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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

shes back but shes only here to fill u in

Sammy the Hamster

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so i had some time to post so i took advantage u probably wanna know whats going on

1. school

2. i've been playing basketball and tennis

3. i'm getting ready for ski season

4. homework

5. homework

6. homework

so i just thought i'd keep u all posted again...well bye! i'll try to post again soon! :)

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so i had some time to post so i took advantage u probably wanna know whats going on

1. school

2. i've been playing basketball and tennis

3. i'm getting ready for ski season

4. homework

5. homework

6. homework

so i just thought i'd keep u all posted again...well bye! i'll try to post again soon!  :)

Ohhhhhhhhh! I am so happy to see you. Please do me one big favor. Go to Hado and look for the Ms./Mr./Mrs. HampsterDancer Poll and place your vote. We need your vote as soon as possible. Thanks for that.


Now... we need to hear from you every now and then so we know you are doing well and life is good for you.

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thanks! i'm going to do that right now. but i forgot to tell u another thing thats going on! Destination Imagination...DI! lol well i'm going to go vote

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