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OKAY......IT ALL STARTED ONE DAY WHEN MOM AND DAD WANTED A BABY.........SKIPIT...........then mr wigwig was born...a living legend he was the best at everything at school he was fast smart and cute......he was made!!!!

but one day at school  he got a fight with chains the bully wigwig tried not to fight but chains wanted to settle who was kool .....so they fought chains hit wigwig and sent him flying!!!!! it was not like wigwig but he hit him back dazed anddazzeld the bully ran as fast as he could and got away

Wigwig went home and told his parents what happened and his "fattddaaddyy"told him he had every right to hit chains back.mr wigwig was tired fromthe fight so he went to his room hewent out like a cat that bites when he woke up he was older????he foungouthehad been asleep for2 yrs!!!!!his parents were gone and he was kinda scared.


he made it his destiny to findout who did this and how to get the pool 'o' drool out of his house!


toonin next time to find out what happens!!!!!!!!!!

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the young man started his way w/ enough foor for a year and only a year...he walked to mr.nextdoor's house and said

"hello mr . next door,have you seen my parents lately?"

mr nexdoor said"i did see them about a year ago when they could not find you for a year they went into a deep depression....i made shure all of the guessts left when they were gone i made you a smoothie put it in a jar like thing put a cord from the jar to your mouth and that is how you ate....most impressive.then i went home and had a nap myself"

"thank  you mr next door that might come in handy now do you know where my parents could be?"

"no i havent seen them for 1 year!but i do think they are still alive"

"well thank you mr nextdoor i have a lot of people to talk to so byebye"

"bye wigwig,0h wait i have something for you its a a pair of magic shoes i dont know how they will come in handy but im sure they will"

*takes the shoes*

"thank you mr next door i will put theese to use...if i need to use them that is"


good bye now mr next door

bye mr wig wig hope you find your parets soon!

-who ...or what wigwig still knows nuttin bout his parents

will he ever find them...i the writer dont even know

toon in next time for another rosing epsiode

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aww cute wolfie

Moosey, moosey, moosey.... wolves are not cute.  Well, perhaps if they are wearing dentures without Fixodent! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

They could only gum you to death! :laughing

*smiles with mouth closed so teeth aren't showing*

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aww cute wolfie

Moosey, moosey, moosey.... wolves are not cute.  Well, perhaps if they are wearing dentures without Fixodent! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

They could only gum you to death! :laughing

Hey Im an ancestor of a wolve....... :( ....Soo your saying im not cute........ :(

Actually, since you are a dog, you are not wolf. You are only a part blood. Waaay part blood. Dogs are always cute.

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aww cute wolfie

Moosey, moosey, moosey.... wolves are not cute.  Well, perhaps if they are wearing dentures without Fixodent! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

They could only gum you to death! :laughing

Hey Im an ancestor of a wolve....... :( ....Soo your saying im not cute........ :(

Actually, since you are a dog, you are not wolf. You are only a part blood. Waaay part blood. Dogs are always cute.

You probably just ruined his day! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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aww cute wolfie

Moosey, moosey, moosey.... wolves are not cute.  Well, perhaps if they are wearing dentures without Fixodent! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

They could only gum you to death! :laughing

*smiles with mouth closed so teeth aren't showing*

*dons xray goggles to see through the lips to very sharp pointy teeth*

:laughing            :eek            :laughing            :eek            :laughing

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aww cute wolfie

Moosey, moosey, moosey.... wolves are not cute.  Well, perhaps if they are wearing dentures without Fixodent! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

They could only gum you to death! :laughing

Hey Im an ancestor of a wolve....... :( ....Soo your saying im not cute........ :(

Actually, since you are a dog, you are not wolf. You are only a part blood. Waaay part blood. Dogs are always cute.

Yes that would be me, the cutest dog ever

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aww cute wolfie

Moosey, moosey, moosey.... wolves are not cute.  Well, perhaps if they are wearing dentures without Fixodent! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

They could only gum you to death! :laughing

*smiles with mouth closed so teeth aren't showing*

*dons xray goggles to see through the lips to very sharp pointy teeth*

:laughing            :eek            :laughing            :eek            :laughing

*puts fake teeth over pointy teeth so they don't look so threatening*

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hey i have my friend over and we are havin fun  readin all of the posts he though the post when arkchers house woulsd blow up if anybody started anything he died :laughing :laughing  :laughing
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he pondered in his mind...who could have done this mr next door is to nice to kidnap them chains is afraid of me and well anybody else i know would enter my house anyway!

if mr nextdoor was right he was the last person who saw me!i just dont know mabey they went on vaction..mabey they moved...mabey they forgot me...no i must have hope!

he went back to his house and got on the computer looked up his parents names and saw

margret humminbutt:?????

huegh humminbutt:????


he was not believing what he saw!what n0000000 the internet always knows everything!ahhhhh

i will continue looking but first i must go out to find anoother weapon than shoes!!!!and it must cost less than 30.00  so im on a budget!


the young but courageous mr wig wig set off to find a weapon of his choise what will it be find out on the next episone of


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hey i have my friend over and we are havin fun  readin all of the posts he though the post when arkchers house woulsd blow up if anybody started anything he died :laughing :laughing  :laughing

i meant if anybody strted anything his neighborhood would go boom and he died laughing i wasnt paing attition!

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  • 2 weeks later...
<font color='#0000FF'>hey i have my friend over and we are havin fun  readin all of the posts he though the post when arkchers house woulsd blow up if anybody started anything he died :laughing :laughing  :laughing</font>

Not my fault me dad didnt turn off the grill. o_o

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  • 2 years later...
<font color='#0000FF'>hey i have my friend over and we are havin fun  readin all of the posts he though the post when arkchers house woulsd blow up if anybody started anything he died :laughing :laughing  :laughing</font>

Not my fault me dad didnt turn off the grill. o_o

That makes no sense.

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