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My pets

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Well, Polly (parrot) is still noisy. She especially likes to talk when I'm on the phone. Jenna (dog) is getting old. REAL old. Ambrosia (cat) is still sweet. She's made ways of getting me to pet her. When I walk by, she'll meow REALLY loud and roll over on her back. It's sooooo cute, you can't help but stop and pet her!!! Rosy (turtle) is growing fast!! She's alot bigger than when we first found her. Our finches are still doing well. Jonah (betta fish) is healthy and VERY pretty! Scout (hamster) still bites, but she's soooo cute! I hope everyone elses pets are doin fine too!!

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Well, Polly (parrot) is still noisy. She especially likes to talk when I'm on the phone. Jenna (dog) is getting old. REAL old. Ambrosia (cat) is still sweet. She's made ways of getting me to pet her. When I walk by, she'll meow REALLY loud and roll over on her back. It's sooooo cute, you can't help but stop and pet her!!! Rosy (turtle) is growing fast!! She's alot bigger than when we first found her. Our finches are still doing well. Jonah (betta fish) is healthy and VERY pretty! Scout (hamster) still bites, but she's soooo cute! I hope everyone elses pets are doin fine too!!

Always great to have a pet update. Here things are quiet... hammy world, where hamster reign supreme!

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