Ryukai to forget about that Key thing. Just leave it alone, i'll take care of it.]


Khanailoa tried not to make herself known unto the fairy, odd being (dimearsh) along with the feline-ish human, And Jezebel...[but she doesnt see her. o_o] It appeared the two most threatening ones had left, So thats always a plus...

Khanailoa remained silent, Not a word. She just layed back against her tree, trying to not draw attention to herself.

[uuuuhhhh.. o_o Seriously.]

[Knock yourself out. Not litteraly, but ya know what I mean.]

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At seeing a vampire lunging in his direction, Ryukai immedieately threw himself out of its path, Losing his grip on the key in his hand. Ryukai crashed against the hard earthy floor, The key lading a few feet away from his reach, If he didnt get that item, He may never be able to use his Power again. He reached out for it- It was too far away.

Its like someone would've taken it! Who'd steal it if he left it there for a short while...

He has other business to attend right now. A thrashing Vampire no more than 12 inches away.

He grabbed his sword, Ready to strike- When... A speeding furrball zooms through the air, Crashing into the vampire, Apparently a wild feline of some sort.

Ryukai watched in uttmost confusion as the fur of the cat seemed to shrink out of sight, As the bald cats body began re-shaping itself into a human form, (With clothes. Ih. o__o; ) And, At realizing it was a Vampire that the cat-human being had attacked, Screamed rather loudly in fear and began to struggle for escaping. (i think...? Mneh.) [i dunno what happened right here though.]

A look of terror caught Raith's expression as something caught her eye- Apparently it was near sunrise. The vampire madly dashed for escaping, It had to hide and find darkness to reside in for the day, until nightfall. This was a chance!

Ryukai immediately lunged over, Would grab the Boomberang, ANd would run as fast as he possibley could after where the Vampire was heading. It was 5:57 AM or so by now (assuming) The sunrise would kill it, Or weaken it... If he could delay the Vampire long enough to keep it in daylight for a long enough, It would be weak enough for him to imprison somehow, Tame, And sell off... If this was possible. Either that or kill it, And report back to his ranger guild back in his hometown.

He darted back and forth avoiding trees as he tore through the forest in attempt to catch up with the Vampire.


[You may or may not have been expecting that, Just tell me if you want Ryukai to find Raith or not. If not, He'll just go back to everyone else.]

Naomi looked at the key he dropped. She picked it up and looked at it. It didn't seem really special. But she could feel it's magical powers. Maybe this was what she needed to prove she was innocent. [Okay. Backstory time.]

Naomi was coming home from the blacksmith shop. She had been looking at the swords. Naomi was fastinated with the making and using of weapons. She was quite skilled at both crafting and using a sword and war hammer.Well, anyways, she had just come home, and was expecting her mother to be hovering over to stove, makeing something yummy for dinner, and her father to be out in the front yard, tending to his prize-winning flowers. But he wasn't outside, and she wasn't in the kichen. Naomi looked all over the house and the yard. She didn't find them, but found a small box with a lock on it. Naomi had never seen the box before. She was about to further investigate it when there was a loud shout outside. "Hey, I found the people!" the voice called. There was a loud knock at the door and five of the king's guard came in. They took one look at the box and said, "You are under arrest for the murder of your parents." Naomi was horrer struck, she tried to explain, but they dragged her out of the house and bound her hands behind her back. She turned into a black ally cat and ran away, thanking God for the fact thst these guards didn't know her power. [The rest of the story is in my first Naomi post.]

Even though she very much wanted to pull the box out right then and see what was in the box that the guards knew about and used as proof that she killed her parents, [Wow. That's a big, confuseing sentace!] she pocketed the key and decided to check and see if it matched to lock later. Right now she needed to get as far away as she could.

[You can take the key back, Arkcher. Just don't kill Naomi, please. I wasn't going to make that the key that opened the box anyways.]

[GEEP! Sorry about that! I posted this before you said to leave the key alone! So did you want that to be the key that opened the box?]

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[so, Before i continue on with that. I'd need to RP as Raith for one or two posts, If thats Ok by you. Until further notice, Im just sticking with Khanailoa.

And if anyone was wondering, Yes, I did intend for Ryukai to forget about that Key thing. Just leave it alone, i'll take care of it.]


Khanailoa tried not to make herself known unto the fairy, odd being (dimearsh) along with the feline-ish human, And Jezebel...[but she doesnt see her. o_o] It appeared the two most threatening ones had left, So thats always a plus...

Khanailoa remained silent, Not a word. She just layed back against her tree, trying to not draw attention to herself.

[uuuuhhhh.. o_o Seriously.]

[Knock yourself out. Not litteraly, but ya know what I mean.]

[Yaaaay. o_o Um. Just'a sec.]

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[Tell me if i do something wrong then. o_O]


Raith was gliding over the treetops looking for somewhere- anywhere to hide during the sunlight's reign on earth, Ryukai chased Raith down as she scanned the area sharply for anywhere to hide during the day- at least for a short while.

After a short while, The trees began decreasing in number as they grew closer to the edge- And more rocks apeared more frequently on the ground.

The two speeding beings came to a large hollow cave, Rather dark inside. Raith was just about to make a descent to get in, When a blinding light made its way over and around Raith, Immense light coming from the sun as it rose.

Raith let out a blood-curdling screech as she stopped in mid air, Crashed into the leafy treetops and through the branches, And landed in an injured, crumpled head on the floor, While Ryukai did what he could to cease his 40 MPH Running.

Ryukai ended up... not steering completely clear of a tree, as it hit his left side while running, Just as he tripped on a tall rock, Causing him to crash into the ground in a spiralling motion- When on just the right impact that He performed, Dashed against a large rock, Causing the bones of his right arm to fracture. Raith scrambled to her feet as she ran from the sunlight, Into the cave that... was... nearby.


Ryukai cringed immensely, Though being high-pain tolerant, He only clenched all over. He struggled to stand up- This vampire had to go.

Raith darted inside, Right as sunlight made its way onto the green grassy plains, (with trees) While Ryukai ran inside as well, holding his arm.


Ryukai stayed out of sight until his human eyes adjusted to the dark scenery. Raith was on the other side, trying to catch her breath, standing ang leaning against the side of the stoney walls.

[Note, His Boomerang is on the floor back where you guys are. He still has a sword though.]

Ryukai grabbed for his sword, (With his left hand, though he's right handed) And ran toward Raith in attempt to get rid of her for good.

Raith, At being a vampire, Saw his swords' motions before they commensed, and smoothly dodged each motion of attacking.

Ryukai reached behing himself, Felt around in his pack, And just reached for a sheithed sword at his side.

With a loud 'Sssshhing' ish noise, He drew a long, broadsword and struck her with it.

Ryukai made a horizontal swing- Raith evaded it by moving to her right. She struck with fangs at his neck in attempt to kill Ryukai, But he had his other sword in had- As she drew closer, He made a stabbing motion at her. This stopper her attack, Also made a bit of a nasty hole just below her heart. She tried this again- Ryukai, As fast as possible, Swung the broadsword as her. They both hit each other- Ryukais broadsword made a long, searing cut onher backside while ryukai got a fang mark on the left side of his neck. (It half-way worked. o_O) The two injured beings withdrew from one another- Raith, Being a vampire, Wasnt hurt too badly. A sword wasnt her weakness- Crucifix, or stakes would kill her. The wounds slowly healed and reformed the body one again- While Ryukai was kneeling from immense pain he had. He was holding a heavy broadsword (lot of pressure)with his broken arm, THe side of his nack bleeding (in the midst of a vampire), Not in too good condition from before he chased after Raith, So Ryukai just collapsed in an unconscious heap.


Raith was rather exhausted from all this- Scanned the scenery in the cave for signs of life other than the pathetic excuse for a hunter. She walked furhter in the shadowy depths- and slepts for the day. Even if Ryukai was there once she rested up, she could strike at him. He wasnt of any other use to her.


[Ok, How badly did I mess up?]


Khanailoa watched Naomi examine the key carefully, and Keep it as her own (apparently?) . Uuuhhh. Seriously.

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[Tell me if i do something wrong then. o_O]


Raith was gliding over the treetops looking for somewhere- anywhere to hide during the sunlight's reign on earth, Ryukai chased Raith down as she scanned the area sharply for anywhere to hide during the day- at least for a short while.

After a short while, The trees began decreasing in number as they grew closer to the edge- And more rocks apeared more frequently on the ground.

The two speeding beings came to a large hollow cave, Rather dark inside. Raith was just about to make a descent to get in, When a blinding light made its way over and around Raith, Immense light coming from the sun as it rose.

Raith let out a blood-curdling screech as she stopped in mid air, Crashed into the leafy treetops and through the branches, And landed in an injured, crumpled head on the floor, While Ryukai did what he could to cease his 40 MPH Running.

Ryukai ended up... not steering completely clear of a tree, as it hit his left side while running, Just as he tripped on a tall rock, Causing him to crash into the ground in a spiralling motion- When on just the right impact that He performed, Dashed against a large rock, Causing the bones of his right arm to fracture. Raith scrambled to her feet as she ran from the sunlight, Into the cave that... was... nearby.


Ryukai cringed immensely, Though being high-pain tolerant, He only clenched all over. He struggled to stand up- This vampire had to go.

Raith darted inside, Right as sunlight made its way onto the green grassy plains, (with trees) While Ryukai ran inside as well, holding his arm.


Ryukai stayed out of sight until his human eyes adjusted to the dark scenery. Raith was on the other side, trying to catch her breath, standing ang leaning against the side of the stoney walls.

[Note, His Boomerang is on the floor back where you guys are. He still has a sword though.]

Ryukai grabbed for his sword, (With his left hand, though he's right handed) And ran toward Raith in attempt to get rid of her for good.

Raith, At being a vampire, Saw his swords' motions before they commensed, and smoothly dodged each motion of attacking.

Ryukai reached behing himself, Felt around in his pack, And just reached for a sheithed sword at his side.

With a loud 'Sssshhing' ish noise, He drew a long, broadsword and struck her with it.

Ryukai made a horizontal swing- Raith evaded it by moving to her right. She struck with fangs at his neck in attempt to kill Ryukai, But he had his other sword in had- As she drew closer, He made a stabbing motion at her. This stopper her attack, Also made a bit of a nasty hole just below her heart. She tried this again- Ryukai, As fast as possible, Swung the broadsword as her. They both hit each other- Ryukais broadsword made a long, searing cut onher backside while ryukai got a fang mark on the left side of his neck. (It half-way worked. o_O) The two injured beings withdrew from one another- Raith, Being a vampire, Wasnt hurt too badly. A sword wasnt her weakness- Crucifix, or stakes would kill her. The wounds slowly healed and reformed the body one again- While Ryukai was kneeling from immense pain he had. He was holding a heavy broadsword (lot of pressure)with his broken arm, THe side of his nack bleeding (in the midst of a vampire), Not in too good condition from before he chased after Raith, So Ryukai just collapsed in an unconscious heap.


Raith was rather exhausted from all this- Scanned the scenery in the cave for signs of life other than the pathetic excuse for a hunter. She walked furhter in the shadowy depths- and slepts for the day. Even if Ryukai was there once she rested up, she could strike at him. He wasnt of any other use to her.


[Ok, How badly did I mess up?]


Khanailoa watched Naomi examine the key carefully, and Keep it as her own (apparently?) . Uuuhhh. Seriously.

[The only thing is that she can't fly. She is a different vampire than most, but otherwise ya nailed 'er! Are you done? Because if so, can I RP Ryukai? If you had more in mind, go ahead.]

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"The last I heard, Ryukai went back into his house for the night."

Xalaryn was asking around her town of the whereabouts of Ryukai. She thought of Ryukai as her best friend despite their gender difference, While she would ask anyone if they knew where he was.

Xalaryn had recently aged to 18- (Hint hint, Kat xD) And had 'secret' intentions of marrying Ryukai, Though she never verbally spoke it, He knew this, And for his own little reasons, Avoided this at all costs.

Xalaryn ended up going back to Ryukais home to check if he was there- again.

'Oh, He's probably off hunting again... Why does he do that anyway...'

She thought to herself as she dissapointedly (is that even a word?) strided off to the forest he come frequently goes for hunting in.

[Note, This cave is rather close to Ryukais hometown. And Xalaryn, who is heading over there right now. n_n; This should be good.]

[i cant think of anything to do with Khanailoa until i see further postings in that area...]

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[Tell me if i do something wrong then. o_O]


Raith was gliding over the treetops looking for somewhere- anywhere to hide during the sunlight's reign on earth, Ryukai chased Raith down as she scanned the area sharply for anywhere to hide during the day- at least for a short while.

After a short while, The trees began decreasing in number as they grew closer to the edge- And more rocks apeared more frequently on the ground.

The two speeding beings came to a large hollow cave, Rather dark inside. Raith was just about to make a descent to get in, When a blinding light made its way over and around Raith, Immense light coming from the sun as it rose.

Raith let out a blood-curdling screech as she stopped in mid air, Crashed into the leafy treetops and through the branches, And landed in an injured, crumpled head on the floor, While Ryukai did what he could to cease his 40 MPH Running.

Ryukai ended up... not steering completely clear of a tree, as it hit his left side while running, Just as he tripped on a tall rock, Causing him to crash into the ground in a spiralling motion- When on just the right impact that He performed, Dashed against a large rock, Causing the bones of his right arm to fracture. Raith scrambled to her feet as she ran from the sunlight, Into the cave that... was... nearby.


Ryukai cringed immensely, Though being high-pain tolerant, He only clenched all over. He struggled to stand up- This vampire had to go.

Raith darted inside, Right as sunlight made its way onto the green grassy plains, (with trees) While Ryukai ran inside as well, holding his arm.


Ryukai stayed out of sight until his human eyes adjusted to the dark scenery. Raith was on the other side, trying to catch her breath, standing ang leaning against the side of the stoney walls.

[Note, His Boomerang is on the floor back where you guys are. He still has a sword though.]

Ryukai grabbed for his sword, (With his left hand, though he's right handed) And ran toward Raith in attempt to get rid of her for good.

Raith, At being a vampire, Saw his swords' motions before they commensed, and smoothly dodged each motion of attacking.

Ryukai reached behing himself, Felt around in his pack, And just reached for a sheithed sword at his side.

With a loud 'Sssshhing' ish noise, He drew a long, broadsword and struck her with it.

Ryukai made a horizontal swing- Raith evaded it by moving to her right. She struck with fangs at his neck in attempt to kill Ryukai, But he had his other sword in had- As she drew closer, He made a stabbing motion at her. This stopper her attack, Also made a bit of a nasty hole just below her heart. She tried this again- Ryukai, As fast as possible, Swung the broadsword as her. They both hit each other- Ryukais broadsword made a long, searing cut onher backside while ryukai got a fang mark on the left side of his neck. (It half-way worked. o_O) The two injured beings withdrew from one another- Raith, Being a vampire, Wasnt hurt too badly. A sword wasnt her weakness- Crucifix, or stakes would kill her. The wounds slowly healed and reformed the body one again- While Ryukai was kneeling from immense pain he had. He was holding a heavy broadsword (lot of pressure)with his broken arm, THe side of his nack bleeding (in the midst of a vampire), Not in too good condition from before he chased after Raith, So Ryukai just collapsed in an unconscious heap.


Raith was rather exhausted from all this- Scanned the scenery in the cave for signs of life other than the pathetic excuse for a hunter. She walked furhter in the shadowy depths- and slepts for the day. Even if Ryukai was there once she rested up, she could strike at him. He wasnt of any other use to her.


[Ok, How badly did I mess up?]


Khanailoa watched Naomi examine the key carefully, and Keep it as her own (apparently?) . Uuuhhh. Seriously.

[The only thing is that she can't fly. She is a different vampire than most, but otherwise ya nailed 'er! Are you done? Because if so, can I RP Ryukai? If you had more in mind, go ahead.]

[... Oh. o_O;; Well, That was my understanding, So i'll now assume that Raith had a Cape or something...?

-looks at your fisrt IC post-

... Dangit. x_X Should i re-post?

If she had a cape or something of that nature, She'd be able to glide with it...?]

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"The last I heard, Ryukai went back into his house for the night."

Xalaryn was asking around her town of the whereabouts of Ryukai. She thought of Ryukai as her best friend despite their gender difference, While she would ask anyone if they knew where he was.

Xalaryn had recently aged to 18- (Hint hint, Kat xD) And had 'secret' intentions of marrying Ryukai, Though she never verbally spoke it, He knew this, And for his own little reasons, Avoided this at all costs.

Xalaryn ended up going back to Ryukais home to check if he was there- again.

'Oh, He's probably off hunting again... Why does he do that anyway...'

She thought to herself as she dissapointedly (is that even a word?) strided off to the forest he come frequently goes for hunting in.

[Note, This cave is rather close to Ryukais hometown. And Xalaryn, who is heading over there right now. n_n; This should be good.]

[i cant think of anything to do with Khanailoa until i see further postings in that area...]

[What? Do ya want me to vampireish Xalaryn? and I think that "disappointedly" is a word...]

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"The last I heard, Ryukai went back into his house for the night."

Xalaryn was asking around her town of the whereabouts of Ryukai. She thought of Ryukai as her best friend despite their gender difference, While she would ask anyone if they knew where he was.

Xalaryn had recently aged to 18- (Hint hint, Kat xD) And had 'secret' intentions of marrying Ryukai, Though she never verbally spoke it, He knew this, And for his own little reasons, Avoided this at all costs.

Xalaryn ended up going back to Ryukais home to check if he was there- again.

'Oh, He's probably off hunting again... Why does he do that anyway...'

She thought to herself as she dissapointedly (is that even a word?) strided off to the forest he come frequently goes for hunting in.

[Note, This cave is rather close to Ryukais hometown. And Xalaryn, who is heading over there right now. n_n; This should be good.]

[i cant think of anything to do with Khanailoa until i see further postings in that area...]

[What? Do ya want me to vampireish Xalaryn? and I think that "disappointedly" is a word...]

[i have nothing better to do. And if that post with Ryukai and Raith happened, Then Ryukai'd be about... 1/4 Vampirish. I have no problem whatsoever with Raith gettin hold of Xalaryn for supplying her town.

Yeeeaaah. Once nightgets around to 'falling'.

Yeah, Should i Re-post the Ryukai and Raith thingy?]

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"The last I heard, Ryukai went back into his house for the night."

Xalaryn was asking around her town of the whereabouts of Ryukai. She thought of Ryukai as her best friend despite their gender difference, While she would ask anyone if they knew where he was.

Xalaryn had recently aged to 18- (Hint hint, Kat xD) And had 'secret' intentions of marrying Ryukai, Though she never verbally spoke it, He knew this, And for his own little reasons, Avoided this at all costs.

Xalaryn ended up going back to Ryukais home to check if he was there- again.

'Oh, He's probably off hunting again... Why does he do that anyway...'

She thought to herself as she dissapointedly (is that even a word?) strided off to the forest he come frequently goes for hunting in.

[Note, This cave is rather close to Ryukais hometown. And Xalaryn, who is heading over there right now. n_n; This should be good.]

[i cant think of anything to do with Khanailoa until i see further postings in that area...]

[What? Do ya want me to vampireish Xalaryn? and I think that "disappointedly" is a word...]

[i have nothing better to do. And if that post with Ryukai and Raith happened, Then Ryukai'd be about... 1/4 Vampirish. I have no problem whatsoever with Raith gettin hold of Xalaryn for supplying her town.

Yeeeaaah. Once nightgets around to 'falling'.

Yeah, Should i Re-post the Ryukai and Raith thingy?]

[if ya want. Or we could just predend that you typed it as her running. Whatever you feel like doing. If ya want Xalaryn to become vampire chow, bring'er over here! And your right, that would make Ryukai rather vampireish now, wouldn't it? If you want to pretend that the bite nver occered for the sake of your character, you clould. You could also have him be kindda undead. Whatevo.<-Not a typo-]

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[if ya want. Or we could just predend that you typed it as her running. Whatever you feel like doing. If ya want Xalaryn to become vampire chow, bring'er over here! And your right, that would make Ryukai rather vampireish now, wouldn't it? If you want to pretend that the bite nver occered for the sake of your character, you clould. You could also have him be kindda undead. Whatevo.<-Not a typo-]

[Fwee, Merci. =French- Thank You. o_O=]

[Yeah, We'll just go with the fact i got high on sugar while posting that, Typed it as she flew around like a sparrow holding a coconut (Monty python, Woohoo!)  And i calmed down afterward.]

[in other words, She ran real fast. o_O]


[Alright then. I'll sic Xalaryn on you, I'll be posting her trying to resist Raith as much as possible (using spells and such to defy her attacks) So, I dont care if you act like a cheap little moron (penetration, ect.) and kill her. She'll resist, Just do what you can to get 'er. Yeah.]

[since we'll be using close and frequent actions, You can go ahead and RP Xalaryn if you find it necessary. (kat) So, You can... yeah.]

[Yeah, I kind of intended for Raith to partially... get Ryukai. I'll handle that n.n]

[Now for some IC-ness. n_n;]




[Heeeey. Hey. Lexx-person. What if Khanailoa was (see first IC post) running from the assassin dude that you're trying to get rid of? ... Just a thought.]

Khanailoa looked up at Dimearsh, Who was apparently trying to calm her down. She thought for a short moment, And just looked back down at herself, refusing herself to speak back.

She had a 'flashback', i guess you could say, And... Well, So on.


Back when Khanailoa was at the early age of 7 Human years, She remembered an incedint she was... Whats that word... -looks for a Thesaurus- ... Bah forget it. 'included' in.

She was (and still is) an only child from her parents- She had lived in a simple, small humble village in a small suburb of a city some odd 20 miles away. Well, She had lived there up until a group of people who call themselves 'the Dark Dragons' sabvatoged(i doubt i spelled that right) the small town they lived in. They all came with flaming arrows, longswords, whips, Staffs and various other weapons.

Though fortunately- The group of people Khanailoa lived with were supposedly 'Light dragons' whereas the two groups rivalled each other.

The LightDragons had prepared for an incident such as this, They had built a small stone, sand and clay... (what i guess you would call nowdays) Bunker.

They had a small underground stone dome for defense in case this happened- And it did.

Khanailoa's parents stuffed her inside the stone dome with a few supplies, And went off to fend for Khanailoa, and possibley the rest  of the village.

One of the last things Khanailoa remembered seeing, was her mother getting shot with a firey arrow, While swordsmen charged after her soon afterward. Khanailoa darted to the end of the dome- She curled up with her 7 year old body to take up as little space as possible, She covered herself with a light blue blanket she had since birth. Tried as she did, She couldnt help but hearing the screaming of villagers as they got slaughtered- buildings burning to the ground, looting of the few treasures there, Steel swords colliding, arrows whirring by... Khanailoa just cuddled to herself, Tears streaming down her face as she fearfully hid in the shadowy parts...

[How many of you did i confuse yet? ... i doubt im describing this well enough to an understanable point, eh?]

She just cried herself to sleep, hours after the incedent,.


There was no way that Khanailoa could now trust hardly anyone, Hardly even herself. She just stayed to herself, Rarely vocalizing.




Xalaryn strided along the grassy fields as a forest came into view, As soon, Trees came to pass by as she noticed a cave nearby. ... Well, Might as well look inside, Ryukai could be about anywhere.

Xalaryn walked over to it, to see nothing but dark shadows. She cautiously walked inside, when she felt her right foot brush against something- A crumpled heap which resembled somewhat her fianceé. What could have done that to him, She didnt know of, But didnt think she wanted to know, While getting an... odd feeling that she is being watched...


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The City of the Dead had given her one more chance. Bring back fresh blood for the children, or be exiled. And it wasn't a good thing for vampires to be exiled, what with vampire hunters, and all. But she couldn't work properly.



(first post)

[Waaait a sec. If Vampires could... oh wait...

If you were to gather Blood for vampire 'children', How'd that work? IF someone got attacked by a vampire, taking their blood for younger beings, Who they take it from needs to be over 18 or so. Would they end up turing into a Vamp as well?

If so, How are vampiric kids... existed?

Or do adult vamp's reproduce into children as well as normal humans, making kids...?

If someone lacks blood whereas it was taken by a Vampire, Do they then turn into a vampire, If not, What happens?

Can vampires feed off other Vampires, No living creature of any species can live without fully functioning organs, And as far as i've been informed, Organs cant work properly without hydration, including water and blood.


Either i really dont know squat about Vampires, Or you've made a wee bit of a mistake.

I may be the one who's wrong though- I've done very little studying on the fictional species known as Vampires, Though from what i understand, They are supposedly 'undead' and therefore cant be killed without proper actions. They may or may not have blood or proper internal organs.]

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[if ya want. Or we could just predend that you typed it as her running. Whatever you feel like doing. If ya want Xalaryn to become vampire chow, bring'er over here! And your right, that would make Ryukai rather vampireish now, wouldn't it? If you want to pretend that the bite nver occered for the sake of your character, you clould. You could also have him be kindda undead. Whatevo.<-Not a typo-]

[Fwee, Merci. =French- Thank You. o_O=]

[Yeah, We'll just go with the fact i got high on sugar while posting that, Typed it as she flew around like a sparrow holding a coconut (Monty python, Woohoo!)  And i calmed down afterward.]

[in other words, She ran real fast. o_O]


[Alright then. I'll sic Xalaryn on you, I'll be posting her trying to resist Raith as much as possible (using spells and such to defy her attacks) So, I dont care if you act like a cheap little moron (penetration, ect.) and kill her. She'll resist, Just do what you can to get 'er. Yeah.]

[since we'll be using close and frequent actions, You can go ahead and RP Xalaryn if you find it necessary. (kat) So, You can... yeah.]

[Yeah, I kind of intended for Raith to partially... get Ryukai. I'll handle that n.n]

[Now for some IC-ness. n_n;]




[Heeeey. Hey. Lexx-person. What if Khanailoa was (see first IC post) running from the assassin dude that you're trying to get rid of? ... Just a thought.]

Khanailoa looked up at Dimearsh, Who was apparently trying to calm her down. She thought for a short moment, And just looked back down at herself, refusing herself to speak back.

She had a 'flashback', i guess you could say, And... Well, So on.


Back when Khanailoa was at the early age of 7 Human years, She remembered an incedint she was... Whats that word... -looks for a Thesaurus- ... Bah forget it. 'included' in.

She was (and still is) an only child from her parents- She had lived in a simple, small humble village in a small suburb of a city some odd 20 miles away. Well, She had lived there up until a group of people who call themselves 'the Dark Dragons' sabvatoged(i doubt i spelled that right) the small town they lived in. They all came with flaming arrows, longswords, whips, Staffs and various other weapons.

Though fortunately- The group of people Khanailoa lived with were supposedly 'Light dragons' whereas the two groups rivalled each other.

The LightDragons had prepared for an incident such as this, They had built a small stone, sand and clay... (what i guess you would call nowdays) Bunker.

They had a small underground stone dome for defense in case this happened- And it did.

Khanailoa's parents stuffed her inside the stone dome with a few supplies, And went off to fend for Khanailoa, and possibley the rest  of the village.

One of the last things Khanailoa remembered seeing, was her mother getting shot with a firey arrow, While swordsmen charged after her soon afterward. Khanailoa darted to the end of the dome- She curled up with her 7 year old body to take up as little space as possible, She covered herself with a light blue blanket she had since birth. Tried as she did, She couldnt help but hearing the screaming of villagers as they got slaughtered- buildings burning to the ground, looting of the few treasures there, Steel swords colliding, arrows whirring by... Khanailoa just cuddled to herself, Tears streaming down her face as she fearfully hid in the shadowy parts...

[How many of you did i confuse yet? ... i doubt im describing this well enough to an understanable point, eh?]

She just cried herself to sleep, hours after the incedent,.


There was no way that Khanailoa could now trust hardly anyone, Hardly even herself. She just stayed to herself, Rarely vocalizing.




Xalaryn strided along the grassy fields as a forest came into view, As soon, Trees came to pass by as she noticed a cave nearby. ... Well, Might as well look inside, Ryukai could be about anywhere.

Xalaryn walked over to it, to see nothing but dark shadows. She cautiously walked inside, when she felt her right foot brush against something- A crumpled heap which resembled somewhat her fianceé. What could have done that to him, She didnt know of, But didnt think she wanted to know, While getting an... odd feeling that she is being watched...


Raith was hiding behind a large rock and carefully watching the new-comer. She sniffed the air and senced that the girl was 18. Raith would attac her before anything happened that made her too attached to her, like Jezabelle and Ryukai. She stood up and aimed her gun-blade. Just then, Xalaryn spinned around, hearing her. Xalaryn screamed, but quickly regainded her composure. She franticly searched for her cross, but it was too late for that. Right before the bullet got to her, she cast a protection spell. The bullet stopped in mid air and fell to the ground. Raith hissed slowly and menecingly. Xalaryn was thinking of any spell she know that would actually kill a vampire. But she didn't have much time to think, because the vampire had hit her with a flying tackle. Raith opened her mouth to expose her fangs. But at the same time, Xalaryn had cast a water spell. It wouldn't kill the vampire, but it would get if off of her. [Okay. I'm now confused. Do you want Xalaryn to die/become a vampire, or live? I left it at a place where you could decide. You can RP Raith if needed. Oh, and the coconuts are supposedly carried by swallows in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, not sparrows.]

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[i suppose that is possible, sure why not??

Sinvalj could easily have been assoiciated with such a group, because he is evil, and undead{lich}]

after hearing ther story, dimearsh ask if she can remember anthing odd about the attack, likle someone who obvoiosly withstood a letal blow.

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Raith was hiding behind a large rock and carefully watching the new-comer. She sniffed the air and senced that the girl was 18. Raith would attac her before anything happened that made her too attached to her, like Jezabelle and Ryukai. She stood up and aimed her gun-blade. Just then, Xalaryn spinned around, hearing her. Xalaryn screamed, but quickly regainded her composure. She franticly searched for her cross, but it was too late for that. Right before the bullet got to her, she cast a protection spell. The bullet stopped in mid air and fell to the ground. Raith hissed slowly and menecingly. Xalaryn was thinking of any spell she know that would actually kill a vampire. But she didn't have much time to think, because the vampire had hit her with a flying tackle. Raith opened her mouth to expose her fangs. But at the same time, Xalaryn had cast a water spell. It wouldn't kill the vampire, but it would get if off of her. [Okay. I'm now confused. Do you want Xalaryn to die/become a vampire, or live? I left it at a place where you could decide. You can RP Raith if needed. Oh, and the coconuts are supposedly carried by swallows in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, not sparrows.]

[Yus. Vampirish-icized. Mmhmm. Affirmative. Definite Maybe. Indeed. Dead. o_o]

[i knew that, really i did. I havent watched that insane video for quite a while.]

[Go ahead, Kill, Withdraw blood and vampirish her. I see no necessary need to RP Raith, But i do see a necessary need to make an IC Post. Therefore, I'll RP Raith with permission xD]


Raith managed to grab Xalaryn by her arm, Make a firm latching grip and prepared to bite her, When Xalaryn, in her own defence, Cast a Water spell, which from what she knew would not kill the Vampire, Rather just stall it for time.

A thin sheet of water formed between Raith and Xalaryn, Dividing the two, While waves of water gushed out and pushed Raith out of the way.

Xalaryn continued stalling herself for time, What can she do?!


The perpetual understudy (aka Xalaryn) took advantage of the sopping wet Vampire in front of her, Blocked off the only exit she knew of with a thick layer of Ice. She began using one of her more complicated spells she knew- The cave, with no known exit, Seemed to fill rather quickly with a dense, thick moisture. There was a heavy mist in the area the two were in- While the sub-zero ice wall gave off an arctic wind in the direction of the two.

In a short matter or time, Frost began to form on the two- and their surroundings, As the misty environment seemed to cling to the nearest being.

It was all luck for Xalaryn now- The arctic mists would either freeze the Vampire, and she'd be able to escape, (with Ryukai of course) Or the mist would freeze Xalaryn in her tracks, Leaving her with no physical movement possible.


Raith cautiously looked around as the light which previously streamed in from outside was blocked, blurred and fogged- It was only a light blue glow to illuminate the dark area for Xalaryn to see what she was doing. IF there was a way to block all light from coming in, Xalaryn would have no idea whatsoever where she was!

The exit was sealed shut with ice- Oxygen was shorting. They both had a limit as to how long they would live, breathe.

A moist... mist streamed through the area- Covering everything with a thin layer of water, Whereas the icy air began to freeze it. It seemed more effort was required in movement now, Ice began to harden and limit some movements as the two began to freeze at a slow rate.

As to when the Ice wall melted- That was Xalaryn's will. She would not let either escape until the Vampire was dead. If Xalaryn died here, There would be no way for Raith to escape, If Raith died, Xalaryn could escape.


[Ok. The next bit may be objectionable to Kat, so either you can re-do this part if i mess up, Or i'll re-write it.]


Xalaryn became somewhat dizzy due to lack of air- She stumbled anf faultered. She weakened, Unintentionally making herself more vunlerable to the Vampire.

Raith took advantage of this condition- This girl may be her only hope of living and/or being able to stay in her city of Vampires like herself.

Raith lunged at Xalaryn, Who was kneeling from dizziness, lack of oxygen and overwhelm...ingness.

Xalaryn felt something brush up against her neck- Eyes unfocused, She couldnt tell what it was. The mist would cling to to her eyes- Disallowing her to close the eyelids, Also causing ice to form over her optics.

Raith, Without necessarily thinking of the aftermath, Sunk her fangs into the neck of the stunned human- Blood squirted out in a few places into Raith's mouth.

IT had been so long since she last tasted something like this, It was almost new again to her. Her mouth seemed to hydrate with the blood she had drawn, As Xalaryn toppled over on the floor.




The Mist around them began to thicken- It almost seemed they were both underwater in a short amout of time. The arctic winds began blowing harder- Then lighter till it was barely a breeze, Then it began blowing 10 MPH Winds, 08F Degree air.

The Spell that Xalaryn had cast was going haywire!

Raith wildly looked around, Sharp optics scanning the area in hopes of stopping it-anything!

Like a feral creature, She leapt a few feet away from the wall, Examined it from that distance as the ground she stood on was covered in an inch-thick water, As bits of it froze over. Peices of ice drifted this way and that- The wall blew 19 MPH Wind at Raith, Knocking her off balance. She had to think fast!

Raith darted up to the wall, Stood up straight, And examined it very closely. She felt its smooth surface- and noticed that the Mist was thickening the ice layers on the wall!

Raith thought as fast as she could for a short moment, And hurled herself against the wall, Back flat against it.

Soon, The ice began forming over her body, The frosty substance clung to her skin and clothing, disableing her to move away. This wasnt a bad thing though.


The ice crept over her entire body- She was soo engulfed in the arctic wall, The ice would preserve her life until it melted. Which shouldnt take too much time- Xalaryn has no will to do anything. The Ice would melt soon- and Raith would live through this.




[Makes sence, right? o_O]

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[i suppose that is possible, sure why not??

Sinvalj could easily have been assoiciated with such a group, because he is evil, and undead{lich}]

after hearing ther story, dimearsh ask if she can remember anthing odd about the attack, likle someone who obvoiosly withstood a letal blow.

[um. Note. That was going on inside Khanailoa's mind, She said nothing. Ever. o_o Sorry if i didnt specify.]

[Yeah, Sinvalj could be the current leader of the DarkDragons clan?]

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Raith took off again, and Ryukai followed.  Jezebel  was about 2 follow, but didnt.  what was the point, anyway?  they seemed 2 be done with her, and she had important matters to attend to.  Jezebel was about 2 leave, when she heard shouting.  "-i dunno, anyway, lets look over here, i think i heard something."  Jezebel's sharp ears heard that distinct jingling of teh keys that hung on the belts of palace gaurds.  she leapt into a tree.  Jezebel went high into the tree, and held her breath.  she saw about a score of gaurds, and strange people dressed in black enter into the clearing.  she clasped her hand over her mouth in horror. the gaurds were looking 4 her w/ bounty hunters from the eastern mountains!  legend said that they were demons, and wicked, but would find and kill anyone.....for a price.  "well, i dont think that theres anything here, lets leave."  said a gaurd, but a bounty hunter stopped him.  he stood silent, and looked as if he could hear Jezebel's thoughts.  he pointed @ the tree she was in, 5 bounty hunters began to climb.  Jezebel was dead, unless she could kill them.  she leapt to another treetop as silently as she could, and quickly loaded her bow.  but the bounty hunters saw, and shot @ her w/ harpoons.  the steel blades with thier poisen barbs shot in2 the tree.  Jezebel leapt to a different branch, and grabbed the arrow on her bow.  she had done this once, and maybe she could do it again.  Jezebel released the arrow.  it was blazing w/ green fire.  she touched her quiver, and the arrows followed suit.  


[gotta go, more l8r!]

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Raith was hiding behind a large rock and carefully watching the new-comer. She sniffed the air and senced that the girl was 18. Raith would attac her before anything happened that made her too attached to her, like Jezabelle and Ryukai. She stood up and aimed her gun-blade. Just then, Xalaryn spinned around, hearing her. Xalaryn screamed, but quickly regainded her composure. She franticly searched for her cross, but it was too late for that. Right before the bullet got to her, she cast a protection spell. The bullet stopped in mid air and fell to the ground. Raith hissed slowly and menecingly. Xalaryn was thinking of any spell she know that would actually kill a vampire. But she didn't have much time to think, because the vampire had hit her with a flying tackle. Raith opened her mouth to expose her fangs. But at the same time, Xalaryn had cast a water spell. It wouldn't kill the vampire, but it would get if off of her. [Okay. I'm now confused. Do you want Xalaryn to die/become a vampire, or live? I left it at a place where you could decide. You can RP Raith if needed. Oh, and the coconuts are supposedly carried by swallows in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, not sparrows.]

[Yus. Vampirish-icized. Mmhmm. Affirmative. Definite Maybe. Indeed. Dead. o_o]

[i knew that, really i did. I havent watched that insane video for quite a while.]

[Go ahead, Kill, Withdraw blood and vampirish her. I see no necessary need to RP Raith, But i do see a necessary need to make an IC Post. Therefore, I'll RP Raith with permission xD]


Raith managed to grab Xalaryn by her arm, Make a firm latching grip and prepared to bite her, When Xalaryn, in her own defence, Cast a Water spell, which from what she knew would not kill the Vampire, Rather just stall it for time.

A thin sheet of water formed between Raith and Xalaryn, Dividing the two, While waves of water gushed out and pushed Raith out of the way.

Xalaryn continued stalling herself for time, What can she do?!


The perpetual understudy (aka Xalaryn) took advantage of the sopping wet Vampire in front of her, Blocked off the only exit she knew of with a thick layer of Ice. She began using one of her more complicated spells she knew- The cave, with no known exit, Seemed to fill rather quickly with a dense, thick moisture. There was a heavy mist in the area the two were in- While the sub-zero ice wall gave off an arctic wind in the direction of the two.

In a short matter or time, Frost began to form on the two- and their surroundings, As the misty environment seemed to cling to the nearest being.

It was all luck for Xalaryn now- The arctic mists would either freeze the Vampire, and she'd be able to escape, (with Ryukai of course) Or the mist would freeze Xalaryn in her tracks, Leaving her with no physical movement possible.


Raith cautiously looked around as the light which previously streamed in from outside was blocked, blurred and fogged- It was only a light blue glow to illuminate the dark area for Xalaryn to see what she was doing. IF there was a way to block all light from coming in, Xalaryn would have no idea whatsoever where she was!

The exit was sealed shut with ice- Oxygen was shorting. They both had a limit as to how long they would live, breathe.

A moist... mist streamed through the area- Covering everything with a thin layer of water, Whereas the icy air began to freeze it. It seemed more effort was required in movement now, Ice began to harden and limit some movements as the two began to freeze at a slow rate.

As to when the Ice wall melted- That was Xalaryn's will. She would not let either escape until the Vampire was dead. If Xalaryn died here, There would be no way for Raith to escape, If Raith died, Xalaryn could escape.


[Ok. The next bit may be objectionable to Kat, so either you can re-do this part if i mess up, Or i'll re-write it.]


Xalaryn became somewhat dizzy due to lack of air- She stumbled anf faultered. She weakened, Unintentionally making herself more vunlerable to the Vampire.

Raith took advantage of this condition- This girl may be her only hope of living and/or being able to stay in her city of Vampires like herself.

Raith lunged at Xalaryn, Who was kneeling from dizziness, lack of oxygen and overwhelm...ingness.

Xalaryn felt something brush up against her neck- Eyes unfocused, She couldnt tell what it was. The mist would cling to to her eyes- Disallowing her to close the eyelids, Also causing ice to form over her optics.

Raith, Without necessarily thinking of the aftermath, Sunk her fangs into the neck of the stunned human- Blood squirted out in a few places into Raith's mouth.

IT had been so long since she last tasted something like this, It was almost new again to her. Her mouth seemed to hydrate with the blood she had drawn, As Xalaryn toppled over on the floor.




The Mist around them began to thicken- It almost seemed they were both underwater in a short amout of time. The arctic winds began blowing harder- Then lighter till it was barely a breeze, Then it began blowing 10 MPH Winds, 08F Degree air.

The Spell that Xalaryn had cast was going haywire!

Raith wildly looked around, Sharp optics scanning the area in hopes of stopping it-anything!

Like a feral creature, She leapt a few feet away from the wall, Examined it from that distance as the ground she stood on was covered in an inch-thick water, As bits of it froze over. Peices of ice drifted this way and that- The wall blew 19 MPH Wind at Raith, Knocking her off balance. She had to think fast!

Raith darted up to the wall, Stood up straight, And examined it very closely. She felt its smooth surface- and noticed that the Mist was thickening the ice layers on the wall!

Raith thought as fast as she could for a short moment, And hurled herself against the wall, Back flat against it.

Soon, The ice began forming over her body, The frosty substance clung to her skin and clothing, disableing her to move away. This wasnt a bad thing though.


The ice crept over her entire body- She was soo engulfed in the arctic wall, The ice would preserve her life until it melted. Which shouldnt take too much time- Xalaryn has no will to do anything. The Ice would melt soon- and Raith would live through this.




[Makes sence, right? o_O]

[i was wondering how you where gonna get me out of that! So should I just not RP Raith for a day, or so?]

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[Yep. Its the only way i could think of getting her out of that mess, So, Either wait... or Wait. Wait for it to melt, Or wait for some... person to come. Or for Ryukai to wake up. which isnt likely.]

[Although i could add yet another Character- Some kinda Fire dude. o_O Like a Phyro Wannabe. Or use Phyro as the RP character i first made him into. I kinda turned it into a human-ish thing for the RP topic you made. Phyro is some kinda... Dragon guy. o_O; Yeah.]

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[Yep. Its the only way i could think of getting her out of that mess, So, Either wait... or Wait. Wait for it to melt, Or wait for some... person to come. Or for Ryukai to wake up. which isnt likely.]

[Although i could add yet another Character- Some kinda Fire dude. o_O Like a Phyro Wannabe. Or use Phyro as the RP character i first made him into. I kinda turned it into a human-ish thing for the RP topic you made. Phyro is some kinda... Dragon guy. o_O; Yeah.]

[No! I liked Ryukai! But if ya want 'em to croak, he's your charater.]

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[Yep. Its the only way i could think of getting her out of that mess, So, Either wait... or Wait. Wait for it to melt, Or wait for some... person to come. Or for Ryukai to wake up. which isnt likely.]

[Although i could add yet another Character- Some kinda Fire dude. o_O Like a Phyro Wannabe. Or use Phyro as the RP character i first made him into. I kinda turned it into a human-ish thing for the RP topic you made. Phyro is some kinda... Dragon guy. o_O; Yeah.]

[No! I liked Ryukai! But if ya want 'em to croak, he's your charater.]

[What? Ryukai is still alive, He's just not gonna get up any time soon. As wont the ice melting.]

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[Yep. Its the only way i could think of getting her out of that mess, So, Either wait... or Wait. Wait for it to melt, Or wait for some... person to come. Or for Ryukai to wake up. which isnt likely.]

[Although i could add yet another Character- Some kinda Fire dude. o_O Like a Phyro Wannabe. Or use Phyro as the RP character i first made him into. I kinda turned it into a human-ish thing for the RP topic you made. Phyro is some kinda... Dragon guy. o_O; Yeah.]

[No! I liked Ryukai! But if ya want 'em to croak, he's your charater.]

[so, What should happen then. Do you want an RPing break for a week or something, Or do you want the ice to melt somehow (like Phyro n_n) ... ]

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Uh, i dont wanna read all that. can some1 fill me in on wut happened so far?! :D


Firstly, Use Brackets and such for... well, Read the first post here. or Whereever the rules are. (first page, i know that)

Khanailoa is in a little clearing thing near the edge of a Forest, A few towns here and there closeby. (Khanailoa is my character, as is Xalaryn and Ryukai.) Dimearsh (lexxcrapham) is over by where Khanailoa is. Dunno much about that person.

Raith (Kat) is some Vampire killing person. (vampire that kills other stuff.) Shes trying to bring some human blood back to her Vamp city to feed the younger vampires, And just got hold of Xalaryn as a scource for which. Only in the most recent 2 or 3 pages here is that whole deal with the Cave and all. Go ahead and read that. Its not hard to destiguish OOC posts from IC posts.

Jezebel (Mastermind) is a runaway princess who was framed, i think, Now bounty hunters and all are tracking her down, The same with Naomi. Only shes some kinda Kitty Morphic dude lady. (Kat)

Ryukai is some bounty hunter assassin guy. And he kills stuff. Fwee.

Thats all i can think or right now.]

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Uh, i dont wanna read all that. can some1 fill me in on wut happened so far?! :D


Firstly, Use Brackets and such for... well, Read the first post here. or Whereever the rules are. (first page, i know that)

Khanailoa is in a little clearing thing near the edge of a Forest, A few towns here and there closeby. (Khanailoa is my character, as is Xalaryn and Ryukai.) Dimearsh (lexxcrapham) is over by where Khanailoa is. Dunno much about that person.

Raith (Kat) is some Vampire killing person. (vampire that kills other stuff.) Shes trying to bring some human blood back to her Vamp city to feed the younger vampires, And just got hold of Xalaryn as a scource for which. Only in the most recent 2 or 3 pages here is that whole deal with the Cave and all. Go ahead and read that. Its not hard to destiguish OOC posts from IC posts.

Jezebel (Mastermind) is a runaway princess who was framed, i think, Now bounty hunters and all are tracking her down, The same with Naomi. Only shes some kinda Kitty Morphic dude lady. (Kat)

Ryukai is some bounty hunter assassin guy. And he kills stuff. Fwee.

Thats all i can think or right now.]

[i wanna post w/ Naomi, but I either need Ryukai to come or have someone there talk to me. I'm also near Khanailoa. And I never figured out, do you want the key to Ryukai's powers to be the key to the box?]

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Uh, i dont wanna read all that. can some1 fill me in on wut happened so far?! :D


Firstly, Use Brackets and such for... well, Read the first post here. or Whereever the rules are. (first page, i know that)

Khanailoa is in a little clearing thing near the edge of a Forest, A few towns here and there closeby. (Khanailoa is my character, as is Xalaryn and Ryukai.) Dimearsh (lexxcrapham) is over by where Khanailoa is. Dunno much about that person.

Raith (Kat) is some Vampire killing person. (vampire that kills other stuff.) Shes trying to bring some human blood back to her Vamp city to feed the younger vampires, And just got hold of Xalaryn as a scource for which. Only in the most recent 2 or 3 pages here is that whole deal with the Cave and all. Go ahead and read that. Its not hard to destiguish OOC posts from IC posts.

Jezebel (Mastermind) is a runaway princess who was framed, i think, Now bounty hunters and all are tracking her down, The same with Naomi. Only shes some kinda Kitty Morphic dude lady. (Kat)

Ryukai is some bounty hunter assassin guy. And he kills stuff. Fwee.

Thats all i can think or right now.]

[i wanna post w/ Naomi, but I either need Ryukai to come or have someone there talk to me. I'm also near Khanailoa. And I never figured out, do you want the key to Ryukai's powers to be the key to the box?]

[im'ma get Ryukai up. o-o;

Well, Do you want me to get Phyro in this? If so, Its not a problem at all. Ever.

I really dont give a care. If you want, sure. My only preference on that is that you let Ryukai use it eversooften. Or once or twice. (If i had that, I could use some kinda Fire thing and melt the Ice, Then i can use Xalaryn and you can use Raith again. Or do whatever with Xalaryn..... Yeah.

So, You can do whatever you want with the key as long as Ryukai can use it once in a while.]

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After a rather long while of inactivity, Ryukai finally awoke.

He was laying in an uncomfortable position, Right arm still broken, Weapons still drawn, Still in the... bad condition he was in before he showed up to begin with.

He struggled and got to his feet to stand up, Not remembering what immense pain this had caused him before.

He cringed- He tried to ignore the pain. Doing that would be rather difficult- Although...

Ryukai reached behind himself in his pack again.

He felt around...

it isnt... here...?

He would've cast a healing spell on himself for this, But...

Ryukai pulled the pack off of his back, On the grounf and dumped its contents out.

He dug through it madly- The Key he had dropped...!!!

Ryukai shoved everything pack in, Swung it behind himself and darted as fast as his injured body would carry, back to the Clearing.

If someone else got hold of it... Oh...

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Uh, i dont wanna read all that. can some1 fill me in on wut happened so far?! :D


Firstly, Use Brackets and such for... well, Read the first post here. or Whereever the rules are. (first page, i know that)

Khanailoa is in a little clearing thing near the edge of a Forest, A few towns here and there closeby. (Khanailoa is my character, as is Xalaryn and Ryukai.) Dimearsh (lexxcrapham) is over by where Khanailoa is. Dunno much about that person.

Raith (Kat) is some Vampire killing person. (vampire that kills other stuff.) Shes trying to bring some human blood back to her Vamp city to feed the younger vampires, And just got hold of Xalaryn as a scource for which. Only in the most recent 2 or 3 pages here is that whole deal with the Cave and all. Go ahead and read that. Its not hard to destiguish OOC posts from IC posts.

Jezebel (Mastermind) is a runaway princess who was framed, i think, Now bounty hunters and all are tracking her down, The same with Naomi. Only shes some kinda Kitty Morphic dude lady. (Kat)

Ryukai is some bounty hunter assassin guy. And he kills stuff. Fwee.

Thats all i can think or right now.]

[i wanna post w/ Naomi, but I either need Ryukai to come or have someone there talk to me. I'm also near Khanailoa. And I never figured out, do you want the key to Ryukai's powers to be the key to the box?]

[im'ma get Ryukai up. o-o;

Well, Do you want me to get Phyro in this? If so, Its not a problem at all. Ever.

I really dont give a care. If you want, sure. My only preference on that is that you let Ryukai use it eversooften. Or once or twice. (If i had that, I could use some kinda Fire thing and melt the Ice, Then i can use Xalaryn and you can use Raith again. Or do whatever with Xalaryn..... Yeah.

So, You can do whatever you want with the key as long as Ryukai can use it once in a while.]

[if you want to bring him in, go ahead. It might be fun. I can't stop you. And can I play Ryukai? Or if you had something in mind, you could do that, too. I gotta go, so I'll do Raith later.]

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[i can use Ryukai to melt the ice. o-o; Im'ma do that instead. n-n;]

[Just keeping the topic alive while Arkcher fixes his computer.]

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The City of the Dead had given her one more chance. Bring back fresh blood for the children, or be exiled. And it wasn't a good thing for vampires to be exiled, what with vampire hunters, and all. But she couldn't work properly.



(first post)

[Waaait a sec. If Vampires could... oh wait...

If you were to gather Blood for vampire 'children', How'd that work? IF someone got attacked by a vampire, taking their blood for younger beings, Who they take it from needs to be over 18 or so. Would they end up turing into a Vamp as well?

If so, How are vampiric kids... existed?

Or do adult vamp's reproduce into children as well as normal humans, making kids...?

If someone lacks blood whereas it was taken by a Vampire, Do they then turn into a vampire, If not, What happens?

Can vampires feed off other Vampires, No living creature of any species can live without fully functioning organs, And as far as i've been informed, Organs cant work properly without hydration, including water and blood.


Either i really dont know squat about Vampires, Or you've made a wee bit of a mistake.

I may be the one who's wrong though- I've done very little studying on the fictional species known as Vampires, Though from what i understand, They are supposedly 'undead' and therefore cant be killed without proper actions. They may or may not have blood or proper internal organs.]

[Not all people turn into a vampire if bitten. Some just die. Vampire children are children who where bitten at a young age. This could happen because sometimes vampires kill for revenge, not nurishment. Oh, and vampires are not only undead, but fictional, so they don't need organs or blood or anything like that.]

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['Kay. I'm super bored so im gonna post something.]

Raith was unfrozen. She looked outside an saw that it was night. The girl that had conjured to big storm was on the ground dead. Ryukai was on the ground, too, but breathing. She would worry about him later. She heaved Xalaryn over her shoulder and carried her to the City of the Dead. Once she entered the gates, some guards took the girl away and push a leather bag into Raith's hands. Then, the shoved her out of the gates. "What is goning on?" she yelled. "You have been banished from the city, for bringing the food too late." Then Raith realized how ling she could have been frozen. I might have been years! "When was I last sent out?" she asked. "About a week ago." answered one soldier."That is why you are being thrown out. Almost half of the city is on the verge of death from hunger. Goodbye." and they closed the gate. Raith was now on her own. No City to hide in during the day. But, no more having to hunt to feed other vampires. Raith got up, brushed herself off, and looked through her bag. It was all her possestion, which consisted of the Vampire Code, a book of the ways of the vampire, some changes of clotheing, and some other non-importand things. But she did see her watch, She took it out, and saw that it was,once again, near sunrise. She made it back to the cave Ryukai was in just before the sun stared coming up.

[More w/ Naomi once Ryukai realizes that she has his key. Oh, and Arkcher, you're a dude, right?]

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The City of the Dead had given her one more chance. Bring back fresh blood for the children, or be exiled. And it wasn't a good thing for vampires to be exiled, what with vampire hunters, and all. But she couldn't work properly.



(first post)

[Waaait a sec. If Vampires could... oh wait...

If you were to gather Blood for vampire 'children', How'd that work? IF someone got attacked by a vampire, taking their blood for younger beings, Who they take it from needs to be over 18 or so. Would they end up turing into a Vamp as well?

If so, How are vampiric kids... existed?

Or do adult vamp's reproduce into children as well as normal humans, making kids...?

If someone lacks blood whereas it was taken by a Vampire, Do they then turn into a vampire, If not, What happens?

Can vampires feed off other Vampires, No living creature of any species can live without fully functioning organs, And as far as i've been informed, Organs cant work properly without hydration, including water and blood.


Either i really dont know squat about Vampires, Or you've made a wee bit of a mistake.

I may be the one who's wrong though- I've done very little studying on the fictional species known as Vampires, Though from what i understand, They are supposedly 'undead' and therefore cant be killed without proper actions. They may or may not have blood or proper internal organs.]

[Not all people turn into a vampire if bitten. Some just die. Vampire children are children who where bitten at a young age. This could happen because sometimes vampires kill for revenge, not nurishment. Oh, and vampires are not only undead, but fictional, so they don't need organs or blood or anything like that.]

[Well, I just dont see how some 'living' creatures can function correctly without well organs and... innards and such.]

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[i can use Ryukai to melt the ice. o-o; Im'ma do that instead. n-n;]

[Just keeping the topic alive while Arkcher fixes his computer.]

[Not getting much of anywhere x_X]


[My sister convinced her friend to come over to our place. Nole is lookin at some of our computers. He might be getting somewhere <_< -lurks behind the air next to Nole- Hmmmm.]

[Well, I almost got somewhere. I have a 76Gig Harddrive as Master, and a 9 Gig as slave, secondary and such. I was gonna switch them both around since my 9 Gig drive works properly.]

[it broke o_o;]

[i'll let ya know if my computer spontaneously combusts or fixes.]

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[you have forgotten about me comepletely! grr!]

blaze wonders what could be in the castle. then she hears something. diving into the bushes, she sees someone.

[is it dimarsh? Khanailoa? sommun els? tell me!]

she flies out, and demands they tell their name [names? more than one?] .

"who are you, and where are you headed?!" there's a dangerous glint in her eyes. one would not want to get her really mad!

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['Kay. I'm super bored so im gonna post something.]

Raith was unfrozen. She looked outside an saw that it was night. The girl that had conjured to big storm was on the ground dead. Ryukai was on the ground, too, but breathing. She would worry about him later. She heaved Xalaryn over her shoulder and carried her to the City of the Dead. Once she entered the gates, some guards took the girl away and push a leather bag into Raith's hands. Then, the shoved her out of the gates. "What is goning on?" she yelled. "You have been banished from the city, for bringing the food too late." Then Raith realized how ling she could have been frozen. I might have been years! "When was I last sent out?" she asked. "About a week ago." answered one soldier."That is why you are being thrown out. Almost half of the city is on the verge of death from hunger. Goodbye." and they closed the gate. Raith was now on her own. No City to hide in during the day. But, no more having to hunt to feed other vampires. Raith got up, brushed herself off, and looked through her bag. It was all her possestion, which consisted of the Vampire Code, a book of the ways of the vampire, some changes of clotheing, and some other non-importand things. But she did see her watch, She took it out, and saw that it was,once again, near sunrise. She made it back to the cave Ryukai was in just before the sun stared coming up.

[More w/ Naomi once Ryukai realizes that she has his key. Oh, and Arkcher, you're a dude, right?]

[if this cant wait till later, I was going to have something done soon after dawn. Then my internet exploded, So.

Do you want Raith to be banished, Or should i get something going sooner?]

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['Kay. I'm super bored so im gonna post something.]

Raith was unfrozen. She looked outside an saw that it was night. The girl that had conjured to big storm was on the ground dead. Ryukai was on the ground, too, but breathing. She would worry about him later. She heaved Xalaryn over her shoulder and carried her to the City of the Dead. Once she entered the gates, some guards took the girl away and push a leather bag into Raith's hands. Then, the shoved her out of the gates. "What is goning on?" she yelled. "You have been banished from the city, for bringing the food too late." Then Raith realized how ling she could have been frozen. I might have been years! "When was I last sent out?" she asked. "About a week ago." answered one soldier."That is why you are being thrown out. Almost half of the city is on the verge of death from hunger. Goodbye." and they closed the gate. Raith was now on her own. No City to hide in during the day. But, no more having to hunt to feed other vampires. Raith got up, brushed herself off, and looked through her bag. It was all her possestion, which consisted of the Vampire Code, a book of the ways of the vampire, some changes of clotheing, and some other non-importand things. But she did see her watch, She took it out, and saw that it was,once again, near sunrise. She made it back to the cave Ryukai was in just before the sun stared coming up.

[More w/ Naomi once Ryukai realizes that she has his key. Oh, and Arkcher, you're a dude, right?]

[if this cant wait till later, I was going to have something done soon after dawn. Then my internet exploded, So.

Do you want Raith to be banished, Or should i get something going sooner?]

[i'm confused. So, you want me to take back that post, or something. 'cus I will. Please explain it like you where explainting something to a dish rag.]

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The City of the Dead had given her one more chance. Bring back fresh blood for the children, or be exiled. And it wasn't a good thing for vampires to be exiled, what with vampire hunters, and all. But she couldn't work properly.



(first post)

[Waaait a sec. If Vampires could... oh wait...

If you were to gather Blood for vampire 'children', How'd that work? IF someone got attacked by a vampire, taking their blood for younger beings, Who they take it from needs to be over 18 or so. Would they end up turing into a Vamp as well?

If so, How are vampiric kids... existed?

Or do adult vamp's reproduce into children as well as normal humans, making kids...?

If someone lacks blood whereas it was taken by a Vampire, Do they then turn into a vampire, If not, What happens?

Can vampires feed off other Vampires, No living creature of any species can live without fully functioning organs, And as far as i've been informed, Organs cant work properly without hydration, including water and blood.


Either i really dont know squat about Vampires, Or you've made a wee bit of a mistake.

I may be the one who's wrong though- I've done very little studying on the fictional species known as Vampires, Though from what i understand, They are supposedly 'undead' and therefore cant be killed without proper actions. They may or may not have blood or proper internal organs.]

[Not all people turn into a vampire if bitten. Some just die. Vampire children are children who where bitten at a young age. This could happen because sometimes vampires kill for revenge, not nurishment. Oh, and vampires are not only undead, but fictional, so they don't need organs or blood or anything like that.]

[Well, I just dont see how some 'living' creatures can function correctly without well organs and... innards and such.]

[Well, vampires are "living".]

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The City of the Dead had given her one more chance. Bring back fresh blood for the children, or be exiled. And it wasn't a good thing for vampires to be exiled, what with vampire hunters, and all. But she couldn't work properly.



(first post)

[Waaait a sec. If Vampires could... oh wait...

If you were to gather Blood for vampire 'children', How'd that work? IF someone got attacked by a vampire, taking their blood for younger beings, Who they take it from needs to be over 18 or so. Would they end up turing into a Vamp as well?

If so, How are vampiric kids... existed?

Or do adult vamp's reproduce into children as well as normal humans, making kids...?

If someone lacks blood whereas it was taken by a Vampire, Do they then turn into a vampire, If not, What happens?

Can vampires feed off other Vampires, No living creature of any species can live without fully functioning organs, And as far as i've been informed, Organs cant work properly without hydration, including water and blood.


Either i really dont know squat about Vampires, Or you've made a wee bit of a mistake.

I may be the one who's wrong though- I've done very little studying on the fictional species known as Vampires, Though from what i understand, They are supposedly 'undead' and therefore cant be killed without proper actions. They may or may not have blood or proper internal organs.]

[Not all people turn into a vampire if bitten. Some just die. Vampire children are children who where bitten at a young age. This could happen because sometimes vampires kill for revenge, not nurishment. Oh, and vampires are not only undead, but fictional, so they don't need organs or blood or anything like that.]

[Well, I just dont see how some 'living' creatures can function correctly without well organs and... innards and such.]

[Well, vampires aren't "living".]

[That was supposed to say "aren't". Really.]

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The City of the Dead had given her one more chance. Bring back fresh blood for the children, or be exiled. And it wasn't a good thing for vampires to be exiled, what with vampire hunters, and all. But she couldn't work properly.



(first post)

[Waaait a sec. If Vampires could... oh wait...

If you were to gather Blood for vampire 'children', How'd that work? IF someone got attacked by a vampire, taking their blood for younger beings, Who they take it from needs to be over 18 or so. Would they end up turing into a Vamp as well?

If so, How are vampiric kids... existed?

Or do adult vamp's reproduce into children as well as normal humans, making kids...?

If someone lacks blood whereas it was taken by a Vampire, Do they then turn into a vampire, If not, What happens?

Can vampires feed off other Vampires, No living creature of any species can live without fully functioning organs, And as far as i've been informed, Organs cant work properly without hydration, including water and blood.


Either i really dont know squat about Vampires, Or you've made a wee bit of a mistake.

I may be the one who's wrong though- I've done very little studying on the fictional species known as Vampires, Though from what i understand, They are supposedly 'undead' and therefore cant be killed without proper actions. They may or may not have blood or proper internal organs.]

[Not all people turn into a vampire if bitten. Some just die. Vampire children are children who where bitten at a young age. This could happen because sometimes vampires kill for revenge, not nurishment. Oh, and vampires are not only undead, but fictional, so they don't need organs or blood or anything like that.]

[Well, I just dont see how some 'living' creatures can function correctly without well organs and... innards and such.]

[Well, vampires aren't "living".]

[That was supposed to say "aren't". Really.]

[Eh? o_o]

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['Kay. I'm super bored so im gonna post something.]

Raith was unfrozen. She looked outside an saw that it was night. The girl that had conjured to big storm was on the ground dead. Ryukai was on the ground, too, but breathing. She would worry about him later. She heaved Xalaryn over her shoulder and carried her to the City of the Dead. Once she entered the gates, some guards took the girl away and push a leather bag into Raith's hands. Then, the shoved her out of the gates. "What is goning on?" she yelled. "You have been banished from the city, for bringing the food too late." Then Raith realized how ling she could have been frozen. I might have been years! "When was I last sent out?" she asked. "About a week ago." answered one soldier."That is why you are being thrown out. Almost half of the city is on the verge of death from hunger. Goodbye." and they closed the gate. Raith was now on her own. No City to hide in during the day. But, no more having to hunt to feed other vampires. Raith got up, brushed herself off, and looked through her bag. It was all her possestion, which consisted of the Vampire Code, a book of the ways of the vampire, some changes of clotheing, and some other non-importand things. But she did see her watch, She took it out, and saw that it was,once again, near sunrise. She made it back to the cave Ryukai was in just before the sun stared coming up.

[More w/ Naomi once Ryukai realizes that she has his key. Oh, and Arkcher, you're a dude, right?]

[if this cant wait till later, I was going to have something done soon after dawn. Then my internet exploded, So.

Do you want Raith to be banished, Or should i get something going sooner?]

[i'm confused. So, you want me to take back that post, or something. 'cus I will. Please explain it like you where explainting something to a dish rag.]


[Firstly, Dish rags arent actual creatures. Except when you transplant your pet hamsters brain and attach is onto the dish rag, Then atach all the veins ect, then you'll have a moving rag. Creepy.]


[My computer went down temporarily, I was going to go ahead and melt the ice.]



After a rather long while of inactivity, Ryukai finally awoke.

He was laying in an uncomfortable position, Right arm still broken, Weapons still drawn, Still in the... bad condition he was in before he showed up to begin with.

He struggled and got to his feet to stand up, Not remembering what immense pain this had caused him before.

He cringed- He tried to ignore the pain. Doing that would be rather difficult- Although...

Ryukai reached behind himself in his pack again.

He felt around...

it isnt... here...?

He would've cast a healing spell on himself for this, But...

Ryukai pulled the pack off of his back, On the grounf and dumped its contents out.

He dug through it madly- The Key he had dropped...!!!

Ryukai shoved everything pack in, Swung it behind himself and darted as fast as his injured body would carry, back to the Clearing.

If someone else got hold of it... Oh...



[i was gonna get the key, melt that ice stuff, Then we're all happy. Woohoo.]

[Although, If you had the whole squeedgie-type deal with Raith getting banished, as in thats part of a plot or crutial part of one, Then we got problems. So.

You could delete the post and have Ryukai melt the ice so all of us dont have to wait a few weeks in reality, And have the city dead guys just throw her out cuz their mean, Or somehow delay Raith for a while.

Or, We could all wait a week and have continuity problems at the clearing.]

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['Kay. I'm super bored so im gonna post something.]

Raith was unfrozen. She looked outside an saw that it was night. The girl that had conjured to big storm was on the ground dead. Ryukai was on the ground, too, but breathing. She would worry about him later. She heaved Xalaryn over her shoulder and carried her to the City of the Dead. Once she entered the gates, some guards took the girl away and push a leather bag into Raith's hands. Then, the shoved her out of the gates. "What is goning on?" she yelled. "You have been banished from the city, for bringing the food too late." Then Raith realized how ling she could have been frozen. I might have been years! "When was I last sent out?" she asked. "About a week ago." answered one soldier."That is why you are being thrown out. Almost half of the city is on the verge of death from hunger. Goodbye." and they closed the gate. Raith was now on her own. No City to hide in during the day. But, no more having to hunt to feed other vampires. Raith got up, brushed herself off, and looked through her bag. It was all her possestion, which consisted of the Vampire Code, a book of the ways of the vampire, some changes of clotheing, and some other non-importand things. But she did see her watch, She took it out, and saw that it was,once again, near sunrise. She made it back to the cave Ryukai was in just before the sun stared coming up.

[More w/ Naomi once Ryukai realizes that she has his key. Oh, and Arkcher, you're a dude, right?]

[if this cant wait till later, I was going to have something done soon after dawn. Then my internet exploded, So.

Do you want Raith to be banished, Or should i get something going sooner?]

[i'm confused. So, you want me to take back that post, or something. 'cus I will. Please explain it like you where explainting something to a dish rag.]


[Firstly, Dish rags arent actual creatures. Except when you transplant your pet hamsters brain and attach is onto the dish rag, Then atach all the veins ect, then you'll have a moving rag. Creepy.]


[My computer went down temporarily, I was going to go ahead and melt the ice.]



After a rather long while of inactivity, Ryukai finally awoke.

He was laying in an uncomfortable position, Right arm still broken, Weapons still drawn, Still in the... bad condition he was in before he showed up to begin with.

He struggled and got to his feet to stand up, Not remembering what immense pain this had caused him before.

He cringed- He tried to ignore the pain. Doing that would be rather difficult- Although...

Ryukai reached behind himself in his pack again.

He felt around...

it isnt... here...?

He would've cast a healing spell on himself for this, But...

Ryukai pulled the pack off of his back, On the grounf and dumped its contents out.

He dug through it madly- The Key he had dropped...!!!

Ryukai shoved everything pack in, Swung it behind himself and darted as fast as his injured body would carry, back to the Clearing.

If someone else got hold of it... Oh...



[i was gonna get the key, melt that ice stuff, Then we're all happy. Woohoo.]

[Although, If you had the whole squeedgie-type deal with Raith getting banished, as in thats part of a plot or crutial part of one, Then we got problems. So.

You could delete the post and have Ryukai melt the ice so all of us dont have to wait a few weeks in reality, And have the city dead guys just throw her out cuz their mean, Or somehow delay Raith for a while.

Or, We could all wait a week and have continuity problems at the clearing.]

[Okay, so I guesse we'll just forget about Raith being banished. It wasn't really importand, I just didn't want her to have to worry about blood-gathering anymore. So at the moment, Raith is still frozen to a cave wall. I guesse.]

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The City of the Dead had given her one more chance. Bring back fresh blood for the children, or be exiled. And it wasn't a good thing for vampires to be exiled, what with vampire hunters, and all. But she couldn't work properly.



(first post)

[Waaait a sec. If Vampires could... oh wait...

If you were to gather Blood for vampire 'children', How'd that work? IF someone got attacked by a vampire, taking their blood for younger beings, Who they take it from needs to be over 18 or so. Would they end up turing into a Vamp as well?

If so, How are vampiric kids... existed?

Or do adult vamp's reproduce into children as well as normal humans, making kids...?

If someone lacks blood whereas it was taken by a Vampire, Do they then turn into a vampire, If not, What happens?

Can vampires feed off other Vampires, No living creature of any species can live without fully functioning organs, And as far as i've been informed, Organs cant work properly without hydration, including water and blood.


Either i really dont know squat about Vampires, Or you've made a wee bit of a mistake.

I may be the one who's wrong though- I've done very little studying on the fictional species known as Vampires, Though from what i understand, They are supposedly 'undead' and therefore cant be killed without proper actions. They may or may not have blood or proper internal organs.]

[Not all people turn into a vampire if bitten. Some just die. Vampire children are children who where bitten at a young age. This could happen because sometimes vampires kill for revenge, not nurishment. Oh, and vampires are not only undead, but fictional, so they don't need organs or blood or anything like that.]

[Well, I just dont see how some 'living' creatures can function correctly without well organs and... innards and such.]

[Well, vampires aren't "living".]

[That was supposed to say "aren't". Really.]

[Eh? o_o]

Kay, it is supposed to say:


Well, vampires aren't "living".

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[Your pretty smart for a dish rag. o_O]

[YEah, forget the whole squeedgie type deal with getting banished. For now.]

[Get Naomi or whoever to cough up the key, or at least have them tag along and let Ryukai use it.]

[Ok. You could let me use Naomi or whoever has the key. I could RP that whole squeedgie-type deal and then get Ryukai and whoever. to go to the cave.]

[For now, i'll make Ryukai run over there. Once i get the OK, I can RP Naomi or whoever. Get them over to Raith, fix up all that mess and yeah. Or we could mess with the ice for later, and really let you get banished.]

[We could somehow get Raith to tag along with Dimearsh if hunting down the sinvalj guy. That'd delay it all somewhat, and you can get banished. n_n]


Ryukai rather unwillingly soaked himself in sweat as thoughts came to him of what could happen if someone else got his key. He did what he could not to think of it and focused on running back.



He had been perpetually onconscious for who knows how long- His muscles suddenly picked up an immense pain as they dispositioned, Ryukai cringed, and toppled over to hit the ground in an uncomfortable position. Again.

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[Your pretty smart for a dish rag. o_O]

[YEah, forget the whole squeedgie type deal with getting banished. For now.]

[Get Naomi or whoever to cough up the key, or at least have them tag along and let Ryukai use it.]

[Ok. You could let me use Naomi or whoever has the key. I could RP that whole squeedgie-type deal and then get Ryukai and whoever. to go to the cave.]

[For now, i'll make Ryukai run over there. Once i get the OK, I can RP Naomi or whoever. Get them over to Raith, fix up all that mess and yeah. Or we could mess with the ice for later, and really let you get banished.]

[We could somehow get Raith to tag along with Dimearsh if hunting down the sinvalj guy. That'd delay it all somewhat, and you can get banished. n_n]


Ryukai rather unwillingly soaked himself in sweat as thoughts came to him of what could happen if someone else got his key. He did what he could not to think of it and focused on running back.



He had been perpetually onconscious for who knows how long- His muscles suddenly picked up an immense pain as they dispositioned, Ryukai cringed, and toppled over to hit the ground in an uncomfortable position. Again.

[You go ahead and do tha stuff w/ Ryukai and Naomi. You can also RP Raith, 'cause I think you said you needed to to that. Oh, and I'm sooo smart because I graduated from dish rag to hand towel.]

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y do those names sound firmilar ???

[Please keep OOC Messages in Brackets. This isn't an actual story, It's a RP. Go to the first page for information. You don't have a registered character for this as far as i know, but if you would like to do so, then please register. There are already WAY too many off-topic and OOC posts on here, I wanna keep those to a minimum. I will now shut up.

Have a nice day. xD]

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y do Reku and Naomie sound firmeler

[Well, Riku is in FFX. But the name of the character is Ryukai, not Riku. And Naomi is in the Matrix movies. Well, the name is. Not the charater.]

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[is anyone gonna post here anymore?]

Yeah, Im just working on a message board of my own that i started working on a short time ago. (ITs specifically an RPG Board. Woohoo.)

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[is anyone gonna post here anymore?]

Yeah, Im just working on a message board of my own that i started working on a short time ago. (ITs specifically an RPG Board. Woohoo.)


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[is anyone gonna post here anymore?]

Yeah, Im just working on a message board of my own that i started working on a short time ago. (ITs specifically an RPG Board. Woohoo.)


Wow. I havent posted here in a long time. o_o []


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[Ok, Im gonna try to post right about now... Just to keep the topic alive.]

[i beleive im RPing Ryukai confronting Naomi about the Key, And RPing Raith about something? I'll post the IC stuff seperately from this in case i screw up.]

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Ryukai detirminedly jumped back up despite his immense pain- It will end soon if he gets a move on.

Ryukai couldnt take it too much longer- Another 1/4 Mile or so till he gets back to that clearing.

The 6:15 AM Sunlight streamed through the leafy treetops overhead.


Naomi examined the key closely, making sure theres a chance it might work.

She pocketed it once more, Glanced up in the direction of where the Vampire had darted off previously. She found a Key, Which might be able to open the Box, To prove innocence, She may or may not need help from these strangers anymore.

She remained silent, thinking. The thoughts broke as Ryukai emerged from the trees, interrupting her. He looked somewhat desperate, As he immediately scanned the green grass for signs of bloodshed, And he found a few small spots of red, where he had struggled with his Bladed Boomerang and various sharp objects. He lunged in its direction, Digging in a fret searching all around in hopes of finding a glint of golden light.


Naomi watched, thought for a short moment, Took the key out of her pocket and looked up toward some sunlight, Waved the key up in it, so a reflection of gold light shined on the ground close to Ryukai. Naomi felt a surge of energy rush through her body as the key was held up for about 1 second- She looked up to find a large, dark cloud hovering over her, casting a black shadow elsewhere, but it faded in a vigorous manner when she lowered the key.

Ryukai gasped quietly at seeing the key in Naomi's possetion, As he thought for a split second, slowly got to his feet, and looked at the key deperately, thinking of a way to influence its holder to give it to him.


"... Ah, Just... wondering, But do you really need that key for something, the... you have there?"

Naomi thought for a moment.

"Its a long story, But yes."

Ryukai shuddered slightly,

"... What... For, dare I ask?"


"To see if this key will open a lock for me..."


Ryukai thought for a moment.


"Well, Do you suppose i could borrow it from you, for a short time? I will assist you with opening the lock if you need...!"


"Very well then, But will need to use it before nightfall."

With that, Naomi tossed the Key in Ryukais direction, hesitating to part with it.

"Many thanks to you...! ... ...... ... Tell you what, If you come along with me, You can use this once im done with it, then?"

Naomi nodded.

Ryukai gripped the key firmly in his right hand, closed his eyes, and all the wounds in various places on his body closed, healed themselves and cured.


Ryukais voice seemed a bit louder, sounded somewhat healthier, and didnt sound as if he were to cough any second.

"Come this way."


Ryukai started walking back toward the Cave again, Glanced behind himself to check if Naomi followed, As she eagerly tagged along close behind.

Ryukai picked up his pace, speed and enthusiasm in running back, as Naomi effortlessly followed him. If she were to change into one of her feline forms, well... Better not to risk it, wait till later. She should just run for now.


(Thats all for now, i'll post more later. like tomorrow. or in 10 hours or so. its about 1AM now... mmmm...)

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[Ok, Im gonna try to post right about now... Just to keep the topic alive.]

[i beleive im RPing Ryukai confronting Naomi about the Key, And RPing Raith about something? I'll post the IC stuff seperately from this in case i screw up.]

[This is corret. Great post, by the way. I'm glad to have this topic being posted in again. It's really fun.]

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[Ok, Im gonna try to post right about now... Just to keep the topic alive.]

[i beleive im RPing Ryukai confronting Naomi about the Key, And RPing Raith about something? I'll post the IC stuff seperately from this in case i screw up.]

[This is corret. Great post, by the way. I'm glad to have this topic being posted in again. It's really fun.]

Imma try and shtick another one in. Woohoo. []

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[Ok, Im gonna try to post right about now... Just to keep the topic alive.]

[i beleive im RPing Ryukai confronting Naomi about the Key, And RPing Raith about something? I'll post the IC stuff seperately from this in case i screw up.]

[This is corret. Great post, by the way. I'm glad to have this topic being posted in again. It's really fun.]

Imma try and shtick another one in. Woohoo. []

[Another post or another RP topic? ??? ]

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[Ok, Im gonna try to post right about now... Just to keep the topic alive.]

[i beleive im RPing Ryukai confronting Naomi about the Key, And RPing Raith about something? I'll post the IC stuff seperately from this in case i screw up.]

[This is corret. Great post, by the way. I'm glad to have this topic being posted in again. It's really fun.]

Imma try and shtick another one in. Woohoo. []

[Another post or another RP topic? ??? ]

[Maybe both!]

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[Ok, Im gonna try to post right about now... Just to keep the topic alive.]

[i beleive im RPing Ryukai confronting Naomi about the Key, And RPing Raith about something? I'll post the IC stuff seperately from this in case i screw up.]

[This is corret. Great post, by the way. I'm glad to have this topic being posted in again. It's really fun.]

Imma try and shtick another one in. Woohoo. []

[Another post or another RP topic? ??? ]

[Maybe both!]

[Oooh. Gotchya.]

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Ryukai detirminedly jumped back up despite his immense pain- It will end soon if he gets a move on.

Ryukai couldnt take it too much longer- Another 1/4 Mile or so till he gets back to that clearing.

The 6:15 AM Sunlight streamed through the leafy treetops overhead.


Naomi examined the key closely, making sure theres a chance it might work.

She pocketed it once more, Glanced up in the direction of where the Vampire had darted off previously. She found a Key, Which might be able to open the Box, To prove innocence, She may or may not need help from these strangers anymore.

She remained silent, thinking. The thoughts broke as Ryukai emerged from the trees, interrupting her. He looked somewhat desperate, As he immediately scanned the green grass for signs of bloodshed, And he found a few small spots of red, where he had struggled with his Bladed Boomerang and various sharp objects. He lunged in its direction, Digging in a fret searching all around in hopes of finding a glint of golden light.


Naomi watched, thought for a short moment, Took the key out of her pocket and looked up toward some sunlight, Waved the key up in it, so a reflection of gold light shined on the ground close to Ryukai. Naomi felt a surge of energy rush through her body as the key was held up for about 1 second- She looked up to find a large, dark cloud hovering over her, casting a black shadow elsewhere, but it faded in a vigorous manner when she lowered the key.

Ryukai gasped quietly at seeing the key in Naomi's possetion, As he thought for a split second, slowly got to his feet, and looked at the key deperately, thinking of a way to influence its holder to give it to him.


"... Ah, Just... wondering, But do you really need that key for something, the... you have there?"

Naomi thought for a moment.

"Its a long story, But yes."

Ryukai shuddered slightly,

"... What... For, dare I ask?"


"To see if this key will open a lock for me..."


Ryukai thought for a moment.


"Well, Do you suppose i could borrow it from you, for a short time? I will assist you with opening the lock if you need...!"


"Very well then, But will need to use it before nightfall."

With that, Naomi tossed the Key in Ryukais direction, hesitating to part with it.

"Many thanks to you...! ... ...... ... Tell you what, If you come along with me, You can use this once im done with it, then?"

Naomi nodded.

Ryukai gripped the key firmly in his right hand, closed his eyes, and all the wounds in various places on his body closed, healed themselves and cured.


Ryukais voice seemed a bit louder, sounded somewhat healthier, and didnt sound as if he were to cough any second.

"Come this way."


Ryukai started walking back toward the Cave again, Glanced behind himself to check if Naomi followed, As she eagerly tagged along close behind.

Ryukai picked up his pace, speed and enthusiasm in running back, as Naomi effortlessly followed him. If she were to change into one of her feline forms, well... Better not to risk it, wait till later. She should just run for now.


(Thats all for now, i'll post more later. like tomorrow. or in 10 hours or so. its about 1AM now... mmmm...)

[Hmm. 11:25 PM/23H24M... No time for another post. Tomorrow maybe. Or next week.]

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