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Invision (My new HD story)

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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over  minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




[MURDERED?! :o Oh, and I can't wait! :) ]

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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over  minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




[MURDERED?! :o Oh, and I can't wait! :) ]



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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[Mwuahahahaha. >:D]
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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[ You may Kiss the Bride!!!!!!!!

*Arkcher wakes up in mushroom-land*]


TGHL was angered that Kat didnt hear him.

He flew in her window.

"What the?"

"KEEP IT DOWN! You Swine. Don't you know that today is Arkcher and Vera's Wedding rehersal?"

"Vera? Who's She?"

" That's Mushroom_king's Dreamtopian Name. We just lie to call her Mushroom_king. You need to be dressed right!!!"

"But its just a rehersal!"

"But still...."


TGHL Flew away.

Kat decided to put up her guitar and called her sanity Setstuna.



Setstuna was not yet in her "pysical" state; when she came to Kat, she was just a white circle withWhiskers Jellyfish Tentacles and a Clay-more through her head.

Setstuna changed into Pysical form.

[it's the same Setstuna from FDP, but with a Claymore through her head.]

Kat and Setsuna went upstairs to help get her dress on.[one of those Victorian dresses. Booyah]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[*attempts not to laugh* >_____>;;;]

[-pwns- >(]


[The other day, three of these female nemesis' of mine were like. flirty beyond beleif. It was scary. I ran away screaming. <_< Just do something unattractive, they might leave me alone. n_n (Taking off my shirt would blind everyone! >:D) ]

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[Hey Kat. About the Funny stuff in youir siggy.


Add this. From Another Brick in the wall Part 2.



- Pink Floyd, Another Brick In the Wall part 2


Heh... I always like that.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[i was thinking more along the lines of a cage, but I like this one better. :D]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[ You may Kiss the Bride!!!!!!!!

*Arkcher wakes up in mushroom-land*]


TGHL was angered that Kat didnt hear him.

He flew in her window.

"What the?"

"KEEP IT DOWN! You Swine. Don't you know that today is Arkcher and Vera's Wedding rehersal?"

"Vera? Who's She?"

" That's Mushroom_king's Dreamtopian Name. We just lie to call her Mushroom_king. You need to be dressed right!!!"

"But its just a rehersal!"

"But still...."


TGHL Flew away.

Kat decided to put up her guitar and called her sanity Setstuna.



Setstuna was not yet in her "pysical" state; when she came to Kat, she was just a white circle withWhiskers Jellyfish Tentacles and a Clay-more through her head.

Setstuna changed into Pysical form.

[it's the same Setstuna from FDP, but with a Claymore through her head.]

Kat and Setsuna went upstairs to help get her dress on.[one of those Victorian dresses. Booyah]

[Hey! It's Sets! *hug* :D]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[*attempts not to laugh* >_____>;;;]

[-pwns- >(]


[The other day, three of these female nemesis' of mine were like. flirty beyond beleif. It was scary. I ran away screaming. <_< Just do something unattractive, they might leave me alone. n_n (Taking off my shirt would blind everyone! >:D) ]

[*pwns back* Biff!


You should inform them that you're a married man! That should stop them.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

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[Hey Kat. About the Funny stuff in youir siggy.


Add this. From Another Brick in the wall Part 2.



- Pink Floyd, Another Brick In the Wall part 2


Heh... I always like that.]

[Wait...what am I doing?]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[but I only use my powers for good most of the time! Being married is legally binding and I can't do anything about it.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[*puts a star on top of his head* Purdy! ^.^]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*



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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*



[Dark Corner: -is SO dead.- ]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*



[Dark Corner: -is SO dead.- ]


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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[Look. It John Lennon. No. waits. Its just TBFOF in a Tuxedo.]

Arkcher wasn't having the time of his life as much as Kat was screaming to Setstuna "TOO TIGHT!!!! TOO TIGHT YOU CREEP!". Arkcher was up in his room getting dressed in a 145.54 H$ Suit [i TOLDS YOU!!!!] and looked in the mirror.

"I guess. I looks allrights. Or somethings. O_o" He muttered to his sanity Medery

[Metroid+Ridely=MederyO-O] Floated annoyingly near his head. Arkcher wished his mother hadn't let his hair grow out and dye it blonde. She said that Arckcher didn't look or act like an elf so she dyed his hair blonde [That almost became 'blob'] and restyled it. Arkcher didn't like it but everyone else did.

"D***! I can't belive i'm married to Mushroom_king. She scares deh Sockies offa meh. Like deh other day she was skipping through the house sing "I'm a pepper! Your a pepper! She's a pepper! He's a pepper! Be a pepper drink Dr.pepper!!!" all through his mansion and who could forget the day she walked into the house screaming " THERE IS NO PAIN YOU ARE RECEDING! THE DISTANT SHIP SMOKE ON THE HORIZON....." ? It amazed him.

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


[You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*



[Dark Corner: -is SO dead.- ]


[but... But I dressed up as you for Halloween! ;_;]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[Look. It John Lennon. No. waits. Its just TBFOF in a Tuxedo.]

Arkcher wasn't having the time of his life as much as Kat was screaming to Setstuna "TOO TIGHT!!!! TOO TIGHT YOU CREEP!". Arkcher was up in his room getting dressed in a 145.54 H$ Suit [i TOLDS YOU!!!!] and looked in the mirror.

"I guess. I looks allrights. Or somethings. O_o" He muttered to his sanity Medery

[Metroid+Ridely=MederyO-O] Floated annoyingly near his head. Arkcher wished his mother hadn't let his hair grow out and dye it blonde. She said that Arckcher didn't look or act like an elf so she dyed his hair blonde [That almost became 'blob'] and restyled it. Arkcher didn't like it but everyone else did.

"D***! I can't belive i'm married to Mushroom_king. She scares deh Sockies offa meh. Like deh other day she was skipping through the house sing "I'm a pepper! Your a pepper! She's a pepper! He's a pepper! Be a pepper drink Dr.pepper!!!" all through his mansion and who could forget the day she walked into the house screaming " THERE IS NO PAIN YOU ARE RECEDING! THE DISTANT SHIP SMOKE ON THE HORIZON....." ? It amazed him.

[o_O Which reminds me, I spiked by hair all gelled and cool, i didnt like it but everyone else did. <__<; ]


[i cursed :o]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[Look. It John Lennon. No. waits. Its just TBFOF in a Tuxedo.]

Arkcher wasn't having the time of his life as much as Kat was screaming to Setstuna "TOO TIGHT!!!! TOO TIGHT YOU CREEP!". Arkcher was up in his room getting dressed in a 145.54 H$ Suit [i TOLDS YOU!!!!] and looked in the mirror.

"I guess. I looks allrights. Or somethings. O_o" He muttered to his sanity Medery

[Metroid+Ridely=MederyO-O] Floated annoyingly near his head. Arkcher wished his mother hadn't let his hair grow out and dye it blonde. She said that Arckcher didn't look or act like an elf so she dyed his hair blonde [That almost became 'blob'] and restyled it. Arkcher didn't like it but everyone else did.

"D***! I can't belive i'm married to Mushroom_king. She scares deh Sockies offa meh. Like deh other day she was skipping through the house sing "I'm a pepper! Your a pepper! She's a pepper! He's a pepper! Be a pepper drink Dr.pepper!!!" all through his mansion and who could forget the day she walked into the house screaming " THERE IS NO PAIN YOU ARE RECEDING! THE DISTANT SHIP SMOKE ON THE HORIZON....." ? It amazed him.

[o_O Which reminds me, I spiked by hair all gelled and cool, i didnt like it but everyone else did. <__<; ]


[i cursed :o]

[bad Arkcher! *fwap*


I actually have been tied into a corset before. It isn't fun. x_x]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*



[Dark Corner: -is SO dead.- ]


[but... But I dressed up as you for Halloween! ;_;]

[Who was me for Halloween? o.o]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


[You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.]


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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[Look. It John Lennon. No. waits. Its just TBFOF in a Tuxedo.]

Arkcher wasn't having the time of his life as much as Kat was screaming to Setstuna "TOO TIGHT!!!! TOO TIGHT YOU CREEP!". Arkcher was up in his room getting dressed in a 145.54 H$ Suit [i TOLDS YOU!!!!] and looked in the mirror.

"I guess. I looks allrights. Or somethings. O_o" He muttered to his sanity Medery

[Metroid+Ridely=MederyO-O] Floated annoyingly near his head. Arkcher wished his mother hadn't let his hair grow out and dye it blonde. She said that Arckcher didn't look or act like an elf so she dyed his hair blonde [That almost became 'blob'] and restyled it. Arkcher didn't like it but everyone else did.

"D***! I can't belive i'm married to Mushroom_king. She scares deh Sockies offa meh. Like deh other day she was skipping through the house sing "I'm a pepper! Your a pepper! She's a pepper! He's a pepper! Be a pepper drink Dr.pepper!!!" all through his mansion and who could forget the day she walked into the house screaming " THERE IS NO PAIN YOU ARE RECEDING! THE DISTANT SHIP SMOKE ON THE HORIZON....." ? It amazed him.

[o_O Which reminds me, I spiked by hair all gelled and cool, i didnt like it but everyone else did. <__<; ]


[i cursed :o]


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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[Look. It John Lennon. No. waits. Its just TBFOF in a Tuxedo.]

Arkcher wasn't having the time of his life as much as Kat was screaming to Setstuna "TOO TIGHT!!!! TOO TIGHT YOU CREEP!". Arkcher was up in his room getting dressed in a 145.54 H$ Suit [i TOLDS YOU!!!!] and looked in the mirror.

"I guess. I looks allrights. Or somethings. O_o" He muttered to his sanity Medery

[Metroid+Ridely=MederyO-O] Floated annoyingly near his head. Arkcher wished his mother hadn't let his hair grow out and dye it blonde. She said that Arckcher didn't look or act like an elf so she dyed his hair blonde [That almost became 'blob'] and restyled it. Arkcher didn't like it but everyone else did.

"D***! I can't belive i'm married to Mushroom_king. She scares deh Sockies offa meh. Like deh other day she was skipping through the house sing "I'm a pepper! Your a pepper! She's a pepper! He's a pepper! Be a pepper drink Dr.pepper!!!" all through his mansion and who could forget the day she walked into the house screaming " THERE IS NO PAIN YOU ARE RECEDING! THE DISTANT SHIP SMOKE ON THE HORIZON....." ? It amazed him.

[o_O Which reminds me, I spiked by hair all gelled and cool, i didnt like it but everyone else did. <__<; ]


[i cursed :o]



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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[Look. It John Lennon. No. waits. Its just TBFOF in a Tuxedo.]

Arkcher wasn't having the time of his life as much as Kat was screaming to Setstuna "TOO TIGHT!!!! TOO TIGHT YOU CREEP!". Arkcher was up in his room getting dressed in a 145.54 H$ Suit [i TOLDS YOU!!!!] and looked in the mirror.

"I guess. I looks allrights. Or somethings. O_o" He muttered to his sanity Medery

[Metroid+Ridely=MederyO-O] Floated annoyingly near his head. Arkcher wished his mother hadn't let his hair grow out and dye it blonde. She said that Arckcher didn't look or act like an elf so she dyed his hair blonde [That almost became 'blob'] and restyled it. Arkcher didn't like it but everyone else did.

"D***! I can't belive i'm married to Mushroom_king. She scares deh Sockies offa meh. Like deh other day she was skipping through the house sing "I'm a pepper! Your a pepper! She's a pepper! He's a pepper! Be a pepper drink Dr.pepper!!!" all through his mansion and who could forget the day she walked into the house screaming " THERE IS NO PAIN YOU ARE RECEDING! THE DISTANT SHIP SMOKE ON THE HORIZON....." ? It amazed him.

[o_O Which reminds me, I spiked by hair all gelled and cool, i didnt like it but everyone else did. <__<; ]


[i cursed :o]



[Huzzah! n_n]

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[Holy Calimari. O_o watches the Biggest Hairball in the Uncheverse a splode]

Arkcher Quietly waited for MK to come to his Mansion.

At Mushroom_king's House.....

Mushroom_king had Been Fighting with her Mother, "I am not wearing my Wedding dress to the Rehearsal!!!!" as a Result, she wore a Purple Gothic Dress she found in her closet.

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Waiting for the Worms

By Pink Floyd


You cannot reach me now

No matter how you try

goodbye Cruel World it's over

walk on by

Sitting in a Bunker Here behind my wall

waiting for the worms to come

in perfect Isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the worms to come

Waiting-To cut out the Deadwood!

Waiting- To clean up the city

Waiting-To follow the worms

Waiting-to put on a black (Forgot what the next word is)

Waiting-to weed out the weakilings

Waiting-to Smash in their windows and Kick in their doors

Waiting- For the Final Souloution to strengthen the Strain!

Waiting- To follow the Worms

Waiting- to turn on the showers and fire the ovens

Waiting-For the queers and the Coons and the reds and the Jews

Waiting-To follow the Worms

Would, Would you like to see Britannia rule again?

My Freind?

All you need to do is follow the worms

Would- Would you like to send a Colored cousain home again?

My freind?

All ya need to do is follow the Worms.


-The Thin Ice-

By Pink Floyd

Mamma Loves her Baby

And Daddy loves you to

And the sea may look warm to you babe

and the Sky may look blue

but Oooooooh Oooooh Babe

Ooooh Ooooh Ooooh Baby Blue

Oooh ooooh oooooh oooh

ooooh ooooh Babe!

If you should go skating on the thin ice of modern life

Dragging behind you the silent reproach of a million tear stained eyes

don't be surprised when a crack in the ice aappears under your feet

You slip out of your depth and out of your mind with your fear flowing out behind you as you claw the Thin ice.


-In the Flesh, part 2-

by Pink Floyd

So ya

Thought ya

Might like to go to the show?

To feel the warm thrill of confusion

That space cadet glow?

I got some bad news for you sunshine

Pink isn't well he stayed back at the Hotel

and they sent us along as a Surrogate band

we're gonna find out where you fans really stand

Are there any queers in the theatre tonite?

Get em up against the wall

And theres one in the spotlight- He don't look right to me!

Get him up against the wall

And that one looks Jewish

and that ones a coon!

who let all of this TRiffraff into the Room?!

Theres one smoking a Joint





Songs © Pink Floyd.

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Waiting for the Worms

By Pink Floyd


You cannot reach me now

No matter how you try

goodbye Cruel World it's over

walk on by

Sitting in a Bunker Here behind my wall

waiting for the worms to come

in perfect Isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the worms to come

Waiting-To cut out the Deadwood!

Waiting- To clean up the city

Waiting-To follow the worms

Waiting-to put on a black (Forgot what the next word is)

Waiting-to weed out the weakilings

Waiting-to Smash in their windows and Kick in their doors

Waiting- For the Final Souloution to strengthen the Strain!

Waiting- To follow the Worms

Waiting- to turn on the showers and fire the ovens

Waiting-For the queers and the Coons and the reds and the Jews

Waiting-To follow the Worms

Would, Would you like to see Britannia rule again?

My Freind?

All you need to do is follow the worms

Would- Would you like to send a Colored cousain home again?

My freind?

All ya need to do is follow the Worms.


-The Thin Ice-

By Pink Floyd

Mamma Loves her Baby

And Daddy loves you to

And the sea may look warm to you babe

and the Sky may look blue

but Oooooooh Oooooh Babe

Ooooh Ooooh Ooooh Baby Blue

Oooh ooooh oooooh oooh

ooooh ooooh Babe!

If you should go skating on the thin ice of modern life

Dragging behind you the silent reproach of a million tear stained eyes

don't be surprised when a crack in the ice aappears under your feet

You slip out of your depth and out of your mind with your fear flowing out behind you as you claw the Thin ice.


-In the Flesh, part 2-

by Pink Floyd

So ya

Thought ya

Might like to  go to the show?

To feel the warm thrill of confusion

That space cadet glow?

I got some bad news for you sunshine

Pink isn't well he stayed back at the Hotel

and they sent us along as a Surrogate band

we're gonna find out where you fans really stand

Are there any queers in the theatre tonite?

Get em up against the wall

And theres one in the spotlight- He don't look right to me!

Get him up against the wall

And that one looks Jewish

and that ones a coon!

who let all of this TRiffraff into the Room?!

Theres one smoking a Joint





Songs © Pink Floyd.

[HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums. Where would you like me to move this post? HampsterDance Music perhaps?]

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[Holy Calimari. O_o watches the Biggest Hairball in the Uncheverse a splode]

Arkcher Quietly waited for MK to come to his Mansion.

At Mushroom_king's House.....

Mushroom_king had Been Fighting with her Mother, "I am not wearing my Wedding dress to the Rehearsal!!!!" as a Result, she wore a Purple Gothic Dress she found in her closet.

[so, Arkcher's hair is explosive? Wow. I'll have to remember that...]

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[Holy Calimari. O_o watches the Biggest Hairball in the Uncheverse a splode]

Arkcher Quietly waited for MK to come to his Mansion.

At Mushroom_king's House.....

Mushroom_king had Been Fighting with her Mother, "I am not wearing my Wedding dress to the Rehearsal!!!!" as a Result, she wore a Purple Gothic Dress she found in her closet.

[*ESPLODES!* Eww. Arkcher's hair tastes gross. x_X *gnaws on MK's hair instead.


Jeeze, I took me about a billion times to type "hair"...]

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[HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?]

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o

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[Holy Calimari. O_o watches the Biggest Hairball in the Uncheverse a splode]

Arkcher Quietly waited for MK to come to his Mansion.

At Mushroom_king's House.....

Mushroom_king had Been Fighting with her Mother, "I am not wearing my Wedding dress to the Rehearsal!!!!" as a Result, she wore a Purple Gothic Dress she found in her closet.

[*ESPLODES!* Eww. Arkcher's hair tastes gross. x_X *gnaws on MK's hair instead.


Jeeze, I took me about a billion times to type "hair"...]

[Good thing the word hair is not a really long and difficult word. :lol::lol::lol: ]

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[HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?]

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]

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[HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?]

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]


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[HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?]

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]

[Ah. That makes more sense.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[ You may Kiss the Bride!!!!!!!!

*Arkcher wakes up in mushroom-land*]


TGHL was angered that Kat didnt hear him.

He flew in her window.

"What the?"

"KEEP IT DOWN! You Swine. Don't you know that today is Arkcher and Vera's Wedding rehersal?"

"Vera? Who's She?"

" That's Mushroom_king's Dreamtopian Name. We just lie to call her Mushroom_king. You need to be dressed right!!!"

"But its just a rehersal!"

"But still...."


TGHL Flew away.

Kat decided to put up her guitar and called her sanity Setstuna.



Setstuna was not yet in her "pysical" state; when she came to Kat, she was just a white circle withWhiskers Jellyfish Tentacles and a Clay-more through her head.

Setstuna changed into Pysical form.

[it's the same Setstuna from FDP, but with a Claymore through her head.]

Kat and Setsuna went upstairs to help get her dress on.[one of those Victorian dresses. Booyah]

[Hey! It's Sets! *hug* :D]

[batteries not Included.]

Mushroom_king's mother Then yelled from across the hall- "vera! It's time to go..." MK went downstairs. Her mother was examing the Pictures of MK's freind on Invision. "Your freinds are rather... lovely, Arn't they?" shre said, looking Disdaintfully at the picture of Top-bannana in her Cheerleading outfit. [if youv'e seen the Hollaback girl Music Video, you'll understand the joke.^-^] MK went outside to her Volkswagon beetle and drove to Arklcher's mansion, with her Mother in the back.

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[HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?]

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]

[And he said that they were sung by that one band. It's not like he's trying to say that he made them, or anything.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


[You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.]


[You say this Too much. wasn't it enough when Scientests relized that "Oh my!" were the only woprds in Horatio's Vocabulary?!


BTW. I was Kat for Halloween. O-O]

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[Holy Calimari. O_o watches the Biggest Hairball in the Uncheverse a splode]

Arkcher Quietly waited for MK to come to his Mansion.

At Mushroom_king's House.....

Mushroom_king had Been Fighting with her Mother, "I am not wearing my Wedding dress to the Rehearsal!!!!" as a Result, she wore a Purple Gothic Dress she found in her closet.

[*ESPLODES!* Eww. Arkcher's hair tastes gross. x_X *gnaws on MK's hair instead.


Jeeze, I took me about a billion times to type "hair"...]


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HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.

[Horatio, My Conseince doesn't like you anymore.]

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HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.


I was just trying to be helpful and explain why I permitted the copyrighted lyrics to appear in the forum dedicated to only original works by the people here.

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


[You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.]


[You say this Too much. wasn't it enough when Scientests relized that "Oh my!" were the only woprds in Horatio's Vocabulary?!


BTW. I was Kat for Halloween. O-O]

[i say it whenever I feel like pouting.


Really? What did you look like?]

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[Holy Calimari. O_o watches the Biggest Hairball in the Uncheverse a splode]

Arkcher Quietly waited for MK to come to his Mansion.

At Mushroom_king's House.....

Mushroom_king had Been Fighting with her Mother, "I am not wearing my Wedding dress to the Rehearsal!!!!" as a Result, she wore a Purple Gothic Dress she found in her closet.

[*ESPLODES!* Eww. Arkcher's hair tastes gross. x_X *gnaws on MK's hair instead.


Jeeze, I took me about a billion times to type "hair"...]


[Hey! You're hair is a lot tastier than Arkcher's! *gnaw, gnaw*]

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[Holy Calimari. O_o watches the Biggest Hairball in the Uncheverse a splode]

Arkcher Quietly waited for MK to come to his Mansion.

At Mushroom_king's House.....

Mushroom_king had Been Fighting with her Mother, "I am not wearing my Wedding dress to the Rehearsal!!!!" as a Result, she wore a Purple Gothic Dress she found in her closet.

[*ESPLODES!* Eww. Arkcher's hair tastes gross. x_X *gnaws on MK's hair instead.


Jeeze, I took me about a billion times to type "hair"...]


[Hey! You're hair is a lot tastier than Arkcher's! *gnaw, gnaw*]


[What does it taste like? -continues to gnaw on Jack's hair- Mmm. Hamster.]

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[Holy Calimari. O_o watches the Biggest Hairball in the Uncheverse a splode]

Arkcher Quietly waited for MK to come to his Mansion.

At Mushroom_king's House.....

Mushroom_king had Been Fighting with her Mother, "I am not wearing my Wedding dress to the Rehearsal!!!!" as a Result, she wore a Purple Gothic Dress she found in her closet.

[*ESPLODES!* Eww. Arkcher's hair tastes gross. x_X *gnaws on MK's hair instead.


Jeeze, I took me about a billion times to type "hair"...]


[Hey! You're hair is a lot tastier than Arkcher's! *gnaw, gnaw*]


[What does it taste like? -continues to gnaw on Jack's hair- Mmm. Hamster.]

[i dunno. Like something yummyfull.


Eeeeeeeeem Kaaaaaay. Where iiiiiiiiiiiis yooooooooou?]

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[HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?]

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]


[i was just trying to be helpful and explain why I permitted the copyrighted lyrics to appear in the forum dedicated to only original works by the people here.]

[Not to be Mean or anything but does it really that diffucult to find out what someone's talking about? I'm Upset because It was TBFOPF not TBFOF. It's only common sense that TBFOF never visits my topics anyway.]

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[HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?]

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]


[i was just trying to be helpful and explain why I permitted the copyrighted lyrics to appear in the forum dedicated to only original works by the people here.]

[Not to be Mean or anything but does it really that diffucult to find out what someone's talking about? I'm Upset because It was TBFOPF not TBFOF. It's only common sense that TBFOF never visits my topics anyway.]

[i am sorry you are upset. It was not my intention to upset you.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


[You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.]


[You say this Too much. wasn't it enough when Scientests relized that "Oh my!" were the only woprds in Horatio's Vocabulary?!


BTW. I was Kat for Halloween. O-O]

[i say it whenever I feel like pouting.


Really? What did you look like?]

[Cat ears wooden sword Bent faerie wings. Sorry. My "," symbol isn't working.]

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HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]


[i was just trying to be helpful and explain why I permitted the copyrighted lyrics to appear in the forum dedicated to only original works by the people here.]

[Not to be Mean or anything but does it really that diffucult to find out what someone's talking about? I'm Upset because It was TBFOPF not TBFOF. It's only common sense that TBFOF never visits my topics anyway.]

[i am sorry you are upset. It was not my intention to upset you.]


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Mushroom_king got in the car. Her mother drove her to Arkcher's Mansion where the rehearsal would be held.

When they got there MK's Mother and Arkcher's Mother went off to the room where the rehearsal would be held to have some tea. Mushroom_king didn't go though; She wasn't to fond of tea ever since the Sweet-Tea incident of 5th Grade.

Instead MK wandered around thye room. She then saw a room she had never seen before: The Instrument room. She looked inside and-Wow! There were Instruments of every kind- Keytars. Electic drums. Xylophones. Banjos. Accordians. DDR Pads. Speciel FX tables. She went inside the room and picked up an Acoustic guitar on the floor. There was a small stand wiith a music book that said "Great Pink Floyd Songs for Acoustic Guitar". She looked through and found loads of stuff. She found "Wish you were here" and started to play. Then she started to sing along.

"So you think-So you think you can tell...."

" Heaven from H*** Blue skys from pain?

How I wish how I wish you were here"

Arkcher, who was just upstairs, heared MK playing. He Said to himself "She must be here!" He walked down the stairs to the Instrument room despite the fact his mother always told him not to got in there because he might break something.

There was a small bench in the room for playing the cello and other Orchestra Instruments. Arkcher sat down and listened to MK sing and play.

" We're just two lost souls swimmin' in a fishbowl

year after year"

"That's great." said Arkcher.

MK turned around.

"What the-!" she said and neraly fell over knocking down some rather spiffy Pianos. And killing herself.

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[i forgot this one]

Hey you!

By PInk Floyd

Hey you

Out there in the cold getting lonely getting old

Can you feel me?

Hey you

Standing in the isles with Itchy feet and fading smiles

Can you feel me?

Hey you

Don't help them to bury the light

Don't give in without a fight

Hey you

Out there on your own sitting naked by the phone

would you touch me?

Hey you

With you ear against the wall when you force someone to call out

would you touch me?

Hey you

would you help me to carry the stone?

Open your heart.....

I'm comin' home.


But It was only Fantasy

The Wall was to High as you can see

No matter how he tried He could not break free

and the worms ate into his brain

Hey you!

Out there on the road always doing what your told

Can ya Help me?

Hey you!

Out there beyond the wall breaking bottles in the hall

Can ya Help me?


Don't tell me theres no hope at all!

Together we stand divided we fall.

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Mushroom_king got in the car. Her mother drove her to Arkcher's Mansion where the rehearsal would be held.

When they got there MK's Mother and Arkcher's Mother went off to the room where the rehearsal would be held to have some tea. Mushroom_king didn't go though; She wasn't to fond of tea ever since the Sweet-Tea incident of 5th Grade.

Instead MK wandered around thye room. She then saw a room she had never seen before: The Instrument room. She looked inside and-Wow! There were Instruments of every kind- Keytars. Electic drums. Xylophones. Banjos. Accordians. DDR Pads. Speciel FX tables. She went inside the room and picked up an Acoustic guitar on the floor. There was a small stand wiith a music book that said "Great Pink Floyd Songs for Acoustic Guitar". She looked through and found loads of stuff. She found "Wish you were here" and started to play. Then she started to sing along.

"So you think-So you think you can tell...."

" Heaven from H*** Blue skys from pain?

How I wish how I wish you were here"

Arkcher, who was just upstairs, heared MK playing. He Said to himself "She must be here!" He walked down the stairs to the Instrument room despite the fact his mother always told him not to got in there because he might break something.

There was a small bench in the room for playing the cello and other Orchestra Instruments. Arkcher sat down and listened to MK sing and play.

" We're just two lost souls swimmin' in a fishbowl

year after year"

"That's great." said Arkcher.

MK turned around.

"What the-!" she said and neraly fell over knocking down some rather spiffy Pianos. And killing herself.

[w00t for demolished spiffy pianos. And maybe some of your pink floyd songs.]

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HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]


[i was just trying to be helpful and explain why I permitted the copyrighted lyrics to appear in the forum dedicated to only original works by the people here.]

[Not to be Mean or anything but does it really that diffucult to find out what someone's talking about? I'm Upset because It was TBFOPF not TBFOF. It's only common sense that TBFOF never visits my topics anyway.]

[i am sorry you are upset. It was not my intention to upset you.]


[Mmmmmmm, Brackets fool.....]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


[You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.]


[You say this Too much. wasn't it enough when Scientests relized that "Oh my!" were the only woprds in Horatio's Vocabulary?!


BTW. I was Kat for Halloween. O-O]

[i say it whenever I feel like pouting.


Really? What did you look like?]

[Cat ears wooden sword Bent faerie wings. Sorry. My "," symbol isn't working.]

[spiff! n_n


If it isn't working, then HOW DID YOU MAKE IT RIGHT THERE?! ARE you LYING to me?! ;_; *sobs*]

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Mushroom_king got in the car. Her mother drove her to Arkcher's Mansion where the rehearsal would be held.

When they got there MK's Mother and Arkcher's Mother went off to the room where the rehearsal would be held to have some tea. Mushroom_king didn't go though; She wasn't to fond of tea ever since the Sweet-Tea incident of 5th Grade.

Instead MK wandered around thye room. She then saw a room she had never seen before: The Instrument room. She looked inside and-Wow! There were Instruments of every kind- Keytars. Electic drums. Xylophones. Banjos. Accordians. DDR Pads. Speciel FX tables. She went inside the room and picked up an Acoustic guitar on the floor. There was a small stand wiith a music book that said "Great Pink Floyd Songs for Acoustic Guitar". She looked through and found loads of stuff. She found "Wish you were here" and started to play. Then she started to sing along.

"So you think-So you think you can tell...."

" Heaven from H*** Blue skys from pain?

How I wish how I wish you were here"

Arkcher, who was just upstairs, heared MK playing. He Said to himself "She must be here!" He walked down the stairs to the Instrument room despite the fact his mother always told him not to got in there because he might break something.

There was a small bench in the room for playing the cello and other Orchestra Instruments. Arkcher sat down and listened to MK sing and play.

" We're just two lost souls swimmin' in a fishbowl

year after year"

"That's great." said Arkcher.

MK turned around.

"What the-!" she said and neraly fell over knocking down some rather spiffy Pianos. And killing herself.

[ZOMGDDR! *runs to that room and plays*]

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HampsterKing wants original works by our posters in the creative forums.  Where would you like me to move this post?  HampsterDance Music perhaps?

[Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o


[The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.]


[i was just trying to be helpful and explain why I permitted the copyrighted lyrics to appear in the forum dedicated to only original works by the people here.]

[Not to be Mean or anything but does it really that diffucult to find out what someone's talking about? I'm Upset because It was TBFOPF not TBFOF. It's only common sense that TBFOF never visits my topics anyway.]

[i am sorry you are upset. It was not my intention to upset you.]


[Mmmmmmm, Brackets fool.....]

[The San Fansisco treat!]

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  • 2 weeks later...
[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


[You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.]


[You say this Too much. wasn't it enough when Scientests relized that "Oh my!" were the only woprds in Horatio's Vocabulary?!


BTW. I was Kat for Halloween. O-O]

[i say it whenever I feel like pouting.


Really? What did you look like?]

[Cat ears wooden sword Bent faerie wings. Sorry. My "," symbol isn't working.]

[spiff! n_n


If it isn't working, then HOW DID YOU MAKE IT RIGHT THERE?! ARE you LYING to me?! ;_; *sobs*]

[if I Pressit REALLY Hard it makes the Symbol.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer*

Archer: Get offa meh!e_e

Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!]


It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square.

Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR.

Kat went outside.

"Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful."

Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar.

The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this.


[-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!]

[Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* :lol: ]

[Thats like. the scariest thing ever.]

[What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x]

[Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!]

[Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....]

[MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......]

[bananas in Pajamas!


I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.]

[i understand why. o_o]

[You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;]

[booh-bahs are scary. o_o]

[Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her*


[You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.]


[You say this Too much. wasn't it enough when Scientests relized that "Oh my!" were the only woprds in Horatio's Vocabulary?!


BTW. I was Kat for Halloween. O-O]

[i say it whenever I feel like pouting.


Really? What did you look like?]

[Cat ears wooden sword Bent faerie wings. Sorry. My "," symbol isn't working.]

[spiff! n_n


If it isn't working, then HOW DID YOU MAKE IT RIGHT THERE?! ARE you LYING to me?! ;_; *sobs*]

[if I Pressit REALLY Hard it makes the Symbol.]

[Oh. Then all is good. ^_____^ *hug*]

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Mushroom_king picked up the Fallen Music stand. " I am soooo sorry i Almost Broke those Pianos." She said, as she picked up a DDR pad she had almost slipped on. "The room Needs to be bigger anyway." said Arkcher.

MK sat down neext to Arkcher. "Nice Dress." He said. "Toto Might like it."

There was a silence, and MK spoke up.

"Are you nervous 'bout Tommarow?"

Arkcher Thought and looked at the ceiling. "I never Really thought about it. I guess now I can't avoid listening to your Pink Floyd Records."

MK laugghed a really strange laugh. they both Sighed, and there wass silence until a booming female voice came form the Doorway.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!" Screamed ARkcher's Mother.

Arkcher Rolled His eyes.

She's going to complain about me being in here. Or maybe she'll get mad at me because she's a Victorian and I'm alone with Mushroom_king.

His Mother complained about Both things. >_o

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Mushroom_king picked up the Fallen Music stand. " I am soooo sorry i Almost Broke those Pianos." She said, as she picked up a DDR pad she had almost slipped on. "The room Needs to be bigger anyway." said Arkcher.

MK sat down neext to Arkcher. "Nice Dress." He said. "Toto Might like it."

There was a silence, and MK spoke up.

"Are you nervous 'bout Tommarow?"

Arkcher Thought and looked at the ceiling. "I never Really thought about it. I guess now I can't avoid listening to your Pink Floyd Records."

MK laugghed a really strange laugh. they both Sighed, and there wass silence until a booming female voice came form the Doorway.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!" Screamed ARkcher's Mother.

Arkcher Rolled His eyes.

She's going to complain about me being in here. Or maybe she'll get mad at me because she's a Victorian and I'm alone with Mushroom_king.

His Mother complained about Both things. >_o

.... maybe. o_o;

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MK sat down neext to Arkcher. "Nice Dress." He said. "Toto Might like it."


Arkcher. Are you saying that I'd like a purple gawthic dress? Maybe a purple dress. Or a prettiful dress with neon colors. And jeans. But not a dress a gawth would wear. Do gawths wear dresses? I'll ask when I see one. Maybe we can just go to the medieval times so I can even ask a real one.


[side note: That's all sarcasm. Don't take is seriously.]

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MK sat down neext to Arkcher. "Nice Dress." He said. "Toto Might like it."


Arkcher. Are you saying that I'd like a purple gawthic dress? Maybe a purple dress. Or a prettiful dress with neon colors. And jeans. But not a dress a gawth would wear. Do gawths wear dresses? I'll ask when I see one. Maybe we can just go to the medieval times so I can even ask a real one.


[side note: That's all sarcasm. Don't take is seriously.]

[Gawthics wear all sorts of weird skirts and such (Even the guys. o_o;;;). Real goths wore robes.]

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MK sat down neext to Arkcher. "Nice Dress." He said. "Toto Might like it."


Arkcher. Are you saying that I'd like a purple gawthic dress? Maybe a purple dress. Or a prettiful dress with neon colors. And jeans. But not a dress a gawth would wear. Do gawths wear dresses? I'll ask when I see one. Maybe we can just go to the medieval times so I can even ask a real one.


[side note: That's all sarcasm. Don't take is seriously.]

[Gawthics wear all sorts of weird skirts and such (Even the guys. o_o;;;). Real goths wore robes.]


[Aren't they just like. Really long poofy pants?]

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MK sat down neext to Arkcher. "Nice Dress." He said. "Toto Might like it."


Arkcher. Are you saying that I'd like a purple gawthic dress? Maybe a purple dress. Or a prettiful dress with neon colors. And jeans. But not a dress a gawth would wear. Do gawths wear dresses? I'll ask when I see one. Maybe we can just go to the medieval times so I can even ask a real one.


[side note: That's all sarcasm. Don't take is seriously.]

{I have this Catalog subscription. They have this Midevil Gothic gown. I liked it, so I put it in the story. Actully, A lot of the Formal wear in the story comes from the catalog- Kat's, Hoops, Me all have dresses from teh catalog.]

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["Gawthics?"O_o And How am I supposed to know. Cause. I just liked the Dress in the Catalog. They called it the Gothic Gown, and they said that the dress was based on midevil Gothic-ness.Which reminds me. When we were in Belgium, we saw this Emo dood with a skirt. I told my Mom and she thought he might be scottish.]

"I'm Sitting down. What's it look like i'm doing?"

MK rolled her eyes. Good Goth, What was she going to expect, Me and Arkcher Making out or something. That's Idiotic. save it for Christmas when Mullaypop hangs Mistletoe in every possible place. She Thought. Hoo boy.

"You know you can't be in here. You might break something.like my prized guitar that John Lennon-"

" Jimi Hendix," said MK.

"Whatever. I don't even know who that is.[ Spot the corny joke] Anyway, our guests should be arriving soon, so-"

"Hello!" said a Voice that had a slight accent to it. Arkcher's Mother Screamed and nearly fell on top of MK's Mother. After she had the stength to get back up, Cheesemaster said, "I'm Cheesemaster. I'm really Self-Consious about having my clothes taken off." They shook hands, and Arkcher's Mother scoweled at the Cheese Wiz on her hand.

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MK sat down neext to Arkcher. "Nice Dress." He said. "Toto Might like it."


Arkcher. Are you saying that I'd like a purple gawthic dress? Maybe a purple dress. Or a prettiful dress with neon colors. And jeans. But not a dress a gawth would wear. Do gawths wear dresses? I'll ask when I see one. Maybe we can just go to the medieval times so I can even ask a real one.


[side note: That's all sarcasm. Don't take is seriously.]

[Gawthics wear all sorts of weird skirts and such (Even the guys. o_o;;;). Real goths wore robes.]


[Aren't they just like. Really long poofy pants?]

[some of them. But I kid you not, I've been exposed to all sorts of gawths working out at Fest, and they wear skirts. Not kilts, not baggy pants, skirts.]

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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over  minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




[*hangs Misteltoe somewhere in the topic and runs*]

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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over  minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




[*hangs Misteltoe somewhere in the topic and runs*]

[-prompty burns the mistletoe and then runs-]

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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over  minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




[*hangs Misteltoe somewhere in the topic and runs*]

[*messily devours all the mistletoe* >:3


...*then dies* x_x]

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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over  minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




[*hangs Misteltoe somewhere in the topic and runs*]

[-prompty burns the mistletoe and then runs-]


[if all else fails. You can eat it.]

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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over  minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




[*hangs Misteltoe somewhere in the topic and runs*]

[-prompty burns the mistletoe and then runs-]


[if all else fails. You can eat it.]

[Already got that covered, Toto.]

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[This is my new INVISION story. duh.]


[i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.]


[The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.]


[ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over  minds, and making us his evil slaves.]


[The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.]


[Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.]


[ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.]



[PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. :) Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]




[*hangs Misteltoe somewhere in the topic and runs*]

[-prompty burns the mistletoe and then runs-]


[if all else fails. You can eat it.]

[Already got that covered, Toto.]


[o: And you didn't share?]

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"Uhhhhh.....anyway-"said Arkcher's Mother.

"Hello!" squeqed a Voice behind her.

"EREEEEEEEK!" screamed Arkcher's mother.

"I'm Steven The Jewish Chipmunk-But everyone calls me King Of the Chipmunks."

Arkcher's Mother gave the Oh-my-Goodness-youv'e-made-freinds-with-a-Chipmunk-look to Arkcher.

"Let's Go have a spot of Tea," said Cheesemaster.

As the Group walked into the room where the Tea was, Arkher finnaly asked, "Why am I Getting married teh Moushroom_king???" asked Arkcher.

"Because," said his Mother. "Your Moderator Horatio says that You are always Hanging with her and some body called Kat. I Think Kat is a rather odd name,"

Boffin, thought MK.

"But since you visit Vera so much, You obviousaly are deeply in love with her."

There was a long silence.

That is, until MK broke the silence with her Willy Wonka voice.

"Ha Ha! Your Really weird."

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"Uhhhhh.....anyway-"said Arkcher's Mother.

"Hello!" squeqed a Voice behind her.

"EREEEEEEEK!" screamed Arkcher's mother.

"I'm Steven The Jewish Chipmunk-But everyone calls me King Of the Chipmunks."

Arkcher's Mother gave the Oh-my-Goodness-youv'e-made-freinds-with-a-Chipmunk-look to Arkcher.

"Let's Go have a spot of Tea," said Cheesemaster.

As the Group walked into the room where the Tea was, Arkher finnaly asked, "Why am I Getting married teh Moushroom_king???" asked Arkcher.

"Because," said his Mother. "Your Moderator Horatio says that You are always Hanging with her and some body called Kat. I Think Kat is a rather odd name,"

Boffin, thought MK.

"But since you visit Vera so much, You obviousaly are deeply in love with her."

There was a long silence.

That is, until MK broke the silence with her Willy Wonka voice.

"Ha Ha! Your Really weird."

[Hey! My name in real life is Kat, too! ;_;


My cats just both ran into the bottom of my wheely-chair at the same time and knocked me over. x_x]

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[i drew this picture of me and Arkcher with this White Construction Paper. We're Holding hands and he looks really freaked out. It's hanging up in mah room right now.]

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"Uhhhhh.....anyway-"said Arkcher's Mother.

"Hello!" squeqed a Voice behind her.

"EREEEEEEEK!" screamed Arkcher's mother.

"I'm Steven The Jewish Chipmunk-But everyone calls me King Of the Chipmunks."

Arkcher's Mother gave the Oh-my-Goodness-youv'e-made-freinds-with-a-Chipmunk-look to Arkcher.

"Let's Go have a spot of Tea," said Cheesemaster.

As the Group walked into the room where the Tea was, Arkher finnaly asked, "Why am I Getting married teh Moushroom_king???" asked Arkcher.

"Because," said his Mother. "Your Moderator Horatio says that You are always Hanging with her and some body called Kat. I Think Kat is a rather odd name,"

Boffin, thought MK.

"But since you visit Vera so much, You obviousaly are deeply in love with her."

There was a long silence.

That is, until MK broke the silence with her Willy Wonka voice.

"Ha Ha! Your Really weird."

[Hey! My name in real life is Kat, too! ;_;


My cats just both ran into the bottom of my wheely-chair at the same time and knocked me over. x_x]

[Kamikaze kittiiiiiiiees! >D]

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"Uhhhhh.....anyway-"said Arkcher's Mother.

"Hello!" squeqed a Voice behind her.

"EREEEEEEEK!" screamed Arkcher's mother.

"I'm Steven The Jewish Chipmunk-But everyone calls me King Of the Chipmunks."

Arkcher's Mother gave the Oh-my-Goodness-youv'e-made-freinds-with-a-Chipmunk-look to Arkcher.

"Let's Go have a spot of Tea," said Cheesemaster.

As the Group walked into the room where the Tea was, Arkher finnaly asked, "Why am I Getting married teh Moushroom_king???" asked Arkcher.

"Because," said his Mother. "Your Moderator Horatio says that You are always Hanging with her and some body called Kat. I Think Kat is a rather odd name,"

Boffin, thought MK.

"But since you visit Vera so much, You obviousaly are deeply in love with her."

There was a long silence.

That is, until MK broke the silence with her Willy Wonka voice.

"Ha Ha! Your Really weird."

[Hey! My name in real life is Kat, too! ;_;


My cats just both ran into the bottom of my wheely-chair at the same time and knocked me over. x_x]

[Kamikaze kittiiiiiiiees! >D]

[Actually, more like one stupid kitty and one huge one with lots of momentum. >_>;;;]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[*attempts not to laugh* >_____>;;;]

[-pwns- >(]


[The other day, three of these female nemesis' of mine were like. flirty beyond beleif. It was scary. I ran away screaming. <_< Just do something unattractive, they might leave me alone. n_n (Taking off my shirt would blind everyone! >:D)

[Not in front of me!]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[*attempts not to laugh* >_____>;;;]

[-pwns- >(]


[The other day, three of these female nemesis' of mine were like. flirty beyond beleif. It was scary. I ran away screaming. <_< Just do something unattractive, they might leave me alone. n_n (Taking off my shirt would blind everyone! >:D)

[Not in front of me!]

[*watches Arkcher take off his shirt* *dies*]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[Nyaha. >:D Arkcher and MK sitting in a tree...]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[*attempts not to laugh* >_____>;;;]

[-pwns- >(]


[The other day, three of these female nemesis' of mine were like. flirty beyond beleif. It was scary. I ran away screaming. <_< Just do something unattractive, they might leave me alone. n_n (Taking off my shirt would blind everyone! >:D)

[Not in front of me!]

[Yes. Yes it will.]

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[Dude. This is really scaring me. The subconsious minds of the lady-types are after me too! -flees- ]

[*attempts not to laugh* >_____>;;;]

[-pwns- >(]


[The other day, three of these female nemesis' of mine were like. flirty beyond beleif. It was scary. I ran away screaming. <_< Just do something unattractive, they might leave me alone. n_n (Taking off my shirt would blind everyone! >:D)

[Not in front of me!]

[*watches Arkcher take off his shirt* *dies*]

[see? I TOLD you. -pokes the dead MK- ... I think she died or something. -flees-]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[Haha. Now you're stuck married to me from a rehearsal thing. -point and laugh-]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.]


[-gigglesnort- My fault. Sorry.]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.]

Archer pulled and pulled-But it wouldn't come off.

Finnally Arkcher Pulled it off but it went FLYING through the air- and started To roll on the ground.

"Nw u hav 2brn it... Nw u hav 2 brn it..." chanted Monkeylicious.

"It touched the ground!" whgispered someone.

Finaly It landed at the feet of the last person they wanted it to- Hamsterfireball.

"Ooooh... Shiny!" he said. Suddenly The ring was lit on Fire. "ooopsy." He said and threw it somewhere. It landed on Kat.

"OMG!!!!!!" screamed Kat as her dress lit on fire. She fell to the ground and Rolled around. "OMG, OMG!!! I'm gonna get that Idiot...." She finnaly stood up but since she had been rolling around, her corset dress had loosened- It fell right off!

"I don't want to see that. It's bad enough I have to sleep with Mushroom_king.."

Setstuna Quickly came over to help get the dress back on.

The ring then rolled under Hoops's Skirt. It was shorter [Not much] Than a dress and it rolled under His Mother's dress. Arkcher made a grab for it, making his mother's eyes go wide with fright.

[Kat. Theres a part in the story where Vannila Star Hamster, Dog Lover, and Monkeylicious chant that... And they make fun of Arkcher... It's not nice. D:]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[Nyaha. >:D Arkcher and MK sitting in a tree...]

[Nyaha. >:D Kat and... uh... some other guy... Lexxy-man! yeah. sitting. in a tree.


Shouldnt that be sitting on a tree? like. on a tree branch? Sitting in a tree would be like... your body encased in the wood. and I dont see much romance in that.]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[Nyaha. >:D Arkcher and MK sitting in a tree...]

[Nyaha. >:D Kat and... uh... some other guy... Lexxy-man! yeah. sitting. in a tree.


Shouldnt that be sitting on a tree? like. on a tree branch? Sitting in a tree would be like... your body encased in the wood. and I dont see much romance in that.]

[No 'cause you, like, sitting inside of all of the branches...or something.]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[Nyaha. >:D Arkcher and MK sitting in a tree...]

[Nyaha. >:D Kat and... uh... some other guy... Lexxy-man! yeah. sitting. in a tree.


Shouldnt that be sitting on a tree? like. on a tree branch? Sitting in a tree would be like... your body encased in the wood. and I dont see much romance in that.]

[And Lexxy-Man is old, you weirdo.]

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"let's try this again."


"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

[i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.]


How did I miss such a superb typo!!!!!!!!!!

*hands Arkcher The Gold Star Award*

[*gives MK a Typo Award*]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.]

Archer pulled and pulled-But it wouldn't come off.

Finnally Arkcher Pulled it off but it went FLYING through the air- and started To roll on the ground.

"Nw u hav 2brn it... Nw u hav 2 brn it..." chanted Monkeylicious.

"It touched the ground!" whgispered someone.

Finaly It landed at the feet of the last person they wanted it to- Hamsterfireball.

"Ooooh... Shiny!" he said. Suddenly The ring was lit on Fire. "ooopsy." He said and threw it somewhere. It landed on Kat.

"OMG!!!!!!" screamed Kat as her dress lit on fire. She fell to the ground and Rolled around. "OMG, OMG!!! I'm gonna get that Idiot...." She finnaly stood up but since she had been rolling around, her corset dress had loosened- It fell right off!

"I don't want to see that. It's bad enough I have to sleep with Mushroom_king.."

Setstuna Quickly came over to help get the dress back on.

The ring then rolled under Hoops's Skirt. It was shorter [Not much] Than a dress and it rolled under His Mother's dress. Arkcher made a grab for it, making his mother's eyes go wide with fright.

[Kat. Theres a part in the story where Vannila Star Hamster, Dog Lover, and Monkeylicious chant that... And they make fun of Arkcher... It's not nice. D:]

[i wasn't bein' serious. Dun worry.


But corsets go under dresses, so wouldn't I still have a dress on, but just be able to breath? x_X]

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[Yay for dead animals.


I guess I dont understand these traditions of marriage stuff outside my religion (They're quite different.) as I've never heard of burning a ring for any reason at all other than someone married a pyromaniac.]

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[Yay for dead animals.


I guess I dont understand these traditions of marriage stuff outside my religion (They're quite different.) as I've never heard of burning a ring for any reason at all other than someone married a pyromaniac.]

[XD No, that's not a custom. That just happened because a pyro happened to get ahold of the ring that flew off MK's finger. Normally, nothing is supposed to be on fire at weddings unless there is candels.]

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[...A bit Corpse Bride-ish, eh? How about we have me as a dead dog, too. =D ]

[The story is Corpse Bride, The Wall, Neopets, and sometjing else from Woodywoodepeckerland. And yes, I made Hamsterfireball a Pyro.]

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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[Nyaha. >:D Arkcher and MK sitting in a tree...]

[Nyaha. >:D Kat and... uh... some other guy... Lexxy-man! yeah. sitting. in a tree.


Shouldnt that be sitting on a tree? like. on a tree branch? Sitting in a tree would be like... your body encased in the wood. and I dont see much romance in that.]

[And Lexxy-Man is old, you weirdo.]

[-blank stare- o_o;...................................................



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"let's try this again."

Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at.

"With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were.

"With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light."

They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them.

"And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!"

Toto turned to MK.

"Do you take this Man to be your Wife?"

"Yes. I Mean I do."

She turned to Arkcher.

"Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?"

"Yus. I mean I do!"

"FINE! That's good. Now for the ring."

"And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger.

"Fine. You may kiss the bride."

Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler.

"Tell me about it." said Waddeley.

That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king.

"Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow."

Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!

[Nyaha. >:D Arkcher and MK sitting in a tree...]

[Nyaha. >:D Kat and... uh... some other guy... Lexxy-man! yeah. sitting. in a tree.


Shouldnt that be sitting on a tree? like. on a tree branch? Sitting in a tree would be like... your body encased in the wood. and I dont see much romance in that.]

[And Lexxy-Man is old, you weirdo.]

[-blank stare- o_o;...................................................




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Arkcher slowly Put his Hand over to his mouth. "I just Ruined everything..." He said in his Idiotic Victor Van Dort Voice. " well you sure did!" yelled His Mother. He looked over at MK, Who was giving his Motehr The I'm-going-to-put-you-in-the-meat-grinder-look.

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The ring then rolled to Arckher's feet.


[My wedding ring in fact does become very important, but not in this Story. XD]

Later that Night...

"HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!111111111oneoneoneone" laughed Monkeylicious as she and a Couple others were at MK's house laughing about the weddingrehearsal.

"Hahahahahaha" Muttered VSH. She didn't like it how the others were making fun of Arkcher and Mushroom_king. "Ha Ha... Arkcher like MK..." said Honey. "Ys uf cors!!11" said Monkeylicious. "You guys shutup!" yelled VSH. " Arkchr nd Mshrm ng sitn in a tre. K-I-s-s-I-N-G" and the others laughed, making VSH very very MAD. "SHUTUP!!!!" She yelled. MK, who was upstairs playing Gamecube, didn't hear it. Then Arkcher walked Through the door as Monkeylicious was singing her song. He bliushed a Deep red and ran upstairs. " Ha Ha..." said Dog Lover. "Look what youv'e done now, Genius!" said VSH.

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The ring then rolled to Arckher's feet.


[My wedding ring in fact does become very important, but not in this Story. XD]

Later that Night...

"HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!111111111oneoneoneone" laughed Monkeylicious as she and a Couple others were at MK's house laughing about the weddingrehearsal.

"Hahahahahaha" Muttered VSH. She didn't like it how the others were making fun of Arkcher and Mushroom_king. "Ha Ha... Arkcher like MK..." said Honey. "Ys uf cors!!11" said Monkeylicious. "You guys shutup!" yelled VSH. " Arkchr nd Mshrm ng sitn in a tre. K-I-s-s-I-N-G" and the others laughed, making VSH very very MAD. "SHUTUP!!!!" She yelled. MK, who was upstairs playing Gamecube, didn't hear it. Then Arkcher walked Through the door as Monkeylicious was singing her song. He bliushed a Deep red and ran upstairs. " Ha Ha..." said Dog Lover. "Look what youv'e done now, Genius!" said VSH.

[Eh, 'Bout then i'd have put the hunting tips on some of my arrows and loaded up my bow and gone back to them to show them exactly why they really should shut up soon. >D


I swear, these hunting tips arent archery accessories, they're like sharpened phillips screwdrivers. Should I shoot a deer with one, the fragile bands on the side that keep some of the blades down breaks upon impact, the agility of the arrow and the tip on it would put a hole through the deer's body about the size of a CD. It'd probably put a nice hole in about five consecutive people and still be going if I shot one. -demonic cackle-]

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  • 2 weeks later...

As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]




-thinks for awhile-


Is MK a man?]

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]




-thinks for awhile-


Is MK a man?]

[Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.]


[Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]

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[Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.]


[Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]

:rolleyes: *now Arkcher's asking for awards* :lol:

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]




-thinks for awhile-


Is MK a man?]

[Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.]


[Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]

[Haha! Arkcher married a guy!


Oh, and yeah. *chuck a Type Award at Arkcher* Merry Christmas.]

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]




-thinks for awhile-


Is MK a man?]

[Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.]


[Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]

[Haha! Arkcher married a guy!


Oh, and yeah. *chuck a Type Award at Arkcher* Merry Christmas.]

Ooh, thats a new one. a type award.

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]




-thinks for awhile-


Is MK a man?]

[Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.]


[Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]

[Haha! Arkcher married a guy!


Oh, and yeah. *chuck a Type Award at Arkcher* Merry Christmas.]

Ooh, thats a new one. a type award.

:lol: LOL :lol:

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]




-thinks for awhile-


Is MK a man?]

[Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.]


[Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]

[Haha! Arkcher married a guy!


Oh, and yeah. *chuck a Type Award at Arkcher* Merry Christmas.]

Ooh, thats a new one. a type award.

...You want the award or not?

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]




-thinks for awhile-


Is MK a man?]

[Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.]


[Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]

[Haha! Arkcher married a guy!


Oh, and yeah. *chuck a Type Award at Arkcher* Merry Christmas.]

Ooh, thats a new one. a type award.

...You want the award or not?

I already took it. mah first Type award. =D

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As soon as They got home...


*Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.

[You have odd clothing. o_o]

[it somehow implies something wrong... *o_o's back*]

[i agree.]




-thinks for awhile-


Is MK a man?]

[Maybe, MK's gender is still an enigma. But being married to a guy, in my view, is highly firghtening, even if its in a fictional story.]


[Yeah, I did a typo and said firghtening. so um. Kat, gimmie a typo award or something. =D]

[Haha! Arkcher married a guy!


Oh, and yeah. *chuck a Type Award at Arkcher* Merry Christmas.]

Ooh, thats a new one. a type award.

...You want the award or not?

I already took it. mah first Type award. =D


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Arkcher looked over at the Clock. It was Midnight.

"I'm Hungry." He said. He lifted off the covers. she sleeps like a log, thought Arkcher. He

tiptoed Out of the room into the kitchen. He s l o w l y opened The door to the Fridge and pulled out

some Funyuns and Some A&W Root Beer. hopefully Skwerlhugger will Won't smell it and attack

me. Not his nose is powerful enough to small it all the way from Skwerl Swamp or wherever he lives...

In there Bedroom, MK woke up. " I thirsty. And I want to listen to Pink Floyd." She Didn't Notice

that Arkcher wasn't there. She put on her Playboy Slippers and walked into the Kitchen to get a glass

of Water. Suddenly she noticed Arkcher snaking on the Funyuns. She slowly Crept up to him.

"Toga. Toga. Toga. Toga. Toga." Arkcher looked. MK Hid. After He looked away, MK Crept up behind


"YOU!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!! STAND STILL LADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted MK.








Screamed Arkcher. "You Scream like a GIRL!!!" said MK.

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